Attachment XHRIO-Renewal 2011-2

This document pretains to 325-RWL-20110911-00004 for Renewal on a Permit to Foreign Broadcast filing.


                                              UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                         FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                       RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION
Name: Entravision Communications Corporation                                             Call Sign:
Authorization Type: Renewal of License                                                File Number: 325-RWL-20 110911-00004
                                  Grant date: 11/15/2011             Expiration Date: 11/15/2016

        Subject to the provisions of the Communications Act of 1934, subsequent Acts, and Treaties, and Commission Rules made
        thereunder, and further subject to conditions set forth in this permit, the PERMITTEE:
                         Entravision Communications Corporation
        is hereby authorized to locate, use, or maintain a studio in the United States for the purpose of supplying program material
        to foreign broadcast stations for the term ending November 15, 2016 (3 AM Eastern Standard Time).

 Particulars of Operations

   A) Studio Location:
        801 N. Jackson
        McAllen, TX 78501
    B) For the purpose of producing programs consisting of:
        Programming will be delivered to Station XHRIO-TV, Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico, licensed to TV
        Norte, S.A. de C.V. The station operates on Channel 2 with an authorized power of 98.56 kW. The
        programming supplied by the applicant will be varied in nature. It will be primarily entertainment
        programming, but will also include news, sports, and public affairs programming.
   C) To be delivered by means of:
        Common Carrier, satellite, radio microwave link,
D) To stations identified and located as follows:

Call Sign                Channel                                      Station Locations(s)

XHRIO            2                       Matamoros, Tamaulipa, Mexico

       The Commission reserves the right during said permit period of terminating this permit or making effective any changes or
       modifications of this permit which may be necessary to comply with any decision of the Commission rendered as a result
       of any such hearing which has been designated but not held, prior to the commencement of this permit period.

       This permit is issued on the permittees representation that statements contained in the permittees application are true and
       that the undertakings therein contained, so far as they are consistent herewith, will be carried out in good faith.

       This permit shall not vest in the permittee any right to operate beyond the term hereof nor in any other manner than
       authorized herein. Neither the permittee nor the right granted hereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred in
       violation of the Communications Act of 1934. This permit is subject to the right of use or control by the Government of
       the United States conferred by Section 606 of the Communications Act of 1934.
E) Special and General Provisions
     A) This RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION is granted subject to the following special provisions and general

            203 --- This authorization is predicated on the use of a foreign station assignment, which must abide by the terms of the
                    1962 United States-Mexico VHF Television Agreement. Hence, this program authorization applies only to the
                    specific foreign station facilities which are currently on file with the Commission as having been officially
                    coordinated by the Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transportes (SCT) in Mexico and subsequently approved by
                    the Commission for operation. If the transmitter coordinates or technical operating parameters of the foreign
                    station are altered subsequent to this authorization or are found to be different from those currently on file and
                    approved by the Commission, this program authorization will be subject to immediate termination without right to

                                                    (page 1 of2)                                                      FCC Form 354

                                         UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                    FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                  RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION
Name: Entravision Communications Corporation                                         Call Sign:
Authorization Type: Renewal of License                                            File Number: 325-RWL-20 110911-00004
                                  Grant date: 11/15/2011         Expiration Date: 11/15/2016

    B) This RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION is granted subject to the additional conditions specified below:
              This authorization is issued on the grantee's representation that the statements contained in the application are
              true and that the undertakings described will be carried out in good faith.

              This authorization shall not be construed in any manner as a finding by the Commission on the question of
              marking or lighting of the antenna system should future conditions require. The grantee expressly agrees to
              install such marking or lighting as the Commission may require under the provisions of Section 303(q) of the
              Communications Act. 47 U.S.C. § 303(q).

              Neither this authorization nor the right granted by this authorization shall be assigned or otherwise transferred to
              any person, firm, company or corporation without the written consent of the Commission. This authorization is
              subject to the right of use or control by the government of the United States conferred by Section 706 of the
              Communications Act. 47 U.S.C. § 706. Operation of this station is governed by Part 25 of the Commissions
              Rules. 47 C.F.R. Part 25.

