Attachment Ltd dtd 11.9.07

This document pretains to FCN-NEW-20070516-00041 for New Application on a Foreign Carrier Notification filing.


Holland+Knight                                   Tel 202 955 3000
                                                 Fax 202 955 5 5 6 1
                                                                        Holland & Knight LLP
                                                                        2099 Pennsylvania Avenue. N.W.. Suite 100
                                                                        Washington, D.C. 20006-6801

                                     ORIGINAL                          Eric Fishman
                                                                       202 828 1849

November 9,2007


Ms. Joanne Ekblad, Assistant Division Chief
Mr. David Krech, Assistant Division Chief
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 1 2 ' ~Street, sw
Washington, DC 20554

      Re:    Trilogy International Enterprises, LLC
             Foreign Carrier Affiliation Notification
             File No. FCN-NEW-200705 16-00041

Dear Ms Ekblad and Mr. Krech:

        This letter responds to your recent inquiry regarding the ownership of Trilogy
International Partners, LLC ("TIP"), the parent of Trilogy International Enterprises, LLC.

       As set forth in the above-captioned Foreign Carrier Affiliation Notification, TIP is a
limited liability holding company organized under the laws of the State of Washington. The
address of TIP is 155 10SthAvenue, NE, Suite 400, Bellevue, Washington, 98044.

       The only investors who own a 10% or greater equity interest in TIP are John Stanton and
his wife, Theresa Gillespie, who jointly own 48% of the outstanding membership units of the
company. Because Mr. Stanton and his wife own a senior class of unit, their voting percentage -
63.5% -- is higher than their equity percentage. Mr. Stanton and his wife are both U.S. citizens,
and their address is 155 1OSth Street, NE, Suite 400, Bellevue, Washington 98044.

         One other investor in TIP has voting power (but not equity ownership) in excess of 10%.
Jean-Claude Flambert, a Haitian resident, has a 12.4% voting interest in TIP, and a 7.6% equity
interest. Mr. Flambert's is 52 Boulevard, Jean Jacques Dessalines, Pont Rouge, Haiti (West

Joann Ekblad and David Krech
November 9,2007
Page 2

        Should you need any further information concerning this matter, please feel free to
contact the undersigned directly.

                                   Respectfblly submitted,,

                                  Eric Fishman
                                  Attorney for Trilogy International Enterprises, LLC

cc:   Howard Griboff
      Susan O'Connell

Document Created: 2007-12-04 12:31:57
Document Modified: 2007-12-04 12:31:57

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