Attachment 325 c XETV Renewal.p

325 c XETV Renewal.p


XETV-Bay City TV (Letter and Application)


This document pretains to 325-RWL-20130430-00001 for Renewal on a Permit to Foreign Broadcast filing.


Holland & Knight
800 17th Street, NW, Suite 1100 I Washington, DC 20006   1202.955.3000 I F 202.955.5564
Holland & Knight LLP
                                                     April 29, 2013

                                                                                          Norman P. Leventhal
                                                                                          (202) 828-1860


Federal Communications Commission
U.S. Bank - Government Lockbox
International and Satellite Service
P.O. Box 979093 (SL-MO-C2-GL)
1005 Convention Plaza, MO 63101
St. Louis, Missouri 63 197-9000

                             Re:       Form 308 Application for Permit to Deliver Programs to
                                       Foreign Broadcast Stations
                                       Bay City Television, Inc.
                                       Extension of Existing Authority, 325-RWL-20080505-00002

Dear Sir or Madam:

        On behalf of Bay City Television, Inc., ("Bay City"), enclosed are an original and two
copies of an Application for Permit to Deliver Programs to Foreign Broadcast Stations (FCC
Form 308) requesting Commission approval in the extension of existing authority of File No.
325-RWL-20080505-00002, in the delivery via satellite, of Bay City programming to Mexican
television station XETV(TV), Tijuana, Mexico.

       Also enclosed is a Remittance Advice (FCC Form 159) and a check for $95.00 made
payable to the Federal Communications Commission for the filing fee.

        An extra copy of the filing is enclosed. Please date-stamp the extra copy and return it in
the self-addressed, postage paid envelope.

          Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the undersigned.

                                                Norman P. Leventhal

#23008 122_v 1

  L   RI. No.

                                                    United States of America
                                              Federal Communleatlons Commission
                                                    WshLngton, D.C. l664

                      (Carefully read .lnstiuctions before filling out Fc.rm -RETURN ONLY FORM TO FCC)

  1. Name of applicant                Street Address or P. 0. Box           City    State    ZIP Code         Telephone No.
                                                                                                              (Include area code)

  Bay City Television, Inc.        8253 Ronson Road                       San Diego CA      92111            (858) 279-6666

  1 Name and address to whom communication should be sent if different from item 1.
       Name                         Street Address or P.O. Box              City    State    ZIP Code         Telephone No.
                                                                                                              (include area code)
                                        Holland & Knight LU'
  Norm Leventhal                        800 17th Street, N.W. -        Washington    DC       20006     -     (202) 955-3000
  3. Legal identity of appl icant: (only check one box)
      CJ Individual       0 PartnershIp        iJ Corporation        0 GOvernment EntitY       0     Other
      If Otherspecify;

  4. Application is for:                                                    325-RWL-20080505-00002
                       0 New Authorization                             [] Ectenslon of Existing Authority

  5. If applicant is an iridMdual, Is applicant a citizen of the United States?     DIN/A                     o    YES   0     NO

  6, If applicant is a partnership, are all partners citizens of the United States? DIN/A                     o    YES   0     NO

  7. If Applicant is a corporation:        --See Exhibit 1-- (Alien Ownership)

      a. Under laws of what state was it organized? California

      b. Is more than one-fifth of the capital stock of the corporation owned of record or may it
          be voted by aliens or theIr representatives or by a foreign government or representative
         thereof, or by any corporation organized under the laws of a foreign country?                             YES   0     NO

      c. ls any officer or director of the corporation en alien?                                              f    YES   0     NO

          If the answer is Yes, give the following for each:

          Name                                    Nationality                                Position

                                                                                                                      FCC 308
                                                                                                                      JL4Y 198B

    d. is applicant directly or indirectly controlled by any other corporation?                               YES   0 uo
       If the answer is Yes, give the following for the controlling corporation.

       Name                                  Ad&ese                                 State In which

   e. Is more than one-fourth of the capital stock of .the controUtag corporation either owned
       of record, or may it be voted by aliens, their representatives, or by a foreli government
       or representative thereof, or by any corporetion organized under the laws of a foreign
       country?                                                                                          L1 vs Duo
   f. is any officer or more than one-fourth of the directors of the corporation an alien?               r    vs 0
      If the answer is Yes, give the name, nationality, and position of each,
      and give the total nurAber of directors of the corporation.

