Attachment 2019_02_01_14_50_44.



New Application


This document pretains to 325-NEW-20181128-00004 for New Application on a Permit to Foreign Broadcast filing.


File No,

                                                            United States of America
                                          Federal Communications Commission
                                                     Washington, D.C. 20SS4

                   (Carefully read instructions before filing out Form-RETURN ONLY FORM TO FCO)

1. Name of Applicant Street Address or P.O. Eon             City   State    Zip Code    Telephone No.
Local Media San Oiego, LLC                                                                         (include area code)
E1EO Comemlone Ct. E Suite 150                                                         (E58) EtE-70a0
San Diego, CAE2121-3720

2. Name and address to whom communication should be sent if different fmm item 1.

Name     Street Address or P.O. Boa           City      State                          Zip Coda       Telephone No.
Tom W. Oevldson                                                                                (Include area code)
Akin Oump Straus Hauer & Feld, LLP                                                     (202) Et7401 1
1333 New Hampshire Ave. NW
Washington, DC 2003E
3. Legal identity of applicant: (only check one boa)

         C individual        C Partnership                   C Corporation          U Oovemment Entity      U    Other

If of her specify:        Limited Uahility Company

4. Application is fan
                     U    New Authorization                        C Extension ot Existing Authority

5. It applicant is an individual, is applicant a citizen 01 me United States?          UINIA       U       YtS    U       NI)

B. If applicant in a partnership, era eli partners citizens of the United States:      0/N/A       C       YES    U       HO

7. If applicant is e corporation:                                                      0/N/A
   a. Under lawn of what state won ft organized:

   b. ts more than one-fifth of the capital stock of the corporation owned of record or may it be voted
      by aliens or their representatives or by a foreign govemment or representative thereof, or by any
       corporation organized under the lawn of a foreign country?                                      U   YES        U NO

   c. is any officer or director of the corporation an alien?                                          U   YES        U   NO

       If the answer is Yes, give the following for each:

       Name                            Nationality                                Position

  d. Is applicant directly or indirectly controlled by any other corporation?                     U    YES     U NO

         lithe enewer is Yes, give the followtng for the controlling corporation

         Neme                          Address                              State In which organIzed

  e. Is more than one-fosrth of the capital stock of the controlling corporation either owned of record,
     or may it be voted by aliens, their representatives, or by a foroign government or rapresentative
     thereof, or by any corporation organized sndar the laws of a foreign coantry?
                                                                                               U YES            DNa

  I.      Is any officer or more than ona-tosrth of the directors of the corporation an alien?
                                                                                                  U    YES      DNa

         lithe answer is Yes, give the name, nationality and position of each and give tho total somber of
         directors of the corporation.

         Name          Natlosaltty               PosItion                 Number of Directors

 g.       Is the abosa-describad controlling corporation in torn a ssbsidiary?                     U    YES     U No

It the answer is Yes, attach as Eshibit No.     additional Intormation answartng the
holdiog company qsastions is this paragraph for each company, including the
organization having clttmste control.

8. a. If the applicant is an unincorporated association, give the following:           DIN/A

          Total number of members                        Nambar of Atlas Members (If any)

       b. State the following for alien officers or directors (if any):

           Name                                Natlonetity                       PositIon

                                                                                                       FCC 308 (Page 2)

9.    a. What Is applicant’s prIncipal business?             Broadcasting

      b. Does applicant or any party to thts application have any Interent In, or connection with, any
         AM, FM, or TV broadcast station (either domestic or foreign), or any application pending before
         the Commission?
                                                                                                       YBS    UNO
         If the answer Is Yes, attach Exhibit No.       giving full patticutam.     See Exhibit I

10.      to applicant a representative of an alien or of a foreign govemment?                    U    YES     U NO
         If the answer Is Yes, enplaln.

