Attachment 2019_03_29_15_42_21.


OPPOSITION submitted by CSO Opposition to Request Extension of time

CSO Opposition to Request for Extension of time to respond


This document pretains to 325-NEW-20180614-00001 for New Application on a Permit to Foreign Broadcast filing.


                                        BEFORE THE
                          FEI)ERAL C’f)MMtNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                  WAShINGTON, I).C. 20554

In re

(ii R Sotnhern C’al.ilbrnia. I It’

:\pplieation flr Permit                           )       File No. 325—N EW—201 8061 1—0t)0Ol
tbr I)eliverv C)!                                 )
Programming to
Mexican Station XEWW—AM.                          )
Rosarita. Baja california Norte. Mexico           )

1 n: Secretary
Attn.: Chic 1. International Bureau


        I.      Introduction

             Chinese Sound of Oriental and West Hettage (“CSO”). licensee of’KQEV-LP. Walnut.

(‘alitbrnia. by its attorneys, pursuant to Section 1 .45 of the Commission’s Rules. 47 CFR 1.45.

hereby files this Opposition to the letter requesting an extension of time (“Rec1uest for Extension

of lime ). filed March 1. 2019 1w GI..R Southern California LLC (“GLR”) and its parent

company. I I&1I Group USA LI_C (1 I&I F’).

             It is rare amorm practitioners before the Commission to oppose a reqtiesl br extension of

 time.       Jiow ever. the facts of this case are so unique and so egregious. CSt) must oppose this

 Request for Extension ofTime. tIER and I I&1 I are operating in a flagrantly unlawful manner.

   Members of the hat reco2nize that client unavailability and/or the press of other commitments
 may necessitate the need to file a request fur extension of time. As such difliculties occur tot
 most practitioners horn time—to—time, we often extend this courtes without ohection. Such a
 courtesy is not warranted here as it v ill extend the time durinu which USC) is suffering
 irreparable injury, as is more (lilly set out I’clow.

They have achieved all tl]at their Permit Application was filed to accomplish, even though that

Application has not been granted: (1) I l&l I has consummated the purchase of(ILR and thus

taken ownership and control of the Permit without authority from the Commission. (2) GLR and

I l& II have been operating pursuant to a Special Temporary Authontv (“SEA”) that was

unla’.vftillv issued, and (3) (1LR and I l&I I have been deliverin Phoenix Television2

programming to XEWW—AM for broadcast into the United States since July 25. 2018— almost
debt months. Now. 1 I&I 1 and UI .R seek to Continue this unlawful operation by slo ing the

of the Commission’s investigation ot this situation. Such a slowdown is unwarranted and

damaging to CSO. The Commission should deny the Request for Lxtensìon of Time. However.

if the (‘ommission grants the Request for Fxtension of ‘lime. it should not extend the S’I’A. as set

out below.

II.     The Request for Kxtcnsion ot’ ‘I’ime Should be I)cniccl

        On February I 5. 2019. the Commission issued an lnfbrmation Request to GLR and I l&l I

and requested that they respond in 3t) clays. The Information Request seeks information about

the relationships between I l&1 I. GI .R. and Phoenix Iclevision. and seeks details about the

 operation of XEWW-AM. The infhrmation requested is necessary br the Commission            to

 properly review the issues before it in this proceeding. I l&l I and Gl.R begin their Request fbr

 Extensic)n of time by noting they received the Information Request h U.S. Mail on tebruar’

 25. 2019. ten days after the clam on the letter) H&1 I and (iLk then attempt to demonstrate good

 2 Phoenix belevision is used to describe inditiduallv and collectively the group of entities
 controlled by Phoenix Media Investment (1 loldings) limited. I I&l I and (iLk have slated that
 they have contracted for programming from one of these entities, Phoenix Radio 1.1£. Response
 to Unauthorized Filings, tiled September 24. 2018. Exhibit A at I
   The letter was posted on the Commission’s website on Pehruarv 1 5. 2ff 19. I l&I I and (u.k do
 not state whether the’ obtained a copy ol the Information Request 1mm the vebsite before they

cause for a requested extension of time for three weeks, until Apr11 8.2019. The requested three-

week extension appears excessive, given that the alleged mail delay was 11 days less than the

three weeks requested.

        I lowever. I l&l I and GLR go much further than merely asking for an extension of time.

