Test Report


Test Report

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 ITL                                                 Page 1 of 26                 Report No.: D190906001

                                            TEST REPORT
    Applicant:                       Fotorama (Hong Kong) Limited

    Address of Applicant:            Room 7, 10/F., Peninsula Centre, 67 Mody Road, Tsimshatsui East
                                     Hong Kong

    Manutacturer:                    Dongguan Yi Jin Electronics Science and Technology Company Limited

    Address of Manufacturer:         Floor 1—3, Building A, Dong Hui Industrial Park, Shi Tou Ling Industrial
                                     Estate, Wulian Village, Fenggang Town, Dongguan City, China

    Product name:                    Tap It

    Model:                           3085

    Rating(s):                       2 x AA batteries

    Trademark:                       Ffi

    Standards:                       47 CFR PART 15 Subpart C: section 15.249

    FCC ID:                          ZNK3085A

    Data of Receipt:                 2019—09—04

    Date of Test:                    2019—09—04~2019—09—19

    Date of Issue:                   2019—09—20

    Test Result                      Pass*
* In the configuration tested, the test item complied with the standards specified above.

Authorized for issue by:

   Test by:

                                     2&:/«:_4=%,fi >
                                                                                            ?& wkfi/       (/ :
   Sep.20, 2019       Eleven Liang                                              Pauler Li
                      Project Engineer                                          Project Engineer

   Date             Name/Position        Signature          Date                Name/Position         Signature

ITL                                                Page 2 of 26               Report No.: D190906001

Possible test case verdicts:

test case does not apply to the test object .. :   N/A

test object does meet the requirement ........ :   P (Pass)

test object does not meet the requirement .. :     F (Fail)

Testing Laboratory information:

Testing Laboratory Name .......... :               ITL Co., LTD

Address                           :                No.8, Jinqianling Street 5, Huangjiang, Dongguan,
                                                   Guangdong, China.

Testing location    :                              Same as above
Tel                 :                              0086-769-39001678
Fax                 :                              0086-20-62824387

E-mail              :                              itl@i-testlab.com
General remarks:
The test results presented in this report relate only to the object tested.
The results contained in this report reflect the results for this particular model and serial number. It
is the responsibility of the manufacturer to ensure that all production models meet the intent of the
requirements detailed within this report.
This report would be invalid test report without all the signatures of testing technician and approver.
This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of the Issuing testing


ITL                                   Page 3 of 26        Report No.: D190906001

1 Test Summary
  Test                          Test Requirement       Test method        Result

      Antenna Requirement        FCC PART 15 C        FCC PART 15 C       PASS
                                 Section 15.203       Section 15.203
                                 FCC PART 15 C
      Occupied Bandwidth                             ANSI C63.10:2013     PASS
                                section 15.215 (c)
                                 FCC PART 15 C
         Radiated Emission        section 15.249     ANSI C63.10:2013     PASS
                                      (a), (d)
                                 FCC PART 15 C
   Band Edges Measurement                            ANSI C63.10:2013     PASS
                                section 15.249 (d)
 Conducted Emissions at Mains    FCC PART 15 C
                                                     ANSI C63.10:2013      N/A
          Terminals               section 15.207

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2 Contents
TEST REPORT ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1       TEST SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
2       CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
3       GENERAL INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................................ 5
    3.1          CLIENT INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................................ 5
    3.2          GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF E.U.T. ....................................................................................................................... 5
    3.3          DETAILS OF E.U.T. ................................................................................................................................................ 5
    3.4          DESCRIPTION OF SUPPORT UNITS ........................................................................................................................ 5
    3.5          TEST LOCATION ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
    3.6          DEVIATION FROM STANDARDS .............................................................................................................................. 5
    3.7          ABNORMALITIES FROM STANDARD CONDITIONS.................................................................................................. 5
    3.8          OTHER INFORMATION REQUESTED BY THE CUSTOMER ....................................................................................... 5
    3.9          TEST FACILITY ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
    3.10         MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY .............................................................................................................................. 6
4       INSTRUMENTS USED DURING TEST .................................................................................................................... 7
5       TEST RESULTS ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
    5.1     E.U.T. TEST CONDITIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 8
    5.2     ANTENNA REQUIREMENT ..................................................................................................................................... 10
    5.3     OCCUPIED BANDWIDTH ....................................................................................................................................... 11
    5.4     RADIATED SPURIOUS EMISSIONS ....................................................................................................................... 14
       5.4.1 Harmonic and other spurious emissions ................................................................................................... 19
    5.5     BAND EDGES REQUIREMENT .............................................................................................................................. 23
    5.6     CONDUCTED EMISSIONS AT MAINS T ERMINALS 150 KHZ TO 30MHZ (N/A) .................................................... 26

