I17Z62297-SEM01_SAR_Rev3 Part4


RF Exposure Info

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Calibration Laboratory of                                             s   Schwelzerischer Kallrierdionst
Schmid & Partner                                                      c   Service sulsso diétalonnage
  Engineering AG                                                          Sorvizl avizzero di taratura
Zoughausstrasse 43, 0004 Zurich, Switzorland                          5. swiss Calibration Sorvice

Accredted by the Swis Accreditation Sorvice (GAG)                      Accreditation No.: SCS 0108
Te Swiss Accreditaion Service is one ofthe signatories tothe EA
Multlateral Agreementfor the recognition ofcaliration corteatos
TSL                       tissue simulating liquid
ConvF                     sensitivity in TSL / NORM xy,z
NA                          not applicable or not measured

Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
   a) IEEE Std 1528—2013, IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial—
          Averaged Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless
       Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques®, June 2013
    b) IEC 62209—1, "Measurement procedure for the assessment of Specific Absorption Rate
       (SAR) from hand—held and body—mounted devices used next to the ear (frequency range of
       300 MHz to 6 GHz)®, July 2016
    ©) IEC 62209—2, "Procedure to determinethe Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for wireless
       communication devices used in close proximity to the human body (frequency range of 30
       MHz to 6 GHz)*, March 2010
    d) KDB 865664, "SAR Measurement Requirements for 100 MHz to 6 GHz"

Additional Documentation:
    e) DASY4/5 System Handbook

Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
   * Measurement Conditions: Further details are available from the Validation Report at the end
     of the certificate. All figures stated in thecertificate are valid at thefrequency indicated.
   * Antenna Parameters with TSL: The dipole is mounted with the spacer to position its feed
     point exactly below the center marking of the flat phantom section, with the arms oriented
     parallel to the body axis.
   * Feed Point Impedance and Return Loss: These parameters are measured with the dipole
     positioned under the liquid filled phantom. The impedance stated is transformed from the
     measurement at the SMA connector to the feed point. The Return Loss ensures low
     reflected power. No uncertainty required.
     *    Electrical Delay: One—way delay between the SMA connectorand the antenna feedpoint.
          No uncertainty required.
    *     SAR measured: SAR measured at the stated antennainput power.
    *     SAR normalized: SAR as measured, normalized to an input power of 1 W at the antenna
     «_   SAR for nominal TSL parameters: The measured TSL parameters are used to calculate the
          nominal SAR result.
  The reported uncertainty of measurementis stated as thestandard uncertainty of measurement
  multiplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage
  probability of approximately 95%.

Certficate No: D1750¥2—1003_Jult7                      Page 2 of 8


 Measurement Conditions
    DASY system contiquration, as far as not given on page 1.
     DASY Version                                             Dasys                              vse.100
     Extrapolation                                    Advanced Extrapolation
     Phantom                                           Modular Fiat Phantom
     Distance Dipole Genter — TSL                             10 mm                             with Spacer
      Zoom Scan Resolution                              dx, dy, de ~$ mm
      Frequency                                         1750 Mz a 1 Mz

 Head TSL parameters
    The following paramaters and calculations were apolied.
                                                                Temperature      Permitivity         Condustivity
      Nominal Head TSL parameters                                  22.0°C           40.1              1.37 mhoim
      Measured Head TSL parameters                             r2002)°0          80.0£6%           138 mhoim6%
      Head TSL temperature change during test                     <as°c                                    ~—

 SAR result with Head TSL

      SAR averaged over 1 em(1 g) of Head TSL                    Condition
      SAR measured                                       250 mW input power                9.15 Whg
      SAR for nominal Head TSL paramsters                 normalized to 1W           36.7 Wha 17.0 (e=2)

      SAR averaged over 10 cm* (10 g) of Head TSL                condition
      SAR measured                                       250 mW input power                4.84 Who
      SAF for nominal Head TSL parameters                 normalized to 1W           19.4 Whg + 16.5 % (k=2)

 Body TSL parameters
    The following paramaters and calculations were applied.
                                                                Temperature      Permittivity        Conductivity
      Nominal Body TSL parameters                                  20°C             5es               1.49 mho/m
      Measured Body TSL parameters                              g2o02)°C         §3.826%           149 mhoim«6%
      Body TSL temperature change during test                     <os*c                                  —
 SAR result with Body TSL

      SAR averaged over 1 om(1 g) of Body TSL                    Condition
      SAR measured                                        250 mW input power                0.29 Whg
      SAR for nominal Body TL parameters                      normalized to 1W       97.1 Wikg £17.0 % (k=2)
      SAR averaged over10 om* (10 g) of Body TSL               condiion
      SAR measured                                        250 mW inout power                4.94 Wihg
      SAR for nominal Body TSL parameters                  normalized to 1W           19.8 Wg # 16.5 % (k=2)

 Cortficate No: D1750V2—1003_Jult7                     Page 3 of 8


Appendix (Additional assessments outside the scope of SCS 0108)
Antenna Parameters with Head TSL

      Impedance, transformed to feed point                                           soon+ 110
      Retum Loss                                                                       —37.1 a8

Antenna Parameters with Body TSL

      Impedance, transformed to feed point                                           «r0n+0.1jo
      Retum Loss                                                                       +202 08

General Antenna Parameters and Design

    Electreal Delay (one direction)                          |                          1213 ns
After long term use with 100W radiated power, only a sight warming of the diole near the feedpoint can be measured.

