Technical Description


Operational Description

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Technical Description
The Equipment-Under-Test (EUT) 4000764 is a Auvio Mono Bluetooth Speaker
with AUX in. The EUT contains a Bluetooth 2.1 radio. The EUT can accept both
analog audio signal (AUX-in) and wireless audio signal via Bluetooth devices. The
EUT has internal power amplifier and loudspeaker. It is powered by USB port
(5VDC) which is for charging the internal 3.7V rechargeable battery.

Antenna Type: Internal, Integral
Antenna Gain: 0dBi

Operating mode       Nominal             Production      Modulation
                     Radiated            Tolerance       Type
                     Field Strength

Bluetooth            91.8 dBµV/m at 3m      +/- 3dB        GFSK


The main components are described below:

IC2 (F-6188) is Bluetooth RF radio Module
U50 (BK8000L) is 2.4GHz Bluetooth RF radio IC
X10 is 26MHz crystal providing master clock for U50
U4 (25F04) is 4Mbit serial flash
C9, C10 are antenna matching network
IC3 (HT6871) is 3.4W power amplifier
IC1 (TP4054) is battery charging IC

CH.NO.]     FRE.     \Hex Value   CH.NO.|     FRE.     Hex Value   CH.NO|    FRE.     _|Hex Value!   CH.NOJ   FRE.   Hex Value
 CHO      2402MHe       0          CH2s     2028MKe       1A        CHS2    245MMHe       3           CH73 2480MHe      45
 chl      2403viHe       L         CH27     2429Me        1s        CHS3    24S5MHe       35
 CH2      2400MHe       ;          CH23     2430Me        ic        CHS4    24S6MHe       3
 CH3      2405MiHe      :          CH29_|   AGIMKe        ID        CHSS    2457MHe       37
 CHd      2406MHe       i          CH30     2632Me        1t        CHSG    2456MHe       3
 CHS_|    2407MHe       5          CHsl_|   233MKe        if        CHS7    2450MHe       39
 CH6      2408MHe       6          CHS2     A34ue         20        CHS3    2460MHe       34
 CH7_|    2409MHe       7          CH33_|   2G5MRe        2l        CHS9    2401MHe       36
 CHB      2410MHe       8          CH34     AGoMHe        2         CHS0    2462MHe       3¢
 ch9      241 IMHe      9          CHSS     237Mz         2         Chel    2463MHe       En
 CHIO     2412MHe       A          chso     20G3MKe       2         CHG2    246tMHe       36
 CHL      2413MHe       B          CHI7_|   Ad39MKe       25        CH3     2405MHe       3r
 CHI2     |2414MHe      c          CH3      2650MKe       2         CHot    24G6MHe       40
 CHI3     |2415MHe      D          CH39_|   2001MRe       27        CH6S    2407MHe       41
 CHl4     24I6NH         &         CH4O     462Mz         2         CHss    24G8MHe       42
 CHIS     |2417iHe       f         CHdl     2M03MHe       2         CH7     2460MHe       43
 Chio     2418MHe       10         CHd2_|   2044Wke       24        CHGS    2470MHe       4
 cml7     |acowne|      i1         ocms     |asovne|      20        chco aaringe|__       45
 CHIB     220M(He       12         CHd      244GMEKe      2¢        CH70    2472MHe       46
 ch19     22M(He        13         CHdS     2407MiKe      20        CH7     243viHe       47
 CH20_|   2422MHe       14         Chido    2448MKe       25        CHT2    274MHe        48
 CH2l_|   2023MHe       15         CHIT     2449MKe       2r        CH73    2475VHe       49
 CH22     220(He        16         CHdS     2450MKe       3         CH74    2476MHe       4h
 CH23     225M(He       17         CHd9     5TWe          31        CHTS    2477MHe       45
 CH24     2420MHe       18         CHSO     t52Me         32        CHG     2473MHe       4C
 CHS      207iHe        19         CHS1     AS3Me         3         CHT7    249MHe        4D

        The Bluetooth module F—6188 manual

—, Product overview:

Intelligent wireless audio data transmission products F—6188 Bluetooth
module for the independent development of our company, is the high price
of stereo wireless transmission scheme of low cost, module uses BEKEN chip
to provide the high quality and compatibility for the module, the overall
better performance. F—6188 Bluetooth module with free driving mode,
customers only need to access the application module products, wireless
transmission can quickly realize the music, enjoy wireless music.

