Application Form [pdf]

This document pretains to 325-STA-20080709-00005 for Special Temporal Authority on a Permit to Foreign Broadcast filing.


~—! rom commission usE ONLY
   File No.

                                                  United States of America
                                            Federal Communications Commission
                                                   Washington, D.C. 20654

                     {Carefully readinstructions before filling out Form—RETURN ONLY FORM TO FCC)

  1. Name of applicant             Street Address or P. 0. Box .           _ City    State          ZIP Code            Telephone No.
     The CW Network, LLC            3300 West Olive Ave.                   Burbank     CA       91505                   finclude area code}
                                                                                                 .                      848—977—5000

  2. Name and address to whom communication should be sent if different from item 1.
      Name                         Street Address or P.0. Box:               City     State         ZIP Code           / Telephone No.
     Atthur H. Harding, Esq.              Fleischman and Harding LLP                                                    {include area code}
                                          1255 23rd Street, °NW.               _                       '                     ‘
                                          Eigbth Floor                       Washington DC           20037         _: 202—939—7900
  3. Legal idenitity of applicant: fonly check one box}
     C individuat           C Partnership        C Corporation       { Government Entity              E8 Other
    if Other—specify:   .             -
      .         pecify Delaware Limited Liability Company — See Exhibit 1

  4. Application is for:
                       KX New Authorization                               { Extension of Existing Authority

   5. If applicantis an individual, is applicant a citizen of the United States? D/N/A                             ~     0 ves      O no

   6. If applicant is a partnership, are all partners citizens of the United States?        D/N/A          '             O ves      O xo‘

   7. If Applicant is a corpomfion:‘

      a. Undar laws of what state was it arganized?              D/HN/A

      b. is more than one—fifth of the capital stock of the corporation owned of record or may it
         be voted by alians or their representatives or by a foreign government or—representative                         :
         thersof, or by any corporation organized under the laws of a foreign country?                                   U ves      O no

      c. is any officer or director of the corporation an alien?                                               |         {0 ves Q no

          If the answer is Yes, give the following for each:

          Name                              \_     Nationality        '                              Position

                                                                                                                                 FCC 308
                                                                                                                                  uh. inan

   d. is applicant directly or indirectly controlled by any other corporafi&n?                 .             U ves     O no.

       If the answer is Yes, give the following for the controlling corporation.                        '

       Name                                   Address                '             State in which

   e. is more than one—fourth of the capital stock of the controlling corporation sither owned
      of record, or may it be voted by aliens, their representatives, or by a foreign government
      or representative thereof, or by any corporation organized unider the laws of a foreign
      country?                                                                                              O ves     0 no

   f. is any officer or more than one—fourth of the directors of the corporation an alion7'       .         O ves     O no

      If the answer is Yes, give the name, nationality, and positjori of each,
      and give the total numberofdirectors of the corporation.

     Name                         Nationality                    _ Position                           NumSor of Directors

   g. is the above—described controlling corporation in turn a subsidiary?                                  O ves     O no

      If the answer is Yes, attach as Exhibit No. ____ additional information answering the
      hoiding company questions in this paragraph for each company, to and including the
      organization having ultimate control.

8. a. If the applicant is an unincorporated association, give the following:                          / —
               Total number of members                Number of Alien members {/f any)

   b. State the following for alien officers ordirectors {if any):

      Name                            |         Natlonality              .                Position

  FCC 308 (Page 2)
  July 1988

9. 8. What is applicant‘s principal business?      ;. , Exhibit. 3

    b. Does applicant or ahy 'party t;a this application have any interest in, or connection—with,
       any AM, FM, or TV broadcast station feither domestic or foreign}, or any application
       pending before the commission?                                                                & ves C No
       If the answer is Yes, attach Exhibit No. 2___ giving full particulars.

10. is applicant a representative of in alien or of a foreign government?                            O ves & No
       If the answer is Yes, explain.

11.a. Has any radio station authorization previously issued to the applicant or party to this
      application been revoked, either by the Commission or by any court?                            O ves © no
                                                                                                          ~    6

    b. Has any. previous application by the applicant or party to this application been denied by
       the Commission: or by a predecessor agency?                                                   O ves K No
       If the: answer to (a) and/or (b) is Yes, explain:

{12.a. Has applicant or any party to this application been found guilty by any court of any ‘
                                                                         .        .
       felony?                                                                                       O ves Q No
    b. Has applicant or any party to this application been finally adjudged guilty by a federal
       court of theviolation of the laws of the United States relating to unlawful monopoly,
       restraint of trade, and/or unfair methods of competition?                                     E]'vss K] No
       If the answer to (a) and/or (b) is Yes, explain.

                                                                                                      FCC 308 (Page 3)
                                                                                                           July 1988

 13. Address of studio or other place at which programs will originate:
     CBS Broadcast Center, 524 W. 57th Street, New York, NY                                          10019, or other location
     in the New York area.
 14. State ownership of originating facilities.

       By CBS, Inc.
 15. Describe the means. (wireline, radio link, or other method} whereby programswill be delivered, to foraign statiori(s},
     including names of any interconnecting common carriers.
      By satellite, terrestrial microwave, fiber link, network area storage (computer network), or leased private
      or common carrier capacity.
                                       omnl           "\
 16. Give the location, type, and authorized po»}mr of forengn stauon(s) to which programs will be delivered, and udentn‘y
     the licensee or opersting     noy 6f such—station(s}.

