RF Exposure


RF Exposure Info

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          CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                           Report No.: TEFI1904191

EUT                         WIFI TR Duplex Receptacle
Model No.                   WF15RM2U, WF15R2U
FCC ID:                     ZZH-WF15RM2U
                                WLAN: 2.412GHz ~ 2.462GHz
                                WLAN: 2.422GHz ~ 2.452GHz
                                WLAN: 5.180GHz ~ 5.240GHz
Frequency band
                                WLAN: 5.260GHz ~ 5.320GHz
                                WLAN: 5.500GHz ~ 5.700GHz
                                 BLE: 2.402GHz ~ 2.480GHz
                                 Bluetooth: 2.402GHz ~ 2.480GHz
                                Portable (<20cm separation)
Device category
                                Mobile (>20cm separation)
                                Occupational/Controlled exposure (S = 5mW/cm2)
Exposure classification         General Population/Uncontrolled exposure
                               Single antenna
                               Multiple antennas
Antenna diversity                   Tx diversity
                                    Rx diversity
                                    Tx/Rx diversity
Max. output power          28.73dBm (746.4487584mW)
Antenna gain (Max)         3.0dBi(Numeric gain:2)
                                MPE Evaluation*
Evaluation applied              SAR Evaluation

Cerpass Technology Corp.                                              Issued date   : May 07, 2019
                                                                      Page No.      :   1 of 3

          CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                 Report No.: TEFI1904191


No non-compliance noted.

               30  P  G       E2
Given    E               & S
                   d           3770
         Where    E = Field strength in Volts / meter
                  P = Power in Watts
                  G = Numeric antenna gain
                  d = Distance in meters
                  S = Power density in milliwatts / square centimeter
Combining equations and re-arranging the terms to express the distance as a function of the remaining
variables yields:
              30  P  G
               3770d 2

Changing to units of mW and cm, using:

         P (mW) = P (W) / 1000 and
         d (cm) = d(m) /100
              30  P / 1000  G           PG
         S                        0.0796  2        Equation 1
               3770  d / 100

         Where    d = Distance in cm
                  P = Power in mW
                  G = Numeric antenna gain
                  S = Power density in mW / cm2

Cerpass Technology Corp.                                                    Issued date   : May 07, 2019
                                                                            Page No.      :   2 of 3

                CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                                       Report No.: TEFI1904191

Maximum Permissible Exposure

                  Frequency     Measured    Tuneuptoleran Max.TuneupP   Peak output   Antenna Gain Antenna gain                Power density     Limit
Modulation Mode   band (MHz)   power(dBm)     ce(dBm)      ower(dBm)    power(mW)         (dBi)     (Numeric ) Distance (cm)     (mW/cm2)      (mW/cm2)

    802.11b       2412-2462      24.55          24±1         25.00      316.227766         3           2.00         20         0.125560512        1

    802.11g       2412-2462      28.73          28±1         29.00      794.3282347        3           2.00         20         0.315393745        1

 802.11n HT20     2412-2462      28.60          28±1         29.00      794.3282347        3           2.00         20         0.315393745        1

Cerpass Technology Corp.                                                                                      Issued date      : May 07, 2019
                                                                                                              Page No.         :   3 of 3

Document Created: 2019-05-11 10:06:11
Document Modified: 2019-05-11 10:06:11

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