Attachment 325 c XHAS-Telemundo

This document pretains to 325-STA-20061031-00008 for Special Temporal Authority on a Permit to Foreign Broadcast filing.


WILLKIE FARR & GALLAGHERLLP                                                         1875 K Street, NW.
                                                                                    Washington, DC 20006-1238
                                                                                    Tel: 202 303 1000
                                                                                    Fax: 202 303 2000
  January31, 2011

                                                        JAN       1   ?fl11
                                                 Federa' Communicaons Commission
                                                        Office of the Secretary
  Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
  Federal Communications Commission
  445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
  Room TW-A325
  Washington, D.C. 20554

         Re:     IBFS File No. 325-NE W-20100422-00003

  Dear Ms. Dortch:

          Comcast Corporation hereby submits the enclosed notification with respect to the above-
  referenced Section 325(c) permit to deliver programmirg to a broadcast station in a foreign

         Please contact me at (202) 303-1141 or rnjones(willkie.corn with any questions
  regarding this submission.

                                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                       C     -   /_________

                                                  Michael G. Jones

                                                  Counselfor Comcast Corporation


  cc:    Karl Kensinger, FCC International Bureau
         Linda Pintro, FCC International Bureau


                                                                  1299 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
                                                                  9Th Floor
                                                                  Washington, D.C. 20004
                                                                  Tel: 202-637-4262
                                                                  FAX: 202-637-4448

                                                                  April23, 2010


Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communicatiqns Commission
445 Twelfth Street, S.W., Room TW-A325
Washington, DC. 20554

        Re:      NBC Telemundo License Co.
                 Television Station XHAS(TV), Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico
                 Request to Extend Special Temporary Authority
                  to Deliver Programs to Foreign Broadcast Station, 47 U.S.C. § 325(c)

        Aftn: International Bureau

Dear Madam Secretary:

         In accordance with requirements under Section 325(c) of the Communications Act of 1934, as
amended, NBC Telemundo License Co. ("NBC Telemundo"), licensee of multiple U.S. full-power television
stations affiliated with the Telemundo broadcast network (the 'Telemundo Network") and under common
control with the Telemundo Network, hereby requests the Commission to extend its Special Temporary
Authority (325-STA-20061031-00008, granted November 3, 2009) ("STA"), to deliver program material
from the Telemundo Network to Mexican Television Broadcast Station XHAS(TV), Tijuana, Baja California,
Mexico (the "Station"). The signals are consistently received within the United States. NBC Telemundo
has submitted through U.S. Bank an application on Form 308 for Section 325(c) authority. A copy of FCC
Form 308 is attached hereto.

         The Station functions as a Telemundo Network affiliate, primarily carrying Telemundo Network
programming (along with some local programming). The Telemundo Network is a full service Spanish
language programmer, providing a full slate of news, informational and entertainment programming, as well
as Spanish-language children's informational and educational programming meeting the requirements of
the Children's Television Act as implemented by the Commission. Grant of this extension request will allow
the Telemundo Network to maintain its coverage in the San Diego-Tijuana area, including its news
coverage, and to better serve the needs of the Hispanic community. During the term of the current STA,
there have been no complaints of interference or other technical problems received by the Station.
Accordingly, grant of the requested authorization will serve the public interest.


    The Secretary
    April 23, 2010
    Page 2

            Accordingly, NBC Telemundo requests the Commission extend temporary Section 325(c) authority
    pending Commission action on our Form 308 submission. Please contact me if you have any questions
    regarding this matter.

                                                          Respectfully submitted,

                                                          NBC TELEMUNDO LICENSE CO.

                                                             Margaret L. Tobey
                                                             Its Assistant Secretary

    cc:    Station's Public Inspection File
           Ms. Janice Shields


                                                                                             fl4R)          CQ/
        RI. No.
                                                                                         USBANKIFCC APR2 22010
                                                     United Stats. of America
                                               Federal Communications Commission
                                                      Washington, D.C.

