Simulation Test Report


RF Exposure Info

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LG Electronics Model : LM-V450VM

Power Density Simulation and
Measurement Report
May 2019

Rev. 1.3

                              Table of Contents

1. Purpose                                                           2

2. Brief Description of the Device                                   2

2.1 DUT Description                                                  2

3. Background                                                        3

4. Operation                                                         3

4.1 Block Diagram                                                    3

4.2 5G NSA EN-DC Operation                                           4

4.3 TX Duty Cycle in TDD System                                      4

4.4 Beamforming                                                      5

4.5 Qualcomm Smart Transmit Algorithm                                6

5. Simulation and Measurement Approach for MPE                       7

5.1 General Approach                                                 7

5.2 Finding Worst-case Near-Field Results                            7

5.3 Simulation Tool                                                  8

5.4 Description of 3D models used                                    8

5.5 Transmitter model implementation and verification                9

5.6 Test device positioning                                          9

5.7 Steady state termination procedures                             10

5.8 Computing average power density                                 11

5.9 Power density in 4 cm2 averaging area                           11

5.10 Test results for determining worst case or justification for
     reduced measurement configurations

6. Comparison of simulated and measurement results                  13

7. Uncertainty                                                      31

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    1. Purpose

This document provides an overview of the methodology used by LGE and its test partner to
characterize MPE compliance of the 5G mm-Wave mobile device model LM-V450VM. At a high
level, the discussion is grouped into the following topics:

        Brief review of the device configuration and operation, as the pertain to MPE

        Explanation of the approach to demonstrate MPE compliance in a mobile device, using
         simulation and measurement

        Detailed description of the simulation methodology and results, as applicable to the MPE

2. Brief Description of the Device

2.1 DUT Description

LM-V450VM contains 4G and 5G radio transceivers, capable of functioning in EN-DC mode. It also
have WiFi/BT transceiver function. Transmissions are coordinated both 4G and 5G transmitting
simultaneously, and/or WiFi/BT are transmitting simultaneously with cellular radios.

The Array Modules labeled Left, Right are the two 5G mm-Wave antenna array modules on the
device. For the LTE antennas, the abbreviations in the figures correspond to the bands as follows:

          Low Band : B13, B5

          Mid Band : B2, B4, B66

          High Band : B48

Each of the two 5G mm-wave array modules are an identical part containing a 1x4 element array
of dual-polarization patch antennas. Only one antenna array module is in use by the modem at
any one time, i.e. the modem selects one array module at any one time for both transmission and
reception operation. Within an array each of the two linear polarizations of the patch antennas is
excited by one of the MIMO paths of the modem. Hence during MIMO operation, two
independently controlled beams are formed and pointed by the modem, one in each polarization,
one in each polarization. Generally, a module can form beams that illuminate a partial hemisphere
oriented in the broadside direction orthogonal to the face of the module. Two mm-wave array

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module are arranged at Left and right and are located top of mid along the two edge of the
device. They are illustrated more clearly in a perspective view in Figure 2.1 in the appendix A in
Main Operational description.

* Figure 2.1: Two mm-wave array module location on the device

3. Background

This section discusses device operation as it relates to MPE compliance measurement and

3.1. Summary of FDTD or other numerical modeling algorithm implementation and validation

3.2. Addressing absorbing boundary conditions, source excitation methods, certain standard
algorithms for handling thin metallic wires, sheets or dielectric materials, etc…

3.3. Description of the procedures used to validate the basic computing algorithms described and
analysis of the computing accuracy based on these algorithms for the particular evaluation

The solver is based on the frequency-domain Finite Element Method (FEM).            Unstructured
tetrahedral mesh is used for 3D CAD model discretization.      Simulation is performed at certain
frequencies or in a frequency range with the Fast Frequency Sweep algorithm for asymptotical
evaluation of broadband quantities (Scattering parameters, Far-Field & Near-Field values).
Dielectric objects are defined through 3D shape, relative permittivity, relative permeability, loss
tangent and bulk conductivity. Metals are defined through 3D shape (including solid objects and
zero-thickness sheets/coatings) and conductivity which is taken into account in simulation by
calculating surface impedance (to introduce additional losses on copper and other metal parts).
Sources are defined though Lumped Ports with user-defined impedance.          Simulation model is
enclosed by an Air Box with Absorbing Boundary Conditions on all boundaries of the box.

4. Operation

4.1. Block diagram

Regarding Figure 4.1, please refer to Appendix A in the Main Operational description.

* Figure 4.1 RF/IF Block diagram of the device

This figure 4.1 shows the RF/IF block diagram of the device. The 4G modem and transceiver
connect directly to the 4G antennas at their respective RF frequencies. The 5G modem is

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connected to each of the two mm-wave antenna array modules via two IF lines, one for each of
the two MIMO layers of operation. mm-wave antenna array module contains IF RFIC. So each
antenna array module contains up/down conversion and signal-conditioning circuitry to convert
the IF signal to/from the RF(mm-wave) signal transmitted/received by the antenna array, as well as
the phase-shifting means whereby the complex weights assigned by the modem to form a
desired beam are applied to the ports of each element of the array. Further detail of the mm-
wave antenna array modules are given in the accompanying long-term-confidential document
APPLICATION NOTE.” Each IF line (MIMO layer_ is associated with one polarization of a 1x4 array
of patch antennas in the module. The modem selects one of the two mm-wave antenna array
modules for operation at any point in time. In other words, only one module is active for transmit
and receive at any point in time. Since 5G mm-wave is a TDD system, the T/R switching means for
each module is also included within the module, and under control of the modem.

