Attachment 2019_05_22_14_36_43.



Letter and Application for Uniradio (XEMO-AM)


This document pretains to 325-RWL-20190320-00004 for Renewal on a Permit to Foreign Broadcast filing.


 May 1,2019

 Federal Communications Commission
 International Bureau Notifications
 PC Box 35875
 Pittsburg, Pennsylvania 15251-5775

 RE; Request for Renewal Permit to Deliver Programming
     to Foreign Broadcast Station XEMO, lijuana Mexico

 Dear Sir or Madam:

 Enclosed please find an FCC form 308, whereby Uniradio Corp (“Uniradio”)
 respectfully request authority to transmit Spanish language sports programs and
 baseball games to Mexican radio station XEMO, Tijuana, Mexico (“Station”), pursuant
 to section 325 (C) and Section 73.3545 of the Commission rules. 47 C.F.R. 73.3545.

 Also enclosed is form 159 and proof of payment in the amount of $110.00 paid on line
 to the Federal Communications Commission to cover for the filing fee.

 Any questions may be directed to Esther Pedroza at 619-497-0600 x 312 or


  icardoA I  n
 Ge a Manager/Chief Financial Officer

  22W 3th Street #205 Ntiona1 City CA 91950 Phone 619-497-0600 Fax 619-497-1019

File No.

                                                     United States of America
                                          Federal Communications CommIssIon
                                                     Washlngton D.C. 20554

                (Careflully read Instructions before fifing out Form-RETURN ONLY FORM TO FCC)

1. Name of Applicant Street Address or P.O. Box City              State    Zip Code     Telephone No.
                                                                                                  (include area code)
UNIRADIO CORP 22 W 36th Street #205                                                                       619
NaUonal CIW, CA 91950                                                                                  497-0600

2. Name and address to whom communication shoidd be sent If different from Item 1.

Name       Street Address or P.O. Box         City      State                         Zip Code      Telephone No.
                                                                                             (include area code)

3. Legal identity of appkcant: (only chock one box)

        U indivIdual         U Partnership                  B] Corporation          I] Government Entity U        Other

If other specify.

4. ApplIcation Is for.
                    C     New Authorization                      B] Extension of Existing Authority

5. If applicant is an Individual, Is applicant a citizen of the United States?         NIA        U        YES      U     NO

6. If applicant Is a partnership, are all partners citizens of the United States:      N!A        a ys              U     NO

7. If applicant Is a corporation:
   a, Under laws of what state was It organIzed:            California

  b. Is more than one-fifth of the capital stock of the corporation owned of record or may It be voted
     by aliens or their representatives or by a foreign government or representative thereof, or by any
     corporation organized under the laws of a foreign countiy?                                lI YES               a     NO

   c. Is any officer or director of the corporation an alien?                                         II   YES      U     NO

       If the answer Is Yes, give the following for each:

       Name                            NationalIty                               Position

Gustavo Enrique Astlazaran                Mexican                                President
                                                                                                                   FCC 308

   d. is applicant directiy or Indirectly controlled by any other corporation?                   U    YES          NO

         If the answer is Yes, give the following for the controlling corporatIon

         Name                         Address                              State In which organized

  a. Is more than one-fourth of the capital stock of the controlling corporation either owned of record,
     or may It be voted by aliens, their representatives, or by a foreign government or re,resentat1vo
     thereof, or by any corporation organized under (he laws of a foreign country?
                       N(A                                                                    DYES             ONO

  f.      Is any officer or more than one-fourth of the directors of the corporation an alien?
                             NIA                                                                 DYES          DNO

         If the answer is Yes, give the name, nationality and position of each and give the total number of
         directors of the corporatIon.

         Name          Nationality              Position                Number of Directors

 g.       is the above-described controlling corporation in turn a subsidiary?       N!A          D    YES     C NO

If the answer Is Yes, attach as Exhibit No._ additional Information answering the
holding company questions bi this paragraph tot each company. indudlng the
organization having uitimate control.

8, a. If (lie applicant is an unincorporated assocIation, give the following:        N1A

           Total number of members                     Number of Allen Members (If any)

       b. State the foowIng for alien officers or directors (if any):        NIA

           Name                              Nationality                       PositIon

                                                                                                      FCC 308 (Page 2)

9.    a. What is apptcant’s principal business?

Sales Advertising Representative of Mexican licensed Spanish language radio Station

      b. Does applicant or any party to this application have any interest In, or connection with, any
         AM, FM, or 1Y broadcast station (either domestic or foreign), or any application pending before
         the Commission?
                                                                                                   0 YES     ONO
         If the answer is Yes, attach Exhibit No._1_ giving full particulars.

10.      Is appcant a representative of an alien or of a foreign government?                    0    YES        NO

         If the answer Is Yes, explain.

11. a. Has any radio station authorization previously issued to the applicant or party to this application
       been revoked, either by the Commission or by any court?                                   0 YES          NO

      b. Has any prevIous application by the applicant or party to this application been denied by the
         Commission or by a predecessor agency?                                                  0 YES       0 NO

         It the answer to (a) andlor fb) Is Yes, explain:

12. a. Has applicant or any party to this application been found guilty of any felony by any court?
                                                                                                 DYES        0N0

      b. Has applicant or any party to this application bean finally adjudged guilty by a federal court
         of the vIolation of the laws of the United States relating to
         unlawfui monopoly, restraint of trade, and or unfair methods of competition?               D YES    0 NO

         If the answer to (a ) and or (b) Is Yes, explain.