                        (Carefully read instructions before fifing out Form-RETURN ONLY FORM TO FCC)

      1. Name of applicant            Street Address or P. 0. Box           City State   ZIP Code          Telephon. No.
         NBC Telemundo                 1299 Pennsylvania Aye, NW            Washington DC 20004            (Inciud. area code
           License Co.                9 th Floor                                                          202-637-4262

      Z Name and address to whom communication should be sent if different from item 1.
        Name                         Street Address or P.O. Box            City      Stats    ZIP Cods    Telephon. No.
                                                                                                          (lnchjde area code)
          Margaret L. Tobey                                same as above

  3. Legal identity of applicant: (only check on. box)
     0 IndMduai         0 Partnership           Corporation         0 Government Entity         0 Other
    If Other specify:

  4. Application is for:
                              New AuthorIzation                       0 ExtensIon of Existing Authority
  5. If applicant is an individual, Is applicant a citizen of the United States?        D/N/A             0 YES 0 NO
 6. If applicant is a partnership, are all partners citizens of the United States?      D/N/A             DYES DNO
 7. If Applicant is a corporation:

       a. Under laws of what state was it organized?

       b. Is more than one-fifth of the capital stock of the corporation owned of record or may it
           be voted by aliens or their representatives or by a foreign government or representative
           thereof, or by any corporation organized under the laws of a foreign country?                  DYES 2N0
      c. Is any officer or director of the corporation an alien?                                          DYES JNO
         If the answer is Yes, give the following for each:

         Name                                   Nationality                                  Position

      d. Is applicant directly or Indirectly controlled by any other corporation?    See Exh i b it 1      3YES    Dic
         If the answer is Yes, give the following for the controlling corporation.

        Name                                  Address                                  Stats In which

     e. Is more than one-fourth of the capital stock of the controIng corporation either owned
        of record, or may ft be voted by elians, their representatives, or by a lor.3i government
        or representative thereof, or by any corporation organized under the laws of a foreign
        country?                                                                                         0 YES 0 NO
    f. Is any officer or more than one-fourth of the directors of th. corporation an allen?              0 YES     3 NO
       If the answer Is Yes, give the name, nationality, and posftloi of each,
       and give the total number of directors of th. corporation.
      Name                        Nationality                        Position                     Number of Directors

   g. is the above-described controlling corporation in turn a subsidiary?                              EYES ONO

      If the answer Is Yes, attach as Exhibit No. _i.. additional Information answering the
      holding company questions hi this paragraph for each company, to end includln9 the
      organization having ultimate control.
8. a. If the applicant is an unincorporated association, give the following:          D/N/A

              Total number of members                Number of AIion (If any)

  b. Stat, the following for alien officers or directors (if any):     D/ N/A

     Name                                     Nationality                                   Position

!CC XS(P.U. 2)

   9. a. What ii applicant's principal, business?
                                                            Television Broadcasting

        b. Does applicant Or any party to this application have any Interest in, or connectionwith,
           any AM, FM, or TV broadcast station (either domestic or forelgni, or any apøcadon
           pending before the commission?                                                                 f    YES       0     No
   •       if the answer is Yes, attach Exhibit No. L Mnq fuW particulars.
 10. Is applicant a repreasnthtive of in alien or of a foreign government?                             DYES ONo
           it the answer Is Yes, explain.

u.s. Has any radio station authorization previously Issued to the applicant or'party to this
     application been revoked, either by the Commission or by any court?                              O        YES             No
       b. Has any previous application by the applicant or party to this application been denied by
          thó Commission: or by a predecessor agency?                                                 0       YES             No
         If the answer to (a) and/or fbi is Yes, explain:

2.a. fIas applicant or any party to this application been found guilty by any court of any
       felony?                                                                                        0       YES             No
  b. Has applicant or any party to 'this application been fin8Ily ad)udged guilty by a federal
     court of the.,violatfon.of the laws of the United States relating to unlawful monopoly,
     restraint of tr*di, and/or unfair methods of competition?                                        0       YES    J        No
        If th. answer to (a) and/or (b) is Yes, explain.

                                                                                                      FCC                II


   13. Address of studio or other place at which programs will originate:

   14. State ownership of originating facilities.

   15. Describe th. means (wirelh,e, radio link, or. other method) whereby programs will be delivered, to foreign station(s),
       Including names of any interconnecting common carriers.
       Sate] lite uplink originatino from Telemundo Network Headqurtrs in Hialeah, Florida.

