Test Report


Test Report

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                                         TEST REPORT
                                                                            DT&C Co., Ltd.
      m Dt &‘                                     42, Yurim—ro, 154Beon—gil, Cheoin—gu, Yongin—si, Gyeonggi—do, Korea, 17042
                                                                    Tel : 031—321—2664, Fax : 031—321—1664

 1. Report No :         DRTFCC1811—0265

 2. Customer

     * Name : LG Electronics USA, Inc.

     * Address : 1000 Sylvan Ave. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, United States 07632

 3. Use of Report : FCC Original Grant

 4. Product Name / Model Name : Mobile Phone / LM—V405EBW


 5. Test Method Used : ANSI C63.10—2013
    Test Specification : FCC Part 15.225

 6. Date of Test : 2018.11.02 ~ 2018.11.21

 7. Testing Environment : Refer to appended test report.

 8. Test Result : Refer to the attached test result.

                Tested by                                                Reviewed by
                Name: Sungeun Lee                           é}/          Name: GeunKi Son

     The test results presented in this test report aréffimited only to the sample supplied by'applicant and
 the use of this test report is inhibited other than its purpose. This test report shall not be reproduced except
                                 in full, without the written approval of DT&C Co., Ltd.

                                                      2018 .11 . 27 .

                                                DT&C Co., Ltd.

                If this report is required to confirmation of authenticity, please contact to report@dtnc.net

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                                    Report No.: DRTFCC1811-0265                                   FCC ID: ZNFV405EBW

                            Test Report Version

  Test Report No.                 Date                                           Description

 DRTFCC1811-0265            Nov. 27, 2018             Initial issue

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                                          Report No.: DRTFCC1811-0265                                   FCC ID: ZNFV405EBW


       1. General Information .................................................................. 4
          1.1. Testing Laboratory ................................................................. 4
          1.2. Testing Environment .............................................................. 4
          1.3. Measurement Uncertainty ..................................................... 4
          1.4. Details of Applicant ................................................................ 5
          1.5. Description of EUT ................................................................ 5
          1.6. EUT CAPABILITIES .............................................................. 5
       2. Information about test items .................................................... 6
          2.1 Test mode............................................................................... 6
          2.2 Tested frequency .................................................................... 6
          2.3 EMI Suppression Device(s)/Modifications .............................. 6
       3. Antenna requirements .............................................................. 6
       4. Test report ................................................................................. 7
          4.1 Summary of tests ................................................................... 7
          4.2 Transmitter requirements........................................................ 8
           4.2.1 20dB bandwidth ................................................................. 8
           4.2.2 In-band emissions .............................................................. 9
           4.2.3 Out-of-band emissions ......................................................11
           4.2.4 Frequency Stability........................................................... 13
           4.2.5 AC Line Conducted Emissions ......................................... 14
       APPENDIX ................................................................................... 17

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                                              Report No.: DRTFCC1811-0265                                   FCC ID: ZNFV405EBW

1. General Information
1.1. Testing Laboratory
    DT&C Co., Ltd.
    The 3 m test site and conducted measurement facility used to collect the radiated data are located at the
    42, Yurim-ro, 154beon-gil, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea 17042.
    The test site complies with the requirements of § 2.948 according to ANSI C63.4-2014.

       - FCC MRA Accredited Test Firm No. : KR0034

     Telephone         :    + 82-31-321-2664
     FAX               :    + 82-31-321-1664

1.2. Testing Environment

    Ambient Condition

      ▪ Temperature                +23 ℃ ~ +25 ℃

      ▪ Relative Humidity          35 % ~ 44 %

1.3. Measurement Uncertainty
  The measurement uncertainties shown below were calculated in accordance with requirements of ANSI C 63.4-
  2014. All measurement uncertainty values are shown with a coverage factor of k = 2 to indicate a 95 % level of

                    Parameter                                              Measurement uncertainty

    AC conducted emission                         2.4 dB (The confidence level is about 95 %, k = 2)

    Radiated Disturbance
                                                  5.1 dB (The confidence level is about 95 %, k = 2)
    (Below 1 GHz)

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                                                Report No.: DRTFCC1811-0265                                   FCC ID: ZNFV405EBW

1.4. Details of Applicant
   Applicant              :   LG Electronics USA, Inc.
   Address                :   1000 Sylvan Ave. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, United States 07632
   Contact person         :   Kyung-Su Han