=.,. Field of application:

This module is mainly used for music transmission in short distance, can
be connected with mobile phone and personal computer, conveniently, the
connection between PDA and other digital products, enjoy bluetooth wireless
transmission of music.
% Bluetooth audio
% Bluetooth stereo headset
% hands—free phone
The Bluetooth wireless audio transmission

=. Essential qualities:
Bluetooth Profiles
% Bluetooth v2. I+EDR specification support
K A2DPv1I. 2
K HFPvI. 5
JY], Performance parameters:

Model                 F—6188
Bluetooth             Bluetooth V2. 1

Ad: MBILTEANRERAH                           BBif : 0755—29179480/1, FAX: 0755—84736169
tihih: Bd EEEIIEAIT DLE A3 #               /Ar) i: www.e—

supply voltage       DC2. 8—4. 2V
Support    Bluetooth HFPV1. 5, A2DPV1. 2, AVRCPV1I. 0
working current          <60mA
standby current          <500uA
temperature range        |—40°C to +85°C
The       wireless <10 meter
tranmission range
Transmission             CLASS2, 4dbm

sensitivity:             —80dBm<O. 1%BER
frequency range :        2. 4GHz—2. 480GHz
External Port:           12C, SPI and UART interface
audio performance        SBCdecode
The audio Signal to      >75dB
Noise Ratio:

Module size              25X13. 5X1. 8MM

4. The size graph of the module :

Ad: NTAAA IRAH                                 tBif : 0755—29179480/1, FAX: 0755—84736169
thit:| Gdilt EEEIIEIIT NLE A3 #               /Ar) i: www.e—

             5 . 7mm




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tihih: Bd EEEIIEAIT DLE A3 #                    /Ar) i: www.e—

7z, Module pin definition diagram

                  i            Eou
         GND      N            i
          RF      a 6                  ADC

        dhite   niiels         : : 3v3
TMS(GPIO19)       CR R                 VBAT
 TCK(GPIO18)      a                m    vseus
TDO(GPIO21)       o     =      =       AUDIORN
 TDI(GPIO20             m      m       AUDIORP
      RSTN      ME      =      =a N    AUDIOLP
    MBISTEN     Mim m z3       =   ®   RWEAauDioun
  GPI0OO(TX)            j      =   i   @UCBias
  GPIO1(RX)                            MICINP
       CPIO2                       I   guicinn
      GPIO3                            LINL
      GPIO4                            LINR
      GPIO5                            GPI010
        GND                            AGND

+. Pin description

Ad: MBILTIEAHRERAH                     i# : 0755—29179480/1, FAX: 0755—84736169
tihih: Bd EEEIIEAIT DLE A3 #           /Ar) i: www.e—

Pin   Symb                1/0            Description
1     RF_GND              RF_GND         RF_GND
2     ANT                ANT             ANT PORT
3     RF_GND              RF_GND         RF_GND
4     TMS (GPIO19)       Digital 1/O     JTAG pin
5     TCK (GPIO18)       Digital 1/O     JTAG pin
6     TDO(GPIO21)        Digital 1/O     JTAG pin
T     TDI (GPIO20        Digital 1/O     JTAG pin
8     RSTN               Digital 1/O     JTAG pin / Reset pin—low active
9     MBISTEN            Digital 1/O     Memory bit check
10    GPIOO (TX)         Digital 1/O     UART TX
11    GPIOL (RX)         Digital 1/O     UART RX
12    GPIO2              Digital 1/O     GPIO2
13    GPIO3              Digital 1/O     GPIO3
14    GPIO4              Digital 1/O     GPIO4
15    GPIO5              Digital 1/O     GPIO5
16    GND                 GND            Ground connect battery negative
17    AGND               AGND            Ground connect battery negative
18    GPIO10             Digital 1/O     GPIO10
19    LINR               AUX_INPUT       LINR
20    LINL               AUX_INPUT       LINL
21    MICINN             MIC—            MICINN
22    MICINP             MIC+            MICINP
23    MICBIAS            MICBIAS         MICBIAS
24    AUDIOLN            Audio output    Left channel audio output negative
25    AUDIOLP            Audio output    Left channel audio output positive
26    AUDIORP            Audio output    Right channel audio output positive
27    AUDIORN            Audio output    Right channel audio output negative
28    VBUS                Charge port    VBUS
29    VBAT                Power supply   Power supply
30    3VO                 Power          3. OV output