4.2. 5G NSA EN-DC Operation

The LM-V450VM supports 5G NSA EN-DC operation under the 3GPP standard. This means that
the device contains LTE and 5G mm-wave transceivers. The transceivers necessarily operate
simultaneously, according to the standard, whenever 5G mm-wave is active. Hence sub-6 GHz SAR
exposure and mm-wave power density exposure must be considered together when assessing
aggregate MPE compliance. WiFi/BT is also consider as exposure because they are supported with
5G NSA EN-DC operation. To the extent possible with the respective measurement systems, mm-
wave power density is measured on the same exposure planes as are used for SAR, as appropriate
to a mobile device, to enable this aggregate assessment. This document focuses on the mm-wave
portion of the assessment only, while the sub-6 GHz and aggregate exposure are treated in a
separate document.

4.3. TX Duty Cycle in TDD System

5G in the mm-wave bands supported by this device is a Time-Division-Duplex system. Under the
standard, there is no fixed limitation on uplink/downlink ratio for this system. Although it is
understood that initial network deployments may limit the uplink/downlink ratio to some value, it
cannot be guaranteed, under the standard which this device must support, for all future network
deployments in the lifetime of the device. For this reason in order to capture worst-case power

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density conditions, an uplink duty cycle of 100% is assumed for all simulations and measurements.

4.4. Beamforming

The 5G mm-wave system employs electronic beamforming in the user equipment. Each mm-wave
antenna array module contains a 1x4 array of dual-polarizations of the array. For each polarization
(MIMO layer), the modem directs the antenna module to apply a specific set of complex weight
to the signal copies applied to each of the four antenna element input ports, in order to form the
desired antenna beam.

Although a large number of independent phase profiles, and hence antenna beams, is
hypothetically possible in each polarization of each module, in practice in this device the modem
limits the number of independently selectable beams to a small number. Within a module, each
polarization supports only 15 distinct beams from which the modem can select; furthermore,
beams are paired between polarizations, i.e., beams cannot be selected independently between
polarizations. These beams and beam-pairs are defined at design-time for the device. The net
result is that each module supports 15 predefined beam-pairs, from which the modem selects one
beam-pair for operation at any instant in time. Additionally, the modem can only select one of the
device’s two modules for use at any instant in time. Hence, considering 2 modules with 15 beam
pairs defined for each, 30 beam pairs form the basis. Although two modules can support 30
paired beams, 60 single beams was considered as simulation and measurement for searching the
worst case.

Each polarization of the array, i.e. each MIMO layer, is also referred to as an “antenna group.” An
antenna group is comprised of one feed on each of the four patch antennas, all four of which
excite the same polarization of radiation. Hence, the antenna group AG0 is formed of the four
excitations (feeds), one on each patch element, that excite the linear polarization parallel to the
long axis of the antenna module (when observed in the broadside direction); these are the four
antenna feed ports labeled as “H1, H2, H3, and H4” in the Operational Description. Similarly, the
antenna group AG1 is formed of the four excitations (feeds), one on each patch element, that
excite the linear polarization orthogonal to the long axis of the antenna module (when observed
in the broadside direction); these are the four antenna feed ports labeled as “V1, V2, V3, and V4”
in the Operational Description. A beam pair consists of one beam formed in the AG0 antenna
group and one beam formed in the AG1 antenna group.

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A module is capable of steering beams (or beam pairs) in the hemisphere that is in the broadside
direction to that module. (The broadside direction is the direction orthogonal to the front surface
of the module and pointing away.) Very roughly, the portion of space that can be illuminated by a
module consists of a cone centered on the module’s broadside direction, with a total angular
spread of about 90 degrees, (that is, +/-45 degrees from the boresight direction) in the plane
parallel to the module’s short axis. Hence, each module can illuminate a portion of the spherical
space around the device.

The codebook defined at design time contains a code-word for each beam in the defined set of
beam pairs, which is the list of magnitude and phase weights applied to each antenna group’s
four feeds to cause the desired beam to be formed. The normalized amplitude weights
(normalized to the maximum per-port maximum power for the modulation/transmission mode in
operation) can range from 0 to 1, while the phase weights can range from 0 to 360 degrees (i.e.,
any phase value as needed).

For purposes of assessing worst-case power density, total 60 single beams of two modules were
evaluated via simulation tool. The EIRP and peak phase for 60 single beams were measured
before simulation and the results were used in the simulation to reflect the actual characteristics
of the single beams into the simulation. This is a way to reduce delta between PD simulation and
measurement. However, exposure by un-allowed power density should be considered to avoid in
any case. Qualcomm smart transmit, which is the transmission control mechanism, the power
density can be reduced to meet the compliance assessment.

4.5. Qualcomm Smart Transmit Algorithm

FCC power density limit is defined based on time average RF exposure. Qualcomm Smart Transmit
algorithm developed by Qualcomm, when running in a wireless device, will ensure the wireless
device is in compliance with FCC limit of power density averaged over a defined time window, at
all times. For a given wireless device, power density is proportional to the transmitting power, in
other words, once the power density of the wireless device is characterized at a transmit power
level via power density measurement, power density at a different power level for the
characterized configuration(s) can be scaled by the change in the corresponding power level.
Therefore, for a characterized device, power density compliance can be achieved through transmit
power control and management.