 ITL                                             Page 5 of 26               Report No.: D190906001

3 General Information
3.1 Client Information
     Applicant:               Fotorama (Hong Kong) Limited
     Address of Applicant:    Room 7, 10/F., Peninsula Centre, 67 Mody Road, Tsimshatsui East
                              Hong Kong

3.2 General Description of E.U.T.
     Name:                    Tap It
     Model No.:               3085
     Trade Mark:

     Operating Frequency:     2470 MHz
     Type of Modulation       GFSK
     Antenna Type:            PCB antenna
     Antenna gain:            0.7 dBi

3.3 Details of E.U.T.
     EUT Power Supply:        2 x AA batteries

     Test mode:               The program used to control the EUT for staying in continuous transmitting
                              and receiving mode is programmed. Channel 2470MHz is chosen for full
     Power cord:              /

3.4 Description of Support Units
    The EUT has been tested as an independent unit for fixed frequency by testing lab.

3.5 Test Location
     All tests were performed at:
     ITL Co., Ltd.
     No.8, JinQianLing street 5, DongHuan Road, Huangjiang Town, Dongguan, China.
     No tests were sub-contracted.

3.6 Deviation from Standards
     Biconical and log periodic antennas were used instead of dipole antennas.

3.7 Abnormalities from Standard Conditions

3.8 Other Information Requested by the Customer

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3.9 Test Facility
   The test facility is recognized, certified, or accredited by the following organizations:

       CNAS( Lab code:L9342)
       FCC ( Resignation No.:CN5035)
       IC (Registration NO.:12593A)

3.10 Measurement Uncertainty

The below measurement uncertainties given below are based on a 95% confidence level
(base on a coverage factor (k=2).)
                              Parameter                              Uncertainty
              Radio frequency                                        ±1.06 x 10-7
              total RF power, conducted                                 1.37 dB
              RF power density , conducted                              2.89 dB
              All emissions, radiated                                  ±3.35 dB
              Temperature                                              ±0.23 °C
              Humidity                                                  ±0.3 %
              DC and low frequency voltages                             ±0.3 %

     ITL                                          Page 7 of 26             Report No.: D190906001

4       Instruments Used during Test

     No.      Test Equipment      Manufacturer     Model      Serial No.    Last Cal.    Cal. Due

    ITL-114                          Agilent      N9010A     MY51250936    2019/01/28   2020/01/27
              EMI test receiver
    ITL-154                           R&S          ESR26         101257    2019/01/29   2020/01/28
              9kHz to 26.5GHz
    ITL-116     Pre Amplifier         HP           8447F     3113A05905    2019/01/28   2020/01/27

    ITL-117    Amplifier Super    Mini-circuits              469101134     2019/01/28   2020/01/27
              Trilog-Broadband                     VULB
    ITL-164                       Schwarzbeck                 9168-0844    2017/11/16   2020/11/16
                  Antenna                          9168
                                                  JXTXLB-    J2031090612
    ITL-110    Horn Antenna        A-INFOMW                                2019/01/28   2020/01/27
                                                  10180-N         133
    ITL-102   EMI Test receiver       R&S          ESCI          100910    2019/06/19   2020/06/18

                 Two-line v-
    ITL-103                           R&S         ENV216         100120    2019/06/19   2020/06/18
                50Ω Coaxial
    ITL-115                       Mini-circuits     CBL          C001      2019/06/19   2020/06/18
               Semi-Anechoic                       FACT3
    ITL-100                       ETS•Lindgren                CT09015      2018/12/29   2021/12/28
                  chamber                           2.0
    ITL-101    Shielded Room      ETS•Lindgren     8*4*3      CT09010      2018/01/27   2021/01/26
    ITL-165     Power Meter          R&S           NRVS      838246/026    2018/09/28   2019/09/27
                Active Loop                        FMZB
    ITL-163                       Schwarzbeck                 1519B-062    2017/11/16   2020/11/16
                  Antenna                          1519B

