14_ZSTLR TestRpt DTS r1


Test Report

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       CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                  Report No.: TEFI1904078

  Address          : Tiancheng Industrial Zone ,Yueqing, Zhejiang, China
  Equipment        : ZigBee Wall Socket
  Model No.        : ZSTLR, ZB15R, 264-120
  Trademark        : N/A
  FCC ID           : ZZH-ZSTLR

 The sample was received on Apr. 09, 2019 and the testing was carried out on May 07, 2019 at
 Cerpass Technology Corp. The test result refers exclusively to the test presented test model /
 sample. Without written approval of Cerpass Technology Corp., the test report shall not be
 reproduced except in full.

         Approved by:                              Tested by:

         Mark Liao / Assistant Manager             Amos Zhang/ Engineer

         Laboratory Accreditation:
                Cerpass Technology Corporation Test Laboratory
                     TAF LAB Code:                1439

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         CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                                                       Report No.: TEFI1904078

                                                              Table of Contents
   1. Summary of Test Procedure and Test Results ......................................................................................... 5
      1.1   Applicable Standards ....................................................................................................................... 5
   2. Test Configuration of Equipment under Test ........................................................................................... 6
      2.2   Feature of Equipment under Test .................................................................................................... 6
      2.3   Test Mode & Test Software .............................................................................................................. 6
      2.4   Test Manner ..................................................................................................................................... 6
      2.5   Description of Test System .............................................................................................................. 6
      2.6   General Information of Test ............................................................................................................. 7
      2.7   Measurement Uncertainty ............................................................................................................... 7
   3. Test Equipment and Ancillaries Used for Tests ....................................................................................... 8
   4. Antenna Requirements ............................................................................................................................... 9
      4.8   Standard Applicable ......................................................................................................................... 9
      4.9   Antenna Construction and Directional Gain .................................................................................... 9
   5. Test of Conducted Emission .................................................................................................................... 10
      5.10 Test Limit........................................................................................................................................ 10
      5.11 Test Procedures ............................................................................................................................. 10
      5.12 Typical Test Setup.......................................................................................................................... 10
      5.13 Test Result and Data ...................................................................................................................... 11
   6. Test of Radiated Emission ....................................................................................................................... 13
      6.1   Test Limit........................................................................................................................................ 13
      6.2   Test Procedures ............................................................................................................................. 13
      6.3   Typical Test Setup.......................................................................................................................... 14
      6.4   Test Result and Data (9KHz ~ 30MHz) ......................................................................................... 15
      6.5   Test Result and Data (30MHz ~ 1GHz) ......................................................................................... 15
      6.6   Test Result and Data (1GHz ~ 25GHz) ......................................................................................... 16
      6.7   Restricted Bands of Operation ...................................................................................................... 19
      6.8   Restrict Band Emission Measurement Data .................................................................................. 20
   7. Test of Spurious Emission (Conducted) ................................................................................................. 21
      7.9   Test Limit........................................................................................................................................ 21
      7.10 Test Procedure .............................................................................................................................. 21
      7.11 Test Setup Layout .......................................................................................................................... 21
      7.12 Test Result and Data ..................................................................................................................... 21
   8. 6dB Bandwidth Measurement Data ......................................................................................................... 23
      8.1   Test Limit........................................................................................................................................ 23
      8.2   Test Procedures ............................................................................................................................. 23
      8.3   Test Setup Layout .......................................................................................................................... 23
      8.4   Test Result and Data ..................................................................................................................... 24
   9. Maximum Peak and Average Output Power ........................................................................................... 25
      9.1   Test Limit........................................................................................................................................ 25
      9.2   Test Procedure .............................................................................................................................. 25
      9.3   Test Setup Layout .......................................................................................................................... 25
      9.4   Test Result and Data ..................................................................................................................... 26
   10. Power Spectral Density ............................................................................................................................ 27
      10.1 Test Limit........................................................................................................................................ 27

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       CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                                                     Report No.: TEFI1904078

     10.2   Test Procedure .............................................................................................................................. 27
     10.3   Test Setup Layout .......................................................................................................................... 27
     10.4   Test Result and Data ..................................................................................................................... 28

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       CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                      Report No.: TEFI1904078

                                       History of this test report
         Original.
         Additional attachment as following record:
         Attachment No.       Issue Date                        Description

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        CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                    Report No.: TEFI1904078

