Attachment Rockwell Collins-ARI

Rockwell Collins-ARI

CONSUMMATION submitted by Rockwell Collins, Inc.


This document pretains to CON-SMT-20140113-00012 for End of the Consummation Notice Number (CON-SMT) on a Notice of Consummation filing.


ww                                                 Audunt Catie— ie

 Buiding bust en day                                                                                      se

 Rockwell Collins completes acqulsition of ARINC Incorporated

 Anincs inuny Sandark OrjatznionaodAroepace Systams nglnndog aod Support unioos for miltay big dvoied
 CEDAR RAPIDS, Jowa (Dac, 23, 2013) — tedowll Collne, ns (NFSE: COL taday announced t has sucsenstuly
 completed te mexuiiton of AALNG Incomorneed from Te Carle Gru for#1.4ollon.
                                     formnt o malaing ourvilon of rovidig a thor n of sealees informaion
                                     w the alsai and grounc—nased systema,®    sald Koly Obers, GEO and proadent
                                     prevercs an axiing new oroveh plaform Redevt Colineand shirs the
 Slance of thecom any ownd the exsanding commendtal avatn sec:
 "Comling ARIMCs hgh—ertormance, Ngh—qualty and Mot—aesurance netontks and serdone nth ourntormaton
 exnteme onound neawat evenginens our blly o alterimproved eftlency and atoos, and entuncnd
 conneatine" added Orerg, "In addion, the acxileion opene up adhicant mafe opporsanies by lvareging
 AMRINC‘ eirng preeencn in amors nformarionsystem and the brouder rmnsporaadon and secunty sugrnont."
 Zntogration process
 The «imsany sxpese the Insas ofthe aculeton to be 228 acrmive onen carain ransacton and Iteonition sote
 have be n Inaid. The majorty oinsgraton actulies are sxpectad t e complatn in st nine monthe.Fothe
 near term, surome® oun expecs busnss as usval; and shouldcuntnue to verk wtharcurant salns
 moresenisivee, curtomer eanven suntare and veb—sased recourons.
 Raiated divestures
 To verve ne seatniorss oftheIndues,and avold any persalved contlas of Intomes, Reonl Cllns has comptetnd
 ‘he eale of ARINc‘eInduesy Sancarde Organtzadont SAE intemadonal simultanncunly n thecortplatonof e
 ANLNG eonittion,tn addffon, ue to a Inc ofi in o long—zarm avateoy, Reonl! Gllns hasInlatpreparstory
 atfons to dvers ARIMEs Anrvepace Sntems Englneaing and Suppors businese, vhh provides millary nrvute
 Ingrncion and modifcatne, malnsenance, anlogletks and supporsIn toal tase businessos         nccuuntnd for
 somoximately 15 persent orANc‘ PPL3 revenue
 About Rockwall Gollins
 RodtilColine(SE: ©OL) is a alnee in he development and denioyment ofInnovatve communtcaton and
 aviton elscvuniclatone for in com meiat and sovernmient appilcidone. Our axpeniv InMight deic atonie,
 eau elecventce, midion communkeatone, informaden managertens and aiitatonand ralning e dallarea hy a
 alobe warkform, and a servcn and suapo netvert trat roeces  27 counttee. To And out mor, plowce    vide
 Safe Harbor Statemont
 This arvee rleane cunzain eiamments(euch as profestone maarding Afure performance) thatar formnt—ioking
 sirtements w detind in tw Prvate Secatioe Uigaton Refom Aor 1995; Actual enuls may ciffer matailyrom:
 rove profeced a eeui of corain reke and uncerilntee,Incuing thove          o in the compan‘s SEC Alnge and
 the riiks Iitarent n tIntngraton of ARING into Rocoml Golin.

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Document Created: 2014-01-09 16:08:10
Document Modified: 2014-01-09 16:08:10

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