       See Exhibit 4

 17. Attach as Exhibit No. 3__ a full explanation of the legal relationship between the applicant and forangn station(s) in—
     vaived, including a copy of contract (if any) with foreign station(s).

 18. (a) Attach as Exhibit No. _
                               8 a statement as to whethar program deliveries are to be intermittent or regularly
            schedulad, and the average number of hours per day, week and/or month during which the foreign station(s}
            involved will broadcast such programs.

     {b) Attach as Exhlbit No. _6 a detailed description of the neture and character of the programming proposed and
          the language to be employed


      The APPLICANT acknowledges that all statemants contained in this application and attached exhibits .       material
 representations, and that the exhibits forming a part of this application are incorporated herein as if  out in full in the
 application. The undersigned certifies that the statements contained in this spplicstion are trus, c plete, and cortect to
 the best of his/her knowledge and belief and are made in good faith.

     Signed and dated this                   day of                                                   . 19

                       (Name of Applicant)                                                                   (Signature)

   ARE PUNISHABLE BY FINE AND IMPRISONMENT.                                            .                 .     LTite)
       W.S. CODE, TITLE 18, SECTION 1001.                                                                       ‘

EXHIBITS furnished as required by this form:
 Exhibit No:    Para. No. of form                     officer of employes {1) by whom or (2) under                         Official title
                                                      direction oxhibit was prepered {show which)

Form 308 (Page 4)
July 1988

                                                                                                                                                     \ e
O43.    Address of studio or other place at which programs will originate:

 14.    Sfite ownsership of originating facilities.

 15. Describe the means {wireline, tedio link, of other method) whereby programs will be delivered, to foreign station(s},
                names of any interconnecting common cartiers,

 16. Glve t'ha location, type, gnd ‘authorizad -po ar of foreign mfion(a) to which programs will ba dahvered and |dannfy
    —the licensse or operating ‘egency of s       tation{s}.

 17. Attach as Exhibit No. ____ a full explanation of the legal raleflonahup between the applicant and forangn stauon(s) in—
        volved, including.a copy
                              of contract (if any) with foreign station{s),                                                 :

 18. {a) Attach as Exhiblt No. ____ a statement as to whether program deliveries are to be intermittent or regularly
            scheduled, and the average number of hours per day, week and/or month during which the foreign station{s}
            involved will broadcast such programs.

        .(b) Attach as Exhibrt No. ____ a datailed description of the nature and .chumcter of the programming proposed and
             the language to be smpk)yad

     The APPLICANT acknowledges that all statemants containsd in this application and attached axhibits are material
 representations, and that the exhibits forming a part of this application are Incorporated herein as if set out in full in the
 application. The undersigned certifies that the statemnerits contained in this application are trus, complete, and correct to
 the best of his/har knowledge and belief and sre made in good faith.                                                                            .
        Signed and dated this 2 7 day of                  \/
                                                             &                                       & 1,9/                     «       —
   IA{ZE C ur pie/lueodre, _t& C                                             oBy           /N _ M
                        (Name of Applicant)      .                                 ,   &                   /S!gmmml         M                          —

  WILLEUL FALSE STATEMENTS MADE ON THis Form                                                   [/7?_          {Eéac
    ARE PUNISHABLE BY FINE AND IMPRISONMENT,                                           .               .      .L?Tflt)                       .
           U.S. CODE, TITLE 18,.SECT$9N 1@1.                                               /% 7PA a is t                            J ea        [Zge/Aa

. EXHIBITS furnished as—required by this form:                                                                          |
  Exhibft No.    Pare, No. of form            Name of officer or employes {1} by whom or (21under                       Officiat tile
                                               whose direction axhiblt was prepared (show whicht —

   1                  3              Al].. exhibits were prepared under the
   2                  $(a)           direction of Dennis Dort, Vice
   3                  9(b)           President, Legal and Attorney—in—Fact.
   4&                 16
   5                  17
   6                  l8(a—b)

Form 308 (Page 4)
Joly| 19RK        '

                    Application for Permit to Deliver Programs to Foreign Broadcast Station
                                                                             FCC Form 308
                                                                                     Item 3
                                                                                  Exhibit 1

                            APPLICANT‘S OWNERSHIP STRUCTURE

      The CW Network, LLC ("The CW") is a Delaware limited liability company with two
50% members: WB Communications Inc. ("WCI") and CBS CW Network Partmner LLC
("CCNP"). WCI is a wholly—owned subsidiary of Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. ("WBEI"),
and the ultimate parent company of WBEI is Time Warner Inc. ("TWI"). CCNP is a wholly—
owned subsidiary of the CBS Corporation ("CBS"). Each of WCI, WBEI, TWI, CCNP and CBS
are U.S. companies. No officer or director of The CW is an alien.

