Attachment tld affidavit

This document pretains to ARC-MOD-20000710-00105 for Modification on a Accounting Rate Change filing.


SEP—13—00 WED 02:47 PM                  TLD DE PUERTO RICO                            FAX NO. 787 749 5880                          P. 01

          TB frobiC iLA 274 NIST NSEA

                                                                                     DEPARTMENTO LEGAL CORPORATIVO

                                                                   FACSIMIL                                          182000000501
                                                                                         TELEFONICA LARGA DISTANCIA DE PUERTO RICO

    A: Ken Stanley
    NUMERO: (202)418—2824

    DE: José Juan Moran (Legal Asistant Leda. Maria Dolores Pizarro)

    FECHA: 13 de septiembre de 2000


                                                 RE ; TLD‘s Uruguay modification

    Ken Stanley:

    As agreed in our conversation earlier today, I‘m sending you the Affidavit that was missing
    regarding TLD‘s Uruguay modification.
    If you have any question, contact me by phone or e—mail.

    Tosé J. Moran al (787) 273—5628, 5630.
    E—Mail: (
    Fax: (787) 749—5880

                                                                METRO OFFICE PARK
                                          Edificio 17 Calle Numero 2, Suite 600, Guaynabo, Puerto Rico 00968
                              Teléfonos: (787) 749—5800 — Ext, 5629/5630 — Fax: (787) 749—5880 — E—Mail

SEP—13—00 WED 02:48 PM     TLD DE PUERTO RICO               FAX NO. 787 749 5880                     P. 02

                                                            TELEFONICA LARGA
                                                                             DISTANCIA   oE PUERTO RIco

                                                * AFFIDAVIT *

        I, Victoria Rivera, of legal age. Being duly sworn, state, under penalty of perjury, as

        1. I aim Director of Carrier Relations for TLD. My business address is P.O. Box 70325,
           San Juan, Puerto Rico. 00936. I am authorized to negotiate accounting rates on behalf
           of TLD.
           I am responsible for the accounting rate negotiations with ANTEL/Uruguay. TLD‘s
           correspondent in Uruguay, that resulted in the accounting rate reduction contained in
           the attached documents filed with the Commission herewith.
           I am executing this Affidavit based on my knowledge of negotiation with
           TLD has not bargained for, and has no knowledge of exclusive availability of the new
           accounting rate with ANTEL/Uruguay.
           TLD has not bargained for, nor has any indications that it will receive more than their
           proportionate share of return traffic.
           TLD certifies that it has informed ANTEL/Uruguay that FCC policy requires that
           competing U.S. carriers have access to the accounting rates negotiated by the filing
           carries on a nondiscriminatory basis.

                                                                      1ctor1a R1v


       Sworn and subscribed before me by Victoria Rivera, of the personal circumstances
       described above, and whom I have identified through driver‘s license number 1117149,
       issued by the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
       In San Juan, Puerto Rico, this /2        day of E%-QZmé.cfi         2000.          l2 /


Document Created: 2019-04-16 00:59:11
Document Modified: 2019-04-16 00:59:11

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