1.5. Description of EUT

  FCC Equipment Class                  Low Power Communications Device Transmitter(DXX)

  EUT                                  Mobile Phone

  Model Name                           LM-V405EBW

                                       LMV405EBW, V405EBW, LM-V405EAW, LMV405EAW, V405EAW,
  Add Model Name                       LM-V405EB, LMV405EB, V405EB, LM-V405EA, LMV405EA, V405EA

  Serial Number                        Identical prototype

  Power Supply                         DC 3.85 V

  Frequency Band                       13.56 MHz

  Modulation Type                      ASK

  Channel(s)                           1

  Antenna type                         Loop Antenna

This EUT contains the following capabilities:
850/1900 GSM/EDGE, 850/1700/1900 WCDMA/HSUPA, Multi-band LTE, 802.11b/g/n/ac WLAN(2.4GHz)
802.11a/n/ac WLAN(5GHz), Bluetooth(BDR, EDR, LE), NFC, WPC.

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                                               Report No.: DRTFCC1811-0265                                   FCC ID: ZNFV405EBW

2. Information about test items

2.1 Test mode

               Test mode1                   Continuous transmitting mode

               Test mode2                   Continuous transmitting mode(With Wireless charging pad)
     Note : The worst case data rate was determined according to the fundamental emission level.
             And data rate was tested at the 106 kbps.

2.2 Tested frequency

                 Channel                                                   TX Frequency(MHz)
                 Lowest                                                              13.56
                 Middle                                                                -
                 Highest                                                               -

2.3 EMI Suppression Device(s)/Modifications
   EMI suppression device(s) added and/or modifications made during testing
   → None

3. Antenna requirements
   “An intentional radiator antenna shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by the
  responsible party can be used with the device. The use of a permanently attached antenna or of an antenna that
  uses a unique coupling to the intentional radiator shall be considered sufficient to comply with the provisions of this

   The antenna is attached on the device by means of unique coupling method (Spring Tension).
   Therefore this E.U.T Complies with the requirement of §15.203

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                                             Report No.: DRTFCC1811-0265                                      FCC ID: ZNFV405EBW

4. Test report
4.1 Summary of tests

  FCC part        RSS                                                                                        Test            Status
                                    Parameter                                Limit
  section(s)    section(s)                                                                                 condition          Note 1

    2.1049            -       20 dB Bandwidth                                   -                                                C

       -                      Occupied Bandwidth                                -                                               NA
                   [ 6.7 ]

                  RSS-210                                    15,848 ㎶/m @ 30 m
   15.225 (a)                 In-Band Emissions                                                                              C Note 3, 4
                  [ B6(a) ]                                  13.553 – 13.567 MHz
                                                             334 ㎶/m @ 30 m
   15.225 (b)                 In-Band Emissions              13.410 – 13.553 MHz                                             C Note 3, 4
                  [ B6(b) ]
                                                             13.567 – 13.710 MHz
                                                             106 ㎶/m @ 30 m
   15.225 (c)                 In-Band Emissions              13.110 – 13.410 MHz                                             C Note 3, 4
                  [ B6(c) ]
                                                             13.710 – 14.010 MHz
                 RSS-210                                     Emissions outside of the specified
   15.225 (d)     [ B6(d) ]                                  band (13.110-14.010 MHz) must
                              Out-of Band Emissions                                                                          C Note 3, 4
    15.209       RSS-GEN                                     meet the radiated limits detailed in
                    [8.9]                                    15.209

                                                                                                            Temp &
   15.225 (e)                 Frequency Stability            ±0.01 % of operating frequency                Humid Test            C
                   [ B6 ]

                  RSS-Gen     AC Conducted                                                                  AC Line
    15.207                                                   FCC Part 15.207                                                     C
                   [ 8.8 ]    Emissions                                                                    Conducted

    15.203            -       Antenna Requirements           FCC Part 15.203                                   -                 C

  Note 1: C=Comply       NC=Not Comply     NT=Not Tested       NA=Not Applicable
  Note 2: For radiated emission tests below 30 MHz were performed on semi-anechoic chamber which is correlated
          with OATS.
  Note 3: This test item was performed in each axis and the worst case data was reported.
  Note 4: This device supports wireless charging capability.
          So per KDB648474 D03v01r05, the radiated test items were performed both normal and charging
          conditions. For wireless charging condition, the handset is placed on the representative charging pad
          under normal conditions and in a simulated call configuration.

