User Manual


Users Manual

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    Thermostat E
Installation Guide

We take your privacy seriously               Compatibility
                                             The Nest Thermostat E works with most 24V
                                             systems, including forced air, variable speed,
We’re committed to being open and honest     heat pump and radiant systems, as well as
                                             common fuel types such as natural gas,
about how we use data. We’ll always ask      electricity and oil.

for permission before sharing personally     It can control:
                                             • Heating and cooling: one stage of heating
identifiable information like your email       and cooling, and a second stage of either
                                               heating or cooling
address, and we keep your data safe with     •	Heat pumps: with auxiliary and
                                               emergency heat
industry standard security tools. To learn   • Fans: one speed

                                             You can check your system’s compatibility
more about our Privacy Policy, go to         at                             Professional installation is recommended for
                                             dual fuel systems (heat pump with furnace).

                                             Watch the video
                                             To see an overview of how to install the Nest Thermostat,

                                             ¿Prefieres leer esto en español? Visita

                                                                      Don’t want to install your
                                                                      Nest Thermostat yourself?
                                                                      The Nest Thermostat is designed for DIY installation,
                                                                      but you can also hire a Nest Pro to do it for you.
                                                                      They’ll take care of installation and make sure
                                                                      everything’s up and running. Go to
                                                                      to find a Nest Pro installer near you.

In the box                        1. Switch off power
                                  This protects you and avoids blowing a fuse in your
                                  equipment. To make sure the power is off, change
                                  the temperature with your current thermostat
                                  and wait at least five minutes to be sure that your
                                  system doesn’t turn on.


         Display       Base

                                                             Breaker box                System switch

                                  2. Remove the cover
                                  Some thermostat covers pop off, while others
                                  need to be unscrewed. Older thermostats may
                                  have a second plate that should also be removed
                                  to expose the wires.

       Wall screws   Trim plate

3. Take a picture of the wires                                Incompatible wiring and voltage
Take a picture of your thermostat’s wires and
save it for reference. Make sure you can read                 Stranded wires
the wire terminal labels.                                     Stranded wires aren’t compatible with the
                                                              Nest Thermostat.

                          B   O   G   Y   W   NOT    A   AC

                                                              High-voltage wires
                                                              If your thermostat is labeled 120V or 240V,
                                                              or has thick wires with wire nuts, or has
                                                              L1 and L2 terminal blocks, your system
                                                              is high voltage and isn’t compatible with
                                                              the Nest Thermostat.

                    IMPORTANT: If there are two labels on
                    your thermostat’s wire connectors, go
                    to for detailed help
                    and instructions.

4. Use the compatibility checker               5. Remove any jumper wires
If you haven’t already, go to   Jumper wires are short wires between two
and enter your thermostat’s wires into the     connectors. The Nest Thermostat doesn’t
compatibility checker.                         need jumpers. If your thermostat has jumpers,
                                               remove them, but save them along with your
• Enter only the connectors on your            old thermostat.
  thermostat that have wires in them
• Do not use wire colors – enter the
  connector labels
• Do not enter any jumper wires into
  the checker (see step 5)

If your system is compatible, you’ll get a
custom wiring diagram that you will need
to install your Nest Thermostat. You can
print it or email it to yourself.

                                               IMPORTANT: If you have Rh and Rc wires, you have
                                               a dual transformer system. The Nest Thermostat E
                                               is not compatible with dual transformer systems,
                                               but you may be able to use the 3rd generation Nest
                                               Learning Thermostat.

6. Label the wires                                                           7. Disconnect wires and remove base
Peel off the labels below and attach them                                     After removing the thermostat base, gently wrap
to the thermostat’s matching wires.                                           the wires around a pen or pencil so they don’t fall
Note: If you have an Rc or Rh wire, put the                                   back into the hole in the wall.
R label on it.                                                                Remember, the power to your HVAC system must
                                                                              be off to avoid blowing a fuse in your equipment.

                                                                              8. Mark where screws will go
                                                                              Use the built-in bubble level to make
                                                                              sure the base is level.

Wiring tips
Wire colors can vary, but:
• Common or C wires are generally blue.
• If there’s an orange wire in the connector labeled both W and O/B,
   then you likely have a heat pump. Put this wire in the Nest Thermostat’s
   *O/B connector.
• If there’s a white wire in the connector labeled both W and O/B,
   then you probably don’t have a heat pump. Put this wire in the Nest
   Thermostat’s W connector.

