MIP IV MW Fiber Amen

SUPPLEMENT submitted by MIP IV MidWest Fiber, LLC

Amended & Restated Petition for Declaratory Ruling


This document pretains to ISP-PDR-20190304-00002 for Petition for Declaratory Ruling on a International Special Project filing.



                                     Before the
                                Washington, D.C. 20554

    In the Matter of                              )
    MIP IV MidWest Fiber, LLC                     )
                                                  )          File No. ISP-PDR-20190304-00002
    Petition for Declaratory Ruling Under Section )
    310(b)(4) of the Communications Act of 1934, )
    as amended                                    )

                                  AMENDED AND RESTATED

        MIP IV MidWest Fiber, LLC (“MIP IV MW”), together with its affiliates, pursuant to

Section 1.5000 et seq. of the Federal Communications Commission (“Commission”) rules,

hereby requests that the Commission issue a declaratory ruling under Section 310(b)(4) of the

Communications Act, as amended (the “Act”), finding that 100 percent indirect foreign

ownership of MIP IV MW, and any of MIP IV MW’s subsidiaries and affiliates, whether

currently existing or subsequently formed or acquired, is in the public interest.

        This Petition is being submitted in connection with an application seeking the

Commission’s consent to transfer control of PEG Bandwidth IL, LLC (“PEG IL”), which holds

common carrier microwave licenses, from Uniti Fiber LLC (“Uniti Fiber”) to MIP IV MW.

Because MIP IV MW is 100 percent controlled by a foreign entity, this change in ownership of

PEG IL requires the Commission’s approval under Section 310(b)(4) of the Act for controlling

foreign interests.




        This Petition relates to a multi-step transaction (the “Transaction”) resulting in the

transfer of control of PEG IL from Uniti Fiber to MIP IV MW. The Transaction will occur

pursuant to a Purchase and Sale Agreement by and among Uniti Fiber, MIP IV MW, and PEG IL

entered into as of January 10, 2019. All steps of the Transaction are anticipated to close


        In the first step of the Transaction, the existing fiber optic network (dark fiber but not any

electronics to “light” the fiber optic network) and real property interests related to the PEG IL

business in the states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa and Missouri (the “PEG IL Business”) will be

transferred to PEG IL’s affiliate, Uniti Leasing MW LLC (“Landlord”). Landlord will

concurrently lease back the fiber optic network and real property interests to PEG IL pursuant to

an affiliate lease (the “PEG IL Fiber Asset Lease”). PEG IL will continue to “light” the fiber and

provide telecommunications services to customers. Immediately prior to closing, MIP IV MW

will enter into a master lease agreement (the “Master Lease”) with Landlord governing the fiber

optic network and real property interests held by Landlord, including those that are the subject of

the PEG IL Fiber Asset Lease. Immediately thereafter, MIP IV MW will acquire 100 percent of

the limited liability company interests in PEG IL from Uniti Fiber. Upon the acquisition of PEG

IL, the PEG IL Fiber Asset Lease will be incorporated into and made subordinate to the Master

Lease. The Master Lease will be a long-term “triple net lease” whereby MIP IV MW will have

operational control over the leased assets thereunder and will be responsible for substantially all

of the costs of maintaining and operating such assets.

        Following the Transaction steps described above, PEG IL will continue to provide

services to customers, using the fiber network and related assets leased from Landlord. Further,



MIP IV MW (i) will own 100% of the equity of PEG IL and will thereby have legal title and

interest in the operations of the PEG IL Business in the states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa and

Missouri, (ii) will have operational control of the fiber optic network and real property interests

of the PEG IL Business in the states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa and Missouri pursuant to the

Master Lease with Landlord, and (iii) will thereby control through the Master Lease or own the

entirety of the PEG IL Business.