The dipole is made of standard sermirigid coaxial cable. The center conductor of the feedingline is directly connected to the
second arm ofthe dipole. The antenna is therefore short—ciroulted for DC—signals. On some of the dipoles, small end caps
are addeto the dipole arms in order to improve matching when loaded according to the positon as explained in the
‘Measurement Condiions* paragraph. The SAR data are not affected by this change. The overall dipole length is stll
according to the Standard.
No excessive force must be applied to the dipole arms, because they might bend or the soldered connections near the
feedpoint may be demaged.

Additional EUT Data

      Manulactured by                                                                    srero
      Manufactured on                                                                 July 30, 2008

Certficate No: D1750V2—1008_utt7                          Page 4 of 8

DASY5 Validation Report for Head TSL

                                                                                  Date: 21.07.2017
Test Laboratory: SPEAG, Zurich, Switzerland

DUT: Dipole 1750 MHz; Type: D1750V2; Serial: D1750V2 — SN: 1003

Communication System: UID 0 — CW; Frequency: 1750 MHz
Medium parameters used:   f= 1750 MHz; 0 = 1.35 S/m; e, = 39; p = 1000 kg/m?
Phantomsection: Flat Section
Measurement Standard: DASYS (IEEE/IEC/ANSI C63.19—2011)

DASY52 Configuration:
   *   Probe: EX3DV4 — SN7349; ConvB(8.73, 8.73, 8.73); Calibrated: 31.05.2017;

   *   Sensor—Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)

   *   Electronics: DAE4 $n601; Calibrated: 28.03.2017

   *   Phantom: Flat Phantom 5.0 (front); Type: QD 000 P50 AA; Serial: 1001

   *   DASY52.52.10.0(1446); SEMCAD X 14.6.10(7417)

Dipole Calibration for Head Tissue/Pin=250 mW, d=10mm/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0:
Measurementgrid: dx=5mm, dy=5mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 104.4 V/m; Power Drift = —0.05 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 17.0 Wikg
SAR(T g) = 9.15 W/kg; SAR(1O g) = 4.84 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 14.0 Wke


                  0 dB = 14.0 Wikg= 1146 dBW/kg

Certficate No: D1750V2—1008_Jult7              Page 5 of 8

          *                                                                     t
= TTL                                                                                  F
mm                                                                                             ~

  Impeciance MeasurementPlot for Head TSL

                                                                 m aur cerr snsomiar
           gHp sa     a us            is se.oos o     10566 o 96,097 ph     1 7se.00e ccemtz




                    Stamt 1 ssa.000 aoo mie                            stoe 1 ssn.000 ooo mz

  Cortficate No: D1750V2—1008.u17                       Page 6 of 8

DASY5 Validation Report for Body TSL

                                                                                  Date: 20.07.2017
Test Laboratory: SPEAG, Zurich, Switzerland
DUT: Dipole 1750 MHz; Type: D1750V2; Serial: D1750V2 — SN: 1003
Communication System: UID 0 — CW; Frequency: 1750 MHz
Medium parameters used: £=1750 MHz; 0 = 1.49 8/m; 6: = 53.3; p = 1000 kg/m®
Phantom section: Flat Section
Measurement Standard: DASY5 (TEEE/TEC/ANSI C63.19—2011)

DASY52 Configuration:

   *   Probe: EX3DV4 — SN7349; ConvF(8.46, 8.46, 8.46); Calibrated: 31.05.2017;

   *   Sensor—Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)

   *   Electronies: DAE4 $n601; Calibrated: 28.03.2017

   *   Phantom: Flat Phantom 5.0 (back); Type: QD 000 P50 AA; Serial: 1002

   +   DASY52.52.10.0(1446); SEMCAD X 14.6.10(7417)

Dipole Calibration for Body Tissue/Pin=250 mW, d=10mm/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0:
Measurement grid: dx=3mm, dy=5mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 99.34 V/m; Power Drift —0.02 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 16.4 W/kg
SAR(L g) =9.29 W/kg: SAR(1O g) =4.94 Whq
Maximum value of SAR (measured)   13.4 W/kg



                  0 dB = 134 Wikg= 11.27 dBW/kg

Certficate No: D1750¥2—1003_Jult?             Page 7 of 8

Impedance Measurement Plot for Body TSL

                                                          20 aar nesr| cerarior
         EBp sa     i us           in s6.9n« a e0r09 0. snn pi         1 rse.000 se mz




                  Sthe1 sea.000 ooo mis                         Stoe 1 s5e.000 o0 mmz

Gertficate No: D1750V2—1008_ult7                Page 8 of 8

..>                                                                                              e
@7 TL                                                                                                           o

  Calibration Laboratory of                                 «9n                                       Schwelzerischer Kallbrerdienst
  Schmid & Partner                                          ii%                                       Service sulase détalonnage
    Engineering AG                                                                                    Serviclo svizzero ditarature
  Zeughausstrasse 49, 8004 Zurich, Suitzerland                                                        Swiss Calibration Service

  Accredtea by he Sviss Accroditaion Service (GAS)                                                           ion No: SCS 0108
  The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the signatoriesto he EA
  Mulltateral Agreement for the recognition of calloration certficates
  Cliont      CTTL—BJ (Auden)                                                          Certficate No: D1900V2—5d101_Jul17

   Object                            D1900V2 — SN:sd101

   Calibration procedure(s)         QA CAL—05.9
                                     Calibration procedure for dipole validation kits above 700 MHz

   Calbration date:                  July 26, 2017

   This caibratoncerficate documents the raceabilyto ntional standards,vich reaizethe hysical uns of measurements (S1.
   "The measurements and the uncertaintes wih confdence probabiity are given on the folowing pages and are part ofthe cortcale