  16. GIve the location, type, nduthor1zed pa         of foreign station(s) to which programs will be dolhiered, and identify
      the licensee or operating          of
      XHAS-TV, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico, licensed to Tele Nacional S. de R.L. de C.V.;
       a Mexican company, and operated by Entravision Coninunication, pursuant to a tme
       brokerage agreemen            Channel 33, transmitter located. at 320 30' 17"N and 117 2' 25"W;
  17. Attach as Exhibit No.       a full explanation of the legal r&.tlonshlp btween th. applicant and foreign station(s) in-
      volved, including a copy of contact (if any) with foreign station(s).                                                 244

  18. (a) Attach as Exhibit No. ..L a statement as to whether program deliveries are to be intermittent or regularly
          scheduled, and ths average number of hours per day, veek end/or month during which the foreign station(s)
          involved will broadcast such programs.

       (li) Attach as Exhibit No.  ...L
                                      a detailed description of the nature and character of the programming proposed and
            the language to be employed.


      The APPLICANT acknowledges that all statements contained in this application and attached exhibits are material
 representations, end that the exhibits forming a part of this application ar incorporóted herein as if set out in full in the
 application. The undersigned certifies that the statements contained in this application are true, complete, and correct to
 the best of his/her knowledge and belief and are made In good faith.
                               2lStdayof            April                                  2010
  Margaret L. Tobey                                                 ByYO&j&At
                      (Nuns o AppIc.nt)                                                      (S1n.twJ

IWILLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS MADE ON THIS FORM                                    Assistant Secretary
   ARE PUNISHABLE BY FINE AND IMPRISONMENT.                                                    (17ff.)
       U.S. CODE, TITLE 18, SECTION 1001.
                                                                                 NBC Telemundo License Co.
EXHIBITS furnished as required by this form:
ExhIbit No.   Pars. .Io. of form      Nsn* of oHIo., or employ (1) by whom or (2) under                  OfficIal titi.
                                       whose d.cion xhIblt wss pr.par*d (show whIch)
   1               7d&g             Margaret. L. iobey                                       Assistant Secretary
   2               9b               Margaret L. Tobey                                        Assistant Secretary
   3          17, 18 a&b            Margaret L. Tobey                                        Assistant Secretary

   ,s p0. )

                                                                                  FCC Form 308
                                                                                       Exhibit 1
 Page 1 of 2

                                    Controlling Corporations                     _______ ______

  Name of Company                   Address               State in Which
                                                                                 ______ ______

 NBC Telemundo            1299 Pennsylvania Ave.,              Delaware
 License Co.              NW: 9th Floor
                                                                                   Yes     No
Is more than one-fourth of the capital stock of the controlling corporation                X
either owned of record, or may it be voted by aliens, their representatives,
or by a foreign government or representative thereof, or by any corporation
organized_under the_laws_of a_foreign_country?                                  _______ ______

Is any officer or more than one-fourth of the directors of the corporation an               X
alien? (If yes, provide name, nationality and position of each and total
number of directors of the corporation below.)           ___________________    _______ ______

         Name                     Nationality                   Position           Number of

                                   Controlling Corporations                     ______ _______

 Name of Company                   Address                State in Which
                                                            Organized           ______ ______

NBC Telemundo, Inc.      1299 Pennsylvania Ave.,              Delaware
                         NW; 9th Floor
                                                                                  Yes     No
Is more than one-fourth of the capital stock of the controlling corporation               x
either owned of record, or may it be voted by aliens, their representatives,
or by a foreign government or representative thereof, or by any corporation
organized_under_the_laws_of a_foreign_country?                                  ______ ______

Is any officer or more than one-fourth of the directors of the corporation an              X
alien? (If yes, provide name, nationality and position of each and total
number of directors of the corporation below.)                                  _______ _______

         Name                     Nationality                   Position          Number of

                                                                                      FCC Form 308
                                                                                          Exhibit 1
  Page 2 of 2

                                    Controlling Corporations                         _______ _______

   Name of Company                  Address
                                                           State in Which
                                                             Organized           1   _______ ______

  NBC Telem undo          1299 Pennsylvania Ave.,              Delaware
  HoldinQ Co.             NW; 9th Floor
                                                                                      Yes      No
 Is more than one-fourth of the capital stock of the controlling corporation                   X
 either owned of record, or may it be voted by aliens, their representatives,
 or by a foreign government or representative thereof, or by any corporation
 organized_under_the_laws_of a_foreign_country?                                  _______ _______