31    ADC                 Power          ADC input

       E4AE IRAHn                           tBif : 0755—29179480/1, FAX: 0755—84736169
thit:| Gdilt EEEIIEIIT NLE A3 #            /Ar) i: www.e—

JA,. Connection circuit notice;:
  The F—6188 module in the application process, please pay attention to avoid the influence of power
  amplifier, a boost circuit to avoid interference source module, module power supply circuit with
  high power circuit unit to form a series circuit,                          in order to improve the SNR

Fu, Notice:
  A.     About the Bluetooth wireless application environment, wireless signal includes a Bluetooth
  application are influenced by the surrounding environment,                                such as

  Wood, metal and other obstacles will be absorbed on the wireless signal,                                     thus in the practical
  application,              influence the distance of data transmission

  B.    Because Bluetooth module to complete the existing system, placed in the shell. Because of the
  metal shell on the radio frequency signal Is a shielding effect. It is recommended not to install
  in a metal shell.

  C.    PCB Layout:             The antenna part of the Bluetooth module is the PCB antenna, the metal will weaken
  the function of antenna, while to the module layout, below the antenna module is prohibit paving and
  walk the line, if hollow out it is better

4. Application ciriuit:

                                                menescem                                                                VeC
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                                                                ANTEXT > |    ; i\?                       vabe J              T
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                                                                 fee    B3 crros                           mey, ____«7 ABXLL
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                                                                 wore [>——HH cros                       crioun LE       «7 Avx_DET
                                                -|E                           M54 cap                      [.-.xn-ll—h.

  Ad: MILTIEHRERAH                                                                 i : 0755—29179480/1, FAX: 0755—84736169
  tihih: Bd EEEIIEAIT DLE A3 #                                                    /Ar) i: www.e—

                   I :              | |                                  ANT_EXT

Notice:   The module has built—in antenna,   external antenna as the need increases

MIC circuit:

Ad: MBILTEANRERAH                                      BBif : 0755—29179480/1, FAX: 0755—84736169
tihih: Bd EEEIIEAIT DLE A3 #                          /Ar) i: www.e—

  sW qiplgy

       MIC_BIAS ;                            _J'zKM
           MICP ;               §     lfiS
                               %%::                                             MIC

           MIC_N |                    T                                     é       1


MIC   Recommended                                 M
                     Specification:sensitivity—38dB/+—2dB                DC2V    working

Ad: MBILTEANRERAH                            BBif : 0755—29179480/1, FAX: 0755—84736169
tihih: Bd EEEIIEAIT DLE A3 #                 /Ar) i: www.e—

                                      BK8000L Datasheet                                                   v 0.2

  BK8000L Bluetooth Audio SoC
                          Preliminary Specification


         Name                           Date                           Signature

                                      Beken Corporation
                           3A,1278 Keyuan Rd, Shanghai 201204, China
                                   PHONE: (86)21 5108 6811
                                   FAX:   (86)21 6087 1277

  This document contains information that may be proprietary to, and/or secrets of, Beken Corporation. The
contents of this document should not be disclosed outside the companies without specific written permission.
    Disclaimer: Descriptions of specific implementations are for illustrative purpose only, actual hardware
                                          implementation may differ.

© 2014 Beken Corporation                 Proprietary and Confidential                           Page 1 of 14

                        Low Power Bluetooth Audio SoC                            v 0.2

Revision History

 Rev.       Date            Author(s)                         Remark
  0.1    10/May/2014          Weifeng         Initial Draft
  0.2    5/June/2014          Weifeng         Add 7x7 56-pin package to support SD-
         16/July/2014         Weifeng         Release the word file to XZX

© 2014 Beken Corporation       Proprietary and Confidential              Page 2 of 14

                                                     BK8000L Datasheet                                                                             v 0.2


1.     General Description......................................................................................................................4
     1.1.      Features ................................................................................................................................4
     1.2.      Applications .........................................................................................................................4

2.     Pin Definition................................................................................................................................5

3.     Functional Description .................................................................................................................7
     3.1.      GPIO.....................................................................................................................................7
     3.2.      PWM Timer and Watch Dog Timer...................................................................................8
     3.3.      Power Management.............................................................................................................8
     3.4.      MCU.....................................................................................................................................8
     3.5.      I2C and UART Interface.....................................................................................................8
     3.6.      FM Receiver Control Interface ...........................................................................................8
     3.7.      FLASH Access Interface ....................................................................................................9
     3.8.      SPI ........................................................................................................................................9
     3.9.      SAR ADC and LED ............................................................................................................9
     3.10.     Audio Peripheral..................................................................................................................9

