Application Form [pdf]

This document pretains to 325-NEW-20090514-00001 for New Application on a Permit to Foreign Broadcast filing.


                       Lin 2t            WiTL Sant it                                         2az 19 ©399 

       ron‘ Commission USE ONLY

       Hilo Mo.

                                                      United States of America
                                                Fedorat Communleations Commission:
                                                       Washington, D.C. 20654

                        (Carafully read instructions before filling out Form—RETURN ONLY FORM TO FCC)

      1. Nama of applicant             Streat Addrass or P. D. Box          City    State    ZIP Code         Talephone No.
     UNIRADIO CORP              5030 Camino de la Siesta #403                                                 finclude area coda}
                                                                        San Diego,          CA 92108           497—0600

     2. Narne and addrées tc; 'whnm communication should be sent if different from item 1.
        Name                           Streat Address or P.O. Hox          City     State    ZIP Coda    _ Telephone No.
                                                                                                           finclude sree coda}

     3. Legal identity of applicent: fonly chack one box}                                                 .
       C indivigual           D Partnership     XX Corporation       Q @ovenment Entiiy        D Other
       If Othar spactfy:

     4. Application is for:
                           J     New Authorization                    fl Extension of Existing Authority

     5. if applficant is an individual, is applicant a citzen of the United States? NA                        O ves Q wo
     6. If applicant is a partnership, are all partnors cifizens of the United Stetes? NA                     O ves      O mo

     7. if Applicant is a corporation:

        a. Under laws of what state was it orgenized? CALTFORNIA

        b. is mora than one—fifth of the capital stock of the corporstion owned of record or may it
           be voted by alians or their represantatives or by a forsign government or representative
           tharsof, or by any corporation argenized under the lsws of a foreign country?                      ©® ves     O no

       c. is any officer or director of the corporation sn alian?                                             K ves      O no

           if the answer is Yes, give the following for each:

           Name                                      Nationality                              Position
           GUSTAVO ENRIQUE ASTIAZARAN                       MEXICAN                      PRESIDENT

                                                                                                                      FCC— 308
                                                                                                                      July 1980

MStEn 1. Om tbs:                Sn~ ie reorie

    d. is applicant directly or indireetly controlled by any other corporation?                                 L ves     K no

        If the answer is Yes, give the following for the controlling corporation.

       Nam»                                   Addrass                                          State in which

       is more than one—fourthof the capital stock of the controlling corporation either owned
       of record, or mayit be voted by aliens, their representatives, or by a foreign government
       or representative thereof, or by any corporation organized under the laws of a foreign
       country 7                                                                                     Na         Q ves O no
   $.. is any officer or mare than one—fourth of the directors of the corporation an alien?             NA      O ves     D0 no

       If the answer is Yes, give the name, nationality, and position of each,
       and give the total number of directors of the corporation.

      Name                        Nationality                         Position                            Number of Directors

   g. is the above—described controlling corporation in turn a subsidiary?            NA                         D ves D no

      if the answer is Yes, attach as Exhibit No. ____ additional information answering the
      holding company questions in this paragraph for each company, to and including the
      organization having ultimate control.

8. a,. If the applicant is an unincorporated association, give the following:              NA

               Total number of members                Number of Allon members (/f any}

   b. State the following for alien officers or diractors (if any):              NA

      Name                                     Natlonality                                 >         Poaition

 ECC 308 (Page 2)
 July 1085

  npm—28—2009 i0256              C      onl semp bpr                                             fos 4is osas     P.og

 8. a. What is applicant‘s principal business?
    Sales Advertising Representative of Mexican licensed Spanish
    language radio stations.

    b. Does applicant or any party to this apglication have any interest in, or connection with,
       any AM, FM, or TV broadcast station {sither domestic of foreign}, or any application
       panding before the commission?                                                                   W ves      O #o

       If the answer is Yes, attach Exhibit No, _1__ giving full particulars.

10. is applicant a representative of an allen or of a forsign government?                                {] ves          No

       if the answer is Yes, explain.

11.8a. Has any redio station authorization previgusly issued to the applicant or party to this
       application been revoked, aither by the Commission or by any court?                               J ves 8 No

    b. Has any previous application by the applicant or party to this application been denied by
       the Commission or by a predecessor agency?                                                        O ves G No

       If the answer to (a) and/or (b) is Yes, explain:

12.a. Has applicent or any party to this application been found guilty by any court of any
      felony?                                                                                            C ves           No
   b. Has applicant or any party to this application been finally adjudged quilty by a federal
      court of the violation of the faws of the United States relating to. unlawful manopoly,
      restraint of trade, and/or unfair mathods of competition?                                          Q ves      ® No

      if the answer to (a) and/or (b) is Yas, explain.

