report FCC-rev1


Test Report

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Coulisse B.V
Report Type:
FCC Part 15.231 RF report



Mar 7, 2019

TTRF15.231_V1 © 2018 Intertek

                                                                                                                 Intertek Testing Services Shanghai
                                                                                                       Building No.86, 1198 Qinzhou Road (North)
                                                                                                                      Caohejing Development Zone
                                                                                                                           Shanghai 200233, China

                                                                                                                      Telephone: 86 21 6127 8200
TEST REPORT                                                                                                         
                                                                                                                     Report no.: 181201447SHA-001

 Applicant:                              Coulisse B.V
                                         Vonderweg 48, 7468 DC Enter, Netherlands
 Manufacturer:                           Coulisse B.V
                                         Vonderweg 48, 7468 DC Enter, Netherlands
 Manufacturing site:                     NINGBO DOOYA MECHANIC & ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.
                                         No.168 Shengguang Road, Luotuo, Zhenhai, Ningbo, ZHEJIANG,

 FCC ID:                                 ZY4CM20

 The equipment complies with the requirements according to the following standard(s) or Specification:
 47CFR Part 15 (2017): Radio Frequency Devices (Subpart C)

 ANSI C63.10 (2013): American National Standard of Procedures for Compliance Testing of Unlicensed
 Wireless Devices

PREPARED BY:                                                                REVIEWED BY:

Project Engineer                                                            Reviewer
Teddy Yin                                                                   Daniel Zhao

This report is for the exclusive use of Intertek's Client and is provided pursuant to the agreement between Intertek and its Client. Intertek's
responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement. Intertek assumes no liability to any party, other than to the
Client in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or damage occasioned by the use of this report. Only the Client is authorized to
permit copying or distribution of this report and then only in its entirety. Any use of the Intertek name or one of its marks for the sale or
advertisement of the tested material, product or service must first be approved in writing by Intertek. The observations and test results in this
report are relevant only to the sample tested. This report by itself does not imply that the material, product, or service is or has ever been under
an Intertek certification program.

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                                                                                                                               Report No.: 181201447SHA-001


REVISION HISTORY................................................................................................................................................ 4
MEASUREMENT RESULT SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................... 5
1        GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................. 6
     1.1     DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) ..................................................................................................... 6
     1.2     TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION .................................................................................................................................... 6
     1.3     DESCRIPTION OF TEST FACILITY .............................................................................................................................. 7
2        TEST SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................................... 8
     2.1     STANDARDS OR SPECIFICATION ............................................................................................................................... 8
     2.2     MODE OF OPERATION DURING THE TEST................................................................................................................... 8
     2.3     TEST SOFTWARE LIST ............................................................................................................................................ 8
     2.4     TEST PERIPHERALS LIST ......................................................................................................................................... 8
     2.5     TEST ENVIRONMENT CONDITION:............................................................................................................................ 9
     2.6     INSTRUMENT LIST .............................................................................................................................................. 10
     2.7     MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ............................................................................................................................. 11
3        FUNDAMENTAL & SPURIOUS EMISSION & RESTRICT BAND RADIATED EMISSION...................................... 12
     3.1     LIMIT .............................................................................................................................................................. 12
     3.2     MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................... 13
     3.3     TEST CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................................................................ 14
     3.4     TEST RESULTS OF RADIATED EMISSIONS ................................................................................................................. 16
4        POWER LINE CONDUCTED EMISSION ......................................................................................................... 22
     4.1     LIMIT .............................................................................................................................................................. 22
     4.2     TEST CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................................................................ 22
     4.3     MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................... 23
     4.4     TEST RESULTS OF POWER LINE CONDUCTED EMISSION............................................................................................... 24
5        EMISSION BANDWIDTH ............................................................................................................................. 26
     5.1     LIMIT .............................................................................................................................................................. 26
     5.2     MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................... 26
     5.3     TEST CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................................................................ 26
     5.4     THE RESULTS..................................................................................................................................................... 27
6        DEACTIVATING TIME .................................................................................................................................. 28
     6.1     TEST LIMIT ....................................................................................................................................................... 28
     6.2     TEST CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................................................................ 28
     6.3     TEST PROCEDURE AND TEST SETUP ........................................................................................................................ 29
     6.4     TEST PROTOCOL ................................................................................................................................................ 29
7        ANTENNA REQUIREMENT .......................................................................................................................... 30

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                                          Revision History