              This authorization shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate this station nor any right in the use of the
              designated frequencies beyond the term of this license, nor in any other manner than authorized herein.

              This authorization is issued on the grantee's representation that the station is in compliance with environmental
              requirements set forth in Section 1.1307 of the Commission's Rules. 47 C.F.R. § 1.1307.

              This authorization is issued on the grantee's representation that the station is in compliance with the Federal
              Aviation Administration (FAA) requirements as set forth in Section 17.4 of the Commission's Rules. 47 C.F,R.

              The following condition applies when this authorization permits construction of or modifies the construction
              permit of a radio station.

             This authorization shall be automatically forfeited if the station is not ready for operation by the required date of
             completion of construction unless an application for modification of authorization to request additional time to
             complete construction is filed by that date, together with a showing that failure to complete construction by the
             required date was due to factors not under control of the grantee.

              Licensees are required to pay annual regulatory fees related to this authorization. The requirement to
              collect annual regulatory fees from regulatees is contained in Public Law 103-66, "The Omnibus Budget
              Reconciliation Act of 1993." These regulatory fees, which are likely to change each fiscal year, are used
              to offset costs associated with the Commission's enforcement, public service, international and policy and
              rulemaking activities. The Commission issues a Report and Order each year, setting the new regulatory
              fee rates. Receive only earth stations are exempt from payment of regulatory fees.

                                              (page2of2)                                                           FCCForm354

      *              *
                          PUBLIC NOTICE
      '      Y            445 12th STREET S.W.
          °AfMISS0        WASHINGTON D.C. 20554

                          News media information 202-418-0500
                          Internet: (or
                          TTY (202) 418-2555

 Report No. 325-00168                                                                                      Tuesday November 15, 2011

                                    Permit To Deliver Programs To Foreign Broadcast Stations
                                                                 re: Actions Taken
The Commission, by its International Bureau, took the following actions pursuant to delegated authority. The effective
dates of the actions are the dates specified.
325-RWL-20110911-00004                                   Entravision Communications Corporation

Granted on November 15, 2011, subject to conditions, application for Section 325 (c) permit to deliver programming to Station
XHRIO-TV, Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico by Entravision Communications Corporation, is licensed to TV Norte, S.A. de C.V. The
station operates on Channel 2 with an authorized power of 98.56 kW.

This authorization is predicated on the use of a foreign station assignment, which must abide by the terms of the 1962 United
States-Mexico VHF Television Agreement. Hence, this program authorization applies only to the specific foreign station facilities which
are currently on file with the Commission as having been officially coordinated by the Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transportes (SCT)
in Mexico and subsequently approved by the Commission for operation. If the transmitter coordinates or technical operating parameters of
the foreign station are altered subsequent to this authorization or are found to be different from those currently on file and approved by the
Commission, this program authorization will be subject to immediate termination without right to hearing.

For more information concerning this Notice, contact Janice Shields at (202) 418-2153;; TTY

                                                                   Page 1 of 1

                        PUBLIC NOTICE

                        445 12th STREET S.W.
         4lMISS\0'      WASHINGTON D.C. 20554

                        News media information 202-418-0500
                        Internet: http:I/ (or
                        TTY (202) 418-2555

 Report No. 325-00166                                                                                Wednesday October 5, 2011

                                  Permit To Deliver Programs to Foreign Broadcast Stations
                                                RE: Applications Accepted for Filing
The applications listed herein have been found, upon initial review, to be acceptable for filing. The Commission
reserves the right to return any of the applications if, upon further examination, it is determined they are defective and
not in conformance with the Commission's Rules and Regulations and its Policies.

325-RWL-2011091100004                                Entravision Communications Corporation
Accepted for Filing

Application for Section 325 (c) renewal permit to deliver programming to Station XHRIO-TV, Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico by
Entravision Communications Corporation is licensed to TV Notre, S.A. de C.V. and operates on Channel 2 with an authorized power of
98.56 kW.

