Co-location Report


Test Report

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FCC TEST REPORT                                          Report No. : FR272106

                             Co-location Report

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TEL : 886-3-327-3456                          Report Version    : Rev. 01
FAX : 886-3-327-0973

FCC TEST REPORT                                                                           Report No. : FR272106

1.1 Radiated Emissions Measurement
1.1.1    Limit
          20dBc in any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the operating frequency band. In case the emission fall
          within the restricted band specified on 15.205(a), then the 15.209(a) limit in the table below has to
          be followed.
                     Frequencies                       Field Strength                 Measurement Distance
                         (MHz)                       (micorvolts/meter)                        (meters)
                     0.009~0.490                         2400/F(kHz)                             300
                     0.490~1.705                        24000/F(kHz)                              30
                      1.705~30.0                              30                                  30
                         30~88                               100                                   3
                        88~216                               150                                   3
                       216~960                               200                                   3
                      Above 960                              500                                   3

1.1.2    Measuring Instruments and Setting
         Please refer to section 2 of equipments list in this report. The following table is the setting of spectrum
         analyzer and receiver.
          Spectrum Parameter                              Setting
          Attenuation                                     Auto
          Start Frequency                                 1000 MHz
          Stop Frequency                                  10th carrier harmonic
          RB / VB (Emission in restricted band)           1MHz / 1MHz for Peak, 1 MHz / 10Hz for Average
          RB / VB (Emission in non-restricted band) 1MHz / 1MHz for peak

          Receiver Parameter                             Setting
          Attenuation                                    Auto
          Start ~ Stop Frequency                         9kHz~150kHz / RB 200Hz for QP
          Start ~ Stop Frequency                         150kHz~30MHz / RB 9kHz for QP
          Start ~ Stop Frequency                         30MHz~1000MHz / RB 120kHz for QP

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FCC TEST REPORT                                                                       Report No. : FR272106

1.1.3    Test Procedures
         1.  Configure the EUT according to ANSI C63.4. The EUT was placed on the top of the turntable 0.8
             meter above ground. The phase center of the receiving antenna mounted on the top of a
             height-variable antenna tower was placed 3 meters far away from the turntable.
         2. Power on the EUT and all the supporting units. The turntable was rotated by 360 degrees to
             determine the position of the highest radiation.
         3. The height of the broadband receiving antenna was varied between one meter and four meters
             above ground to find the maximum emissions field strength of both horizontal and vertical
         4. For each suspected emissions, the antenna tower was scan (from 1 M to 4 M) and then the
             turntable was rotated (from 0 degree to 360 degrees) to find the maximum reading.
         5. Set the test-receiver system to Peak or CISPR quasi-peak Detect Function with specified
             bandwidth under Maximum Hold Mode.
         6. For emissions above 1GHz, use 1MHz VBW and RBW for peak reading. Then 1MHz RBW and
             10Hz VBW for average reading in spectrum analyzer.
         7. When the radiated emissions limits are expressed in terms of the average value of the emissions,
             and pulsed operation is employed, the measurement field strength shall be determined by
             averaging over one complete pulse train, including blanking intervals, as long as the pulse train
             does not exceed 0.1 seconds. As an alternative (provided the transmitter operates for longer
             than 0.1 seconds) or in cases where the pulse train exceeds 0.1 seconds, the measured field
             strength shall be determined from the average absolute voltage during a 0.1 second interval
             during which the field strength is at its maximum value.
         8. If the emissions level of the EUT in peak mode was 3 dB lower than the average limit specified,
             then testing will be stopped and peak values of EUT will be reported, otherwise, the emissions
             which do not have 3 dB margin will be repeated one by one using the quasi-peak method for
             below 1GHz.
         9. For testing above 1GHz, the emissions level of the EUT in peak mode was lower than average
             limit (that means the emissions level in peak mode also complies with the limit in average mode),
             then testing will be stopped and peak values of EUT will be reported, otherwise, the emissions
             will be measured in average mode again and reported.
         10. In case the emission is lower than 30MHz, loop antenna has to be used for measurement and
             the recorded data should be QP measured by receiver. High – Low scan is not required in this

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FAX : 886-3-327-0973

FCC TEST REPORT                                                                       Report No. : FR272106

1.1.4    Test Setup Layout
         For radiated emissions below 30MHz

         For radiated emissions above 30MHz

                                                             3 or 1m

         Above 10 GHz shall be extrapolated to the specified distance using an extrapolation factor of
         20 dB/decade from 3m to 1m.
         Distance extrapolation factor = 20 log (specific distance [3m] / test distance [1m]) (dB);
         Limit line = specific limits (dBuV) + distance extrapolation factor [9.54 dB].

