Part 90 Test Report


Test Report

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                                        PCTEST ENGINEERING LABORATORY, INC.
                                                        7185 Oakland Mills Road, Columbia, MD 21046 USA
                                                              Tel. 410.290.6652 / Fax 410.290.6654

                                                               MEASUREMENT REPORT
                                                                             FCC Part 22 & 90

  Applicant Name:                                                                                Date of Testing:
  LG Electronics USA, Inc.                                                                       2/11 - 2/27/2019
  1000 Sylvan Avenue                                                                             Test Site/Location:
  Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632                                                                     PCTEST Lab. Morgan Hill, CA, USA
  United States                                                                                  Test Report Serial No.:

  FCC ID:                                                            ZNFX220TB
  APPLICANT:                                                         LG Electronics USA, Inc.

  Application Type:                                                  Certification
  Model:                                                             LM-X220TB
  Additional Model(s):                                               LMX220TB, X220TB, LM-X220MB, LMX220MB, X220MB
  EUT Type:                                                          Portable Handset
  FCC Classification:                                                PCS Licensed Transmitter Held to Ear (PCE)
  FCC Rule Part:                                                     §2.1049, §22(H), §90(S)
  Test Procedure(s):                                                 ANSI C63.26-2015, ANSI/TIA-603-E-2016, KDB 971168 D01 v03r01

  This equipment has been shown to be capable of compliance with the applicable technical standards as indicated in the measurement report
  and was tested in accordance with the measurement procedures specified in §2.947. Test results reported herein relate only to the item(s)

  I attest to the accuracy of data. All measurements reported herein were performed by me or were made under my supervision and are
  correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I assume full responsibility for the completeness of these measurements and vouch for the
  qualifications of all persons taking them.

                                                                                MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                              Approved by:
                                                                                   (CERTIFICATION)                                                              Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:                       Test Dates:                    EUT Type:
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1M1902110024-04.ZNF                    2/11 - 2/27/2019               Portable Handset
© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                                    V 9.0 02/01/2019
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

                                               T A B L E                        O F             C O N T E N T S

1.0          INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 4
             1.1        Scope ................................................................................................................................................................. 4
             1.2        PCTEST Test Location....................................................................................................................................... 4
             1.3        Test Facility / Accreditations ............................................................................................................................... 4
2.0          PRODUCT INFORMATION........................................................................................................................... 5
             2.1        Equipment Description ....................................................................................................................................... 5
             2.2        Device Capabilities ............................................................................................................................................. 5
             2.3        Test Configuration .............................................................................................................................................. 5
             2.4        EMI Suppression Device(s)/Modifications .......................................................................................................... 5
3.0          DESCRIPTION OF TESTS ........................................................................................................................... 6
             3.1        Evaluation Procedure ......................................................................................................................................... 6
             3.2        Radiated Power and Radiated Spurious Emissions ........................................................................................... 6
4.0          MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ................................................................................................................ 7
5.0          TEST EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION DATA ................................................................................................... 8
6.0          SAMPLE CALCULATIONS ........................................................................................................................... 9
7.0          TEST RESULTS .......................................................................................................................................... 10
             7.1        Summary .......................................................................................................................................................... 10
             7.2        Occupied Bandwidth ........................................................................................................................................ 11
             7.3        Spurious and Harmonic Emissions at Antenna Terminal ................................................................................. 17
             7.4        Band Edge Emissions at Antenna Terminal ..................................................................................................... 20
             7.5        Conducted Power Output Data ........................................................................................................................ 25
             7.6        Radiated Power (ERP) ..................................................................................................................................... 26
             7.7        Radiated Spurious Emissions Measurements .................................................................................................. 28
             7.8        Frequency Stability / Temperature Variation .................................................................................................... 31
8.0          CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................................. 34

                                                                                 MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                                Approved by:
                                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)                                                                Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:                       Test Dates:                     EUT Type:
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1M1902110024-04.ZNF                    2/11 - 2/27/2019               Portable Handset
© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                                    V 9.0 02/01/2019
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microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

                                                         MEASUREMENT REPORT
                                                                        FCC Part 22(H) & 90

                                                                                                    Max.              Max.
                                           Tx Frequency                                                                                    Emission
                Mode                                                    Measurement                Power             Power                                           Modulation
                                               (MHz)                                                                                      Designator
                                                                                                    (W)              (dBm)
          LTE Band 26                      814.7 - 823.3                  Conducted   0.290                           24.62               1M09G7D                       QPSK
          LTE Band 26                      814.7 - 823.3                  Conducted   0.226                           23.54               1M08W7D                      16-QAM
          LTE Band 26                      815.5 - 822.5                  Conducted   0.287                           24.58               2M67G7D                       QPSK
          LTE Band 26                      815.5 - 822.5                  Conducted   0.233                           23.68               2M68W7D                      16-QAM
          LTE Band 26                      816.5 - 821.5                  Conducted   0.294                           24.69               4M51G7D                       QPSK
          LTE Band 26                      816.5 - 821.5                  Conducted   0.232                           23.66               4M49W7D                      16-QAM
          LTE Band 26                          819                        Conducted   0.277                           24.42               8M96G7D                       QPSK
          LTE Band 26                          819                        Conducted   0.231                           23.64               9M00W7D                      16-QAM
          LTE Band 26                         821.5                       Conducted   0.281                           24.49               13M4G7D                       QPSK
          LTE Band 26                         821.5                       Conducted   0.234                           23.69               13M5W7D                      16-QAM
          LTE Band 26                         821.5                         ERP       0.145                           21.61               13M4G7D                       QPSK
          LTE Band 26                         821.5                         ERP       0.111                           20.45               13M5W7D                      16-QAM
                                                                             EUT Overview

