user manual


Users Manual

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MAN UA L CM- 2 0
  MOTION Wi-Fi bridge


                                                                                                                                                             Reset button
The MOTION Wi-Fi bridge is the heart of your automated blinds network at home.
The bridge unlocks endless possibilities to operate blinds with the MOTION app.                                     Set button                            Micro-USB 5VDC
Cloud connections with leading smart home applications enable voice control and a
variety of smart automation options.

Max.        Scenes    Timers    Frequency    Range        Power        Length     Height   Certificates
blinds                                       radio        supply

                                433 MHz                   Micro USB                                                                                          Data transfer
30          20        20                     30 m                      100 mm ø   25 mm
                                2.4 GHz                   DC 5V 1A                                                                                    Internet connectivity
                                                                                                                                                           Power indicator
This box includes the following items:                                                                                            (4 in)
                                                                                                                                  (4 in)

                                                                                                           (1 in)
                                                                                                           (1 in)

                                                                                                                                           (2.1 in)
         CM-20 MOTION Wi-Fi Bridge                          Micro-USB cable 75cm                                                           (2.1 in)

For the latest information and updated manuals, visit

FCC Manual I FCC ID: ZY4CM20                               If this equipment does cause harmful interference            Safety                                                   Service & Support
                                                           to radio or television reception, which can be de-      WARNING: Important safety instructions. Follow all       Do not perform repairs yourself. Do not attempt to
Regulatory Information                                     termined by turning the equipment off and on, the       instructions, since incorrect installation can lead to   open the device or disassemble it. You run the risk
                                                           user is encouraged to try to correct the interference   severe injury.                                           of electric shock and voiding the limited warranty.
1 FCC Information for User                                 by one or more of the following measures:                                                                        No user-serviceable parts are inside.
This product does not contain any user-serviceable           Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.              o not let children play with the blind and/or
components and is to be used with approved an-               Increase the distance separating the equipment          remote control.                                             Warranty Service
tennas only. Any product changes or modifications             and receiver.                                          Take care that the blind can move freely and is       First follow the advice in this manual. If the product
will invalidate all applicable regulatory certifications     Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit          not blocked by any objects.                           appears to be damaged or does not function
and approvals.                                                different from that to which the receiver is            Do not paint the device.                             properly, go to your local dealer for instructions on
                                                              connected.                                               Keep the device dry.                                how to obtain warranty service.
2 FCC Electronic Emission Notices                            Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV              Do not drop, knock, or shake the device. Rough
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules.         technician for help.                                         handling can break internal circuit boards.             Recycle
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:         MPE Reminding                                                                                                 This marking indicates that this product should
1. This device may not cause harmful interference          To satisfy FCC RF exposure requirements, a                  Cleaning                                            not be disposed with other household wastes
2. This device must accept any interference                separation distance of 20 cm or more should be         Follow these general rules when cleaning the             throughout the EU. To prevent possible harm to the
    received, including interference that may cause         maintained between the antenna of this device and      outside of the device and its components:                environment or human health from uncontrolled
    undesired operation.                                    persons during device operation.                         Use a damp, soft, lint-free cloth. Avoid getting     waste disposal, recycle it responsibly to promote
                                                            To ensure compliance, operations at closer than this     moisture in openings.                                  the sustainable reuse of material resources. To
3 FCC Radio Frequency Interference                          distance is not recommended.                             Do not use aerosol sprays, solvents, alcohol, or     return your used device, please use the return and
Statement                                                                                                            abrasives.                                             collec-tion systems or contact the retailer where
                                                                                                                                                                            the product was purchased. They can take this
This equipment has been tested and found to
                                                                                                                                                                            product for environmental safe recycling.
comply with the limits for a class B digital device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits
are designed to provide reasonable protection
                                                                                                                                                                            EU Declaration
                                                                                                                                                                            Hereby, Coulisse declares that the radio equipment
against harmful interference when the equipment
                                                                                                                                                                            type CM-20 is in compliance whith directive
is operated in a commercial environment. This
                                                                                                                                                                            2014/53/EU The full text of the EU declaration of
equipment generates, uses and can radiate ra-
                                                                                                                                                                            conformity is available at the following internet
dio-frequency energy and, if not installed and used
in accordance with the instructions, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications.
Operation of this equipment in a residential area
may cause harmful interference, in which case the
user will be required to correct the interference at
their own expense.

