Attachment 2019_02_19_16_55_18.


SUPPLEMENT submitted by Chinese Sound of Orient Supplement to Opposition Letter

Chinese Sound to Opposition Letter of GLR Extension of STA


This document pretains to 325-STA-20180710-00002 for Special Temporal Authority on a Permit to Foreign Broadcast filing.


                                     BER)RE THE
                        fEI)ERAL COMMUNICATIONS COIM1SS1ON
                                W’ASHINGTON, D.C. 2t)55.3

In re

Ci ER Southem California. I J C’

Application for Extension of Special          )      File No. 325—STA—20 I $071 0-OOt)02
fpontry /\UthOfitV for I)eliverv of
Programming to
Mexican Station XEWW-AM.
Rosarita. l3aja California Norte. Me>ico

To: Secretary
Attn.: Chic f. I titernatiumil Bureau

                              SUPPLErt1ENT TO

    1.      Introduction

         Chinese Sound of Oriental and West I Icritage (“CSO’’). licensee of KQEV—LP. Walnut.

California. by its attorneys. hereby liles this Supl)lement’ lo its Opposition to Special Temporary

Authority Extension, tiled January 29. 2019 (“Opposition’). in which CS() will address both the

request to extend the STA (“Request to Extend STA”’) flied on .lanuarv 28. 2019 and the Reply to

Opposition to Special Temporary Authority Extension. filed February 8. 2019. by GLR Southern

 c’SO hereby requests lease to submit this Supplement. As explained herein. (he (‘SO
Opposition was flied before seeing the GLR Request to Extend STA. (‘SC) filed its Opposition
out of concern For the l,rlctice ol ike Commission to grant an STA ithout providing a thirt—da
public notice as required h Section 3f)0 ol the Act. ike original GER STA request was filed on
Jul 20. 201 8 and granted on July 24, 201 8. Public ivo!ic’c’ Permit t’u Deliver Progrwns to
I’orelgl7 Broadcast Stat umc. Report No 325—0f)21 6 (2018). urns, to assure the critical issues

were presented prior to Commission action. the (‘SO Opposition was anticipatory. litriher. the
issues presented arc critical as they address core Commission authorit. Also. consideration of
this information is warranted to provide the Commission vith a full and robust record. In Re
Application of TelevLhm U isccinsin hw.. 5% R’C’ 2d 1232. par. 3 ] 975).

California IA C (‘Gilt’) and its parcnt company. ll&l I Group USA 1.3 flhl&l 39? ith respect

to the above-referenced Special Temporary Authority (“STA”).

         The Cliii Request to Hxtend the STA was filed on January 28. 2019, the day the

Commission reopened after the fedend goemment shutdown. The original STA expired on

January 19. 2019, during the federal government shutdown. The original STA was granted

without being placed on thirty-day public notice. and the request for that STA has never been

posted on the Commission’s website. Anticipating that an extension could he granted without

public notice. CSO filed its Opposition on January 29, 2019, without seeing CUR’s Request to

Extend STA. Therefore, as CSO had no opportunity to address the content of the Request to

Extend STA. (‘SO is submitting this Supplement to its Opposition to respond to both the content

ofthe Request to Extend STh and to GUR’s Reply.

         In its Reply. OUR maintains that C.SO (a) raises an untimely objection to the grant of the

STA; (b) fails to provide any evidence that the programming delivered to XHWW-AM is not in

the public interest; (c) does not present cognizable interference claims as to the operations of

XEWW-AM; and (d) does not raise any national security issues. As detailed below, the Reply

ignores the plain reading of the Communications Act and of the voluminous facts in the record

and ignores specific controlling (‘onunission precedent. As such. the Reply is dnoid of merit.

   ii.      Discussion

            4. 77w (‘onwaunlcaffinu Ad and C ‘cnnmlaclun pn’cedeni masukisr
               ck’nkd 111w STI exiesulon appilculian

         GUI submits that there is no reason to deny the Si’A extension. Reply. at 2. That

submission conveniently ignores that Section 309(h) of the Communications Act requires that

2As shall be discussed herein, the filing of the STA request by CUR as now controlled by liSt))
raises a serious issue of an unauthuritcd transfer of control of the Pemilt

before an) license or permit may be granted. the Commission must first provide thirty-day notice

thereof and determine that a grant is in the public interest. Sec Opposition to Special Temporary

Authority Extension, filed by (‘SC) on January 29,2019 (Opposition). at 4-7.