Petitions to deny this application must reference the file number associated with the 325(c) application and be on file no
later than 30 days from the date of the notice accepting this Application for filing. Guidelines for filings are available at: Filings can be sent by hand or messenger delivery, by commercial overnight courier, or by first- class
or overnight U.S. Postal Service mail (although we continue to experience delays in receiving U.S. Postal Service mail).
The Commission's contractor, Natek, Inc., will receive hand-delivered or messenger-delivered paper filings for the
Commission's Secretary at 236 Massachusetts Avenue, N. E., Suite 110, Washington, D.C. 20002. The filing hours at
this location are 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p. m. All hand deliveries must be held together with rubber bands or fasteners. Any
envelopes must be disposed of before entering the building. Commercial overnight mail (other than U.S. Postal Service
Express Mail and Priority Mail) must be sent to 9300 East Hampton Drive, Capitol Heights, MD 20743. U.S. Postal
Service first-class mail, Express Mail, and Priority Mail should be addressed to 445 12th Street, SW, Washington, D.C.
20554. All filings must be addressed to the Commission's Secretary, Office of the Secretary, Federal Communications
Commission. In addition, please submit one copy of your petition to Janice Shields, FCC, International Bureau, Room 6-
B418, 445 12th Street, SW, Washington, D.C. 20554.

For more information concerning this Notice, contact Janice Shields at (202) 418-2153;; TTY

                                                               Page 1 of 1

                                                                                                                                           u/uij9-q3 /&3I/
    READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY                                                                                                                     Approved by 0MB
    BEFORE PROCEEDING                                          FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                           3040-0589
                                                                     REMITTANCE ADVICE                                                                Page No    of1
                                                                               FORM 99

 (I) LOCKBOX                                                                                                                  SPECIAL USE ONLY

      979093                                                                                                                  FCCUSBONLY

                                                                     SECTION A- PAYER INFORMATION
 (2) PAYER NAME if paying by credit card enter name exactly as it appears onthe card)                       (3)TOTAL AMOUNT PAID (US Dollars and cents)
Thompson Hine LLP                                                                                           $95.00
Suite 800
1920 N Street, N.W.
 (6)CITY                                                                                                         (7)STATE       (8)ZIPCODE
Washinqton                                                                                                        DC                       20036
 (9) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (include area code)                                          (10) COUNTRY CODE (if not is USA.)
202-331 -8800
                                                             FCC REGISTRATION NUMBER (FRN) REQUIRED
 II I)PAYER(FRN)                                                                            (12) FCC USE ONLY
Entravision Communications Corporation
Suite 6000 West
2425 Olympic Boulevard
lotLi t                                                                                                          Ii uSIA'S      lIblLtO.UUS
Santa Monica                                                                                                    CA                        90404
(19) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (include area code)                                          120) COUNTRY CODE (if not in U S A
31 0-447-3870
                                                             FCC REGISTRATION NUMBER (FRN) REQUIRED
(21)APPLICANT(FRN)                                                                           (22) FCC USE ONLY
(23A) CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                              (24A) PAYMENT TYPE CODE                                       )25A) QUANTITY

                                                        MBT                                                         1
(2bA) FEE DUE FOR (FTC)                               (27A) TOTAL FEE                                                   FCC USE ONLY

$95.00                                                                                         $95.00              _________________________________
(28A) FCC CODE I                                                                      (29A) FCC CODE 2

(23E) CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                              (24B) PAYMENT TYPE CODE                                       (25B) QUANTITY

(26B) FEE DUE FOR (FTC)                               )27B) TOTAL FEE                                                   FCC USE ONLY

(28B)FCC CODE I                                                                       (29B) FCC CODE 2

                                                                       SECTION D-CERTIFICATION
I,_________________________________________ certify under penalty ofperjury that the foregoing and supporting information is true and correct to
the best of my knowledge, information and belief.