       Subject to a separate application being filed concurrently with the Commission, MIP IV

MW and Uniti Group LP have entered into agreements on January 10, 2019, with MNA

Holdings, LLC and Bluebird Media, LLC, among others, pursuant to which MIP IV MW will

acquire control of Missouri Network Alliance, LLC d/b/a Bluebird Network, LLC (“MNA”),

which provides transport and Internet services as a “carrier’s carrier” to wholesale and enterprise

customers in Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma, Kansas and Nebraska. MNA also provides tandem

switching and transport services for interexchange carriers in Missouri pursuant to interstate and

intrastate tariffs. The Master Lease referenced above will also govern the fiber optic network

and associated real property interests currently held by Bluebird, which will be transferred to

Landlord as described in that Commission application. MIP IV MW’s acquisition of PEG IL is

contingent on the closing of the Bluebird transaction. MIP IV MW and Uniti Fiber request

concurrent processing of these applications for purposes of evaluating MIP IV MW as the

purchaser in both transactions.




Section 1.5001(a): Contact Information, FRN, Place of Organization, and Type of Business

                Name:                MIP IV MidWest Fiber, LLC
                FRN:                 0028212827
                Address:             125 W. 55th Street, Level 15
                                     New York, NY 10019
                Telephone:           (212) 231-1000
                Citizenship:         Delaware
                Type of Business:    Limited Liability Company

                Officer certifying to the information contained in the Petition: Anton Moldan,
                Managing Director

Section 1.5001(b): Legal Counsel Contact

               Contact:              James H. Barker
                                     Elizabeth R. Park
                                     LATHAM & WATKINS LLP
                                     555 Eleventh Street, NW
                                     Suite 1000
                                     Washington, D.C. 20004-1304
                                     (202) 637- 2200

Section 1.5001(c)(1): Licensees Covered By Declaratory Ruling

        MIP IV MW seeks a declaratory ruling for itself and all of its commonly controlled

U.S. organized subsidiaries and affiliates, whether currently existing or acquired or formed

subsequently, so long as the foreign ownership remains in compliance with the terms and

conditions of the ruling. See 47 C.F.R. § 1.5004(b). If granted, MIP IV MW would be

authorized with respect to common carrier fixed point-to-point microwave licenses currently

held by PEG IL.



Section 1.5001(c)(2): Associated Applications

         MIP IV MW files this Petition concurrently with an application for the transfer of

control of PEG IL from Uniti Fiber to MIP IV MW, in connection with PEG IL’s common

carrier microwave licenses.

Section 1.5001(d): Type of Declaratory Ruling

          MIP IV MW is requesting a declaratory ruling under Section 310(b)(4) of the Act and

 Section 1.5000(a)(1) of the Commission’s rules. Additionally, pursuant to Section 1.5004(b),

 MIP IV MW is also requesting that any declaratory ruling issued apply to all of MIP IV

 MW’s subsidiaries and affiliates, whether currently existing or subsequently formed or


Sections 1.5001(e) and (g) – Direct Equity/Voting Interests of 10 Percent or More

          The following entity will directly hold 10 percent or more of the equity or voting

 interest in MIP IV MW:

                 Name:               MIP IV MidWest Fiber Parent, LLC
                 Address:            125 W. 55th Street, Level 15
                                     New York, NY 10019
                 Citizenship:        Delaware
                 Principal Business: Holding company for telecommunications assets
                 Percent Held:       100 percent equity/100 percent voting

Sections 1.5001(f) and (g) – Indirect Equity/Voting Interests of 10 Percent or More

          The following entities will indirectly hold an interest in MIP IV MW of 10 percent or


                 Name:                 MIP IV (FCC) AIV, L.P.
                 Address:              125 W. 55th Street, Level 15
                                       New York, NY 10019



                 Citizenship:        Delaware
                 Principal Business: Investment Management Company
                 Percent Held:       100 percent equity/100 percent voting (indirectly through
                                     ownership of MIP IV MidWest Fiber Parent, LLC)

                 Name:               MIP IV (ECI) GP, LLC
                 Address:            125 W. 55th Street, Level 15
                                     New York, NY 10019
                 Citizenship:        Delaware
                 Principal Business: Investment Management Company
                 Percent Held:       0.2 percent equity/100 percent voting (General Partner of
                                     MIP IV (FCC) AIV, L.P.)