        TWI is a publicly—traded company that is controlled by its shareholders, none of whom in
their individual capacities have a greater than 10% equity or voting interest in TWI. No alien (or
representative thereof), foreign government (or representative thereof), or any corporation
organized under the laws of a foreign country, either individually or in the aggregate, owns or is
able to vote more than one—fourth of the capital stock of TWI. Eleven of the twelve members of
the Board of Directors of TWI are U.S. citizens. Mr. Mathias Dopfuer, a citizen of Germany,
also is a member of the TWI Board of Directors. In addition, Mr. Olaf Olaffson, a citizen of
Iceland, is one of six Executive Vice Presidents of TWL

        CBS is a publicly—traded company. National Amusements, Inc. ("NAI"), a closely—held
corporation, beneficially owns Class A Common Stock of CBS representing approximately 79%
of voting power of all classes of CBS Common Stock, and approximately 13% of CBS® Class A
Common Stock and Class B Common Stock on a combined basis. No alien (or representative
thereof), foreign government (or representative thereof), or any corporation organized under the
laws of a foreign country, either individually or in the aggregate, owns or is able to vote more
than one—fourth of the capital stock of CBS or NALI. All of the officers and directors of CBS and
NAL are citizens of the U.S,


                      Application for Permit to Deliver Programs to Foreign Broadcast Station
                                                                               FCC Form 308
                                                                                    Item 9(a)
                                                                                    Exhibit 2

                            APPLICANT‘S PRINCIPAL BUSINESS

           The CW Network, LLC ("The CW") is a national broadcast televisionnetwork that was
launched at the beginning of the Fall 2006 broadcast season. The CW‘s schedule includes,
among other things, a six night, 13 hour prime time lineup with programming such as America‘s
Next Top Model, Gossip Girl, Everybody Hates Chris, Smallville and Supernatural, as well as a
five—hour block of animated children‘s programming on Saturday mornings. The CW currently
is carried by affiliated television stations covering approximately 94% of U.S. television


                       Application for Permit to Deliver Programs to Foreign Broadcast Station
                                                                                FCC Form 308
                                                                                     Item 9(b)
                                                                                     Exhibit 3

                                         MEDIA INTERESTS

       Time Wamer Inc. ("TWI"), the ultimate parent company of one of the 50% shareholders
of The CW Network, LLC ("The CW"), also is the uitimate parent entity of Superstation, Inc.,
the licensee of WPCH—TV, Atlanta, Georgia (FIN: 64033).

           Richard D. Parsons, the Chairman of the Board of TWI, is a member of the Board of
Trustees of Howard University, the licensee of non—commercial, educational television broadcast
station WHUT—TV (FIN: 27772), and radio station WHUR—FM (FIN: 65707), both licensed to
Washington, D.C.

           Patricia Fili—Krushel, an executive officer of TWI, is also a trustee of Fordham
University, the licensee of noncommercial, educational station WFUV(FM), New York, NY
(FIN: 22033).

           Michael A. Miles, a director of TWI, is a life trustee ofNorthwestern University, the
licensee of noncommercial, educational station WNUR—FM, Evanston, IL (FIN: 49779). Mr.
Miles also is a director of Citadel Broadcasting Corporation, the indirect parent company of the
licensee of numerous radio broadcast stations, a listing of which may be found at

        CBS Corporation, the ultimate parent company of the other 50% shareholder of The CW,
holds the media interests as depicted on the attached chart. No directors or executive officers of
CBS hold attributable interests in any media property, other than those attributable to CBS itself.


                                                             Other Media Interests‘

    HICENSEE                                  KC:T               Lexpr sign :          CN CY orLtcENsE_
    CBS Cnrporntmu2                        25456                 WBZTV/NBZ—DT                  Boston, MA
            ({i/a Viacom Inc.)             25455                 WIZ—TVINIZ—DT                 Baltimore, MD
                                           73982                 WSBK—TV                       Boston, MA
    CBS Operations Inc."                   74112                 wIOG                          St. Petersburg, FL
       ({Wita Viacom                       70416                 WBXI—CA                       Indianapolis, IN                Class A TV
       International Inc.)                 74113                 W2sCN                         Scbring, FL                     TV Translator
                                           74116                 Ww6lAK                        Invemness, FL                   TV Translator
    The CW Television Stations             9762                  WOGNT                         Portsmouth, VA                  TV
    Inc.*                                  23428                 KSTW                          Tacoma, WA                      TV
                    .                      23421                 Ké2FS                         Port Townsend, WA               TV Translator
    Sucramento Television                  51499                 KMAX—TV                       Sacramento, CA                  TV
    Stations Inc. °                        56550                 KOVR                          Stockton, CA                    TV
        ({i/a Vircom Television
        Stations Group of
            Sacramento Inc.}
    Atlanta Television Station             6900                  WUPA                          Atlanta, GA                     TV
    WUPA Inc.®
       (MMc/a VincomStations
       Group of Atianta Inc.}
    Miami Television Station               12497                 WBES—TV                       Miami, FL                       TV
    WBFS Inc.‘
            ({/kia Viacom Stations
        Group of Miami Inc.)
    Philadelphia Television Station 12499                        WPSG                          Philadelphia, PA                TV
    WPSG Inc.*
       ({ic/a ViacomStations
       Group of Philadelphia Inc.)
    Detroit Television Station     51570                         WKBD                          Detroit, ML                     TV
    WKBD Inc.
       ({ic/a Viacom Stations
       Group of Detroit Inc.)
    Television Station KTXA                51517                 KTXA                          Fort Worth, TX                  TV
        ({/ii/a Viacom Television
        Stations Group of
        Dallas/Fort Worth L.P.)

!              This list includes mainstations (TV, AM and PM), TV and PM translators, LPTV stations and Fibooster stations.

*              CBS Corporation, ("CBS Corp.") is ultimately controlled by Sumner Redstone through two corperations, National Amuséments Inc. and
NAIRT, Inc. NAIRL Inc. owns a majority ofthe votingstack of CBS Corp. and is a wholly—owned subsidiary of National Amusements, Inc.
*              CBS Operations Inc. ("CO1") is a wholly—owned subsidiary of CBS Corp.
               The CW Televisions Stations Inc. is a whalty—owned subsidiary of COL

$              Sacramento Television Stations Inc. isa wholly—owned subsidiary of COI and CBS Radio Inc. of Los Angeles.