SIGNATURE________________________________________________                                                   DATE_________           ________

                                                        SECTION E - CREDIT CARD PAYMENT INFORMATION

                                               MASTERCARD                 VISA              AMEX          DISCOVER

ACCOUNT NUMBER                                                                                 EXPIRATION DATE

I hereby authorize the FCC to charge my credit card for the servicels)/uuthorization herein described

SIGNATURE____________________________________________________________                                       DATE__________________

                                                   SEE PUBLIC BURDEN ON REVERSE                                  FCC FORM 159                      FEBRUARY 2003

THOMPSON                    ATLANTA
                                                   CLEVELAND              DAYFON              WASHINGTON, DC.
                                                               COLUMBUS            NEW YORK

 September 8, 2011

 Federal Communications Commission
 International and Satellite Services
 P.O. Box 979093
 St. Louis, Missouri 63 197-9000

 RE: Entravision Communications Corporation
     Form 308 Application for Renewal of Permit to Deliver Programs to Foreign Broadcast

 Dear Sir:

Transmitted herewith, in duplicate, on behalf of Entravision Communications Corporation, is an
application on FCC Form 308. The application requests renewal of its permit for the delivery of
programming by the applicant to a foreign broadcast station, Station XHRIO-TV, Matamoros,
Tamaulipas, Mexico.

Also enclosed is a check, in the amount of $95.00, for the required filing fee, and an Anti-Drug
Abuse Act Certification.

 Should there be any questions in regard hereto, please communicate with the undersigned.


Barry A. Friedman


cc: Mr. Philip C. Wilkinson
    Mr. Sonny Cavazos
    Ms. Janice Shields, FCC International Bureau

 18219!                                                                                               18219! 2

THOMPSON NINE LLP             1920 N Street, N.W.    
ATTORNEYS AT IAW              Washington, D.C. 20036-1600      Phone 202.331.8800
                                                               Fax 202.331.8330

AUG-31-2811       1:55               INTL SAND DILJ                                           282 418 t.3S8          8.24


   RIe Ne,

                                                  United States of America
                                            Federal Conimunk.atlons Comrrdulon
                                                  Washlnjton, D.C. 2O4

                   (Carefully read instruedons before filling out Form-'-RETURN ONLY FORM TO FCC)

  1, Name of applicant    Street Address or P. 0. Box                     City       State     ZIP Ccxie       Telephone No.
    Entravision Communications                                                                                 (include area code)
    Corporation                    Suite 6000 West                   Santa Monica CA 90404
                          2425 Olympic Boulevard                                                              (310)447-3870

  2. Name and address to whom communication should be sent if different from item 1.
     Name                    Street Address or P.O. Box           City     State     ZIP Code                  Telephone No.
   Barry A. Friedman         Suite 800                  Washington, DC           20036                         (include area code)
   Thompson Mine LLP         1920 N Street, N.W.                                                              (202)331-8800

 3. Legal identity of applicant: (only check one box)
   El Individual       0 Partnership       !   Corporation        Ci Government Entity             El Other
   If Other specify:

 4. Application is for:                                         File No. 325-NET'7-20060915--00003
                      El New Authorization                           (Xl Extension of Existing Authority
 5. If applicant is an indMdu&, is applicant a citizen of the United States?                 N/A               El YES El NO
 6. It applicant is a partnership, are alt partners citizens of the United States?           N/A               El YES       El NO
 7. If Applicant is a corporation:

   a. Under laws of what state was it organized?                     State of Delaware

   b. Is more than one1lfth of the capital stock of the corporation owned of record or may it
      be voted by aliens or their representatives or by a foreign government or representative
      thereof, or by any corporation organized under the laws of a foreign country?                           El   YES        NO
   c. Is any officer or director of the corporation an alien?                                                 El   YES        NO
      If the answer is Yes, give the following for each;

      Name                                    Nationality                                     Position

                                                                                                                      FCC 308
                                                                                                                      J,Ey 1988

flUG31-2O11 11:55                 INTL SAND DID                                          282 418 8388         P.85


    d. Is applicant directly or indirectly controlled by any other corporation?                          0   YES   0 No.
       If the answer is Yes, give th following for the controHing corporation,

       Name                                  Addrou                               State in which

    s. Is more than one-fourth of the capital atock of the controlling corporation either owned
        of record, or may it be voted by, aliens, their representatives, o by a forel gov&nmt
        or representative thereof, or by any corporation organized under the laws of a foreign
        country?                                                                       N/A               o   YES   0    NO

    i. Is any officer or more than one-fourth of the directors of the corporation an alien? N/A          DYES      DNo
      If the answer is Yes, give the name, nationality, and position of each,
      and give the total number of directors of the corporation.

