Attachment 325c XHAS Entravisio

This document pretains to 325-NEW-20020801-00006 for New Application on a Permit to Foreign Broadcast filing.




                                             August 1, 2002

Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau Notifications
P.O. Box 358175
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15251-5175

                                       Re:         Entravision Holdings LLC
                                                   Form 308 Application for Permit to Deliver
                                                   Programs to Foreign Broadcast Station

Dear Sir:

        Transmitted herewith, in duplicate, on behalf of Entravision Holdings, LLC, is an
application on FCC Form 308. The application requests a permit for the delivery of programming
by the applicant to a foreign broadcast station, Station XHAS-TV, Tijuana, B.C., Mexico.

        Also enclosed is a check in the amount of $75.00 and an Anti-Drug Abuse Act

       Should there be any questions in regard hereto, please communicate with the undersigned.

                                                          Ve      ruly yours,

                                                          Barry A. Friedman

cc:    Mr. Tom Albers, FCC International Bureau, Planning and Negotiations Division
       Mr. Philip C. Wilkinson

THOMPSON NINE LLF             1920 N Street, N.'vV.             www.Th'bmpsonHine.corn
ATTORNEYS AT LAW              Washington, D.C. 20036-1600       Phone 202.331.8800
                                                                Fax 202.331.8330

Aug-O1-o2 O8:43A

-   I    o4 COMMhS&LON        USC O4LV    1
    L.                                   J
                                                       Unkt.d States of Ariwic.ø
                                                  Fedrl Communlc.atlon cmmEIon
                                                        We.sh1non. D.C. Z4

                        (C,rf oily read trzJcbons b.efor fiuiirg out Form -RETURN ONLY FORM To FCC)

        1. Nme of applicant               Street Address or P. 0. Box   .   Cty              State   Z1P Code     Telephone No.
        ficn                           &i EmJ t                     &ita r'tni,          G                        (in chide re.e code)
          -biin, LLC                   242 Oictbic                                                               (310) 447-70

        2. Name and addro&s to whni conmurticatiori houd be ant if different from item 1.
           Name                      Stfotn Mdre, or P.O. ox           City     State     ZIP Code                iotepoe No.
             A. FiIra                                                  20336                       (i,ic(udo arss code)
                               1920 N Stt, N.S.                                                                 (2) 331-3

        3. Ljil identity of apticnt: (only check one box)
          [J    inMdu&          C]   Prtrierip      El    cporation      0    Govemmen Enthy            J   Other Limi.tEil LiiJiry
          If Other specify:

        4. Application is (or
                                     New Authorizatior                       U Exten&on of Exting Authority

        5. Il    pcant s ri individual. i     ppic.rtt R crtizen of the Jiited Statee?        N/                   El   YES       C]   NO

        6. Il applicant I e parmership. ere all partrers cittzøns of the Uniied Stht?                               3             El   NO

        7. It AopI,cant is a corporavon:

           a. Under laws of wtiat state was it orgenired?                                                           N/1
           b. Is more then one-tffth of the capitol stock of the corpcraton owned of record or may it
               be voted by sbens or their repro nterv1S or by a foreign government or reprsontatlve
               thereof, or by any cotporation organized under the laws of a foreign country?                       El   YES       C]   NO

           c. i any officer or director of the corporation an alien?                                              0     YES       0    NO

                If the aninr Yes, give the following for &ach:                                                      N/A
                Name                                     NMlcnIity                                   PoItlon

                                                                                                                           FcC .30&
                                                                                                                           Jiy 198t3


                                                                                                    -   ,.           r   •'j'J
Aug-O1-O2 08:44A

     d. Ia epplicant directly or InditoCtiy contollod by any othe cofpton?                                     YES   [J   N

         It the answer i Yec, give the following for the cotrollirig corporaton.

         Name                                 Addreae                               Sthts In whkh
     travion                Sute 6000        st                                     orgenlr.ød
     Cc,rrnunicat ions 2425 O1ytric ou1evard
     Corporation            Santa Hnica, Ck 90404
     o, Is rnoro than orfokjrth of the capItal stod of .th. controUlrg C qp rsticn eThor owrte
         of record. or may i be vated by alere, th&r repr ntatvo, or by bru              mmenr
         or representative thereof, or by any coorato orcjanizad undo the kw of
         country?                                                                                              YES        NO

     f. L-   ny officar or rn<>ro lhiin on,-fourth of the directors of me corp&atiQn an elien?           U YES LN NO

        If the nswor is Yes, give tho name     -tllvy, and pc.ison of oath.
        and give the total number of directors of the corporation.

       Nema                         Natlonollty                       PosItion                    Number of Directors

        Is tha bovo-described controlling corporation in turn e jbsdier?                                0 YES        [    NO

        If the arwer is Yea, attach s Exhibit No.     additional Inter .etior nawacing the
        holding company qutioria in this par8graph for each compriy, to and induding th
        organization hevng ultimata control,

  8 a. If the   ppUcant a an unincorporated association, give the following:

                 Total number of members               Numb*r of Allan membora ((f any)

    b. State the following for alien cyf-fleer or drector (if any):
        Name                                      NatlonsHty                                 Poiltion

    FCC )! lPiia. 2)
   ,July 18

       flUG 01 2002 100

Aug-01-02 08:44,A,
                                                                                           '-,   -                          r'

 9, a, What is applic.erWs pr1ncIpl jsnaa?
         xcrchip and oration of broedcst sttion.