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5    Test Results
5.1 E.U.T. test conditions

         Test Voltage:               2 x AA batteries
         Temperature:                23.2 -25.0 °C
         Humidity:                   38-50 % RH
         Atmospheric Pressure: 1000 -1010 mbar
         Requirements:               15.31(e): For intentional radiators, measurements of the variation of
                                     the input power or the radiated signal level of the fundamental frequency
                                     component of the emission, as appropriate, shall be performed with the
                                     supply voltage varied between 85% and 115% of the nominal rated supply
                                     voltage. For battery operated equipment, the equipment tests shall be
                                     performed using a new battery.
                                     15.32: Power supplies and CPU boards used with personal computers
                                     and for which separate authorizations are required to be obtained shall
                                     be tested as follows: Testing shall be in accordance with the procedures
                                     specified in Section 15.31 of this part.

         Test frequencies and        According to the 15.31(m) Measurements on intentional radiators or
         frequency range:            receivers, other than TV broadcast receivers, shall be performed and, if
                                     required, reported for each band in which the device can be operated
                                     with the device operating at the number of frequencies in each band
                                     specified in the following table:

                                     According to the 15.33 (a) For an intentional radiator, the spectrum
                                     shall be investigated from the lowest radio frequency signal generated
                                     in the device, without going below 9 kHz, up to at least the frequency
                                     shown in the following table:
        Number of fundamental frequencies to be tested in EUT transmit band

          Frequency range in which                      Number of            Location in frequency range

                 1 MHz or less                              1                            Middle

                     1 MHz                                  2                 1 near top and 1 near bottom

                                                                             1 near top, 1 near middle and 1
               More than 10 MHz                             3
                                                                                      near bottom

Frequency range of radiated emission measurements

        Lowest frequency generated                      Upper frequency range of measurement

       9 kHz to below 10 GHz              10th harmonic of highest fundamental frequency or to 40 GHz,

       At or above 10 GHz to below        5th harmonic of highest fundamental frequency or to 100 GHz,

       At or above 30 GHz                 5th harmonic of highest fundamental frequency or to 200 GHz,

ITL                                          Page 9 of 26               Report No.: D190906001

        EUT channels and frequencies list:

                                  channel                   Frequency
                                     1                        2470

      Test frequencies is 2470 MHz

      Test the EUT in continuous transmission mode, duty cycle>98%.

 ITL                                         Page 10 of 26                    Report No.: D190906001
5.2 Antenna requirement

       Standard requirement

       15.203 requirement:

       For intentional device. According to 15.203. An intentional radiator shall be designed to
       Ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the

       EUT Antenna
       The antenna is a PCB antenna and no consideration of replacement. The best case gain of the
       antenna is 0.7 dBi.

       Test result: The unit does meet the FCC requirements.

 ITL                                        Page 11 of 26                     Report No.: D190906001

5.3 Occupied Bandwidth

       Test Requirement:           FCC PART 15 C section 15.215(c)

                                   (c) Intentional radiators operating under the alternative

                                   provisions to the general emission limits, as contained in §§

                                   15.217 through 15.257 and in subpart E of this part, must be

                                   designed to ensure that the 20 dB bandwidth of the emission, or whatever

                                  bandwidth may otherwise be specified in the specific rulesection under which
                                  the equipment operates, is contained within the frequency band designated
                                  in the rule section under which the equipment is operated

       Test Method:                ANSI C63.10:2013
       Test Status:                 Pre-Scan has been conducted to determine the worst-case mode from all
                                   possible combinations between available modulations, channels and
                                   antenna ports (if EUT with antenna diversity architecture). Following
                                   channel(s) was (were) selected for the final test as listed below.

