1. Carrier
2. Contact
773-264-4609 |
| |
| 49 W 118TH ST |
| msbrain@att.net |
| FL 1 |
60628-6142 |
3. Place of Incorporation of Carrier
6. Is there an accompanying Transfer of Control or Assignment Application pursuant to Section 63.18(e)(3) of the Rules, 47 C.F.R. §63.18(e)(3), to this foreign carrier affiliation notification? |
Yes No |
8. Is this foreign carrier affiliation notification being filed as a prior notification pursuant to Section 63.11(a) or as a post notification pursuant to Section 63.11(b)-(c)? |
Prior Post |
9. If this foreign carrier affiliation notification is being filed as a prior notification pursuant to Section 63.11(a)(1) or (2) of the Rules, 47 C.F.R.§§63.11(a)(1) or (2), is this filing being made at least forty-five days prior to the consummation of the acquisition? If the answer to this question is no, include in an Attachment (use Attachment 1 below) a statement explaining the reason for non-compliance with the Section 63.11(a) filing requirement. |
Yes No N/A |
10. If this foreign carrier affiliation notification is being filed as a post notification pursuant to Section 63.11(b)-(c) of the Rules, 47 C.F.R. §63.11(b)-(c), is this filing being made within thirty days after consummation of the acquisition? If the answer to this question is no, include in an Attachment (use Attachment 1 below) a statement explaining the reason for non-compliance with the Section 63.11(c) filing requirement. |
Yes No N/A |
11. If the foreign carrier affiliation notification is being filed as a post notification pursuant to Section 63.11(c) of the Rules, 47 C.F.R. §63.11(c), are you relying upon an exception in Section 63.11(b)? |
Yes No N/A |
13. If the foreign carrier affiliation notification is being filed as a prior notification pursuant to Section 63.11(a) of the Rules, 47 C.F.R. §63.11(a), is the foreign carrier authorized to operate in a non-WTO Member country? |
Yes No N/A |
14. If the answer to question 13 is yes, is the authorized carrier making the required showing that the foreign carrier lacks market power in the non-WTO Member country (see Section 63.18(k)(2), 47 C.F.R. §63.18(k)(2)) or, alternatively, the Effective Competitive Opportunities showing specified in Section 63.18(k)(3) of the Rules, 47 C.F.R. §63.18(k)(3)? If yes, please provide the supporting information in an Attachment (use Attachment 1 below). |
Yes No N/A |
15. If the answer to question 13 is yes and the answer to question 14 is no, you may provide information in an Attachment (use Attachment 1 below) to demonstrate it continues to serve the public interest for you to operate on the route for which you propose to acquire an affiliation with the non-WTO foreign carrier. (See Section 63.11(g)(2)). |
16. Regardless of whether the foreign carrier affiliation notification is filed as a prior or post notification, does the authorized carrier request continued regulation as a non-dominant international carrier pursuant to Section 63.10 of the Rules, 47 C.F.R. §63.10? If yes, include an Attachment (use Attachment 1 below) stating how the carrier qualifies for non-dominant classification pursuant to this section./font> |
Yes No |
17. Regardless of whether the foreign carrier affiliation notification is filed as a prior or post notification, provide in an Attachment (use Attachment 1 below) the name of the newly affiliated foreign carrier(s) and the country or countries in which it is authorized to provide telecommunications services to the public. |
18. Regardless of whether the foreign carrier affiliation notification is filed as a prior or post notification, state in an Attachment (use Attachment 1 below) what services the authorized carrier(s) making this filing is authorized to provide to each country named in response to question 17 and the FCC file numbers under which each such authorization was granted. |
19. Regardless of whether the foreign carrier affiliation notification is filed as a prior or post notification, state in an Attachment (use Attachment 1 below) which, if any, of the countries the authorized carrier making this filing serves solely through the resale of international switched services of unaffiliated U.S. facilities-based carriers. |
20. Regardless of whether the foreign carrier affiliation notification is filed as a prior or post notification, provide in an Attachment (use Attachment 1 below) the name, address, citizenship and principal business of any person or entity that directly or indirectly owns at least ten percent of the equity of the authorized carrier making this filing, and the percentage of equity owned by each of those entities to the nearest one percent. |
21. Regardless of whether the foreign carrier affiliation notification is filed as a prior or post notification, provide the name of any interlocking directorates, as defined in Section 63.09(g) of the Rules, 47 C.F.R. §63.09(g), with each foreign carrier named in the notification. |
22. By checking Yes, the carrier certifies that it has not agreed to accept special concessions directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international route where the foreign carrier possesses market power on the foreign end of the route. |
23. By checking Yes, the carrier certifies that it shall maintain the continuing accuracy of information provided pursuant to Section 63.11 of the Rules, 47 C.F.R. §63.11, for a period of forty-five days after the filing of this form. In addition, the applicant certifies that it shall immediately inform the Commission if at any time, not limited to forty-five days, the representations in the "special concessions" certification referenced in question 22 are no longer accurate. |