 Is any officer or more than one-fourth of the directors of the corporation an                 X
 alien? (If yes, provide name, nationality and position of each and total
 number of directors of the corporation below.)          ____________________    _______ _______

          Name                     Nationality                   Position              Number of

                                    Controlling Corporations
  N&iie of Company                   Address               State in Which
 General Electric        3135 Easton Turnpike                 New York
 Company                 Fairfield, CT 06431
                                                                                      Yes     No
  Is more than one-fourth of the capital stock of the controlling corporation                 X
 either owned of record, or may it be voted by aliens, their representatives,
 or by a foreign government or representative thereof, or by any corporation
 organized_under the_laws_of a_foreign_country?                                  _______ ______

 Is any officer or more than one-fourth of the directors of the corporation an        X
 alien? (If yes, provide name, nationality and position of each and total
 number of directors of the corporation below.)                                  _______________

          Name                     Nationality                   Position             Number of
_____________________ _________________________ ____________________                  Directors
 J.F. Lynch                 U.K.                          Senior Vice                     16
____________________ ________________________             Human    Resources     ______________

Sir William Castell         U.K.                          Director               _______________

Geoffrey Beattie            Canada                        Director               _______________

Andrea Jung               J Canada                        Director

                                                                FCC Form 308
                                                                Exhibit 2
Page lof 4

 Call Letters              Location         Facility ID      Class of Service
  WNBC(TV)               New York, NY        47535        Television Broadcast
  WNJU(TV}                 Linden, NJ        73333        Television Broadcast
  KNBC(TV)              Los Angeles, CA      47906.       Television Broadcast
  KVEA(TV)                Corona, CA         19783        Television Broadcast
  KWHY-TV               Los Angeles, CA      26231        Television Broadcast
  WSNS-TV                 Chicago, IL        70119        Television Broadcast
  WMAQ-TV                 Chicago, IL        47905        Television Broadcast
  WCAU(TV)              Philadelphia, PA      63153       Television Broadcast
  KNTV(TV)               San Jose, CA        35280        Television Broadcast
   KSTS(TV)              San Jose, CA        64987        Television Broadcast
  WNEU(TV)              Merrimack, NH        51864        Television Broadcast
  KXTX-TV         .         Dallas, TX       35994        Television Broadcast
  WRC-TV               Washington, DC        47904        Television Broadcast
  KTMD(TV)               Galveston, TX       64984        Television Broadcast
  KTAZ(TV}                Phoenix, AZ        81458        Television Broadcast
  WTVJ(TV)                 Miami, FL         63154        Television Broadcast
  WSCV(TV)            Fort Lauderdale, FL    64971        Television Broadcast
  WVIT(TV)              New Britain, CT      74170        Television Broadcast
  KVDA(TV)             San Antonio, TX       64969        Television Broadcast
  KNSO(TV)                Merced, CA         58608        Television Broadcast
  KHRR(TV)                Tucson, AZ         30601        Television Broadcast
  KDEN-TV               Longmont, CO         38375        Television Broadcast

                                                             FCC Form 308
                                                             Exhibit 2
Page 2 of 4

 Call Letters            Location         Facility ID     Class of Service
  WKAQ-TV               San Juan, PR        64983       Television Broadcast

                                                              FCC Form 308
                                                              Exhibit 2
Page 3 of 4

 Call Letters             Location         Facility ID     Class of Service
   KXAS-TV              Fort Worth, TX       49330       Television Broadcast
   KNSD(TV)             Son Diego, CA        35277       Television Broadcast

                                                                  FCC Form 308
                                                                  Exhibit 2
    Page 4 of 4

r    Call Letters
                               Location        Facility ID     Class of Service
       KBLR(TV)              Paradise, NV        63768       Television Broadcast

                                                                         FCC Form 308
                                                                             Exhibit 3

On November 3, 2009, the Federal Communications Commission granted NBC
Telemundo License Co. Special Temporary Authority ("STA") to deliver program
material from the Telemundo Network to Mexican Television Broadcast Station,
XHAS-TV, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico (the "Station"), the signals of which are
consistently received within the United States, in accordance with requirements
under Section 325(c) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. (File Number
325-STA-20061031-00008.) The Station is licensed to a Mexican Company, Tele
Nacional S. de R.L. de C.V., and is operated by U.S. company Entravision
Communications, pursuant to a time brokerage agreement.