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5. Simulation and Measurement Approach for MPE
5.1. General Approach
The concapt of beamforming adds an addiional dimension to the test matri, effectively
increasing the number of the exposure test cases to be chacked, by a factor equal to the number
of beams that the device can form. This makes it impractial to measure every beam in every
measurement plane. Because the mm—wave power dansity measurement is time—consurning per
beam and measurement plane, it is necessary to identify a—prion the worst—case beams for each
measurement condition (@lang) via simulation, so that these beams can then be measured to
characterize the worst—case powar density ofthe device.
s2.      ing Worst—case Neat—Field Results
The simulation results are considered across bath domain of beam confiquration and ghysical
location. At each xy—z location on each of reduced measurement planes, the simulated PD for
each ful—power beam from each of the four modules is assessed. As described previously, this
means that the warst beam from each module is found in the measurement planes around the
device, for every $1/52/53/54/S5 position in figure 5.2 The worst case of allofthese PD resultsin
a measurement plane is then identified, and that module and beam configuration is selected for
the measurement of D on the measurement plane in question. This process thus constitutes an
ehaustive direct search across both location and beam configuration domains.



 «Figure 5.2 Device surface defintion: reference QMC doc/SAR Char and PD Char Generation) >


5.3. Simulation Tool

5.3.1. Tool Description

For the mm-wave power density simulations, LG used the tool is developed only for internal use
to be optimized for LG development system. The principle of the tool is totally same with any
commercial EM simulation tool based on Finite Element Method (FEM), which operate in the
frequency domain.

Antenna array simulation method: each port of the array is switched on one by one during the
simulation process, while all other ports act as 50 Ohm loads. This allows calculation of any near-
or far- field quantity from the array as a superposition of fields calculated from all ports
independently with respect to each port’s power and phase offset. To ensure high simulation
accuracy, Finite Element mesh is refined near the antenna and feeding elements. After the
simulation is finished, any Near Field (E-field, Power) or Far Field (Radiation Pattern) can be
calculated from the given magnitudes and phases on ports (2 ports per each antenna element in
an array to analyze V and H polarization).

5.3.2. Solver Description

The Solver employs the Finite Element Method, which operates in the frequency domain.

5.3.3. Convergence criteria and power density calculations

The Tool uses a volume air box containing the simulated area to calculate the EM fields. The box
is truncated by an Absorbing Boundary Condition.      Generally, important area such as antenna
itself does mesh very finely. An example of a fully refined mesh through one cross-section of the
device is shown in the Figure 5.1 in the Appendix in the Main Operational description.

* Figure 5.1 Tool Mesh in a model of the device

5.4. Description of 3D models used

The simulation modeling includes most of the entire structure of device itself such as PCB, metal
frame, battery, cables, and legacy antennas as well as mmWave antenna modules.

For product External design, please refer to the Figure 5.3 in the Appendix in Main Operational

* Figure 5.3 External design of the device
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5.5 Transmitter model implementation and verification

5.5.1 Description of the essential features that must be modeled correctly for the particular test
device model to be valid

Most of the entire structure of device itself such as PCB, metal frame, battery, cables, and legacy
antennas as well as mmWave antenna modules.

For product Internal design, please refer to the Figure 5.4 in the Appendix in Main Operational

* Figure 5.4 Internal design of the device

5.5.2 Descriptions and illustrations showing the correspondence between the modeled test device
and the actual device, with respect to shape, size, dimensions and near-field radiating

For product External design and antenna information, please refer to the Figure 5.5 in the
Appendix in Main Operational description.

* Figure 5.5 External design and Antenna information

5.5.3 Verify that the test device model is equivalent to the actual device for predicting the power
density distributions

Please refer to 6. Comparison of simulated and measurement results

5.5.4 Verify the power density distribution for high, middle and low channels

Please refer to the 6. Comparison of simulated and measurement results

5.6 Test device positioning

5.6.1 a description of the device test positions used

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562 Hlustrations showing the separation ditances between the test device and measurement
There are 6 surfaces for 20 simulation and will be postioned based on distance in setting
parameters. After measuring the 2D in each PD surfaces, then integrate with 4 crm"
5.7 Steady state termination procedures
5.7.. Description o the crteria and procedures used to determine sinusoidal or equivalent steady
state conditions have been reached throughout the computationaldomain for terminating the
Tool doesnt provide ths aiteria.Instend, toolgives a high density of mesh for module
To ensure high simulation accuracy, Finte Element mesh is refined near the antenna and feeding
5.7.2 Reporting the number of time staps or snusoidal orces executed to reach steady state
Tool doesnt provide ths arteri Instend, toolgives a high densty of mesh for module
To ensure high simulation accuracy, Finte Element mesh is refined near the antenna and feeding
57.3 Description ofthe expected error margin provided by the termination procedures
                                                                                            107 a1

Tool doesn’t provide this criteria. Instead, tool gives a high density of mesh for module.

