Attachment Modified PDR.pdf

This document pretains to ISP-PDR-20190625-00005 for Petition for Declaratory Ruling on a International Special Project filing.


                                       Before the
                                  Washington, D.C. 20554

     In the Matter of                                 )
     MIP IV MidWest Fiber, LLC                        )
                                                      )      File No. ISP-PDR-____________
     Petition for Modified Declaratory Ruling         )
     Under Section 310(b)(4) of the                   )
     Communications Act of 1934, as amended           )


         Pursuant to Section 1.5004(a)(1) of the Commission’s rules, MIP IV MidWest Fiber,

LLC (“MIP IV MW”) requests approval of the foreign-organized entities named herein that will

indirectly own or control more than 5 percent equity and/or voting interests in MIP IV MW.1

This Petition for Modification seeks a declaratory ruling to supplement the previous grant of

approval of foreign ownership of MIP IV MW.2 There are no other changes being made that are

not covered in that grant.3

         On June 5, 2019, the Commission granted MIP IV MW’s petition for declaratory ruling

(“Petition”) under Section 310(b)(4) of the Communications Act, as amended (the “Act”),

permitting up to 100 percent indirect foreign ownership of equity and/or voting interests in MIP

IV MW by Macquarie Group Limited and its affiliates (“MGL”), in connection with MIP IV

MW’s acquisition of PEG Bandwidth IL, LLC, which holds common carrier microwave

    See 47 C.F.R. 1.5001(d).
 See MIP IV MidWest Fiber, LLC, File No. ISP-PDR-20190304-00002, as amended (granted June 5,
 All requirements of 47 C.F.R. 1.5001 are contained herein or incorporated by reference to MIP IV MW’s
previous petition. MIP IV MidWest Fiber, LLC, Amended and Restated Petition for Declaratory Ruling
Under Section 310(b)(4) of the Communications Act of 1934, As Amended, File No. ISP-PDR-20190304-
00002 (filed Apr. 24, 2019) (“Amended Petition”).


licenses.4 In the Petition, MIP IV MW indicated that Macquarie-controlled entities organized in

the Cayman Islands and Canada may hold limited partnership interests in MIP IV (FCC) AIV,

L.P. (“MIP IV (FCC) AIV”).5 In granting the Petition, the Commission declined to

prospectively grant approval for these entities that were not named in the Petition.

         MIP IV MW therefore respectfully requests that the Commission supplement its ruling

regarding foreign ownership of MIP IV MW by including the entities identified below that will

hold interests in MIP IV (FCC) AIV through the Macquarie-controlled U.S. limited liability

company (“Feeder LLC”).6

                   Name:               MIGS AIV, L.P.7
                   Address:            125 W. 55th Street, Level 15
                                       New York, NY 10019
                   Citizenship:        Canada
                   Principal Business: Investment Fund
                   Percent Held:       6.85 percent equity/100 percent voting (indirectly through
                                       limited partnership interest in MIP IV (FCC) AIV)

                   MIGS AIV, L.P. is controlled by its general partner, MIRA Infrastructure Global
                   Solution GP LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, which is controlled by

                   MIGS AIV, L.P. will be insulated in accordance with Section 1.5003 of the
                   Commission’s rules.

 Public Notice, International Authorizations Granted, Rept. No. TEL-01964, DA 19-552, at 2-3 (rel. June
13, 2019).
    Amended Petition at 6.
 See 47 C.F.R. 1.5001(f) and (g). The Petition indicated that there would be two Feeder LLC entities that
would hold direct interests in MIP IV (FCC) AIV of approximately 24% and 42%, respectively. Amended
Petition at 6. The structure at closing is now contemplated to include only one Feeder LLC, which will
hold approximately 67%.
    MIGS AIV, L.P. may be substituted by a U.S. fund entity that may be formed prior to closing.


                   Name:               MIGS II AIV, L.P.
                   Address:            125 W. 55th Street, Level 15
                                       New York, NY 10019
                   Citizenship:        Canada
                   Principal Business: Investment Fund
                   Percent Held:       1.85 percent equity/100 percent voting (indirectly through
                                       limited partnership interest in MIP IV (FCC) AIV)

                   MIGS II AIV, L.P. is controlled by its general partner, MIRA Infrastructure
                   Global Solutions II GP, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, which is
                   controlled by MGL.

                   MIGS II AIV, L.P. will be insulated in accordance with Section 1.5003 of the
                   Commission’s rules.

                   Advance approval is requested for MIGS II AIV, L.P. to hold up to 5.8 percent
                   indirectly in MIP IV MW.