1. Summary of Test Procedure and Test Results
    1.1 Applicable Standards
  ANSI C63.10: 2013
  KDB 558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v05r02
  FCC Rules and Regulations Part 15 Subpart C §15.247

                 FCC Rule                  . Description of Test                            Result

    FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15 Subpart C:
                                                    . Antenna Requirement                    Pass
        Section 15.203/15.247 (b)
    FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15 Subpart C:
                                            . AC Power Line Conducted Emission               Pass
               Section 15.207
    FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15 Subpart C:
           Section 15.205/15.209;               . Spurious Emission(Radiated)                Pass
    Part2 section 2.1051, 2.1053, 2.1057
    FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15 Subpart C:
             Section 15.247(d);                . Spurious Emission(Conducted)                Pass
      Part2 section 2.1051 and 2.1057
    FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15 Subpart C:
            Section 15.247(a)(2);                      . 6dB Bandwidth                       Pass
            Part2 section 2.1049
    FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15 Subpart C:
             Section 15.247(b);                . Maximum Peak Output Power                   Pass
            Part2 section 2.1046
    FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15 Subpart C:
                                                   . Power Spectral Density                  Pass
             Section 15.247(e)

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        CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                          Report No.: TEFI1904078

2. Test Configuration of Equipment under Test
    2.2 Feature of Equipment under Test
         Product                 ZigBee Wall Socket
         Test Model              ZSTLR, ZB15R, 264-120
         Model Discrepancy       All models are identical to each other except for model name.
         Frequency Range         2405~2480MHz
         Number of Channels      16 Channels
         Modulation              O-QPSK
         Antenna Type            PCB Antenna/1.5dBi
         Power Supply Rating     AC 120V/60Hz
         Note: for more details, please refer to the User’s manual of the EUT.

    2.3 Test Mode & Test Software
               Channel         Frequency(MHz)       Channel               Frequency(MHz)
                 *11                2405                19                     2445
                  12                2410                20                     2450
                  13                2415                21                     2455
                  14                2420                22                     2460
                  15                2425                23                     2465
                  16                2430                24                     2470
                  17                2435                25                     2475
                 *18                2440               *26                     2480
         Note: Channels remarked * are selected to perform test.

    2.4 Test Manner
          Test Manner
              During testing, the interface cables and equipment positions were varied
              according to 47 CFR, Part 2, Part 15
              An executive program, “SecureCRT.exe”, under WIN 7 which transmits and
              receives data through ZigBee.
              Adjust the EUT at the test mode and the test channel. Then test.
              The EUT had been tested under operating condition
              Test modes: Transmitting Mode
              Channel Low (2405MHz)
          c   Channel Mid (2440MHz)
              Channel High (2480MHz)
              Remark:Only the worst case were recorded in the report.

    2.5 Description of Test System
          No      Device                 Manufacturer     Model No.              Description
          1       Notebook               SONY             PCG-71811P             R33021
         Use Cable:
          No.     Cable                            Quantity        Description
          A       USB Cable                        1               1.0m Shielding

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       CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                     Report No.: TEFI1904078

 2.6 General Information of Test
                                          Cerpass Technology Corporation Test Laboratory
                                          Address: No.10, Ln. 2, Lianfu St., Luzhu Dist., Taoyuan City
                      Test Site           33848, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
                                          Address: No.68-1, Shihbachongsi, Shihding Township,
                                          New Taipei City 223, Taiwan, R.O.C.
                                          Tel: +886-2-2663-8582
                      FCC                 TW1079, TW1061, TW1439
                      IC                  4934E-1, 4934E-2
                                          T-2205 for Telecommunication Test
                                          C-4663 for Conducted emission test
                                          R-4399,R-4218 for Radiated emission test
                                          G-10812, G-10813 for radiated disturbance above 1GHz
         Frequency Range Investigated:    Conducted: from 150kHz to 30 MHz
                                          Radiation: from 30 MHz to 25000MHz

                                          The test distance of radiated emission from antenna to
         Test Distance:
                                          EUT is 3 M.