      Name                        Nationality                        PoSItIon                     Number of Directors

   g. Is the above-described controlling corporation in turn a subsidiary?                               0 YES       J NO
      If the answer is Yes, attach as Exhibit No. - additioral information answering the
      holding company questions in this paragraph for each company, to and including the
      organization having ultimate control.
8. a, If the applicant is an unincorporated association, give the following:
              Total number of members                Number of Allen members (if any)

   b. State the following for alien officers or directors (If anyh

      Name                                    NatIonality                                Position

 FCC 308 lPs 2)
 July ISU

  1iUG-3121311     11:55              INTL SAND DILJ                                          2132 418 13398         P.86

  9. a. What is applicant's principat business?

      The ownership and operation of broadcast television and radio stations.

     b. Does applicant or any party to this application have any interest in, or connection with,
        any AM, FM, or TV broadcast station (either dOmestiC Of foreign), or any application
        pending before the commission?                                                                  ftI      s     o

        If the answer is Yes, attach Exhibit No. _L diving ftiU particulars.
 1 0. Is applicant a representative of an alien or of a foreign government?                             0 YES               No

        If the answer in Yes, explain.

11 . a. Has any radio station authorization previou&y issued to the applicant or party to this
       application been revoked, either by the Commission or by any COUrt?                              0 YES          L?3 No

    b. Has any previous application by the applicant or party to this application been denied by
       the Commission, or by a predecessor agency?                                                      EJ YES         0

       If the answer to (a) and/or (b) iS Yes, explain: The applicant has had applications denied,
      cenerally because the application did not. corrply with required provIsions dealing
      with the engineering portions of the applications. No application has been denied
      for character or other qualifications reasons.

12. a, Has applicant or any party to this application been found guilty by any court of any
        felony?                                                                                         0      YES    0     No

   b. Has applicant or any party to this application been finally adjudged guilty by a federal
      court of the violation of the      of the United States relating to unlawful monopoly,
      restraint of trade, and/or unfair methods of competition?                                         0 YES         [3 No

      If the answer to (a) and/or (b} is Yes, explain.

                                                                                                         FCC X (Pgu 3)
                                                                                                              Juty 1U

    AU5H31-201i         11:55                  INTL SOND DID                                            202 418 0398           P.87

   13. Address of studio or other place at which programs will originate;                  801 N. Jackson
                                                                                           MeAl len,  xas   78501

   14. State ownership of originating facilities.            Ent.ravision Ccrnrnuriications Corporation

   15. Describe the means (wirelino, radio link, or other method) whereby programs will be delivered, to foreign station(s),
       including names of any Interconnecting common carriers.
       ProqrintTaflc.} will be delivered fran the United States to Mexico by satellite, radio
       rnicriave link, or by telecomnunicat ions carntan carrier.

   16. Give the location, type, nd authorized po'er of foreign station(s) to which programs will be delivered, and identify
       the licensee or operatihggncy.tch-Itation(s).
       Proqranrning will be delivered to Station XHRIO-LV, Matamoros, rtameulioas, Meexico,
       Licensed to 1V Notre, S.A. de C.V. The Station operates on Channel 2 with an authorized
       power of 98.56 kW.
   17. Attach as Exhibit No. ........... a full explanation of the legal relatIonship between tho applicant and foreign station(s) ir
       volved, including a copy of contract (if any) with foreign station(s).

  18. (a) Attach as Exhibit No,     i a statement as to whether program de(ivories are to be intermittent or regularly
          scheduled, and the average number of hours per day, week and/or month during which the foreign station(s)
          involved Will broadcast such programs.

       Ib) Attach as Exhibit No. .._4. a detailed description of the nature and character of the programming proposed end
           the language to be employed.


       The APPLICANT acknowledges that all statements contained in this application and attached exhibits are material
  representations, and that the exhibits forming a part of this application are incorporated herein as if set out in full in the
  application. The undersigned certifies that the statements contaIned in thi8 application are true, complete, and correct to
  the best of his/her knowledge and belief and are made in good faith.