IMPORTANT: If you’re unsure about wiring your
thermostat, go to to contact
a Nest Pro in your area.

Optional in most homes                                  9. Install the Nest base
                                                        Pull the wires through the center of the base,
Use the included trim plate                             then attach it to the wall with the screws.
if needed
If you don’t want to paint over
holes or marks left by your
old thermostat, you can use
the optional trim plate.
Snap the thermostat base
and trim plate together, then
screw the plate to the wall.

If you have an electrical box
Electrical boxes aren’t           Electrical box
common, but if you have
one, you’ll need to
                                          Steel plate
purchase a steel plate
and screws from
for installation.
Secure the steel plate to
the electrical box with two
of the screws. Use the other
two screws to attach the
Nest base and trim plate.

10. Connect wires                            11. Attach the display
Use the wiring diagram you got from the      Push the display onto the base until it clicks.
compatibility checker in step 4 to connect
your system wires to the Nest Thermostat.

          3/8 in

The exposed wire should be straight.

Note: If you have an R, Rc or Rh wire,
you can put it into the R connector on
the Nest Thermostat.
If you have a W2, Y2 or O/B wire, you
can put it into the *O/B connector,
if needed.

                                             12. Switch the power back on
Gently tug each wire to check
they’re secure, and make sure
each connector that has a wire
stays down.

After all the wires are securely                                                           or
connected, push them down
to make sure they’re flush with
the base.

                                                                      Breaker box               System switch

13. Setup                                    15. A
                                                  dd your thermostat
                                                 to your account
The Nest Thermostat will turn on and
walk you through setup. You can select       If you’re new to Nest, tap the plus sign
a language, connect it to Wi-Fi, and         on the app home screen, then select
tell it some things about your home and      Nest Thermostat.
system so it can help save energy.
                                             If you already have Nest products in
The Nest Thermostat doesn’t have             your account, tap the Settings icon,
a touchscreen. Turn the thermostat           then select thermostat.
display and press it down to select.
                                             The app will show you how to add your
                                             thermostat to your Nest Account.
                                             If you need help, visit

14. Control it with the Nest app             Using your thermostat
Download the free Nest app so you can        Your thermostat can automatically
control your thermostat with your            start learning your schedule, or you
phone. You’ll also receive a monthly         can choose a schedule with preset
Home Report that shows your energy use.      times and temperatures. You can
You can get the app on Google Play™ or the   edit your schedule at any time.
App Store®, or go to if you    For help getting started, learning
don’t have a phone handy.                    about Nest Thermostat features,
                                             energy saving tips and more, go to

Nest Labs, Inc.                             THIS LIMITED WARRANTY CONTAINS IMPORTANT
                                            INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR RIGHTS AND
                                                                                                       Labs will bear all costs of return shipping to owner
                                                                                                       and will reimburse any shipping costs incurred by the
                                                                                                                                                                     OR OTHER PERIPHERALS CONNECTED TO YOUR
                                                                                                                                                                     PRODUCTS (“PRODUCT PERIPHERALS”). THE TYPE
                                            OBLIGATIONS, AS WELL AS LIMITATIONS AND                    owner, except with respect to any Ineligible Product,         OF PRODUCT PERIPHERALS THAT MAY BE CONNECTED
Limited Warranty                            EXCLUSIONS THAT MAY APPLY TO YOU.                          for which owner will bear all shipping costs.                 TO YOUR PRODUCT MAY CHANGE FROM TIME TO
                                                                                                                                                                     TIME. WITHOUT LIMITING THE GENERALITY OF THE

