Attachment 2019_01_30_15_23_56.


OTHER submitted by Additional document for the Extension

Application requesting extension of STA


This document pretains to 325-STA-20180710-00002 for Special Temporal Authority on a Permit to Foreign Broadcast filing.


                    GLR SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, LLC

January 28, 2019


Ms. Marlene Dortch Secretary
federal Communications Commission
445 12th St., S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

                   Re: Request for Extension of Special Temporary Authority to Deliver
                        Programs to foreign Broadcast Station XEWW-AM, Rosarito, Baja
                        California Norte, Mexico EXPEDITED AFRO VAL REQUESTED

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        On July 24, 2018, the Commission granted GLR Southern California, LLC
(“Authorization Holder”) Special Temporary Authority (“Current STA”) in FCC File No.
                                                                                        ms   to AM
STA-20180710-00002 to deliver cross-border transmissions of broadcast progra
station XEWW in Rosarito, Baja California Norte, Mexico (the “Station”) pursuant to Sectio
325(c) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and Section 25.120 of the
Commission’s rules. The Current STA became effective July 25, 2018 and will continue during
the period which the Commission is processing Authorization Holder’s application for regular
authority (“Underlying Application”) or 180 days, whichever comes first. The Underl
                                                                                        filing. This
Application was filed on June 14, 201$ and remains pending as of the date of this
request for extension (along with FCC form 308) is submitted in the event that the underlying
Application is not granted within the 180 day period (as may be extended by the FCC
that apply to authorizations expiring during the partial government  shutdown.  See,  Public  Notice,
                                                                           10  (released   January 2,
Impact of Potential Lapse in funding of Commission Operations, DA 19
                                                                                      suspension   of
2019) (where, at Page 4, the Commission stated “Any STA expiring during the
regular operations are extended to the day after regular Commission operations resume”). To
 ensure the continued ability of the Station to continue broadcast programming to listeners in
                                                                ission  considers   the  Underl  ying
 Los Angeles area during the period in which the Comm
Application, Authorization Holder hereby requests that the Commission extend the Current $TA
 for so tong as the Underlying Application remains pending. Extension of the Current STA tvill
 preserve the status quo and allow Authorization Holder to continue to deliver programming
 the Station while the Commission considers the Underlying Application.

        Extending the Current STA serves the public interest by enabling the Authorization
 Holder to continue to deliver Mandarin language programming to the Station, whose signals
                                                                                      than 100,000
 consistently received in southern California. This, in turn, enables will allow more
 Mandarin-speaking potentiat listeners in the Los Angeles metro listening area to continue to

 ‘See, FCC File No. 325-NEW-20180614-00001 (filed June 14, 2018).


Federal Communications Commission
Page 2

Mandarin language programming at no cost. The extension of the STA preserves the current
service received by these listeners while the Underlying Application is being processed. The
Commission has previously determined that the Station is eligible to receive programming from
U.S. entities and has concluded that the Station is operating within its operating parameters and
does not cause unlawful interference.2

       As noted in the Underlying Application, the Station is currently licensed to W3 Comm
Concesionaria, S.A. de CV. (“W3 Comm Concesionaria”). Authorization Holder currently
owns 49.00% of the issued and outstanding shares in W3 Comm Concesionaria and 99% of the
equity of W3 Comm Inmobiliaria, S.A. de CV. (“W3 Comm Inmobiliaria”) which holds the
operating assets of the Station in Mexico. Authorization Holder provides programming to the
Station pursuant to a Station Programming and Sales Agreement dated January 25, 2006
(“Programming Agreement”), a copy of which is currently on file with the Commission.

        There have been no changes in the technical operating parameters of the Station into the
United States since 2007 when the Original Permit was granted (which includes the period since
the Current STA has been in effect). W3 Comm Concesionaria remains the Authorization Holder
of the Station and W3 Comm Inmobiliaria continues to own the Mexican operating assets.

       Payment for the required filing fee is being submitted using the Commission’s fee filer
system. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the undersigned.


                                                 Vivian Huo


  See, 325(c) permit granted March 2, 2007, and most recently renewed June 14, 2017 (“Original
Permit”). http:/Jl icensing.fcc. ov/ibfsweb/ kev 1237293 (Renewal application
for prior permit (June 14, 2017).