       Signed and dated thic        _LL day of              Septaier

  kntravision Cannun:i.cattons Corporation                                   By    /L2 (i            /_/'-Ia
                         (Name of Appikant)                                       /         I          (Sojrur&

  W1LLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS MADE ON THIS FORM                                        President and Chief Operatinq Officer
       U.S. CODE, TITLE 18,SECTION 1001.

 EXHIBITS furnished as_required by this form:
  Exhibit No,   Pare. No. of form             Namo ot offIcer or employee (1) by whom or (2) under            Official title
                                               whose direction odbit was prepOred Ithow WhichI
                9 .b.                  Philip C. Wilkinson (2)                                       President and Chief
                                                                                                     Ope:ratinq of f leer
       2        17                      Stma                                                         Same.
                18(a)                   Same                                                         Same
       4        18 (b\                  Same                                                         Same

 Fort-n X lPege 41
July 1

                                                                                                                         TDTflI - P.0?

                                                       Entravision Communications Corporation
                                                                               FCC Form 308
                                                                                    Exhibit I

                             OTHER MASS MEDIA INTERESTS

        The applicant, Entravision Communications Corporation, is the parent of Entravision
Holdings, LLC. Entravision Holdings, LLC is the licensee or permittee of the following

                               KVYE(TV), El Centro, California
                                   Facility ID No. 36170

                               KSMS-TV, Monterey, California
                                  Facility ID No. 35611

                             KPMR(TV), Santa Barbara, California
                                  Facility ID No. 12144

                                 KCEC(TV), Denver, Colorado
                                    Facility ID No. 24514

                                 KVSN-DT, Pueblo, Colorado
                                   Facility ID No. 166331

                              WUVN(TV), Hartford, Connecticut
                                  Facility ID No. 3072

                              WVEN-TV, Daytona Beach, Florida
                                   Facility ID No. 131

                                  WVEA-TV, Venice, Florida
                                   Facility ID No. 16788

                                   KDCU-DT, Derby, Kansas
                                    Facility ID No. 166332

                              WJAL(TV), Hagerstown, Maryland
                                  Facility ID No. 10259

                             WTJNI(TV), Worcester, Massachusetts
                                   Facility ID No. 30577

                                KINC(TV), Las Vegas, Nevada
                                   Facility ID No. 67089