   Allealbrations have beenconducted in the clased laboratay facity: envrorment temperatire (22 + 3)°C and humiity < 700.
   Callbrtion Equipment used (METE ertealfor calbation)
   Primary Standards                  n#                     Cal Date (Gortlcate No)                        Scheduled Caltation
   Pover meter NRP                    stt torre              ot—Apr—17 (Ne. 217—cosetiase0)                 Apeie
   Poer sensor NRP—231                Sh: rosacs             O—Ape17 (No arz—cesen                          Apere
   Power sensor NRP—z91               sit roms               o—Apet (No. 217—02522)                         Apere
   Referonce 20 dB Attonator          sh:sose (200           0—Apr—t7 (No.217.02520)                        Apere
   TypeN mismatch comninaton          SN:soar.a /osser       or—Apr—t7 (No. 2t7—02se9)                      Apers
   Raference Probe EXIDV4             snc ro                 3l—May—17 (No. EX3—7949. Mayt?)                Mayte
   paee                               sn eor                 28Mar—17 (No. DAEA—601_Mart?)                  Marie
   Secondary Standards                n«                     Check Date (n house)                           Scheduled Check
   Poar mater EPM—442N                SN: Gasramoros         0rOct18 (nhouse check Oct16)                   In house chacic Oct—18
   Power sensor HP 881A               sh: ussreszres         07—0st—15 (n house check Oct—16)               In house chack: Oct—18
   Poer sensor HP 881A                shmverocest7           07—0ct—15 in house check Oct—16)               In house chack: Oct—18
   AF generater NS SMT—08             sn: roowra             15—Jun—15 (n house check Oct10)                In house check: Oct18
   Natwork Analyzer HP 875E           sn ussrasoses          180001 (n house check Oct16)                   In house chack: Oct—17
                                      Name                               Functon                             Signature
   Calbrated by:                      JohannesKuridca                    Laboratoy Technican
   Approved by:                       Kata Porovie                       Techrical Manager
                                                                                                        kT  Issued: Juty 28, 2017
   "This caltrtion corticate shall not be reproduced exceptin fulwthout witen approvalo e aboratory

   Certficate No: D1900V2—50101_Jult7                            Page 1 or8

     r      Laboratory of                               \i\‘lé/          «. Sotwreizerischer Kallbrerdionst
Schmid & Partner                                       m                 c   Service sulsse détatonnage
  Engineering AG                                       7 3                   Serviclo sviezero di taratura
Zeughausstrasse 49, 8004 Zurich, Switzorand             y                5. swise Callpration Srvice

Accredted by he Sniss Accredtation Srvice (GAG)                           Accreditation No.: SCS 0108
The Suis Accreditation Sorviceis one of the signatoriesto the EA
Multiatoral Agroomant forthe recognition ofcallration corttatos
TSL                       tissue simulating liquid
ConvF                     sensitivity in TSL / NORM x,y,z
NA                        not applicable or not measured
Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
   a) IEEE Std 1528—2013, "IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial—
      Averaged Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless
      Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques", June 2013
   b) IEC 62208—1, "Measurement procedure for the assessment of Specific Absorption Rate
       (SAR) from hand—held and body—mounted devices used next to the ear (frequency range of
       300 MHz to 6 GHz)*, July 2016
   c) IEC 62209—2, "Procedure to determine the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for wireless
          communication devices used in close proximity to the human body (frequency range of 30
       MHz to 6 GHz)®, March 2010
    d) KDB 865664, "SAR Measurement Requirements for 100 MHz to 6 GHz"

Additional Documentation:
   e) DASY4/5 System Handbook

Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
   * Measurement Conditions: Further details are available from the Validation Report at the end
     of the certificate. All figures stated in the certificate are valid at the frequency indicated.
   * Antenna Parameters with TSL: The dipole is mounted with the spacer to position its feed
     point exactly below the center marking of the flat phantom section, with the arms oriented
     parallel to the body axis.
   * Feed Point Impedance and Return Loss: These parameters are measured with the dipole
     positioned under the liquid filed phantomn. The impedance stated is transformed from the
          measurement at the SMA connector to the feed point. The Return Loss ensures low
          reflected power. No uncertainty required.
     *    Electrical Delay: One—way delay between the SMA connector and the antennafeed point.
          No uncertainty required.
     *«   SAR measured: SAR measured at the stated antenna input power.
     *«   SAR normalized: SAR as measured, normalized to an input power of 1 W at the antenna
     +    SAR for nominal TSL parameters: The measured TSL parameters are used to calculate the
          nominal SAR result.
  The reported uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement
  multiplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage
  probability of approximately 95%.

Certficate No: D1900V2—5d101_Jult?                         Page 2 of 8

Measurement Conditions
   DASY system confiquration, as far as not gven on page 1.
     DASY Version                                          oasys                                 vse.100
     Extrapolation                                  Advanced Extrapolation
     Phantom                                         Modular Flat Phantom
     Distance Dipole Center — TSL                           10 mm                               with Spacer
     ZoomScan Resolution                               ds dy, dz =5 mm
     Frequency                                         1900 Mz 1 Mz

Head TSL parameters
   The following paramaters and calculations were applied.
                                                               Temporature      Permittivity         Conductivity
     Nominal Head TSL parameters                                 220 °C             400               1.40 mhoim
     Measured Head TSL parameters                              @20202)°0         40.7 20 %         1.39 mhoim £6 %
     Head TSL temperature change during test                     <osc                                     —
SAR result with Head TSL