       Section 309(c) provides an exception to the mandate of Section 309(b), authorizing the

Commission to grant in 5Th without a thirty-day public notice. provided ‘ihe programs to be

transmitted are special events not of a continuing nature.” Section 309(cX2)(F). The STA was

not conditioned in this manner and therefore was issued in violation of Section 309.

       Because the grant of the STA was not pennhted by statute. its grant was ultra vires. The

Supreme Court has previously found an act done by the Commission to be ultra vires:

       Both their powor to act and how they are to act is authoritatively prescribed b)
       Congress. so that when they act improperly, no less than when they act beyond
       theirjurisdiction. what the) do is ultra vir&

       It is black-letter law that, where a governmental action is ultra vires. that act is wAd oh

inftio and has no legal effect Legally, the act never happened. Federal Crop ins. Corp. v.

.4k’rrii, 332 115.380(1947). As such. in not giving thirty-day public notice mid not limiting the

STA to special events not of a continuing nature, the original STA was a legal nullity and

extending it would also be a legal nullity. Gl.R attempts to evade this legal nullity by arguing

that CSO is filing an untimely petition for reconsideration of the original 5Th. GIR misses the

critical point4 The CSO Opposition is to the currently pending STh extension request. To be

dear. CSO does not ask the Commission to reconsider and somehow ‘und& the grant ofthe

STA made in July 2018, as GL.R suggests. Reply, note 3. Instead. the pivotal point is that the

 (‘ily qfArThsgion v. Ft t 133 S. Ct 1863. 1869 (20l3.
 GLR supports its untimeliness argwnent with citations. presented at noteS of the Reply. that
are irrelevant, as they concem procedures as to pleading cycles, not ultra vires actions.

Commission lacks authority to erant the current S1’A extension application flied on .lanuar 2t.


         GLR argues that (Sf) is incorrect to maintain that a S’l’A may he granted onl for special

events   not   of U Cofltintiin   nature. Rcpl at 3. GLR ignores Section 309(c)(2)(F) of the

Communications Act, which very specifically recluircs that any STA issued without giving a

tluHv—dav public, nOtice must CC)nlOl’m If) the “special events not ofa continuing nalure”

condition. The Reply attempts to circtimvent this condition and does not address              the

Commission?s discussion of ibis condition in detail        Ifl   Mo//i’ Eazikei’, which was cued by CSO.

Opposition, at 4-?.

         In an effort to evade the ‘special events not ol a connnuingnature conclinon. GLR says

(‘SO failed to take note of the subsequent history of the !tIolli’ Pauker case citing C ‘ha,?nel 51 of

San Diego The.     i’.   FC( 79 F3d I I 7 (I).C. Cit 1996) and 1’ox Jelei’ision Statioii.v Inc.. Ii FCC

Rcd I 487(1. par. 23 (1996). GI R misleads. ilie subsequent history          is   irrelevant to the   issue

presented by the Request to I xtcnd SEA. as there is nothing in ( ‘hunnet 51 that overrules,

vacates or modifies the “special events not of a continuing nature” holding detailed in \Iu1Ij’

Pcnikc’r. Iii ( ‘Izunnc’l 5], that issue ‘as not presented to or discussed by the t’ourt.’ In that case.

the C.’ourt addressed the need for issue mesponsit’e programming. not the legal standard fiw