     Report No.                 Version              Description                      Issued Date
 181201447SHA-001               Rev. 01          Initial issue of report               Mar 7, 2019

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                                 Measurement result summary

                 TEST ITEM             FCC REFERANCE      IC REFERANCE             RESULT

 Fundamental & spurious emission
                                         15.209(a)               -                   Pass
 &Restrict band radiated emission

   Power line conducted emission          15.207                 -                   Pass

          Emission bandwidth             15.231(c)               -                   Pass

            Deactivating time           15.231(a)(1)             -                   Pass

         Antenna requirement              15.203                 -                   Pass

Notes: 1: NA =Not Applicable
     2: Determination of the test conclusion is based on IEC Guide 115 in consideration of
measurement uncertainty.
     3: Additions, Deviations and Exclusions from Standards: None.
     4: All test items were conducted by Teddy Yin.

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1.1 Description of Equipment Under Test (EUT)

 Product name:                  MOTION Wi-Fi bridge
 Type/Model:                    CM-20
                                The EUT is a transceiver to control the working condition of the
                                corresponding receiver, there is one model only. The EUT contains an
 Description of EUT:            approved WIFI modular(FCC ID: 2AC7Z-ESPWROOM32)
 Rating:                        5VDC, 2A
 Category of EUT:               Class B
 EUT type:                            Table top      Floor standing
 Software Version:              /
 Hardware Version:              /
 Sample received date:          Dec 20, 2018
 Date of test:                  Dec 20, 2018~Jan 6, 2019

1.2 Technical Specification

 Operation Frequency:           433.92MHz
 Type of Modulation:            FSK
 Product Type:                        Fix Location
 Channel Number:                1
 Antenna Designation:           Integral PCB antenna, non-user removable
 Gain of Antenna:               1.2dBi max (Declared by manufacture)

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1.3 Description of Test Facility

 Name:                   Intertek Testing Services Shanghai

 Address:                Building 86, No. 1198 Qinzhou Road(North), Shanghai 200233, P.R. China

 Telephone:              86 21 61278200

 Telefax:                86 21 54262353

 The test facility is    CNAS Accreditation Lab
 recognized,             Registration No. CNAS L0139
 certified, or
                         FCC Accredited Lab
 accredited by these
                         Designation Number: CN1175
                         IC Registration Lab
                         CAB identifier.: CN0051
                         VCCI Registration Lab
                         Registration No.: R-14243, G-10845, C-14723, T-12252
                         A2LA Accreditation Lab
                         Certificate Number: 3309.02

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2.1 Standards or specification

47CFR Part 15 (2017)
ANSI C63.10 (2013)

2.2 Mode of operation during the test

Within this test report, EUT was tested with modulation and tested under its rating voltage and

2.3 Test software list

     Test Items                  Software              Manufacturer                  Version

Conducted emission               ESxS-K1                      R&S                     V2.1.0

 Radiated emission                ES-K1                       R&S                     V1.71

2.4 Test peripherals list

      Item No.                    Name               Band and Model                Description
                                                                                Input: 100-240V~,
           1                     Adaptor               GAT-0501000U
                                                                                  Output: DC 5V

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2.5 Test environment condition:

                        Test items                         Temperature               Humidity

        Fundamental & spurious emission
                                                              25C                   53% RH
        & Restrict band radiated emission
         Power line conducted emission                        24C                   54% RH

   Emission bandwidth & Deactivating time                     25C                   53% RH

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2.6 Instrument list
Conducted Emission
 Used    Equipment              Manufacturer          Type       Internal no.        Due date
 ☒         Test Receiver            R&S             ESCS 30       EC 2107          2019-07-15
 ☒            A.M.N.                R&S             ESH2-Z5       EC 3119          2019-11-30
  ☒     Shielded room             Zhongyu                -        EC 2838          2019-01-07
Radiated Emission
 Used     Equipment             Manufacturer        Type         Internal no.       Due date
  ☒      Test Receiver             R&S             ESIB 26         EC 3045         2019-09-12
  ☒      Bilog Antenna            TESEQ           CBL 6112D        EC 4206         2019-06-10
 ☒        Pre-amplifier             R&S                            EC5262          2019-06-10
 ☒        Horn antenna              ETS             3117         EC 4792-1         2019-01-09
 ☒                               Albatross               -        EC 3048          2019-07-31
RF test
Used      Equipment             Manufacturer          Type       Internal no.        Due date
           PXA Signal
 ☒                                Keysight          N9030A        EC 5338          2019-03-05
Additional instrument
Used      Equipment             Manufacturer          Type       Internal no.        Due date
 ☒                                 ZJ1-2A            S.M.I.F.     EC 5198          2019-01-18
 ☒                                 ZJ1-2A            S.M.I.F.     EC 3326          2019-03-28
 ☒                                 ZJ1-2A            S.M.I.F.     EC 2122          2019-03-11

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2.7 Measurement uncertainty

The measurement uncertainty represents an expanded uncertainty expressed at approximately
the 95% confidence level using a coverage factor of k=2.