To ensure high simulation accuracy, Finite Element mesh is refined near the antenna and feeding

5.8 Computing average power density

5.8.1 Description of the procedures used to compute power density

 Simulate EM, then do post processing (extract of Vector data (E / H field), PD calculation)

 Please refer to 5.9 power density in 4 cm2 averaging area

5.8.2 Description of the expected error margin provided by algorithms used

  Please refer to 5.9 power density in 4 cm2 averaging areas

5.9 Power density in 4 cm2 averaging area

5.9.1. Description of the procedures used to search for the highest power density in 4 cm2
averaging area among all evaluation planes and amongst all transmitter configurations

5.9.2. Description of the expected error margin provided by algorithms used

       PD calculation algorithm (for 5.9.1 / 5.9.2)
         a.    PD post-processing sensors are defined as rectangular planes located at a User-
               defined distance from the DUT (mobile phone).
         b. For each PD sensor, User defines PD calculation resolution (it was discovered, that
               resolution of 1mm gives good PD calculation accuracy (further step decreasing does
               not change the result).
         c.    For a given port data set {amplitude, phase} that correspond to a selected beam, PD
               is calculated as Pointing vector density at the PD sensor plane.
         d. After calculating PD at each point of the sensor plane an additional “peak averaged
               value” searching algorithm is applied:
            i. User defines the averaging square size (ex., 4 cm2 ).
            ii. At each point PD is averaged over the given square area, the averaging square
               center is located in the point under consideration.
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         iii. Peak averaged PD is chosen as a resulting PD value.
         iv. If the target averaging square cannot be created around some point (ex., in the
              corner of the PD sensor plane), the averaging area is transformed into a square (or
              rectangle if one of the PD sensor dimensions is not enough) by shifting the
              averaging figure. The area of the transformed averaging figure is equal to the target
              averaging square (see Fig 1. below).

                                            PD Sensor area (rectangle)

       Averaging     square
       around “P2” point is
       shifted because of
       “P2” corner position
                                         Averaging square around “P1” point

                                         Fig 1. PD averaging algorithm

5.10 Test results for determining worst case or justification for reduced measurement

5.10.1 Illustrations showing the power density distribution of dominant peak locations produced
by the test transmitter, with respect to test device

Please refer to the Section 6.

5.10.2 a description of how the maximum device output rating is determined and used

Please refer to the Section 6.

5.10.3 Validation of the transmitter model through relative agreement of simulated results and

Measurement in equivalent configurations

Please refer to the Section 6.

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6. Comparison of simulated and measurement results

6.1. Simulated PD and EIRP with Target input power

- Target input Power n261 QTM0 8dBm, QTM1 8dBm, n260 QTM0 6.5dBm QTM1 6.5dBm
- The powers per each active port are below for simulation to find worst beam ID for all
  Beam IDs.
- Then the Beam IDs are used to find actual input power to meet PD design target 5W/m2 and
 1<TER during Part1 testing.

     QTM             BAND          AG                 Power       Side    Front   Back     Top
 QTM0    LEFT    n261 (28GHz)   AG0 (H)      1          8         6.23    2.05    2.63     0.3
 QTM0    LEFT    n261 (28GHz)   AG0 (H)      5           8        6.65    1.96    2.69     0.48
 QTM0    LEFT    n261 (28GHz)   AG0 (H)      6           8        13.88   5.18    6.31     0.12
 QTM0    LEFT    n261 (28GHz)   AG0 (H)      7           8        8.38    2.46    3.45     1.15
 QTM0    LEFT    n261 (28GHz)   AG0 (H)     10           8        10.49   3.64    4.83     0.49
 QTM0    LEFT    n261 (28GHz)   AG0 (H)     11           8        13.18   5.06    5.47     0.22
 QTM0    LEFT    n261 (28GHz)   AG0 (H)     17           8        16.53    5      7.38     2.8
 QTM0    LEFT    n261 (28GHz)   AG0 (H)     18           8        27.82   9.84    13.47    1.75
 QTM0    LEFT    n261 (28GHz)   AG0 (H)     19           8        28.12   10.46   13.16    0.32
 QTM0    LEFT    n261 (28GHz)   AG0 (H)     20           8        21.49   6.18    8.46     0.98
 QTM0    LEFT    n261 (28GHz)   AG0 (H)     21           8        17.77   5.19    6.63     1.84
 QTM0    LEFT    n261 (28GHz)   AG0 (H)     26           8        19.78    7.4    9.18      1
 QTM0    LEFT    n261 (28GHz)   AG0 (H)     27           8        27.75    8.9    13.24    1.14
 QTM0    LEFT    n261 (28GHz)   AG0 (H)     28           8        22.59   8.42    10.48    0.66
 QTM0    LEFT    n261 (28GHz)   AG0 (H)     29           8        18.37   5.31    6.92     1.48
 QTM0    LEFT    n261 (28GHz)   AG1 (V)     129          8        6.69    3.02    2.42     0.4
 QTM0    LEFT    n261 (28GHz)   AG1 (V)     133          8        9.46    4.48    3.41     0.53
 QTM0    LEFT    n261 (28GHz)   AG1 (V)     134          8        9.14     4.4    3.22     0.19
 QTM0    LEFT    n261 (28GHz)   AG1 (V)     135          8        6.57    3.06    2.71     0.24
 QTM0    LEFT    n261 (28GHz)   AG1 (V)     138          8        14.45   6.94    5.01     0.36
 QTM0    LEFT    n261 (28GHz)   AG1 (V)     139          8        6.14    3.05    2.39     0.29
 QTM0    LEFT    n261 (28GHz)   AG1 (V)     145          8        18.39   9.32    6.23     1.41
 QTM0    LEFT    n261 (28GHz)   AG1 (V)     146          8        28.25   12.98   10.78    0.36
 QTM0    LEFT    n261 (28GHz)   AG1 (V)     147          8        23.41   10.88   8.92     0.31
 QTM0    LEFT    n261 (28GHz)   AG1 (V)     148          8        20.36    10     7.43     0.52