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                                               Report No.: DRTFCC1811-0265                                   FCC ID: ZNFV405EBW

 4.2 Transmitter requirements

   4.2.1 20dB bandwidth

- Procedure:
   The 20 dB Bandwidth is measured with a spectrum analyzer connected via a receive antenna placed near the EUT
   while the EUT is operating in transmission mode.
   And spectrum analyzer setting use following test procedure of ANCSI C63.10-2013 – Section 6.9.2.

    1.  Center frequency = EUT channel center frequency
    2.  Span = 2 ~ 5 times the OBW
    3.  RBW = 1 % ~ 5 % OBW
    4.  VBW ≥ 3 x RBW
    5.  Detector = Peak
    6.  Trace = Max hold
    7.  The trace was allowed to stabilize
    8.  Determine the reference value = Set the spectrum analyzer marker to the highest level of the displayed trace
    9.  Using the marker-delta function of the instrument, determine the “−xx dB down amplitude” using [(reference value)
        − xx].
    10. Reset the marker-delta function and move the marker to the other side of the emission until the delta marker
        amplitude is at the same level as the reference marker amplitude. The marker-delta frequency reading at this
        point is the specified emission bandwidth.

- Measurement Data: Comply

- Minimum Standard: NA

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                                           Report No.: DRTFCC1811-0265                                    FCC ID: ZNFV405EBW

4.2.2 In-band emissions

 - Test Configuration

                                                     Below 30MHz

 - Procedure: The radiated emission was tested according to the section 6.4 of the ANSI C63.10-2013.

       The EUT was placed on a 0.8 m high non-conductive table and it was placed at 3m distance from the antenna.
       Measurements were performed for each of the three antenna orientations. (ie. parallel, perpendicular, and
       Also, measurements were performed with the EUT oriented in 3 orthogonal axis and rotated 360 degrees to
       determine worst-case orientation for maximum emissions.

                   RBW = As specified in below table, VBW ≥ 3 x RBW, Sweep = Auto, Detector = Peak
                                   Trace mode = Max Hold until the trace stabilizes.

 - Minimum Standard: Part 15.225(a), (b), (c) & RSS-210 [ B6(a), (b), (c) ]
                                                                      Limit at 30 m measurement distance
             Frequency Band [MHz]
                                                                      [uV/m]                             [dBuV/m]

                  13.553-13.567                                       15,848                              84.00
                                                                        334                               50.47
                                                                        106                               40.51

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                                                        Report No.: DRTFCC1811-0265                                    FCC ID: ZNFV405EBW

 - Measurement Data: Test mode 1
   Tested Frequency        :                      13.56 MHz
   Measurement Distance    :                       3 Meters

     Test                                                                                    Field            Field
  Frequency           Freq.      EUT          ANT                            T.F           Strength         Strength      Limit        Margin
     Band             [MHz]      Axis.       (Note 1)                      [dB/m]           @3 m             @30 m      [dBuV/m]        [dB]
    [MHz]                                                                                 [dBuV/m]          [dBuV/m]
13.110 ~ 13.410      13.347        Z            P            17.60          19.22            36.82             -3.18      40.51         43.69
13.410 ~ 13.553      13.453        Z            P            20.50          19.22            39.72             -0.28      50.47         50.75
13.553 ~ 13.567      13.560        Z            P            32.30          19.22            51.52             11.52      84.00         72.48
13.567 ~ 13.710      13.665        Z            P            20.90          19.22            40.12             0.12       50.47         50.35
13.710 ~ 14.010      13.772        Z            P            17.70          19.22            36.92             -3.08      40.51         43.59
Note 1. Loop antenna orientation
         “P”: Parallel, “V”: perpendicular, “G”: ground-parallel
Note 2. This test item was performed at 3 m and the data were extrapolated to the specified measurement distance of 30 m using the
         square of an inverse linear distance extrapolation factor (40 dB/decade) as specified in §15.31(f)(2).
         ▪ Extrapolation Factor = 20 log10(30/3)2 = 40 dB
Note 3. All data were recorded using a spectrum analyzer employing a peak detector.
        If PK results were meet Quasi-peak limit, Quasi-peak measurements were omitted.
Note 4. Sample Calculation.
                     Margin = Limit – Field Strength @ 30 m           / Field Strength @ 30 m = Field Strength @ 3 m – 40 dB
                   Field Strength @ 3 m = Reading + T.F                /   T.F = AF + CL
                   Where, T.F = Total Factor,       AF = Antenna Factor,       CL = Cable Loss