 0 FCC RucI 4394 (MB 1 004)
   l’he issuance ofan SiA was mentioned in Part II. I liswrv of Current Proceedings of the
Court’s thtir parts decision. ‘Ilie Court noted: “I3ecause Fox anticipated a lengthy FCC decision
process on its permit applications, it sought and obtained Special l’emporar Authority tS’F to
transmit the NH. games to XVFV throiih the end of the 1994 season. or until the 1-C C rtiled Ofl
its permit application, whichever came earlier. The FC(’ granted the STA request on August 11.
1094. and Fox transmitted the I 994 thutball games to XI’l’V.” (‘huniwl 51 at 1100. At no point
did the Court discuss the ]eeal standard for issuance of an S A without public notice.

ranting an SIA ithout giving thin —day public          nOtice   of the SIA application.’ in thai case the

Court concluded:

           We simply conclude that the FC( erred in holding that Ni\FlA’s Annex Vi
           prohibits application of AI3C I 972s §325 issue—responsive programming
           In light of our holding that the FCC misinterpreted N!\HA’s impact on the role
           of the issue-responsive piogranulling requirement in §325 proceedings. we vacate
           that portion of the FCC’s Order that grants a §325 penflit to Fox for cross-border
           transmission to XET\’. We remand the case to the Ft’(’ for treatment consistent
           with this Opinion. See 47 U.S.C. §402(h).8

           Also. GER ignores that. ifan unlimited SFA was granted in the subsequent case history.

it was to Fox. which ‘as then a permit holder, eligible for an unlimited STA. I lere. ll&] us not a

permit holder and has not been found qualified to deliver programming to XFWW-AM to be

broadcast back into the U.S.

           GLR asserts that the Commission has routinely granted S’iAs for Section 325 permits

since the decisions in :1ol1y Paukcr and lox 7’tcvisiou and        ——   says GLR   ——   there is no reason     tO

change. Reply, at 4. (ILR cites instances in which the Commission granted STAs hut provides no

details from those cases. thus. G1.R has not demonstrated that the STAs serc not uranted for

special events not of a continuing nature. More importantly. if Si As have been granted fhr the

delivery of programming that is not ‘special events not of a continuing nature’’ without a thirty—

day public notice, those grants were issued illegally also. No matter the current practice, prior

unlawful actions cannot sustain continuation ol’ne unlawful actions. It is fundamental “that an

agency may not bootstrap itself into an area in which ii has no Jurisdiction.” At/urns          i)i,ii’ (   ‘a. v.

Btuielt.   494 U.S. 63i. 650 (1990).

  Sirnilarh. the Commission did not disetiss in fox TeJc’t[vitni. II FCC Red at par. 23. the legal
standard for grant of an SiA without public notice.
r Channel 51 at 1192.


                B. ihcic has   been aii   (aitihori:cc1    iransft’r o/( on!ro/   nfihe Per,ni/

          The Request to Extend SI A demonstrates that there has been             Ifl   Ufl]UthOfl/.Cd transfer of

control of the Permit. Ihe Applicalioii to transfer control of the Permit requested permission to

transier control ol Gl_R Southern (‘alifiwnia. I LC. which holds the Permit, from GLR Services.

Inc. to Il&l I    Group    JSA 1.LC. That Application has not been granted. On July 24. 201              ,   the

Commission Granted GLR Southern t’alilornia. LLC an S’IA to deliver broadcast programs to

XEWW—AM. As the transfer of control has not been authorized, the rart in control oIGLR

Southern California should still be GLR Services. Hoever. the Request to Extend STA

indicates that GLR Southern Califhrnia is now owned and control lcd by M&I 1.

          1 his clearly demonstrates that there has been an unauthorized transfi.r of control of the

Permit. Indeed, the January 28. 2t) 1 C) SFA request is sianed by Vivian f-Iuo as President of GLR

Southern California. Moreover, the Reply filed on Februar 8. 2019. asserts that it is lilcd on

behalf of GLR Southern Call fhrnia and its parent company I l&) I. Thus. I l&l I has plainly stated

that it has assumed oiwrship ofGLR Southern California. and control of the Permit. without

Commission approval. All of the Commission precedent appl\ ing Section 325(e) make clear

that contt’ol ala permit is not nhlowd until the Commission acts upon an application for the

transfer. .It)ll) PaiiktT. C ‘hcninc’l ) 1. I’t)X icIc1’LVIt)IL Thereftre. the Commission must direct the

parties   to   undue the transfer at control   to   I l&l I. and the (‘ommission should institute sanction

actions, under Section 312      f)t   the Act, against the parties for ha’ing engaged in an tinauthoriicd

transfer of control    .

