Letter of Agency


Cover Letter(s)

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  A aAmCcrREsS T
               Simple. Reliable. Secure

Nov. 15, 2018

Fedenit Communications Commission
445 12° SSW
Washinaton, DC 2055¢
Subject:        Limited Agency Agrcement
                Amerest Technologies LLC
                ree to:zzzuv—a2ve

‘To Whom . May Coneere:
We, Amorest Technologles LLG heceby authorized Titerck Testing Services to aetasour
Ageat for the purpose of prepacing appliestionfor FCC TD aumber (ZZ2UV—82V2) undecall
applicable pats o the PCC cules d cepulations.
"The effecive dateofthis limied speney apreement is (2078—1—15). The Linited Ageney
Agreement expires untll further notie, uoless soonertearinated or extendad by writen roice to
Tetertl Testing Services and the Foderal Communications Commission
"This is to advisethat we ae in full complisnce with he Anti—Drug Abuse Act. The applicantis
ot sibject to a denial offederal benefis pursusat to Setion 5301 ofthe Anti—Drig Act of 1988,
21 U.S.C. 862, and no parey to the applietionis subject o a denial of ederal benefits pursuant to
T you have any questions ocomments, lease do not hestuteto contact me

Abdurahman Ravat
Amerest Technologies LC

Document Created: 2018-11-19 09:21:41
Document Modified: 2018-11-19 09:21:41

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