 - Measurement Data: Test mode 2
   Tested Frequency        :                      13.56 MHz
   Measurement Distance    :                       3 Meters

     Test                                                                                    Field            Field
  Frequency           Freq.      EUT          ANT                            T.F           Strength         Strength      Limit        Margin
     Band             [MHz]      Axis.       (Note 1)                      [dB/m]           @3 m             @30 m      [dBuV/m]        [dB]
    [MHz]                                                                                 [dBuV/m]          [dBuV/m]
13.110 ~ 13.410      13.347        X            P            15.40          19.22            34.62             -5.38      40.51         45.89
13.410 ~ 13.553      13.453        X            P            17.10          19.22            36.32             -3.68      50.47         54.15
13.553 ~ 13.567      13.560        X            P            28.60          19.22            47.82             7.82       84.00         76.18
13.567 ~ 13.710      13.665        X            P            17.60          19.22            36.82             -3.18      50.47         53.65
13.710 ~ 14.010      13.772        X            P            15.80          19.22            35.02             -4.98      40.51         45.49
Note 1. Loop antenna orientation
         “P”: Parallel, “V”: perpendicular, “G”: ground-parallel
Note 2. This test item was performed at 3 m and the data were extrapolated to the specified measurement distance of 30 m using the
         square of an inverse linear distance extrapolation factor (40 dB/decade) as specified in §15.31(f)(2).
         ▪ Extrapolation Factor = 20 log10(30/3)2 = 40 dB
Note 3. All data were recorded using a spectrum analyzer employing a peak detector.
        If PK results were meet Quasi-peak limit, Quasi-peak measurements were omitted.
Note 4. Sample Calculation.
                     Margin = Limit – Field Strength @ 30 m           / Field Strength @ 30 m = Field Strength @ 3 m – 40 dB
                   Field Strength @ 3 m = Reading + T.F                /   T.F = AF + CL
                   Where, T.F = Total Factor,       AF = Antenna Factor,       CL = Cable Loss

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                                             Report No.: DRTFCC1811-0265                                     FCC ID: ZNFV405EBW

 4.2.3 Out-of-band emissions

- Test configuration
                       Below 30MHz                                                          30MHz ~ 1GHz

- Procedure: The radiated emission was tested according to the section 6.4, 6.5 of the ANSI C63.10-2013.

       The EUT was tested from 9 kHz up to the 1 GHz excluding the band 13.110-14.010 MHz.
       The EUT was placed on a 0.8 m high non-conductive table and it was placed at 3m distance from the antenna.
       For measurements below 30MHz were performed for each of the three antenna orientations.
       (ie. parallel, perpendicular, and ground-parallel) For measurements above 30MHz were performed for each of
       the both horizontal and vertical polarizations.
       Also, measurements were performed with the EUT oriented in 3 orthogonal axis and rotated 360 degrees to
       determine worst-case orientation for maximum emissions.

                RBW = As specified in below table, VBW ≥ 3 x RBW, Sweep = Auto, Detector = Peak
                Trace mode = Max Hold until the trace stabilizes.

- Minimum Standard: Part 15.209, 225(d) & RSS-210[B6(d)], RSS-GEN[8.9]
  ▪ FCC Part 15.209(a):
             Frequency                               Field Strength                                 Measurement Distance
               [MHz]                                     [uV/m]                                           [Meters]
           0.009 ~ 0.490                              2400/F(kHz)                                           300
           0.490 ~ 1.705                             24000/F(kHz)                                           30
            1.705 ~ 30                                  30                                                  30
              30 ~ 88                                  100 **                                                3
              88 ~ 216                                 150 **                                                3
             216 ~ 960                                 200 **                                                3
            Above 960                                  200                                                   3
** Except as provided in 15.209(g), fundamental emissions from intentional radiators operating under this Section shall
    not be located in the frequency bands 54-72 MHz, 76-88 MHz, 174-216 MHz or 470-806 MHz. However, operation
    within these frequency bands is permitted under other sections of this Part, e.g. 15.231 and 15.241.

