Attachment ConsumFixEarthStaAut


CONSUMMATION submitted by Scripps Howard Broadcasting Company


This document pretains to CON-SMT-20100108-00006 for End of the Consummation Notice Number (CON-SMT) on a Notice of Consummation filing.


          Baker Hostetler

                                                                                                       Bakers&Hostetler uP
                                                                                                       Washington Square, Suite 1100
                                                                                                       1050 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
                                                                                                       Washington, DC 20036—5304
                                                                                                       T 202.861.1500
                  January 8, 2010                                                                      F 202.861.1783

                                                                                                       Kenneth C. Howard, Jr.
                                                                                                       direct dial: 202.861.1580
                  Mariene H. Dortch, Secretary
                  Office of the Secretary
                  Federal Communications Commission
                  445 12th Street, S.W.
                  Washington, DC 20554

                  Re:      Consummation of Fixed Earth Station Authorization Assignments (File
                           Nos. SES—ASG—20091214—01578 and SES—ASG—20091210—01571)

                  Dear Ms. Dortch:

                  Scripps Howard Publishing, Inc., through counsel, hereby notifies the Commission that
                  on December 31, 2009, it consummated all the fixed earth station authorization
                  assignments associated with the above—referenced applications. (See attached
                  authorization for the transmit/receive authorizations.)

                  If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned.


                  Kenneth C. Howard, Jr.
                  Counsel for Scripps Howard Publishing, Inc.



Chicago   Cincinnati   Cleveland   Columbus   Costa Mesa   Denver   Houston   Los Angeles   New York      Orlando   Washington, DC

                                       UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

Name: SCRIPPS HOWARD BROADCASTING COMPANY                            File Number: SES—ASG—20091214—01578
Authorization Type: Consent To Assignment                         Class of Station:   Fixed Earth Stations

                                     Grant Date: Thursday, December 31, 2009


         312 WALNUT STREET
         CINCINNATI, OH 45202

         312 WALNUT STREET
         28TH FLOOR
         CINCINNATI, OH 45202

         E030091 VARIOUS ,
         E050140 VARIOUS ,
         E070031   VARIOUS ,
         E070038 VARIOUS ,
         E070268 VARIOUS ,
         E860672 VARIOUS ,
         E861084 VARIOUS ,
         E873875 VARIOUS ,
         E950022 VARIOUS ,
         E950078 VARIOUS ,
         E950285 VARIOUS ,
         E950344 VARIOUS ,
         E950348 VARIOUS ,
         E960179 VARIOUS ,
         E040162 Kansas City , MO
         E040164 Cleveland , OH
         E040205 Tampa , FL
         E040233 Baltimore , MD
         E4306 PARMA , OH
         E910658 CINCINNATT , OH
         E950157 SOUTHFIELD , MI
         E960119 BALTIMORE , MD
         E970317 TAMPA , FL
         E980469 PHOENIX , AZ
         E990424 SOUTHFIELD (DETROIT) , MI
         E990425 SsOUTHFIELD (DETROIT) , MI

                                                ( page 1 of 2 )                                              FCC Form 732

                                         UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                    FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                  RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

Name: SCRIPPS HOWARD BROADCASTING COMPANY                                  File Number: SES—ASG—20091214—01578
Authorization Type: Consent To Assignment                              Class of Station:   Fixed Earth Stations

                                        Grant Date: Thursday, December 31, 2009

         Under the authority of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, the consent of the Federal
         Communications Commission is hereby granted to the transaction indicated above, The Commission‘s consent
         to the above is based on the representations made by the applicants that the statements contained in, or made in
         connection with, the application are true and that the undertakings of the parties upon which this transaction is
         authorized will be carried out in good faith, The actual consummation of voluntary transactions shall be
         completed within 60 days from the date hereof, and notice in letter form thereof shall promptly be furnished the
         Commission by the buyer showing the date the acts necessary to effect the transaction were completed. Upon
         furnishing the Commission with such written notice, this transaction will be considered completed for all
         purposes related to the above described station(s).

         Upon consummation the assignor must deliver the permit/license, including any modifications thereof to the
         assignee. It is hereby directed that, upon consummation, a copy of this consent be posted with the station
         authorization(s) as required by the Commission‘s Rules and Regulations, The assignee is not authorized to
         construct nor operate said station(s) unless and until notification of consummation in letter form has been
         forwarded to the Commission.

                                                     ( page 2 of 2 )                                              FCC Form 732

Document Created: 2019-04-14 11:58:41
Document Modified: 2019-04-14 11:58:41

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