Attachment Surrenderof214_FINAL



Surrender Letter


This document pretains to ITC-214-19870904-00001 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                 (_ » porsey
                                                                            DORSEY      4 WHITNEY LL
                                                                              IN 5 t 40&A          4s

                                                                                    KURT G. WHITMAN
                                                                                         (612) 4926533
                                                                                     FAX (§12) 340—2868

June 3, 2013


Marliene K. Dortch, Secretary
Office of the Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Room TW—A325
Washington, D.C. 20554

       Re:     Surrender of the Domestic and International Section 214 Authorizations of U.S.
               Satellite Corporation

Dear Ms. Dortch:

       On behalf of U.S. Sateliite Corporation ("USSC"), this letter surrenders, effective
immediately, the Domestic Section 214 Authorization of USSC granted in IB File No. 1TC—214—
19800919—00001, the International Section 214 Authorization of USSC granted in IB File No.
[1©—214—19870904—00001, and the International Section 214 Authorization of USSC granted in
18 File No. 11C—214—19910313—00004.

        USSC no flonger operates as a common carrier. USSC has completed all steps to
properly change its regulatory status to a non—common carrier, including notifying customers of
this change, filing modifications of its earth station licenses to reflect this change, and taking
steps to ensure its business services only emulate those of a non—common carfier. These
Section 214 Authorizations, therefore, are being surrendered as an administrative matter to
update the FCC‘s records. Because USSC does not provide any telecommunications services
that require Section 214 authority, and therefore has no U.S. customers for these services,
USSC is not subject to the customer notification requirements of Sections 63.19 and 63.71 of
the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.FR. §§ 63.19, 63.71. Because USSC does not provide domestic
or international telecommunications services to common carrier customers, this surrender of
Section 214 Authority is reasonable and necessary and will not harm the present or future public
interest, convenience, and necessity.

       Iif you have any questions regarding this filing, please contact the undersigned at (612)

                                              Kurt G. Whitman
                                              Dorsey & Whitney LLP
                                              Counsel for U.S. Sateliite Corporation
                   DBORSEY & WHITNEY LLP « WWWw.DORSEY.COM «T 612.340.2600 +F 612.340.2868
                   SUITE 1500 + 50 SOUTH SIXTH STREET « MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 556402—1498
                                                          UsSA   CAMSADA.   EUROPE     ASLE — P.8 CImIC


        On behalf of U.S. Satellite Corporation, I hereby certify that the contents of the foregoing

filing to surrender the domestic and international Section 214 Authorizations of U.S. Satellite

Corporation are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.

        I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this

    rd day of June, 2013.


                                      Name: /WaxG ll)amAiaofllvh
                                      Title:    l//Cf    /0

                                      Date:      \‘UV\C’,      3,      20/3

Document Created: 2013-06-03 19:50:23
Document Modified: 2013-06-03 19:50:23

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