       Test Configuration:

       Test Procedure:

       1. Remove the antenna from the EUT and then connect a low attention attenuation RF cable

           (Cable loss =0.5dB) from the antenna port to the spectrum.
       a) The instrument center frequency was set to the nominal EUT channel center frequency.
       The frequency span for the spectrum analyzer was between 1.5 times and 5.0 times the
       OBW(20 dB Bandwidth).
       b) The nominal IF filter bandwidth (3 dB RBW) was in the range of 1% to 5% of the OBW,
       and VBW was approximately three times the RBW.
       c) Set the reference level of the instrument as required, keeping the signal from exceeding
       the maximum input mixer level for linear operation. In general, the peak of the spectral

 ITL                                          Page 12 of 26                         Report No.: D190906001

        envelope was more than [10 log (OBW/RBW)] below the reference level.
        d) Step a) through step c) might require iteration to adjust within the specified range.
        e) The dynamic range of the instrument at the selected RBW was more than 10 dB below
        the target “−20 dB down”requirement; that is, if the requirement calls for measuring

        the −20 dB OBW, the instrument noise floor at the selected RBW was at least 30 dB
        below the reference value.
        f) Peak detection and max hold mode (until the trace stabilizes) was used.
        g) Used the 20dB bandwidth function of the instrument and reported the measured
        h) The occupied bandwidth was reported by providing plot(s) of the measuring instrument
        display; the plot axes and the scale units per division was clearly labeled. Tabular data
        was reported in addition to the plot(s).

20 dB bandwidth:

                            Frequency              Measured 20dB            Limit         Result
                              (MHz)                  bandwidth
           1                  2470                    1.235               2483.5            Pass

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  20dB bandwidth:

  Result plot as follows:

  Channel 1:2.470GHz:

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5.4 Radiated Spurious Emissions

        Test Requirement:          FCC PART 15 C section 15.249 (a), (d)
                                   (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the field
                                   strength of emissions from intentional radiators operated within
                                   these frequency bands shall comply with the following:

                                   Note: The limits shown in the above table are based on
                                   measurements using an average detector, except for the
                                   fundamental emission in the frequency band 902-928 MHz,
                                   which is based on measurements using a CISPR quasi-peak
                                   (d) Emissions radiated outside of the specified frequency bands,
                                   except for harmonics, shall be attenuated by at least 50 dB below
                                   the level of the fundamental or to the general radiated emission
                                   limits in§ 15.209, whichever is the lesser attenuation.

        Test Method:               ANSI C63.10:2013 Clause 6.4, 6.5 and 6.6
        Test Status:               Pre-Scan has been conducted to determine the worst-case mode from all
                                   possible combinations between available modulations, channels and
                                   antenna ports (if EUT with antenna diversity architecture). Following
                                   channel(s) was (were) selected for the final test as listed below.

        Detector: For PK value:

                                   RBW = 1 MHz for f ≥ 1 GHz, 100 kHz for f < 1 GHz
                                   VBW ≥ RBW
                                   Sweep = auto

                                   Detector function = peak

                                   Trace = max hold

        15.209 Limit:             40.0 dBµV/m between 30MHz & 88MHz

                                   43.5 dBµV/m between 88MHz & 216MHz

                                   46.0 dBµV/m between 216MHz & 960MHz

                                   54.0 dBµV/m above 960MHz

The average correction factor was computed by analyzing the on time in 100ms over one
complete pulse train. Analysis of the remote transmitter on time in one complete pulse train,

 ITL                                        Page 15 of 26                 Report No.: D190906001
therefore the average value of fundamental frequency was: Average = Peak value + 20log
(Duty cycle), where the duty factor is calculated from following formula:
The duration of one cycle =0.992ms
Effective period of the cycle =0.096ms
DC =0.096/0.992=0.0968 or 9.68%
Therefore, the averaging factor is found by 20lg0.0968=-20.28
Please refer to below plots for more details.

ITL                                      Page 16 of 26            Report No.: D190906001

Section 15.205 Restricted bands of operation.