     b. Do apphcnt or arry party io 'this 8piliCatOn have any irftecot ki o' c.onectkri with,
        any AM, FM, or TV broa&i atatlon (either dom6c or foegn>, or any açication
          perdin bfore the oommision'?                                                               fi    YES    Li No

          U the enawer     Yes, attach Exhibit No,    L yivirg fu parcul&8,

1 0. i               rep   artatve of      &an or of a lorign     mrreit?                            0 YES 6E] No

          If the nzwer is Yas, explain.                                                                                 -

   • , Has any radio sts'tion authoriitio previous'y LLsuid to the appticMnt or potty to thin
          applicetion beor revoked, eith    by the Commiaon o by ny court?                           0 YES                  No

     b. Ha any previous applicton by the app)Icint or party to this epcatio bo d.qed by
        the Commission or by 8 pedeceor g.i'cy?                                                      0 YES iJ No

          If thQ ar'.rer to (a) anilor (bl is Yeas, expIin:

12. a. Hs appIitart or any party to thi.s app1icaion been found guilty by any court f any
       felony?                                                                                       LI    YES    (J        No

     b. Ha.s applicant or any party to this application boon flnl1y adjudged guifty by a fe'Mrel
        Court of the Violation of the tawi of the United Stta relating t untawfu monopc>ly,
        relnt of trade, and/or unfair rnetMxis of competrrion?                                       Li YES                 NO

          If the answer to (al and/ar (b) is Y, explain

                                                                                                          FCC3   (Pi    3

PUG 01 2002 10:0
                                                                                                          PAGE. 05

Aug-1-O2 O8:44A

  13. Addrea.s of studio or other place at which programs wiU originaie:           5770 Ruffin Road
                                                                                   Saii Diego, CA 92123
  14. Stztte ownerahip of origiratin faciliee.             N/Ps

  15. Decribc the rneana Iwirelino, radio link, or other method) whereby prorma wiil be delivered, to foreign t.ation(s),
      including narna. of any interconnecting common carriern.
  Programs will be delivered by sate lite, zadio microwave link or by                                crrrcn carrier.

  16. Give the IoC.Btion. type, artd authorizad pow of foreign station(s) to wMch programs Will be delivered, and identify
      the lic'tns*. or operrnJrg agency of iuch tatier(s).
  Programs will be delivered to Station jSi Tijuana, B.C.                            xico, licensed to Tele
   acicn3l, S.A. de C.V.             KH.°S operated on Channel 33 at 564 k:                '.'iual pcer.

  17. Attach as .xhibii No. ..2._.. a full axpartetion of the legal re)8tion.Ship between the applicant and foreign station(s) in.
      vulved, includir   copy of contuct (if arty) with for.iri t.ation(a.

  18. (a) Attach as Exhbit No. ._.,?e cthtemont as to whether pror&ti doLivQrl are to be Intermittent or regularly
          scheduled, *nd tho avosne number of hourz per dey week andfor month during wtiich the foreign station(s)
          irwolvod Will bro-edcest such progromo.

      Ib) Attach e Exhibit No. ._   e detailed cicriptiort ol the nature and chrctcr of the programmng proposed arid
          tho language to be employed.


      The APPLICANT ar-knoedgo that all statements contained in this application end anached xhibit are material
  reprarontations arid tiit the exhibits forming a pert of this application are incoocted heroin vs il et out in full in the
  applictiar'. The und.rgned cartiulss that the taterrent contained in thIs application are true, complete, and correct to
  th best of hi-s/her knowledgo and belit arid are made in good fiih.

       Signed and detad thi3                day of    it               .______________       .2OO2
    travision Holdingr, LLC                                                                      ///27---)
                                                                         6                   '
                      (N,,-m, 1ApØJAca,ti                                                        (Stvtv)

           FALSE STATEMENTS MADE ON THIS FOl                                  President &d Chief Certing Officer
     ARE PUNISNAaL Y FINE AND IMPRISONMEPiT, I                                               (T)
        U.S. CODE, TITLE 18, SECTION lixDl.

  EXHIBITS furnish.d a. requir        by this form:
   Etibr No.   Pa. No. at form         Nims of r,if,cr &'       II) b whon, or UI urider                   Oflca1 tit
                                        whoo dtreciii exhith wa pnpn,d l,hw wtiici)
      1        9.b.                Philip C. Wi]Junson                                      Precident and Chief
                                                                                                 ceratin Officer
     2         17                                                                           Sage
     3         18(o)
     4         18(b)

 Farm X (Peg. 4)


                                                                       Exhibit 1
                                                                       FCC Form 308

                                MASS MEDIA INTERESTS


      Entravision Communications Corporation ("ECC") is the parent of Entravision Holdings,
LLC ("EHL"). EHIL is the licensee or permittee of the following Stations:

                              KVYE(TV), El Centro, California
                                 Facility ID No. 36170

                              KSMS-TV, Monterey, California
                                 Facility 1D No. 35611

                           KPMR(TV), Santa Barbara, California
                                Facility ID No. 12144

                               KCEC(TV), Denver, Colorado
                                  Facility ID No. 24514

                             WUVN(TV), Hartford, Connecticut
                                 Facility ID No. 3072

                            WVEN-TV, Daytona Beach, Florida
                                 Facility ID No. 131