   2.7 Measurement Uncertainty

     Measurement Item             Measurement Frequency            Polarization           Uncertainty
    Conducted Emission               9 kHz ~ 30 MHz              LINE/NEUTRAL              ±2.71 dB
                                                                      Vertical              ±3.65dB
     Radiated Emission               9 kHz ~ 30 MHz
                                                                    Horizontal              ±3.89dB
                                                                      Vertical              ±4.11 dB
     Radiated Emission               30 MHz ~ 25GHz
                                                                    Horizontal             ±4.10 dB
    Occupied Bandwidth                     ---                          ---                ±7500 Hz
   Maximum Peak Output
                                           ---                          ---                 ±1.4 dB
   Power Spectral Density                  ---                          ---                 ±2.2 dB

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        CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                          Report No.: TEFI1904078

3. Test Equipment and Ancillaries Used for Tests
    Instrument         Manufacturer              Model No              Serial No     Calibration Date Valid Date
   EMI Receiver            R&S                     ESCI3                100821         2018/09/12        2019/09/11
       LISN            Schwarzbeck              NSLK 8127              8127-516        2018/09/11        2019/09/10
   Pulse Limiter           R&S                    ESH3-Z2               101933         2018/09/04        2019/09/03
   Bilog Antenna       Schwarzbeck               VULB9168                275           2018/09/17        2019/09/16
    Active Loop
                          EMCO                      6507                40855          2018/05/22        2019/05/21
   Horn Antenna           EMCO                      3115                31601          2018/09/26        2019/09/25
   Horn Antenna           EMCO                      3116                31974          2018/09/07        2019/09/06
    Preamplifier    EM Electronics corp.           EM330                60658          2018/10/04        2019/10/03
    Preamplifier    EMC INSTRUMENTS           EMC051845SE               980333         2018/09/18        2019/09/17
    Preamplifier    EMC INSTRUMENTS             EMC184045               980065         2018/10/31        2019/10/30
    MXG Vector
      Signal            KEYSIGHT                  N5182A              MY50141551       2018/10/07        2019/10/06
                           R&S                     FSP40                100219         2018/07/03        2019/07/02
   Bluetooth Test
                          Anritsu                MT8852B              6261903476       2018/12/26        2019/12/25
    Attenuator          KEYSIGHT                   8491B              MY39250705       2018/09/04        2019/09/03
   Temp & Humi
                       T-MACHINE                 TMJ-9712             T-12-040111      2018/08/30        2019/08/29
   Series Power
                          Anritsu                ML2495A               1224005          2019/4/11            2020/4/10
   Power Sensor           Anritsu                MA2411B               1207295          2019/4/11            2020/4/10
     Software              Farad                  Ez-EMC               ver.ct3a1           N/A                 N/A
     Software             AUDIX                      E3               V8.2014-8-6          N/A                 N/A
     Software            Keysight          N7607B Signal Studio        V3.0.0.0            N/A                 N/A
     Software            Keysight          Inservice MonitorUtility      N/A               N/A                 N/A

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        CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                      Report No.: TEFI1904078

4. Antenna Requirements
    4.8 Standard Applicable
         For intentional device, according to FCC 47 CFR Section 15.203, an intentional radiator shall be
         designed to ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by the responsible party shall be used
         with the device.

         And according to FCC 47 CFR Section 15.247 (b), if transmitting antennas of directional gain
         greater than 6dBi are used, the power shall be reduced by the amount in dB that the directional gain
         of the antenna exceeds 6dBi.

    4.9 Antenna Construction and Directional Gain

            Antenna                   Peak Gain

            PCB Antenna               1.5dBi

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        CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                       Report No.: TEFI1904078

5. Test of Conducted Emission

    5.10 Test Limit

  Conducted Emissions were measured from 150 kHz to 30 MHz with a bandwidth of 9 KHz on the 120
  VAC power and return leads of the EUT according to the methods defined in ANSI C63.10-2013. The
  EUT was placed on a nonmetallic stand in a shielded room 0.8 meters above the ground plane as shown
  in section 6.2.2. The interface cables and equipment positioning were varied within limits of reasonable
  applications to determine the position produced maximum conducted emissions.

             Frequency                        Quasi Peak                         Average
                (MHz)                          (dB µ V)                          (dB µ V)
              0.15 – 0.5                        66-56*                            56-46*
              0.5 – 5.0                             56                              46
             5.0 – 30.0                             60                              50
  *Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency.