         MHz                     MHz                  MHz               GHz

    0.090 - 0.110          16.42 - 16.423         399.9 - 410          4.5 - 5.15
   10.495 - 0.505       16.69475 - 16.69525        608 - 614          5.35 - 5.46
  2.1735 - 2.1905       16.80425 - 16.80475        960 - 1240         7.25 - 7.75
    4.125 - 4.128           25.5 - 25.67          1300 - 1427         8.025 - 8.5
 4.17725 - 4.17775          37.5 - 38.25         1435 - 1626.5         9.0 - 9.2
 4.20725 - 4.20775            73 - 74.6         1645.5 - 1646.5        9.3 - 9.5
   6.215 - 6.218             74.8 - 75.2          1660 - 1710         10.6 - 12.7
 6.26775 - 6.26825          108 - 121.94        1718.8 - 1722.2      13.25 - 13.4
 6.31175 - 6.31225            123 - 138           2200 - 2300        14.47 - 14.5
   8.291 - 8.294           149.9 - 150.05         2310 - 2390        15.35 - 16.2
   8.362 - 8.366            156.52475 -          2483.5 - 2500       17.7 - 21.4
 8.37625 - 8.38675           156.52525            2655 - 2900       22.01 - 23.12
 8.41425 - 8.41475         156.7 - 156.9          3260 - 3267        23.6 - 24.0
   12.29 - 12.293        162.0125 - 167.17        3332 - 3339        31.2 - 31.8
12.51975 - 12.52025        167.72 - 173.2        3345.8 - 3358       36.43 - 36.5
12.57675 - 12.57725           240 - 285           3600 - 4400
   13.36 - 13.41             322 - 335.4

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Test Configuration:
1) 9kHz to 30MHz emissions:

2) 30 MHz to 1 GHz emissions:

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  3) 1 GHz to 40 GHz emissions:

Test Procedure:
1) 9 kHz to 30 MHz emissions:
For testing performed with the loop antenna. The centre of the loop was positioned 1 m
above the ground and positioned with its plane vertical at the special distance from the EUT.
During testing the loop was rotated about its vertical axis for maximum response at each
azimuth and also investigated with the loop positioned in the horizontal plane.
2) 30 MHz to 1 GHz emissions:
For testing performed with the bi-log type antenna. The measurement is performed with the
EUT rotated 360o, the antenna height scanned between 1m and 4m, and the antenna
rotated to repeat the measurement for both the horizontal and vertical antenna
3) 1 GHz to 25 GHz emissions:
Test site with RF absorbing material covering the ground plane that met the site validation
criterion called out in CISPR 16-1-4:2010 was used to perform radiated emission test above 1
For testing performed with the horn antenna. The measurement is performed with the EUT
rotated 360 , the antenna height scanned between 1m and 4m, and the antenna rotated to
repeat the measurement for both the horizontal and vertical antenna polarizations.
4) The receiver was scanned from 9 kHz to 25 GHz. When an emission was found, the table was
rotated to produce the maximum signal strength. An initial pre-scan was performed for in
peak detection mode using the receiver. The EUT was measured for both the Horizontal and
Vertical polarities and performed a pre-test three orthogonal planes. For intentional
radiators, measurements of the variation of the input power or the radiated signal level of
the fundamental frequency component of the emission, as appropriate, shall be performed
with the supply voltage varied between 85% and 115% of the nominal rated supply voltage.
The worst case emissions were reported.
Used Test Equipment List:
3m Semi-Anechoic Chamber, EMI Test Receiver (9 kHz~7 GHz), Signal and Spectrum Analyzer
(10 Hz~40 GHz), Loop antenna (9 kHz-30 MHz). TRILOG Super Broadband test Antenna(30 MHz-
3 GHz)(RX), Bouble-Ridged Waveguide Horn Antenna (800 MHz-18 GHz)(RX) and High
Frequency Antenna & preamplifier(18 GHz~26.5 GHz) (RX). Refer to Clause 5 Test Equipment
List for details.
9 kHz~30 MHz Field Strength of Unwanted Emissions. Quasi-Peak Measurement
The measurements with active loop antenna were greater than 20dB below the limit, so the
test data were not recorded in the test report.