Nest Thermostat E                           1. WHAT THIS LIMITED WARRANTY COVERS;
                                            PERIOD OF COVERAGE
                                                                                                       4. WHAT THIS LIMITED WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER
                                                                                                       This Limited Warranty does not cover the following
                                                                                                                                                                     DISCLAIMERS ABOVE, ALL PRODUCT INFORMATION
                                                                                                                                                                     IS PROVIDED FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE,“AS IS”, AND
                                            Nest Labs, Inc. (“Nest Labs”), 3400 Hillview Avenue,       (collectively “Ineligible Products”): (i) Products            “AS AVAILABLE”. NEST LABS DOES NOT REPRESENT,
                                            Palo Alto, California USA, warrants to the owner of        marked as “sample” or “Not for Sale”, or sold “AS IS”;        WARRANT, OR GUARANTEE THAT PRODUCT
                                            the enclosed product that the product contained in         (ii) Products that have been subject to: (a) modifications,   INFORMATION WILL BE AVAILABLE, ACCURATE, OR
                                            this box (“Product”) will be free from defects in          alterations, tampering, or improper maintenance or            RELIABLE OR THAT PRODUCT INFORMATION OR USE
                                            materials and workmanship for a period of one (1)          repairs; (b) handling, storage, installation, testing,        OF THE SERVICES OR PRODUCT WILL PROVIDE SAFETY
                                            year from the date of delivery following the original      or use not in accordance with the User’s Guide or             IN YOUR HOME. YOU USE ALL PRODUCT INFORMATION,
                                            retail purchase, and if a Nest Pro sells and installs      other instructions provided by Nest Labs; (c) abuse           THE SERVICES, AND THE PRODUCT AT YOUR OWN
                                            the Product and enters a valid Nest Pro ID during          or misuse of the Product; (d) breakdowns,                     DISCRETION AND RISK. YOU WILL BE SOLELY
                                            setup, an additional two (2) years, resulting in a         fluctuations, or interruptions in electric power or           RESPONSIBLE FOR (AND NEST LABS DISCLAIMS)
                                            warranty period of three (3) years for that Product        the telecommunications network; or (e) Acts of                ANY AND ALL LOSS, LIABILITY, OR DAMAGES,
                                            (collectively, the “Warranty Period”). If the Product      God, including but not limited to lightning, flood,           INCLUDING TO YOUR WIRING, FIXTURES, ELECTRICITY,
                                            fails to conform to this Limited Warranty during the       tornado, earthquake, or hurricane; or (iii) any non-Nest      HOME, PRODUCT, PRODUCT PERIPHERALS,
                                            Warranty Period, Nest Labs will, at its sole discretion,   Labs branded hardware products, even if packaged              COMPUTER, MOBILE DEVICE, AND ALL OTHER ITEMS
                                            either (a) repair or replace any defective Product or      or sold with Nest Labs hardware. This Limited                 AND PETS IN YOUR HOME, RESULTING FROM YOUR
                                            component; or (b) accept the return of the Product         Warranty does not cover consumable parts, including           USE OF THE PRODUCT INFORMATION, SERVICES,
                                            and refund the money actually paid by the original         batteries, unless damage is due to defects in materials       OR PRODUCT. PRODUCT INFORMATION PROVIDED
                                            purchaser for the Product. Repair or replacement           or workmanship of the Product, or software (even if           BY THE SERVICES IS NOT INTENDED AS A SUBSTITUTE
                                            may be made with a new or refurbished product or           packaged or sold with the product). Nest Labs                 FOR DIRECT MEANS OF OBTAINING THE INFORMATION.
                                            components, at Nest Labs’ sole discretion. If the          recommends that you use only authorized service               FOR EXAMPLE, A NOTIFICATION PROVIDED THROUGH
                                            Product or a component incorporated within it is no        providers for maintenance or repair. Unauthorized             THE SERVICE IS NOT INTENDED AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR
                                            longer available, Nest Labs may, at Nest Labs’ sole        use of the Product or software can impair the Product’s       AUDIBLE AND VISIBLE INDICATIONS IN THE HOME AND
                                            discretion, replace the Product with a similar product     performance and may invalidate this Limited Warranty.         ON THE PRODUCT, NOR FOR A THIRD PARTY
                                            of similar function. This is your sole and exclusive                                                                     MONITORING SERVICE THAT MONITORS ALARM STATE.
                                            remedy for breach of this Limited Warranty. Any            5. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES
                                            Product that has either been repaired or replaced          EXCEPT AS STATED ABOVE IN THIS LIMITED                        8. YOUR RIGHTS AND THIS LIMITED WARRANTY
                                            under this Limited Warranty will be covered by the terms   WARRANTY, AND TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT                           This Limited Warranty gives you specific legal rights.
                                            of this Limited Warranty for the longer of (a) ninety      PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, NEST LABS                        You may also have other legal rights that vary by state,
                                            (90) days from the date of delivery of the repaired        DISCLAIMS ALL EXPRESS, IMPLIED, AND STATUTORY                 province, or jurisdiction. Likewise, some of the
                                            Product or replacement Product, or (b) the remaining       WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS WITH RESPECT TO                     limitations in this Limited Warranty may not apply