     SAR averaged over 1 em" (1 g) of Head TSL               Gondition
     SAR measured                                       250 mW input power                 9.03 Whg
     SAR for nominal Head TSL paramsters                     normalized to 1W       40.0 Whkg £17.0 % (k=2)

     SAR averaged over 10 om* (10 g) of Head TSL                conditin
     SAR measured                                        250 mW input power                    5.23 Who
     SAR for nominal Head TL parameters                      normalized to 1W       21.0 Wikg £16.5 % (k=2)

Body TSL parameters
   The following parameters and calculations were applied.
                                                               Temperature      Permittivity         Conductivity
     Nominal Body TSLparameters                                  220°0              sas               1.52 mho/m
     Measured Body TSL parameters                              @2002)°C          541 26 %          1.50 mhoim 26 %
     Body TSL temperature change during test                     <o5°C               —

SAR result with Body TSL

     SAR averaged over 1 om°(1 g) of Body TSL                 Congition
     SAR measured                                        250 mW input power                 10.0 Wikg
     SAR for nominal Body TSL parameters                  normalized to 1W           40.5 Wikg = 17.0 % (k=2)

     SAR averaged over 10 om° (10 g) of Body TSL                 condition
     SAR measured                                        250 mW input power                    5.33 Who
     SAR for nominal Body TSL parameters                     normalized to 1W        21.5 Wikg 2 16.5 % (k—2)

Certficate No: D1900V2—5d101_Jult?                    Page 3 or8

Appendix (Additional assessments outside the scope of SCS 0108)
Antenna Parameters with Head TSL

      Impedance,transformedto feed point                                            s170+s.8 n
      Retur Loss                                                                      —215 08

Antenna Parameters with Body TSL

      Impedance,transformed to feed point                                           «s2n+6.6 0
      Return Loss                                                                     +220 08

General Antenna Parameters and Design

    [ Electroal Delay (one direction)                                                   1208 ns
Affer long term use with 100W radiated power, only a sight warming of the dipole nearthe feedpoint can be measured.

The dipole is made of standard semirigid coaxial cable. The center conductor of the feeding lne is directly connected to the
second arm ofthe dipole. The antenna is therefore shor:—cirouited for DC—signals. On some of the dipoles, small end caps
are added to the dipole arms in order to improve matching when loaded according to the posiion as explained in the
"Measurement Condiions‘ paragraph. The SAR date are not affected by this change. The overall dipole length is stl
according to the Standard.
No excessive force must be applied to the dipole arms, because they might bend orthe soldered connections near the
feedpoint may be damaged.

Additional EUT Data

      Manufactured by                                                                   SPEAG
      Manufactured on                                                               March 28, 2008

Certficate No: D1900V2—5d101_Jult?                       Page 4 of 8

DASY5 Validation Report for Head TSL

                                                                                   Date: 26.07.2017

Test Laboratory: SPEAG, Zurich, Switzerland

DUT: Dipole 1900 MHz; Type: D1900V2; Serial: D1900V2 — SN:5d101

Communication System: UID 0 — CW; Frequeney: 1900 MHz
Medium parameters used:         1900 MHz; a= 1.39 S/m; s = 40.7; p = 1000 kg/m?
Phantom section: Flat Section
Mcasurement Standard: DASY5 (IEEEAEC/ANST C63.19—2011)

DASY52 Configuration:

   *    Probe: EX3DV4 — SN7349; ConvF(8.43, 8.43, 8.43); Calibrated: 31.05.2017;

   *    Sensor—Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)

   *    Electronics: DAE4 Sn601; Calibrated: 28.03.2017

   *    Phantom: Flat Phantom 5.0 (front); Type: QD 000 P50 AA; Serial: 1001

   «_   DASY52 52.10.0(1446); SEMCAD X 14.6.10(7417)

Dipole Calibration for Head Tissue/Pin=250 mW, d=10mm/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0:
Measurement grid: dx=3mm, dy=3mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 106.3 V/m; Power Drift = —0.04 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 18.4 W/kg
SAR(L g) =9.93 W/kg; SAR(1O g)           5.23 W/ke
Maximumvalue of SAR (measured) = 14.9 W/ke






                  0 dB = 14.9 Wikg = 11.73 dBW/g

Certficate No: D1900V2—5d101_Jult?                   Page 5 of 8

Impedance Measurement Plot for Head TSL

                                                           as uur zesr cesszice
         xn sn       a ucrs          as sa.za7 a   somsn
                                                    183 sense on       1 see.000 c00 mtz






                   Stae 1 re0.000 eo0 iz                           stoe 2 Loc.c00 ooo mz

Certficate No: D1900V2—50101_Jult7                   Page 6 of8

DASY5 Validation Report for Body TSL

                                                                                Date: 26,07.2017

Test Laboratory: SPEAG, Zurich, Switzerland

DUT: Dipole 1900 MHz; Type: D1900V2; Serial: D1900V2 — SN:5d101

Communication System: UID 0 — CW; Frequency: 1900 MHz
Medium parameters used: £= 1900 MHz; 0=        S/m; & = 54.1; p = 1000 kg/m}
Phantom section: Flat Section
Measurement Standard: DASY5 (IEEETEC/ANSI C63.19—2011)

DASY52 Configuration:
   *   Probe: EX3DV4 — SN7349; ConvFR(8.2, 8.2, 8.2); Calibrated: 31.05.2017;
   *   Sensor—Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
   *   Electronics: DAEB4 $n601; Calibrated: 28.03.2017
   *   Phantom: Flat Phantom 5.0 (back); Type: QD 000 P50 AA; Serial: 1002
   *   DASY52 52.10.0(1446); SEMCAD X 14.6.10(7417)