  •l’hc Commission hw allowed parties to an application for a transfer ol control ula broadcast
station license to enter into local markctitw tnircernents and time brokeraie aureemems such that
the transferee could h’gin programming a station prior to grant of the transfer of control
application. I lowe er. in all such instances, the licensee must maintain control of the station
until the transfer of control is granted. See. Uplima C’onmiunk’aficm.v. Inc.. .4ssii,’nor. wul Pikes

            C. Eie,idiiir.    ilw   sJ.A    ID Cf iflhllUW (I/)CJ’flI1tul!        ii’ill CdttSL’       in/ti-fc%Cnet.?   and pose rivk.c
                IC) IUltit)h7U1 SCCltl7Il,                                                         -

                 1    Ihe lueson station is at minimalist power. lest it cause interference to the
                     border hlastiim Mexican station: and the FIastaff station is notpcrationaL
                     lest it cause interference to the border blaster

        GLR maintains that no interference occurs by a grant of the extension application. Reply.

at 4-5. GLR ignores that (‘SO provided flictual engineering documentation that XEWW-AM

limits the power of K(’LF(AM) 690. lucson and new facilities on AM 69() at Flagstaff.

Ari?ona.t° This interference is avoided only because of the dominant power ofXEWW—AM and

the subservient power of the two other AM 69() stations. If the power of XFW\V—AM was ftirl

balanced as to the Arizona stations as required by the North American Free Trade Agreement                                             —-

which overrides the (‘ommission’s Agreement with Mexico                               —-   all three stations would better

serve their respective public interests.t                 XEWW—AM simply drowns otit                          iii   whole and!o)r in

significant parts the capacity of the two /\rizona stations to serve their respective communities.

[his imbalance is inconsistent with the purpose nINAFIA and is relevant to a grant of the

underlying Permit t\pphication and to an extension of the STA. Further. contrary to the (iLR

argument. CS() has standing as a station in the coverage area of XL\VW.-AM to complain as to

any and all portions of both AM station applications. 12

Peik ?cleviskni. Inc’. .-I.v. ‘iwc’f       I’   C   (fl1.Vtlfl /f) .-1S.VigiliflfflI t)f Lic’c’iicc’ O/,SICltit)1l       KRDO—1”.I.
.Securiiv, Colorado. 3() FCC’ Red. 1413(1 (MB 2(115). 1 lere there has been a transfer of’ control
prior to a grant by the (‘ommission. in violation of Section 325c.
   (‘SC) Supplement to Petition to Den’s. filed September 4. 2018. PP 22—24. Exhs. 2—3.
   By no means is this to suggest that the proposal to permit China—controlled Phoenix TV t ‘SA
Ltd. To provide prorammin to XEWW—AM is in any way in the public interest of American
   CS() Reply to Response to Unauthorized Filings. tiled October 17. 20] 8. pp. 21-22.

                   2. The GLR areument that the PhoniTV twoaran 1jnu does not pose risks to
                      U.S. naticmal security defies the collective_research and studied judtments of

            GLR claims the pwgramnung provided to XI.W\V—AM and bwa(lCaSt back into the U.S.

is purely neutral C’liinese language music and entertainment. Reply. at 5. That is flatly

inconsistent with the documents. research. declarations of others. incluclinu scholars. economic

and trade analysts, security analysts, think tanks and. importantly.     eovcrnment   oflicials whose

responsibilities include national security.   3
                                                  Other than the self—serving declaration of principals

of Phoenix IV USA I Ad.. GLR has Failed to produce any factual support Jbr itsposition.

            GLR would have the C’ommission believe that (‘So simply is engaged in stereotyping.