File No.

                                                         UnIted States of America
                                              Federal Communications CommissIon
                                                         Washington, D.C. 20554

                       (Carefully read instructions before fifing out Form-RETURN ONLY FORM TO FCC)

1. Name of Applicant      Street Address or P.O. Box     City    State   Zip Code     Telephone No. (include area code)

GLR Southern                    6 The Drawbridge                Woodbury, NY 11797           516-921-8668
California, CCC

2. Name and address to whom communication should be sent if different from item 1.

Name         Street Address or P.O. Box      City      State                                 Zip Code       Telephone No. (include are

3. Legal identity of applicant: (only check one box)

        Li        individual       Li Partnership                Li Corporation        El     Government Entity     [J    Other

If other specify: Limited Liability Company

4. Application Is fot:
                           Li   New Authorization                    ElExtension of Existing Authority

Requesting extension of STA granted In FCC File No. 325-STA-20180710-00002
5. if applicant is an individual, is applicanl a citizen of the United States?                N!A           Li      YES      Li    NO

6. If applicant Is a partnership, are all partners citizens of the United States:             N/A           Li       YES     Li    NO

7. If applicant Is a corporation:
   a. Under laws of what state was it organized:

   b. Is more than one-fifth of the capital stock of the corporation owned of record or may it be voted
      by aliens or their representalives or by a foreign government or representative thereof, or by any
      corporation organized under the laws of a foreign country?                                             Li      YES     Li    NO

   c. Is any officer or director of the corporation an alien?                                                Li      YES     Li    NO

       if the answer is Yes, give the following far each:

       Name                            Nationality                                Position

                                                                                                                              FCC 308

   d. Is applicant directly or Indirectly controlled by any other corporation?                                    El    YES    El   NO

            If the answer Is Yes, give the following for the controlling corporation

            Name                         Address                               State In which organized

  e.        Is more than one-fourth of the capital stock of the controlling corporation either owned of record,
            or may It be voted by aliens, their representatives, or by a foreign government or representative
            thereof, or by any corporation organized under the laws of a foreign country?
                                                                                                                  El    YES    El   NO

  f.        Is any officer or more than one-fourth of the directors of the corporation an alien?
                                                                       -                                          El    YES    El   NO

            If the answer is Yes, give the name, nationality and position of each and give the total number of
            directors of the corporation.

            Name          Nationality              Position                  Number of Directors

 g.         Is the above-described controlling corporation in turn a subsidiary?                                   El    YES   El   NO

If the answer is Yes, attach as ExhibIt No.     additional information answering the
holding company questions in this paragraph for each company, including the
organization having ultimate control.

8. a.        If the applicant is an unincorporated association, give the following:

             Total number of members                        Number of Alien Members (If any)

                      See Exhibit A two U.S. members

       b.    State the following for alien officers or directors (if any):

             Name                                Nationality                        Position

                                                                                                                        FCC 308 (Page 2)

9.    a. What is applicant’s principal business?         Radio program supplier

      b. Does applicant or any party to this application have any interest in, or connection with, any
         AM, FM, or TV broadcast station (either domestic or foreign), or any application pending before
         the Commission?
                                                                                                             El        YESEl        NO
           If the answer is Yes, attach Exhibit No.B       giving full particulars.

10.        Is applicant a representative of an alien or of a foreign government?                             El        YES    El    NO

           If the answer is Yes, explain.

Ii. a. Has any radio station authorization previously Issued to the applicant or party to this application
       been revoked, either by the Commission or by any court?                                               El        YES    El    NO

      b. Has any previous application by the applicant or party to this application been denied by the
         Commission or by a predecessor agency?
                                                                                                              El       YES    El    NO

           If the answer to (a) andlor (b) Is Yes, explain:

 12. a. Has applicant or any party to this application been found guilty of any felony by any court?
                                                                                                                  El    YESEl       NO

      b.    Has applicant or any party to this application been finally adjudged guilty by a federal
           of the violation of the laws of the United States relating to
           unlawful monopoly, restraint of trade, and or unfair methods of competition?
                                                                                                              C         YES    El   NO

            If the answer to (a   ) and or fb) is Yes, explain.