 ITL                                          Page 19 of 28                        Report No.: ©190908001

5.4.1 Harmonic and other spurious emissions

        Test at Channel 1 (2470 GHz)intransmiting status
     OKtHz~30MHz Tost result
      The Low frequency, which started from Sktiz to 30Miz, was pre—scanned and the result which
 was 2008 lower than the limit line per 15.31(0) was not report
      30 MHz~1 GHz Spurious Emissions .Quas‘—Peak Measurement
     Peak scan
     Lovel (dBpVim)
       80Le'vel CBivim)

                                                                                             Fco PaRT 15oP

       *                                                                     M


            To on.        200.     o.        aon.        50.       600.      on       won.       son.   tovo
                                                      Freqency (ilto

       Ouasi—peak measurement

         Mo. req     Read.        Antema:    Cable:    Preanp Level       Linst    Ovor Pol/Fhase Renark
                     Level        Factor     Loss      Factor              Lipe    lanit
             mie     dur           a         d         s      ant/a       dbuls    db
              ar.eoo on o         13.         ce       mure      gnor      aast    <one mrmzoime on
             ris0 shit            185         con      baee es             «290    ~2nc05 mprtroimal. on
            sn.oso anlor          Inot        loe      Phor 20e            ano0    ~lacos montroimat. on
            srolgeo n             2ncde       or        nar ko .           anod    ~oncao montroimal. on
            «socisn eso            bige       is       baes ues            ano0    ~onse mrtroimat. on
            senero Blm            2e          ces      bare biies          a.00    ~lalan wntzommat. Oe
       Level=tead Level +        Antenna    Factor     + Cable Loss ~     Presap   Factor

ITL                                        Page 20 of 26                    Report No.: 0190908001

  Posk scan
  Lovel (dBavim)


                                                                                      rccpart150 o9




      10          Jb¢
           5o on         200.     soo.    00.      son.     bon.      on       won.       son.   tote
                                                Froquency uki

      Ouast—peak measuremont

        Mo, Freq         Read.   Anterna. Cable Presap Level       Linst    Over Pol/Phaze Renark
                                          Loss Factor               Tare    Lint
                                                &      ou/e         dat/s   db
           10 as.sto                      agel meas      rnds       a000    —ner vermicn or
           2094900                        Li Reen       ds          4200    ~Alor vemich aP
           3. 200. 0o                     mon 2ure       rnse        ahoo   —inerl vemcan     op
           a arom                         ksn inb        fhes       600     —mos vemcin or
           5. «90. teo                    is ues hm                  an0    <calr vemcn op
           s se3.c0                       £15. mss beine            an0o    lolrr vermcan @p

ITL                                             Page 21 of 26                  Report No.: D190806001

Abore 16
    Peakk somn

     ao                :

          ooo           goon.     ~~coun.~a00n."      1oo0n.~rzovn.~—        riovn.~—     10000.—       teovo
                                               Frequency (itin

     rrequency         Reating              uty eycie               Limg         margin       Antenna
h         We      |.    "Cavet   Cortect|    racior|      L99!                     ue        potntzatio Remark
          (iHz)        weuy)     @Bm)         n         (dBy¥im)   @Bu¥im)
7|        _z            seor      sss         |_Na       sare       Tano         4s2+               n           Peak
                                             2ozs        asas       sa00         |_ssse             i            ay
2         240          arou       see         wa         seas       7ao          2115               i           Peak
                                             ozs         |_sest     sa0o         2143               H            Ay

 ITL                                          Page 22 of 26                  Report No.: D190906001

        Pask scan

       an            3


            Toro         Toon.    ~—woon.    onn,      fowen.   raoon.     rioon,—       tooon,—   mote
                                                Frequency it

        Frequency        i
                     Reading             Duty yev
                                               cycle           Limit                in
                                                                               Margin         Anterna
ho.         ECY           Level   Cartect|  Ractor     L9W8!                     (d:)        polarizatio Remark
             (M99        gguyy    (dBim)     py      (CBuim) (©BWYIM)                            "
 7           2           saze      am        |_na      sose    Taco            271               v        Peak
                                           zors       z028      samo           a77e              v         ay
 2           190         ar1e      asr       wa        sone     7amo           zare              v        Peak
                                           zozs        |_anse   sano           2oz               v         ay

     1) .For isintertional radletor operates below 25 Gz.The spectrum shall be investigated to the tnth
         harmonicsofthe highestfundamental frequency. And abovethe third harmonic ofths ntentona
         radiator, the disturbanse is very low. So the test result only dispiays to 9 hermon.
     2). As shown in Section, for freguencies above 100 Niz. the above fleld strength Imts are based on
         average Imis.. However, the peak feld strengh of any emission shall not exceed the meximum
          permited average Imis specfied above by more than 20 dB under any conditon of modutaton
     3). The test only perfom the EUT in transmifing status since the testfrequencies were over 1GHz only
         required transmiting status.
     Test result: The unit does meet the ECC requirements.