                          Test item                           Measurement uncertainty

             Maximum peak output power                                0.74dB

 Radiated Emissions in restricted frequency bands
                                                                      4.90dB
                  below 1GHz

 Radiated Emissions in restricted frequency bands
                                                                      5.02dB
                  above 1GHz

        Emission outside the frequency band                           2.89dB

            Power line conducted emission                             3.19dB

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3 Fundamental & Spurious Emission & Restrict band radiated
      Test result:           Pass

3.1 Limit
3.1.1 The emission shall test through the 10th harmonic or to 40GHz, whichever is lower. It must comply
      with the limits below:

       Fundamental Frequency     Fundamental limit   Spurious limit
              (MHz)               (uV/m)              (uV/m)

             40.66 – 40.70           2250               225
             70 – 130               1250               125
             130 - 174            1250 to 3750       125 to 375
             174 - 260              3750              375
             260 – 470           3750 to 12500        375 to 1250
             Above 470              12500              1250

The formulas for calculating the maximum permitted fundamental field strengths are as follows: for the
band 130-174 MHz, uV/m at 3 meters = 56.81818(Frequency) - 6136.3636; for the band 260-470 MHz,
uV/m at 3 meters = 41.6667(Frequency) - 7083.3333. The maximum permitted unwanted emission level
is 20 dB below the maximum permitted fundamental level.

For that the EUT use fundamental frequency of 433.92MHz, after calculation, the limit is:

Fundamental limit = 41.6667 * 433.92 - 7083.3333 = 10996.68 uV/m = 80.80dBuV/m
Spurious limit = 81 – 20 = 60.80dBuV/m


3.1.2 The radiated emissions which fall in the restricted bands, as defined in §15.205(a), must also
comply with the radiated emission limits specified in §15.209(a) showed as below:

Frequency         Field Strength    Measurement Distance
(MHz)             (dBuV/m)               (m)
30 - 88              40.0                 3
88 - 216             43.5                 3
216 - 960            46.0                 3
Above 960            54.0                 3

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3.2 Measurement Procedure
For Radiated emission below 30MHz:

a) The EUT was placed on the top of a rotating table 0.8 meters above the ground at a 3 meter
   chamber room. The table was rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the highest
b) The EUT was set 3 meters away from the interference-receiving antenna, which was mounted on
   the top of a variable-height antenna tower.
c) Both X and Y axes of the antenna are set to make the measurement.
d) For each suspected emission, the EUT was arranged to its worst case and the rotatable table was
   turned from 0 degrees to 360 degrees to find the maximum reading.
e) The test-receiver system was set to Quasi-Peak Detect Function and Specified Bandwidth with
   Maximum Hold Mode.
     1. The resolution bandwidth and video bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 9kHz at
        frequency below 30MHz.

For Radiated emission above 30MHz:

a) The EUT was placed on the top of a rotating table 0.8 meters (for 30MHz ~ 1GHz) / 1.5 meters (for
   above 1GHz) above the ground at 3 meter chamber room for test. The table was rotated 360
   degrees to determine the position of the highest radiation.
b) The EUT was set 3 meters away from the interference-receiving antenna, which was mounted on
   the top of a variable-height antenna tower.
c) The height of antenna is varied from one meter to four meters above the ground to determine the
   maximum value of the field strength. Both horizontal and vertical polarizations of the antenna are
   set to make the measurement.
d) For each suspected emission, the EUT was arranged to its worst case and then the antenna was
   tuned to heights from 1 meter to 4 meters and the rotatable table was turned from 0 degrees to 360
   degrees to find the maximum reading.
e) The test-receiver system was set to quasi-peak detect function and specified bandwidth with
   maximum hold mode when the test frequency is below 1 GHz.
f)     The test-receiver system was set to peak and average detect function and specified bandwidth with
       maximum hold mode when the test frequency is above 1 GHz. If the peak reading value also meets
       average limit, measurement with the average detector is unnecessary.