The Station is to function as a Telemundo Network affiliate, primarily carrying
Telemundo Network programming (along with some local programming). The
Telemundo Network is a full service Spanish language programmer, providing a full
slate of news, informational and entertainment programming, as well as Spahish-
language children's informational and educational programming, meeting the
requirements of the Children's Television Act, as implemented by the Commission and
producing and distributing programming that is recognized to serve the public

The Commission has previously determined that the Station is eligible to receive
programming from U.S. entities and has concluded that the Station is operating
within its operating parameters and does not pose a risk of harmful interference.
See Public Notice, Permit to Deliver Programs to Foreign Broadcast Stations, Re:
Actions Taken, Report No. 325-00122 (January 7, 2008).

Grant of this application will allow the Telem undo Network to maintain its coverage in
the San Diego-Tuana area, including its news coverage, and to better serve the
needs of the Hispanic community.

                                                   FCC Form 308
                                                   Exhibit 3

                       ADDENDUM TO EXHIBIT 3

              (Confidential and proprietary information redacted)

                         PUBLIC NOTICE
                     445 12th STREET S.W.
      COAqMLS5\O'    WASHThGTON D.C. 20554

                         News media information 202-418-0500
                         Internet: (or
                         TTY (202) 418-2555

 Report No. 325-00142                                                                                      Tuesday November 3, 2009

                                                            RE: ACTIONS TAKEN
The Commission, by its International Bureau, took the following actions pursuant to delegated authority. The effective
dates of the actions are the dates specified.
325-STA-20061031-00008                                  NBC TELEMUNDO LICENSE CO.

Granted with conditions on November 3, 2009, the application for permit to deliver programming to NBC Telemundo License Co.
("LicenseCo"), which is the licensee of multiple U.S. full-power television stations affiliated with the Telemundo Broadcast network (the
"Telemundo Network'), under common control with the Telemundo Network, request for Special Temporaly Authority (STA) to deliver
program material from the Telemundo Network to Mexican Television Broadcast Station XHAS (TV)-Ch 33, Tijuana, Baja Califomia,
Mexico (the "Station"). Grant of this application will allow the Telemundo Network to maintain its coverage in the San-Diego-Tijuana
area and serve the needs of the Hispanic community.

This grant is effective November 3, 2009 for the period during which the Commission is processing NBC Telemundo's License Co.
("LicenseCO") application for regular authority or 180 days, whichever comes first.

Grain ut this STA I'cnnit is further conditioned upon the Mexican stations operation in full compliance with applicable treaties and related
provisions conceming electrical interference to U.S. broadcast stations.

This authorization is predicated on the use of a foreign station assignment, which must abide by the terms of the 1962 United
States-Mexico VHF Television Agreement. Hence, this program authorization applies only to the specific foreign station facilities which
are currently on file with the Commission as having been officially coordinated by the Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transportes (SCT)
in Mexico and subsequently approved by the Commission for operation. If the transmitter coordinates or technical operating parameters of
the foreign station are altered subsequent to this authorization or are found to be different from those currently on file and approved by the
Commission, this program authorization will be subject to immediate termination without right or hearing.

For more information concerning this Notice, contact Janice Shields at (202) 418-2153;; TTY

                                                                    Page 1 of 1

    *              *
                          PUBLIC NOTICE
                         44 12th STREET S.W.
                         WASHINGTON D.C. 20554

                         News media information 202-418-0500
                         Internet: (or
                         TTY (202) 418-2555

 Report No. 325-00146                                                                                              Tuesday May 4, 2010

                                                            RE: ACTIONS TAKEN
The Commission, by its International Bureau, took the following actions pursuant to delegated authority. The effective
dates of the actions are the dates specified.

 325-STA-20061031-00008                 P                  NBC Telemundo License Co.
 Special Temporary Authority
                                                                                                                     Date Effective:

 NBC Telemundo License Co.'s ("NBC Teleniundo") April 23, 2010, request for an extension of its Special Temporary Authority
 (325-STA-2006- 1031-00008), under Section 325 (c) and 309 (1) of the Communications Act to continue delivering full service Spanish language
 programming and coverage in the San Diego-Tijuana area to TV station XHAS-Ch 33, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico is hereby Granted.
 XHAS-TV, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico is licensed to Tele Nacional S. de R.L. de C.V., a Mexican company, and operated by Entravision
 Communications. Special Temporary Authority is hereby granted subject to conditions that include but are not limited to the following.

