Attachment XEKTT-AM (XEPE) 325



XEKTT-AM (XEPE) Letter Package


This document pretains to 325-RWL-20130513-00002 for Renewal on a Permit to Foreign Broadcast filing.


                                                         WASHINGTON, D.C. OFFICE                  OTHER OFFICES

                                                         fifth fl                                 beijing, ch i/ta

                                                         flour mill building                      ie a' york, new york

                                                         1000 potomac Street flU'                portland, oregon

                                                         washington.   d.c.   20007-3501         seattle. washington

                                                         TEL 202 965 7880 FAX 202 965 1729        OS B LAW.COM

     A   PARTNERSHIP or pporcssiono CORPORATIONS

                                                                                 Please reply to JOHN M. PELKEY

May 10, 2013
                                            tJ R1Gff-1j              TEL EXT 2528


Federal Communications Commission
do U.S. Bank
Government Lockbox 979093
1005 Convention Plaza
St. Louis, MO 63101
Attention: FCC Government Lockbox

          Re:       Broadcast Company of the Americas, LLC
                    FCC Form 308 - Application for Renewal of Permit to Deliver Programs to Foreign
                    Broadcast Station
                    XEKTT (also known as XEPE), Tijuana, BC

Dear Sir/Madam:

        Submitted herewith in duplicate is an FCC Form 308, application for permit to deliver programs
to foreign broadcast station, submitted by Broadcast Company of the Americas, LLC ("BCA"), whereby
BCA seeks renewal of its authority under Section 3 25(c) of the Communications Act to deliver
programming to XEKTT (also known as XEPE), Tijuana, BC.

       Also, submitted herewith are the FCC Form 159 and requisite filing fee of $95.00. Should there
be any questions concerning this matter, please communicate directly with this office



DC DOCS:712902. I

                                                 U$CC tlAy 1 32013                                                                                                     oV
  REAII INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY                                                                                                                      Approved by 0MB
  BEFORE PROCEEDING                                           FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                            3060-0589
                                                                 REMITTANCE ADVICE                                                                    Page No1 of
                                                                              FORM 159

(1) LOCKBOX 0                                                                                                                SPECIAL USE ONLY

     979093                                                                                                                  FCCUSEONLY

                                                                   SECTION A- PAYER INFORMATION
(2) PAYER NAME (if paying by credit cord enter come exactly as it appears onthe cord)                     (3) TOTAL AMOUNT PAID (US. Dollars and cents)
Broadcast Company of the Americas, LLC                                                                     $95.00
6160 Cornerstone Court East. Suite 100

(6) CITY                                                                                                        (7) STATE       (8) ZIP CODE
San Diecio                                                                                                      CA                         92121
(9) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (include area code)                                          (lO) COUNTRY CODE (if not in USA)
                                                            FCC REGISTRATION NUMBER (PEN) REQUIRED
(II) PAYER (FRN)                                                                           (12) FCC USE ONLY
Broadcast Company of the Americas, LLC
6169 Cornerstone Court East, Suite 100

(16) CITY                                                                                                      (17) STATE       (18) ZIP CODE
San Dieqo                                                                                                      CA                         92121
(19) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (include area code)                                         (20) COUNTRY CODE (if not in U.S A)
                                                            FCC REGISTRATION NUMBER (PEN) REQUIRED
(21) APPLICANT (FRN)                                                                        (22) FCC USE ONLY

(23A) CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                             (24A) PAYMENT TYPE CODE                                       (25A) QUANTITY
XEKTT (A/K/A XEPE)                                     MBR                                                         I
(26A) FEE DUE FOR (PlC)                              (27A) TOTAL FEE                                                   FCC USE ONLY

$95.00                                                                                         $95.00              _________________________________
(28A) FCC CODE I                                                                     (29A) FCC CODE 2

(238) CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                             (248) PAYMENT TYPE CODE                                       (25B) QUANTITY

(26B) FEE DUE FOR (PTC)                              (27B) TOTAL FEE                                                   FCC USE ONLY

(28B)FCC CODE I                                                                      (29B) FCC CODE 2

                                                                       SECTION D - CERTIFICATION
I,_________________________________________ certify under penalty ofperjury Ihat the foregoing and supporting informalion is true and correct to
the best of my knosvledge, information and belief.

SIGNATURE______________________________________________                                                    DATE___________________

                                                        SECTION E - CREDIT CARD PAYMENT INFORMATION

                                               MASTERCARD                 VISA              AMEX          DISCOVER

ACCOUNT NUMBER____________________________________                                             EXPIRATION DATE _________________________

I hereby authorize the FCC to charge my credit cord for the service(s)/authorization herein described.

SIGNATURE______________________________________________________ DATE___________________________

                                                   SEE PUBLIC BURDEN ON REVERSE                                 FCC FORM 159                        FEBRUARY 2003

File No.

                                                  United States of America
                                            Federal Communications Commission
                                                  Washington, D.C. 20554

                  (Carefully read instructions before filling out Form - RETURN ONLY FORM TO FCC)

1.   Name of applicant          Street Address or P.O. Box          City          State   Zip Code               Telephone No.

Broadcast Company of the Americas, LLC, 6160 Cornerstone Court East, #100, San Diego, CA 92121                   (858) 673-9049

2.   Name and address to whom communication should be sent if different from item 1.
     Name                  Street Address or P.O. Box   City               State     Zip Code           Telephone No.