Dipole Calibration for Body Tissue/Pin=250 mW, d=10mm/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0:
Measurementgrid: dx=5mm, dy=5mm, de=Smm
Reference Value = 101.8 V/m; Power Drift =—0.00 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 17.6 W/ke
SAR(L g) = 10 W/kg; SAR(1O g) =5.33 We
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 14.4 W/kg






                  0 dB = 14.4 W/kg= 11.58 dBW/kg

Certficate No: D1900V2—5d101_Jult?             Page 7 of 8

Impedance Measurement Plot for Body TSL

                                                       as uit cerr surasiee
         ERD s      i ucrs         manisen   essies seaarpi        1 sea.000 se miz
                                             e .





                  Sthe1 700.000 o00 hiz                        stoe 2 1o0.000 000 mz

Cortficate No: D19002—5d101_ult7                 Page 8 of 8

Calibration Laboratory of                                                                                  Sctnweizent          boriera
Schmid & Partner
          C                                                                                         8 Service suisse
  Engineering AG                                                                                           Sorvislo sviezero di taratura
Zeughausstrasse #3, 8004 Zurich, Suitzorland                  "Zaays
                                                               Wand                                 5. swise Callbration Service

Aceredted by the Sviss Accrediation Sorvice (GAS)                                                    Acereditation No: SCS 0108
The Siss Accreditation Service is one ofthe signatories tothe EA
Multlateral Agreement for the recognition of callbration certficates
Client      CTTI—BJ (Auden)                                                              Cortficate No: D2450V2—853_Jul17

 Object                             D2450V2 — SN:858

 Galbration procedure(s)            QA CAL—05.9
                                    Calibration procedure for dipole validation kits above700 MHz

 Caltbration date:                  July 21, 2017

 "This calbratin certicate documents the taceabiityto natlonal standards, which reatze the physical untsof measurements (S0.
 The measurements and the uncertaintes wih condence probabity are gven on the folowing pages and are part ohe centfeate
 Allcalbrations have beon conducted in he clased nboratory faity. environment temporalure(22 + 3)°Cand humidtty < 70%.
 Calbration Eqviement used (MBTE ertialfor caltation)
 Primary Standards                   «                        Cal Date (Cortfcate No)                           Scheduled Caltration
 Power meter NRP                     SN: roerre               o+Apet? (No. a17—casetas20)                       Apcie
 Power sensor NRP—291                sh: tosacs               o+Apet7 (No. 217.00520                            Apere
 Power sensor NRP—231                SN: rosms                O—Apet (No. 217—0820)                             Apere
 Reference 20 48 Attnator            sh:sose (20)             0r—Ape—47 (No. 217—0e520)                         Apers
 Type—N nismatch combiation          N: 5047270027            Or—Apet7 (No. 217.02820)                          Apere
 Raference Probe ESVA                scz                      3tMay—17 (No. EXG—7300_Mayt7)                     May1s
 oaee                                sc eor                   26Mar—17 (No. DAE+601_Mart?)                      Maris
 Secondary Standards                 na                       Check Date (n house)                              Seheduled Check
 Powar mater EPM—442K                SNt GBor48070¢           0r0c15 in housecheck Oct1)                        in house chedOct18
 Power sensor HP 8401A               SN: Usareeeres           070ct16 (nhousecheck Oct18)                       in house check: Oct18
 Powar sensor HP 881A                Sh: Mvetogeat?           070ct18 (n housecheck Oct—18)                     in house checkc Oct18
 AF generaternsSMT—0                 sh: rooor2               15—Jun—15 (n house check Oct16)                   in house check: Oct18
 Natwork AnalyzorHP 8753E            sh: ussrasoses           18—0c.01 (house check Oct—10)                     In house chackc Oct17
                                     Name                                 Furcton                                Sgnatre
 Caltrated by:                       Mechaet Wabar                        Laboretoy Technican

 Approved by:                        Katie Pokovie                        ‘echnical Manager                M

                                                                                                                Issuedt Juty24, 2017
 "This calbration certicate shalnot be reproduced axcept in ful wthout writen approval of the Iaboratoy.

Cortficate No: D240V2—859.Jult?                                  Page 1 of8

     a      Laboratory of                                                  g. Sctweizerischer Kalibrerdionst
Schm[d & Earlner                                                           q   Service suisse d‘étaionnage
  Engineering AG                                                               Servislo sviszoro i tarature
Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland                               §   Swiss Callbration Service

Accredtad by the Siss Accreditaton Service (SAS)                            Accrediation No.: SCS 0108
The Swiss Accredifation Service is one ofthe signatorias tothe EA
Muitlatoral Agreoment for the recognition of callration carticaten
TSL                        tissue simulating liquid
ConvF                      sensitivity in TSL / NORM xy,z
NA                         not applicable or not measured

Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
   a) IEEE Std 1528—2013, "EEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial—
      Averaged Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless
      Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques", June 2013
   b) IEC 62209—1, "Measurement procedure for the assessment of Specific Absorption Rate
       (SAR) from hand—held and body—mounted devices used next to the ear (frequency range of
      800 MHz to 6 GHz)®, July 2016
   c) IEC 62209—2, "Procedure to determinethe Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for wireless
      communication devices used in close proximity to the human body (frequency range of 30
       MHz to 6 GHz)*, March 2010
   d) KDB 865664, "SAR Measurement Requirements for 100 MHz to 6 GHz"