  ▪ FCC Part 15.209(b):
     In the emission table above, the tighter limit applies at the band edges.

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                                                   Report No.: DRTFCC1811-0265                                    FCC ID: ZNFV405EBW

- Measurement Data: Test mode 1
  Tested Frequency        :                    13.56 MHz
  Measurement Distance    :                     3 Meters

                                                                                 Distance            Field
 Frequency        EUT            ANT           Reading             T.F                                             Limit           Margin
                                                                                  factor           Strength
   [MHz]          Axis.        (Note 1)        [dBuV]            [dB/m]                                          [dBuV/m]           [dB]
                                                                                   [dB]            [dBuV/m]
   0.099            Z             P              40.9            18.72               80             -20.38         27.7             48.08
   0.117            Z             P              44.2            18.70               80             -17.10         26.2             43.30
   0.135            Z             P              40.5            18.69               80             -20.81         25.0             45.81
  83.107            Z             V              28.2            -19.35               0               8.85         40.0             31.15
  141.911           Z             H              25.2            -14.15               0              11.05         43.5             32.45
Note 1. Loop antenna orientation (30 MHz Below)
        “P”= Parallel, “V”= perpendicular, “G”= ground-parallel
        Bilog antenna polarization (30 MHz above)
       “H”= Horizontal, “V”= Vertical
Note 2. All data were recorded using a spectrum analyzer employing a peak detector.
        If PK results were meet Quasi-peak limit, Quasi-peak measurements were omitted.
Note 3. No other spurious and harmonic emissions were reported greater than listed emissions above table.
Note 4. Sample calculation
            Margin = Limit – Field Strength
            Field Strength = Reading + T.F – Distance factor
            T.F = AF + CL – AG
            Distance factor = 20log(Measurement distance / The measured distance)2
            Where, T.F = Total Factor,    AF = Antenna Factor, CL = Cable Loss, AG = Amplifier Gain

- Measurement Data: Test mode 2
  Tested Frequency        :                    13.56 MHz
  Measurement Distance    :                     3 Meters

                                                                                 Distance            Field
 Frequency        EUT            ANT           Reading             T.F                                             Limit           Margin
                                                                                  factor           Strength
   [MHz]          Axis.        (Note 1)        [dBuV]            [dB/m]                                          [dBuV/m]           [dB]
                                                                                   [dB]            [dBuV/m]
   0.127            X             P              54.0            18.69               80              -7.31         25.5             32.81
   0.129            X             P              50.4            18.69               80             -10.91         25.4             36.31
   0.630            X             P              28.8            18.68               40               7.48         31.6             24.12
   0.882            X             P              22.7            18.70               40               1.40         28.7             27.30
   1.139            X             P              19.3            18.75               40              -1.95         26.5             28.45
40.549(QP)          X             V              50.1            -14.76               0              35.34         40.0              4.66
  54.129            X             V              46.9            -14.70               0              32.20         40.0              7.80
  67.709            X             V              42.4            -16.41               0              25.99         40.0             14.01
 121.906            X             H              36.8            -16.32               0              20.48         43.5             23.02
 135.485            X             H              34.8            -14.70               0              20.10         43.5             23.40
Note 1. Loop antenna orientation (30 MHz Below)
        “P”= Parallel, “V”= perpendicular, “G”= ground-parallel
        Bilog antenna polarization (30 MHz above)
       “H”= Horizontal, “V”= Vertical
Note 2. All data were recorded using a spectrum analyzer employing a peak detector.
        If PK results were meet Quasi-peak limit, Quasi-peak measurements were omitted.
Note 3. No other spurious and harmonic emissions were reported greater than listed emissions above table.
Note 4. Sample calculation
            Margin = Limit – Field Strength
            Field Strength = Reading + T.F – Distance factor
            T.F = AF + CL – AG
            Distance factor = 20log(Measurement distance / The measured distance)2
            Where, T.F = Total Factor,    AF = Antenna Factor, CL = Cable Loss, AG = Amplifier Gain

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                                               Report No.: DRTFCC1811-0265                                   FCC ID: ZNFV405EBW

   4.2.4 Frequency Stability

- Procedure:
  Part 15.225 requires that devices operating in the 13.553 – 13.567 MHz shall maintain the carrier frequency within
  0.01 % of the operating frequency over the temperature variation of -20 degrees to + 50 degrees C at normal supply