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QTM0   LEFT    n261 (28GHz)   AG1 (V)   149   8     19.37   9.04    7.96    0.92
QTM0   LEFT    n261 (28GHz)   AG1 (V)   154   8     24.97   12.44   9.15    1.08
QTM0   LEFT    n261 (28GHz)   AG1 (V)   155   8     25.07   11.34   9.49    0.36
QTM0   LEFT    n261 (28GHz)   AG1 (V)   156   8     24.05   11.5    8.68    0.47
QTM0   LEFT    n261 (28GHz)   AG1 (V)   157   8     19.27   9.71    6.71    0.74
QTM1   RIGHT   n261 (28GHz)   AG0 (H)    0    8     12.92   5.07    5.05    0.7
QTM1   RIGHT   n261 (28GHz)   AG0 (H)    2    8     12.99   4.26    5.24    1.46
QTM1   RIGHT   n261 (28GHz)   AG0 (H)    3    8     10.72    3.9    5.02    0.23
QTM1   RIGHT   n261 (28GHz)   AG0 (H)    4    8     14.34   4.32     6.1    1.06
QTM1   RIGHT   n261 (28GHz)   AG0 (H)    8    8     10.18   3.29    4.46    0.31
QTM1   RIGHT   n261 (28GHz)   AG0 (H)    9    8     10.17   3.89     4.4    0.97
QTM1   RIGHT   n261 (28GHz)   AG0 (H)   12    8     20.24   5.89    8.82    3.69
QTM1   RIGHT   n261 (28GHz)   AG0 (H)   13    8     19.89   6.79     8.9    0.37
QTM1   RIGHT   n261 (28GHz)   AG0 (H)   14    8     24.08   8.15    11.17   0.41
QTM1   RIGHT   n261 (28GHz)   AG0 (H)   15    8     18.29   6.67    8.26    1.71
QTM1   RIGHT   n261 (28GHz)   AG0 (H)   16    8     15.01    4.5    6.18    2.82
QTM1   RIGHT   n261 (28GHz)   AG0 (H)   22    8     25.61   7.99    11.34   1.27
QTM1   RIGHT   n261 (28GHz)   AG0 (H)   23    8     22.97    8.2    10.86   0.31
QTM1   RIGHT   n261 (28GHz)   AG0 (H)   24    8     24.13   9.25    11.8    0.45
QTM1   RIGHT   n261 (28GHz)   AG0 (H)   25    8     16.61   4.91     6.9    2.8
QTM1   RIGHT   n261 (28GHz)   AG1 (V)   128   8     7.24    3.43    3.45    0.17
QTM1   RIGHT   n261 (28GHz)   AG1 (V)   130   8      9.9    4.33    3.93    0.36
QTM1   RIGHT   n261 (28GHz)   AG1 (V)   131   8     11.71   5.73    4.82    0.1
QTM1   RIGHT   n261 (28GHz)   AG1 (V)   132   8     10.9     5.3    4.71    0.33
QTM1   RIGHT   n261 (28GHz)   AG1 (V)   136   8     10.38   5.09     4      0.17
QTM1   RIGHT   n261 (28GHz)   AG1 (V)   137   8     10.39   5.06    4.44    0.25
QTM1   RIGHT   n261 (28GHz)   AG1 (V)   140   8     20.19   9.46    8.59    0.62
QTM1   RIGHT   n261 (28GHz)   AG1 (V)   141   8     26.05   11.99   8.91    0.21
QTM1   RIGHT   n261 (28GHz)   AG1 (V)   142   8     25.85   11.67   9.38    0.14
QTM1   RIGHT   n261 (28GHz)   AG1 (V)   143   8     22.03   10.79   7.81    0.48
QTM1   RIGHT   n261 (28GHz)   AG1 (V)   144   8     16.46   7.18     6.1    0.58
QTM1   RIGHT   n261 (28GHz)   AG1 (V)   150   8     25.03   11.66   10.15   0.41
QTM1   RIGHT   n261 (28GHz)   AG1 (V)   151   8     26.54   11.95   8.79    0.19
QTM1   RIGHT   n261 (28GHz)   AG1 (V)   152   8     24.6    11.18   9.31    0.4
QTM1   RIGHT   n261 (28GHz)   AG1 (V)   153   8     18.56   9.28    7.06    0.54
QTM0   LEFT    n260 (39GHz)   AG0 (H)    1    6.5   13.81   5.86    6.28    0.49
QTM0   LEFT    n260 (39GHz)   AG0 (H)    5    6.5    8.3     3.2    2.25    1.45