John M. Pelkey, Garvey Schubert Barer, 5th Floor, 1000 Potomac Street, NW, Washington, DC 20007, 202-965-7880

3.   Legal identity of applicant: (only check one box)
      Individual            ( ) Partnership           ( ) Corporation         ( ) Government Entity              (X)Other
If Other specify:
                    Limited liability company
4. Application is for:
                    New Authorization
           (X)      Extension of Existing Authority

5.   If applicant is an individual, is applicant a citizen of the United States? DNA                  ( ) Yes           ( ) No

6.   If applicant is a partnership, are all partners citizens of the United States? DNA               ( ) Yes           ( ) No

7.   If Applicant is a corporation: DNA                                                               ( ) Yes           ( ) No

     a. Under laws of what state was it organized?

     b. Is more than one-fifth of the capital stock of the corporation owned of record or may it be voted by aliens or their
     representatives or by a foreign government or representative thereof, or by any corporation organized under the laws
     of a foreign country?                                                                            ( ) Yes          ( ) No
     c. Is any officer or director of the corporation an alien?                                       ( ) Yes           ( ) No

If the answer is yes, give the following for each:

           Name                                       Nationality                                     Position

                                                                                                                             FCC 308
                                                                                                                            July 1988

     d.   Is applicant directly or indirectly controlled by any other corporation?                         ( ) Yes( ) No
          If the answer is Yes, give the following for the controlling corporation.

          Name                                       Address                              State in which organized

     e.   Is more than one-fourth of the capital stock of the controlling corporation either owned or record; or may it be
          voted by aliens, their representatives, or by a foreign government or representative thereof, or by any corporation
          organized under the laws of a foreign country?                                                ( ) Yes          ( ) No

     f.   Is any officer or more than one-fourth of the directors of the corporation an alien?             ( ) Yes           ( ) No

          Name                                       Nationality                          Position         Number of Directors

     g. Is the above-described controlling corporation in turn a subsidiary?                               ( ) Yes           ( ) No
          If the answer is Yes, attach as Exhibit No. I additional information answering the holding company questions in
          this paragraph for each company, to and including the organization having ultimate control.

8.   a.   If the applicant is an unincorporated association, give the following:      Limited liability Company - See Exhibit I.

          Total number of members                    Number of Alien members (if any)

                     1                                      0

     b.   State the following for alien officers or directors (if any): DNA

          Name                                       Nationality                                           Position

                                                                                                                        FCC 308(Page 2)
                                                                                                                              July 1988

9. a.    What is applicant's principal business? Production of programming, promotion and sales of advertising time.

    b.   Does applicant or any party to this application have any interest in, or connection with, any AM, FM, or TV
         broadcast station (either domestic or foreign), or any application pending before the commission?
                                                                                                       (X)Yes        ()No

         If the answer is Yes, attach Exhibit No. II giving full particulars.

10. Is applicant a representative of an alien or of a foreign government?                             ( ) Yes          (X) No

         If the answer is Yes, explain.

11. a.   Has any radio station authorization previously issued to the applicant or party to this application been revoked,
         either by the Commission or by any Court?                                                     ( ) Yes         (X) No

    b.   Has any previous application by the applicant or party to this application been denied by the Commission or by a
         predecessor agency?                                                                         ( ) Yes        (X) No
         Applicant has had two Section 325 applications dismissed because they had become moot. See 325-STA-
         20050701-00016 and 325-NEW-20050426-0001 1.
         If the answer to (a) and/or (b) is Yes, explain:

12. a.   Has applicant or any party to this application been found guilty by any court of any felony?( ) Yes           (X)No

    b.   Has applicant or any party to this application been finally adjudged guilty by a federal court of the violation of the
         laws of the United States relating to unlawful monopoly, restraint of trade, and/or unfair methods of competition?
                                                                                                           )Yes           (X)No

         If the answer to (a) and/or (b) is Yes, explain.

                                                                                                                  FCC 308(Page 3)
                                                                                                                        July 1988

13. Address of studio or other place at which programs will originate.
6160 Cornerstone Court East, #100, San Diego, CA 92121

14. State ownership of originating facilities.
The studio equipment is owned by the applicant. The building space being used for the studios is being leased from a
        commercial landlord.

15. Describe the means (wireline, radio link, or other method) whereby programs will be delivered to foreign station(s),
        including names of any interconnecting common carriers.
Applicant uses a satellite link provided by National Public Radio to deliver the programming to XEKTT.

16. Give the location, type, and authorized power of foreign station(s) to which programs will be delivered, and identify the
        licensee or operating agency of such station(s).
See Exhibit III

17. Attach as Exhibit No. V a full explanation of the legal relationship between the applicant and foreign station(s)
        involved, including a copy of contract (if any) with foreign station(s).

18. (a) Attach as Exhibit No. VI a statement as to whether program deliveries are to be intermittent or regularly
         scheduled, and the average number of hours per day, week and/or month during which the foreign station(s)
         involved will broadcast such programs.

    (b) Attach as Exhibit No. VI a detailed description of the nature and character of the programming proposed and the
        language to be employed.

    The APPLICANT acknowledges that all statements contained in this application and attached exhibits are material
representations, and that the exhibits forming a part of this application are incorporated herein as if set out in full in the
application. The undersigned certifies that the statements contained in this application are true, complete, and correct to the
best of his/her knowledge and belief and are made in good faith.

    Signed and dated this ±day of                        3

    Broadcast Company of the Americas, LLC                                       _________________________
                                                                                    Vice President

       U.S., CODE, TITLE 18, SECTION 1001.

EXHIBITS furnished as required by this form:

Exhibit No.    Para. No. of Form    Name of officer or employee (1) by whom or (2) under whose            Official Title
                                    direction exhibit was prepare (show which)
      I        7                    Norman Feuer                                                       Vice President
     II        9(b)                 Norman Feuer                                                       Vice President
     III       16                   Norman Feuer                                                       Vice President
     V         17                   Norman Feuer                                                       Vice President
    VI         18                   Norman Feuer                                                       Vice President

                                                                                                                  FCC 308(Page 4)
                                                                                                                        July 1988

    Application for Renewal of Permit to Deliver Programs to Foreign Broadcast Stations
                                              Broadcast Company of the Americas, LLC
                                            XEKTT (also known as XEPE), Tijuana, BC
                                                                               Exhibit I

                                 Structure of the Applicant

        The applicant, which currently holds a Section 325 authorization to provide
programming to XEKTT (also known as XEPE) (325-NE W-20050426-00012) and which
hereby seeks a renewal of that authorization, is a limited liability company organized
under the laws of the State of California.