4.     Electrical Characteristics............................................................................................................10
     4.1.      Absolute Maximum Ratings .............................................................................................10
     4.2.      Recommended Operating Conditions ..............................................................................10
     4.3.      System LDO ......................................................................................................................10
     4.4.      Analog LDO/BUCK..........................................................................................................10
     4.5.      Digital LDO/BUCK ..........................................................................................................11
     4.6.      USB LDO...........................................................................................................................11
     4.7.      Typical Power Consumption ............................................................................................11
     4.8.      RF Characteristics .............................................................................................................11
     4.9.      Audio Characteristics ........................................................................................................12

5.     Application Schematic ...............................................................................................................12

6.     About the Qualification..............................................................................................................12

7.     Package Information...................................................................................................................13

8.     Ordering Information .................................................................................................................14

© 2014 Beken Corporation                                 Proprietary and Confidential                                                Page 3 of 14

                           Low Power Bluetooth Audio SoC                                                  v 0.2
                                                            l      Bluetooth 2.1+EDR compliant
1.        General Description                               l      -92 dBm sensitivity for 2 Mbps mode
                                                                   and 5 dBm transmit power

The BK8000L chip is a highly integrated                     l      A2DP v1.2, AVRCP v1.0 and HFP v1.5
single-chip Bluetooth audio device. It                             profile
integrates the high-performance transceiver,                l      Integrated 96 dB SNR stereo ADC and
rich features baseband processor, and                              stereo DAC
Bluetooth audio profile. The BK8000L cache
based architecture enables it is fully                      l      Five bands hardware equalizer
programmable with any application, that it                  l      Digital equalizer for stereo line in
may be used for control and multimedia
hybrid application. The internal dual stereo                l      Hardware accelerator for low power
ADC converts the stereo line in input to                    l      Full duplex hands-free speakerphone
digital audio that enables the line in use the
digital equalizer. Hardware equalizer and                   l      Up to 250 mA charge controller
accelerator offload the MCU, and make it
suitable for low power headset application.
                                                            1.2.       Applications

1.1.      Features
                                                            l      Bluetooth stereo speaker
                                                            l      Bluetooth stereo headset
l      Operation voltage from 2.8 V to 4.2 V                l      Bluetooth control and multimedia hybrid

                                                                    I2C/        BIST
                          Audio        Audio                       UART
                          DAC          ADC          MCU
                                                                    16 KB       LED
                          Audio(inc. DTMF)           with          I-Cache
                          Reset                                    80 KB
                                                    DMA            RAM
                         Transceiver                               Watch

                                         ROSC                       PMU          I2C
                         Manage           POR       DPLL            PWM
                                         Switch                     FLASH        SPI
                                        Regulator                  Controller

© 2014 Beken Corporation                  Proprietary and Confidential                         Page 4 of 14

                                       BK8000L Datasheet                                                     v 0.2

2.       Pin Definition

It provides maximum QFN6x6 48-pins package for wireless audio application.

                         48      47    46     45    44    43    42    41   40   39   38   37

          RSTN      1                                                                          36   VCC3SYS
         TSTEN      2                                                                          35   VCC4BAT
         RFP_BT     3                                                                          34   VCC5USB
      TDI(GPIO20)   4                                                                          33 AUDIORN
          GPIO11    5                                                                          32 AUDIORP
                    6                                   GND PAD
          VDD12                                                                                31 AUDIOLP

          GPIO0     7                                   BK8000L
                                                         BK8006                                30   AUDIOLN
           GPIO1    8                               QFN 6*6 48-Pin                             29   VCCAUD
          GPIO2                                                                                28   VREF1AUD
          GPIO3                                                                                27 V2MICBIAS

          GPIO4                                                                                26 MICINP

           GPIO5                                                                               25   MICINN

                        13     14     15    16     17    18    19    20    21   22   23   24

                              Table 1 Pin Description of 48Pin Package
PIN       Name               Pin Function                      Description
1         RSTN               Digital I/O                       Active low reset
2         TSTEN              Digital I/O                       Test enable, high enable chip in test mode
3         RFP_BT             RF port                           2.4 GHz antenna port
4         TDI                Digital I/O                       JTAG TDI, GPIO20
5         GPIO11             Digital I/O                       General I/O
6         VDD12              Power                             1.2 V LDO output
7         GPIO0              Digital I/O                       GPIO
8         GPIO1              Digital I/O                       GPIO
9         GPIO2              Digital I/O                       GPIO