  5.11 Test Procedures
  The EUT was setup according to ANSI C63.10, 2013 and tested according to DTS test procedure of Oct
  2014 KDB558074 for compliance to FCC 47CFR 15.247 requirements. The EUT was placed on a platform
  of nominal size, 1 m by 1.5 m, raised 80 cm above the conducting ground plane. The vertical conducting
  plane was located 40 cm to the rear of the EUT. All other surfaces of EUT were at least 80 cm from any
  other grounded conducting surface. The EUT and simulators are connected to the main power through a
  line impedance stabilization network (LISN). The LISN provides a 50 ohm /50uH coupling impedance for the
  measuring equipment. The peripheral devices are also connected to the main power through a LISN.
  (Please refer to the block diagram of the test setup and photographs) Each current-carrying conductor of
  the EUT power cord, except the ground (safety) conductor, was individually connected through a LISN to
  the input power source. The excess length of the power cord between the EUT and the LISN receptacle
  were folded back and forth at the center of the lead to form a bundle not exceeding 40 cm in length.
  Conducted emissions were investigated over the frequency range from 0.15MHz to 30MHz using a receiver
  bandwidth of 9kHz.

  5.12 Typical Test Setup

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       CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                         Report No.: TEFI1904078

   5.13 Test Result and Data

   Test Mode :                Lowst channe (Worst case)   Phase :               Line
   Temperature :              20°C                        Humidity:             51%

   Pressur(mbar) :            1002                        Date:                 Apr. 09, 2019

 No.    Frequency      Factor         Reading        Level          Limit    Margin      Detector
          (MHz)            (dB)        (dBuV)       (dBuV)        (dBuV)       (dB)
  1      0.1580         10.06          28.98         39.04          65.56     -26.52        QP
  2      0.1580         10.06          24.34         34.40          55.56     -21.16       AVG
  3      0.1940         10.06          27.57         37.63          63.86     -26.23        QP
  4      0.1940         10.06          22.97         33.03          53.86     -20.83       AVG
  5      0.2260         10.05          26.80         36.85          62.59     -25.74        QP
  6      0.2260         10.05          22.48         32.53          52.59     -20.06       AVG
  7      0.2460         10.03          25.97         36.00          61.89     -25.89        QP
  8      0.2460         10.03          21.35         31.38          51.89     -20.51       AVG
  9      0.3260            9.99        23.47         33.46          59.55     -26.09        QP
  10     0.3260            9.99        18.83         28.82          49.55     -20.73       AVG
  11     1.0900         10.21          19.87         30.08          56.00     -25.92        QP
  12     1.0900         10.21          14.87         25.08          46.00     -20.92       AVG
Note: Measurement Level = Reading Level + Correct Factor+ Attenuator

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       CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                         Report No.: TEFI1904078

   Test Mode :                Lowst channe (Worst case)   Phase :               Neutral
   Temperature :              20°C                        Humidity:             51%
   Pressur(mbar) :            1002                        Date:                 Apr. 09, 2019

 No.    Frequency      Factor         Reading        Level          Limit    Margin       Detector
          (MHz)            (dB)        (dBuV)       (dBuV)        (dBuV)       (dB)
  1      0.1740         10.06          27.91         37.97          64.76     -26.79        QP
  2      0.1740         10.06          23.03         33.09          54.76     -21.67       AVG
  3      0.2180         10.05          27.35         37.40          62.89     -25.49        QP
  4      0.2180         10.05          22.91         32.96          52.89     -19.93       AVG
  5      0.2380         10.04          26.59         36.63          62.16     -25.53        QP
  6      0.2380         10.04          22.03         32.07          52.16     -20.09       AVG
  7      0.3180            9.99        23.71         33.70          59.76     -26.06        QP
  8      0.3180            9.99        19.13         29.12          49.76     -20.64       AVG
  9      0.7580         10.08          19.80         29.88          56.00     -26.12        QP
  10     0.7580         10.08          14.81         24.89          46.00     -21.11       AVG
  11     1.2700         10.14          20.60         30.74          56.00     -25.26        QP
  12     1.2700         10.14          15.59         25.73          46.00     -20.27       AVG
Note: Measurement Level = Reading Level + Correct Factor+ Attenuator

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        CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                       Report No.: TEFI1904078

6. Test of Radiated Emission

    6.1 Test Limit
         In any 100kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread spectrum or digitally
         modulated intentional radiator is operating, the radio frequency power that is produced by the
         intentional radiator shall be at least 20dB below that in the 100kHz bandwidth within the band that
         contains the highest level of the desired power, based on either an RF conducted or a radiated
         measurement. If the transmitter measurement is based on the maximum conducted output power,
         the attenuation required under this paragraph shall be 30dB instead of 20dB. In addition, radiated
         emissions which fall in section 15.205(a) the restricted bands must also comply with the radiated
         emission limit specified in section 15.209(a).