                   Name:               Macquarie Nufang (FCC) AIV, L.P.8
                   Address:            Cayman Corporate Centre
                                       27 Hospital Road
                                       George Town, Grand Cayman KY1-9008
                                       Cayman Islands
                   Citizenship:        Cayman Islands
                   Principal Business: Investment Fund
                   Percent Held:       7.17 percent equity/100 percent voting (indirectly through
                                       limited partnership interest in MIP IV (FCC) AIV)

                   Macquarie Nufang (FCC) AIV, L.P. is controlled by its general partner,
                   Macquarie Asia Specialized Asset Management I Limited, which is controlled
                   by MGL.

                   Macquarie Nufang (FCC) AIV, L.P. will be insulated in accordance with Section
                   1.5003 of the Commission’s rules.

    May be renamed prior to closing.


                   Name:               Macquarie Asia Specialized Asset Management I Limited
                   Address:            Cayman Corporate Centre
                                       27 Hospital Road
                                       George Town, Grand Cayman KY1-9008
                                       Cayman Islands
                   Citizenship:        Cayman Islands
                   Principal Business: Investment Manager
                   Percent Held:       0 percent equity/100 percent voting (indirectly as
                                       general partner of Macquarie Nufang (FCC) AIV, L.P.)

                   Macquarie Asia Specialized Asset Management I Limited is indirectly wholly
                   owned and controlled by MGL.

           The limited partners in MIGS AIV, L.P., MIGS II AIV, L.P. and Macquarie Nufang

    (FCC) AIV, L.P. will hold interests that are insulated in accordance with Section 1.5003 of the

    Commission’s rules, and none will hold a 10 percent or greater voting or equity interest in MIP

    IV (FCC) AIV, L.P. Exhibit A depicts the ownership and control structure of MIP IV MW.

    Given that the Commission has granted the Petition to permit foreign ownership of 100 percent

    of MIP IV MW by MGL and its affiliates, granting approval of these non-U.S. entities that are

    also controlled by MGL similarly would be in the public interest, would not harm competition,

    nor would it pose any national security or law enforcement issues or concerns. The Team

    Telecom agencies have reviewed the ownership of MIP IV MW, which included interests by

    the investors in each of the limited partnerships listed above, and determined that they had no

    objection to the Petition .9 In addition, MGL, through its U.S. affiliates, is a proven and

    experienced manager of U.S. infrastructure businesses, including in the utilities and energy,

    transportation, communications infrastructure, and waste management sectors. The

 See Letter from Hunter Deeley, U.S. Dep’t of Justice, to Marlene H. Dortch, FCC, MIP IV MidWest Fiber,
LLC, ISP-PDR-20190304-00002, ULS File No. 0008529594, WC Docket Nos. 19-49 & 19-50 (May 8,
2019). The limited partnerships are existing or newly formed entities that are either the same or parallel
funds for investors that previously were included in information provided to the Team Telecom agencies
for this transaction.


Commission’s grant of this Request for Supplemental Ruling will strengthen investment in

MIP IV MW thereby affirmatively increasing competition for high-speed connectivity


                                          Respectfully submitted,

                                          MIP IV MIDWEST FIBER, LLC

                                          /s/ James H. Barker

                                          James H. Barker
                                          Elizabeth R. Park
                                          Alexander L. Stout
                                          LATHAM & WATKINS LLP
                                          555 Eleventh Street, NW
                                          Suite 1000
                                          Washington, DC 20004

                                          Counsel for MIP IV MidWest Fiber, LLC

Dated: June 25, 2019




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                                  Declaration of Anton Moldan

I, Anton Moldan, do hereby declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States
       of America that:

   1. I am the Authorized Signatory for MIP IV MidWest Fiber LLC and am authorized to
       submit this certification on behalf ofthe petitioner;

   2. Ihave read the foregoing Petition for Modified Declaratory Ruling ("Petition for
      Modification") and am generally familiar with its contents;

   3. With respect to the statements made in the Petition for Modification, the facts contain
      therein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief; and

   4. To the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, the levels of foreign ownership
       presented in the Petition for Modification were calculated in accordance with the
       requirements set forth in section 1.5002 of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. 1.5002, and
       the interests disclosed satisfy each of the pertinent standards and criteria set forth in the
            24 ty
Executed this _l day of June 2019.

                                                      Name\:uAnton Moldan
                                                      Title: Authorized Signatory
                                                      MIP IV MidWest Fiber LLC

Document Created: 2019-06-25 13:43:28
Document Modified: 2019-06-25 13:43:28

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