1. The resolution bandwidth and video bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 120kHz for
    Quasi-peak detection (QP) at frequency below 1GHz.
2.      The resolution bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 1 MHz and the video bandwidth is 3
        MHz for Peak detection (PK) at frequency above 1GHz.
3.      The resolution bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 1 MHz and the video bandwidth is ≥
        1/T (Duty cycle < 98%) or 3 x RBW (Duty cycle ≥ 98%) for Average detection (AV) at frequency above
4.      All modes of operation were investigated and the worst-case emissions are reported

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3.3 Test Configuration

For Radiated emission below 30MHz:

              EUT&                      3m
              Support Units
                                Turn Table


                                      Test Receiver

 For Radiated emission 30MHz to 1GHz:

                                                         Ant. Tower          1-4m
                EUT&                     3m
                Support Units
                                Turn Table


                                       Test Receiver

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 For Radiated emission above 1GHz:

                                                        Ant. Tower           1-4m
                EUT&                     3m
                Support Units
                                Turn Table

                                      Test Receiver

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3.4 Test Results of Radiated Emissions

The low frequency, which started from 9 kHz to 30MHz, was pre-scanned and the result which
was 20dB lower than the limit line per 15.31(o) was not reported.

    Level [dBµV/m]
 80                                                                                          x





 20 x


          30M        50M         70M         100M                      200M        300M          500M   700M             1G
                                                Frequency [Hz]
x         MES 1201447H6_red
          MES 1201447H6_pre
          LIM FCC 15 F 3 QP       Field Strength QP

    Level [dBµV/m]



 50                                                                                                     x

                                                                                                        +        +
 30                                                                      +



          1G                                          2G                      3G             4G             5G           6G
                                                   Frequency [Hz]

x         MES 1201447h3_red
+         MES 1201447h3_red2
          MES 1201447h3_pre
          MES 1201447h3_pre2
          LIM FCC 15 F 3 PK    Field Strength QP
          LIM FCC 15 F 3 AV    Field Strength QP

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    Level [dBµV/m]





30                                                                                                             x
20 x

         30M          50M        70M      100M              200M             300M          500M   700M         1G
                                             Frequency [Hz]
x           MES 1201447V6_red
            MES 1201447V6_pre
            LIM FCC 15 F 3 QP       Field Strength QP

     Level [dBµV/m]




    30                                                                  +                                  +




            1G                                     2G                       3G          4G            5G       6G
                                               Frequency [Hz]
+           MES 1201447v3_red2
            MES 1201447v3_pre
            MES 1201447v3_pre2
            LIM FCC 15 F 3 PK    Field Strength QP
            LIM FCC 15 F 3 AV    Field Strength QP

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Test data:
                      Frequency   Corrected Reading Correct Factor    Limits     Margin
  Polarization                                                                            Detector
                        (MHz)         (dBV/m)         (dB/m)       (dBV/m)      (dB)
                        433.92           79.4            18.3      Fundamental      /        PK
                        867.81           31.8            23.2          46.0       14.2       PK
                       1296.59           38.2           -12.0          74.0       35.8       PK
                       1731.46           37.4            -9.5          74.0       36.6       PK
                       2603.20           45.3            -6.6          74.0       28.7       PK
                       4777.55           49.9             0.5          74.0       24.1       PK
                         30.00           19.8            18.6          40.0       20.2       PK
                         47.49           16.7             9.7          40.0       23.3       PK
                        433.92           72.0            18.3      Fundamental      /        PK
                        867.81           29.6            23.2          46.0       16.4       PK
                       1296.59           37.2           -12.0          74.0       36.8       PK
                       1731.46           41.5            -9.5          74.0       32.5       PK
                       2603.20           41.4            -6.6          74.0       32.6       PK
                       4777.55           48.6             0.5          74.0       25.4       PK

Remark: 1. Correct Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss (+ Amplifier, for higher than 1GHz), the
value was added to Original Receiver Reading by the software automatically.
        2. Corrected Reading = Original Receiver Reading + Correct Factor
        3. Margin = Limit - Corrected Reading
        4. If the PK Corrected Reading is lower than AV limit, the AV test can be elided.