© 2014 Beken Corporation                    Proprietary and Confidential                        Page 5 of 14

                     Low Power Bluetooth Audio SoC                               v 0.2
10     GPIO3        Digital I/O            GPIO
11     GPIO4        Digital I/O            GPIO
12     GPIO5        Digital I/O            GPIO
13     CSN_FLA      Digital I/O            FLASH CSN
14     WP_FLA       Digital I/O            FLASH WP
15     SI_FLA       Digital I/O            FLASH SI
16     SO_FLA       Digital I/O            FLASH SO
17     SCK_FLA      Digital I/O            FLASH SCK
18     HOLD_FLA     Digital I/O            FLASH HOLD
19     VCC3IO       Power                  3.3 V LDO output
20     SWD          Analog                 Switch regulator port for digital
21     VSYS3V8D     Power                  Input Power 3.6V
22     VBUCKD       Power                  Switch regulator output for digital
23     LINR         Analog                 Line in right channel
24     LINL         Analog                 Line in left channel
25     MICINN       Analog                 Microphone input negative
26     MICINP       Analog                 Microphone input positive
27     V2MICBIAS    Analog                 Audio bias voltage output
28     VERF1AUD     Analog                 Audio reference output,1.2V
29     VCCAUD       Power supply           Audio power supply input, 1.8V~3.6
30     AUDIOLN      Analog                 Audio left channel output negative
31     AUDIOLP      Analog                 Audio left channel output positive
32     AUDIORP      Analog                 Audio right channel output negative
33     AUDIORN      Analog                 Audio right channel output positive
34     VCC5USB      Power                  USB power input
35     VCC4BAT      Power                  Battery input
36     VCC3SYS      Power                  3.6V system LDO output
37     SWA          Analog                 Switch regulator port for analog
38     VCC3BUCKA    Power                  Switch regulator input for analog
39     VBUCKA       Power                  Switch regulator output for analog
40     VADC         Analog                 Battery detector ADC input
41     NC           NC                     NC
42     VCCBT        Power                  BT power supply input, 1.8V~3.6
43     VCC3XTAL     Power                  XTAL power input, 3.6V
44     XO           Analog                 XTAL output
45     XI           Analog                 XTAL input
46     TMS          Digital I/O            JTAG TMS
47     TCK          Digital I/O            JTAG TCK
48     TDO          Digital I/O            JTAG TDO

© 2014 Beken Corporation      Proprietary and Confidential                Page 6 of 14

                              BK8000L Datasheet                                 v 0.2

3.     Functional Description

3.1.   GPIO

The BK8000L has total 19 GPIOs, which can be configured as either input or
output. Most of them have second function.

                            Table 2 GPIO Function Mapping
 功能分类      Mbist Mode       Perial Mode                         GPIO Mode
 GPIO0     Mbist Done       UART2_TXD/I2C2_SCL                 General I/O
 GPIO1     Mbist_Fail       UART2_RXD/I2C2_SDA                 General I/O
 GPIO2     input            pcm2_clk/TXEN                      General I/O
 GPIO3     input            pcm2_sync/RXEN                     General I/O
 GPIO4     input            pcm2_din/UART1_TX_Monitor          General I/O
 GPIO5     input            pcm2_dout/UART1_RX_Monitor         General I/O
 GPIO6     input            pcm2_codec_clk/spi_csn             General I/O
 GPIO7     input            spi_sck                            General I/O
 GPIO8     input            spi_mosi                           General I/O
 GPIO9     input            spi_miso                           General I/O
 GPIO10    input            PWM0                               General I/O
 GPIO11    Mbist_Pass       PWM1                               General I/O
 GPIO12    input            sd_clk/clk13m                      General I/O
 GPIO13    input            sd_cmd/SCL                         General I/O
 GPIO14    input            sd_data[0]/SDA                     General I/O
 GPIO15    input            sd_data[1]                         General I/O
 GPIO16    input            sd_data[2]                         General I/O
 GPIO17    input            sd_data[3]                         General I/O
 GPIO18    Mbist_Fail_BT    jtag_TCK(上电默认)                     General I/O
 GPIO19    dram_result[2]   jtag_TMS(上电默认)                     General I/O
 GPIO20    dram_result[1]   jtag_TDI (上电默认)                    General I/O
 GPIO21    dram_result[0]   jtag_TDO(上电默认)                     General I/O