        No officer, director or member of the applicant is an alien.

DCDOCS:71 1577.1

     Application for Renewal of Permit to Deliver Programs to Foreign Broadcast Stations
                                               Broadcast Company of the Americas, LLC
            XEKTT (also known as XEPE), XEKTT (also known as XEPE), Tijuana, BC
                                                                               Exhibit II

                                    Broadcast Interests

        In addition to the Section 325 authorization that is the subject of this renewal
application, Broadcast Company of the Americas, LLC, holds authorizations under
Section 325 of the Communications Act to provide programming to XEPRS(AM) (325-
NEW-20030303-00001 and 325-RWL-20080412-00001) and XHPRS-FM (formerly
XHBCE-FM) (325-New-20050425-000 10 and 325-RWL-20 110120-00001).

       Mr. Norman Feuer, who is Vice President and General Manager of the applicant,
holds an attributable interest in JMJ Broadcasting Company, Inc., licensee of
KXGL(FM), FID 39781, Amarillo, TX, and KTPK(FM), FID 67334, Topeka, KS.

      Broadcast Company of the Americas, LLC, has entered into an arrangement with
Compass Radio of San Diego, Inc., licensee of KPRI(FM), FID 51503, Encinitas, CA,
whereby Compass sells advertising time on the stations being programmed by Broadcast
Company of the Americas.

        Other than as set forth above, neither the applicant nor any principal holds any
interest in any broadcast station or pending application for a new broadcast station.

DC_DOCS:71 1577.1

     Application for Renewal of Permit to Deliver Programs to Foreign Broadcast Stations
                                               Broadcast Company of the Americas, LLC
             XEKTT (also known as XEPE), XEKTT (also known as XEPE), Tijuana, BC
                                                                              Exhibit III

                    Foreign Station(s) to which Programming will be Delivered

         The programming will be delivered to XEKTT (also known as XEPE).

        XEKTT currently has authority from the Mexican government to operate at a
power of 10 kW, day and night, operating non-directionally during the day and
directionally, with a two tower array, at night. The holder of the concession for XEKTT
is C. Carlos de Jesus Quinones Armendariz (the "Concession Holder").

DC_DOCS:71 1577.1

     Application for Renewal of Permit to Deliver Programs to Foreign Broadcast Stations
                                               Broadcast Company of the Americas, LLC
             XEKTT (also known as XEPE), XEKTT (also known as XEPE), Tijuana, BC
                                                                              Exhibit V

                    Relationship Between the Applicant and the Foreign Station

        By the foregoing application, the applicant is seeking authority to continue
delivering programming to XEKTT. Applicant has entered into an agreement (a copy of
which, as redacted to exclude provisions setting forth the proprietary financial terms, is
attached) with the Concession Holder (as defined in Exhibit III) whereby it is providing
programming, including commercial material, to XEKTT. There is no legal relationship
between the applicant and the Concession Holder other than as a consequence of the fact
that the applicant is providing programming over the Concession Holder's station.

DC_DOCS:71 1577.1

Apr 04 05 O2:41p              Friik DeFrreeseo                       868-453-9141                      p.2

                                   LOCAL MARKETING AGRIEMENT

               TIiIS LOCAL MARKETING AGREEMENT ("Agreement"), dated as of February
          16,2005 is made and entered into by and between Media Sports de Mexico, S.A. de C.V.
          ("MSM"), a Mexican corporation acting as lawful agent for and on behalf Carlos de Jesi.s
          Quinones Armendariz, Concesionaric of Station XEKTT-AM, Cerro Thramillo, BC (the
          "Station"), issued by Mexico's Secretaria de COrnw2icactones y Traportes (the "SCT"),
          and Broadcast Company of the Americas, LLC, a California Limited Liability Company

                 WHEREAS, the Station operates on 1700 kHz, and is in the process of requesting
          the SCT's consent to change its call sign to XEPE;

                  WHIIREAS, concurrently herewith MSM on behalf of the Ccincesionario (as used
          herein, Concesionarlo, licensee and perinittee are synonymous) of Station XHB CE-FM,
          Ensetiada, BC and ECA have entered into a Local Marketing Agreement with respect to
          that station (the "XHBCE Agreement");

                 WHEREAS, BCA has available and is producing radio programs that it desires to
          have broadcast over the Station, and therefore desires to purchase airtime from MSM for
          the broadcast of such programs.

                  WHEREAS, MSM has agreed to make available to BOA airtime on the Station
      (   and accept for broadcast the programs of BCA on the terms and conditions set forth in
          this Agreement;

               NOW, THEREFORE, taking the foregoing recitals into accoimt and in
          consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein and for other
          good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby
          acknowledged, the parties, intending to be legally bound, agree as follows:

                    I.       AGREEMENT TERM.

                   The term of this Agreement (the "Term") will begin on March 1, 2005 (the
           "Commencement Date") and will continue until February 28, 201 5 which is ten (10)
           years after the Commencement Date, unless extended or earlier terminated pursuant to
           Section 14 hereof. Provided that it is not in material default hereunder, BOA may seek to
           extend the Terra for one additional ten (10) year term, upon written notice to MSM given
           Twelve (12) months prior to the expiration of the Initial Term; When MSM receives
           BCA's notice, MSM and BCM will enter into good faith negotiations looking toward
           mutually acceptable terms and conditions governing an additional term.