                                WVEA-TV, Venice, Florida
                                 Facility ID No. 16788

                             WJAL(TV), Hagerstown, Maryland
                                 Facility ID No. 10259

                           WUNI(TV), Worcester, Massachusetts
                                 Facility ID No. 30577

                               KINC(TV), Las Vegas, Nevada
                                  Facility ID No. 67089

                           KLUZ-TV, Albuquerque, New Mexico
                                 Facility ID No. 35084

                 KORO(TV), Corpus Christi, Texas
                     Facility ID No. 64877

                     KThTT-TV, El Paso, Texas
                      Facility ID No. 51708

                    KTFN(TV), El Paso, Texas
                      Facility ID No. 68753

                     KLDO-TV, Laredo, Texas
                      Facility ID No. 51479

                   KNVO(TV), McAllen, Texas
                     Facility ID No. 69692

                   KVER-CA, Indio, California
                     Facility ID No. 69753

                   KEVC-CA, Indio, California
                     Facility ID No. 51656

                KVES-LP, Palm Springs, California
                     Facility ID No. 51659

                 KBNT-LP, San Diego, California
                     Facility ID No. 4035

                 KTCD-LP, San Diego, California
                    Facility ID No. 19782

                   KHAX-LP, Vista, California
                     Facility ID No. 70394

                   KTFD-LP, Denver, Colorado
                     Facility ID No. 24516

                  KO3EM, Glen Haven, Colorado
                     Facility ID No. 67529

         KGHB-CA, Pueblo and Colorado Springs, Colorado
                    Facility ID No. 24515