Additional Documentation:
   e) DASY4/5 System Handbook

Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
  * Measurement Conditions: Further details are available from the Validation Report at the end
     of the certificate. All figures stated in the certificate are valid at the frequency indicated.
   * Antenna Parameters with TSL: The cipole is mounted with the spacer to position its feed
     point exactly below the center marking of the flat phantom section, with the arms oriented
     parallel to the body axis.
   * Feed Point Impedance and Return Loss: These parameters are measured with the dipole
     positioned under the liquid filled phantom. The impedance stated is transformed from the
     measurement at the SMA connector to the feed point. The Return Loss ensures low
     reflected power. No uncertainty required.
   * Electrical Delay: One—way delay between the SMA connector and the antenna feed point.
         No uncertainty required.
     *   SAR measured: SAR measured at the stated antenna input power.
     *   SAR normalized: SAR as measured, normalized to an input power of 1 W at the antenna
     *   SAR for nominal TSL parameters: The measured TSL parameters are used to calculate the
         nominal SAR result.
  The reported uncertainty of measurementis stated as thestandard uncertainty of measurement
  multiplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normaldistribution corresponds to a coverage
  probability of approximately 95%.

Cortficate No: D2450V2—853_Jult?                             Page 2 0f 8

Measurement Conditions
   DASY system contiquration, as far as not given on page 1.
    DASY Version                                             Dasvs                              vse.100
    Extrapolation                                    Advanced Extrapolation
    Phantom                                           Modular Fiat Phanton
    Distance Dipolo Center— TSL                              10 mm                             wih Spacer
    Zoom Scan Resolution                                u. dy, dz =5 mm
    Frequency                                          2450 MHza 1 Mz

Head TSL parameters
   The following paramaters and calculations were agplied.
                                                              Temperature       Permittivity        Conductivity
     Nominal Head TSL parameters                                220°C               soe              1.80 mhoim
     Measured Head TSL parameters                             @2002)°C           $re20%           1.87 mhoim 6 %
     Head TSL temperature change during test                    <a5°C                ~«                  «l
SAR result with Head TSL

     SAR averaged over 1 om(1 g) of Head TSL                  Condition
     SAR measured                                        250 mW input power                194 who
     SAR for nominal Head TSL parameters                  normalized to 1W          52.2 Whka 2 17.0 % (k=2)

     SAR averaged over 10 em* (10 g) of Head TSL              condition
     SAR measured                                        250 mW input power                628 Whog
     SAR for nominal Head TSL parameters                  normalized to 1W          24.7 Whkg 216.5 % (ke2)

Body TSL parameters
   The following parameters and calculations were apolied.
                                                               Temporature      Permittivity        Conductivity
     Nominal Body TSL parameters                                  220°C             ser              1.95 mhoim
     Measured Body TSL parameters                              @2o02)°C          52.1 £6%         204 mhoima6%
     Body TSL temperature change during test                     <as°c               —
SAR result with Body TSL

     SAR averaged over 1 om" (1 g) of Body TSL                  Condition
     SAR measured                                        250 mW input power                    12.9 Wig
     SAR for nominal Body TSL parameters                     normalized to 1W        50.4 Whkg 2 17.0 % (k=2)
     SAR averaged over 10 om* (10 g) of Body TSL              condition
     SAR measured                                        250 mW input power                 6.03 Whg
     SAR for nominal Body TSL parametors                  normalized to 1W           20.0 Whkg 2 16.5 % (k=2)

Cortficate No: D2450V2—853_Jult?                      Page 8 of 8


Appendix (Additional assessments outside the scope of SCS 0108)

Antenna Parameters with Head TSL

      Impedance, transformed to feed point                                           s20n+s0jn
      Retum Loss                                                                       —25.6 08

Antenna Parameters with Body TSL

      Impedance, transformed to feed point                                           s060+83in
      Retum Loss                                                                       —24.0 0B

General Antenna Parameters and Design

    [ Electrical Delay (one cirection)                                                  1.161 ns                        _]
After long term use with 100W radiated power, only a sight warming ofthe dipole near the feedpoint can be measured.

The dipole is made of standard sermiigid coaxial cable. The center conductor of the feeding line is directly connected to the
second arm of the dipole. The antenna is therefore short—ciroulted for DC—signals. On some of the dipoles, small end caps
are added to the dipole arms in order to improve matching when loaded according to the positon as explained in the
‘Measurement Condiions* paragraph, The SAR data are not affected by this change. The overall dipole length is stll
according to the Standard.
No excassive foroe must be applied to the dipole arms, because they might bend orthe soldered connections near the
feedpoint may be damaged.

Additional EUT Data

      Manufactured by                                                                   sreas
      Manulactured on                                                              November 10, 2009

Cortficate No: D2450V2—8050_.Jut7                         Page 4 of8

DASY5 Validation Report for Head TSL

Test Laboratory: SPEAG, Zurich, Switzerland

DUT: Dipole 2450 MHz; Type: D2450V2; Serial: D2450V2 — SN: 853
                                                                                    Date: 20.07.2017

Communication System: UID 0 CW; Frequeney: 2450 Mz
Medium parameters used:      {= 2450 MHz; a = 1.87 $/m; c =    .8; p = 1000 kg/m‘
Phantom section: Flat Section
Measurement Standard: DASY5 (IEEE/AEC/ANST C63.19—2011)

DASY532 Configuration:

   *   Probe: EX3DV4 — SN7349; ConvR(8.12, 8.12, 8.12); Calibrated: 31.05.2017;