                                                                                MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                              Approved by:
                                                                                   (CERTIFICATION)                                                              Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:                       Test Dates:                    EUT Type:
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microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

1.0           INTRODUCTION

 1.1           Scope
 Measurement and determination of electromagnetic emissions (EMC) of radio frequency devices including
 intentional and/or unintentional radiators for compliance with the technical rules and regulations of the Federal
 Communications Commission and the Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada.

 1.2           PCTEST Test Location
 These measurement tests were conducted at the PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. facility located at 18855
 Adams Court, Morgan Hill, CA 95037. The measurement facility is compliant with the test site requirements
 specified in ANSI C63.4-2014 and KDB 414788 D01 v01.

 1.3           Test Facility / Accreditations
 Measurements were performed at PCTEST Engineering Lab located in Morgan Hill, CA 95037, U.S.A.

 •     PCTEST is an ISO 17025-2005 accredited test facility under the American Association for Laboratory
       Accreditation (A2LA) with Certificate number 2041.02 for Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), Hearing Aid
       Compatibility (HAC) testing, where applicable, and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) testing for FCC and
       Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada rules.

 •     PCTEST TCB is a Telecommunication Certification Body (TCB) accredited to ISO/IEC 17065-2012 by A2LA
       (Certificate number 2041.03) in all scopes of FCC Rules and ISED Standards (RSS).

 •     PCTEST facility is a registered (22831) test laboratory with the site description on file with ISED.

                                                                                 MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                              Approved by:
                                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)                                                              Quality Manager
 Test Report S/N:                       Test Dates:                    EUT Type:
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 © 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                                    V 9.0 02/01/2019
 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
 microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
 rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.


 2.1           Equipment Description
 The Equipment Under Test (EUT) is the LG Portable Handset FCC ID: ZNFX220TB. The test data contained in
 this report pertains only to the emissions due to the EUT’s licensed transmitters that operate under the provisions
 of Part 22(H) and 90(S).

 Test Device Serial No.: 00765, 00781

 2.2           Device Capabilities
 This device contains the following capabilities:

 850/1900 GSM/GPRS/EDGE, 850/1700/1900 WCDMA/HSPA, Multi-band LTE, 802.11b/g/n WLAN, 802.11a/n
 UNII, Bluetooth (1x, EDR, LE)

 2.3              Test Configuration
 The EUT was tested per the guidance of ANSI/TIA-603-E-2016 and KDB 971168 D01 v03r01. See Section 7.0 of
 this test report for a description of the radiated and antenna port conducted emissions tests.

 2.4           EMI Suppression Device(s)/Modifications
 No EMI suppression device(s) were added and no modifications were made during testing.

                                                                                 MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                              Approved by:
                                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)                                                              Quality Manager
 Test Report S/N:                       Test Dates:                    EUT Type:
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 © 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                                    V 9.0 02/01/2019
 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
 microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
 rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.


 3.1           Evaluation Procedure
 The measurement procedures described in the document titled “Land Mobile FM or PM – Communications
 Equipment – Measurements and Performance Standards” (ANSI/TIA-603-E-2016) and “Procedures for
 Compliance Measurement of the Fundamental Emission Power of Licensed Wideband (> 1 MHz) Digital
 Transmission Systems” (KDB 971168 D01 v03r01) were used in the measurement of the EUT.