6              Atlanta Television Station WUPA Inc. is a wholly—owned subsidiary of COL

?              Miami Television Station WBFS Inc. is a wholly—owned subsidiary of COL.

8              Philadeiphia Television Station WPSG fnc, is a wholly—owned subsidiary of COL
9              COI owns 99% of the equity of Detroit Television Station WKBD Inc.

10       Television Station KTXA L.P. is a Delaware limited partnership ("L.P.") which is an entity indivectly wholly—owned by CBS Corp. The
99% limited partner in the L.P. is Television Stations Group Partner[ LLC. The 1% general partner is Television Stations Group Partner I Inc.

                                                               Other Media Interests

    Pirtsburgh TelevisumStmon                69830                                            Jeanets, PA
    WPCW Inc."
              (fMca Viacom Stations
        Group of Pittsburgh Inc.)
    Los Angeles Television Station |21422                          KCAL—TIV                   Los Angales, CA                  TV
             ({ica Viacom Television
             Stations Group of Los
             Angeles LLC)
    San Francisco Television                 G9619                 KBCW                       San Frenciseo, CA                TV
    Station KBCW Inc."
       ({/k/a Viacom Television
      Stations Group of San
      Francisco Inc.)                                                                                            :‘
    CBS Broadensting Inc.‘*                 9628                  KCBS—TV/KCBS—DT            Los Angelss, CA                   TV
    j                                       9632                  Keco—Tv"                    Alexandria, MN                   TV
                                            9640                   Kcow—Ty"                   Walket, MN                       TV
                                            25454                 KDKA—TV/IKDKA—DT           Pitsburgh, PA                     TV
                                           125432 —               KPLX—TV/KEE—DT —           San—Frenciseq, CA                TY .
                                            25453                 KYW—IV/IKYW—DT             Philadeiphia, PA                  TV
                                            9617                  WSBM—TVINSBM—DT            Chicago, IL                       TV
                                            9610                  WCBS—TV/NCBS—DT            |New York, NY                     TV
                                            9628                  WCCO—TV/WCCO—DT            Minnespolis, MN                   IV
                                            72123                 WWI—TVIWWI—DT              Detroit, MI                       TV

ECBSStnnons Group of Texas,                  |23422               KTVIKIVI—DT                Ft. Work. TX                     IV
  LP."                                      .                     209                        .                                Tv
{CBS Television Stations Inc.‘"             |47903                KCNC—TV/IKCNC—DT           |Denver, CO                       TV
|            ‘                              47902                 WEOR—TY/WEOR—DT            Miarai, 2L                  h.   .ETV,
         —                                                                                        * u.                          A ks
Mony s Pittsburgh Telsvision Station WPCW Inc. is a wholly—owned subsidiary of Detroit Television Station WKBD Inc.

1t      Los Angeles Television Station KCAL LLC ("Los Angeles Telavision") is a limited Habllity company, the sole member of which is
Wastinghouse CBS Holding Company, Inc. ("Wesdnghouse CBS"), whichis a wholly—owned subsidiary of CB3 Corp.

5               San Francisco Television Station KBCW Inc. is a wholly—owned subsidiary ofDetroit Televisian Station WEKBD Inc.

                CBS Broadensting Inc. is wholly—owned by Westinghouse CSS. CBS Corp. owns 100% ofthe voting stock of Westinghouse CBS.

                KCCO—TV is operated as a satellite station ofWCCO—TV.

                KCCW—TV is operated as a satellite station ofWCCO—TV.

        5L     The two parmers of£CBS Stations Group ofTexes, L.P. ate CBS Dalias Ventures, Inc. and CBS Dailas Media, Inc., x:utb wholly—owned by
bistsl Corp. The former is the sole general partmer and the laiter is the sole limited partaer ofthe Hicensee ofKTVT(TV) :
               CBS Television Stetfons Inc. is a wholly—owned subsidiary of CS Brosdcasting Inc. CBS Broadcasting Inc. is a wholly—owned subsidiary
if Westinghouse CBS.

                                                       Other Media Interests

CBS Radio Media                      96542                 WCCo                       Minneapolis, MN                 AM
Cm’pmtnficm:’5                        9641                  WLTE                       Minneapolis, MN                 FM
CBS Radio East Inc."                 9637                  KCBS                       San Francisco, CA               AM
                                     25443                 KDKA                       Pittsburgh, PA                  AM
                                     25457                 KFWB                       Los Angeles, CA                 AM /
                                     9638                  KMOX                       St. Louls, MO                   AM C
                                     9616                  KNX                        Los Angeles, CA                 AM
                                     25458                 KYCY                       San Franciseo, CA               AM
                                     25441                 KEYW                       Philadelphia, PA                AM
                                     63775                 WAOK                       Aflanta, GA                     AM
                                     9631                  WBBM                       Chicago, IL                     AM
                                     25444                 WBZ                        Boston, MA                      AM
                                     9636                  WCBS                       New York, NY                    AM
                                     28617                 WFAN                       New York, NY                    AM
                                     25451                 WINS                       New York, NY                    AM
                                     9634                  WPHT                       Philadelphia, PA                AM
                                     25445                 WSCR                       Chicago, IL                     AM
                                     9621                  WWI                        Detoit, MI                      AM