1 Download the app and create an account                                  2 Power the bridge

  The MOTION Wi-Fi bridge needs to be set up with the MOTION                     There is no charger included with this product. Any universal
  Blinds app before installation on the wall or ceiling. Download                DC 5V 1A micro-USB charger can be used to power the
  the MOTION Blinds app from the App Store or Google Play with                   MOTION bridge.
  your smartphone or tablet. Open the MOTION app and create
  an account.                                                                                                                           LED indicators

                                                                                                      MOTION LED indicators

                                                                          LED                     Color                       Status
                App Store                   Google Play
                                                                          Right                   Solid Red                   Bridge is powered on
            Download the                  Download the
        MOTION Blinds app             MOTION Blinds app                   Center                  Blinking purple             Bridge connecting mode
                        Center                  Blinking red                Not connected to Wi-Fi
                                                                                                                              Connected to Wi-Fi, not
                                                                          Center                  Solid Yellow
                                                                                                                              connected to MOTION cloud
                                                                                                                              Connected to Wi-Fi
                                                                          Center                  Solid Blue
                                                                                                                              Connected to MOTION cloud
                                                                          Left                    Blinking purple             Pairing blind with bridge
                                                                          Left                    Blinking green
                                                                                                                              Bridge firmware update
                                                                          Center                  Solid blue

                              1. DOWNLOAD THE APP AND CREATE AN ACCOUNT                                                  2. POWER THE BRIDGE

3 Connect the bridge to a Wi-Fi network

  An active internet connection is required to add the MOTION bridge to your home Wi-Fi network.
  Choose a location for the MOTION bridge in your home. Connect your smartphone or tablet to your
  home Wi-Fi network to check the strength of the Wi-Fi signal at this location.
  To avoid interference please make sure the MOTION bridge is located at least one meter away from
  any other Wi-Fi devices, including your router.


                                                                                                           Choose ‘Edit’ at the              Click on your location                Press ‘Add Bridge’ and
                                                                                                     3.1   top right of your           3.2   (MyHouse) to add the            3.3   follow the installation
                                                                                                           screen and open                   MOTION bridge to this                 wizard to setup your
            Video                                                                                          ‘Settings’.                       location.                             bridge.
     MOTION app:
                                                                                                                                             The MOTION Blinds
     how it works
                                                                                                                                             app allows to create
                                                                                                                                             5 different locations.
                                                                                                                                             Up to 3 bridges can be
                                                                                                                                             added per location.

                              3. CONNECT THE BRIDGE TO A WI-FI NETWORK                                                            3. CONNECT THE BRIDGE TO A WI-FI NETWORK

      Make sure the                       Return to the MOTION                  Press and hold the             Keep the MOTION                     Choose the MOTION_                    The bridge
3.4   MOTION bridge is              3.5   Blinds app and enter            3.6   ‘Set’ button on the      3.7   Blinds app running            3.8   XXXX network to                 3.9   automatically
      powered ON. Open                    the password of the                   MOTION bridge                  on the background,                  connect with the                      connects to your Wi-Fi
      the Wi-Fi settings of               Wi-Fi network.                        until the LED                  while opening the                   bridge. Return to the                 network. The middle
      your mobile device and                                                    on top of the                  Wi-Fi settings of your              MOTION Blinds app to                  LED on the bridge first
      connect to the Wi-Fi                                                      bridge starts to flash         mobile device.                      finish the installation               turns yellow and then
      network you want to                                                       purple. Go to the app                                              wizard.                               blue. Now the bridge
      connect the MOTION                                                        and press ‘Connect’.                                                                                     is connected to your
      bridge with.                                                              Now a MOTION Wi-Fi                                                                                       Wi-Fi network and the
                                                                                network is created by                                                                                    MOTION cloud.
                                                                                the bridge.

                               3. CONNECT THE BRIDGE TO A WI-FI NETWORK                                                                 3. CONNECT THE BRIDGE TO A WI-FI NETWORK

                                                                                                  Before adding a blind to the MOTION bridge, the end positions of the blind must be programmed with a
4 Add a blind                                                                                     remote control.

                                                                                                                                                                       Program button on

      Go back to the start          Navigate to ‘Blind’ and         Choose the blind type
4.1   screen in the app and   4.2   press the ‘+’ button      4.3   and follow the setup
      open your location.           to add a new blind.             wizard.
                                    (Make sure your blind                                                                                                                      Pair button
                                    has a top and bottom
                                    position programmed.
                                    If your blind does not                                         Shortly press the program button on the blind. (Please see the manual of your motor to see
                                    have end positions                                      4.4    where the program button is located.) The blind will start stepping, indicating that program
                                    please program first.)                                         mode is activated. Press the ‘pair’ button to connect the blind with your bridge.