11. a. Has any radio slabs authorization prevIously Issued to the applicant or party to this application
       been revoked, either by the Commission or by any court?                                  U YES         U NO
      b. Has any previous application by the applicant or party to this application been denied by the
         Commission or by a predecessor agency?                                                   C YES       U NO

         If the answer to (a ) and/or (b) is Yes, explain:

12. a Has applicant or any party to this application been found guilty of any felony by any court?
                                                                                                 C     YBS    UNO

      b. Has applicant or any party to this application been finally adjudged guilty by a federal court
         ot the ablation ot the awe of the United States relating to
         unlawful monopoly, restraint of trade, and or unfair methods of compehhon?                 U YES     U NO

         If the answer to (a ) and or (b) is Yes, explain.

                                                                                                     FCC 308 (Page 3)

13. a. Address of studio or other piece et which progrems will odginete:
         6160 Cornerstone Court, Suite 150, Sen Diego, CA 92121

      b. Telephone contect number
            (658) 888-7000

    c. Email eddmss:
14.    Stete ownership of originating facilities
         See Exhibit I

15.   e. Describe the means whereby programs will be delivered to foreign station(s), including
         the semen of any interconnecting common carriers.
           Programming to be deilvererod by mneos of fiber optic trensmission lines,
           with beckup using traditional telephone linen end!or 4G cellular transmissions, if necessary.
           Means of Transmissions include but are not limited lathe following:
          O Dedicated Wimline
          O Internet (IP)
          O Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)
          0 Private Microwave
          0 Private Radio (remote pickup)
          O Common Carrier Microwave
          O Common Carder Radio
          O Satellite
          O Dr cumbinetlon of methods

      b.   LIst all cell signs of private tronomitters to the United States

           :   Call Sign                                   Company Name

                                                                                                   Form 308 (Page 4)

16.   Coordinated foreign station to which programs will be provided:   See Exhibit I

      Cailsign:                                    City:                         State:

      U AM Station

      Frequency (kHz):
                                      Qttsllrntt                            Nighttime
      Coordinates:                                 NL                                     NL
                                                   WL                            •        WL

      Operating power

      U FM Station:

      Frequency:              Channel:                                  Ctasa:

      Mode of operation: Oirectionat/Non-directtonat

       Maximum Effective Radiated Power (kW):

       Coordinates              NL                            WL

      Antenna Height Above Average Terrain (HAAT):

      Antenna Radiatinn Center Above Mean Sea Level (RCAMSL):

      Q   TV Station:


       Mode of operation: OirectionatiNoe-dlrecflonal

       Maximum Effective Radiated Power (kW):

       Coordinates               NL                           Wi.

       Antenna Height Above Average Terrain (HAAT):

       Antenna Radiatien Center Above Meen Sea Level (RCAMSL):

17.   Attach as Exhibit No________ a full eaptanation of the tegal retationship between the applicant and
      foreign station(s) involved, including a copy of contract (if any) with foreign station(s).
                     See Exhibit I

18.   a. Attach as Exhibit No_________ a statement as to whether program deliveries are to be intermittent or
        regulady scheduled and the average nuwber of hours, per day week and or month during which the foreign station(s) involved will broadcast
                      See Exhibit I
      b.    Attach as Exhibit No_________ a detailed description of the nature and character of the programming
      pmposed and the language to be employed.
                      See Exhibit I
jg     Anti-Drug Abusa Act Ceñifioatlen. Asslgnee!transferee certifies that neither assignee nor any party to the
        application is subject to denial of federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Mb-Drug Abuse Act of 1688,
        21 U.S.C. Section 862.

20.    Equal Empleyment Oppertuntty (EEO). If the applicant proposes to ampley five or wore full-time employees,
      applicant certifies that it is filing simultaneously with this applicant a Model EEO Pmgram Report on FCC
        Form 356-A.

17.        Attach as EthJbh No               a fiAt enptanafiei of the legal relebonship between the applicant and
           foreign station(s) Involved, including a copy of contract (if any) n.tth foreign stobon(s).
                          See Sithitit

It.       a Attach as Exhibit No_____ a statement ax to whether program deliveries sue to be toteemittont or
            regutady scheduled and the average center of beam, per day week and or month dozing which the fomign station(s) Involved will taoadcaxt
                         See Sobitot I
          b. Attach as ththibbNo_____ a detaIled danaipfion of the nature end charaderof the frogmmtobig
          proposed and the langoagoto be employed,
                         See Exhibit I
18.        Anti-Drug Abuse Act Certification. Assigneedransfenee certifies that neither assignee nor any panty to the
            epplicahon Is subject to dentat of toderat benefith prnuantto Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Mel 1008,
            21 U.S.C. Section 802.