CBS Radio East Inc. .                9612                  KCBS—FM                    Los Angeles, CA                 FM
{cont‘d)                             18510                 KITS                       San Francisco, CA               FM
     —                               18524                 KITS—FM1                   Walnut Creek, CA                FM Booster
                                     18521                 KITS—FM2                   Pleasantan, CA                   FM Booster
                                     18519                 KITS—FM3.                  San Francisco, CA                FM Booster

as       CBS Radio Media is a wholly—owned subsidiary of CBS Radio Inc. #k/a Infinity Brasdcasting Corporation ("CBS"), which is a wholly—
owned subsidiary of CBS Brondessting Inc.
1        CBS Radio East nc. is a wholly—owned subsidiary of CBS Radio East Holdings Corporation, itself a wholly—owned subsidiay of CBS
Ratio Media.

                                                            Other Media Interests

LIGENS                                                  s         ABESICN                           ELICENS           ERVICE:~_
CBS Radio East Inc.                      18526                  KITS—FM4                    Antioch, C               FM Booster
{cont‘d)                                 9624                   KLLC                        San Francisco, CA        FM
                                          9633                  KLLC—FM1                    San Ramon/Dublin, CA     FM Booster
                                          25075                 KLSX                        Los Angeles, CA          FM
                                          28631                 KRTH                        Los Angeles, CA          FM
                                          25437                 KTWV                        Los Angeles, CA          FM
                                          9619                  WTGB—FM                     Bethesda, MD             FM
                                         9613                   WBBM—FM                     Chicago, IL              FM
                                          9611                  WCBS—FM                     New York, NY             FM
                                          72177                 WLZL                        Annapolis, MD            FM
                                         9618                   WEKRK—FM                    Detroit, MI              FM
                                         25442                  WWES                        New York, NY             FM
                                         9639                   wODs                        Boston, MA               FM
                                         9622                   wOGL                        Philadelphia, PA         FM
                                         63776                  WVEE                        Atlanta, GA              FM
                                         25448                  WVMV                        Detroit, MI              EM
                                         58579                  WXRK                        New York, NY             FM
                                         16853                  WXRT—FM                     Chicago, IL              FM
          .                              28628                  wyYSP                       Philadelphia, PA         FM
CBS Radio Inc. of Atlanta"‘               13805                 wZGC                        Atlanta, GA              FM
CBS Radio Inc. ofBoston:"                 13806                 WZLX                        Boston, MA               FM

CBS Radio Inc. of Chicago""               |28620                WUSN                        Chicago, IL              FM
CBS Radio Inc. ofDetroit"                |28627                 wWXYT                       Detroit, M           *   AM           ~
CBS Radio Inc. ofFlorida"‘                |28619                wWQYK—FM                    St. Petersburg, FL       FM
CBS Radio Inc. ofHiinois"                 |28621                WIMK                        Chicago, IL              FM
                                         4653                   WMEFS                       Bartleit, TN             FM
CBS.Radio Inc. of Los                     28622                 KROQ—FM                     Pasadena, CA             FM
CBS Radio Inc. of Maryland""              28632                 WPGC—FM                     Morningside, MD          FM
CBS Radio Inc. of Michigan"               |28623                WOME                        Detroit, MI              FM
                                          1089                  wYCD                        Detroit, ML              FM
 CBS Radio Inc. of                        28626                 WIP                         Philadelphia, PA         AM
 CBS Radio Inc. of Tampa‘"                28629                 WQYK                        Seffner, FL              AM

x             CBS Radio Int. of Attanta fsa wholly—owned subsidiary of CBS Redio Media.
*             CBS Radio Inc. ofBostonis a wholly—owned subsidiary of CBS Radio Media,
2             CBS—Radio Inc. of Chicago is a wholly—owned subsidiary of CBS Radio Media.
3°            CBS Radio Inc. of Detroit is a wholly—owned subsidiary of CBS Rudio Media.

*             CBS Radio Inc. of Florida is a wholly—owned subsidiary of CBS Radio Media.

4             CBS Radio Iic. of Hlinois is a wholly—owned subsidiary of CBS Radio Media.
»             CBS Radio Inc. of Los Angeles is a wholly—owned subsidiary of CBS Radio Media.
*    .0       CBS Radio Tug. of Maryland is a wholly—owned subsidiary of CBS Radio Media.
35            CBS Radio Inc. of Michigan is a wholly—owned subsidiary of CBS Radio Media.
36            CBS Radio Inc.of Philadelphia is a wholly—owned subsidiary of CBS Radio Metia.

4             CBS Rudio Inc. of Tampais a wholly—owned subsidiary of CBS Radio Media.

                                                            Other Media Interests

     SEn                                   A                             1G                 Cimm:orEerNs
 CBS Radio Inc. of                      28625                   WIEK—FM                    Manassas, VA
 Washington, D.C."
 CBS Radio Holdings Corp. of            |71283                  WCKG                       Elmwood Park, IL                  FM
 CBS Radio KMYQ—FM, Inc." |1084                                KMVQ—FM                     San Francisco, CA                 FM
                                        1090                   KMVQ—FM3                    Wainut Creek, CA                 FM Booster
 TexasCBS Radio                         25450                  KIKK                        Pasadena, TX                     AM
 Broadeasting L.P."                     25440                  KT                          Houston, TX                      AM
                                        59820                  KRLD                        Dallas, TX                       AM
                                        25449                  KHJZ—FM                     Houston, TX                      FM
                                        25439                  KILT—FM                     Houston, TX                      FM
                                        63779                  KIKK                        Dallas, TX                       FM
                                        1087                   KLU                         Dalls, TX                        FM
                                        67195                  KLUV                        Dellas, TX                       FM
                                        23440                  KMVK                        Fort Worth, TX                   FM
                                        28624                  KVIL                        Dallas, TX                       Ei
 CBS Radio WLIF, Inc."                  28637                  WLIF                        Bultimore, MD                    FM
 CBS Radio WLIF—AM, Inc."               |28636                 WIFK                        Baltimore, MD                    AM
 CBS Radio WPGC(AM), Inc." 28638                               WPGC                        Morningside, MD                  AM