 This Grant is effective May 4, 2010 for the period during which the Commission is processing NBC Telemundo License Co.'s application for
 regular authority.

 Grant of the STA Permit is further conditioned upon the Mexican station's operation in full compliance with applicable treaties, and related
 provisions concerning electrical interference to U.S. broadcast stations.

This authorization is predicated on the use of a foreign station assignment, which must abide by the terms of the 1962 United States-Mexico
VHF Television Agreement. Hence, this program authorization applies only to the specific foreign station facilities which are currently on file
with the Commission as having been officially coordinated by the Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transportes (SCT) in Mexico and
subsequently approved by the Commission for operation. If the transmitter coordinates or technical operating parameters of the foreign station
are altered subsequent to this authorization or are found to be different from those currently on file and approved by the Commission, this
program authorization will be subject to immediate termination without right to hearing.

For more information concerning this Notice, contact Janice Shields at (202) 418-2153;; TTY
202-41 8-2555.

                                                                   Page 1 of 1

     *              .j!
                          PUBLIC NOTICE
                          445 12th STREET S.W.
         'AfMIS5.         WASHINGTON D.C. 20554

                          News media information 202-418-0500
                          Internet: (or
                          TTY (202) 418-2555

  Report No. 325-00152                                                                                         Thursday june 10, 20.10

                                                            RE ACTIONS TAKEN
The Commission, by its International Bureau, took the following actions pursuant to delegated authority. The effective
dates of the actions re the dates spcifled.

 325-NEW-20100422 -00003                P                  NBC Telemundo License Co.
 New Application
                                                                                                                     t)aro Effective:


 Granted on June tO, 2010, subject to conditions, application for Section 325 (c) Permit to deliver full service Spanish inguage programming
 and coverage in the San Diego-Tijuana area to station XMAS-TV (Ch 33), Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico. XlIAS-TV (CR 33), Tiuana, Baja
 California, Mexico is licensed to Tele Nacional S. de RI,.: de CV., a Mexican company and operated by Entravision Communications,
 XHAS-V (Ch 33) operates with coordinates of 32-30-17 NU 117-02-25 WL, ERP 2447kw and RCAMSL: 397 ii.

 Grant of this permit is conditioned upon the Mexican st4tions operation in full compliance with applicabk treaties and related provisions
 concerning electrical interference to U.S.Broadcast stations.

 This authorization is predicated on the use of a foreign station assignment, which must abide by the terms of Ore 1962 United States-Mexico
 VHF Television Agreement. Hence, this program authorization applies only to the specific foreign station facilities which arc currently on (lie
 with the Commission as having been officially coordinated by the Secretaria de Coittunicaciones y Transpo: tcs (SC'F) n Mexico and
 subsequently approved by the Commission for operation. If the transmitter coordinates or technical operating parameters of the Idecign station
 are altered subsequent to this authorization or are found to be different from those cutrently on (lie and appro'.cd be ho Corrinuission, this
 program authorization will be subject to immediate termination without right to hearing.

For more information concerning this Notice, contact Janice Shields at (202) 418-2153:; TI'Y
202-4 1 8-2555.

                                                                  Page 1 of 1

                                             UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                        FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
            k'.:: "
                                       RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION
Name: NBC TELEMUNDO LICENSE LLC                                                              Call Sign:
Authorization Type: Section 325(c)                                                      File Number: 325-NEW-20100422-00003
                                   Grant date:       06/10/2010      Expiration Date:    06/10/201 5

       Subject to the provisions of the Communications Act of 1934, subsequent Acts, and Treaties, and Commission Rules made
       thereunder, and further subject to conditions set forth in this permit, the PERMITTEE:
                        NBC TELEMUNDO LICENSE LLC
       is hereby authorized to locate, use, or maintain a studio in the United States for the purpose of supplying program material
       to foreign broadcast stations for the term ending June 10, 2015 (3 AM Eastern Standard Time).