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QTM0   LEFT    n260 (39GHz)   AG0 (H)    6    6.5   6.69    3.08   1.45   0.26
QTM0   LEFT    n260 (39GHz)   AG0 (H)    7    6.5   8.17    2.96   1.78   0.66
QTM0   LEFT    n260 (39GHz)   AG0 (H)   10    6.5   6.76    3.16   1.83   0.1
QTM0   LEFT    n260 (39GHz)   AG0 (H)   11    6.5   9.63    3.4    1.7    0.97
QTM0   LEFT    n260 (39GHz)   AG0 (H)   17    6.5   17.47   6.17   4.12   2.29
QTM0   LEFT    n260 (39GHz)   AG0 (H)   18    6.5   13.98   6.61   3.71   0.87
QTM0   LEFT    n260 (39GHz)   AG0 (H)   19    6.5   15.3    7.09   3.75   0.59
QTM0   LEFT    n260 (39GHz)   AG0 (H)   20    6.5   20.69   6.88   4.22   4.36
QTM0   LEFT    n260 (39GHz)   AG0 (H)   21    6.5   14.62   5.35   3.55   1.32
QTM0   LEFT    n260 (39GHz)   AG0 (H)   26    6.5   15.31   5.61   3.74   1.46
QTM0   LEFT    n260 (39GHz)   AG0 (H)   27    6.5   11.66   5.57   3.57   0.17
QTM0   LEFT    n260 (39GHz)   AG0 (H)   28    6.5   15.65   6.67   3.49   1.83
QTM0   LEFT    n260 (39GHz)   AG0 (H)   29    6.5   17.28   5.95   3.95   2.38
QTM0   LEFT    n260 (39GHz)   AG1 (V)   129   6.5   4.66    2.02   1.08   0.28
QTM0   LEFT    n260 (39GHz)   AG1 (V)   133   6.5   8.65    3.17   2.73   0.8
QTM0   LEFT    n260 (39GHz)   AG1 (V)   134   6.5   6.15    2.87   1.53   0.08
QTM0   LEFT    n260 (39GHz)   AG1 (V)   135   6.5   11.07   4.78   3.28   0.63
QTM0   LEFT    n260 (39GHz)   AG1 (V)   138   6.5   8.32    3.89   1.89   0.3
QTM0   LEFT    n260 (39GHz)   AG1 (V)   139   6.5   9.37    4.49   2.23   0.66
QTM0   LEFT    n260 (39GHz)   AG1 (V)   145   6.5   22.28   8.25   6.33   1.5
QTM0   LEFT    n260 (39GHz)   AG1 (V)   146   6.5   18.25   8.29   5.29   0.83
QTM0   LEFT    n260 (39GHz)   AG1 (V)   147   6.5   14.09   7.86   2.77   0.45
QTM0   LEFT    n260 (39GHz)   AG1 (V)   148   6.5   18.45   8.18   5.02   1.12
QTM0   LEFT    n260 (39GHz)   AG1 (V)   149   6.5   23.09   8.58   6.45   1.61
QTM0   LEFT    n260 (39GHz)   AG1 (V)   154   6.5   19.62   8.33   6.1    0.59
QTM0   LEFT    n260 (39GHz)   AG1 (V)   155   6.5   17.33   8.71   3.64   0.38
QTM0   LEFT    n260 (39GHz)   AG1 (V)   156   6.5   14.07   7.09   3.42   0.58
QTM0   LEFT    n260 (39GHz)   AG1 (V)   157   6.5   15.1    6.01   4.53   1.35
QTM1   RIGHT   n260 (39GHz)   AG0 (H)    0    6.5   8.26    3.51   1.86   0.47
QTM1   RIGHT   n260 (39GHz)   AG0 (H)    2    6.5   7.39    3.11   1.63   0.62
QTM1   RIGHT   n260 (39GHz)   AG0 (H)    3    6.5   7.92    3.44   1.87   0.12
QTM1   RIGHT   n260 (39GHz)   AG0 (H)    4    6.5   7.48    3.01   1.54   0.44
QTM1   RIGHT   n260 (39GHz)   AG0 (H)    8    6.5   7.12    3.48   1.86   0.3
QTM1   RIGHT   n260 (39GHz)   AG0 (H)    9    6.5   7.09    2.61   1.37   0.49
QTM1   RIGHT   n260 (39GHz)   AG0 (H)   12    6.5   20.24   7.47   4.41   2.3
QTM1   RIGHT   n260 (39GHz)   AG0 (H)   13    6.5   16.45   7.52   4.25   0.44
QTM1   RIGHT   n260 (39GHz)   AG0 (H)   14    6.5   15.19   6.77   4.16   0.64

                                                                           15 / 31

 QTM1     RIGHT   n260 (39GHz)   AG0 (H)    15          6.5       12.61   6.14   2.81     0.63
 QTM1     RIGHT   n260 (39GHz)   AG0 (H)    16          6.5       21.43   7.63   4.54     2.62
 QTM1     RIGHT   n260 (39GHz)   AG0 (H)    22          6.5       11.54   5.14   2.91     0.92
 QTM1     RIGHT   n260 (39GHz)   AG0 (H)    23          6.5       16.27   8.03   5.16     0.31
 QTM1     RIGHT   n260 (39GHz)   AG0 (H)    24          6.5       13.29   6.58   2.93     0.62
 QTM1     RIGHT   n260 (39GHz)   AG0 (H)    25          6.5       23.13   8.24    4.9     1.73
 QTM1     RIGHT   n260 (39GHz)   AG1 (V)    128         6.5       5.46    2.16    1.2     0.15
 QTM1     RIGHT   n260 (39GHz)   AG1 (V)    130         6.5        8.6     3     2.62     0.27
 QTM1     RIGHT   n260 (39GHz)   AG1 (V)    131         6.5       7.61    4.02   1.52     0.1
 QTM1     RIGHT   n260 (39GHz)   AG1 (V)    132         6.5       11.43   4.55   3.24     0.72
 QTM1     RIGHT   n260 (39GHz)   AG1 (V)    136         6.5       9.09    4.45   2.07     0.23
 QTM1     RIGHT   n260 (39GHz)   AG1 (V)    137         6.5       8.43    3.54    2.1     0.42
 QTM1     RIGHT   n260 (39GHz)   AG1 (V)    140         6.5       17.78   6.98    4.2     0.71
 QTM1     RIGHT   n260 (39GHz)   AG1 (V)    141         6.5       13.31   6.97   3.44     0.27
 QTM1     RIGHT   n260 (39GHz)   AG1 (V)    142         6.5       17.34   8.39   5.86     0.33
 QTM1     RIGHT   n260 (39GHz)   AG1 (V)    143         6.5       18.77   8.26   4.79     1.47
 QTM1     RIGHT   n260 (39GHz)   AG1 (V)    144         6.5       24.11   8.37   5.02     2.14
 QTM1     RIGHT   n260 (39GHz)   AG1 (V)    150         6.5       13.73   6.74   3.04     0.69
 QTM1     RIGHT   n260 (39GHz)   AG1 (V)    151         6.5       15.97   7.94   5.06     0.22
 QTM1     RIGHT   n260 (39GHz)   AG1 (V)    152         6.5       15.55   7.48   4.27     0.33
 QTM1     RIGHT   n260 (39GHz)   AG1 (V)    153         6.5       19.66   7.59   5.05     2.09

