Attachment US Telecom ITC grant

This document pretains to ITC-214-19851107-00004 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                      BEFORE THE
                                  Washington, D. C. 20554

In the Matter of

US TELECOM, INC.                                                                                               File No. I—T—C—86—023

Application for authority to
provide switched voice service,
packet switching services and
INTELSAT Business Services between
the US and Canada' mxj.CO'   United
Kingdom, Italy, Japan, Spain,
France, Hong Kong, South Korea,
Panama, Nicaraqua, Honduras,
Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica,
Netherlands and Belgium.

     Adopted   March 31, 1986                                                                                             Released     April 11, 1986

By the Common Carrier Bureau;:

           1.     The Commission is considering an application, filed on
November 7, 1985 and amended on March 13 and 25, 1986, by US Telecom, Inc. :
(US Telecom) requesting authority to acquire and operate facilities for
provision of switched voice service, packet switching services and INTELSAT
Business Services (IBS) between the United States and Canada, Mexico, United
Kingdom, Italy, Japan, Spain, France, Hong Kong, South Korea, Panama,
Nicaraqua, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Netherlands and
Belgiium.   The application was placed on public notice on November 20, 1985.
No coamments were received.

          2.     US Telecom is a subsidiary of United Telecommunications,
Inc., which has three other subsidiaries providing common carrier services.l

1    US Telecom—Corporate Network Services Co. (formerly                                                                          ISACOM,   Inc.)   is
     authorized to provide data services between the US and the UK—Canada
     (File Nos. I—T—C—84—167 released Octcber 29, 1984 and I—T—C—84—201

US Telecom‘s predecessor, United Telecom Communications, Inc., has been
granted authority to construct a domestic fiber optic network, and US
Telecom is also a domestic common carrier               subject   to requlation pursuant
to the Communications Act of 1934.           The Commission has previously determined
that    the growing volume of             international     traffic   supports      increased
competition and has established a policy favoring the entry of new carriers
for switched voice service and other international communications services
under these circumstances.2               We find upon the facts presented in the
instant application that US Telecom is qualified to provide international
switched voice service and packet switching services. We further conclude
that added competition resulting from the provision of these services by
US Telecom is reasonably feasible and that such competition will result
in public benefits such as savings to ratepayers, broadened custamer choice,
service innovation, and the efficient use of resources.3
          3.     US Telecom‘s request for blanket authority to provide IBS
service is essentially the same as the blanket authority that was qgranted
to Vitalink International Communications, Inc., File No. I—T—C—84—136 on
November 7, 1984. There we decided that blanket Section 214 authorizations
would further the Commission‘s policy of introducing IBS in the United
States as soon as possible   and provide benefits to both new entrants
and established carriers.4           We conclude a grant of blanket         IBS authority

       released December 13, 1984).      US Telecom—Data Communications Co.
       ({formerly  UNINET, Inc.) provides packet switching services both
       domestically and internationally and US Telecom—Communications Services
       .0. (formerly US Telephone, Inc.) provides switched              voice     service    in
       the U.S.

2      See   the   cases     cited   in   Teltec Saving Cormunications Co., Mimeo No.
       3548, (released April 4, 1986) at n. 2.

3      FCC v. RCA Communications, Inc., 346 U.S. 86 (1953)             Mackey     Radio     and
       Telegraph Co., 28 FCC 231 (1960).

4      Vitalink    International     Coamunications,       Inc., Mimeo No. 687 (released
       November 7, 1984). See also, Communications Satellite Corporation,
       Mimeo No. 6564 (released September 14, 1984), in which the Commission
       granted blanket authority to Comsat to acquire units of utilization
       from INTELSAT and establish channels of communication to provide IBS
       space seqment between IBS earth stations that are              currently    authorize
       or    that may   be    authorized     in   the    future and appropriate INTELSAT

to US       Telecom would be consistent with this policy and is in the public

             4.    For   the     foregoing   reasons,   IT   IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that
the present and future public comvenience and necessity require the
provision of the services authorized herein to various overseas points
by US Telecom.

          5.     Accordingly, TT IS CRDERED that application                   File   No.
I—T—C—86—023 IS GRANTED, and US Telecom is authorized to:

                   a.    lease    fran   Comsat   channels of communication between
any earth station that may be licensed for         provision of     IBS    services    in
the future, including existing earth stations, and appropriate aNTELSAT
Atlantic or Pacific Ocean region satellites for the provision of IBS and
digital video services between the United States and those points listed in
the Appendix hereto, provided, however, that this authorization is without
commitment as to the Commission‘s action on any IBS earth station Title III
applications that applicants may file in the future; and

                 b. lease from Comsat and operate the nmbers of satellite
voice circuits listed in the Appendix between an appropriate east or west
coast US earth station and an appropriate AOR or POR satellite connecting
with similar circuits between the satellite and earth stations at the >
various points furnished by overseas correspondents for provision of
switched voice     services    and packet switching services between the United
States and points specified in the Appendix and beyond.