                 Two Macquarie-controlled U.S. limited liability companies (“Feeder LLCs”)
                 will be formed prior to the closing of the Transaction through which certain
                 classes of investors will hold their economic interests in MIP IV (FCC) AIV,
                 L.P. These LLCs are expected to hold approximately 24% and approximately
                 42% of the limited partner interests in MIP IV (FCC) AIV, L.P., subject to
                 ultimate fundraising, respectively. The limited liability company interests in the
                 Feeder LLCs will be insulated in accordance with Section 1.5003 of the
                 Commission’s rules.

                 These limited partnership interests in MIP IV (FCC) AIV, L.P. will be insulated
                 in accordance with Section 1.5003 of the Commission’s rules, and therefore the
                 voting interest held by each of the Feeder LLCs will, based on current
                 expectations, be deemed to be approximately 24% and 42%, respectively, under
                 the FCC’s rules.

                 Other Macquarie-controlled entities also may hold indirect insulated limited
                 partnership interests in MIP IV (FCC) AIV, L.P., which as of the closing of the
                 Transactions, will represent less than 25% in the aggregate. Each of these
                 Macquarie-controlled investment vehicles will be organized in the United States,
                 Canada or the Cayman Islands. Any non-U.S. Macquarie entities are expected
                 to hold under 20% in the aggregate of MIP IV (FCC) AIV, L.P. and will
                 ultimately be controlled by Macquarie Group Limited (“MGL”), a publicly
                 traded company incorporated in Australia. To the extent these Macquarie
                 entities (both U.S. and non-U.S.) are investment fund limited partnerships or
                 limited liability companies, they will be insulated in accordance with Section
                 1.5003 of the Commission’s rules.1

     The limited partner investors in MIP IV (FCC) AIV, L.P. are still being identified. MIP IV MW seeks
approval for investments made through funds that it controls that may be formed in the Canada or the
Cayman Islands in the event certain Macquarie funds participate in this investment.



                 As of the closing of the Transaction, Macquarie-controlled entities in the
                 aggregate are expected to hold approximately 25% of the equity of MIP IV
                 (FCC) AIV, L.P., but could increase over time.2

                 There are no other individuals or entities that will hold a 10% or greater voting
                 or equity interest in MIP IV (FCC) AIV, L.P.

                 Name:               Macquarie Infrastructure Partners Inc. (“MIP Inc.”)
                 Address:            125 W. 55th Street, Level 15
                                     New York, NY 10019
                 Citizenship:        Delaware
                 Principal Business: Investment Management Company
                 Percent Held:       0 percent equity/100 percent voting (Through a
                                     management agreement, MIP IV (ECI) GP, LLC delegates
                                     certain duties to Macquarie Infrastructure Partners Inc.)

                 Name:               Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets Inc. (“MIRA
                 Address:            125 W. 55th Street, Level 15
                                     New York, NY 10019
                 Citizenship:        Delaware
                 Principal Business: Investment Management Company
                 Percent Held:       <5% percent equity/100 percent voting (indirectly through
                                     ownership of Macquarie Infrastructure Partners Inc. and
                                     control of MIP IV (ECI) GP, LLC)

                 MIRA Inc. is the sole member of MIP IV (ECI) GP, LLC and the sole
                 shareholder of MIP Inc. MIP Inc. is the manager and attorney-in-fact of the
                 private equity fund vehicles described above that will invest in MIP IV (FCC)
                 AIV, L.P. Each of MIRA Inc. and MIP Inc. are investment advisors registered
                 with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

                 Name:               Macquarie Holdings (U.S.A.), Inc.
                 Address:            125 W. 55th Street, Level 15
                                     New York, NY 10019
                 Citizenship:        Delaware
                 Principal Business: Holding Company
                 Percent Held:       <5 percent equity/100 percent voting (indirectly through
                                     ownership of Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets

      Out of an abundance of caution, MIP IV MW seeks advance approval for Macquarie-controlled
interests to hold up to 100% of the equity interests in MIP IV FCC AIV, L.P., pursuant to Section 1.5001(k).



          Name:               Macquarie Equities (US) Holding Pty Limited
          Address:            50 Martin Place
                              Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia
          Citizenship:        Australia
          Principal Business: Holding Company
          Percent Held:       <5 percent equity/100 percent voting (indirectly through
                              ownership of Macquarie Holdings (U.S.A.), Inc.)