All GPIO can be source to wake up MCU from shut down state. In shut down
state, any level change on the set GPIO will trigger the wake up procedure.
When power on, the default state of GPIO0~GPIO9 and GPIO12~GPIO20 is
high impedance and pull low internally; the default state of GPIO10~GPIO11 is
high impedance and pull high; and the default state of GPIO21 is high impedance

© 2014 Beken Corporation        Proprietary and Confidential             Page 7 of 14

                      Low Power Bluetooth Audio SoC                            v 0.2

3.2.   PWM Timer and Watch Dog Timer

There are two sets of PWM timers. One fast set uses 1 MHz clock as main clock,
and another slow set uses 32 kHz clock as main clock. Each set has three 16
bits counter with 4 bit pre-divider. First two timers in slow set can be used to LED
duty cycle control.

The watch dog timer runs with 32 kHz clock, with period from 0.6 ms to 38

3.3.   Power Management

The BK8000L supports USB power supply that it can work without battery. When
there is a USB power supply, it will charge the battery with automatically charge
current control while provide power to the BK8000L. The buck will give nearly
half current reduction for digital power.

The BK8000L can enter into shut down mode when there is no active connection.
The shut mode can be waked up by GPIO and USB charge.

3.4.   MCU

The 16 bit RISC MCU has 16 KB I-Cache and DMA bus, to support efficient
execution and frequently data exchange. The JTAG interface can be used to on-
line debug, which can be also configured as GPIO.

Besides 26 MHz crystal, the MCU can run with internal programmable ROSC
clock, or 32 kHz ring oscillator clock, with programmable divided ratio.

3.5.   I2C and UART Interface

There is one set of I2C interface and one set of UART interface for debug or
external MCU control the BK8000L. They share the two same GPIO0 and GPIO1.

3.6.   FM Receiver Control Interface

© 2014 Beken Corporation        Proprietary and Confidential            Page 8 of 14

                             BK8000L Datasheet                               v 0.2
The FM receiver control interface consists of a two-wire I2C interface and a 13
MHz clock for FM receiver reference.

3.7.    FLASH Access Interface

The BK8000L MCU is running with the external FLASH program memory and the
internal instruction cache. The external FLASH can be also used to store user
data such as key configuration and Bluetooth paring information.

3.8.    SPI

The 4-wires SPI supports high speed data communication, which can be used as
interface to either external FLASH or LCD controller.

3.9.    SAR ADC and LED

The SAR ADC has 10-bit resolution, and the two LED drivers support up to 10
mA current.

The SAR has six active channel as follows.

                            Table 3 ADC Channel Table
Channel          Detected Voltage        Description
1                VBAT-pin/4              Battery voltage
2                VADC-pin                Pin VADC voltage
3                Charge current          Used to detect charge current and charge
                 detector                circuit control
4                VCC5USB-pin/6           USB voltage
5                GPIO19                  GPIO19 voltage
6                GPIO9                   GPIO9 voltage

3.10.   Audio Peripheral

There are one set of speech ADC with sample rate 8 kHz or 16 kHz, 44.1 kHz or
48 kHz. The DAC have two channels for stereo application, with sample rate 8
kHz, 16 kHz, 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz.

© 2014 Beken Corporation         Proprietary and Confidential         Page 9 of 14

                         Low Power Bluetooth Audio SoC                                 v 0.2
There is also a stereo line in interface, to allow external stereo input passing
internal 31 dB programmable gain amplify to stereo output.

4.     Electrical Characteristics

4.1.   Absolute Maximum Ratings

        Parameter                      Description               MIN    TYP     MAX    Unit

        VCCBAT                Battery regulator Supply voltage   -0.3   3.3      4.2    V
          PRX                          RX input power              -    10        -    dBm
          T STR                 Storage temperature range        -40     -       150    ℃
         VCCIO                      IO interface voltage         -0.3   2.8      3.6    V

4.2.   Recommended Operating Conditions

        Parameter                      Description               MIN    TYP     MAX    Unit

        VCCBAT                Battery regulator Supply voltage   2.8    3.3      4.2    V
          T OPR                Operation temperature range       -20     -       80     ℃
         VCCIO                      IO interface voltage         1.8     -       4.2    V