 CBS Radio Inc. of                      63778                  wWQsSR                      Baltimore, MD                    FM
 Chesapeake *
 Hemisphere Broadenasting               26897                  WBCN                        Boston, MA                       FM
 The Audio House, Inc."                 54425                  KZIK                        St. Louis Park, MN               FM

38         CBS Radio Inc. of Washington, D.C, is a wholly—owned subsidiary of CBS Radio Media.
           CBS Radio Holdings Corp. of Orlando is a whoily—owned subsidiary of CBS Radio Media:
        CBS Radio KMVQ—FM, Inc., is a wholly—owned subsidigry CBS Radio Inc. of Northem California, which is a whoily—6wned subsidiary of
CBS Radio Inc. of Los Angeles, whichis a wholly—owned subsidiary of CBS Radio Media.
           The limited partner ofTexas CBS Radio Broadcasting L.P. ("Texas LP") is CBS Radio Partner I Iinc. ("Partner 1"), and the general partner
of Texas LP is CBS Radio Texas Pariner IL Inc. ("Partner [1"). Both Parmér I and ParnerII are wholly—owned subsidiaries of CBS Radio Inc.

"*   0_   CBS Radio WLIF, Inc., is a wholly—owned subsidiary of CBS Radio Inc. 6f Baltimore, whichis wholly—owned by CBS Radio Inc. of
Maryland, itself a wholly—owned subsidiary of CBS Radio Media.
         CBS Radio WLIF—AM, Inc., is a wholly—owned subsidiary of CBS.Redio Inc. of Baitimore, which is wholly—owned by CBS Radio Inc. of
Maryland, ftself a wholly—owned subsidiary of CBS Radio Media.

i        CBS Radio WPGC(AM), Inc., is a wholly—owned subsidiary of CBS Radio Inc. of Maryland, itself a wholly—owned subsidimy of CBS
Radio Media.
         CBS Radio Inc. of Chesapeake is a wholly—owned subsidiary of CBS Radio Holdings Corp. of Chesapeake, itself a wholly—owned
subsidiary of CBS Radio Media.
           Hemisphere Broadeasting Corporationis a wholly—owned subsidiary of CBS Radio Media.
           The Audio House, Inc. is a wholly—owned subsidiary of CBS Rudio Media.

                                                       Other Media Interests

 EICEnse                                                                                               '
 CBS Radio Stations Inc.*           72716                  KRAK                Hesporia, CA          AM
                                    41745                  KSFN                North Las Vegas, NV   AM
                                    26926                  KCMD                Portland, OR          AM
                                    33068                  KXNT                North Las Vegas, NV   AM
                                     19185                 WMC                 Memphis, TN           AM
                                    66464                  WTIC                Hartford, CT          AM
                                    59972                  KWLL                Broomfield, CO        FM
                                    1241                   KFRG                San Bemardino, CA     FM
                                    20897                  KFRC—FM             San Franciseo, CA     FM
                                    59597                  KIMN                Denver, CO            FM
                                    59600                  KIMN—FMI            Boulder, CO           FM Booster
                                    53068                  KINK                Portland, OR          FM
                                    47744                  KLUC—FM             Las Vegas, NV         FM
                                    59965                  KMLE                Chandler, AZ          FM
                                    51676                  KMXB                Henderson, NV         FM
                                    12560                  KKH                 Henderson, NV         FM
                                    13506                  KOOL—FM             Phoenix, AZ           FM
                                    59816                  KSCF                San Diego, CA         FM
                                    63201                  KLQB                Taylor, TX            FM
                                    26932                  KUFO—FM             Portland, OR          FM
                                    TA                     KVFG                Victorville, CA       FM
                                    12551                  KVMX                Banks, OR             FM
                                    63912                  KXFG                Sun City, CA          FM
                                    59959                  KXKL—FM             Denver, CO            FM
                                    59955                  KXKL—FM1            Boulder, CO           FM Booster
                                    2100                   KXTE                Pahrump, NV           FM
                                    72116                  KYMX                Sacramento, CA        FM
                                    51671                  KYXY                San Diego, CA         FM
                                    63913                  KZON                Phoenix, AZ           FM
                                    65481                  KZZO                Sacremento, CA        FM
                                    51674                  K232CO              Boulder City, NV      FMTranslator
                                    26927                  K269AE              Boulder, CO           FM Translator
                                    51673                  K272DD              Pahrump, NV           FM Translator
                                    40915                  wyYGY               Ft. Thomas, KY        FM
                                    1901                   WBMX                Boston, MA            FM
                                    1905                   WCMEF—FM            Rochester, NY         FM
                                    28525                  WDOK                Cleveland, OH         FM