 Particulars of Operations

   A) Studio Location:

    B) For the purpose of producing programs consisting of:
    C) To be delivered by means of:
D) To stations identified and located as follows:

Call Sign               Channel                                       Station Locations(s)

XHAS-TV 33                               Tijuana Baja Califor, Mexico

       The Commission reserves the right during said permit period of terminating this permit or making effective any changes or
       modifications of this permit which may be necessary to comply with any decision of the Commission rendered as a result
       of any such hearing which has been designated but not held, prior to the commencement of this permit period.

       This permit is issued on the permittees representation that statements contained in the permittees application are true and
       that the undertakings therein contained, so far as they are consistent herewith, will be carried out in good faith.

       This permit shall not vest in the permittee any right to operate beyond the term hereof nor in any other manner than
       authorized herein. Neither the permittee nor the right granted hereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred in
       violation of the Communications Act of 1934. This permit is subject to the right of use or control by the Government of
       the United States conferred by Section 606 of the Communications Act of 1934.
E) Special and General Provisions
     A) This RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION is granted subject to the following special provisions and general

            203 --- This authorization is predicated on the use of a foreign station assignment, which must abide by the ternis of the
                    1962 United States-Mexico VHF Television Agreement. Hence, this program authorization applies only to the
                    specific foreign station facilities which are currently on file with the Commission as having been officially
                    coordinated by the Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transportes (SCT) in Mexico and subsequently approved by
                    the Commission for operation. If the transmitter coordinates or technical operating parameters of the foreign
                    station are altered subsequent to this authorization or are found to be different from those currently on file and
                    approved by the Commission, this program authorization will be subject to immediate termination without right to

                                                    (page 1 of 2)                                                     FCC Form 354

         cOM4o47\                             UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                         FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                        RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

Name: NBC TELEMUNDO LICENSE LLC                                                             Call Sign:
Authorization Type: Section 325(c)                                                        File Number: 325-NEW-20100422-00003
                                   Grant date:        06/I 0/2010      Expiration Date:    06/10/2015

    B) This RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION is granted subject to the additional conditions specified below:
                This authorization is issued on the grantee's representation that the statements contained in the application are
                true and that the undertakings described will be carried out in good faith.

                This authorization shall not be construed in any manner as a finding by the Commission on the question of
                marking or lighting of the antenna system should future conditions require. The grantee expressly agrees to
                install such marking or lighting as the Commission may require under the provisions of Section 303(q) of the
                Communications Act. 47 U.S.C. § 303(q).

                Neither this authorization nor the right granted by this authorization shall be assigned or otherwise transferred to
                any person, firm, company or corporation without the written consent of the Commission. This authorization is
                subject to the right of use or control by the government of the United States conferred by Section 706 of the
                Communications Act. 47 U.S.C. § 706. Operation of this station is governed by Part 25 of the Commissions
                Rules. 47 C.F.R. Part 25.

                This authorization shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate this station nor any right in the use of the
                designated frequencies beyond the term of this license, nor in any other manner than authorized herein.

                This authorization is issued on the grantee's representation that the station is in compliance with environmental
                requirements set forth in Section 1.1307 of the Commission's Rules. 47 C.F.R. § 1.1307.

                    This authorization is issued on the grantee's representation that the station is in compliance with the Federal
                    Aviation Administration (FAA) requirements as set forth in Section 17.4 of the Commission's Rules. 47 C.F.R.S

                    The following condition applies when this authorization permits construction of or mod i fles the construction
                    permit of a radio station.

                This authorization shall be automatically forfeited if the station is not ready for operation by the required date of
                completion of construction unless an application for modification of authorization to request additional time to
                complete construction is filed by that date, together with a showing that failure to complete construction by the
                required date was due to factors not under control of the grantee.

                    Licensees are required to pay annual regulatory fees related to this authorization. The requirement to
                    collect annual regulatory fees from regulatees is contained in Public Law 1O366, "The Omnibus Budget
                    Reconciliation Act of 1993." These regulatory fees, which are likely to change each fiscal year, are used
                    to offset costs associated with the Commission's enforcement, public service, international and policy and
                    rulemaking activities. The Commission issues a Report and Order each year, setting the new regulatory
                    fee rates. Receive only earth stations are exempt from payment of regulatory fees.

                                                    (page 2 of 2)                                                       FCC Form 354

Document Created: 2012-01-06 10:28:21
Document Modified: 2012-01-06 10:28:21

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