They have also advised the Commission that at would like to discuss ways to clarify (and

possibly narrow) the scope of the Request” This clearly is an inappropriate request. This is a

contested proceeding. Any discussion” between H&H. 011 and the Commission must include

        Additionally. there is nothing to discuss.” The Information Request is clear and explicit

Either the information requested exists or ft does not. I I&l I and (LR provide examples of

documents that they propose to provide and seek “clarification” of certain other documents

requested. The production of documents should proceed on the time schedule set by the

Commission. If H&l I and GLR refuse to produce documents that they know to exist, the

 instructions contained in the Infonnation Request explain the steps they must take. There is no
 need for a discussion with the Commission of the Information Request. It is clear that H&H

 GLR an attempting to slow and narrow the Commission’s inquiry.

 Ill.   The STA Should Not he Extended

        The Request for lxtension ofTime highlights the continuing fundamental and irreparable

 injury to CSO caused by this proceeding. CSO is injured every day that H&ll. OLR and

 Phoenix are broadcasting over XEWW-AM pursuant to an unlawfully issued STA. The Request

 for Extension ofTime is an attempt to slowdown the Commission’s review of this unlawful

 received it in the mail. While USPS has its issues, it rarely fails to deliver a letter in less than 10

operation. (‘SO has been attempting to bring to the Commission’s attention the many reasons

why this unlawful operation must extended.3 As CSO is seeking to get the (‘ommission to

order the cessation of this unbi liii operation, this request is similar to a request for a stay of

Commission action.

        In Ratc’s fir buersitue hunule Calling .%rrkes. 31 FCC Red. 10936 (VB 2016)? the

Commission set out the four parts of the test to obtain a stay: (1)1 las the petitioner shown that it

is likely to prevail on the merits? (2)1 las the petitioner shown that without such relief; it will be

irreparably injured? (3) Would the issuance ofa stay substantially bum other parties interested

in the proceedings? (4) Where lies the public interest?’ Applying the Commission’s test to this

case demonstrates clearly that the Commission should: (I) deny the Request for Extension of

Time. and (2) deny the Request to Extend the STA.

        First, the likelihood of CSO demonstrating that the underlying Peimit Application should

not be granted is very high. Over the course of this proceeding (‘SO has demonstrated that:

     I. There has been an unauthorized transfer ofcontrol of the Permit. This demonstrates that
        H&ll and GER line violated the Communications Act and thus cannot be trusted to
        comply with the Act going forward?

    2. The STA ‘was unlawfully granted, because it failed to provide the public thirty-days’
       notice of the STA application, and failed to limit the 5Th to provide programming that is
       ‘only special events not ofa continuing nature.” As the original STA was unlawfully
       granted. it cannot be lawfully extended.’

     January 29,2019 CSO filed its “Opposition to Special Temporary Authority Extension and
 on February 19.2019, CSO filed its “Supplement to Opposition to Special Temporary Authority
 Extension.” setting forth the reasons for denial of the extension of the STA.
 5The Commission Mlows the test set forth in Iflrsh. .Ieiro. Area Transit C’cnnmtuian it Holiday
 Tours, Inc. 559 F.2d MI l).C. Cir. 1977).
 ‘31 FCC Red 10936. par. 9.
 7Supplement to Opposition to Special Temporary Authority Extension at 6.
 ‘Opposition to Special Temporary Authority Extension at #7. Supplement to Opposition to
 Special Temporar) Authority Extension at 2-5.

   3.   Ii is apparent flom the available c idence that I t& 11 is a Iront fhr Phoenix Felevision.
        which is controlled by the Peoples Republic of China (PRC”). and the programming
        that is being broadcast is presented as a form of propaganda fdr the PR(

   4. Numerous fidcral agencies and other authorities have described the type of programming
      in which Phoenix Television is enuwted as a threat to national security.

   5. Phoenix Television has been shown previously to attempt to manipulate the ownership
      and operation of 11.5. broadcast facilities fbr the purpose ul providing propanda for the

   6.Afbrmer News I)ireetor for Phoenix lelevision has provided (SO with a declaration               2
      describing the propaganda acti’ ities ol the PRC directed through Phoenix lelevision.

   7. The Foreign Agents Registration Act requires I l&1 1. (ilk and Phoenix Television to
      register as lreign agents.’

   8. IL&l I. (it .R and Phoenix Television are required to seek approval of the Committee on
      Foreign Investment in the inited States.’3

   9. \E\\W—AM causes ifltCrlCfeI)ee to two U.S. radio station aiithonzations.’

Given this list ol unlawful and/or improper actions. CSO has demonstrated that the Permit

should not be granted, and CS() would ha\c a high degree of probability of succeeding on the

merits of having the Permit Application denied by the Commission. If the Commission were to

grant the Permit Application despite all of this evidence, it would he re\crsible error.