  ITL                                     Page 23 of 26                     Report No.: D190906001

5.5 Band Edges Requirement

        Test Requirement:          FCC Part 15 C section 15.249
                                  (d) Emissions radiated outside of the specified frequency bands,
                                  except for harmonics, shall be attenuated by at least 50 dB below
                                  the level of the fundamental or to the general radiated emission
                                  limits in§ 15.209, whichever is the lesser attenuation.

        Frequency Band:           2400 MHz to 2483.5 MHz

        Test Method:              ANSI C63.10:2013
        Test Status:              Pre-Scan has been conducted to determine the worst-case mode from all
                                   possible combinations between available modulations, channels and
                                   antenna ports (if EUT with antenna diversity architecture). Following
                                   channel(s) was (were) selected for the final test as listed below.

        Test Configuration:

Used Test Equipment List:
3m Semi-Anechoic Chamber, EMI Test Receiver (9kHz~7 GHz), Signal and Spectrum Analyzer
(10 Hz~40 GHz), Loop antenna (9 kHz-30 MHz). TRILOG Super Broadband test Antenna(30
MHz-3 GHz)(RX), Bouble-Ridged Waveguide Horn Antenna (800 MHz-18 GHz)(RX) and High

Frequency Antenna & preamplifier(18 GHz~26.5 GHz) (RX). Refer to Clause 5 Test Equipment
List for details.

ITL                                               Page 24 of 26                Report No.: D190906001

      Resut pot as folows:
      Channel 1: 2470 Giz

      60                                                    A
      ao                                  ;

           mre          Za00.~2ime.       2iin.      nicn. 2ien.       Poon    Ponn    Poid.       Zre
                                                     Frequency (itto

Frequency| Reaing                  [Bandwicth] Correct|
                                                      Level    Limt   margin               Ahterna
  pr         Leve!
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                           _fms)      gaty        w| caBiim)
                                                        id   (@Bavim)
                                                                id     (ae)                POTeate
                                                                                              n    Remek
 24008           sest       1000      1000         o4        soes         74    $735           +         Peak
 zisrs           sori       1000      1000         oni       sase         7a    018            H         Peak

ITL                                          Page 25 of 26                     Report No.: D190806001



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           mro       zio.    2e     main         mion. 2ooo           Poon     ain.      on         z70
                                                Frequency (itto

Frequency Pexng Meas. leandwidth| Correct]              Level          Limt.    margin    Artenna
  w               249 0e
                 (dBuY)_|_(mg)    tm         .|n camuim|
                                                    7    caguie)                 (ae)     PO2eete
                                                                                             n    Remek
 24872            sses    1000    1000        0.3       as.08            74     4002          v           Peak
 24012            seme    1000    1000        0.10      3286             74     4104          v           Peak

 ITL                                         Page 26 of 26                 Report No.: D190906001

5.6 Conducted Emissions at Mains Terminals 150 kHz to 30MHz (N/A)

       Test Requirement:              FCC Part 15 C section 15.207

       Test Method:                   ANSI C63.10:2013

       Frequency Range:               150 kHz to 30 MHz

       Detector: Peak for pre-scan (9 kHz Resolution Bandwidth)

       Test Limit

                       Limits for conducted disturbance at the mains ports of class B
                                                               Class B Limit dB(µV)
                    Frequency Range
                                                     Quasi-peak                   Average
                       0.15 to 0.50                       66 to 56                  56 to 46
                        0.50 to 5                            56                        46
                         5 to 30                             60                        50
        NOTE 1 The limit decreases linearly with the logarithm of the frequency in the range 0,15 MHz
               to 0,50 MHz.

                                           -- End of test report --

Document Created: 2019-10-08 23:30:07
Document Modified: 2019-10-08 23:30:07

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