Example: Assuming Antenna Factor = 30.20dB/m, Cable Loss = 2.00dB,
        Gain of Preamplifier = 32.00dB, Original Receiver Reading = 10.00dBuV,
        Limit = 40.00dBuV/m.
        Then Correct Factor = 30.20 + 2.00 – 32.00 = 0.20dB/m;
        Corrected Reading = 10dBuV + 0.20dB/m = 10.20dBuV/m;
        Margin = 40.00dBuV/m - 10.20dBuV/m = 29.80dB.

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Duty Cycle:
The test data with maximum duty cycle was listed below.
Because the pulse train is periodic with a period exceeding 100ms, and the maximum “on time” is over
The Duty cycle= 1

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Calculating the AV value according to the duty cycle
                 Frequency       PK Reading       Correct Factor   AV Reading      Limit  Margin
                   (MHz)          (dBuV/m)             (dB)         (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)  (dB)
      H             433.92          79.4                              79.4         80.8        1.4

      H             867.81          31.8                              31.8         60.8       29.0

      H            1296.59          38.2                              38.2         60.8       22.6

      H            1731.46          37.4                              37.4         60.8       23.4

      H            2603.20          45.3                              45.3         60.8       15.5

      H            4777.55          49.9                              49.9         60.8       10.9
      V             433.92          72.0                              72.0         80.8        8.8

      V             867.81          29.6                              29.6         60.8       31.2

      V            1296.59          37.2                              37.2         60.8       23.6

      V            1731.46          41.5                              41.5         60.8       19.3

      V            2603.20          41.4                              41.4         60.8       19.4

      V            4777.55          48.6                              48.6         60.8       12.2

1. Correct Factor = 20lg (duty cycle) = 20lg (1) = 0;
2. AV Reading = PK Reading + Correct Factor;
3. Margin = limit - AV Reading.

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4 Power line conducted emission
      Test result:            Pass

4.1 Limit

                                                               Conducted Limit (dBuV)
     Frequency of Emission (MHz)
                                                      QP                                 AV

                    0.15-0.5                       66 to 56*                          56 to 46 *
                      0.5-5                               56                             46
                      5-30                                60                             50
* Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency.

4.2 Test Configuration


                                 LISN    LISN                          EMI receiver

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4.3 Measurement Procedure
Measured levels of ac power-line conducted emission shall be the emission voltages from the voltage
probe, where permitted, or across the 50 Ω LISN port (to which the EUT is connected), where permitted,
terminated into a 50 Ω measuring instrument. All emission voltage and current measurements shall be
made on each current-carrying conductor at the plug end of the EUT power cord by the use of mating
plugs and receptacles on the LISN, if used. Equipment shall be tested with power cords that are normally
supplied or recommended by the manufacturer and that have electrical and shielding characteristics
that are the same as those cords normally supplied or recommended by the manufacturer. For those
measurements using a LISN, the 50 Ω measuring port is terminated by a measuring instrument having
50 Ω input impedance. All other ports are terminated in 50 Ω loads.

Tabletop devices shall be placed on a platform of nominal size 1 m by 1.5 m, raised 80 cm above the
reference ground plane. The vertical conducting plane or wall of an RF-shielded (screened) room shall
be located 40 cm to the rear of the EUT. Floor-standing devices shall be placed either directly on the
reference ground-plane or on insulating material as described in ANSI C63.4. All other surfaces of
tabletop or floor-standing EUTs shall be at least 80 cm from any other grounded conducting surface,
including the case or cases of one or more LISNs.

The bandwidth of the test receiver is set at 9 kHz.

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4.4 Test Results of Power line conducted emission

Test Curve:
                                                    L Line

Test Data:
                                     Quasi-peak                                Average
      (MHz)                level        Limit         Margin       level         limit       Margin
                          dB(V)       dB(V)          (dB)       dB(V)        dB(V)        (dB)
        0.17                     *      65.0              *         *            55.3           *
        0.22                     *      62.7              *         *            51.9           *
        0.39                     *      57.9              *         *            46.0           *
        4.29                     *      56.0              *         *            46.0           *
       10.45                     *      60.0              *         *            50.0           *
      19.40          *           60.0                     *         *            50.0           *
     Note: *means margin is more than 10dB.