          Name:               Macquarie Group (US) Holdings No. 1 Pty Limited
          Address:            50 Martin Place
                              Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia
          Citizenship:        Australia
          Principal Business: Holding Company
          Percent Held:       <5 percent equity/100 percent voting (indirectly through
                              ownership of Macquarie Equities (US) Holding Pty

          Name:               Macquarie Corporate International Holdings Pty Limited
          Address:            50 Martin Place
                              Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia
          Citizenship:        Australia
          Principal Business: Holding Company
          Percent Held:       <5 percent equity/100 percent voting (indirectly through
                              ownership of Macquarie Group (US) Holdings No. 1 Pty

          Name:               Macquarie Corporate Holdings Pty Limited
          Address:            50 Martin Place
                              Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia
          Citizenship:        Australia
          Principal Business: Holding Company
          Percent Held:       <5 percent equity/100 percent voting (indirectly through
                              ownership of Macquarie Corporate International Holdings
                              Pty Limited)

          Name:               Macquarie Financial Holdings Pty Limited
          Address:            50 Martin Place
                              Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia
          Citizenship:        Australia
          Principal Business: Holding Company
          Percent Held:       <5 percent equity/100 percent voting (indirectly through
                              ownership of Macquarie Corporate Holdings Pty Limited)

          Name:               Macquarie Group Limited
          Address:            50 Martin Place
                              Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia
          Citizenship:        Australia



                Principal Business: Investments
                Percent Held:       <5 percent equity/100 percent voting (indirectly through
                                    ownership of Macquarie Financial Holdings Pty Limited)

                To the best knowledge of MIP IV MW and its affiliates, no individual or entity
                holds directly or would be treated as indirectly holding 10% or more of the
                outstanding capital or voting stock, or a controlling interest, in Macquarie Group

Sections 1.5001(h)(1), (i) and (k) – Estimate of Aggregate Foreign Ownership and
Requests for Specific and Advance Approval

       Upon the acquisition by MIP IV MW, non-U.S. entities would indirectly control PEG

IL. MIP IV MW is ultimately controlled by MGL. MIP IV MW seeks approval for the 100%

equity and voting interests of MGL and its Australian subsidiaries identified above in

connection with the indirect controlling interests in PEG IL that will result from the

Transaction. The request in this Petition assumes that the ownership of MGL by non-U.S.

individuals and entities through publicly traded shares exceeds 25 percent. The only holder of

greater than five percent of MGL is BlackRock Group, a U.S. investment fund, which as of

March 2019 was registered with approximately 6% of outstanding shares of MGL. There are

no non-U.S. holders of MGL for whom specific approval is sought in this Petition.

       In addition, the non-U.S. individuals and entities directly or indirectly holding insulated

limited partner interests of MIP IV (FCC) AIV, L.P. hold an approximately 76% ownership

interest in the aggregate. Some non-U.S. individuals or entities holding interests in MIP IV

(FCC) AIV, L.P. will hold their interest indirectly through insulated interests in the Feeder LLC

entities or through other insulated Macquarie-managed vehicles. For purposes of this Petition,

the aggregate foreign ownership in MIP IV (FCC) AIV, L.P. has been calculated without regard

to whether the interest is held through a Feeder LLC entity or an insulated Macquarie managed

vehicle (i.e., any indirect interest in MIP IV (FCC) AIV, L.P. has been treated as if it were held



directly). No non-U.S. individual or entity would hold a 10% or greater equity or voting

interest in MIP IV (FCC) AIV, L.P., and all such individuals or entities will hold insulated

interests. Therefore, no specific approval is requested for any particular non-U.S. interest

holders in MIP IV (FCC) AIV, L.P., except for Macquarie-controlled interests.

        MIP IV MW requests advance approval for up to 100% aggregate foreign ownership in

MIP IV (FCC) AIV, L.P., including up to 100% of the voting and equity interests held by

Macquarie-controlled entities, out of an abundance of caution, to cover any future changes to

ownership in the insulated equity or voting interests in MIP IV (FCC) AIV, L.P. MIP IV MW

or its affiliates, as appropriate, will seek Commission approval prior to any changes in

ownership that would require any specific approval under Section 1.5001(i).