                    2.        BOA's PURCHASE OF AIRTIME AN]) PROVISION OF PROGRAMS.

                   During the Term, BOA shall purchase from MSM airtime on the Station for the
           price and on the terms specified below, and shall transmit or cause to be transmitted to

            FINAL O2.U9.05

Apr' 04 05 O2:4lp           Fr'rk fleFc                                 858-453-B141                       p.3

         the Station programs that it produces or owns (the "Programming") for broadcast on the
         Station twenty-four hours per day, seven (7) days a week (the "Broadcasting Period").
         During the Broadcasting Period BCA will deliver its Programming or cause its
         Programming to be delivered, at its own cost, to the Station's transmitting facilities in
         Mexico via a mode of transmission (e.g., via satellite delivery, terrestrial microwave,
         landline telephone, the Internet, or by other means reasonably acceptable to MSM), that
         will ensure that the Programming meets the technical and quality standards at least equal
         to those of the Station's broadcasts prior to commencement of the Term and which
         otherwise complies with the laws, treaties and agreements of the tJnited States of Mexico
          and the United States of America. MSM shall have no rights to the Programming and
         hereby disclaims any such rights thereto.

                  3,       PAYMENTS BY BCA.

                  (a) In addition toy fees and expenses BCA incurs in creating, producing and
         relaying the Programming (including reimbursable costs payable by BCA pursuant to
         subparagraph (b) hereo                                                      °M, during the
         Term, a monthly fee of                                                        "Monthly Fee").
         The Monthly Fee payabL              Lu ivioivi suaii ur pali.i in auvance wiuiout notice or
         demand prior to the first day of each month during the Term hereof. Upon the execution
         of this Agreement, BCA shall pay to MSM:

                          (i)                                                        refundable
          deposit at the end of the LIvIA term; and

                        (ii)                                                          esenting the
          Monthly Fee for the first month of the Term; and

                        (iii)                                                                ugthe
          Monthly Fee for the last month of the Term.

                  (b) All sums payable hereunder shall be paid by BCA by wire fransfer of
          immediately available thnds to an account specified by MSM in writing. Monthly Fees
                         4n the fifth business day of any month shall be subject to a late charge of
                           I ofthe Monthly Fee (the "Late Charge"). The Late Charge shall be paid
          witnin ten eaitauiar (10) days of written notice by MSM to BCA of the late Monthly Fee.
          Unless otherwise provided in a writing signed by the parties hereto all payments to MSM
          hereunder shall be made without deductions or offset and shell be non-refimdablc, except
           as otherwise provided in this Agreement.

                    (c) Commencing on the fourth year of this Agreement and annually thereafter,
          the Monthly Fee payable during each successive year shall be increased by the same
          percent as the Consumer Price Index increase for the San Diego Metropolitan Area.
          Additionally, said increase shall be imputed to the sums referred to in Subparagraphs (a)
          (1), (a) (ii) and (a)) (iii) and annually shall be added to that year's first Monthly Payment.

           FINAL O2.O9.O                                 2

flpr O 05 Q2:4p             Frrk IjeFrancesco                            858-453-8141                      p.4

                  (d) In addition to the Monthly Fee, and subject to the same payment terms with
          respect thereto, BCA shall reimburse MSM for all expenses incurred by MSM relating to
          the Station ("Reimbursable Costs"l. Reimbursable Costs shall include, without limitation:

                   'Jpon BCA's request MSM shall document any. Reimbursable Costs Attached
          hereto and made a part hereofis Exhibit B, an Estimated List of Monthly Expenses
          prepared by MSM and representing an estimated but without limitations itemized list of
          monthly expenses in the operation of the Station to which BCA will have access during
          the Term hereof.

               (e) Subsequent payments will be made by checks payable and delivered to MSM at
          296 H Street, 3rd Floor, Chula Vista, California 91910, or such other address as MSM
          may select pursuant to Section 24 hereof, provided that if MSM has given wire transfer
          instructions to BCA, BCA shall make all payments by wire transfer of immediately
          available thnds to the account specified by MSM.

                 (t) BCA shall be solely responsible for and shall pay in a timely manner all direct
           and indirect costs incurred by BCA in producing, providing and delivering the
    V     Programming including, but not limited to, (i) program costs; (ii) sales costs; (iii) Station
          advertising and promotion costs; (iv) costs related to B CA's audio or other
           communications lines to the Station's studio or transmitter; Cv) salaries, payroll taxes,
           insurance, health benefits and related costs ofpersonnel employed by BCA in connection
           with the Programming supplied to the Station; (vi) marketing, costs in connection with
           sales and promotion of radio time; (vii) costs related to Administrative SuppIie; (viii)
   \,,     local and long distance telephone, telecopier and other communications service related to
      N, the Station (including toll-free calls); and (viii) income, gross receipts, sales, personal and
           real property, and other taxes of any nature whatsoever and coats related to the Station.
           Additionally, BCA shall be solely responsible for providing and operating its own
           vehicles in connection with the Programming and shall be solely responsible for the
 ('        payment of any costs Incurred in connection with the provision and operation of such
           vehicles, including vehicle insurance.

                  (g) In addition to the fees and payments referred to in Subsection 3 (a) above, and
           due unon execution of this Agreement, on that date BCA also shall nay t

           FINAL 02.09.05                                3

fRpr 04 05 O242p             Fr.rk UeFrarcsco                           B58-45--141

               (h) The failure of MSM to demand or insist upon timely and full payment of any
          payment dime hereunder shall not constitute a waiver of BCA's obligations under this
          Seetion3.                                        -

           4.      EMPLOYMENT.

                    BCA shall be solely responsible for and shall indemnifSr MSM, its principal, its
          directors, officers, employees, contractors, agents or affiliates from and against, all
          claims, costs, losses, liability, damages, arid other expenses (including reasonable
          professional fees and disbursements) relating to, salaries, taxes, insurance, severance,
          bonuses, and other benefits or obligations due or payable to: (i) all personnel (other than
          employees of MSM) used in the production of the Progrannning hereunder or necessary
          to fallill BCA's obligations hereunder; and (ii) all employees of ECA.

           5.      MAINTENANCE OP EQUIPMENT.

                  All equipment necessary anywhere to accomplish the delivery of the
          Programming from the United States to the Station at its studio or transmitter site shall be
          paid for by BCA, and shall be maintained by J3CA in a condition consistent with•good
 >        engineering practices and in compliance in all material respects with all other applicable
          roles. regulations and technical standards. All capital expenditures reasonably required to
          maintain the ongoing technical quality of the broadcast delivery equipment arid its
     N compliance with applicable laws and regulations shall be made at the sole expense and in
          the sole discretion of BCA.