     Name                         Nationality                        Position                      Number of Directors

   g. Is the ab6ve-described controlling corporation In turn a subsidiary?                                0   YES   EI NO

      if the answer is Yea, attach as Exhibit No. * additional information answering the
      holding company queations in this paragraph for each company, to and including the
      organization having ultimata controL

8. a. if the applicant is an unincorporated assocfatlonr give the following:       D/N/A

              Total number of members                 Number of Allen members (If any)

  b. State the following for alien officers or directors (if any):

      Name                                      Nationality                                Position

 FCC 306 (Puce 2)
 July 1988


 9. a. What is applicant's principal, business?

                Television production, programming and sales operations of Station XETV (Tijuana, Mexico)

       b. Does applicant or any party to this application have any interest ip, or conne<tlon with,
          any AM, FM, or TV broadcast station (either domestic or foreign), or any application
          pending before the commission?                                                                        YES         No

          if the answer is Yes; attach Exhibit No. .1_. iving full partlcular8.
1 0. Is applicant a representative of an alien or of a foreign government?                                  0 YES           No
          If the answer Is Yes, explain.
                                             --   See Exhibit 1   -

11 . a, Has any radio statian authorization previously 'issued to the applicant or party to this
        application been revoked, either by the Commission or by any court?                                 0 YES     I     No

      b. Has any previous 8pplicatlon by the applicant or party to this application been denied by
         the Commissioner by a predecessor agency?                                                          0 YES     (1 No

         If the answer to (a) and/or (bi is Yes, explain:

2. a. Has applicant or any party to this application been found guilty by any court of any
       felony?                                                                                              0   YES   t2I   Mo

      b, Has applicant or any party to 'this application been finally adjudged guilty by a federal
         court of the, violation of the laws of the United' States relating to unlawful monopoly,
         restraint of trade, and/or unfair methods of competition?                                          0   YS          No

         If the answer to (a) and/or Ib) is Yes, explain.

                                                                                                             FCC     (Pg SI
                                                                                                                   July 1956

    13. Address of studio or other place at which programs wili orlginatet
         8253/8283 Ronson Road, San Diego, CA 92111
    14. State ownership of originating facilities.
             --   See Exhibit 2           --

   15. Describe the means (wiraline, radio link, or other method) whereby programs will be delivered, to foreign station(s),
       including nnrnea of any lntarcoproting common carriers,
           Satellite and terrestrial microwave, fiber link, network area storage (coiñputer network) or leased private or
           common carrier capaci_--.
   16, Give the location, type, dàuthorized poar of foreign station(8} to which programs wilIba delivered, and Identify
       the licensee or operatihg'ag.encofsuh-tatIon(s).
        Programs will be delivered to commerical TV station XETV, Tijuana, B.C. Mexico, licensed to Radio y Television, S.A. de C.V. XETV operates
        in analog mode on chanhel 6 at 100kW maximum visual effective radiated power and in digital mode on channel 23 at 403kW maimum visual
        effective radiated power from Mount San Antonio, Tijuana
   17. Attach as Exhibit No. _L a full explanation of the legal relationship between the applicant and foreign station(s), in-
       volved, including a copy of conttact (if any) with foreign station(s).

   18. (a) Attach as Exhibit No. ..L. e statement as to whether program deliveries are to be intermittent or regularly
           scheduled, and the average number of hours per day, week and/or month during which the foreign station(s)
           involved will broadcast such programs.

         (b) Attach as Exhibit No. _L a detailed description of the nature and character of the programming proposed and
             the language to be employed.


       The APPLICANT acknowledges that all statements contained in this application and attached exhibits are material
  representations, and that the exhibIts forming a part of this application are incorporated herein as if set out In full in the
  application. The undersigned certifies that the statements contained in this application are true, complete, and correct to
  the best of his/her knowledge and belief and are made in good feith.
         Signed and dated this 2.                 day of          April                                    19 2013

                             (Name of Applk4nt)

 RJLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS MADE ON ThIS FORM                                                               p. c fo I
           U.S. CODE, TITLE 18,.SECTION 1001.