            WMDO-CA, Washington, D.C.
              Facility ID No. 38437

             W62CC, Melbourne, Florida
               Facility ID No. 29710

             WVCI-LP, Orlando, Florida
               Facility ID No. 3601

             WVEA-LP, Tampa, Florida
               Facility ID No. 3602

         KNCV-LP, Carson City, etc., Nevada
              Facility ID No. 73462

            KELV-LP, Las Vegas, Nevada
               Facility ID No. 36639

            KNTL-LP, Laughlin, Nevada
              Facility ID No. 36638

          KWWB-LP, Mesquite, etc., Nevada
             Facility ID No. 39491

           KNVV-LP, Reno/Sparks, Nevada
              Facility ID No. 23028

         KTFA-LP, Albuquerque, New Mexico
               Facility ID No. 35085

             KEAT-LP, Amarillo, Texas
               Facility ID No. 48021

          KCRP-CA, Corpus Christi, Texas
              Facility ID No. 48833

             KBZO-LP, Lubbock, Texas
               Facility ID No. 51303

            KEUS-LP, San Angelo, Texas
               Facility ID No. 48014

137076                   3

         K\TVA-FM, Apache Junction, Arizona
                Facility ID No. 1331

            KDVA(FM), Buckeye, Arizona
               Facility ID No. 2750

             KLNZ(FM), Glendale, Arizona
                Facility hID No. 48738

             KZLZ(FM), Kearny, Arizona
               Facility ID No. 36022

            KSEH(FM), Brawley, California
                Facility lID No. 6666

           KC\TRFM, Columbia, California
               Facility ID No. 12063

             KZFO(FM), Clovis, California
                Facility ID No. 39567

             KRRE(FM), Davis, California
               Facility ID No. 53653

           KLOK-FM, Greenfield, California
               Facility ID No. 49100

           KMXX(FM), Imperial, California
              Facility ID No. 6665

           KRCX-FM, Marysville, California
               Facility ID No. 56513

         KSSD(FM), Newport Beach, California
               Facility ID No. 33904

            KTSE-FM, Patterson, California
               Facility ID No. 29542

           KSSE(FM), Riverside, California
               Facility ID No. 58809

137076                    4

            KBRG(FM), San Jose, California
               Facility ID No. 68839

          KS S C(FM), Santa Monica, California
                 Facility ID No. 33902

             KSES-FM, Seaside, California
                Facility ID No. 3155

         KCCL-FM, Shingle Springs, California
               Facility ID No. 50302

         KLOB(FM), Thousand Palms, California
               Facility ID No. 40518

             KMIX(FM), Tracy, California
               Facility ID No. 60420

             KPVW(FM), Aspen, Colorado
                Facility ID No. 3008

           KJMN(FM), Castle Rock, Colorado
               Facility ID No. 10056

            KXPK(FM), Evergreen, Colorado
                Facility ID No. 20300

              WZCH(FM), Dundee, Illinois
                Facility ID No. 3135

            WRZA(AM), Park Forest, Illinois
               Facility ID No. 23476

            KRRN(FM), Las Vegas, Nevada
               Facility ID No. 51731

               KRNV-FM, Reno, Nevada
                Facility ID No. 50305

           KRZY-FM, Santa Fe, New Mexico
               Facility ID No. 65475

137076                     5

                KZMP-FM, Azie, Texas
                 Facility ID No. 28122

             KKIPS(FM), Brownsville, Texas
                 Facility ID No. 56483

              KVLY(FM), Edinburg, Texas
                Facility ID No. 67188

              KHRO(FM), El Paso, Texas
                Facility ID No. 39612

               KINT-FM, El Paso, Texas
                Facility ID No. 51709

              KOFX(FM), El Paso, Texas
                Facility ID No. 39613

              KFRQ(FM), Harlingen, Texas
                 Facility ID No. 56484

             KXGM(FM), Muenster, Texas
               Facility ID No. 23017

             KVPA(FM), Port Isabel, Texas
                Facility ID No. 40680

         KUET(AM), Black Canyon City, Arizona
               Facility ID No. 63147

            KWST(AM), El Centro, California
                Facility ID No. 33298

              KCVR(AM), Lodi, California
                Facility ID No. 60424

            KLOK(AM), San Jose, California
               Facility ID No. 41339

            KMBX(AM), Soledad, California
               Facility ID No. 64041

137076                     6

             KMXA(AM), Aurora, California
                Facility ID No. 10057

             WLQY(AM), Hollywood, Florida
                Facility ID No. 23609

              WNDZ(AM), Portage, Indiana
                Facility ID No. 73316

            KRZY(AM), Albuquerque, Mexico
                Facility ID No. 12634

             KRVA(AM), Cockrell Hill, Texas
                 Facility ID No. 54730

                KBIV(AM), El Paso, Texas
                  Facility ID No. 87165

               KSVE(AM), El Paso, Texas
                 Facility ID No. 51705

              KZMIP(AM), Fort Worth, Texas
                 Facility ID No. 63551

         KGOL(AM), Humble-South Houston, Texas
                Facility ID No. 34473

               KBZO(AM), Lubbock, Texas
                  Facility ID No. 9705

               KZLZ-FM1, Tucson, Arizona
                 Facility ID No. 16765

               KZLZ-FM2, Tucson, Arizona
                 Facility ID No. 16767

            K26OAA, Carmel Valley, California
                 Facility ID No. 49101

              K261BW, Los Gatos, California
                  Facility ID No. 68840

137076                      7

                                KXPK-FM1, Boulder, Colorado
                                   Facility ID No. 20302

                                  K274A0, Las Vegas, Nevada
                                     Facility ID No. 86840

       EHL is the applicant for new low power television stations on Channels 39 and 54 at Fort
Collins, Colorado (FINs: 125874 and 126176) (File Nos. BNPTT-20000822AAS and BNPTT-
20000821 ADG).

       EHIL has applied to the Commission for consent to assignment to EHL of the license for
Station KANG-LP. San Angelo, Texas (FIN: 48013) from the current license holder, Gerald
Benavides (File No. BALTTA-20020508AAU). The application was consented to on July 3,

       EHL has applied to the Commission for consent to assignment to EHL of the license for
Station KDJT-CA, Salinas, California (FIN: 52888) froiri the current license holder, Polar
Broadcasting, LP (File No. BALTTA-20020521 ABH).

        EHL has applied to the Commission for consent to assignment to EHL of the license for
Station KTCY(FM), Pilot Point, Texas (FIN: 15854) from the current license holder, KTCY
Licensing, Inc. (File No. BALH-20020606AAM).

        EHL has applied to the Commission for consent to assignment to EHL of the license for
Station KRCY(FM), Kingman, Arizona (FIN: 27982) from the current license holder, Spectrum
Scan, LLC.

       ECC has entered into an agreement with Univision Television Group, Inc., to effect a like
kind asset exchange whereby ECC will transfer to Univision certain assets of Station KEAT-LP,
Amarillo, Texas (FIN: 48021), and Univision will transfer to ECC certain assets of Station
WUTH-CA, Hartford, Connecticut (FIN: 74214). The affiliates of these parties have applied to
the Commission for its consent to the assignment of the licenses for the stations (File Nos.
BALTTL-20020524AAU and BALTTL-20020524AAU).

        Entravision Midland Holdings, LLC, an affiliate of ECC, is the licensee of television
station KTJPB(TV), Midland, Texas (FIN: 86263), and an applicant for new low power
television station construction permits for Fort Stockton, Texas (FIN: 125862), Pecos, Texas
(FIN: 125859), and Big Springs, Texas (FIN: 125865).

     Desert West Air Ranchers Corporation, an affiliate of ECC, provides programming to
KZNO(FM), Nogales, Arizona (FIN: 36023) pursuant to a Time Brokerage Agreement.


       ECC also provides programming to stations KRVA-FM, McKinney, Texas (FIN: 54731),
and KRVF(FM), Terrell, Texas (FIN: 41323) pursuant to a Time Brokerage Agreement. In
addition, ECC provides programming to stations WUTH-CA, Hartford, Connecticut (FIN:
74214), KTSB-LP, Santa Barbara, California (FIN: 41127), K21EX, Paso Robles, California
(FIN: 68666), K35ER, Santa Maria, California (FIN: 31352), K28FK, San Luis Obispo,
California (FIN: 29885) and K100G, Lompoc, California (FIN: 41125) pursuant to a Time
Brokerage Agreement.