             6.   The Section 214 authorization granted         herein    is   effective
on the release date of this order and shall be continued year—to—year,
unless the Commission notifies the applicant to the contrary and requires
a new application to be filed. If the Commission requires a new application
to be filed, the authorization will continue in effect until Commission
action on the application.

          7.    The authority granted herein must be implemented by the
acquisition of operating agreements within a period of three years from
the release date of this order. Copies of operating agreements shall be
filed with the Commission within 30 days of their execution.

    Atlantic and Pacific Ocean Region satellites.            See also, ATsT    et _al.,
     released March 18, 1985, File No. I—T—C—85—034 al..

          8.    The Commission retains jurisdiction over this matter to
reallocate circuits in the satellite system among the various international
common   carriers   anmd   other authorized users as required to insure
nondiscriminatory use of, and equitable access to, the communications
satellite system.

          9.     This order is issued under        Section 0.291   of the
Commission‘s rules and is effective        upon  release.   Petitions for
reconsideration under Section 1.106 or applications for review under
Section 1.115 of the rules may be filed within 30 days of the date of
public notice of this order (see Section 1.4(b)(2)).

                               FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                               — lumes Ls—RaWR
                               Jahes L. BRall
                               Chief, International Pacilities Division
                               wammon Carrier Bureau


                                           BEFORE THE
                                Washington, D. C. 20554

 In the Matter of

 US TELECOM, INC.                          File No. I—T—C—86—023

       ication for authority to
  provide switched voice service,
  packet switching services and
  INTELSAT Business Services between
  the US and Canada, Mexico, United
  Kingdom, Italy, Japan, Spain,
© France, Horig Kong, South Korea,
  Ppanama, Nicaraqua, Honduras,
  Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica,
  Netherlands and Belgiium.

                                           Released     August 1, 1986

 By the Common Carrier Bureau:

      The captioned application was     granted    by   Order,   Authorization    and
 Certificate   released April 11, 198%6.   The ordering clauses paragraphs 5(a)
 and 5(b), referred to an Appendix   which   was      inadvertantly   qamitted.   The
 Apperdix is attached hereto.

               .                 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                 James L. Rall
                                 Chief, International Facilities Division
                                 Carmon Carrier Bureau

             (aitTTeres) 0t                 unthtog
             (@iITTteges) 9             spueTioyjon
             (eTTteaes) zt               E0TX P380p
.            (BiTTte:es) 6              10peATes tgq
            (PITteqes) 5                 PTeupjen
     .      (eatTtoges) ¢                 seinpuoy
            (BTteres) 6                  enbereoty
            (iTTTeqes) /;z                  Purueg
            (a{TTteres) rt             raioX¥ yY3nog
            (eTTTe:es) 5/                buoy buogy
            (eiTTTeres) zt                  aouei4
    (GitTtoges ® atgeo) 65                   utedg
                (atgeo) is                   wedep
    (ertTtoges * atgeo) ost                  4tea
           (1’91139@1183) Pg        wopbuty po3tup
         (Te;13se1193) gof                  CoTXx3H
                                |           epetre;

                                                                                                                                                  L, khtoa iA

                                       BEFORE THE
                                Washington, D. C. 20554

 In the Matter of

                                       NesP Nunt NontP NP SuaP NesP Nat Nuat SeaP Suutt Sort Nesst Sunat Suat
 US TELECOM, INC.                                                                                                 File No. I—T—C—86—023

  Application for authority to
  provide switched voice service,
  packet switching services and
  INTELSAT Business Services between
  the US and Canada, Mexico, United
  Kingdom, Italy, Japan, Spain,
— France, Horig Kong, South Korea,
 Panama, Nicaraqgua, Honduras,
 Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica,
 Netherlands and Belgiium.


                                                                                                                  Releaged     August 1, 1986

 By the Common Carrier Bureau:

      The captioned application was                                                                             granted   by   Order,   Authorization    and
 Certificate   released April 11, 1986.                                                                           The ordering clauses paragraphs 5(a)
 and 5(b), referred to an Appendix     which                                                                        was      inadvertantly   camitted.   The
 Appendix is attached hereto.

               +                 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSICN

                                 James L. Ball
                                 Chief, International Facilities Division
                                 Camon Carrier Bureau

                     898       TeOL

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         (ertTTeres) 0T        spue(13Y3j0N
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         (ertTteres) ZIT       1opeATeS T4
         (aitTTeores) 6          eTeuo39tk)
         (aitTTeoges) §           seinpuoy
         (ertTteres) £           enbe1e9IN
         (ertTTeres) 6               Purued
         (artTteres) LZ        reioy yy3nog
         (artTTe:es) PT          buoy Bbuog
         (artTteores) §L            sour1i4
         (eitTteres) ZI               utedg
(ertTteges * atgeo) 68                vedep
              (etqeo) Lt             Ateat
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        (Ter1i3se11a3) 98           cotxow
       (Teyi3se1193) 90€¢           EpPUE]

          36                       R130065

Document Created: 2012-11-16 12:21:11
Document Modified: 2012-11-16 12:21:11

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