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Test Curve:
                                                    N Line

Test Data:
                                     Quasi-peak                                Average
      (MHz)                level        Limit         Margin       level         limit       Margin
                          dB(V)       dB(V)          (dB)       dB(V)        dB(V)        (dB)
        0.17                     *      65.0              *         *            55.3           *
        0.22                     *      62.7              *         *            51.9           *
        0.39                     *      57.9              *         *            46.0           *
        4.29                     *      56.0              *         *            46.0           *
       10.45                     *      60.0              *         *            50.0           *
      19.40          *           60.0                     *         *            50.0           *
     Note: *means margin is more than 10dB.

Remark: 1. Correct Factor = LISN Factor + Cable Loss, the value was added to Original Receiver Reading
           by the software automatically.
        2. Corrected Reading = Original Receiver Reading + Correct Factor
        3. Margin = Limit - Corrected Reading
        4. If the PK Corrected Reading is lower than AV limit, the AV test can be elided.

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5 Emission Bandwidth
      Test result:           Pass

5.1 Limit

The bandwidth of the emission shall be no wider than 0.25 % of the center frequency for
devices operating above 70MHz and below 900MHz. For devices operating above 900 MHz, the
emission shall be no wider than 0.5% of the center frequency. Bandwidth is determined at the
points 20 dB down from the modulated carrier.

The limit for the EUT = 0.25% * 433.92 MHz = 1085 kHz

5.2 Measurement Procedure

The EUT and simulators were placed on a 0.8m high wooden turntable above the horizontal
metal ground plane. The turn table rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the
maximum emission level. The EUT was set 3 meters away from the receiving antenna which
was mounted on an antenna mast. The antenna moved up and down between from 1meter to
4 meters to find out the maximum emission level.
The central frequency of test receiver was set near the operating frequency of EUT.
The test was conducted using the Spectrum Analyzer with the resolutions bandwidth set at
3kHz, the video bandwidth set at 10kHz.

5.3 Test Configuration

                                                                 Ant. Tower        1-4m
             EUT&                           3m
             Support Units
                                    Turn Table


                                          Test Receiver

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5.4 The results

                                  20dB                    99%
                                Bandwidth              Bandwidth
                                  (kHz)                  (kHz)
              433.92              87.62                   72.36
               Limit              1085                    1085
               Result           Complied               Complied

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                                                                              Report No.: 181201447SHA-001


6 Deactivating time
      Test result:           Pass

6.1 Test limit

    (1) A manually operated transmitter shall employ a switch that will automatically deactivate the
    transmitter within not more than 5 seconds of being released.
    (2) A transmitter activated automatically shall cease transmission within 5 seconds after activation.
    (3) Periodic transmissions at regular predetermined intervals are not permitted.
    However, polling or supervision transmissions, including data, to determine system integrity of
    transmitters used in security or safety applications are allowed if the total duration of transmissions
    does not exceed more than two seconds per hour for each transmitter. There is no limit on the
    number of individual transmissions, provided the total transmission time does not exceed two
    seconds per hour.
    (4) Intentional radiators which are employed for radio control purposes during emergencies
    involving fire, security, and safety of life, when activated to signal an alarm, may operate during the
    pendency of the alarm condition.
    (5) Transmission of set-up information for security systems may exceed the transmission duration
    limits in (1) and (2) above, provided such transmission are under the control of a professional
    installer and do not exceed ten seconds after a manually operated switch is released or a transmitter
    is activated automatically. Such set-up information may include data.

6.2 Test Configuration

                                                                 Ant. Tower        1-4m
             EUT&                             3m
             Support Units
                                    Turn Table


                                            Test Receiver

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6.3 Test procedure and test setup
The measurement was applied in a semi-anechoic chamber.
The central frequency of test receiver was set as the operating frequency of EUT and the Span was set
as 0.
The EUT was switched once. The test receiver recorded the whole time from the triggered moment to
the time of stopping radiating. For manual switching, to avoid uncertainty, the operating above would
be repeated five times and the worst data is recorded.

6.4 Test protocol
Whole time from the triggered moment to the time of stopping radiating: 1.17s.
As a result, the EUT complies with the limit of 5s’ deactivating time.

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                                                                           Report No.: 181201447SHA-001


7 Antenna requirement
An intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by the
responsible party shall be used with the device. The use of a permanently attached antenna or of an
antenna that uses a unique coupling to the intentional radiator shall be considered sufficient to comply
with the provisions of this section.

EUT uses permanently attached antenna to the intentional radiator, so it can comply with the provisions
of this section.

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Document Created: 2019-03-11 15:31:38
Document Modified: 2019-03-11 15:31:38

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