Attachment In the Matter of GEN

This document pretains to ITC-214-19860506-00004 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


In the Matter of GENERAL COMMUNICATION INC...., 1986 WL 291710 (1986)

                                                 1986 WL 291710 (F.C.C.)

                                                   In the Matter of
                                        GENERAL COMMUNICATION INC.
                        Application for authority to operate as an international resale carrier.

                                                          File No.

                                 ORDER, AUTHORIZATION AND CERTIFICATE

Adopted May 20, 1986
                                                  Released May 23, 1986
*1 By the Common Carrier Bureau:

1. We have before us for consideration an application, filed on March 24, 1986 by General Communication Incorporated
(GCI), requesting authority to use existing message telephone facilities to provide international switched voice service
between Alaska and various overseas points. GCI proposes to use existing facilities of other international carriers to
provide the proposed services. The application was placed on public notice on April 16, 1986. No comments were

2. Upon review of the application, we find that the applicant has the legal, technical and financial qualifications to provide
the proposed services. GCI, an Alaska corporation, is already providing domestic resale services. It now proposes to
compete with other carriers which already provide international switched voice services. In recent authorizations of new
entrants, the Commission has recognized that increased competition in international markets is beneficial. 1 We find
that the market will support additional carriers and that the added competition will be in the public interest. 2

3. For the foregoing reasons, IT IS CERTIFIED that the present and future public convenience and necessity require
the provision of international switched voice services to the general public by GCI.

4. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that application File No. I–T–C–86–082 IS GRANTED and GCI is authorized to
provide international switched voice services between the U.S. and those points listed in AT & T's Tariff FCC No. 1 and
MCI Telecommunications Corp.'s Tariff FCC No. 1.

5. Copies of any operating agreements entered into between GCI and its correspondents shall be filed with the
Commission within 30 days of their execution.

6. This order is issued under Section 0.291 of the Commission's rules and is effective upon release. Petitions for
reconsideration under Section 1.106 or applications for review under Section 1.115 of the rules may be filed within 30
days of public notice of this order (see Section 1.4(b)(2)).

               © 2017 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.                                         1

In the Matter of GENERAL COMMUNICATION INC...., 1986 WL 291710 (1986)


James L. Ball
Chief, International Facilities Division
Common Carrier Bureau


1     See the cases cited in Teltec Saving Communications Co., Mimeo No. 3548, (released April 4, 1986) at n. 2.
2     FCC v. RCA Communications, Inc., 346 U.S. 86 (1953); Mackay Radio and Telegraph Co., 28 FCC 231 (1960).
                                                1986 WL 291710 (F.C.C.)

End of Document                                              © 2017 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

              © 2017 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.                                             2

Document Created: 2017-04-20 15:44:56
Document Modified: 2017-04-20 15:44:56

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