20.         Eqoel Employment Cpportanhy (ESOL If the applicant propoaea to employ five or term hAl-type employees,
           appicant certifies that his Slog eimottaneoosiy with ffx epplicant a Model SOD Program Report on FCC
             Form 30-A.

                                      CERTIFI GAllON

     The APPUCANT aclmowtedges that afl etatemerto contaIned hr tAx application and attached
entifbde are marenel repeseritatons, end thattbe e%oblxtrmmg apt of this eppltoeton end
Incorporated herein as it set out to hAl to the application. The areteratgned carfifies thatthe atalemente
contained to this ajrplicabch are bee, domplete and correct tote best othisther browledge and belief
end sue madeto good beth.

      Signed end dated this    28th       day ef November. 2018.

Local MedtaSan Diego, LW                                                    By         flt44.vw.— £

I U.S. tODE TITLE1S. SEC110H 1001.

 EXHIBITS forrdshed as revuired be this bonn:

                                                                                                  the applicant and
17.       Attach as Exhibit No________ abel explanation ot the legal relationship between
          foreign station(s) lnidoivsd, Including a copy of contract (if any) with foreign station(s).
                         See Eshbit
                                                                                                  are to be hitennlttent or
18.        a. Attach as Exhibit No________ a statement as to whether program deliveries
                                                                                                month during which the foreign station(s) Involved will broadcast
             regularly scheduled, and the average number of hours per day week and or
             suds progrxm
                            See Eduibtl
                                                                                                       of the programming
           b.    Macbaa Erdsibit No______ a deja0ed description of the nature and character
           proposed and the language to be employed.
                            See E)hlbit I
                                                                                              ossigree norany party tothe
19.         Anti-Drug Abusi.Act CertIfIcation. tssigneetiransfereecertitres thatnicther
                                                                                                  kiti-Dtug Abuse Pot of 1998,
              applicattos Is subject to.denlal of federal benetls pursuant to Section 5301 of the
              21 U.S.C. Sedson.8G2.
                                                                                                  ormore Mtrre employees,
 20.        Equal Employment Opportunity (BED). If the applicant proposes la empley Eve
                                                                                               Program Report on FCC
           applicant that It is flUng simultaneously with thIs applicants Model EE.O
             Form 39fl.


     The APPLI       lit acknowjedglis that all statenrents contalfiRd Is s application and ar
 edsibils re aterial.represeplatoud, and that theeeiuibils tormln part of t(iis pgition
                      as  If set out In Ml    a app jjcallorr. The undersIgned CertifieS thist the sjaternerrs
 Incorporated her&n                        Cn
                                                                                       know’edge and belief
 contained Inthis application are true complete and coned to the beet of blaTher
 end are mady br.good beth.

       Signed and dyted this.   29th       day of November, 20.18.

  Local Medla.Spo Diego Holdings, LLC                                         Eli      7 uua,
                                                                                                                 y?. )‘2•i.._
            INns srfxpdthN)


     U.S. CODEr TITLE 18, 5rtON 1001.


    The APPLICANT acknowledges that all statements contained in this appTication and attached
echiblts are material representations, and that the exhibits forming a part of this application are
incorporated herein as if set out in full in the application. The undersigned certifies that the statements
contained In this application are true, complete and correct to the best of hisTher knowledge and belief
and are made In good faith.

   Signed and dated this       28th     day of November, 2018.

Local Media of America Holngs, LLC                                         By
          (Name c(Appllnt)                                                                     (Signature)

                                                                                     Lee M. Mitchell

                                                                                      Authorized Signer

   U.S. CODE. TITLE 18. SECTION 1001.

                                                                            FCC Form 308
                                                               Local Media San Diego, LLC
                                                                                  Exhibit I
                                                                                Page 1 of4

                                      Exhibit I
                                 Comprehensive Exhibit

        Local Media San Diego, LLC (“LMSD” or “Company”) is filing the instant
application (“Application”) for authority from the Federal Communications Commission
(“FCC”) to deliver programming to XTRA-FM, 91.1 MHz; XHTZ-FM, 90.3 MHz; and
XFIRM-FM, 92.5 MHz (collectively “Stations”) following the change in control of
LMSD as described herein.