        Individual persons holding attributable interests in ECC and their attributable mass media
interests are:

        1.      Mr. Walter F. U!loa, President and Chief Executive Officer of ECC, is also the
President, Director and sole shareholder of Costa de Oro Television, Inc. ("Costa"). Costa is the
licensee of the following stations:

                                 KJLA(TV), Ventura, California
                                    Facility ID No. 14000

                             KFUL-LP, San Luis Obispo, California
                                   Facility ID No. 14001

                               KLFA-LP, Santa Maria, California
                                   Facility ID No. 13999

                             KSGA-LP, San Bernardino, California
                                   Facility ID No. 5342

                               KSMV-LP, Simi Valley, California
                                   Facility ID No. 14002

       Mr. Ulloa is also Vice President, Treasurer, Director and 50% shareholder of Biltmore
Broadcasting Corporation, a Delaware corporation, the licensee of the following Low Power,
Television Stations:

                                 KLSV-LP, Las Vegas, Nevada
                                    Facility ID No. 5339

                              KODG-LP, Palm Springs, California
                                   Facility ID No. 5340

                              KBAB-LP, Santa Barbara, California
                                   Facility ID No. 14003

137076                                          9

       2.      Paul A. Zevnik is the Secretary of ECC and also an officer, director and 50%
shareholder of Biltmore Broadcasting Corporation (see above)

       3.    Mr. Amador Bustos, a director of ECC, and his spouse, Rosalie, are co-trustees of
the Amador and Rosalie Bustos Family Revocable Trust, which is the sole member of Bustos
Asset Management, LLC ("BAM"). BAM is a member of KZSJ Radio, LLC ("KZSY'), licensee
of Station KZSJ(AM), San Martin, California (Facility ID No. 30906), and holds a 50%
membership interest in KZSJ. Mr. and Mrs. Bustos hold the remaining 50% membership interest
in KZSJ. Mr. Bustos is the Managing Member of KZSJ.

        Mr. Bustos is also Vice President and a Director of Hispanic Media Group, Inc., the
licensee of Station KZTK(AM), Bakersfield, California (Facility ID No. 40868). He is also, in
his individual capacity, the licensee of Station KREH(AM), Oakdale, Louisiana (Facility ID No.


        Univision Communications Inc. ("UCI") owns approximately 29.4 1% of the outstanding
stock of Entravision. UCI is the licensee of several television broadcast stations and, through
two principal subsidiaries, Univision Television Group, Inc. ("UTGI") and Teleftitura, is the
ultimate parent of the licensees of some 35 additional television broadcast stations. UCI's
ownership structure and direct broadcast interests are described in Section I below. UCI's
interests held through UTGI are described in Section II below. UCI's interests held through
Telefutura are described in Section III below.

                Univision Communications Inc.

       UCI is a publicly-traded company, and no single person or entity holds 33% or more of
the debt/equity of the company. A. Jerrold Perenchio is the single majority shareholder, voting
66.34% of the stock of UCI, by virtue of the fact that his Class P common stock is entitled to 10
votes per share so long as he continues to own at least 30% of the shares he held on October 2,

        Grupo Televisa, S.A. and Venevision Investments LLC are shareholders of UCI which
are each represented by a director on the Board of Directors and which are controlled by non-
U.S. citizens. In addition, each entity holds non-voting stock and certain warrants, which would
allow it to increase its holdings to the extent that it is lawful for such a foreign entity to do so. In
the past, the Commission has routinely approved interests such as these held by foreign entities.
See Univision Holdings, Inc., 7 FCC Rcd 6672, 6673-74 (1992); FCC File Nos. BTCCT-
960628 lID through BTCCT-9606281N and BTCCT-9606281P through BTCCT-960682IV.

137076                                             10

        Certain officers and directors of UCI also hold positions as the officers and directors of
the broadcast subsidiaries discussed herein.

      UCI is the licensee of KAKW(TV), Killeen, Texas (FIN: 148) and KNIC-CA, San
Antonio, Texas (FIN: 48837).

         II.   Univision Television Group Inc.

        UTGI is wholly owned by PTI Holdings, Inc. ('PTI"), which, in turn, is wholly owned by
UCI. UTGI is the controlling general partner and PTI is the non-controlling general partner of
the following licensee partnerships, which are the licensees of the indicated broadcast stations:

KDTV License Partnership, G.P.         KDTV(TV), San Francisco, CA            FIN:   33778
                                       KDTV-CA, Santa Rosa, CA                FIN:   18148

KFTV License Partnership, G.P.         KFTV(TV), Hanford, CA                  FIN:   34439
                                       KABE-CA, Bakersfield, CA               FIN:   34438

KMEX License Partnership, G.P.         KMEX-TV, Los Angeles, CA               FIN:   35123

KTVW License Partnership, G.P.         KTVW-TV, Phoenix, AZ                   FIN:   35705
                                       KUVE-CA, Tucson, AZ                    FIN:   78036
                                       K48GX, Tucson, AZ                      FIN:   35704

KUVI License Partnership, G.P.         KUVI(TV), Bakersfield, CA              FIN:   7700

KUVN License Partnership, G.P.         KUVN(TV), Garland, TX                  FIN:   35841
                                       KUVN-CA, Fort Worth, TX                FIN:   5319

KUVS License Partnership, G.P.         KUVS(TV), Modesto, CA                  FIN:   58609

KWEX License Partnership, G.P.         KWEX-TV, San Antonio, TX               FIN:   35881
                                       KDAS-CA, Austin, TX                    FIN:   35882

KXLN License Partnership, G.P.         KXLN-TV, Rosenberg, TX                 FIN:   53847

WGBO License Partnership, G.P.         WGBO-TV, Joliet, IL                    FIN:    12498

WLTV License Partnership, G.P.         WLTV(TV), Miami, FL                    FIN:   73230

WXTV License Partnership, G.P.         WXTV(TV), Paterson, NJ                 FIN:   74215
                                       WFPA-CA, Philadelphia, PA              FIN:   74216

137076                                           11


                                        WUTH-CA, Hartford, CT                FIN:    74214

WTMW License Partnership, G.P           \VFDC(TV), Arlington, VA             FIN:    69532

         In addition, UTGI is the licensee of the following stations:

         KTVW-CA, Flagstaff, Arizona                   FIN: 29464
         KTSB-LP, Santa Barbara, California            FIN: 41127
         K21EX, Paso Robles, California                FIN: 68666
         K35ER, Santa Maria, California                FIN: 31352
         K28FK, San Luis Obispo, California            FIN: 29885
         K100G, Lompoc, California                     FIN: 41125

      Finally, UTGI is the applicant for assignment of license of KXGR(TV), Green Valley,
Arizona (FIN: 63927) (FCC File No. BAPCT-20020109AAR) and for a new television station
on Channel 52 at Blanco, Texas.