               Frequency              Field Strength         Measurement Distance
                  (MHz)              (microvolt/meter)             (meters)
              0.009 ~ 0.490            2400/F(kHz)                   300
              0.490 ~ 1.705            24000/F(kHz)                      30
               1.705 ~ 30.0                  30                          30
                 30 ~ 88                    100                          3
                 88 ~ 216                   150                          3
                216 ~ 960                   200                          3
                Above 960                   500                          3

    6.2 Test Procedures
        a. The EUT was placed on a rotatable table top 0.8 meter above ground.
        b. The EUT was set 3 meters from the interference receiving antenna which was mounted on
             the top of a variable height antenna tower.
        c. The table was rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the highest radiation.
        d. The antenna is a broadband antenna and its height is varied between one meter and four
           meters above ground to find the maximum value of the field strength both horizontal
           polarization and vertical polarization of the antenna are set to make the measurement.
        e. For each suspected emission the EUT was arranged to its worst case and then tune the
           antenna tower (from 1 M to 4 M) and turn table (from 0 degree to 360 degrees) to find the
           maximum reading.
        f. Set the test-receiver system to Peak or CISPR quasi-peak Detect Function and specified
           bandwidth with Maximum Hold Mode.
        g. If the emission level of the EUT in peak mode was 3 dB lower than the limit specified, then
             testing will be stopped and peak values of EUT will be reported, otherwise, the emissions
             which do not have 3 dB margin will be repeated one by one using the quasi-peak method
             and reported.
        h. For testing above 1GHz, the emission level of the EUT in peak mode was 20dB lower than
           average limit (that means the emission level in peak mode also complies with the limit in
           average mode), then testing will be stopped and peak values of EUT will be reported,
           otherwise, the emissions will be measured in average mode again and reported.
        i. “Cone of radiation” has been considered to be 3dB bandwidth of the measurement

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   6.3 Typical Test Setup
                              Below 30MHz Test Setup

                            30M - 1GHz Test Setup

                            Above 1GHz Test Setup

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 6.4 Test Result and Data (9KHz ~ 30MHz)
   The 9kHz-30MHz spurious emission is under limit 20dB more.

 6.5 Test Result and Data (30MHz ~ 1GHz)
         Power         :   AC 120V                      Temperature              :   24 °C
         Test Mode     :   Lowst channe (Worst case)    Humidity                 :   54 %
         Test date     :   May 03, 2019                 Atmospheric Pressure     :   1010 hpa

          Frequency    AntPol.    Correct    Reading   Measure     Limit 3m     Safe      Detector
            (MHz)          H/V     Factor      level    Level      (dBuV/m)    Margin        mode
                                    (dB)     (dBuV)    (dBuV/m)                 (dB)      (PK/QP)
           119.2400        H       -10.36     43.47     33.11         43.50    -10.39        QP
           207.5100        H       -8.62      45.20     36.58         43.50     -6.92        QP
           239.5200        H       -8.93      43.36     34.43         46.00     -11.57       QP
           276.3800        H       -10.63     47.74     37.11         46.00     -8.89        QP
           399.5700        H       -6.46      39.46     33.00         46.00    -13.00        QP
           667.2900        H       -2.34      33.68     31.34         46.00    -14.66        QP

           71.7099         V       -17.20     47.42     30.22         40.00     -9.78        QP
           119.2400        V       -10.36     45.52     35.16         43.50     -8.34        QP
           207.5100        V       -8.62      42.25     33.63         43.50     -9.87        QP
           276.3800        V       -10.63     39.88     29.25         46.00    -16.75        QP
           531.4900        V       -3.21      34.83     31.62         46.00    -14.38        QP
           666.3200        V       -2.33      35.25     32.92         46.00    -13.08        QP

       Note: Level = Reading + Factor
             Margin = Level – Limit
             Factor= Antenna Factor + Cable Loss - Amplifier Factor

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       CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                       Report No.: TEFI1904078

   6.6 Test Result and Data (1GHz ~ 25GHz)
         Power         :   AC 120V                    Temperature               :   24 °C
         Test Mode1        2405MHz                    Humidity                  :   54 %
         Test date     :   May 03, 2019               Atmospheric Pressure      :   1010 hpa