                  BCA shall pay all fees assessed by any music licensing organization such as
           ]3M1, SESAC and ASCAP, attributable to the Progrsniniing, and any other foreign and
           domestic copyright fees attributable to the Programming.

           7.      CONTROL OF THE STATION.

                 During the term of this Agreement, MSM shall, on behalf of the Concesionarlo,
           maintain ultimate control over the Station's facilities and BCA agrees that MSM shall
           have the unrestricted right and. authority to take any and all steps necessary to maintain
           such control continuously throughout the term of this Agreement. MSM and BCA
           acknowledge and agree that MSM's responsibility to retain control is an essential element

            FINAL Q2A)9.05                              4

Rpr 04 05 0:43p               Frark LieFrarcesoo                       868-453-9141                        p.6

          of the continuing validity and legality of this Agreement. Said control by MSM shall be
          reasonably exercised, over the policies, programming and operations of the Station,
          including, without limitation, the right to decide whether to accept or reject any
          programming or advertisements, and -the right to take any other actions necessary to
          comply with the laws of Mexico and the rules, regulations and policies f the SCT and
           any other Mexican regulatory body. BCA shall not represent, warrant or hold itself out as
           the Stations owner or manager, and shall sell all advertising time and enter into all
           agreements in its own name. MSM reserves the right to refUse to broadcast any program
           or programs containing matter which ia, or in the reasonable opinion of MSM may
           violate any right, law, or governmental rule, regulation or policy.

          8.        SPECIAL EVENTS.

                MSM has the right to reject any of the Programming and to substitute on a
          temporary basis a program that, in the reasonable opinion of MSM, is of greater public
          local or national importance. MSM confirms that no Programming shall be rejected. on
          the basis of Programming performance or ratings, advertiser reaction or the availability of
          alternative programming (including, but not limited to, sporting events or paid
          programming) that MSM believes to 'be more profitable or more attractive. MSM shall
          give BCA written notice of such rejection and substitution, and the reasons therefore, at
          least three (3) weeks in advance of the scheduled broadcast, or as soon thereafter as
          possible (including an explanation of the cause of any lesser notice).

           9.        FORCE MAJEURE.

  N              Any failure or impairment (i.e., failure to broadcast at Station's full authorized
  \'       power) offacilities or any dnlay or interruption in broadcast programs, or failure at any
      N    time to furnish facilities, in whole or in part, for broadcasting, due to any acts of God,
           strikes or threats thereof orforce majure or due to any other causes beyond the
           reasonable control of MSM or BCA shall not constitute a breach of this Agreement and
 A         MSM or BCA, as the case may be, will not be liable to the other party hereto therefore,
                                                              to correct such failure or impairment as
           provided such party uses reasonable diligence
           soon as is reasonably possible. The occurrence of any of the events specified in this
            Section 9 shall not relieve BCA of its payment and reimbursement obligations set forth in
 VA         Section 3 above.

            10.        STATION'S IDENTIFIERS

                 MSM hereby grants to CA an exclusive license to use such call letters and other
           identifiers as are currently used or in the fUture may be used by the Station (the 'Station's
           Licensed Identifiers") in connection with the broadcast of BCA's programs on the Station,
           but for no other purpose. The license granted herein shall expire upon the expiration or
           earlier termination of this Agreement. BCA shall use the Statiori's Licensed Identifiers in
           BCA's programming in a manner consistent with the use thereof by MSM in broadcasts
           of the Station immediately prior to the Commencement Date during the entire term of this
           Agreement and as may be required by the rules, regulations and policies of the SCT, In

               FR4AL Q2.O9.

Rpr 04 05 02:44p             Frark iJeFrancesce                          850-453-9141                       p.7

          addition, MSM agrees, at BCAs cost, to cooperate with BCA in applying for a change or
          changes in the Station's Licensed Identifiers ("New Station Identifiers") should such a
          change be deemed appropriate by BCA, provided that MSM agrees that such New Station
          Identifiers are not offensive or otherwise contrary to the public interest.


                BCA and MSM shall, throughout the term of this Agreement, comply in all material
          respects with the Act, the rules, regulations and policies of the SCT, the terms of the
          Station's SCT authorizations and all other laws and regulations applicable to the conduct
          of Station business, including, in the case of English language programming, the
          requirement that a permit must be issued by the &crecar1a de Goberncckin, or other duly
          authorized body authorizing such.


                     (a) Each party (as the case may be, the "Tridemnitor") shall indemnify and hold
           harmless the other party (as the case may be7 the "Indemnitee"), its principal(s) directors,
            officers, members, employees, agents and affiliates, from and against any and all liability,
            including without limitation all reasonable attorneys fees, arising out of or incident to the
            Programming ftirnished by the Indernnitor, any breach of this Agreement by the
            Indemnitor or the conduct of the lndernnitor, its directors, officers, members, employees,
            contractors, agents or affiliates. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
            Indernnitor shall indemnify and hold and save the Indemnitee, its directors, officers,
            members, employees, agents and affiliates harmless against liability for libel, slander,
            infringement oftrademarks, trade names, or program titles, violation of rights of privacy,
             and infringement of copyrights and proprietary rights resulting from the programming
  /1 L   \furnished by the Indenmitor. Each party's obligation to hold the other harmless against
            the liabilities specified above shall survive any termination or expiration of this
             Agreement for a period of one (1) year.

                   (b) BCA shall indeinnify and hold harmless MSM, its principal(s), directors,
           officers, employees, agents and affiliates, from and against any and all liability, including
           without limitation all reasonable attorneys fees, arising out of or incident any act or
           omission by BCA, its principals, members, officers, directors, employees and aftuiates,
           involving violations of labor and employment laws, assault and battery, libel and slander,
           sexual harassment, or any other injury or misconduct by said BCA parties. BCA's
           obligation hereunder shall survive any termination or expiration of this Agreement for a
           period of one (1) year.