6.2. Comparison table of test configurations, simulated results, measurement results and %

- In this section, the simulated power density distributions and measured power density
 distributions are compared based on worst beam Id and the power to meet TER.

- -3dBm for n261 and -0.2dBm for n260, which are used to implement PD target 5W/m 2 and
 1<TER, were validated by both PD simulation and PD measurement which are based on the input

- Measurement uncertainty in mmWave frequency in measurement side and in accuracy of
 material properties in mmWave frequency in the simulation side are considered as error factors

                                                                                             16 / 31

                                                         Measured PD    Simulated PD
          Anten          Test            Beam   Target    (W/m^2 over    (W/m^2 over   Difference
 Band             Beam          Positi
           na             CH              ID     AGC        4cm^2)         4cm^2)          (%)
                                                         2mm distance   0mm distance
                         Low              19     -30        1.450          1.341         -8.11%
                         Low              27     -30        1.550          1.240        -25.05%
                   H     Low    Front     19     -30        0.650          0.465        -39.68%
                         Low    Back      19     -30        0.921          0.615        -49.76%
                         Low     Top      17     -30        0.254          0.136        -86.76%
                         Low             146     -30        2.170          1.357        -59.88%
                         Low             155     -30        1.710          1.761          2.91%
                   V     Low    Front    146     -30        1.210          0.628        -92.73%
                         Low    Back     146     -30        0.785          0.494        -58.92%
  n261                   Low     Top     149     -30        0.241          0.156        -54.47%
(28GHz)                  Low              22     -30        1.340          0.979        -36.83%
                         Low              14     -30        1.220          1.453         16.05%
                   H     Low    Front     14     -30        0.516          0.656         21.29%
                         Low    Back      22     -30        0.520          0.372        -39.85%
                         Low     Top      12     -30        0.284          0.165        -72.21%
                         Low             150     -30        1.680          1.801          6.71%
                         Low             142     -30        1.550          2.289         32.28%
                   V     Low    Front    142     -30        0.831          0.788         -5.52%
                         Low    Back     150     -30        0.683          0.906         24.63%
                         Low     Top     141     -30        0.228          0.122        -87.34%
                         Low              20      -2        2.490          1.739        -43.20%
                         Low              17      -2        2.600          1.764        -47.38%
                   H     Low    Front     19      -2        2.040          0.786       -159.53%
                         Low    Back      17      -2        0.758          0.399        -90.11%
                         Low     Top      20      -2        0.386          0.306        -26.16%
                         Mid             145      -2        2.140          2.053         -4.21%
                         Low             149      -2        2.090          2.172          3.79%
                   V     Mid    Front    146      -2        1.110          0.830        -33.74%
                         Mid    Back     149      -2        0.682          0.486        -40.23%
  n260                   Mid     Top     145      -2        0.349          0.184        -90.04%
(39GHz)                  Low              25      -2        2.230          1.727        -29.12%
                         Low              16      -2        2.080          1.654        -25.74%
                   H     Low    Front     16      -2        1.020          0.609        -67.58%
                         Low    Back      23      -2        0.522          0.386        -35.28%
                         Low     Top      16      -2        0.325          0.138       -135.89%
                         High            144      -2        2.190          1.294        -69.27%
                         High            153      -2        2.240          3.012         25.63%
                   V     High   Front    144      -2        0.829          0.450        -84.19%
                         High   Back     151      -2        0.316          0.168        -87.57%
                         High    Top     144      -2        0.341          0.134       -155.10%

                                                                                          17 / 31

n261 QTM#O: Horizontal, Beam ID: 19, Left

       (a) Measurement(2mm)                  (b) Simulation{Omm)

n261 QTM#O: Horizontal, Beam ID: 27, Left

       (a) Measurement(2mm)                  (b) Simulation(Omm)

n261 QTM#O: Horizontal, Beam ID: 19, Front

       (a) Measurement(2mm)                  (b) Simulation(Omm)

                                                                   18 / 31

n261 QTM#O: Horizontal, Beam ID: 19, Back

       (a) Measurement(2mm)                 (b) Simulation(Omm)

n261 QTM#O: Horizontal, Beam ID: 17, Top

       (a) Measurement(2mm)                 (b) Simulation(Omm)

n261 QTM#O: Verfical, Beam ID: 146, Left

       (a) Measurement(2mm)                 (b) Simulation(Omm)

                                                                  19 / 31

+    n261 QTM#O: Verfical, Beam ID: 155, Left

            (a) Measurement(2mm)                 (b) Simulation(Omm)