 3.2           Radiated Power and Radiated Spurious Emissions
 §2.1053, §90.635, §90(S)
 The radiated test facilities consisted of an indoor 3 meter semi-anechoic chamber used for final measurements
 and exploratory measurements, when necessary. The measurement area is contained within the semi-anechoic
 chamber which is shielded from any ambient interference. The test site inside the chamber is a 6m x 5.2m
 elliptical, obstruction-free area in accordance with Figure 5.7 of Clause 5 in ANSI C63.4-2014. Absorbers are
 arranged on the floor between the turn table and the antenna mast in such a way so as to maximize the reduction
 of reflections for measurements above 1GHz. For measurements below 1GHz, the absorbers are removed. A
 raised turntable is used for radiated measurement. The turn table is a continuously rotatable, remote-controlled,
 metallic turntable and 2 meters (6.56 ft.) in diameter. The turn table is flush with the raised floor of the chamber in
 order to maintain its function as a ground plane. An 80cm tall test table made of Styrodur is placed on top of the
 turn table. A Styrodur pedestal is placed on top of the test table to bring the total table height to 1.5m.
 The equipment under test was transmitting while connected to its integral antenna and is placed on a wooden
 turntable 80cm above the ground plane and 3 meters from the receive antenna. The receive antenna height is
 adjusted between 1 and 4 meter height, the turntable is rotated through 360 degrees, and the EUT is manipulated
 through all orthogonal planes representative of its typical use to achieve the highest reading on the receive
 spectrum analyzer. Radiated power levels are also investigated with the receive antenna horizontally and
 vertically polarized. The maximized power level is recorded using the spectrum analyzer “Channel Power”
 function with the integration band set to the emissions’ occupied bandwidth, a RMS detector, RBW = 100kHz,
 VBW = 300kHz, and a 1 second sweep time over a minimum of 10 sweeps, per the guidelines of KDB 971168
 D01 v03r01.
 Per the guidance of ANSI/TIA-603-E-2016, a half-wave dipole is then substituted in place of the EUT. For
 emissions above 1GHz, a horn antenna is substituted in place of the EUT. The substitute antenna is driven by a
 signal generator with the level of the signal generator being adjusted to obtain the same receive spectrum
 analyzer level previously recorded from the spurious emission from the EUT. The power of the emission is
 calculated using the following formula:
                                                   Pd [dBm] = Pg [dBm] – cable loss [dB] + antenna gain [dBd/dBi]
 Where, Pd is the dipole equivalent power, Pg is the generator output into the substitution antenna, and the
 antenna gain is the gain of the substitute antenna used relative to either a half-wave dipole (dBd) or an isotropic
 source (dBi). The substitute level is equal to Pg [dBm] – cable loss [dB].
 The calculated Pd levels are then compared to the absolute spurious emission limit of -13dBm which is equivalent
 to the required minimum attenuation of 43 + 10 log10(Power [Watts]) specified in 90(S).
 For fundamental radiated power measurements, the guidance of KDB 971168 D01 v03r01 is used to record the
 EUT power level that is subsequently matched via the aforementioned substitution method given in ANSI/TIA-

 All radiated measurements are performed in a chamber that meets the site requirements per ANSI C63.4-2014.
 Additionally, radiated emissions below 30MHz are also validated on an Open Area Test Site to assert correlation
 with the chamber measurements per the requirements of KDB 474788 D01.

                                                                                 MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                              Approved by:
                                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)                                                              Quality Manager
 Test Report S/N:                       Test Dates:                    EUT Type:
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 © 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                                    V 9.0 02/01/2019
 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
 microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
 rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.


 The measurement uncertainties shown below were calculated in accordance with the requirements of
 ANSI C63.4-2014. All measurement uncertainty values are shown with a coverage factor of k = 2 to indicate a
 95% level of confidence. The measurement uncertainty shown below meets or exceeds the UCISPR measurement
 uncertainty values specified in CISPR 16-4-2 and, thus, can be compared directly to specified limits to determine

                                                   Contribution                                        Expanded Uncertainty (±dB)

                                            Conducted Bench Top
                                     Radiated Disturbance (<1GHz)                                                            4.98

                                     Radiated Disturbance (>1GHz)                                                            5.07

                                    Radiated Disturbance (>18GHz)                                                            5.09

                                                                                 MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                              Approved by:
                                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)                                                              Quality Manager
 Test Report S/N:                       Test Dates:                    EUT Type:
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 © 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                                    V 9.0 02/01/2019
 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
 microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
 rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.


Test Equipment Calibration is traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
Measurements antennas used during testing were calibrated in accordance to the requirements of ANSI C63.5-

  Manufacturer                   Model                                  Description                          Cal Date       Cal Interval       Cal Due            Serial Number

         -                        LTx3                       LIcensed Transmitter Cable Set                 8/23/2018         Annual         8/23/2019                  LTx3
     Agilent                    N9030A                         PXA Signal Analyzer (44GHz)                  5/25/2018         Annual         5/25/2019              MY52350166
   Com-Power                    AL-130                        9kHz - 30MHz Loop Antenna                     10/10/2017        Biennial       10/10/2019                121034
      Emco                        3115                           Horn Antenna (1-18GHz)                     3/28/2018         Biennial       3/28/2020               9704-5182
      EMCO                     3160-09                          Small Horn (18 - 26.5GHz)                    8/9/2018         Biennial        8/9/2020                 135427
      Espec                    ESX-2CA                           Environmental Chamber                      3/28/2018         Annual         3/28/2019                  17620
   ETS Lindgren                3164-08                          Quad Ridge Horn Antenna                     3/28/2018         Biennial       3/28/2020                 128337
   Mini Circuits             TVA-11-422                               RF Power Amp                                              N/A                                  QA1317001
   Mini Circuits            PWR-SEN-4GHS                           USB Power Sensor                          3/30/2018        Annual          3/30/2019             11401010036
   Mini-Circuits             SSG-4000HP                       Synthesized Signal Generator                                      N/A                                 11208010032
 Rohde & Schwarz               TC-TA18                               Vivaldi Antenna                        8/17/2018         Biennial       8/17/2020                 101072
 Rohde & Schwarz               TS-PR26                          18-26.5 GHz Pre-Amplifier                   9/19/2018         Annual         9/19/2019                 100040
 Rohde & Schwarz                 ESU26                        EMI Test Receiver (26.5GHz)                   5/21/2018         Annual         5/21/2019                 100342
 Rohde & Schwarz                 ESU40                          EMI Test Receiver (40GHz)                    8/9/2018         Annual          8/9/2019                 100348
 Rohde & Schwarz               CMW500                         Radio Communication Tester                    11/14/2018        Annual         11/14/2019                100976
 Rohde & Schwarz              SFUNIT-Rx                            Shielded Filter Unit                     6/18/2018         Annual         6/18/2019                 102134
      Sunol                    DRH-118                           Horn Antenna (1-18GHz)                     8/11/2017         Biennial       8/11/2019                A050307
      Sunol                        JB5                        Bi-Log Antenna (30M - 5GHz)                   4/19/2018         Biennial       4/19/2020                A051107
                                                                      Table 5-1. Test Equipment