 CBS Radio Stations Inc.            29567                  WEAT—FM             West Palm Beach, FL   FM
 (cont‘d)                           72126                  WOGRR               Hamilton, OH          FM
                                    1918                   WIRK—FM             West Palm Beach, FL   FM
                                    24143                  WNEW                Jupiter, FL           FM
                                    73137                  WIHM                Daytona Beach, FL     FM
                                    11276                  WKRQ                Cincinnati, OH        FM
                                    18527                  WLLD                Holmes Beach, FL      FM
                                    25756                  WMBX                Jensen Beach, FL      FM
                                    59449                  WMC—FM              Memphis, TN           FM
                                    10138                  wOCL                Deland, FL            FM
                                    47746                  WOMX—FM             Orlando, FL           FM
                                    1246                   WPBZ                Indiantown, FL        FM
                                    53966                  WPXY—FM             Rochester, NY         FM
                                    66465                  WTIC—FM             Hartford, CT          FM
                                    10140                  WUBE—FM             Cincinnati, OH        FM
                                    74196                  WWMX                Baltimore, MD         FM
        CBS Radin Stations Inc. is a subsidiary of CBS Radio Media.

                                                        Other Media Interests

HICENSEE                               A                  Téeabpsien _ ~——IC                  Or EiCEns® _ ‘TsER
CBS Radio Stations Inc.              14473                  WKRI                       Cleveland Heights, OH            FM
(cont‘d)                             1916                   WHEFS                      Catonsville, MD                  FM
                                     18512                  wYyUU                      Safety Harbor, FL                FM
                                     1900                   WZMX                       Hartford, CT                     FM
                                     6859                   WZNE                       Brighton, NY                     FM
                        :            72889                  WQAL                       Cleveland, OH                    FM
                                     11943                  WRBQ—FM                    Tamps, FL                        FM
                                     1910                   WRCH                       New Britain, CT                  FM
                                     1907                   WRMM—FM                    Rochester, NY                    FM
                                     51987                  WSIT                       Lakeland, FL                     FM
 CBS Radio Holdings, Inc."           20352                  KHTK                       Sacramento, CA                   AM
                                     6387                   KPTK                       Seatile, WA                      AM
                                     53974                  WENZ                       Charlotte, NC                    AM
                                     87037                  WENA                       Charlotte, NC                    Expanded band AM
                                     27020                  KBKS—FM                    Tacoma, WA                       FM
                                     13507                  KEZK—FM                    St. Louis, MO                    FM
                                     11747                  KEZN                       Palm Desert, CA                  FM
                                     20356                  KMPS—FM                    Seattle, WA                      FM
                                     20353                  KNCLI                      Sacramento, CA                   FM
                                     11273                  KQIK                       Roseville, CA                    FM
                                     20358                  KYKY                       St. Louis, MO                    FM
                                     1091                   KJIAQ                      Seattle, WA                      FM
                                     20357                  KZOK—FM                    Seattle, WA                      FM
                                     6587                   WBAV—FM                    Gastonia, NC                     FM
                                     20350                  WTZN—FM                    Pittsburgh, PA                   FM
                                     18525                  WDSY—FM                    Pittsburgh, PA                   FM
                                     53975                  WNKS                       Charlotte, NC                    FM
                                     6586                   WPEG                       Concord, NC                      FM
                                     20339                  WSOC—FM                    Charlotte, NC                    FM _
                                     20338                  WKQC                       Charlotte, NC                    FM
                                     20351                  WZPT                       New Kensington, PA               FM
                                     18514                  W29SAE                     New Brighton, PA                 FM Transiator
 CBS Radio ofCleveland Inc.""        |41390                 WNCX                       Cleveland, OH                    FM

 CBS Radio of Portland Inc.‘          |}4115                KLTH                       Lake Oswego, OR                  FM
                                     4114                   KUPL—FM                    Portland, OR                     FM
 CBSZRadio of Sacramento             59598                  KSFM                       Woodland, CA                     FM
Texas CBS Radio L.P."                1243                   KJCE                       Rollingwood, TX                  AM
                                     48651                  KAMX                       Luling, TX                       FM
                                     66489                  KKMI—FM                    Austin, TX                       FM
         CBS Radio Holdings, Inc. is a wholly—owned subsidiary of CBS Radio Suations Inc., itself a subsidiary of CBS Radio Media.
so       CBS Radio of Cleveland Tnc. ("CBS Cleveland") is a wholly—owned subsidiary of CBS Radio Stations Imc.
         CBS Radio of Portland Inc. ("CBS Portiand") is a wholly—owned subsidiary of CBS Cleveland.
         CBS Radio of Sacramento Inc. ("CBS Sacramento") is a wholty—owned subsidiary of CBS Cleveland.
         Texas CBS Radio L.P. ("Texas CBS") is a limited partnership that is an indirect wholly—owned subsidiary of CBS Corp. The 99%limited
parmer of Texas CBS is CBS Sacramento. The 1% general partner of Texas CBS is CBS Portland.