1.1.5    Test Deviation
         There is no deviation with the original standard.

1.1.6    EUT Operation during Test
         The EUT was programmed to be in continuously transmitting mode.

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FAX : 886-3-327-0973

FCC TEST REPORT                                                                    Report No. : FR272106

1.1.7    Results of Radiated Emissions (9kHz~30MHz)
          Final Test Date    Aug. 09, 2012                  Test Site No.       03CH02-HY
          Temperature        23℃                            Humidity            59%
          Test Engineer      Hsiao

                 Freq.              Level             Over Limit            Limit Line                Remark
                 (MHz)             (dBuV)               (dB)                 (dBuV)
                   -                  -                   -                     -               See Note
         The amplitude of spurious emissions that are attenuated by more than 20 dB below the permissible
         value has no need to be reported.
         Distance extrapolation factor = 40 log (specific distance / test distance) (dB);
         Limit line = specific limits (dBuV) + distance extrapolation factor.

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FAX : 886-3-327-0973

Fco Test Repont                                                                          Heport No.: Enzr2105

11.8 Results of Radiated Emissions (30MHz~1GHz)
      Final Test Date Aus. 03. 2012         Test Sie No.                         cxchoemy
       Temperature          esc                             Humaity              5o%
       Test Engineer        Hsico                           Contiguration        TX 115 237hihz and aigoae2ad0
                                                                                 Mz (Gattory sALT}
             w Lovet atovim                                                                        oae:zoz.000
                                                                                                    ree use

             wl    o5                                 s                                       $

            an »                 m                  as.                   az.                 i.               To
                                                          Frequency uts

                                 Over.   Linit    reattatema. Cabie Preanp                         ant taiie
               Preq.    tevet. kinit      ine:   Level. Hactor Loas ¥actor Henack                  bos roe
                w       agh         —a   aam      aw am          a~—    a                           n ds
        a    mem        mercanar         anson   aner nies ate Piias reak
        200 seciose      anlee cancar    anise   ancae ancan nlae erise reak
        a meose         asae cancse      acon    anm anar mlel 299 beak
        a asnlase.      anlor cancee     aclen   anlre: mnae aae enice reak
        s anisee        es cencan        aecon   micre ascoe oc sn miied Peak
        6 nesisse       mss caelas       accon   arae recse ales 2iise beak

sromommremmona. o                                                               ragene             sars
Teu:ssscersics                                                                  Resot veson        ne o1

FCC TEST REPORT                                                                   Report No. : FR272106


         The amplitude of spurious emissions that are attenuated by more than 20dB below the permissible
         value has no need to be reported.
         Emission level (dBuV/m) = 20 log Emission level (uV/m).
         Corrected Reading: Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Read Level - Preamp Factor = Level.

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FAX : 886-3-327-0973

Fco Test Repont                                                                   Heport No.: Enzr2105

      Final Test Date     Ao_ 03. 2012                 Test Ste No:       ooomozhy
      Temperature         235C                         Humidity           so%
      Test Engineer       Hizo                         ContigutatiO®      TX
                                                                                 207Mz  and agoes 2440
            s Lovetuim                                                                       pae:zo.000
                                                                                              ree use

           5                   ra                Ts                 an                 we.              Tow
                                                      requeny uts

                              Ovee.   Linit    tesdtntema. Cabte Proap                       mt taiie
              Peeq.   tevet. kinit     ine:   Level. Hactor Loas ¥actor tenack               Bos roe
               c      aun        —a   nam      aw am           a~    a                        n ds
      a00omone         asar case      aner    se nan atr enes reak
      a 0) senore      uen cecer      anise   aninn ancan nan erise reak
      30 mecrse       anles cazes     acon    anar anar mlel i99 reak
      a     amase     emarcames       aelen   anoe anan alar enas eak
      s asslers       es canor        accon   sez ancoe dlor mide Peak
      6 azase.        reas canlss     acon    moiar mecrn alon Pss Reak

sromommremmona. o                                                        ragene              sans
Teu:ssscersics                                                           Resot veson         ne o1

FCC TEST REPORT                                                                   Report No. : FR272106


         The amplitude of spurious emissions that are attenuated by more than 20dB below the permissible
         value has no need to be reported.
         Emission level (dBuV/m) = 20 log Emission level (uV/m).
         Corrected Reading: Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Read Level - Preamp Factor = Level.

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FAX : 886-3-327-0973

Fco Test RePonT                                                                               Heport No. : ERZ72105

1.1.9   Results for Radlated Emisslons (1GHz~10° Harmonle}
         Final Test Date            Aus. 08. 2012               Test Sie No:         ooohorhy
         Temperature                esc                         Humaity              5o%
         Test Engineer              Hsico                       ContiguratiO®        TX
                                                                                     is115 237hihz
                                                                                         earery    and aigooe 2ad0

                  1nd Lover aooum                                                                          posczeomcs

                                      : :
                   «                  oi                                                                  reassseay

                    l)illllll             viw.           mow.               1oon.                  min.            zon
                                                              Frequency uts