 EXHIBITS furnished as required by this form:
  Exhibft No.         Pore, No, of form           Name of officor or employee ill by whrn or 121 under                    Official thia
                            7,10'                  whee dlrction exhibit wa* prepared lsiiow whichj
     2                  9, 14, 16-17           Rodrigo Salazar                                                       Vice President, C FO

     3            '         18(a)                                                                                       rEsuRE i,
     4                      18(b)

Form -_:_ lPoçe 41
July 18a

                                                                                      EXHIBIT 1
                                                                          Bay City Television, Inc.
                                                                                    FCC Form 308
                                                                                   Questions 7, 10
                                                                                       April, 2013
                                                                                             1 of I

                                     ALIEN OWNERSHIP

       The applicant, Bay City Television, Inc. ("Bay City"), is a California corporation all of
whose corporate officers and directors are Citizens of the United Mexican States ("Mexico).


       Jose Antonio Baston Patiño                 Director and Chairman
       Salvi Rafael Folch Viadero                 Director
       Jorge Lutteroth Echegoyen                  Director
       Felix José Araujo Ramirez                  Director
       Maria Azucena Dominguez Cobián             Director
       Joaquin Balcarcel Santa Cruz               Alternate Director


       Jose Antonio Bastón Patillo                Chairman
       Felix José Araujo Ramirez                  Vice-President
       Rodrigo de Jess Salazar Hernández          Vice-President and CFO and Treasurer
       Joaquin Balcarcel Santa Cruz               Secretary
       MarIa Azucena Dominguez Cobián             Assistant Secretary

       Bay City is directly owned by TVU Enterprises, Inc. a Delaware Corporation ("TVU"),
and indirectly owned by Grupo Televisa, S.A.B. a Mexican Corporation based in Mexico City
("Televisa"). Televisa is owned by public shareholders located worldwide.

        Such ownership by non-U.S. citizens is not a bar to the grant of a Section 325(c)
authorization. Indeed, Bay City itself currently holds such authorization: the one for which
renewal is hereby sought, which for the past several years has enabled Bay City to transmit local
news and other programming electronically to Station XETV(TV), Tijuana, B.C., Mexico.

       Bay City is not the representative of a foreign government.

#22902887 vi

                                                                                       EXHIBIT 2
                                                                           Bay City Television, Inc.
                                                                                     FCC Form 308
                                                                                     Questions 9, 17
                                                                                        April, 2013
                                                                                              1 of 1


                The applicant, Bay City Television, Inc. ("Bay City"), provides programming and
advertising sales services to Mexican television station XETV, which operates in digital mode on
Chanel 23 from Mount San Antonio, Tijuana. Although Bay City and Radio TelevisiOn, S.A. de
C.V. ("R.T.S.A.'), the licensee of XETV, are both indirectly whollyowned subsidiaries of
Grupo Televisa, S.A.B., their legal relationship for purposes of the provision of these services is
one of independent contractors.

               A copy of the contract between Bay City and R.T.S.A. is on file with the FCC.


                                                                                   EXHIBIT 3
                                                                       Bay City Television, Inc.
                                                                                FCC Form 308
                                                                                 Questions 18a
                                                                                    April, 2013
                                                                                          1 of I


            The programming that is the subject of this application will be transmitted to
XETVs transmission facilities daily, and includes a full program schedule.

                                                                                                EXHIBIT 4
                                                                                    Bay City Television, Inc.
                                                                                             FCC Form 308
                                                                                              Questions I 8b
                                                                                                 April, 2013
                                                                                                       1 of 1

                                    NATURE OF PROGRAMMING

              XETV-DT, Channel 23, Tijuana, currently provides the San Diego television
market with programming in the English language twenty-four hours per day, seven days a week.
XETV is the market's CW (Television) Network affiliate.'

                In addition to new programming it produces on a time-sensitive basis, Bay City
transmits electronically from San Diego to XETV in Tijuana its locally-produced public affairs
and other programming, as well as general entertainment and sports programming.

                In sum, the requested permit encompasses the electronic delivery by Bay City to
XETV-DT of all types of programming from any source, for digital broadcast on Channel 23,
and specifically the following;

                          Locally-produced news and public affairs
                          programming and other local programming
                          as well as all entertainment, sports, non-
                          entertainment and other programming that
                          Bay City acquires from U.S. program
                          distributors, including syndicators and
                          network organizations.

All programming will continue to be broadcast in the English language.

        CW programming is delivered by satellite to XETVs Tijuana transmission facilities pursuant to a Section
325 authorization issued by the Commission.


Document Created: 2013-05-21 11:32:40
Document Modified: 2013-05-21 11:32:40

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