            13.     EVENTS OF DEFAULT.

                  Each of the following shall constitute an "Event of Default" under this Agreement:

                 (a) DEFAULT IN COVENANTS. BCA's or MSM's material non-observance or
            material non-performance of any covenant or agreement contained herein; provided,

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Apr 04 05 02:45p           Frank lDeFranceseo                          058-453-9141

         however, that such default shall not constitute an Event of Default hereunder unless such
         default is not cured within ten (10) calendar days after delivery of written notice thereof
         to the breaching party by the non-breaching party); or

               (b)REACH OF REPRESENTATION. BCA's or MSM's material breach of any
         representation or warranty herein, or in any certificate or document furnished pursuant to
         the provisions hereof, which shall prove to have been false or misleading in any material
         respect, as of the time made or furnished, and not cured within ten (10) calendar days
         after delivery of writtcn notice thereof to the breaching party by the non-breaching party;

                (c) BREACH OF XT{BCE AGREEMENT. BCAs or MSM's uncured material
         breach the XHBCE Agreement.

                 (d) INSOLVENCY. The voluntary filing by BCA or MSM (or an involuntary
         filing with respect to BCA or MSM not vacated within ninety (90) days after such filing)
         or a petition for reorganization or dissolution under the Ley de Concursos Mercantiles.

         14.     TERMINATION.

     &         (a) TERMINATION UPON AN EVENT OF DEFAULT. Either party may
         terminate this Agreement by written notice to the other party ripon the occurrence of an
         Event of Default; provided however, that the party serving such imtice shall not then be
         in default of itS obligations under this Agreenent or the XHBCE Agreement.

                 (b) EFFECT OF TERMINATION. Upon termination of this Agreeinnt, pursuant
  (,/   't this Section 14 each party shall be free to pursue any and all remedies ailable at law,
          in equity or otherwise. MSM, in addition to its other legal and equitable tights and
          remedies under this Agreement or under applicable law, shall be entitled immediately to
          cease making available to BCA any further broadcast time or broadcast transmission and
          facilities, and all amounts accrued or payable to MSM prior to the date of termination
          which have not been paid shall be immediately due and payable. BCA, in addition to its
           other legal and equitable rights and remedies under this Agreement or under applicable
           law, shall be entitled immediately to cease providing any further Programming to be
           broadcast on the Station, and any amounts which have been prepaid to MSM beyond the
           termination date shall be immediately due and payable to BCA.

                (c) LIABILITIES UPON TERMINATION. BCA shall pay all debts and obligations
          resulting from its use of the Station's air time and transmission facilities, including,
          without limitation, accounts payable and net barter balances relating to the period on and
          after the Commencement Date and prior to the termination of this Agreement.

           I1NALooc.os                                  7

Apr 04 05 O2:46p           Frark IJeFrar1ce5co                        85U-45S-9141                      P.S

         15.    REVENUES.

            BCA shall receive all revenues attributable to the Programming on and from the
         Commencement Date and for the period thereafter during the Term of this Agreement.


               16.1. BCA represents arid warrants to, and covenants with, MSM that:

                (a) This Agreement has been duly eecuted and delivered by ECA, and constitutes
         its valid arid binding obligation, enforceable against it in accordance with its terms,
         elcept as limited by laws affecting the enforcement of creditor's rights generally or
         equitable principles. BCA has all necessary corporate power and authority to enter into
         and perform its obligations under this Agreement and to consummate the transactions
         contemplated hereby. The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement have
         been duly and validly authorized by all necessary corporate action on BCA's part.

                (b) No consent of any other party and no consent, license, approval or authorization
         of, or exemption by, or filing, restriction or declaration with, any governmental authority,
         bureau, agency or regulatory authority, is required in connection with the execution,
         delivery or performance by I3CA of this Agreement Governmental authority inludcs,
         but is not limited to the SCT and the U.S. Federal Communications Commission.

                (c) The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement will not violate any
       '\provision in I3CA's certificate or operating agreement. Nor will it constitute or result in
          the breach of any term, condition or provision of, or constitute a default under, or
          accelerate or permit the acceleration of any performance required by, any agreement or
          other instrument to which BCA is a party or by which any part of its property is bound, or
          violate any Law, regulations, judgment or order, foreign or domestic, binding upon BCA.

                (d) No proceeding is pending or, to the knowledge of BCA, threatened against BCA
          before any court, government agency or arbitral tribunal that would enjoin or prohibit, or
          which otherwise questions the validity of, any action taken or to be taken in connection
          with this Agreement.

                (e) The Programming shall include (i) public service announcements (including, at
          MSM's request from time to time, a reasonable number of public service announcements
          of local interest); (ii) an announcement in form sufficient to meet the station
          identification requirements of the SCT; (iii) an announcement at the beginning of each
          segment of.programming to indicate the program time has been purchased by BCA; and
          (iv) any other announcement that may be required by applicable law or regulations.

                 16.2 MSM represents and warrants to, and covenants with, BCA that;

                (a) This Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by MSM, and constitutes
          its valid and binding obligation, enforceable against it in accordance with its terms,

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Apr 04 05 02:4Gp               Frark DeFra                                 858-43-S141                      p.10

             except by laws affecting the enforcement of creditor's rights generally or
             equitable principles. MSM has all necessary corporate power and authority from the
             Licensee to enter into and perform its obligations under this Agreement and to
             consummate the transactions contemplated hereby. The execution, delivery and
             performance of this Agreement have been duly and validly authorized by all necessary
             corporate action by MSM.