                                         Orer. kinit    resgtatems.    Cabte    Prearp                    mt taiie
                       Proq.     tevel. Linit Line:    Level. Eactor    Loas    Factor   Remack           bo    roe
                        c       awh         a auh       aw am              —a       a                      on dey
          1       aemsoo        snee caeazin           sire ascer       alen     mt      reak
          2   0   antec on      ancce. ~soanl selan    anc00 ascth      dc6K.    MLth    erage
          a   o   assncone        cnler cnion en       snuan ascer      ale      mt      Reak
          a   0   anso.oe.      a6cse. —varl sil00,    40092 98060      a261.    30070   vorage
          s       manlooe       secar cascen mlon      anlsr anoee      sled     anite   Peak
          6       mnlooe        anlee canlorl selon    macee ancte      5064.    90020   Rrerage
          1       nescooe       seconcascon melon      seise ancer       sled    anito   Reak
          #   o   razscome      a€con crles secon      anise ancer       5l64    9540    Rrerage
          s       omncooe       socce                  aner anse        636      ande    reak
         a0       arescose.     secnn                  anlss anise      696      anae    reak
        Note: The Items 9 and 10 are on un—restrcted band, sothe Imis —2088 for the feld srengih ofthe
        fundemertal amissions

sromommremmona. o                                                                   ragene                 Toons
Teu:ssscersics                                                                      Resot veson            ne o1

FCC TEST REPORT                                                                         Report No. : FR272106


         Note: The Items 9 and 10 are on un-restricted band, so the limit is -20dB for the field strength of the
         fundamental emissions.

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FAX : 886-3-327-0973

FCC TEST REPORT                                                                                          Report No. : FR272106

         Instrument          Manufacturer           Model No.             Serial No.   Characteristics     Calibration Date      Remark
          Spectrum                                                                                                               Radiation
                                   R&S                FSP40                 100593      9kHz ~ 40GHz        Sep. 01, 2011
          Analyzer                                                                                                             (03CH02-HY)
      3m Semi Anechoic                                                                 30MHz ~ 1GHz                              Radiation
                           SIDT FRANKONIA             SAC-3M              03CH02-HY                         May 10, 2012
          Chamber                                                                          3m                                  (03CH02-HY)
          Amplifier              Agilent               8447D              2944A11146   100kHz ~ 1.3GHz       Jul. 23, 2012
          Amplifier              Agilent               8449B              3008A02373   1GHz ~ 26.5GHz       Aug. 06, 2012
        Horn Antenna        ETS-LINDGREN                3117               00091920     1GHz ~ 18GHz        Nov. 15, 2011
       RF Cable-R03m             Jye Bao              RG142                 CB021      30MHz ~ 1GHz         Nov. 11, 2011
        RF Cable-high           SUHNER            SUCOFLEX106             03CH02-HY     1GHz ~ 40GHz        Mar. 06, 2012
        Bilog Antenna         SCHAFFNER              CBL61128                2723      30MHz ~ 2GHz         Oct. 22, 2011
          Turn Table               HD                 DS 420              420/649/00    0~ 360 degree            N/A
        Antenna Mast               HD                 MA 240              240/559/00       1~4m                  N/A
    Note: Calibration Interval of instruments listed above is one year.

         Instrument          Manufacturer           Model No.             Serial No.   Characteristics     Calibration Date      Remark
        Loop Antenna              Teseq              HLA 6120               24155      9 kHz - 30 MHz       Sep. 09, 2010*
    Note: Calibration Interval of instruments listed above is two year.

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FCC TEST REPORT                                                                                     Report No. : FR272106

       SHIJR           ADD   :   6Fl., No. 106, Sec. 1, Shintai 5th Rd., Shijr City, Taipei 221, Taiwan, R.O.C.
                       TEL   :   886-2-2696-2468
                       FAX   :   886-2-2696-2255
                                 No. 52, Hwa Ya 1st Rd., Hwa Ya Technology Park, Kwei-Shan Hsiang, Tao Yuan Hsien,
       HWA YA          ADD   :
                                 Taiwan, R.O.C
                       TEL   :   886-3-327-3456
                       FAX   :   886-3-327-0973
       LINKOU          ADD   :   No. 30-2, Dingfu Vil., Linkou Dist., New Taipei City 244, Taiwan, R.O.C.
                       TEL   :   886-2-2601-1640
                       FAX   :   886-2-2601-1695
       DUNGHU          ADD   :   No. 3, Lane 238, Kangle St., Neihu Chiu, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C.
                       TEL   :   886-2-2631-4739
                       FAX   :   886-2-2631-9740
       JUNGHE          ADD   :   7Fl., No. 758, Jungjeng Rd., Junghe City, Taipei 235, Taiwan, R.O.C.
                       TEL   :   886-2-8227-2020
                       FAX   :   886-2-8227-2626
       NEIHU           ADD   :   4Fl., No. 339, Hsin Hu 2        Rd., Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C.
                       TEL   :   886-2-2794-8886
                       FAX   :   886-2-2794-9777
       JHUBEI          ADD   :   No.8, Lane 724, Bo-ai St., Jhubei City, HsinChu County 302, Taiwan, R.O.C.
                       TEL   :   886-3-656-9065
                       FAX   :   886-3-656-9085

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FAX : 886-3-327-0973

Document Created: 2019-06-21 14:00:58
Document Modified: 2019-06-21 14:00:58

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