         111.   Teleflitura

        Telefutura, a Delaware corporation, is 100% owned by UCI. Telefutura is the 100%
shareholder of the each of the following corporations, which in turn controls the licensee of the
indicated broadcast station as described below.

    Univision of Hollywood, Florida Inc. is the sole member of Hollywood, Florida Station LLC.
    Univision of Hollywood, Florida Inc. holds a 99% general partnership interest in, and
    Hollywood, Florida Station LLC holds a 1% managing general partnership interest in,
    Univision Partnership of Hollywood, Florida, the licensee of WAN'H-TV, Hollywood, Florida
    (FIN: 60536).

2. Univision of Atlanta Inc. is the sole member of Atlanta Station LLC. Univision of Atlanta
   Inc. holds a 99% general partnership interest in, and Atlanta Station LLC holds a 1%
   managing general partnership interest in, Univision Partnership of Atlanta, the licensee of
   WUVG(TV), Athens, Georgia (FIN: 48813).

    Univision of Dallas Inc. is the sole member of Univision Dallas LLC. Univision of Dallas
    Inc. holds a 99% general partnership interest in, and Univision Dallas LLC holds a 1%
    managing general partnership interest in, Univision Partnership of Dallas, the licensee of
    KSTR-TV, Irving, Texas (FIN: 60534).

        Teleftitura is also the 100% parent of Univision AT Acquisition Corp. ("UAAC").
UAAC is the 100% shareholder of each of the following corporations, which in turn controls the
licensee of the indicated broadcast station as described below.

137076                                            12

    Univision of Houston Inc. is the Sole member of Houston Station LLC. Univision of
    Houston Inc. holds a 99% general partnership interest in, and Houston Station LLC holds a
    1% managing general partnership interest in, Univision Partnership of Houston, the licensee
    of KFTH(TV), Alvin, Texas (FIN: 60537).

2. Univision of Illinois Inc. is the sole member of Illinois Station LLC. Univision of Illinois
   Inc. holds a 99% general partnership interest in, and Illinois Station LLC holds a 1%
   managing general partnership interest in, Univision Partnership of Illinois, the licensee of
   WXFT(TV), Aurora, Illinois (FIN: 60539).

    Univision of Massachusetts Inc. is the sole member of Massachusetts Station LLC.
    Univision of Massachusetts Inc. holds a 99% general partnership interest in, and
    Massachusetts Station LLC holds a 1% managing general partnership interest in, Univision
    Partnership of Massachusetts, the licensee of WUTF(TV), Marlborough, Massachusetts
    (FIN: 60551).

4. Univision of New Jersey Inc. is the sole member of New Jersey Station LLC. Univision of
   New Jersey Inc. holds a 99% general partnership interest in, and New Jersey Station LLC
   holds a 1% managing general partnership interest in, Univision Partnership of New Jersey,
   the licensee of WFTY(TV), Smithtown, New York (FiN 60553) and WFUT(TV), Newark,
   New Jersey (FIN: 60555).

5. Univision of Ohio inc. is the sole member of Ohio Station LLC. Univision of Ohio Inc.
   holds a 99% general partnership interest in, and Ohio Station LLC holds a 1% managing
   general partnership interest in, Univision Partnership of Ohio, the licensee of WQHS-TV,
   Cleveland, Ohio (FIN: 60556).

6. Univision of Vineland Inc. is the sole member of Vineland Station LLC. Univision of
   Vineland Inc. holds a 99% general partnership interest in, and Vineland Station LLC holds a
   1% managing general partnership interest in, Univision Partnership of Vineland, the licensee
   of WUVP(TV), Vineland, New Jersey (FIN: 60560).

7. Univision of Southern California Inc. is the sole member of Southern California Station LLC.
   Univision of Southern California Inc. holds a 99% general partnership interest in, and
   Southern California Station LLC holds a 1% managing general partnership interest in,
   Univision Partnership of Southern California, the licensee of KFTR(TV), Ontario, California
   (FIN: 60549). Univision of Southern California Inc. is also the sole shareholder of Univision
   of Tampa Inc.

    Univision of Florida Inc. is the sole member of Univision of Melbourne Inc., the licensee of
    WOTF(TV), Melbourne, Florida (FIN: 5802).

137076                                          13

9. TJnivision of Tampa Inc. is the sole member of Tampa Station LLC. Univision of Tampa
   Inc. holds a 99% general partnership interest in, and Tampa Station LLC holds a 1%
   managing general partnership interest in, Univision Partnership of Tampa, the licensee of
   WFTT(TV), Tampa, Florida (FIN: 60559).