        1. For equipment listed above that has a calibration date or calibration due date that falls within the test date
           range, care was taken to ensure that this equipment was used after the calibration date and before the
           calibration due date.

        2. Equipment with a calibration date of “N/A” shown in this list was not used to make direct calibrated

                                                                                  MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                              Approved by:
                                                                                     (CERTIFICATION)                                                              Quality Manager
  Test Report S/N:                       Test Dates:                    EUT Type:
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  All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
  microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
  rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.


 Emission Designator
 QPSK Modulation

        Emission Designator = 8M62G7D

        LTE BW = 8.62 MHz
        G = Phase Modulation
        7 = Quantized/Digital Info
        D = Data transmission, telemetry, telecommand

 16QAM Modulation

        Emission Designator = 8M45W7D

        LTE BW = 8.45 MHz
        W = Amplitude/Angle Modulated
        7 = Quantized/Digital Info
        D = Data transmission, telemetry, telecommand

 Spurious Radiated Emission – LTE Band
 Example: Middle Channel LTE Mode 2nd Harmonic (1564 MHz)

 The average spectrum analyzer reading at 3 meters with the EUT on the turntable was –81.0 dBm. The gain of
 the substituted antenna is 8.1 dBi. The signal generator connected to the substituted antenna terminals is
 adjusted to produce a reading of –81.0 dBm on the spectrum analzyer. The loss of the cable between the signal
 generator and the terminals of the substituted antenna is 2.0 dB at 1564 MHz. So 6.1 dB is added to the signal
 generator reading of –30.9 dBm yielding –24.80 dBm. The fundamental EIRP was 25.501 dBm so this harmonic
 was 25.501 dBm – (-24.80).

                                                                                 MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                              Approved by:
                                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)                                                              Quality Manager
 Test Report S/N:                       Test Dates:                    EUT Type:
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 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
 microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
 rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

7.0           TEST RESULTS

 7.1            Summary

           Company Name:                          LG Electronics USA, Inc.
           FCC ID:                                ZNFX220TB
           FCC Classification:                    PCS Licensed Transmitter Held to Ear (PCE)
           Mode(s):                               LTE
           Band:                                  Band 26

             FCC Part                                                                                                          Test                 Test
                                          Test Description                                 Test Limit                                                              Reference
             Section(s)                                                                                                      Condition             Result

           2.1049                   Occupied Bandwidth                        N/A                                                                   PASS            Section 7.2

                                                                              > 43 + 10 log10 (P[Watts]) for all
                                                                              out-of-band emissions except
                                    Conducted Band Edge /                     > 50 + 10 log10 (P[Watts]) at                                                          Sections
           90(S)                                                                                                                                    PASS
                                    Spurious Emissions                        Band Edge and for all out-of-                                                          7.3, 7.4
                                                                              band emissions within 37.5kHz
                                                                              of Block Edge
                                    Frequency Stability                       < 2.5 ppm                                                             PASS            Section 7.8

                                    Conducted Power                           < 100 Watts                                                           PASS            Section 7.5

                                    Effective Radiated Power
           22.913(a.2)                                                        < 7 Watts max. ERP                                                    PASS            Section 7.6
                                    (Band 26)
                                                                              > 43 + 10 log10 (P[Watts]) for all
                                                                              out-of-band emissions except                   RADIATED
                                    Radiated Spurious                         > 50 + 10 log10 (P[Watts]) at
           90(S)                                                                                                                                    PASS            Section 7.7
                                    Emissions                                 Band Edge and for all out-of-
                                                                              band emissions within 37.5kHz
                                                                              of Block Edge
                                                                Table 7-1. Summary of Test Results


           1)     All modes of operation and data rates were investigated. The test results shown in the following sections represent
                  the worst case emissions.
           2)     The analyzer plots shown in Section 7.0 were taken with a correction table loaded into the analyzer. The correction
                  table was used to account for the losses of the cables, directional couplers, and attenuators used as part of the
                  system to maintain a link between the call box and the EUT at all frequencies of interest.
           3)     All antenna port conducted emissions testing was performed on a test bench with the antenna port of the EUT
                  connected to the spectrum analyzer through calibrated cables, attenuators, and couplers.
           4)     For conducted spurious emissions, automated test software was used to measure emissions and capture the
                  corresponding plots necessary to show compliance. The measurement software utilized is PCTEST “2G/3G
                  Automation,” Version 3.11.