                                                                                                                       FCC 308 (Page 3)

13.   a. Address of studio or other place at which programs will originate:
                3810 Durbin Street, Irwindale, CA 91706

      b. Telephone contact number:
                516-921 -8668

      c.    Email address:

14.         State ownership of originating facilities     GIR Southern California, LLC

15.   a.    Describe the means whereby programs will be delivered to foreign station(s), Including
            the names of any interconnecting common carriers.

                   Means of Transmissions Include but are not limited to the following:
             El     Dedicated Wireline
             tEl    Internet tIP)
             El     Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)
             El     Private Microwave
             El     Private Radio (remote pickup)
             El     Common Carrier Microwave
             El     Common Carrier Radio
             El     Satellite
             El     Or combination ot methods

       b.    List all call signs of private transmitters in the United States   NIA

                   Call Sign                                      Company Name

                                                                                                     Form 308 (Page 4)

16.   Coordinated foreign station to which programs will be provided:

           Calisign: XEWW-AM                              City: Rosarito, Baja California Norte, Mexico

             AM Station

           Frequency (kHz): 690
                                                Daytime                                   Niohttime
           Coordinates:                         32’ 17’ 62’ NC                           32’ 17’ 52” NC
                                                117’ 01’ 48” WC                          117’ 01’ 48” WL

           Operating power:                77 kW________                        50 kW________

      El     FM Station:

           Frequency:                  Channel:                                        Class:

           Mode of operation:       DirectionallNon-directional

           Maximum Effective Radiated Power fkW):

           Coordinates     °    ‘     “    NL                         “   WL

           Antenna Height Above Average Terrain (HMT):

           Antenna Radiation Center Above Mean Sea Level (RCAMSL):

              TV Station:


           Mode of operation:       Directional/Non-directional

           Maximum Effective Radiated Power (kW):

                                       “   NC                     ‘   “   WL

           Antenna Height Above Average Terrain fHMT):

           Antenna Radiation Center Above Mean Sea Level (RCAMSL):

                                                                                                           Form 308 (Page 5)

17.           Attach as Exhibit No       C       a full explanation of the legaT relationship between the applicant and
              foreign station(s) Involved, Including a copy of contract (if any) with foreign station(s).

18.           a. Attach as Exhibit No        D        a statement as to whether program deliveries are to be Intermittent or
              regularly scheduled and the average number of hours, pet day week and
              or month during which the foreign station(s) involved will broadcast such programs.

               b.   Attach as Exhibit No    E      a detaited description of the nature end character of the programming
              proposed and the language to be employed.

19.           AntI-Drug Abuse Act Certification. Assignee/transferee certifies that neither assignee nor any party to the
              application Is subject to denial of federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988,
              21 U.S.C. Section 862.

20.            Equat Employment OpportunIty tEED), If the applicant proposes to employ live or more full-time employees,
              applicant certifies that It Is filing sImultaneously with this applicants Model EEO Program Report on FCC
               Form 396-A.


    The APPLICANT acknowledges that all statements contained in this application and attached
exhibits are materiel representatIons, and that the exhibits forming a part of this application are
incorporated herein as If set out In full in the application. The undersigned certifies that the statements
contained In this application are true, complete and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief
and are made in good faith.

      Signed and dated this           28th        day of    January                       2o]9.
                                                                                              raç7\.i                       By: Vivian Huo
GLR           Southern         California,           LLC

               INane ot Apptcaut)                                                                     (algoalurel


   U.S. CODE, TITLE 18, SECTION 1001.

EXHIBITS furnished as requIred b this form:
Euhibil No.       Pare, No of terra          Name of asker or employee(1) by whom orl2)                     OftctalTite
                                             under whose drection eohihil wee prepared
                                             (show whiohi

                                                                                                                           Form 308 (Page 6)

                                                          CLR Southern California, LLC
                                                                        FCC Form 308
                                                                              Fxhibit A
                                                                         January 2019

                                    Alien Ownership

There is no alien ownership. Applicant, GLR Southern California, LLC is a Delaware limited
liability company which is 100% owned by H&H Group USA LLC, aNew York limited liability
company. Vivian Huo, a U.S. citizen owns 97% of the membership interests in H&H Group
USA LLC. Julian Sant, a U.S. citizen owns 3% of the membership interests in H&H Group