        Teleftitura is also the sole member of Univision Southwest LLC. Telefutura holds a 99%
general partnership interest in, and Univision Southwest LLC holds a 1% managing general
partnership interest in, the following licensees:

1. Univision Partnership of Flagstaff, licensee of KFPH(TV), Flagstaff; Arizona (FIN: 41517).

2. Univision Partnership of Douglas, licensee of KFTU(TV), Douglas, Arizona (FIN: 81441).

3. Univision Partnership of Phoenix, licensee of KFPH-CA, Phoenix, Arizona (FIN: 2739).

4. Univision Partnership of Tucson, licensee of KTAZ-CA, Tucson Arizona (FIN: 53004).

    Univision Partnership of Sari Antonio, licensee of KFTO-LP, San Antonio, Texas (FIN:

6. Univision Partnership of Floresville, licensee of K4SDX, Floresville, Texas (FIN: 36188).

        Finally, Telefutura is the sole shareholder of Univision Spanish Media Inc., which is the
sole shareholder of Golden Link TV, Inc., licensee of KFSF(TV), Vallejo, California (FIN:

       Univision Communications, Inc. also owns 100% of Univision of Puerto Rico, Inc., the
owner of WLIIIWSIJR, Inc., licensee of Stations WLII(TV), Caguas, Puerto Rico (Facility ID
No. 19777) and WSUR(TV), Aguadilla, Puerto Rico (Facility ID No. 19776).

        Mr. Harold E. Gaba holds an attributable interest in Univision Communications Inc. and,
his other mass media interests are: ownership of 18% of Banks-Boise Inc., which is the licensee
of Station KNIN-TV, Caidwell, Idaho (Facility ID No. 59363); ownership of 3% of Nashville
License Holdings, LLC, which is the licensee of Station WNAB-TV, Nashville, Tennessee
(Facility ID No. 73310).

137076                                          14

Aug-O1-O2 08:44A                                                               .

                                                                                   FCC Fnrm 308
                                                                                   Para No. 17

                     RBLTJQNS ff1? BETWEEN THE APPLIC                 LDEQREIGN STATION

                 The Applicant brokers time on XHAS-TV and, in connection therewith, provides

         programming to, Tele NacionaL S.A. de C.V.. the entity that holds the concession from the

         Government of Mexico to operate Station XHAS-TV.

  '-ir   ri   D(UD   7i:cL1                                                                          FGE.7

Aug-O1-OZ Ut:'4'4/-k                                                           L    'J1iC)14iO                 j(/

                                                                                   FCC Form 308
                                                                                   Para. No. 18(a)
                                                                                   Exhibit No. 3

               The Programs will be transmitted by the Applicant to the foreign broadcast station on a

        daily basis. It has not yet been determined how any hours of programming are to be delivered

        each weekday and on weekends.

    p.W 01 2002 10:04

Aug-01-02 08:45A

                                                                                  FCC Form 308
                                                                                  Pia. No. 18(b)

                             NAT           P..CHAB,AThR OF ?ROMM1NG

               These Programs are of a varied nature and wili initially be news programs. which may be

        expanded to include prograrnrrung of other forms, The Applicant will also deliver certain public

        affairs-te Programs that are produced in the Spanish language.

   UG   1 22 1:4                                                                                   PflOE.S

Aug-91-02 O:45A                                                                         V - J U


            The applicant certifies that, in the case of an individual
      api-can, he or she is not suhjet to a deria) of federal
      benefts pu.cuant to Sccton 501 of the Anti-Drug buse Act of
       988,   21 U.s.c. 0Sa, or, in thc cac of a non-ndividua1
      applicant     (e.g..,    corporation,   patnezship    or    other
      unincorporated     ssoc&ation), no party to the application is
      subject to a denial ot federal benefits pursuant to that
       cction.     Or the definition of a uparty for these purposes,
      the applicant has relied on 4? CFR 1.2002(b).
           Executed   at   Hagersto'.rn,     Maryland,   on   the    / day o
      August, 2002.

                                           ENRAV1SION HOLDINGS, LLC

                                           By:           e          62----)

                                                                      TOTAL PAGE.3

  AUG 01 2002 10:04                                                           PAGE.12

                         PUBLIC NOTICE

                         445 12th STREET S.W.
       'OAqMISS\         WASHINGTON D.C. 20554

                         News media information 202-418-0500
                         Fax-On-Demand 202-418-2830; Internet: (or
                         TTY (202) 418-2555

 Report No. 325-00040                                                                                  Thursday August 8, 2002

                                                RE: Applications Accepted for Filing
The applications listed herein have been found, upon initial review, to be acceptable for filing. The Commission
reserves the right to return any of the applications if, upon further examination, it is determined they are defective and
not in conformance with the Commission's Rules and Regulations and its Policies.

325.NIEW-20020801-00006                             Entravision Holdings, LLC
FCC Form 308 application for Section 325(c) Permit to deliver programming to Mexican television station XHAS-TV, channel 33,
Tijuana, Mexico.

For more information concerning this Notice, contact Tom Albers at 418-2145;; TTY 202-418-2555.

                                                             Page 1 of 1

   /                    PUBLIC NOTICE
              '   ;
                        445 12th STREET S.W.
         0MISS\         WASHINGTON D.C. 20554

                        News media information 202-418-0500
                        Fax-On-Demand 202-418-2830; Internet: (or
                        TTY (202) 418-2555

 Report No. 325-00042                                                                          Wednesday September 11, 2002

                                                        RE: ACTIONS TAKEN
The Commission, by its International Bureau, took the following actions pursuant to delegated authority. The effective
dates of the actions are the dates specified.
325-NEW-20020801-00006                               Entravision Holdings, LLC

FCC Form 308 application for Section 325(c) Permit to deliver programming to Mexican television station XHAS-TV, channel 33,
Tijuana, Mexico.