                                            Warranty Period. This Limited Warranty is transferable     THE PRODUCT, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES                 in certain states, provinces or jurisdictions. The
                                            from the original purchaser to subsequent owners,          OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A                          terms of this Limited Warranty will apply to the extent
                                            but the Warranty Period will not be extended in duration   PARTICULAR PURPOSE. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT                     permitted by applicable law. For a full description of
                                            or expanded in coverage for any such transfer.             PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, NEST LABS ALSO                   your legal rights you should refer to the laws applicable
                                                                                                       LIMITS THE DURATION OF ANY APPLICABLE IMPLIED                 in your jurisdiction and you may wish to contact a
                                            2. TOTAL SATISFACTION RETURN POLICY                        WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS TO THE DURATION                      relevant consumer advisory service.
                                            If you are the original purchaser of the Product and       OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY.
                                            you are not satisfied with this Product for any reason,                                                                  064-00122-US
                                            you may return it in its original condition within         6. LIMITATION OF DAMAGES
                                            thirty (30) days of the original purchase and receive      IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE WARRANTY DISCLAIMERS,
                                            a full refund.                                             IN NO EVENT WILL NEST LABS BE LIABLE FOR ANY
                                                                                                       CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY, OR
For more information, visit
                                            3. WARRANTY CONDITIONS; HOW TO GET SERVICE                 SPECIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY DAMAGES
                                            WARRANTY                                                   OR RELATING TO THIS LIMITED WARRANTY OR THE
For FCC Compliance Statement, visit        Before making a claim under this Limited Warranty, the     PRODUCT, AND NEST LABS’ TOTAL CUMULATIVE
                                            owner of the Product must (a) notify Nest Labs of          LIABILITY ARISING FROM OR RELATED TO THIS
                                            the intention to claim by visiting        LIMITED WARRANTY OR THE PRODUCT WILL NOT
                                            during the Warranty Period and providing a description     EXCEED THE AMOUNT ACTUALLY PAID FOR THE
                                            of the alleged failure, and (b) comply with Nest Labs’     PRODUCT BY THE ORIGINAL PURCHASER.
                                            return shipping instructions. Nest Labs will have no
                                            warranty obligations with respect to a returned            7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY
Please recycle Nest’s packaging.            Product if it determines, in its reasonable discretion     THE NEST LABS ONLINE SERVICES (“SERVICES”)
RECYCLING AND DISPOSAL                      after examination of the returned Product, that the        PROVIDE YOU INFORMATION (“PRODUCT
Visit                      Product is an Ineligible Product (defined below). Nest     INFORMATION”) REGARDING YOUR NEST PRODUCTS


                                                                                                  S ue
                                 This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class
                                 B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed
                                 to provide reasonable protection against harmfulinterference in a residential
                                 installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency
Legal Items
                                 energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may
                                 cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no
Privacy Polic                    guarantee that interference will not occur in a particularinstallation. If this
                                 equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,
Privacy                          which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
                                 encouraged to tryto correct the interference by one or more of the following
                                     Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
                                     Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
                                     Connect the equipmentinto an outlet on a circuit different from that to
                                     which the receiver is connected.

                                     Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

                                 This device complies with part 15 of FCC rules. Operation is subject to the
                                 following two conditions
    imunity                        1. This device may not cause harmful interference
FCC Compliance Notice              2. This device must accept any interferencereceived,including interference
                                      that may cause undesired operation.
                                 Change or modifications that are not expressly approved by the manufacturer
                                 could void the user‘s authority to operate the equipment.
                                 RF Exposure Information
                                 This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an
                                 uncontrolled environment.In orderto avoid the possibility of exceeding the FCC
                                 radio frequency exposure limits, human proximity to the antenna shall not be
                                 less than 20cm during normal operation.

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Document Created: 2017-08-24 08:37:22
Document Modified: 2017-08-24 08:37:22

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