                                                        GLR Southern California, LLC
                                                                       FCC Form 308
                                                                            Exhibit B
        Current Authorizations and Applications Pending Before the Commission

On June 14, 2018, GLR Southern California, LLC, (“Applicant”), H&H Group USA LLC and
GLR Southern California, LLC filed an Application for Permit to Deliver Programs to Foreign
Broadcast Stations (FCC file No. 325-NEW-201 80614-00001) to deliver cross-border
transmissions of broadcast programs to AM station XEWW in Rosarito, Baja California Norte,
Mexico (the “Station”) pursuant to Section 325(c) of the Communications Act of 1934, as
amended (“Underlying Application”). The Underlying Application remains pending before the
Commission as of the date hereof.

On July 24, 201$, the Commission granted Applicant Special Temporary Authority (“Current
STA”) in FCC file No. 325-$TA-201$0710-00002 to deliver cross-border transmissions of
broadcast programs the Station pursuant to Section 325(c) of the Communications Act of 1934,
as amended, and Section 25.120 of the Commission’s rules. The Current STA became effective
July 25, 2018 and was to remain in effect during the period which the Commission is processing
the Underlying Application for regular authority or 180 days, whichever comes first.

                                                            GLR Southern California, LLC
                                                                          FCC Form 30$
                                                                                Exhibit C
                                                                           January 2019

                          Legal Relationship with foreign Station

GLR Southern California, LLC is a Delaware limited liability company (“Applicant”) and a
wholly-owned subsidiary of H&H Group USA LLC (“Parent”).

Applicant currently owns 49.00% of the issued and outstanding shares in W3 Comm
Concesionaria, S.A. de C.V. (“W3 Comm Concesionaria”), the licensee of Mexican radio station
XEWW-AM, Rosarito, Baja California Norte, Mexico (the “Station”). Applicant also owns 99%
of the equity of W3 Comm Inmobiliaria, $.A. de C.V. (“W3 Comm Inmobiliaria”) which holds
the operating assets of the Station in Mexico. Applicant currently provides programming to the
Station pursuant to that certain Station Programming and Sales Agreement dated January 25,
2006 between Applicant, W3 Comm Concesionaria, and Tregtimit, S. de RI. de CV (as
successor to Careva, S.A. de C.V.) which, through an intermediate company, owns the
controlling interest in W3 Comm Concesionaria (“Programming Agreement”), a copy of which
is currently on file with the Commission,

                                                             GLR Southern California, LLC
                                                                           FCC Form 308
                                                                                Exhibit D

                       Schedule and Quantity of Program Dcliveries

The programming that is the subject of this application will be transmitted by Station XEWW
AM on a regular basis, 24 hours/day, 7 days/week.

                                                            CUR Southern California, LLC
                                                                          FCC Form 30$
                                                                                Exhibit I
                                                                           January 2019

                          Nature and Character of Programming

The Applicant proposes to provide a full range of Mandarin Chinese language programming on
station XEWWAM including music, entertainment, weather report, local (LA) traffic report and
local Chinese community news. A detailed description of the programming has been described
in pleadings filed with the Commission in connection with FCC file No. 325-NEW-201$0614-


GLR Southern California, LLC certifies that no party to this application is subject to a denial of
federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 862.
                                                                               By: Vivian Huo
                                                     By:                        President

                                                     Date:    January 28, 2019

Federal Communications Commission

                              CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I, Rhea Lytle, a legal secretary with the law firm of Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP,
hereby certify that on this 28th day of January, 2019, I served copies of the foregoing “STA
Renewal” on the following via first-class United $tates mail, postage prepaid:

                            Reid Avett
                            Duane Morris, LLP
                            505 9th Street, N.W., Suite 1000
                            Washington, D.C. 20004-2166

                            James L. Winston
                            Rubin, Winston, Diercks, Harris & Cooke, LLP
                            1201 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 200
                            Washington, D.C. 20036

                            Brandon Moss*
                            International Bureau
                            Federal Communications Commission
                                      Street, S.W.
                            Washington, D.C. 20554

                             Janice $hields*
                             International Bureau
                             Federal Communications Commission
                                  l2 Street, S.W.
                             Washington, D.C. 20554

*Via Email

                                                           Rhea Lytle

Document Created: 2019-05-02 15:08:04
Document Modified: 2019-05-02 15:08:04

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