        The Stations, which serve the San Diego radio market, currently receive
programming from LMSD pursuant to an authorization (“325(c) Authorization”) issued
by the FCC under Section 325(c) of the Conununications Act of 1934, as amended.’
LMSD presently is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Local Media of America Holdings,
LLC (“Local Media”).2 On November 27, 2018, Local Media and Local Media San
Diego Holdings, LLC (“LMSD Holdings”) entered into a Unit Purchase Agreement
whereby LMSD Holdings agreed to purchase from Local Media all of the outstanding
membership units of LMSD (“Transaction”).3 As described herein, upon consummation
of the Transaction, LMSD will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of LMSD Holdings,
which will be owned in part by individuals presently charged with responsibility for the
day-to-thy management of LMSD. Accordingly, the instant Application is being filed to
obtain FCC approval for LMSD to deliver programming to the Stations pursuant to
Section 325(c) upon consununation of the transfer of control of LMSD from Local Media
to LMSD Holdings. LMSD does not anticipate that there will be any changes in the
nature of the programming presently delivered to the Stations or the means by which such
progranming currently is delivered to the Stations as a result of the Transaction.


        Upon consummation of the Transaction, LMSD will become a wholly-owned
subsidiary of LMSD Holdings, a Delaware limited liability company. Control of, and
management authority over, the business and affairs of LMSD Holdings is vested
exclusively with a nine person board of managers (“Board”). Except with respect to
rights to designate representatives to the Board,4 the members of LMSD Holdings have

‘See IBFS File Nos. 325-NEW-20091221-00006 and 325-RWL-20150109-00001; see Section II
below for more information regarding the nature of the programming.
2 Local Media is a board-managed Delaware limited liability
                                                              company ultimately controlled by
Thoma Bravo, LLC (“Thoma Bravo”). See IBFS File No. 325-RWL-20150109-0000l.
  The Unit Purchase Agreement obligates the parties to close the Transaction no later than
December 31, 2018, and thus the parties are submitting concununtly herein an application for
special temporary authority (“STA”) to enable LMSD to continue to deliver the programming to
the Stations under its new ownership structure until such time as the FCC processes the instant
  Pursuant to the operating agreement of LMSD Holdings (“LLC Agreement”), the members of
LMSD Holdings are required to vote, or cause to be voted, their membership interests to ensure
that the Board consists of: (A) three individuals designated by holders of a majority of Common
Units (as defined herein) (“Common Representative”), (B) one individual designated by Mel
Wheeler, Inc. for so long as Mel Wheeler, Inc. owns a specified number of preferred membership

                                                                               FCC Form 30$
                                                                  Local Media San Diego, LLC
                                                                                     Exhibit I
                                                                                   Page 2 of 4

no authority or power to act for, or on behalf of, LMSD Holdings in any manner. The
initial Board of LMSD Holdings consists of John Gehron, Norman McKee, Steven
McNeely, Jim Minarilç Chris Pacheco, Todd Schumacher, David Simmons, Leonard
Wheeler, and Gregg Wolfson.5 The Board generally takes actions on matters by majority
vote. 6

        The membership interests in LMSD Holdings consist of preferred membership
units (‘Preferred Units”) and common membership units (“Common Units” and, together
with the Preferred Units, the “Membership Units”). Holders of Membership Units are
entitled to one vote per Membership Unit. Holders of Preferred Units vote together as a
single class, as is the case with holders of Common Units. The holders of Preferred Units
are Mel Wheeler, Inc.,7 Trivest Investment Partners, LLC,8 Simmons Capital, LLC,9
John Gehron, Pacheco Family Trust, and Todd Schmacher. The holders of Common
Units are Gregg Wolfson,’° Norman McKee,” and Tantara Capital Partners, LLC.’2 The
following members of LMSD hold 5% or greater of the total Membership Units of
LM$D Holdings: Mel Wheeler, Inc., Trivest Investment Partners, LLC, Simmons
Capital, LLC, Gregg Wolfson, Norman McKee, and Tantara Capital Partners, LLC.’3