4.3.   System LDO

          State                        Description               MIN    TYP     MAX    Unit

        VCC4BAT                         VBAT                     2.8             4.2     V
        VCC3SYS                  SYSLDO Output Voltage           2.8    3.6      3.8     V
       Load Current                 Loading Current                              150    mA

4.4.   Analog LDO/BUCK
System can choose the analog BUCK or LDO as the power supply of RF and Audio part.

          State                        Description               MIN    TYP     MAX    Unit

Analog LDO
      VCC3BUCKA                  Analog LDO Input Voltage        2.8    3.3      3.6     V
         VBUCKA                 Analog LDO Output Voltage        1.7    1.8     2.4      V
       Load Current                  Loading Current                             100    mA
Analog BUCK
      VCC3BUCKA                 Analog BUCK Input Voltage        2.8    3.3      3.6     V
         VBUCKA                Analog BUCK Output Voltage        1.7    1.8      2.4     V
       Load Current                  Loading Current                             100   mA
   Switching frequency         BUCK modulation frequency          2      5        10   MHz

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                                  BK8000L Datasheet                                          v 0.2

4.5.    Digital LDO/BUCK
System can also choose the digital BUCK or LDO as the power supply for the Digital part.

           State                          Description                  MIN    TYP     MAX    Unit

Digital LDO
         VSYS3V8D                  Digital LDO Input Voltage            2.8   3.3      3.6     V
          VBUCKD                  Digital LDO Output Voltage                  1.2     1.35     V
        Load Current                    Loading Current                               100     mA
Digital BUCK
         VSYS3V8D                 Digital BUCK Input Voltage            2.8   3.3      3.6     V
          VBUCKD                 Digital BUCK Output Voltage                  1.2     1.35     V
        Load Current                    Loading Current                               100    mA
    Switching frequency          BUCK modulation frequency               2     5       10    MHz

4.6.    USB LDO
When USB is plug in, VCC3SYS will be generated from USB LDO.

           State                          Description                  MIN    TYP     MAX    Unit

        VCC5USB                      USB Input Voltage                 4.75    5      5.75     V
        VCC3SYS                    USBLDO Output Voltage                      3.3              V
       Load Current                   Loading Current                                  100    mA

4.7.    Typical Power Consumption

           State                          Description                  MIN    TYP     MAX    Unit
                               Software shut down, wake up from
        Shut down                                                             50              uA
         Idle-Sniff                 Idle state at Sniff mode                  900             uA
       Active (A2DP)                          2DH5                             20             mA
       Active (HFP)                            HV1                             20             mA

4.8.    RF Characteristics

        Parameter                      Condition                  MIN         TYP     MAX    Unit

   Operate Frequency                  2402~2480                   2402                2480   MHz
    RXSENS-1 Mbps                     BER=0.001                               -90            dBm
    RXSENS-2 Mbps                     BER=0.0001                              -92            dBm
    RXSENS-3 Mbps                     BER=0.0001                              -84            dBm
 Maximum received signal              BER=0.001                    0                         dBm
  Maximum RF transmit
                                                                               5             dBm
 RF Power Control Range                                            30                         dB

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                            Low Power Bluetooth Audio SoC                           v 0.2

4.9.     Audio Characteristics

          Parameter                  Condition               MIN      TYP   MAX     Unit

     DAC Output Amplitude                                                     1    Vrms
       DAC output SNR              1 kHz sine wave                    96            dB
      DAC Sample Rate                                             8          48    kHz
          ADC SNR                  1 kHz sine wave                    96            dB
      ADC Sample Rate                                             8          48    kHz

5.       Application Schematic
It will be provided with separate document.

6.       About the Qualification

By carefully PCB layout, the BK8000L RF performance meets FCC, CE and BQB
requirement. The Bluetooth protocol and profile provided by Beken are already
qualified and listed in SIG website. If there is any end product listing requirement
with the BK8000L, please inquire Beken for the related QDID authorization.

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                              BK8000L Datasheet                        v 0.2

7.     Package Information

The BK8000L uses the QFN 6x6 48-Pin package.

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                     Low Power Bluetooth Audio SoC                       v 0.2

8.    Ordering Information
Part number           Package                   Packing       MOQ (ea)
BK8000LQB        QFN 6mmx6mm 48-Pin            Tape Reel        10 k

                           MOQ: Minimum Order Quantity

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Document Created: 2016-05-19 15:46:24
Document Modified: 2016-05-19 15:46:24

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