      KREN-TV, Reno, Nevada
       Facility ID No. 51493

KLUZ-TV, Albuquerque, New Mexico
      Facility ID No. 35084

  KORO(TV), Corpus Christi, Texas
      Facility ID No. 64877

      KINT-TV, El Paso, Texas
       Facility ID No. 51708

      KTFN(TV), El Paso, Texas
        Facility ID No. 68753

      KLDO-TV, Laredo, Texas
       Facility ID No. 51479

     KNVO(TV), McAllen, Texas
       Facility ID No. 69692

     KUPB(TV), Midland, Texas
       Facility ID No. 86263

     KVER-CA, Indio, California
       Facility ID No. 69753

     KEVC-CA, Indio, California
       Facility ID No. 51656

     K100G, Lompoc, California
       Facility ID No. 41125

 KVES-LD, Palm Springs, California
      Facility ID No. 51659

   K17GD, Paso Robles, California
       Facility ID No. 68666

KDJT-CA, Salinas/Monterey, California
      Facility ID No. 52888

   KBNT-LD, San Diego, California
       Facility ID No. 13022


        KTCD-LP, San Diego, California
           Facility ID No. 19782

        KDTF-CA, San Diego, California
            Facility ID No. 4035

       K28FK, San Luis Obispo, California
            Facility ID No. 29885

       KTSB-CA, Santa Maria, California
           Facility ID No. 31352

          KHAX-LP, Vista, California
            Facility ID No. 70394

          KDVT-LP, Denver, Colorado
            Facility ID No. 24516

KGHB-CA, Pueblo and Colorado Springs, Colorado
           Facility ID No. 24515

     WHTX-LP, Springfield, Massachusetts
          Facility ID No. 26337

       WUTH-CA, Hartford, Connecticut
           Facility ID No. 74214

         WMDO-CA, Washington, D.C.
           Facility ID No. 38437

         WMDO-LD, Washington, D.C.
           Facility ID No. 167370

          W47DA, Melbourne, Florida
            Facility ID No. 29710

          WVCI-LP, Orlando, Florida
            Facility ID No, 3601

           WVEA-LP. Tampa, Florida
             Facility ID No. 3602

         KELV-LP, Las Vegas, Nevada
            Facility ID No. 36639

   KNTL-LP, Laughlin, Nevada
     Facility ID No. 36638

 KWWB-LP, Mesquite, etc., Nevada
    Facility ID No. 39491

   KRNS-CA, Reno, Etc., Nevada
      Facility ID No. 34577

  KNVV-LP, Reno/Sparks, Nevada
     Facility ID No. 23028

KTFA-LP, Albuquerque, New Mexico
      Facility ID No. 35085

   KVTF-CA, Brownsville, Texas
      Facility ID No. 32179

 KCRP-CA, Corpus Christi, Texas
     Facility ID No. 48833

    KTIZ-LP, Harlingen, Texas
       Facility ID No. 657

    KFTN-CA, La Feria, Texas
      Facility ID No. 40058

     KXOF-CA, Laredo, Texas
      Facility ID No. 11699

     KETF-CD, Laredo, Texas
      Facility ID No. 32177

    KBZO-LP. Lubbock, Texas
      Facility ID No. 51303

    KSFE-LP, McAllen, Texas
      Facility ID No. 49038

    KTFV-CA, McAllen, Texas
      Facility ID No. 28280

  KANGCA, San Angelo, Texas
     Facility ID No. 48013


    KEUS-LP, San Angelo, Texas
       Facility ID No. 48014

KVVA-FM, Apache Junction, Arizona
      Facility ID No. 1331

   KDVA(FM), Buckeye, Arizona
      Facility ID No. 2750

   KLNZ(FM), Glendale, Arizona
      Facility ID No. 48738

 KRRN(FM), Dolan Springs, Arizona
      Facility ID No. 27982

   KSSE(FM), Arcadia, California
      Facility ID No. 35113

   KSEH(FM), Brawley, California
       Facility ID No. 6666

  KCVR-FM, Columbia, California
     Facility ID No. 12063

    KXSE(FM), Davis, California
      Facility ID No. 53653

  KSSD(FM), Fallbrook, California
      Facility ID No. 35139

  KLOK-FM, Greenfield, California
      Facility ID No. 49100

  KMXX(FM), Imperial, California
      Facility ID No. 6665

  KRCX-FM, Marysville, California
      Facility ID No. 56513

KDLE(FM), Newport Beach, California
      Facility ID No. 33904

   KTSE-FM, Patterson, California
      Facility ID No. 29542


   KLYY(FM), Riverside, California
       Facility ID No. 58809

 KHHM(FM), Sacramento, California
     Facility ID No. 20435

 KDLD(FM), Santa Monica, California
      Facility ID No. 33902

    KSES-FM, Seaside, California
       Facility ID No. 3155

  KNTY, Shingle Springs, California
      Facility ID No. 50302

KLOB(FM), Thousand Palms, California
      Facility ID No. 40518

    KMIX(FM), Tracy, California
      Facility ID No. 60420

    KSSC(FM), Ventura, California
       Facility ID No. 33567

    KPVW(FM), Aspen, Colorado
       Facility ID No. 3008

  KJMN(FM), Castle Rock, Colorado
      Facility ID No. 10056

   KXPK(FM), Evergreen, Colorado
       Facility ID No. 20300

    WNUE-FM, Titusville, Florida
      Facility ID No. 46969

   KQRT(FM), Las Vegas, Nevada
      Facility ID No. 51731

      KRN V-FM, Reno, Nevada
       Facility ID No. 50305

  KRZY-FM, Santa Fe, New Mexico
      Facility ID No. 65475


    KKPS(FM), Brownsville, Texas
       Facility ID No. 56483

     KVLY(FM), Edinburg, Texas
       Facility ID No. 67188

      KYSE(FM), El Paso, Texas
        Facility ID No. 39612

      KINT-FM, El Paso, Texas
       Facility ID No. 51709

      KOFX(FM), El Paso, Texas
        Facility ID No. 39613

     KFRQ(FM), Harlingen, Texas