                    (b) No consent ofany other party and no consent, license, approval or authorization
             of, or exemption by, of filing, reatriction or declaration With, any governmental authority,
             bureau, agency or regulatory authority, is required in connection with the execution,
             delivery or performance by MSM or the Concesionario of this Agreement

                   (c) The execution, delivery and perfomiance of this Agreement will not violate any
             provision of MSM's articles of incorporation or by-laws, nor will it constitute or result in
             the breach of any term, condition or provision o1, or constitute a default under, or
             accelerate or permit the acceleration of any performance required by any agreement or
             other instrument to which MSM or the Concesionario is a party or by which any part of
             its property is bound, or violate any law, regulation, judgment or order binding upon
             MSM or the Concesionario.

                  (d) During the Terra 9f this Agreement, MSM and the Concesionario licensee will
         / assure that the Station shall hold the License and all other licenses, permits and
            authorizations necessary for the operation olthe Station, and that such are and will be in
            full force and effect throughout the Term of this Agreement. To the best of MSM's
       'N knowledge, neither MSM nor Coxiccsionario licensee is in violation of any statute,
         \ ordinance, rule, regulation, policy, order or decree of any federal, state or local entity,
            court or authority in the United States of Mexico having jurisdiction over it or the Station,
    J\      which would have aim adverse effect upon either party, their assets, the Station, or upon
  /         MSM's ability to perform this Agreement MSM shall not take any action or omit to take
 V          any action, which would have an adverse impact MSM, the Concesionario, its assets of
            MSM or the Concesionarlo, or the Station or upon MSM's ability to perform this
            Agreement. All reports and applications required to be filed with the the SCT or any
            other governmental body in Mexico during the Term of this Agreement will be filed in a
            timely and complete manner. MSM has, and throughout the Term of this Agreement will
            maintain, good title to, or rights by license, lease or other agreement to use, all ofthe
            assets and properties used in the operation of the Station. During the Term of this
            Agreement, MSM shall not dispose of; transfer, assign or pledge any of such assets and
            properties, except with the prior written consent of BOA, if such action would adversely
             affect MSM's performance hereunder or the business and operations of MSM or the
             Station permitted hereby.

               17,     ARBITRATION.

                   Any dispute arising under or related to this Agreement shall be resolved by binding
              arbitration in San Diego, California in accordance with the then existing Rules of Practice
              and Procedure of Judicial Arbitration & Mediation Services, Inc., and judgment upon any

              FINALO2.09.05                                 9

f9pr   04   05 O2:47p           Friik DeFrrceeo                             88-453-9141                      p.11

             award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered by any State or Federal Court having
             jurisdiction thereof. The prevaIling party shall be awarded all of its legal fees,
             disbursements and costs of arbilration.

              18.     MODIFICATION AN]) WAiVER.

                    No modification or waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall in any event be
              effective unless the same shall be in writing and signed by the parties. and then such
              waiver and consent shall be effective only in the specific instance and for the purpose for
              which given.


                    No failure or delayon the part of MSM or BCA in exercising any right or power
              hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any
              such right or power, or any abandonment or discontinuance of steps to enforce such a
              right or power, preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other
              right or power. The rights and remedies of MSM and I3CA herein provided are
              cumulative and are not exclusive of any right or remedies, which they may otherwise

              20.     CONSTRUCTION.

                      Except as otherwise provided, the construction and performance of this
       N Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California without giving
              effect to the choice of law provisions thereof. Seller end Buyer hereby submit to the
              nonexclusive jurisdiction of the courts of San Diego County in the State of California and
              the federal courts of the United States of Anterica located in such state solely in respect
              of the interpretation and enforcement of the provisions hereof arid of the documents
              referred to herein, and hereby waive and agree not to assert as a defense in any action,
              suit or proceeding for the interpretation or enforcement hereof or any such document, that
        'f '\ they are not subject thereto or that such action, suit or proceeding may not be brought or
              is not maintainable in. said courts or that this Agreement or any of such documents may
              not be enforced by said courts, that the suit, action or proceeding is brought in en
              inconvenient forum, or that the venue of the suit, action or proceeding is improper;
              provide4 however, if questions arise with regarding compliance with any term of this
              Agreement that involves an interpretation of the laws ofthe United States of Mexico, the
              law of that Country shall govern.

              21.      HEADINGS.

                    The headings contained in this Agreement are included for convenience only and no
               such heading shall in any way alter the meaning of any provision.

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Apr- 04 OS O2:48p             Frank DeFranoescc                       OEB-453--91.41                   p.12

         22.     SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS.

               This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and
         their respective permitted successors and assigns, incIuding without limitation, any
         permitted transferees or assignees of any kind of the authorizations issued to the Station
         by the SCT or any other governmental body.


              This Agreement may be signed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be
         deemed a duplicate original, binding on the parties hereto notwithstanding that the parties
         are not signatory to the same original or the same counterpart.

         2&       NOTICES.

               Any notice required hereunder shall be in writing and any payment, notice or other
          communications shall be deemed givm when delivered by hand or one (I) day after
          deposit with a recognized overnight courier for overnight delivery and addressed as

                       (a)     IftoBCA:

                              Broadcast Company of the Americas, LLC
                              3655 Nobel Drive
          'N.                 Suite 470
                              San Diego, CA 92122
                              Attn.: Mr.JohnT.Lynch
                              Phone: (858) 535-2500

                    with a required copy to:

                             Jeffrey T. Baglio, Esq.
                             DLA Piper Rudnick Gray Cary US LLP
                             4365 Executive Drive, Suite 1.100
                             San Diego, CA 92121-2133
                             (858) 677-1477

                             (b)    If to MSM:

                               Media Sports de Mexico, S.A. de C.V.
                               News Plaza Building
                               296 II Street, 3rd Floor
                               Chula Vista, CA 91910
                               Attn.: Sr. Hector De Isla Puga Duran, Esq.
                               Phone: (619) 427-5877

           FINAL fl2.O9OS                                11

Apt- 04 0 02:46p              Frrtk DeFr'arcesoo                          8S8-453-9141.                     P*l3

                              with a required copy to:

                              12625 High Bluff Drive, Suite 317
                              San Diego, CA 92130
                              Attn: Steven V. MeCue. Esq.
                              Phone: 619-455-9210

           or such other address as the addressee may have specified in. a notice duly given to the
           sender as provided herein.