          Frequency    AntPol.   Correct   Reading   Measure     Limit 3m      Safe     Detector
            (MHz)          H/V   Factor     level      Level    (dBuV/m)      Margin     mode
                                  (dB)     (dBuV)    (dBuV/m)                  (dB)     (PK/AV)
           3011.667        H      -6.17     45.33      39.16      74.00       -34.84      peak
           4060.000        H      -1.58     41.66      40.08      74.00       -33.92      peak
           4810.000        H      1.24      42.51      43.75      74.00       -30.25      peak
           5533.333        H      2.10      38.13      40.23      74.00       -33.77      peak
           6128.333        H      3.31      38.05      41.36      74.00       -32.64      peak
           7215.000        H      5.92      36.17      42.09      74.00       -31.91      peak

           3125.000        V      -5.57     45.40      39.83      74.00       -34.17      peak
           4145.000        V      -1.15     41.99      40.84      74.00       -33.16      peak
           4810.000        V      1.24      42.10      43.34      74.00       -30.66      peak
           5306.667        V      1.86      37.99      39.85      74.00       -34.15      peak
           6128.333        V      3.31      38.39      41.70      74.00       -32.30      peak
           7215.000        V      5.92      35.91      41.83      74.00       -32.17      peak

       Note: Level = Reading + Factor
             Margin = Level – Limit
             Factor= Antenna Factor + Cable Loss - Amplifier Factor

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       CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                       Report No.: TEFI1904078

         Power         :   AC 120V                    Temperature               :   24 °C
         Test Mode1        2440MHz                    Humidity                  :   54 %
         Test date     :   May 03, 2019               Atmospheric Pressure      :   1010 hpa

          Frequency    AntPol.   Correct   Reading   Measure     Limit 3m      Safe     Detector
            (MHz)          H/V   Factor     level      Level    (dBuV/m)      Margin     mode
                                  (dB)     (dBuV)    (dBuV/m)                  (dB)     (PK/AV)
           3125.000        H      -5.57     45.30      39.73      74.00       -34.27      peak
           4258.333        H      -0.57     41.51      40.94      74.00       -33.06      peak
           4880.000        H      1.37      42.32      43.69      74.00       -30.31      peak
           5618.333        H      2.31      37.79      40.10      74.00       -33.90      peak
           6156.667        H      3.32      39.34      42.66      74.00       -31.34      peak
           7320.000        H      6.33      35.50      41.83      74.00       -32.17      peak

           3380.000        V      -4.23     44.26      40.03      74.00       -33.97      peak
           4145.000        V      -1.15     40.92      39.77      74.00       -34.23      peak
           4880.000        V      1.37      42.54      43.91      74.00       -30.09      peak
           5901.667        V      3.02      37.63      40.65      74.00       -33.35      peak
           6638.333        V      3.91      37.43      41.34      74.00       -32.66      peak
           7320.000        V      6.33      35.52      41.85      74.00       -32.15      peak

       Note: Level = Reading + Factor
             Margin = Level – Limit
             Factor= Antenna Factor + Cable Loss - Amplifier Factor

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         Power         :   AC 120V                    Temperature               :   24 °C
         Test Mode1        2480MHz                    Humidity                  :   54 %
         Test date     :   May 03, 2019               Atmospheric Pressure      :   1010 hpa

          Frequency    AntPol.   Correct   Reading   Measure     Limit 3m      Safe     Detector
            (MHz)          H/V   Factor     level      Level    (dBuV/m)      Margin     mode
                                  (dB)     (dBuV)    (dBuV/m)                  (dB)     (PK/AV)
           3380.000        H      -4.23     44.24      40.01      74.00       -33.99      peak
           4315.000        H      -0.28     41.32      41.04      74.00       -32.96      peak
           4960.000        H      1.52      43.94      45.46      74.00       -28.54      peak
           5901.667        H      3.02      37.77      40.79      74.00       -33.21      peak
           6553.333        H      3.63      37.77      41.40      74.00       -32.60      peak
           7440.000        H      6.80      35.99      42.79      74.00       -31.21      peak

           3238.333        V      -4.98     45.22      40.24      74.00       -33.76      peak
           4286.667        V      -0.43     40.99      40.56      74.00       -33.44      peak
           4960.000        V      1.52      45.13      46.65      74.00       -27.35      peak
           5930.000        V      3.09      38.44      41.53      74.00       -32.47      peak
           6525.000        V      3.54      38.90      42.44      74.00       -31.56      peak
           7440.000        V      6.80      36.30      43.10      74.00       -30.90      peak

       Note: Level = Reading + Factor
             Margin = Level – Limit
             Factor= Antenna Factor + Cable Loss - Amplifier Factor

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   6.7 Restricted Bands of Operation
    Only spurious emissions are permitted in any of the frequency bands listed below:

            MHz                      MHz                      MHz                 GHz
      0.09000 – 0.11000       16.42000 – 16.42300         399.9 – 410.0       4.500 – 5.250
      0.49500 – 0.505**       16.69475 – 16.69525         608.0 – 614.0       5.350 – 5.460
      2.17350 – 2.19050       16.80425 – 16.80475         960.0 – 1240.0      7.250 – 7.750
      4.12500 – 4.12800       25.50000 – 25.67000        1300.0 – 1427.0      8.025 – 8.500
      4.17725 – 4.17775       37.50000 – 38.25000        1435.0 – 1626.5      9.000 – 9.200
      4.20725 – 4.20775       73.00000 – 74.60000        1645.5 – 1646.5      9.300 – 9.500
      6.21500 – 6.21800       74.80000 – 75.20000        1660.0 – 1710.0     10.600 – 12.700
      6.26775 – 6.26825      108.00000 – 121.94000       1718.8 – 1722.2     13.250 – 13.400
      6.31175 – 6.31225      123.00000 – 138.00000       2200.0 – 2300.0     14.470 – 14.500
      8.29100 – 8.29400      149.90000 – 150.05000       2310.0 – 2390.0     15.350 – 16.200
      8.36200 – 8.36600      156.52475 – 156.52525       2483.5 – 2500.0     17.700 – 21.400
      8.37625 – 8.38675      156.70000 – 156.90000       2655.0 – 2900.0     22.010 – 23.120
      8.41425 – 8.41475      162.01250 – 167.17000       3260.0 – 3267.0     23.600 – 24.000
     12.29000 – 12.29300     167.72000 – 173.20000       3332.0 – 3339.0     31.200 – 31.800
     12.51975 – 12.52025     240.00000 – 285.00000       3345.8 – 3358.0     36.430 – 36.500
     12.57675 – 12.57725     322.00000 – 335.40000       3600.0 – 4400.0       Above 38.6
     13.36000 – 13.41000

      **: Until February 1, 1999, this restricted band shall be 0.490-0.510 MHz

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   6.8 Restrict Band Emission Measurement Data
            Test Date                 :    May 03, 2019
            Temperature               :    24 ℃
            Humidity                  :    52 %
            Atmospheric Pressure      :    1023 hPa
     Modulation Standard:O-QPSK

      Channel 11                                             Fundamental Frequency: 2405 MHz

       Frequency      Factor   Reading         Level        Limit     Margin         Det.       Ant-Pol
         (MHz)        (dB/m)   (dBuV)        (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)     (dB)                      H/V
        2390.000      -10.05       47.93       37.88       74.00      -36.12        peak           H
        2390.000      -10.05       35.48       25.43       54.00      -28.57        AVG            H
        2390.000      -10.05       47.27       37.22       74.00      -36.78        peak           V
        2390.000      -10.05       35.68       25.63       54.00      -28.37        AVG            V

      Channel 26                                          Fundamental Frequency: 2480 MHz

        2483.500       -9.65       66.01       56.36       74.00      -17.64        peak           H
        2483.500       -9.65       54.13       44.48       54.00       -9.52        AVG            H
        2483.500       -9.65       63.92       54.27       74.00      -19.73        peak           V
        2483.500       -9.65       52.16       42.51       54.00      -11.49        AVG            V
   1. Result = Meter Reading + Factor
   2. Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss – Amplifier
   3. The resolution bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 1MHz and video bandwidth is 3 MHz
     (detector peak mode) for Peak detection at frequency above 1GHz.
   4. The resolution bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 1MHz and video bandwidth
     is 3 MHz (detector sample mode) for Average detection at frequency above 1GHz

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7. Test of Spurious Emission (Conducted)

   7.9 Test Limit

   Below 30dB of the highest emission level of operating band (In 100 kHz Resolution Bandwidth)

   7.10 Test Procedure

   KDB 558074 D01v05r02
   1. Reference level measurement
   (a) Set instrument center frequency to DTS channel center frequency
   (b) Set the span to ≥ 1.5 times the DTS bandwidth
   (c) Set the RBW = 100 kHz
   (d) Set the VBW ≥ 3 x RBW
   (e) Detector = peak
   (f) Sweep time = auto couple
   (g) Trace mode = max hold
   (h) Allow trace to fully stabilize
   2. Emission level measurement
   (a) Set the center frequency and span to encompass frequency range to be measured
   (b) RBW = 100kHz
   (c) VBW = 300kHz
   (d) Detector = Peak
   (e) Trace mode = max hold
   (f) Sweep time = auto couple
   (g) The trace was allowed to stabilize