         Second, (‘SO is sufRriiw irreparable inlur e cry day that I l&l 1. GER and Phoenix

lelevision continue their unlaw lid broadcasts. CSO. as a noncommercial, low power FM

  Supplement to Petition to Deny, filed September 4. 201 8. at 11—21: Reply to Opposition to
Petition to Den. filed September II. 2t) 18 at 6—12: Reph to Response to tnauthorized Filings.
filed october 17. 2() 18. at 9—20.
   Petition to 1)env. flied August 8. 2018. at 4—8: Supplement to Petition to Deny, filed September
4. 2018. at 3—1 1; Reply to Response to Unauthorized Filings at 4-9.
   Supplement to Petition to Den’ at I 5—16: Reply to Response to I. nauthorized Filiims at It)—] I
   Reply to opposition to Petition to I)en at 10—12 and Exhibit I
   Supplement to Petition to Den at 1 7—18.
   Supplement to Petition to Den’ at 1 8—1 9.
‘ Supplement to Petition to Deny at 22—24 and Exhibits 1—3.


station, competes sith XEWW-AM for listeners. For CSO to sunhe. it must encourage

listeners and other potential donors to make donations to the station. With its vastly more

powerful signal, XRWW-AM has the potential to draw listeners and potential donors away from

listening to CSO’s station. CSO has no remedy at law or hi equity to be compensated for

damages sustained as a result ofthe unlawfully granted STA.

       Third. the Commission must ask whether the issuance of a stay would substantially harm

other parties interested in the proceedings. The other interested parties are H&l I. (ILR and

Phoenix Television. As has been demonstrated above, these parties are benefiting from

consummating a transfer of control before the Commission authorized that transfer and from

utilizing an unlawfully granted STA. These panics have no reasonable expectation that they

should be allowed to continue their unlawful operation. Thus. the potential harm to those parties.

which would be the termination of the STA. is an appropriate result for the unlawful operation.

        Fourth. the Commission must ask, where lies the public interest? The above discussion

clearly demonstrates that H&l I. OUR and Phoenix Television are engaged in an unlawful

operation, which unfortunately has been facilitated by the CommissioWs improvident granting of

the STA and its failure to declare it now void. The public interest can never be served by the

 Commission allowing an unlawful operation to continue. The public interest is served by proper

 execution of the Commission’s statutory authority. In this case, that requires the denial ofthe

 Request for Extension of Time, denial of the Request to Extend the STA, and denial of the

 transfer ofthe Pennil.

 ilL    Conclusion

        CSO suffers irreparable injur) each and every day that the unlawful operation of H&l I

 and CILR continues. That unlawful operation has extended almost eight months already. The


Commission is cf)fl’ect to seek th’ additional information specified      ifl   the lflk)fl1tlOfl Request.

I lowever. as (‘SO has demonstrated. the Si A should not be extended while H&ll and GLR

respond to the In formation Request. 1 his is especially true now that I I&1 I and G I R are

attempting   to drau the timing of this proceeding out even Further and to limit the (‘ommissions

inquiry into exactly what they arc   up   to. Given this unlawful Operation. I l&I I and GLR should

not he granted an extension of time rn respond to the Information Request. I lowcvcr. If the

Commission     e,rants the extension of time. the   Commission     should not extend the STA.

                                                    Respectfull submitted.

                                                    CHINESE SOUNI) OF ORIENTAL AND
                                                    WEST HERITACE

                                                    13v its Attorneys.

                                                    t     s I.. \Vinston
                                                      a er :. lLrc $
                                                    RUBIN. WINSTON. l)IERCKS. I IARRIS
                                                    & CooKE. tLP
                                                    1201 Connecticut Avenue. N.W. Suite 200
                                                    Washington. D.C. 20036
                                                    (202) 861-0870

March 4. 2019


                             CERTIFICATE Of SERVICE

         I, Sheree Kellogg, do hereby certify that I sent via U.S. mail (except where
 indicated), on this 4th day of March, 2019, copies of the foregoing OPPOSITION TO

 David Oxenford
 Wilkinson, Barker, Knauer, LLP
 1800 M Street, NW
 Suite SOON
 Washington, DC 20036

 Reid Avett
 Duane Morris, LLP
 505 9th Street, NW, Suite 1000
 Washington, DC 20004-2166

 Paige K. fronbarger
 Wilkinson, Barker, Knauer, LLP
 1800 M Street, NW, Suite $OON
 Washington, DC 20036

Brandon Moss*
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 l2 Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

Janice Shields*
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 I2thStreet,SW
Washington, DC 20554

*sent via email only

                                                          Sheree Kellogg    77

Document Created: 2019-05-27 06:07:02
Document Modified: 2019-05-27 06:07:02

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