Reply, at 6. Yet. GLR has not provided an research. expert opinions, scholarl analyses or

studies in support of its position. As such. there is a factual dispute as to the risks to national

security. The C’ommission must designate the contested factual issues fw an evidentiary hearing

to resolve the disputes in accordance with Section 309(e) of the Act.

     III.      Conchision

            As a (‘hinese—American entity. (‘SO’s primary goal is ensure the best possible servee to

the (‘hinese—Ainericun community. (‘So has examined the fundamental evidence and

governmental analyses of the People’s Republic of (‘liinu (“PRU”) propaganda machine and has

submitted that evidence and govcrnrncntal analyses to the (‘ommission. ‘Ihe evidence and

government anal ses slio that the PRU considers the (‘hinese diaspora as “hetonwng to (‘hina.”

The PRU believes overseas (Thinese should support ( ‘hina and the goals of’ the (‘hinese

-‘ See (‘SO Petition to Den filed Augu%t 8. 2t) I 8. j 4—8: (‘So Supplement to Petition to l)cny.
filed September 4. 2() I 8. pp. 3—10: USC) Reply to Opposition to Petition to Den. tiled September
11. 201 8. pp. 1 0—Il Lxh. I, 1 )eclaration of (‘hung Pong: Reply to Response to Unauthorized

Filings, tiled october 1 7. 20)18. J)f). 4—9.


Communist Party to dominate American and global interests. The PRU does not hesitate to enlist

overseas ethnic Chinese to do its bidding. as evidenced by the conviction of former Phoenix TV

employee-spies.’4 The expert evidence demonstrates that we now live in a world of two

superpowers. and China   —   a deeply intolerant authoritarian regime   --   has global ambitions.

including the domination of U.S. interests. The PRC seeks to improperly influence the attitudes

of Chinese Americans toward the U.S. Id this case, Phoenix TV. the designated programmer, has

a history of broadcasting pro-PRC propaganda. The Commission must be igilant and not allow

propaganda risks to undermine U.S. elections and/or national interests.

       In this case. we have an unauthorized transfer of control of the Pennit This alone

demonstrates that H&H should not be granted the Permit and should not be allocd to continue

the STA. There is no statutory basis upon which the STA can be extended or renewed. The

Commission is statutorily precluded from granting an 5Th without a thirty-day public notice of

the request unless the STA is for “special events not of a continuing nature.” Moreover, as CSO

has demonstrated in its pleadings filed in this proceeding. the Commission lacks a record before

it upon which ft can determine that a grant of the Application and the STA are in the public

interest. Pivotally. a grant extending a void STi grant would be ultra vfres and void. The 5Th

and the Application must both be denied.

‘3C50 Reply to Response to Unauthorized Filings, filed October 17.2018. pp 10-11. Phoenix
TV engineer convicted of spying for PRC.

                     RespcctftiIiv submitted.

                     (IIINESE SOUND Of ORIENTAL ANI)
                     WEST HERITAGE

                       JBIN. WINSTON. I)IERCKS. I JARRIS
                     & COOKE. LLP
                     120! Connecticut Avenue. NW. Suite 200
                     Washintton. D.C. 20036
                      202) $61-t)X?0

February 19. 201 9


                           CERTIFICATE Of SERVICE

        I, Sheree Kellogg, do hereby certify that I sent via U.S. mail (except where
indicated), on this 19th day of februaiy, 2019, copies of the foregoing SUPPLEMENT

David Oxenford
Wilkinson, Barker, Knauer, LLP
1800 M Street, NW
Stiite 800N
Washington, DC 20036

Reid Avett
Duane Morris, LLP
505 9th Street, NW, Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20004-2 166

Paige K. fronbarger
Wilkinson, Barker, Knauer, LLP
1800 M Street, NW, Suite 800N
Washington, DC 20036

Brandon Moss*
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

Janice Shields*
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 l2 Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

*sent via email only

                                                                      1’ ti/I
                                                         Sheree Kellogg      ‘   ,I)

Document Created: 2019-04-27 00:10:57
Document Modified: 2019-04-27 00:10:57

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