«_   n261 QTM#O: Verfical, Beam ID: 146, Front

            (a) Measurement(2mm)                 (b) Simulation(Omm)

«_   n261 QTM#O: Verfical, Beam ID: 146, Back

            (a) Measurement(2mm)                 (b) Simulation(Omm)

                                                                       20 / 31

    n261 QTM#O: Vertical, Beam ID: 149, Top

           (a) Measurement(@2mm})                (b) Simulation{(Omm)

*   n261 QTM#1: Horizontal, Beam ID: 22, Right

           (a) Measurement(@2mm})                (b) Simulation{(Omm)

*   n261 QTM#1: Horizontal, Beam ID: 14, Right

           (a) Measurement(@2mm})                (b) Simulation{(Omm)

                                                                        21 / 31

«_   n261 QTM#1: Horizontal, Beam ID: 14, Front

            (a) Measurement(2mm)                  (b) Simulation(Omm)

«_   n261 QTM#1: Horizontal, Beam ID: 22, Back

            (a) Measurement(2mm)                  (b) Simulation(Omm)

«_   n261 QTM#1: Horizontal, Beam ID: 12, Top

            (a) Measurement(2mm)                  (b) Simulation(Omm)

                                                                        22 / 31

n261 QTM#1: Verfical, Beam ID: 150, Right

       (a) Measurement(2mm)                 (b) Simulation(Omm)

n261 QTM#1: Verfical, Beam ID: 142, Right

       (a) Measurement(2mm)                 (b) Simulation(Omm)

n261 QTM#1: Verfical, Beam ID: 142, Front

       (a) Measurement(2mm)                 (b) Simulation(Omm)

                                                                  23 / 31

«_   n261 QTM#1: Verfical, Beam ID: 150, Back

            (a) Measurement(2mm)                (b) Simulation(Omm)

«_   n261 QTM#1: Verfical, Beam ID: 141, Top

            (a) Measurement(2mm)                (b) Simulation(Omm)

«_   260 QTM#O: Horizontal, Beam ID: 20, Left

            (a) Measurement(2mm)                (b) Simulation(Omm)

                                                                      24 / 31

n260 QTM#O: Horizontal, Beam ID: 17, Left

       (a) Measurement(2mm)                  (b) Simulation(Omm)

n260 QTM#O: Horizontal, Beam ID: 19, Front

       (a) Measurement(2mm)                  (b) Simulation(Omm)

n260 QTM#O: Horizontal, Beam ID: 17, Back

       (a) Measurement(2mm)                  (b) Simulation(Omm)

                                                                   25 / 31

n260 QTM#O: Horizontal, Beam ID: 20, Top

       (a) Measurement(2mm)                (b) Simulation(Omm)

n260 QTM#O: Verfical, Beam ID: 145, Left

       (a) Measurement(2mm)                (b) Simulation(Omm)

n260 QTM#O: Verfical, Beam ID: 149, Left

       (a) Measurement(2mm)                (b) Simulation(Omm)

                                                                 26 / 31

«_   n260 QTM#O: Verfical, Beam ID: 146, Front

            (a) Measurement(2mm)                 (b) Simulation(Omm)

«_   n260 QTM#O: Verfical, Beam ID: 149, Back

            (a) Measurement(2mm)                 (b) Simulation(Omm)

«_   n260 QTM#O: Verfical, Beam ID: 145, Top

            (a) Measurement(2mm)                 (b) Simulation(Omm)

                                                                       27 / 31

n260 QTM#1: Horizontal, Beam ID: 25, Right

       (a) Measurement(2mm)                  (b) Simulation(Omm)

n260 QTM#1: Horizontal, Beam ID: 16, Right

       (a) Measurement(2mm)                  (b) Simulation(Omm)

n260 QTM#1: Horizontal, Beam ID: 16, Front

       (a) Measurement(2mm)                  (b) Simulation(Omm)

                                                                   28 / 31

n260 QTM#1: Horizontal, Beam ID: 23, Back

       (a) Measurement(2mm)                 (b) Simulation(Omm)

n260 QTM#1: Horizontal, Beam ID: 16, Top

       (a) Measurement(2mm)                 (b) Simulation(Omm)

n260 QTM#1: Verfical, Beam ID: 144, Right

       (a) Measurement(2mm)                 (b) Simulation(Omm)

                                                                  29 / 31

n260 QTM#1: Verfical, Beam ID: 153, Right

       (a) Measurement(2mm)                 (b) Simulation(@2mm)

n260 QTM#1: Verfical, Beam ID: 144, Front

       (a) Measurement(2mm)                 (b) Simulation(@2mm)

n260 QTM#1: Verfical, Beam ID: 151, Back

       (a) Measurement(2mm)                 (b) Simulation(@2mm)

                                                                   30 / 31

   «_   n260 QTM#1: Verfical, Beam ID: 144, Top

               (a) Measurement(2mm)                              (b) Simulation(@2mm)

7. Uncertainty

The amplitude level of PD simulation has an error factor due to material property parameter
configuration in device at high frequencies. Material property is difficult to model due to
complexity of material and operating frequency. Therefore, it is not possible to assign an exact
uncertainty for simulation result. However, for this RF exposure evaluation, simulation results were

only used to select worst(highest) beam ID measurement. All final power density evaluations were
validated with QMC QTMOS2 uncertainty 2.8dB and uncertainty of simulation 1.1dB approximately.

                                                                                            31 / 31

Document Created: 2019-06-15 12:20:35
Document Modified: 2019-06-15 12:20:35

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