                                                                                 MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                              Approved by:
                                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)                                                              Quality Manager
 Test Report S/N:                       Test Dates:                    EUT Type:
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 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
 microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
 rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

7.2           Occupied Bandwidth

Test Overview

The occupied bandwidth, that is the frequency bandwidth such that, below its lower and above its upper
frequency limits, the mean powers radiated are each equal to 0.5 percent of the total mean power radiated by a
given emission shall be measured. All modes of operation were investigated and the worst case configuration
results are reported in this section.

Test Procedure Used

KDB 971168 D01 v03r01 – Section 4.2

Test Settings

      1. The signal analyzer’s automatic bandwidth measurement capability was used to perform the 99%
             occupied bandwidth and the 26dB bandwidth. The bandwidth measurement was not influenced by any
             intermediate power nulls in the fundamental emission.
      2. RBW = 1 – 5% of the expected OBW

      3. VBW ≥ 3 x RBW

      4. Detector = Peak

      5. Trace mode = max hold

      6. Sweep = auto couple

      7. The trace was allowed to stabilize

      8. If necessary, steps 2 – 7 were repeated after changing the RBW such that it would be within

             1 – 5% of the 99% occupied bandwidth observed in Step 7

Test Setup

The EUT and measurement equipment were set up as shown in the diagram below.

                                                  Figure 7-1. Test Instrument & Measurement Setup

Test Notes


                                                                                MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                              Approved by:
                                                                                   (CERTIFICATION)                                                              Quality Manager
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microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

             Plot 7-1. Occupied Bandwidth Plot (LTE Band 26, 1.4MHz QPSK – RB Size 6– Low Channel)

           Plot 7-2. Occupied Bandwidth Plot (LTE Band 26, 1.4MHz 16-QAM – RB Size 6– Low Channel)

                                                                                MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                              Approved by:
                                                                                   (CERTIFICATION)                                                              Quality Manager
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              Plot 7-3. Occupied Bandwidth Plot (LTE Band 26, 3MHz QPSK – RB Size 15– Low Channel)

            Plot 7-4. Occupied Bandwidth Plot (LTE Band 26, 3MHz 16-QAM – RB Size 15– Low Channel)

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              Plot 7-5. Occupied Bandwidth Plot (LTE Band 26, 5MHz QPSK – RB Size 25– Low Channel)

            Plot 7-6. Occupied Bandwidth Plot (LTE Band 26, 5MHz 16-QAM – RB Size 25– Low Channel)

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                          Plot 7-7. Occupied Bandwidth Plot (LTE Band 26, 10MHz QPSK – RB Size 50)

                        Plot 7-8. Occupied Bandwidth Plot (LTE Band 26, 10MHz 16-QAM – RB Size 50)

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                          Plot 7-9. Occupied Bandwidth Plot (LTE Band 26, 15MHz QPSK – RB Size 75)

                       Plot 7-10. Occupied Bandwidth Plot (LTE Band 26, 15MHz 16-QAM – RB Size 75)

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7.3           Spurious and Harmonic Emissions at Antenna Terminal
§2.1051 §90(S)
Test Overview

The level of the carrier and the various conducted spurious and harmonic frequencies is measured by means of a
calibrated spectrum analyzer. The spectrum is scanned from the lowest frequency generated in the equipment up
to a frequency including its 10th harmonic. All out of band emissions are measured with a spectrum analyzer
connected to the antenna terminal of the EUT while the EUT is operating at maximum power, and at the
appropriate frequencies. All data rates were investigated to determine the worst case configuration. All modes of
operation were investigated and the worst case configuration results are reported in this section.

The minimum permissible attenuation level of any spurious emission is 43 + 10 log10(P[Watts]), where P is
the transmitter power in Watts.

Test Procedure Used

KDB 971168 D01 v03r01 – Section 6.0

Test Settings

      1. Start frequency was set to 30MHz and stop frequency was set to 10GHz (separated into at least two plots
         per channel)
      2. RBW ≥ 1MHz
      3. VBW ≥ 3 x RBW
      4. Detector = RMS
      5. Trace mode = max hold
      6. Sweep time = auto couple
      7. The trace was allowed to stabilize

Test Setup

The EUT and measurement equipment were set up as shown in the diagram below.