   *   Sensor—Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)

   *   Electronics: DAE4 $n601; Calibrated: 28.03.2017

   +   Phantom: Flat Phantom 5.0 (front); Type: QD 000 P50 AA; Serial: 1001

   +   DASY52 52.10.0(1446); SEMCAD X 14.6.10(7417)

Dipole Calibration for Head Tissue/Pin=250 mW, d=10mm/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0:
Measurementgrid: dx=Smm, dy=Smm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 112.7 V/m; Power Drift =—0.00 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 27.0 W/ke
SAR(L g) = 134 W/ke; SAR(1O g) = 6.
Maximum value of SAR (measured)





                  0 dB =21.5 W/kg = 13.32 dBW/g

Cortficate No: D2450V2—853_Jult?                 Page 5 of 8

Impedance Measurement Plot for Head TSL

                                                       zo an 2er rurseras
                     i u rs          ansusesa 42
                                              a357ou comon       2 450.000 ce0 iz



                   Stakt 2 250.000 000 his                    Stoe 2 ssa.con on mz

Cortficate No: D2450V2—853Jult?                 Page 6 of 8

DASY5 Validation Report for Body TSL

                                                                                Date: 21.07.2017

Test Laboratory: SPEAG, Zurich, Switzerland

DUT: Dipole 2450 MHz; Type: D2450V2; Serial: D2450V2 — SN: 853
Communication System: UID 0 — CW; Frequency: 2450 MHz
Medium parameters used: f = 2450 MHz; & = 2.04 $/m; s = 52.1; p = 1000 ke/m‘
Phantom section: Flat Section
Measurement Standard: DASY5 (IEEE/TEC/ANSI C63.19—2011)

DASY52 Configuration:

   *    Probe: EX3DV4 — SN7349; ConvF(8.1, 8.1, 8.1); Calibrated: 31.05.2017;

   *    Sensor—Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)

   *    Electronies: DAE4 $n601; Calibrated: 28.03.2017

   *    Phantom: Flat Phantom 5.0 (back); Type: QD 000 PSO AA; Scrial: 1002

   «_   DASY52 52.10.0(1446); SEMCAD X 14.6.10(7417)

Dipole Calibration for Body Tissue/Pin=250 mW, d=10mm/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0:
Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=5mm, dz
Reference Value = 104.1 V/m; Power Drift
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 25.5 Wikg
SAR( g) = 12.9 W/ke; SAR(1O g) = 6.03 We
Maximum value of SAR (measured)


                   0 dB =20.0 W/kg= 13.01 dBW/g

Cortficate No: D2450V2—859..Jult?               Page 7 of 8

7TL                                                                           F

 Impedance Measurement Plot for Body TSL

                                                       a on mour rerazise
          ERD sn     a uce          mametse 224L
                                             coessa comee i      2 450.000 000 Mc




                   Start 2 25a.000 a00 iz                     stoe 2 ssa.0c0 non mz

 Cortficate No: D24502.853_Jult?                Page 8 of 8

     4      Laboratory of                                  «0n
                                                           sS7h.                     o                      tear
                                                                                                      Schweizerischer Kalloriordionst
Schmid & Partner                                          s‘                    /(   m         g Service sulsse «tétalonnage
  Engineering AG                                          %                                      Serviclo sviszoro ditaratura
Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Suitzeriand              ?,,h{r:\}\,.?                  I/    $ siee CattrationService

Aceredited by the Sniss Accredition Sorvice (GAS)                                               Accreditation No.: SCS 0108
The Siss Accreditation Serviceis one of the signatoriesto the EA
Multtatoral Agreomant for the recognition of caliration certficatos
Client      CTTL—BJ (Auden)                                                          Certicate No: D2600V2—1012_Jul17

 Object                           D2600V2 — SN:1012

 Calbration procedure(s)          QA CAL—O5.v9
                                  Calibration procedure for dipole validation kits above 700 MHz

 Galbration date:                 July 21, 2017

 "This caibraton cerficate documents theraceabity to nationalstandards, which reaize the physical uit of meusuremonts (S).
 ‘The measurements and the uncetainieswi confidence probasity are gven on th folowing pages and are part o hecerticate.

 Allealbrations have beon conducted in the closed laboratery facity: anvronmont temperature (2+ 3and humly « 70%.
 Calbration Equipment used (MBTE ertealt callratlon)
 Primary Standards                 n«                      Cal Date (Gortfcate No)                         Schoduled Caltration
 Power mater NBP                   SN: torre               orApet7 (No. 217—005e1/02502)                   Apere
 Power sensor NRP—291              Sh: tosaes              otApet7 (No. 2rr—oeser)                         Apers
 Povr sensor NRP—231               sz toms                 o+pet7 (No. 2tr—00s00)                          Apers
 Reference 20 0B Atlrater          sh: sose (204)          orapecr (no. 2tr—00500)                         Apers
 Type—N mismatch combination       SN:50472/06027          OApe17 (No. 217—02809)                          Apere
 Reference Probe EXIDVs            sc rsw                  3+—My—17 (No. Ex3—7349_Mayt?)                   May1o
 oaee                              sn oor                  26Mart7 (No. DAE4—601_Mart7)                    Mario
 Secondary Standards                e                      Check Date in house)                            Scheduled Check
 Power mater EPM—442A               sc Gesrgor0¢           0r—Ost1$ (nhouse check Oct16)                   in house checic Oct—18
 Power sensor HP 881A               SN: Usarzoares         07—0ct1$ (nhousecheckOct10)                     in house chackc Oct—18
 Power sensor HP 8481A              s marogsat?            0r—Ostt$ (nhousecheck Oct16)                    in house chackc Oct—18
 AF generator nsS Si—0s             sht tooore             15Jun—15 (h house check Oct16)                  In house chacke Oct—18
 Network Analyzer HP 875E           SN: Ussr00se5          160ct01 (nhousecheckOct16)                      in house chackc Oct—17
                                    Name                              Functon                              Signpture
 Caltratod by:                     Michael Weber                      Laboratoy Technican                  m_