units in LMSD Holdings (“Wheeler Representative”), (C) one individual designated by Trivest
Investment Partners, LLC for so long as Trivest Investment Partners, LLC owns a specified
number of preferred membership units in LMSD Holdings (“Trivest Representative” and,
together with the Wheeler Representative, the “Preferred Representatives”), and (D) four
individuals designated by the holders of a majority of the Membership Units (as defined herein)
voting together as a single class (each individual, an “At-Large Representative”).
   John Gehron and Steve McNeely presently are representatives of the board of Local Media,
under the ownership of Thoma Bravo. Upon consummation of the Transaction, Mr. Gehron will
serve as an At-Large Representative of the Board, and Mr. McNeely will serve as a Common
Representative othe Board.
6 The following Board actions require a majority approval of the Board, where such majority

includes the affirmative vote of at least one of the Preferred Representatives: (A) the fricunence
of indebtedness outside of the ordinary course; (B) the entry into any related-party transactions;
(C) a material change in the annual compensation of the executive officers of the Company or its
subsidiaries; and (D) the hiring or promoting of any existing employee to the position of Chief
Executive Officer of LMSD Holdings.
   The following stockholders of Mel Wheeler, Inc. wifi hold 5% or greater indirect interests in
LMSD: Leonard Wheeler, Clark V. Wheeler, and Steve J. Wheeler.
8 Troy Templeton
                     is the sole member of Trivest Investment Partners, LLC that will hold a greater
than 5% indirect interest in LMSD.
   The David E. Simmons 201 Trust is the sole member of Simmons Capital, LLC that will hold a
 greater than 5% indirect interest in LMSD. David E. Simmons is the trustee of The David E.
 Simmons 201 Trust.
 10 Mr. Wolfson presently is the Vice President and General Manager of LMSD. He has served in

 this position since 2010, when Thoma Bravo acquired control of LMSD.
 11 Mr. McKee presently is the Chief Operating Officer of LMSD. He has served in this position

 since 2010, when Thoma Bravo acquired control of LMSD.
 12 Steven McNeely, the sole member and manager of Tantara Capital, LLC, will hold a greater

 than 5% indirect interest in LMSD.
 13 Mel Wheeler, Inc. and Trivest Investment Partners, LLC each hold approximately 26.7% of the

 total Membership Units of LMSD Holdings. Tantara Capital Partners, LLC holds approximately

                                                                              FCC Form 308
                                                                 Local Media San Diego, LLC
                                                                                    Exhibit I
                                                                                 Page 3 of 4

       Foreign Ownership. No party to this application is an alien, a foreign
government, a corporation organized under the laws of a foreign country, or a
representative of any of the foregoing.

       Other Broadcast Interests. The following information is being provided in
response to Item 9(b) on FCC Form 308:

•   Norman McKee, Gregg Wolfson, Tantara Capital Partners, LLC, and Steven
    McNeely hold attributable interests in Black Diamond Broadcasting Holdings, LLC,
    the licensee of WGFN(FM), Glen Arbor, Michigan; WGFE(FM), Glen Arbor,
    Michigan; WMKC(FM), Indian River, Michigan; WGFM(FM), Cheboygan,
    Michigan; WCBY(AM), Cheboygan, Michigan; WWMK(FM), Onaway, Michigan;
    and WCHY(FM), Cheboygan, Michigan.
•   Chris Pacheco holds an attributable interest in Fat Dawgs Broadcasting LLC, the
    licensee of KYNO(AM), Fresno, California and KFPT(AM), Clovis, California. Mr.
    Pacheco also holds an attributable interest in One Putt, the licensee of KFRR(FM),
    Woodlake, California; KJWL(FM), San Joaquin, California; and KIFX(FM), Fresno,
•   David Simmons holds an attributable interest in Missoula Broadcast Company, LLC,
    the licensee of KDTR(FM), Florence, Montana; KYJK(FM), Missoula, Montana; and
    KKVU(FM), Stevensville, Montana.’4
•   Mel Wheeler, Inc. is the licensee of WVBE-FM, Lynchburg, Virginia; WXLK(FM),
    Roanoke, Virginia; WLNI(FM), Lynchburg, Virginia; WSLC-FM, Roanoke,
    Virginia; WFIR(AM), Roanoke, Virginia; WPLY(AM), Roanoke, Virginia;
    WSLQ(FM), Roanoke, Virginia; and WVBB(FM), Efliston-Lafayeffe, Virginia.
    Leonard Wheeler holds an attributable interest in Mel Wheeler, Inc. antI the
    aforementioned broadcast stations. Mr. Wheeler also holds an attributable interest in
    WSIL-TV, Inc., licensee of KPOB-TV, Poplar Bluff, Montana and WSIL-TV,
    Hanisburg, Illinois.’5
        Except as provided above, and other than the Section 325(c) Authorization,
neither the applicant nor any principal thereof holds an attributable interest in any