                                                                                                          FCC 308 (Page 3)
                                                                                                                July 1988

   HPR~28—z        3C 3   i0;                      INTL SAMD DIU


                                                                                                              202 418 G3ug           P.O7


  13. Address of studio or other place at which programs will originate:
      Camino de la Siesta #403,                                San Diego, CA 92108
 14. State ownership of originating. facilities.                                               >
      Uniradio, Corp
  15. Describe the means {wiraline, radio tink, or other method) whereby programs will be delivered, to forsign station(s),
      including names of any interconnecting common carriers.
       Applicant will utilize optimal transmigsion media at any given time
     which may include the internet, microwave relay, satellite or land
     line (telephone) _/"fi                                 ,      .            L              .        .           22L
 16. Give the lacation, type, gnd suthorized power of foreign station(s} to which programs. will be delivared, and identify
     the licensea or operating egency of s     itation(a),
     Please see Exhibit 2 (attached)

 17. Attach as Exhibit No. __3_ a full explanation of the legal relationship between the applicant and foreign station(s} in—
     volved, including a copy of contract (if any) with foreign station(s).          .                  —

 18. (a) Attech as Exhibit No. _4__ a statement as to whether program deliveriesare to ba intermittent or regularly
            scheduled, and the average number of hours par day, weak and/or month during which the foreign station(s}
            involved will broadcast such programs.

     (b) Attach as Exhibit No. _5 a detailed description of the nature and character of the programming proposed and
         the language to be employed.


     The APPLICANT acknowledges. that all statementscontained in this application and attached exhibits are matorial
 representations, and that the exhibits forming a part of this application are incorporated herein as if set out in full in the
 application. The undersigned certifies that the statements contained in this application are true, complete, and correct to
 the best of his/her knowledge and belief and ars made in good faith.

     Signed and dated this             _ 1_ .    day of May
     Ricardo Astiazaran                                                          By
                          fName of Applicant}                                             C_____*       > iSignstume)
  WILLEUL FALSE STATEMENTS MADEON THIS FORM                                            General Manager—CFO
    ARE PUNISHABLE BY FINE AND {MPRISONMENT.                                                          (Tiie)
         U.S. CODE, TITLE 18, SECTION 1001

 EXHIBITS furnished as required by this form:
 Exhibit No.    Para. No, of form                Name of officer or emplayes (1} by whom or (2) under               Officlal title
                                                  whase direction exhibit was prepared (show which)
    1           3b                              Ricardo       Astiazaran                                   CFO
    2            16                             Ricardo       Astiazaran                                   CFO
    3           17                              Ricardo       Astiazaran                                   CFO
    4           18a                             Ricardo       Astiazaran                                   CFO
    5           18b                             Ricardo Astiazaran                                         cFo

Form 308 {Page 4)
July 1988

                                                     Uniradio Corp
                                                     Exhibit #1, ECC Form 308
                                                     Question 9b

Broadcast Interests

Uniradio Corp is the Sales Representative of the foreign station in the United States of

                                                             Uniradio Corp
                                                              Exhibit 2, FCC Form 308
                                                              Question 16
Foreign Station Information

Station:       XEMO
               AM Station —860 1KHZ

Licensee:     XEMO S.A. DE C.V.

Location:     Tiuana, Mexico

Power:         10.0 KW Day time (non—directional)
            7.5 KW Night time (non—directional)

Information on station XEMO is also available on the following web page of the Mexican
regulatory authority:—be.html

                                                                Uniradio Corp
                                                                Exhibit 3, FCC Form 308
                                                                Question 17

Legal Relationship with Foreign Station

The Applicant Uniradio Corp. has a Sales Representation Agreement with the foreign
station. Thatagreement is confidential, but the Applicant will providea copy of that
agreement under separate cover if requested and if its confidentiality can be assured.

                                                               Uniradio Corp
                                                               Exhibit 4,ECC Form 308
                                                               Question 18a
Program Delivery

Program deliveries are to be regularly scheduled as follows:

1. San Diego Padres Baseball:

    a) March through October

   b) Monday — Sunday Sam — Midnight

    c) Average of 30 hours per week

2. Local and brokered programs

   a) Monday — Sunday Sam — Midnight

   b) Average of 25 hours a week

All times given are Pacific Time.

                                                           Uniradio Corp
                                                           Exhibit 5, Form308
                                                           Question 18b

Nature & Character of Programming

Description of Programming:

We wish to broadcast the San Diego Padres major league baseball games, including all
pre, post and regular season games in addition to a pre—game and post—game program
prior to and after each broadcasted game. Games would be broadcast within the
following time period: Monday thru Sunday from 5:00am to 1:00am for an average of 30
hours a week.

In addition we wish to broadcast local and brokered programs with various topics such as
health, immigration, finance, mortgage, sports, and entertainment, among others, which
would be broadcast within the following time period: Monday thru Sunday from
5:00 am to 1:00 am for anaverage of 50 hours a week.

* All times given are Pacific time.

Document Created: 2009-10-20 11:18:04
Document Modified: 2009-10-20 11:18:04

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