                                                                                                    FCC 309 (Page 3)


13. a. Address of studio or other place at which programs will originate:

             22W 35th Street #205, National City CA 91950

      b. Telephone contact number


      c. Email address:      

14.        State ownership of originating facilities

           UniraUlo, Corp
1.    a. Describe the means whereby programs will be delivered to foreign station(s), including
         the names of any interconnecting common carriers.
           Applicant will utilize optimal transmission media at any given time which
           may Include the Internet, microwave relay, satellIte or land line (telephone)

              Meane of Transmissions include but are not limited to the following:
            El Dedicated Wireilne
            l] Internet (IP)                                          COX
            tl Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)               CCX
            El Private Microwave
            El Private Radio (remote pickup)
            El Common Carrier Microwave
            El Common Carrier Radio
            C Sateiiite
            11] Or combInation of methods

      b.    List eli cail signs of private transmitters in the United States

              Call SIgn                                    Company Name

                                                                                                  Form 308 (Page 4)

16.   Coordinated foreign station to which programs will be provided:

      Cailsign:       XEMO                        City: TIJUANA                  State; MEXICO

      111 AM Station

      Frequency fkl-tz):             860
                                     EJavilme                              Nkihltinie
       Coordinates:                32 • 25         19   NL               32     25    19    NL
                                   117      04   •   13 WI.              117      04 13     WL

      Operating power:       _IOKW I D_                 _7.5KW_/ N

      I] FM Station:

       Frequency:              Channel:                                 Class:

       Mode of operation: DlrectionaVNon-directionai

       Ma)dmum Effective Radiated Power(kW):
      CoordInates             “   NL                          “   WL

       Antenna Height Above Average Terrain (HMT):

       Antenna Radiation Center Above Mean Sea Level (RCAMSL):

      Q WStation:

       Mode of operation: DWectionat/Non-dlreoUonal

       Maximum Effective Radiated Power (kW):
       Coordinates            “   NL                          “   WL
       Antenna Height Above Average Terrain fHAAT):

      Antenna Radiation Center Above Mean Sea Level CRCAMSL):

                                                                                        Form 308 (PageS)

17.          Attach as Exhibit No_2,           a full explanation of the legal relationship between the applicant and
             foreign station(s) Involved, Including a copy of contract (if any) with foreign station(s).

18.          a. Attach as Exhibit No,3_ a statement as to whether program deliveries are to be intermittent or
              regularly scheduled and the average number of hours, per day week and
              or month during which the foreign station(s) involved will broadcast such programs.
             b.    Attach as Exhibit No4_ a detailed description of the nature and character of
                the programming proposed and the language to be emptoyed.

19.          AntI-Drug Abuse Act Certification. Assignee/transferee certifies that neither assignee nor any
              party to the application Is subject to dental of federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the
              Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1088,21 U.S.C. SectIon 862.

20,          Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO). If the applicant proposes to employ five or more full-time
             employees, applicant certifies that It Is fifing simultaneously with this applicant a Model EEO Program
              Report on FCC Form 396-A.


    The APPLICANT acknowledges that all statements contained In this application and attached
exhibits are material representations, and that the exhibits forming a part of this application are
Incorporated herein as If set oLd In full In the application. The undersigned certifies that the statements
contained In this application are two, complete and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief
and are made in good faith.

      Signed and dated thIs 1st day of May,2010.

Ricardo Astlazaran                                                                By
              (Name otppUcant)

                                                                                            General Manager CFO


   U.S. CODE. TITLE 18 SECTION 1001.

EXHIBITS furnished as required by this form:
EcNbfl No.         Para. No of tons     Name of officer or employoe(l) by whom oc(2)                    Ofliclal TWa
                                        under whose direction eaNbft was prepared (show whiofi)
       1            9b                  Ricardo Astiazaran                                        GPO
       2            17                  RicardoAstlazaran                                         CFO
       3           18a                  RicardoAstiazaran                                         GPO
       4           lOb                  RicardoAstlazaran                                         GPO

                                                                                                              Form 308 (Page 6)

                                                     Uniratho Corp
                                                     XEMO Application
                                                     Exhibit #1, FCC form 30$
                                                     Question 9b

Broadcast Interests

Uniradlo Corp is the Sales Representative of the foreign station in the United States of

                                                                Uniradio Corp
                                                                Exhibit 2 FCC Fonn 308
                                                                Question 17

Legal Relationship with Foreign Station

The Applicant Uniradio Corp. has a Sales Representation Agreement with the foreign
station. That agreement is confidential, bttt the Applicant will provide a copy of that
agreement under separate cover if requested and if its confidentiality can be assured.


                                                               Uniradio Corp
                                                               Exhibit 3, FCC Fonn 30$
                                                               Question 1 $a

Program Delivery

Program deliveries are to be regularly scheduled as follows:

1. $an Diego Padres Baseball:

   a) March through October

   b) Monday    —   Sunday 5am Midnight

   c) Average of 30 hours per week

2. Local and brokered programs

   a) Monday    —   Sunday Sam Midnight

   b) Average of 50 hours a week

All times given are Pacific Time.

                                                           Uniradio Coip
                                                           Exhibit 4, form 308
                                                           Question 1 8b

Nature & Character of Programming

Description of Programming:

We wish to broadcast the San Diego Padres major league baseball games, including all
pre, post and regular season games in addition to a pre-game and post-game program
prior to and after each broadcasted game. Games would be broadcast withlu the
following time period: Monday thru $unday from 5:00am to 1:00am for an average of 50
hours a week.

In addition we wish to broadcast local and brokered programs with various topics such as
health, immigration, finance, mortgage, sports, and entertainment, among others, which
would be broadcast within the following time period: Monday thru Sunday from
5:00am to Midnight for an average of 50 hours a week.

*   All times given are Pacific time.

Document Created: 2019-05-27 13:32:51
Document Modified: 2019-05-27 13:32:51

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