13.2% of the total Membership Units of LMSD Holdings. Mr. WoWson and Mr. McKee each
hold approximately 10% of the total Membership Units of LMSD Holdings. Simmons Capital,
LLC holds approximately 6.4% of the total Membership Units of LMSD Holdings. All other
members of LMSD hold less than 5% of the total Membership Units of LMSD Holdings.
14     David E. Simmons Trust also is an attributable owner of the Missoula Broadcast Company,
LLC and holds attributable interest in the broadcast stations listed in the text. See supra at n. 9
(indicating that The David E. Simmons Trust wifi hold a greater than 5% indirect interest in
LMSD by virtue of its limited liability company interests in Simmons Capital, LLC).
5 Clark V. Wheeler and Steve J. Wheeler also are attributable owners of Mel Wheeler, Inc. and

hold attributable interests in the broadcast stations licensed to Mel Wheeler, Inc. and WSIL-TV,
Inc. as identified in the text. See supra at n. 7 (indicating that Clark V. Wheeler and Steve J.
Wheeler will hold greater than 5% indirect interests in LMSD by virtue of their stock positions in
Mel ‘Wheeler, Inc.).

                                                                             FCC Form 308
                                                                Local Media San Diego, LLC
                                                                                   Exhibit I
                                                                                 Page 4 of 4

broadcast station licensed by the FCC, or pending application before the FCC for a new
broadcast station.


        The information set forth in this Section II is being provided in response to Items
14, 17, 18(a) and 18(b) of FCC Form 308. Each of the Stations, which serve the San
Diego radio market, is a FM broadcast radio station, licensed to Tijuana, B.C., Mexico.
The originating facilities are owned by Comunicaciones Xersa, S.A. de C.V. (“Xersa”).
Since the Section 325(c) Authorization was first issued to LMSD in 2010, LMSD has
provided programming for the Stations pursuant to an Exclusive Promotional,
Programming, and Sales Agreement (‘Programming Agreement”). The Programming
Agreement contains propriety information and will be provided to the FCC upon request.
Program deliveries to the Stations include regularly scheduled and special feature
prograniming for up to 24 hours per thy, seven days per week, throughout the year,
subject to Xersa’s Mexican programming obligations. The program deliveries consists of
entertainment, news, sports, weather, traffic, information and/or other broadcast material
in the English language. The program deliveries following transfer of control of LMSD
pursuant to the instant Application will be unchanged from the programming delivered to
the Stations by LMSD under control of Thoma Bravo.


         The following information is being provided in response to Item 16 on FCC Form

 Call Sign    Freq   Channel   Class   Mode of       Maxiimim   Coordinates   HAAT   RCAMSL
              .                        Operation     ERP (kW)

 XHRM-fM 3           223       Cl      Non-          100,000    32-30-14      593’   946’
                                       directional              117-0243
 )G{’l’Z-FM   90.3   212       C       Non-          100,000    32-30-14      593’   946’
                                       directional              117-02-43
 XTRA-fM      91.1   216       C       Non-          100,000    32-30-22      478’   898’
                                       directional              117-02-21

Document Created: 2019-04-25 23:22:11
Document Modified: 2019-04-25 23:22:11

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