                                                  Figure 7-2. Test Instrument & Measurement Setup

Test Notes

Compliance with the applicable limits is based on the use of measurement instrumentation employing a resolution
bandwidth of 100 kHz or greater for Part 22. However, in the 1 MHz bands immediately outside and adjacent to
the frequency block a resolution bandwidth of at least one percent of the emission bandwidth of the fundamental
emission of the transmitter may be employed. The emission bandwidth is defined as the width of the signal
between two points, one below the carrier center frequency and one above the carrier center frequency, outside
of which all emission are attenuated at least 26 dB below the transmitter power.

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  Plot 7-11. Conducted Spurious Plot (LTE Band 26, 10MHz QPSK – RB Size 1, RB Offset 0 – Mid Channel)

  Plot 7-12. Conducted Spurious Plot (LTE Band 26, 10MHz QPSK – RB Size 1, RB Offset 0 – Mid Channel)

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  Plot 7-13. Conducted Spurious Plot (LTE Band 26, 10MHz QPSK – RB Size 1, RB Offset 0 – Mid Channel)

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7.4           Band Edge Emissions at Antenna Terminal
§2.1051 §90(S)

Test Overview

All out of band emissions are measured with a spectrum analyzer connected to the antenna terminal of the EUT
while the EUT is operating at maximum power, and at the appropriate frequencies. All data rates were
investigated to determine the worst case configuration. All modes of operation were investigated and the worst
case configuration results are reported in this section.

The minimum permissible attenuation level of any spurious emission removed from the EA licensee’s
frequency block by greater than 37.5 kHz is 43 + 10 log10(P[Watts]), where P is the transmitter power in

The minimum permissible attenuation level of any spurious emission removed from the EA licensee’s
frequency block by up to and including 37.5 kHz is 50 + 10 log10(P[Watts]), where P is the transmitter power
in Watts.

Test Procedure Used

KDB 971168 D01 v03r01 – Section 6.0

Test Settings

      1.     Span was set large enough so as to capture all out of band emissions near the band edge
      2.     RBW = 100 kHz
      3.     VBW = 300 kHz
      4.     Detector = RMS
      5.     Trace mode = trace average
      6.     Sweep time = auto couple
      7.     The trace was allowed to stabilize

Test Setup

The EUT and measurement equipment were set up as shown in the diagram below.

                                                  Figure 7-3. Test Instrument & Measurement Setup

Test Notes

For channel edge emission, the signal analyzer’s “ACP” measurement capability is used.

Per 22.917(b) in the 1 MHz bands immediately outside and adjacent to the frequency block a resolution
bandwidth of at least one percent of the emission bandwidth of the fundamental emission of the transmitter may
be employed to demonstrate compliance with the out-of-band emissions limit. The emission bandwidth is defined
as the width of the signal between two points, one below the carrier center frequency and one above the carrier
center frequency, outside of which all emission are attenuated at least 26 dB below the transmitter power.

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                  Plot 7-14. Channel Edge Plot (LTE Band 26, 1.4MHz QPSK – RB Size 6– Low Channel)

                   Plot 7-15. Channel Edge Plot (LTE Band 26, 3MHz QPSK – RB Size 15– Low Channel)

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                 Plot 7-16. Channel Edge Plot (LTE Band 26, 3MHz 16-QAM – RB Size 15– Low Channel)

                  Plot 7-17. Channel Edge Plot (LTE Band 26, 3MHz QPSK – RB Size 15 – High Channel)

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                   Plot 7-18. Channel Edge Plot (LTE Band 26, 5MHz QPSK – RB Size 25– Low Channel)

                  Plot 7-19. Channel Edge Plot (LTE Band 26, 5MHz QPSK – RB Size 25 – High Channel)

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                               Plot 7-20. Channel Edge Plot (LTE Band 26, 10MHz QPSK – RB Size 50)

                               Plot 7-21. Channel Edge Plot (LTE Band 26, 15MHz QPSK – RB Size 75)

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7.5           Conducted Power Output Data
§2.1046 §90.635

                Frequency                                                          Cond. PWR Cond. PWR Cond. PWR
                                        Bandwidth                  Mod.                                            Margin [dB]
                  [MHz]                                                              [dBm]     [Watts] Limit [dBm]
                    814.70                    1.4         QPSK       24.62      0.290       50.00                                                              -25.38
                    823.30                    1.4         QPSK       24.40      0.275       50.00                                                              -25.60
                    814.70                    1.4        16-QAM      23.54      0.226       50.00                                                              -26.46
                    823.30                    1.4        16-QAM      23.28      0.213       50.00                                                              -26.72
                    815.50                      3         QPSK       24.58      0.287       50.00                                                              -25.42
                    822.50                      3         QPSK       24.50      0.282       50.00                                                              -25.50
                    815.50                      3        16-QAM      23.68      0.233       50.00                                                              -26.32
                    822.50                      3        16-QAM      23.51      0.224       50.00                                                              -26.49
                    816.50                      5         QPSK       24.63      0.290       50.00                                                              -25.37
                    821.50                      5         QPSK       24.69      0.294       50.00                                                              -25.31
                    816.50                      5        16-QAM      23.63      0.231       50.00                                                              -26.37
                    821.50                      5        16-QAM      23.66      0.232       50.00                                                              -26.34
                    819.00                     10         QPSK       24.42      0.277       50.00                                                              -25.58
                    819.00                     10        16-QAM      23.64      0.231       50.00                                                              -26.36
                    821.50                     15         QPSK       24.49      0.281       50.00                                                              -25.51
                    821.50                     15        16-QAM      23.69      0.234       50.00                                                              -26.31
                                              Table 7-2. LTE Band 26 Conducted Power Output Data


      1. For LTE mode, the device was tested under all modulations, RB sizes and offsets, and channel
         bandwidth configurations and the worst case emissions are reported with 1 RB.