                                     4. ADD A BLIND                                                                                         4. ADD A BLIND

5 Roller/ Honeycomb/ Roman blind control                                                        6 Double roller control

                                                                            Power indicator                                                                                       Power indicator
                                                                                   Edit blind                                                                                           Edit blind

 Blind position                                                               Blind position     Blind position                                                                    Blind position
 Press to move the blind                                            Press to move the blind      Press to move the blind                                                 Press to move the blind

                                                                    Hold and slide to set the                                                                           Hold and slide to set the
                                                                    favorite position. Tap to                                                                            favorite position. Tap to
                                                                      move the blind to the                                                                         move the blind to the favorite
                                                                            favorite position    Light control                                                                           position
                                                                                                 Slide to control the stripes
                                                                                                 with high precision

                                                                              Blind position
                                                                   Slide to move the blind to                                                                                       Blind position
                                                                                any position                                                                        Slide to move the blind to any

                                                                              Close blind                                                                                             Close blind
Open blind                                                    Tap to move the blind to 0%        Open blind                                                           Tap to move the blind to 0%
Tap to move the blind to 100%                                                                    Tap to move the blind to 100%
                                           Stop blind                                                                                       Stop blind
                                           Tap to stop the blind                                                                            Tap to stop the blind

                                5. ROLLER BLIND CONTROL                                                                          6. DOUBLE ROLLER CONTROL

7 Top-down/Bottom-up control                                                                        8 Venetian control

                                                                                Power indicator                                                                                Power indicator
                                                                                      Edit blind                                                                                      Edit blind

 Blind position                                                                  Blind position       Blind position                                                             Blind position
 Press to move the blind                                               Press to move the blind        Press to move the blind                                          Press to move the blind
                                                                                                      Tilt control                                                                   Tilt control
                                                                                                      Press to tilt                                                                 Press to tilt

                                                                                Mid rail position
Hold and slide to set the                                             Slide to move the mid rail
favorite position. Tap to                                                        to any position                                                                       Hold and slide to set the
move the blind to the                                                                                                                                                  favorite position. Tap to
                                                                       Hold and slide to set the                                                                         move the blind to the
favorite position
                                                                       favorite position. Tap to     Tilt control                                                              favorite position
                                                                         move the blind to the       Slide to tilt the blind
                                                                               favorite position

Dual control
Slide to move both rails                                                    Bottom rail position                                                                                  Blind position
at the same time                                                      Slide to move the bottom                                                                          Slide to move the blind
                                                                             bar to any position                                                                                 to any position

                                                                                 Close blind                                                                                      Close blind
Open blind                                                       Tap to move the blind to 0%         Open blind                                                   Tap to move the blind to 0%
Tap to move the blind to 100%                                                                        Tap to move the blind to 100%
                                              Stop blind                                                                                       Stop blind
                                              Tap to stop the blind                                                                            Tap to stop the blind

                                7. TOP-DOWN/BOTTOM-UP CONTROL                                                                        8. VENETIAN CONTROL

                                           Add blinds to a room to control individual blinds or all                                                Scenes can be created to move your blinds to preset
9 Create a room                            blinds in a room at the same time. Shortly click on a       10 Create a scene                           positions.
                                           room to see/control all the blinds in this room

                                                                                                                                                                                  Edit scenes

                                                                                                             Swipe right to edit
                                                                                     Position slider

                                                                                    Target Position

                                                                                                                                                                          Swipe left to delete

                                                                                                                                                                                  Play scene
        Add room

             Press the ‘+’ button                       Click and hold on a
       9.1   to add a new room.                   9.2   room and control
                                                        all the blinds to a
                                                        certain postion.
                                                                                                                                   Add new scene

                                    9. CREATE A ROOM                                                                                      10. CREATE A SCENE

                                           Timers can be created to automate blinds and scenes
11 Create a timer                          to make the home seem inhabited.                      12 Connect to third party

                                                                                                   The MOTION bridge allows to seamlessly connect motorised blinds to smart home
                                                                                                   applications. Scan the QR code below to discover the third party connections.
                                                                       Edit timers

    Swipe right to edit

                                                               Swipe left to delete

                                                                Turn on/off timer

                          Add new timer
                                                                                                                  Third party
                                                                                                         Discover third party
                                                                                                    connections for MOTION

                                   11. CREATE A TIMER                                                                                12. CONNECT TO THIRD PARTY

13 Frequently Asked Questions

Problem                    Cause                              Solution

                                                              Charge the motor. See the manual of your
                           Motor battery is empty

                           Radio interference / shielding     Make sure that the bridge/antenna of the
                                                              motor is out of the way from metal objects
Blind is not responding
                           The distance from the bridge to
                                                              Move the bridge closer to the blind
                           the motor is too far
                                                                                                           All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
                           The bridge is turned off           Power the bridge                             system, or transmitted, in any form, by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
                                                                                                           recording, digital or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher.
                                                                                                           Although this manual has been composed with the utmost care, Coulisse b.v. does not
                                                              Start the setup wizard again and use the     accept any responsibility for damage due to mistakes and/or faults in this manual.
                           Wrong password                     right password. The password is case         Coulisse b.v. reserves the right to revise the manual and to revise and/or change its
                                                              sensitive                                    content at any time, without obligation to notify any person or entity of such revisions
Can not pair your bridge                                                                                   or changes.
                                                              Press and hold the reset button for 10
                           Router does not give an IP
                                                              seconds. The center LED indicator will be
                           address to the bridge
                                                              RED. Retry to add the bridge

                                      13. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS


Document Created: 2019-03-07 13:14:42
Document Modified: 2019-03-07 13:14:42

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