     7.11 Test Setup Layout

     7.12 Test Result and Data

                      Modulation        Channel   Frequency (MHz)         Test Result
                                            11          2405                PASS
                                            26          2480                PASS

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 Modulation Type: O-QPSK
 Channel 11



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8. 6dB Bandwidth Measurement Data

    8.1 Test Limit
         The minimum of 6dB Bandwidth Measurement is 0.5 MHz.

    8.2 Test Procedures
         a. The transmitter output was connected to the spectrum analyzer.
         b. Set RBW of spectrum analyzer to 100 KHz and VBW to 300 KHz.
         c. Set spectrum analyzer X dB to 6 dB.
         d. Set spectrum analyzer peak detector with maximum hold.

    8.3 Test Setup Layout

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   8.4 Test Result and Data
        Test Date: May 05, 2019              Temperature: 23 °C
        Atmospheric pressure: 1087 hPa       Humidity: 54 %

                                         Frequency        6dB Bandwidth
         Modulation Type       Channel
                                           (MHz)              (KHz)
                                  11       2405               1595
            O-QPSK                18       2440                  1612
                                  26       2480                  1487

 Modulation Standard: O-QPSK             Modulation Standard: O-QPSK
 Channel: 11                             Channel:18

 Modulation Standard: O-QPSK
 Channel: 26

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9. Maximum Peak and Average Output Power

    9.1 Test Limit
         The Maximum Peak Output Power Measurement is 30dBm.

    9.2 Test Procedure
  Test procedure refers to KDB 558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v05r02 Peak power meter method.

  The antenna port (RF output) of the EUT was connected to the input (RF input) of a power meter.
  Power was read directly from the meter and cable loss connection was added to the reading to obtain
  power at the EUT antenna terminal. The EUT Output Power was set to maximum to produce the worse
  case test result.

    9.3 Test Setup Layout

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   9.4 Test Result and Data
        Test Date:May 05, 2019                     Temperature: 23℃
       Atmospheric pressure: 1087 hPa              Humidity: 54%
       For Peak Power :
         Modulation              Frequency     Power Output        Peak Power Output
          Standard                 (MHz)          (dBm)                  (mW)
                           11      2405            7.74                   5.943
           O-QPSK          18      2440            7.44                   5.546
                           26      2480            8.78                   7.551

        For Average Power :
          Modulation    Chann                Power Output           Peak Power Output
         Standard      el                    (dBm)                 (mW)
                           11       2405            4.95                  3.126
           O-QPSK          18       2440            4.52                  2.831
                           26       2480            6.02                  3.999

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10. Power Spectral Density

     10.1    Test Limit
        The Maximum of Power Spectral Density Measurement is 8dBm.

     10.2 Test Procedure

     Test procedure refers to section 11.10.2 Method PKPSD (peak PSD).
     The following procedure shall be used if maximum peak conducted output power was used to determine
     compliance, and it is optional if the maximum conducted (average) output power was used to determine
     a) Set analyzer center frequency to DTS channel center frequency.
     b) Set the span to 1.5 times the DTS bandwidth.
     c) Set the RBW to 3 kHz ≤ RBW ≤ 100 kHz.
     d) Set the VBW ≥ [3 × RBW].
     e) Detector = peak.
     f) Sweep time = auto couple.
     g) Trace mode = max hold.
     h) Allow trace to fully stabilize.
     i) Use the peak marker function to determine the maximum amplitude level within the RBW.
     j) If measured value exceeds requirement, then reduce RBW (but no less than 3 kHz) and repeat.

     10.3 Test Setup Layout

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   10.4 Test Result and Data

        Test Date: May 05, 2019                             Temperature: 23℃
        Atmospheric pressure: 1087 hPa                      Humidity: 54%

        Modulation Standard     Channel             Frequency            Maximum Power Density of
                                                      (MHz)               3 kHz Bandwidth (dBm)
                                   11                  2405                          -7.731
              O-QPSK               18                  2440                          -7.668
                                   26                  2480                          -6.156

      Modulation Standard: O-QPSK (1Mbps)                  Modulation Standard: O-QPSK (1Mbps)
      Channel: 11                                          Channel: 18

      Modulation Standard: O-QPSK (1Mbps)
      Channel: 26

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Document Created: 2019-05-15 22:42:54
Document Modified: 2019-05-15 22:42:54

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