Section 1.5001(h)(2) – Ownership and Control Structure Diagram

        Exhibit A depicts the ownership and control structure of MIP IV MW.


         The public interest will be served by the Commission issuing a declaratory ruling

 approving the indirect foreign ownership of MIP IV MW, its subsidiaries and affiliates,

 entities currently or existing or subsequently formed or acquired, including PEG IL. The

 Commission has recognized that foreign investment has been and will continue to be an

 important source of financing for U.S. telecommunications companies, fostering technical

 innovation, economic growth, and job creation.3 For more than a decade, the Commission has

 consistently permitted non-U.S. individuals and entities to hold up to 100 percent of the equity

     See Review of Foreign Ownership Policies for Common Carrier and Aeronautical Radio Licensees
under Section 310(b)(4) of the Communications Act of 1934, as Amended, Second Report and Order, 28
FCC Rcd 5741, 5744 (2013).



 and voting power in holders of FCC licenses subject to Section 310(b)(4) of the Act.4

 Australia is a member of the World Trade Organization and, as such, there is no basis to

 conclude that the proposed foreign control over PEG IL’s common carrier microwave licenses

 would harm competition in the U.S. market. Moreover, the proposed transactions will not

 pose any national security or law enforcement issues or concerns. MGL, through its U.S.

 affiliates, has invested in a wide range of businesses in the U.S., including in infrastructure

 companies with a focus on utilities and energy, transportation, communications infrastructure

 and waste management.

         In fact, grant of the petition for declaratory ruling will affirmatively advance the

 public’s interest and increase competition. Upon the consummation of the proposed

 transactions, PEG IL’s day-to-day operations will be managed by Bluebird, which has

 extensive expertise in the region operating telecommunications networks and providing

 telecommunications services substantially similar to those provided by PEG IL. Bluebird’s

 management will be supplemented by the management capabilities of MIRA. Specifically,

 MIRA seeks to grow PEG IL’s business in the region and expand PEG IL’s high-speed

 connectivity offerings, enabling PEG IL to better meet the needs of its customers and thus

 better compete in the telecommunications marketplace. MIRA and its affiliates are

 experienced, responsible asset managers and operators of comparable infrastructure

 companies, including communications and utilities companies, and will be able to leverage

 their considerable track-record to effectively manage its investment in PEG IL.

         Thus, issuance of the requested declaratory ruling will benefit the public interest.

    See, e.g., Intelsat, Ltd., Transferor, and Zeus Holdings Ltd., Transferee, 19 FCC Rcd 24820 (2004);
Comsat General Corp., 19 FCC Rcd 21216 (2004); Voicestream Wireless Corp., 16 FCC Rcd 9779 (2001).




        For the reasons set forth herein, MIP IV MW and its affiliates respectfully request that

the Commission issue a declaratory ruling that the public interest will be served by authorizing

100 percent indirect foreign ownership structure for MIP IV MW and all of MIP IV MW’s

subsidiaries and affiliates, whether currently existing or subsequently formed or acquired.

                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                             MIP IV MIDWEST FIBER, LLC

                                             /s/ James H. Barker

                                             James H. Barker
                                             Elizabeth R. Park
                                             Alexander L. Stout
                                             LATHAM & WATKINS LLP
                                             555 Eleventh Street, NW
                                             Suite 1000
                                             Washington, DC 20004

                                             Counsel for MIP IV MidWest Fiber, LLC

Dated: April 24, 2019



                     EXHIBIT A


    Macauare Group LUmited
                                                   {1)    Third—party limited partners hold
                                                         insulated limited partnership interests in
                                                         MIP IV (FCC) AIV, LP. either directly or
                                                         indirectly through customary tax
                                                         blockers. These kmited partners have
                                                         investor protections consistent with
                                                         insulation critena in Section 1.5003 of the
                                                         FCC‘s rules, with the Macquarie—owned
                                                         general partner of MIP IV (FCC) ANV,
                                                         L.P. retaining contral of such nartnershin.
                                                         To be farmed prior to closing of the

       Macquarie Holdings
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Document Created: 2019-04-24 16:31:58
Document Modified: 2019-04-24 16:31:58

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