For more information concerning this Notice, contact Tom Albers at 418-2145;; TTY 202-418-2555.

                                                              Page 1 of 1

                                              UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                         FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                       RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION
 Name: Entravision Holdings, LLC                                                         Call Sign:
 Authorization Type: Section 325(c)                                                   File Number: 325-NEW-20020801-00006
                                        Grant Date: 09/11/2002      Expiration Date: 09/11/2007

       Subject to the provisions of the Communications Act of 1934, subsequent Acts, and Treaties, and Commission Rules made
       thereunder, and further subject to conditions set forth in this permit, the PERMITTEE:
                        Entravision Holdings, LLC
       is hereby authorized to locate, use, or maintain a studio in the United States for the purpose of supplying program material
       to foreign broadcast stations for the term ending September 11, 2007 (3 AM Eastern Standard Time).

 Particulars of Operations

   A) Studio Location:
        5770 Ruffin Road
        San Diego, CA 92123
    B) For the purpose of producing programs consisting of:
        News and public affairs programming in the Spanish language.
    C) To be delivered by means of:
            Satellite, radio microwave link, or common carrier
D) To stations identified and located as follows:

Call Sign                Channel                                    Station Locations(s)

XHAS-TV           Channel 33             Tijuana, Mexico

       Then Commision reserves the right during said permit period of terminating this permit or making effective any changes or
       modification of this permit which may be necessary to comply with any decision of the Commission rendered as a result of
       any such hearing which has been designated but not held, prior to the commencement of this permit period.

       This permit is issued on the permittees representation that statements contained in the permitee's application are true and
       that the undertakings therein contained, so far as they are consistent herewith, will be carried out in good faith.

       This permit shall not vest in the permitee any right to operate beyond the term hereof nor in any other manner than
       authorized herein. Neither the permite nor the right granted hereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred in
       violation og the Communications Act of 1934. This permit is subject to the right of use or control by the Government of
       the United States conferred by Section 606 of the Communications Act of 1934.
E) Special and General Provisions
     A) This RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION is granted subject to the following special provisions and general

            325     +Grant of this permit is conditioned upon the Mexican stations operation in full compliance with applicable
                    treaties and related provisions concerning electrical interference to U.S. Broadcast stations.

                                                    (page 1 of 2)                                                   FCC Form 354

                                                 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                            FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
    t    ..
                },,      *.
                                           RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION
Name: Entravision Holdings, LLC                                                                 Call Sign:
Authorization Type: Section 3 25(c)                                                          File Number: 325 -NE W-2002080 1-00006
                                            Grant Date: 09/11/2002        Expiration Date: 09/1 1/2007

    B) This RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION is granted subject to the additional conditions specified below:
                      This authorization is issued on the grantee's representation that the statements contained in the application are
                      true and that the undertakings described will be carried out in good faith.

                      This authorization shall not be construed in any manner as a finding by the Commission on the question of
                      marking or lighting of the antenna system should future conditions require. The grantee expressly agrees to
                      install such marking or lighting as the Commission may require under the provisions of Section 303(q) of the
                      Communications Act. 47 U.S.C. § 303(q).

                      Neither this authorization nor the right granted by this authorization shall be assigned or otherwise transferred to
                      any person, firm, company or corporation without the written consent of the Commission. This authorization is
                      subject to the right of use or control by the government of the United States conferred by Section 706 of the
                      Communications Act. 47 U.S.C. § 706. Operation of this station is governed by Part 25 of the Commission's
                      Rules. 47 C.F.R. Part 25.

                      This authorization shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate this station nor any right in the use of the
                      designated frequencies beyond the term of this license, nor in any other manner than authorized herein.

                      This authorization is issued on the grantee's representation that the station is in compliance with environmental
                      requirements set forth in Section 1.1307 of the Commissions Rules. 47 C.F.R. § 1.1307.

                      This authorization is issued on the grantee's representation that the station is in compliance with the Federal
                      Aviation Administration (FAA) requirements as set forth in Section 17.4 of the Commission's Rules. 47 C,F.R.

                      The following condition applies when this authorization permits construction of or modifies the construction
                      permit of a radio station.

                      This authorization shall be automatically forfeited if the station is not ready for operation by the required date of
                      completion of construction unless an application for modification of construction permit for additional time to
                      complete construction is filed by that date, together with a showing that failure to complete construction by the
                      required date was due to factors not under control of the grantee.

                      Licensees are required to pay annual regulatory fees related to this authorization. The requirement to
                      collect annual regulatory fees from regulates is contained in Public Law 103-66, "The Omnibus Budget
                      Reconciliation Act of 1993". These regulatory fees, which are likely to change each fiscal year, are used
                      to offset costs associated with the Commission's enforcement, public service, international and policy and
                      rulemaking activities. The Commission issues a Report and Order each year, setting the new regulatory
                      fee rates. Receive only earth stations are exempt from payment of regulatory fees.

                                                       (page2of2)                                                            FCCForm354

Document Created: 2012-01-04 15:30:33
Document Modified: 2012-01-04 15:30:33

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