      2. This unit was tested with its standard battery.

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7.6          Radiated Power (ERP)
§22.913(a.2) §90.542

Test Overview

Effective Radiated Power (ERP) measurements are performed using the substitution method described in
ANSI/TIA-603-E-2016 with the EUT transmitting into an integral antenna. Measurements on signals operating
below 1GHz are performed using vertically and horizontally polarized tuned dipole antennas. All measurements
are performed as RMS average measurements while the EUT is operating at its maximum duty cycle, at
maximum power, and at the appropriate frequencies.

Test Procedures Used

KDB 971168 D01 v03r01 – Section 5.2.1

ANSI/TIA-603-E-2016 – Section 2.2.17

Test Settings

      1. Radiated power measurements are performed using the signal analyzer’s “channel power” measurement
             capability for signals with continuous operation.
      2. RBW = 1 – 5% of the expected OBW, not to exceed 1MHz

      3. VBW ≥ 3 x RBW

      4. Span = 1.5 times the OBW

      5. No. of sweep points > 2 x span / RBW

      6. Detector = RMS

      7. Trigger is set to “free run” for signals with continuous operation with the sweep times set to “auto”.

      8. The integration bandwidth was roughly set equal to the measured OBW of the signal for signals with

             continuous operation.

      9. Trace mode = trace averaging (RMS) over 100 sweeps

      10. The trace was allowed to stabilize

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Test Setup

The EUT and measurement equipment were set up as shown in the diagram below.

                                                            Figure 7-4. Radiated Test Setup <1GHz
Test Notes

      1) The EUT was tested in three orthogonal planes and in all possible test configurations and positioning.
         The worst case emissions are reported with the EUT positioning, modulations, RB sizes and offsets, and
         channel bandwidth configurations shown in the tables below.

      2) This unit was tested with its standard battery.

            Channel                                Ant.     Antenna Turntable             Substitute Ant.                                                           ERP
 Frequency                                                                        RB                                                    ERP          ERP                         Margin
           Bandwidth                 Mod.          Pol.      Height  Azimuth                 Level   Gain                                                           Limit
   [MHz]                                                                      Size/Offset                                              [dBm]        [Watts]                       [dB]
             [MHz]                                [H/V]       [cm]   [degree]               [dBm]    [dBi]                                                         [dBm]

    821.50              15           QPSK           V           136            201             1/0             17.01        6.75       21.61          0.145         38.45         -16.85

    821.50              15         16-QAM           V           136            201             1/0             15.85        6.75       20.45          0.111         38.45         -18.01

    821.50              15           QPSK           H           221            273             1/0             16.29        6.75       20.89          0.123         38.45         -17.56

                                                                   Table 7-22. ERP Data (Band 26)

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7.7           Radiated Spurious Emissions Measurements
§2.1053 §90(S)

Test Overview

Radiated spurious emissions measurements are performed using the substitution method described in ANSI/TIA-
603-E-2016 with the EUT transmitting into an integral antenna. Measurements on signals operating below 1GHz
are performed using horizontally and vertically polarized tuned dipole antennas. Measurements on signals
operating above 1GHz are performed using vertically and horizontally polarized broadband horn antennas. All
measurements are performed as peak measurements while the EUT is operating at maximum power, and at the
appropriate frequencies.

Test Procedures Used

KDB 971168 D01 v03r01 – Section 5.8

ANSI/TIA-603-E-2016 – Section 2.2.12

Test Settings

      1. RBW = 100kHz for emissions below 1GHz and 1MHz for emissions above 1GHz

      2. VBW ≥ 3 x RBW

      3. Span = 1.5 times the OBW

      4. No. of sweep points > 2 x span / RBW

      5. Detector = RMS

      6. Trace mode = Average (Max Hold for pulsed emissions)

      7. The trace was allowed to stabilize

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rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

Test Setup

The EUT and measurement equipment were set up as shown in the diagram below.

                                                  Figure 7-5. Test Instrument & Measurement Setup

Test Notes

      1. For LTE mode, the device was tested under all modulations, RB sizes and offsets, and channel
         bandwidth configurations and the worst case emissions are reported with 1 RB.

      2. This unit was tested with its standard battery.

      3. The EUT was tested in three orthogonal planes and in all possible test configurations and positioning.
         The worst case setup is reported in the tables below.