           25.      ENTIRE AGREEMENT.

                 This Agreement (together with the Exhibits and Attachments) embodies the entire
           agreement between tlie parties regarding the subject matter hereof and there are no other
           agreements, representations, warranties, or understandings, oral or written, between them
           with respect to the subject matter hereof No alteration, modification or change of this
           Agreement shall be valid unless it is embodied in a written instrument signed by both of
           the parties.


                 If any provision or provisions contained in this Agreement are held to be invalid,
        N illegal or unenforceable, this shall not affect any other provision hereof, and this
          'Agrecment shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision or
           provisions bad not been contained herein, provided that the benefits afforded each party
           hereunder are not materially changed. Except as provided below, neither party may
           assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party, which consent
           shall not be unreasonably withheld; any purported assignment without such consent shall
           be null and void and of no legal force or effect; provided that either party may freely
           assign this Agreement if such assignment would be considered "minor" under the rules,
           regulations arid policies of the SCT. It is further understood and agreed that MSM is
           seeking authority from the SCT to acquire in its own right the Station's operating
           authorizations from the Concesionario, and that notwithstanding any provision herein to
           the contrary, the assignment of this Agreement to MSM, its controlling shareholder or
           any entity controlled by MSM, maybe completed as a matter of right.

            27.     NO JOINT VENTURE.

                   The parties agree that nothing herein shall constitute a joint venture or a principal-
             agent relationship between them. The parties acknowledge that call letters, trademarks
             and other intellectual property shall at all times remain the property of the respective
             parties and that neither party shall obtain any ownership interest in the other party's
             intellectual property by virtue of this Agreement.

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Apr 04 05 O2:49p           Frrk DeFraiicesee                            85-453-141                         p.14

        28.     BENEFICIARIES.

              Nothing in this Agreement, express or implied, is intended to confer on any person
        other than the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns any rights,
        remedies, obligations, or liabilities under or by reason of this Agreement.

         29.    FURTHER ASSURANCES.

               Subject to the terms and conditions herein provided, each of the parties hereto
         agrees to use its commercially reasonable efforts to take or cause to be taken all such
         further actions, and to do, or cause to be done, all things necessary, proper or advisable in
         order to fully effectuate the purposes, terms and conditions of this Agreement.

         30.     RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL.

                 (a) MSM hereby grants to BCA a right of frst refusal exercisable if and when
         MSM receives and intends to accept, a bona fide offer to (i) sell all or substantially all of
         the assets of the Station or (II) sell a conlioliing equity or voting interest in the Station's

                  (b) MSM shall provide written notice (the "Notice") to BCA of the bona fide
         offer, including (I) a description of the interest to be sold; (ii) the identity of the
         prospective purchaser(s), and (iii) the monetary or other consideration and the material
         terms and conditions upon which the proposed sale is to be made. The Notice shall
         certify that MSM has received a finn bona Me written offer from. the prospective
         purchaser(s) and in good faith believes a binding agreement for the sale is obtainable on
         the terms and conditions set forth in the Notice, The Notice also shall include a copy of
         any written proposal, term sheet, or letter of intent or any other document relating to the
         proposed sale.

                 (c) Upon receipt of the Notice, BCA shall have thirty (30) calendar days within
         which to make its bona fide offer on the same terms and conditions identified in the
         Notice. ECA shall noti± MSM in writing on or before 11:59 p.m. of the thirtieth day
         whether BCA wishes to acquire the interest.


                BCA and MSM each agrees that it will use its best efforts to keep confidential
          (except for disclosure requirements of federal or state securities laws and securities
          markets along with such disclosure to attorneys, bankers, underwriters investors, etc. as
          maybe appropriate in the furtherance ofthis transaction, or disclosure requirements of
          the SCT) all information of a confidential nature obtained by it from each of the other
          parties, including the terms of any proposal, in connection with the transactions
          contemplated by this Agreement. BCA and MSM shall jointly prepare and determine the
          timing of any press release or other announcement to the public or the news media
          relating to the execution of this Agreement. No party hereto will issue any press release

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Apr 04 OS O2:50p            Frank ]3eFr'8rcesno                         USB-453-9141                   p.15

        or make any other public announcement relating to the transactions contemplated by this
        Agreement without the prior consent of each other party hereto, except that any party
        may make any disclosure required to be made by it under applicable law (including
        federal or state securities laws and the regulations of securities markets) if it determines
        in good faith that it is appropriate to do so and gives prior notice to oach other party
        hereto. It is agreed and understood that MSM may authorize in writing any third party
        subject to the jurisdiction ofthe SCT to disclose this agreement to that body provided that
        confidentiality is maintained, MSM shall give at five (5) days advance written notice that
        such disclosure will be made and shall provide a copy of MSM's written authorization to
        BCA at that time.

                 32. MISCELANEOUS.

                Attached hereto and made a part hereof is Exhibit A, an Inventory of Plant and
         Equipment prepared by MSM and representing all items used and useful in operation the
         Station to which BCA will have access during the Term hereof

  I                        [This space intentionally left blank. Signature page follows]

          FINAL 02.09.05                                 14




                  -        0



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                               a    a
0                              a    q


     Application for Renewal of Permit to Deliver Programs to Foreign Broadcast Stations
                                               Broadcast Company of the Americas, LLC
            XEKTT (also known as XEPE), XEKTT (also known as XEPE), Tijuana, BC
                                                                              Exhibit VI

                    Programming Pursuant to Programming Agreement

        The applicant provides news, sports and other entertainment programming to
XEKTT for up to 24 hours per day, seven days per week, except for that airtime retained
by the Concession Holder to comply with the requirements of Mexican law. The format
will be adjusted by the applicant as necessary to meet the demands of the public. The
programming may be in either Spanish or English.

DC_DOCS:7 11577.1

Document Created: 2013-06-18 10:56:13
Document Modified: 2013-06-18 10:56:13

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