        Facility ID No. 56484

     KNVO-FM, Port Isabel, Texas
       Facility ID No. 40680

     KAIQ(FM), Wolfforth, Texas
        Facility ID No. 111

KBMB(AM), Black Canyon City, Arizona
      Facility ID No. 63147

   KWST(AM), El Centro, California
       Facility ID No. 33298

     KCVR(AM), Lodi, California
       Facility ID No. 60424

   KMBX(AM), Soledad, California
      Facility ID No. 64041

    KMXA(AM), Aurora, Colorado
       Facility ID No. 10057

   WLQY(AM), Hollywood, Florida
      Facility ID No. 23609

KRZY(AM), Albuquerque, New Mexico
      Facility ID No. 12634


                                    KHRO(AM), El Paso, Texas
                                      Facility ID No. 87165

                                     KSVE(AM), El Paso, Texas
                                       Facility ID No. 51705

                            KGOL(AM), Humble-South Houston, Texas
                                   Facility ID No. 34473

                                    KBZO(AM), Lubbock, Texas
                                       Facility ID No. 9705

                               KS SE-FM 1, San Fernando, California
                                      Facility ID No. 35114

                                K26OAA, Carmel Valley, California
                                     Facility ID No. 49101

                                   K252BF, Temecula, California
                                      Facility ID No. 35138

                                  KXPK-FMI, Boulder, Colorado
                                     Facility JD No. 20302

                                KRRN-FMI, E. Las Vegas, Nevada
                                    Facility ID No. 137214

        Entravision Communications Corporation holds a minority, limited voting interest
(neutral investment) in the entities that directly or indirectly hold the broadcast licenses for the
following stations, Through those entities, Entravision Communications Corporation provides
the programming and related services available on the stations under a time brokerage
arrangement. The stations remain control of the contents and other broadcast issues.

                                         Station XI)TV-TV
                                             Channel 49
                                       Tecate, Baja California

                                          Station XHAS-TV
                                              Channel 33
                                       Tijuana, Baja California


 Station XHRIO-TV
      Channel 2
Matamoros, Tamaulipas


                                                     Entravision Communications Corporation
                                                                             FC( Fonn 308
                                                                                   Exhibit 2


       The Applicant brokers tune on tatjon XHRI(.LTV arid, in connection therewith,

provides programming to TV Norte, SA. de CV., the entity that holds the concession from the

Government of Mexico to operate Xl-llUO'F\'

                                                       Eritnvision CommUnicatiOns Corporation
                                                                               FCC Form 3O
                                                                                    Exhibit 3

                                 DElIVERY OF PROGRArvIS

       The programming supplied by mile applicant will be transmitted on a regular schedule. It

has not vel been determined as to how many hours ofprogramining are to be delivered on each

veekday and on weekends.

                                                       Fntravision Coniiiunications Corporauon
                                                                                 FCC Form 308
                                                                                      Exhibit 4


       'the programming supplied by the applicant will be of a varied nature. It will be

pnmarily entertainment programming, but will also include news, sports, and public aftiiirs


                          i\N'1'J-i)J.1 (3 AR 1iS1 AC] CERTIFICAliON

         Ihe applicant certifies that, in the case of an ndividuai applicant. he or she is not subject
to a denial @1 fidoraI bench ts pursuant to Section 530 of' the Anti-Dma Abuse Act of I 98, 21
1S.C. § '15 3(a), or in the case of a non-individual applicant (e.g., corporation partnership or
other unincorporated association). no party to the application is subject to a denial of federal
benefits pursuant to that section. For the definition of a "party" lbr these purposes, the applicant
has relied on 47 f' FR. § 1.2002tb).

        Fxec uted at San Diepo, Calithmnia, on the    2 day of'                  2011.

                                                       FN1RAVISION COMM UNIC!\T[ONS
                                                       (;()RPOR.\ [ION


Document Created: 2013-06-19 11:45:39
Document Modified: 2013-06-19 11:45:39

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