      4. The "-" shown in the following RSE tables are used to denote a noise floor measurement.

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                                            Plot 7-23. Radiated Spurious Plot above 1GHz (Band 26)

                                                       OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                             819.00                        MHz
                                                          MODULATION SIGNAL:                             QPSK
                                                                            BANDWIDTH:                    10.0          MHz
                                                                               DISTANCE:                     3          meters
                                                                                        LIMIT:           -13.00          dBm

                                                                                                       Level at
                              Ant.        Antenna                                                                           Substitute                   Spurious
        Frequency                                               Turntable Azimuth                      Antenna                                                                        Margin
                              Pol.         Height                                                                          Antenna Gain                Emission Level
          [MHz]                                                     [degree]                          Terminals                                                                        [dB]
                             [H/V]          [cm]                                                                               [dBi]                       [dBm]
           1638.00              H             122                            310                        -63.68                     8.88                        -54.80                   -41.8
           2457.00              H             120                            150                         -61.38                    9.58                        -51.80                   -38.8
           3276.00              H            -                -             -69.89       9.55                                                                  -60.33                   -47.3
                                         Table 7-3. Radiated Spurious Data (LTE Band 26 – Mid Channel)

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rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

7.8           Frequency Stability / Temperature Variation
§2.1055 §90.213

Test Overview and Limit

Frequency stability testing is performed in accordance with the guidelines of ANSI/TIA-603-E-2016. The
frequency stability of the transmitter is measured by:

a.)       Temperature: The temperature is varied from -30°C to +50°C in 10°C increments using an environmental

b.)       Primary Supply Voltage: The primary supply voltage is varied from 85% to 115% of the nominal value for
          non hand-carried battery and AC powered equipment. For hand-carried, battery-powered equipment,
          primary supply voltage is reduced to the battery operating end point which shall be specified by the

The frequency stability of the transmitter shall be maintained within ±0.00025% (±2.5 ppm) of the center

Test Procedure Used


Test Settings

      1. The carrier frequency of the transmitter is measured at room temperature (20°C to provide a reference).
      2. The equipment is turned on in a “standby” condition for fifteen minutes before applying power to the
         transmitter. Measurement of the carrier frequency of the transmitter is made within one minute after
         applying power to the transmitter.
      3. Frequency measurements are made at 10°C intervals ranging from -30°C to +50°C. A period of at least
         one half-hour is provided to allow stabilization of the equipment at each temperature level.

Test Setup

The EUT was connected via an RF cable to a spectrum analyzer with the EUT placed inside an environmental

Test Notes


                                                                                MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                              Approved by:
                                                                                   (CERTIFICATION)                                                              Quality Manager
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All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

Frequency Stability / Temperature Variation
§2.1055, §90.213

                           OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                           819,000,000                         Hz
                                                      CHANNEL:                                 26740
                               REFERENCE VOLTAGE:                                                3.85                          VDC
                                         DEVIATION LIMIT:                       ± 0.00025 % or 2.5 ppm

                             VOLTAGE                       POWER                TEMP              FREQUENCY                    Freq. Dev.             Deviation
                               (%)                          (VDC)                 ( C)               (Hz)                         (Hz)                  (%)

                                100 %                                            - 30              818,999,965                       -35             -0.0000043

                                100 %                                            - 20              819,000,190                       190              0.0000232

                                100 %                                            - 10              818,999,807                      -193             -0.0000236

                                100 %                                               0              818,999,988                       -12             -0.0000015

                                100 %                                            + 10              819,000,039                        39              0.0000048

                                100 %                                            + 20              819,000,157                       157              0.0000192

                                100 %                                             + 30             819,000,055                        55              0.0000067

                                100 %                                            + 40              818,999,882                      -118             -0.0000144

                                100 %                                            + 50              818,999,998                        -2             -0.0000002

                       BATT. ENDPOINT     3.40      + 20      818,999,703       -297                                                                 -0.0000363
                                    Table 7-4. LTE Band 26 Frequency Stability Data

                                                                                MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                              Approved by:
                                                                                   (CERTIFICATION)                                                              Quality Manager
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microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

Frequency Stability / Temperature Variation
§2.1055, §90.213

                                                                              Frequency Stability


                                Deviation (ppm)






                                                                                        Temperature (°C)

                                                            Table 7-5. LTE Band 26 Frequency Stability Data

                                                                                MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                              Approved by:
                                                                                   (CERTIFICATION)                                                              Quality Manager
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All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

8.0           CONCLUSION

 The data collected relate only to the item(s) tested and show that the LG Portable Handset
 FCC ID: ZNFX220TB complies with all the requirements of Parts 22(H) and 90 of the FCC rules.

                                                                                 MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                              Approved by:
                                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)                                                              Quality Manager
 Test Report S/N:                       Test Dates:                    EUT Type:
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 1M1902110024-04.ZNF                    2/11 - 2/27/2019               Portable Handset
 © 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                                    V 9.0 02/01/2019
 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
 microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
 rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

Document Created: 2019-03-28 20:52:45
Document Modified: 2019-03-28 20:52:45

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