 Approved by                       Katia Pokovie                      Technical Manager           /Z/%%

                                                                                                          tssued: Jay 24, 2017
 "Thiscatbrationcerticate shal not be reproduced axeaptinful vihout witen approval ofthe laboreloy:

Cortficate No: D2600V2—1012.Jut7                              Page 1 of 8

Calibration Laboratory of                                                              scher Kallbrirdionst
Schmid & Partner                                                                           détalonnage
  Engineering AG                                                              itlo   svizzoro dltaratura
Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland                          S suiss Galtoration Service

Aceredted by the Swiss Accredtation Service (SAS)                      Accreditation No.: SCS 0108
Te Swiss Accredifation Service is one ofthe signatorias tothe EA
Multlatoral Agreementfor the recognitin ofcallration cartientes
TSL                       tissue simulating liquid
ConvF                     sensitivity in TSL / NORM xy,z
NA                          not applicable or not measured

Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
    a) IEEE Std 1528—2013, "IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial—
        Averaged Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless
        Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques", June 2013
    b)_ IEC 62209—1, "Measurement procedure for the assessment of Specific Absorption Rate
        (SAR) from hand—held and body—mounted devices used next to the ear (frequency range of
         300 MHz to 6 GHz)®, July 2016
    c) IEC 62209—2, "Procedure to determine the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for wireless
       communication devices used in close proximity to the human body (frequency range of 30
       MHz to 6 GHz)*, March 2010
    d) KDB 865664, "SAR Measurement Requirements for 100 MHz to 6 GHz"

Additional Documentation:
   e) DASY4/5 System Handbook

Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
  * Measurement Conditions: Further details are available from the Validation Report at the end
     of the certificate. All figuresstated in the certificate arevalid at the frequency indlicated.
  * Antenna Parameters with TSL: The dipole is mounted with the spacer to position its feed
     point exactly below the center marking of the flat phantom section, with the arms oriented
     parallel to the body axis.
   * Feed Point Impedance and Return Loss: These parameters are measured with the dipole
     positioned underthe liquid filled phantom. The impedance stated is transformed from the
     measurementat the SMA connectorto thefeed point. The Return Loss ensures low
     reflected power. No uncertainty required.
   * Electrical Delay: One—way delay between the SMA connector and the antenna feed point.
         No uncertainty required.
    *    SAR measured: SAR measured at the stated antennainput power.
    *    SAR normalized: SAR as measured, normalized to an input power of 1 W at the antenna
    «_   SAR for nominal TSL parameters: The measured TSL parameters are used to calculate the
         nominal SAR result.
  The reported uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement
  multiplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage
  probability of approximately 95% .

Certficate No: D2800V2—1012_u7                          Page 2 of 8

Measurement Conditions
   DASY system confiquration, as far as not given on page1.
    DASY Version                                            pasys                                vse.100
    Extrapolation                                    Advanced Extrapolation
    Phantom                                           Modular Flat Phantom
    Distance Dipole Center — TSL                             10 mm                             with Spacer
     Zoom Sean Recslution                              ds dy, de =8 mm
     Frequency                                         2600 MHz « 1 MHz

Head TSL parameters
   The followingparamaters and calculations were applied.
                                                              Temperature       Pormittivity        Conduetivity
     Nominal Head TSL parameters                                220°C               s0.0             1.98 mhoim
     Measured Head TSL parameters                             r2002)°C           37226 %          204 mhoim=6%
     Head TSL temperature change during test                    <a5°C                ~                   ——
SAR result with Head TSL
     SAR averaged over 1 em® (1 g) of Head TSL                  Condition
     SAR measured                                       250 mW input power                 14.9 who
     SAR for nominal Head TSL parameters                 normalized to TW           57.0 Wikg £17.0 % (k=2)

     SAR averaged over 10 om(10 g) of Head TSL                  conditin
     SAR measured                                       250 mW input power                 657 Who
     SAR for nominal Head TSL parameters                 normalized to 1W           25.8 Wikg 2 16.5 % (k=2)

Body TSL parameters
   The following parameters and calculations were apolied.
                                                               Temperature      Permittivity         Conductivity
     Nominal Body TSL parameters                                  220°C             sas               2.16 mhoim
     Measured Body TSL parameters                              @g2002)°C         51626%            222 mhoim6%
     Body TSL temperature change during test                     <a5°c               ~—
SAR result with Body TSL

     SAR averaged over 1 em‘ (1 g) of Body TSL                  Condition
     SAR measured                                        250 mW input power                    14.1 Whq
     SAR for nominal Body TSL parametors                     normalized to 1W        55.5 Wikg =17.0 % (k=2)

     SAR averaged over 10 om* (10 g) of Body TSL              condition
     SAR measured                                        250 mW input power                 825 Whg
     SAR for nominal Body TSL parametars                  normalized to 1W           24.8 Whkg 2 16.5 % (k—2)

Cortficate No: D2600V2—1012_Jut7                      Page 3 of 8

Document Created: 2018-03-06 16:45:29
Document Modified: 2018-03-06 16:45:29

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