                                                          Other Media Interests

           :                                     :NO,           KBEsign _ _ ——[eiFY.ORLCENsE —_~SERVICE___
 Caballero Acquisition Inc.""          38562                  KGBS—CA                    Austin, TX                        Class A TV
                                       17830                  KGMM—CA                    San Antonio, TX                   Class A TV
                                       18740                  KZMM—CA                    Fresno, CA                        Class A TV
                                       30977                  KMMC—LP                    San Francisco, CA                 LPTV
                                       18733                  KMMD—CA                    Salinas, CA                       Class A TV
                                       58616                  KMMA—CA                    San Luis Obispo, CA               Class A TV
                                       18736                  KMUM—CA                    Sacramento, CA                    Class A TV
                                       18744                  KMMW—LP                    Stockton, CA                      LPTV
                                       18748                  KQMM—CA                    Santa Maria, CA                   Class A TV
                                       18741                  KVMM—CA                    Santa Barbara, CA                 Class A TV

&         Cabaliero Acquisition Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Viacom Intermmional Inc., which in turn is a wholly—owned subsidiary of
ViacomInc. Viacom Inc. is ultimately controlled by Sumnmer Redstone through two corporations, National Amusemenis Inc. and NAIRI, Inc.
NAIRL Inc. owns a majority of the vating stock of Vircom Tnc. and is a whotly—owned subsidiary of National Amusements, fne,

                      Application for Permit to Deliver Programs to Foreign Broadcast Station
                                                                                  FCC Form 308
                                                                                        Item 16
                                                                                      Exhibit 4

                                     PROGRAM DELIVERY

           Programs will be delivered to commercial television station XETV, whichis licensed to
Tiuana, Baja California, Mexico. The maximum visual effective radiated power ("ERP") of
XETV‘s analog transmitter on Channel 6 is 100 kW, and the maximum visual ERP of XETY‘s
digital transmitter on Channel 23 is 403 kW. Both transmitters are located on Mount Saint
Antonio in Tifuana. XETV is licensed to Radio Television, S.A. de C.V., a subsidiary of
Mexican corporation Grupo Televisa, S.A.B. ("Grupo Televisa"). Pursuant to an agreement on
file at the Commission, a separate subsidiary of Grupo Televisa, Bay City Television, Inc. ("Bay
City"), a California corporation, is the programming and sales representative of XETV. An
application for the renewal of Bay City‘s existing authority to transmit programming
electronically to XETV for broadcast into the U.S. was granted on June 30, 2008 for a five year
period expiring on June 30, 2013 (FCC File No. 325—RWL—20080505—00002).


                   Application for Permit to Deliver Programs to Foreign Broadcast Station
                                                                            FCC Form 308
                                                                                  Item 17
                                                                                       Exhibit 5

                                  LEGAL RELATIONSHIP

        The applicant, The CW Network, LLC ("The CW") and Bay City Television, Inc. ("Bay
City"), which, as indicated in Exhibit 4, provides programming and advertising sales services to
XETV pursuant to a separate Agreement that is on file at the Commission, have completed
negotiations on an agreement whereby The CW would deliver programming to XETV, effective
August 1, 2008. Once an Affiliation Agreement between The CW and Bay City is fully
executed, a copy will be provided to the Commission.


                      Application for Permit to Deliver Programs to Foreign Broadcast Station
                                                                                   FCC Form 308
                                                                                    Items 18(a—b)
                                                                                         Exhibit 6

                               NATURE OF THE PROGRAMMING

        The CW Network, LLC ("The CW") intends to deliver a total of approximately 30 hours
per week of English—language programming to be broadcast on XETV, 52 weeks per year, likely
for a four year period. All programming will be in English and intended to serve San Diego,
California and the surrounding area.

           Specifically, approximately 13 hours of the programming will be delivered during the
"prime time" hours between Sunday and Saturday, approximately 12 hours per week will be
delivered during weekday afternoons, and approximately 5 hours of animated programming
directed at children will be delivered each Saturday morning. The CW‘s evening schedule
includes such popular series as America‘s Next Top Model, Beauty.and The Geek, Everybody
Hates Chris, Friday Night Smackdown, Smallville, Gossip Girl, Aliens in America, Reaperand
Life is Wild. In the Fall of 2008, The CW anticipates broadcasting several new series, including
90210 and Privileged.

        As a reflection of the adult 18—34 year—old audience it targets, The CW also strives to be a
socially—responsible company with initiatives such as its "Free 2 B Green" environmental
campaign, for which the network has partnered with the Natural Resources Defense Council and

       A leader in children‘s programming, Kids* WB! provides a unique destination for kids.
Kids* WB! has been the broadcast home for such cornerstone hits as the blockbusters Pokémon
and Fu—Gi—Oh!, Emmy® Award—winners Xfaolin Showdown and The Batman, culturally diverse
series Jackie Chan Adventures and Mucha Lucha! Gigante, and breakout hits Shaggy & Scooby—
Doo Get A Clue! and Legion ofSuper Heroes, The CW offers a website,,
where children and their parents can find more information about Kids‘ WB! programming.



          1, Dennis Dort, Vice President, Legal and aftomey—in—fact for The CW Network, LLC

("The CW"), hereby certify that:

          (1) All statements in the foregoing request for a Permit to Deliver Programs to Foreign

Broadcast Stations (FCC Form 308) are true; combplete, and correct to the best of my knowledge

and belief, and are made in good faith;

          {2) No party to this application is subject to a denial of federal benefits pursuant to

Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C.§ 853(a); and

          {3) The CW will comply with the public notice requirements set forth in Section

73.3580(c) of the Commission‘s rules.

                                                       Dennis Dort       4
                                                       Vice President, Legal, and Attorney—in—fact
                                                       The CW Network, LLC

          3J1y 3,
DATE: Jane22, 2008


Document Created: 2008-07-08 14:10:29
Document Modified: 2008-07-08 14:10:29

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