- Measurement Data: Comply
  Operating Frequency   :               13,560,000 Hz

         VOLTAGE              POWER               TEMP                 Frequency               Freq. Dev.       Deviation
           (%)                 (VDC)                (℃)                   (Hz)                    (Hz)            (%)

           100%                                  +20(ref)              13,560,188                   188          0.001386

           100%                                     -20                13,560,193                   193          0.001422

           100%                                     -10                13,560,196                   196          0.001445

           100%                                      0                 13,560,202                   202          0.001490

           100%                 3.85                +10                13,560,225                   225          0.001663

           100%                                     +20                13,560,188                   188          0.001386

           100%                                     +30                13,560,206                   206          0.001522

           100%                                     +40                13,560,170                   170          0.001253

           100%                                     +50                13,560,106                   106          0.000783

           115%                 4.43                +20                13,560,175                   175          0.001292

     BATT.ENDPOINT              3.40                +20                13,560,177                   177          0.001308

- Minimum Standard: Part 15. 225(e) & RSS-210 [B6]
   The frequency tolerance of the carrier signal shall be maintained within ±0.01 % of the operating frequency.

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                                               Report No.: DRTFCC1811-0265                                           FCC ID: ZNFV405EBW

   4.2.5 AC Line Conducted Emissions

- Test Requirements and limit

  For an intentional radiator that is designed to be connected to the public utility (AC) power line, the radio frequency
  voltage that is conducted back onto the AC power line on any frequency or frequencies, within the band 150 kHz to 30
  MHz, shall not exceed the limits in the following table, as measured using a 50 μH/50 ohms line impedance stabilization
  network (LISN).

             Frequency Range                                             Conducted Limit (dBuV)
                  (MHz)                                  Quasi-Peak                                          Average

                 0.15 ~ 0.5                               66 to 56 *                                         56 to 46 *

                    0.5 ~ 5                                   56                                                46

                    5 ~ 30                                    60                                                50
    * Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency

  Compliance with this provision shall be based on the measurement of the radio frequency voltage between each power
  line (LINE and NEUTRAL) and ground at the power terminals.

- Test Configuration
   See test photographs for the actual connections between EUT and support equipment.

- Test Procedure
   1. The EUT is placed on a wooden table 80 cm above the reference ground plane.
   2. The EUT is connected via LISN to a test power supply.
   3. The measurement results are obtained as described below:
   4. Detectors – Quasi Peak and Average Detector.

- Measurement Data: Comply (refer to the next page)

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D Dt&C

                                          Results of Conducted Emission
        BTNC                                                                         Date 2018—11—02
        Order No.                                        Referrence No.
        Model No.                 LM—V405EBW             Power Supply          120 V / 60Hz
        Serial No.                                       Temp/Humi.            23 °C / 44 %
        Test Condition            NFC                    Operator              S.G.LEE


         LIMIT : FCC P15.207 QP
                 FCC P15.207 AV

   ,, [aBuy      phHase:   N                                                                  [QPICAV]









    . 15M . 2M      . 3M        . 5M    . 7M   1M   2M   3M        5M     7M   10M            20M   30M

   5$ [dBuV]     PHASE:    !1                                                                 [QP/CAV]









    ABM .2M         BM          LBM     .3M    1M   2M   3M        5M     7M   10M            20M   30M


                                       Report No.: DRTFCC1811-0265                                   FCC ID: ZNFV405EBW

Measurement Data

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                                      Report No.: DRTFCC1811-0265                                   FCC ID: ZNFV405EBW

                       TEST EQUIPMENT FOR TESTS

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                                              Report No.: DRTFCC1811-0265                                          FCC ID: ZNFV405EBW

                                                                                   Cal.Date         Next.Cal.Date
               Type              Manufacturer                 Model              (yy/mm/dd)          (yy/mm/dd)

Spectrum Analyzer          Agilent Technologies        N9020A                      18/07/06             19/07/06       US47360812

Multimeter                 FLUKE                       17B                         17/12/26             18/12/26       26030065WS

Signal Generator           Rohde Schwarz               SMBV100A                    17/12/27             18/12/27       255571

Thermohygrometer           BODYCOM                     BJ5478                      18/01/03             19/01/03       120612-1

IN/OUT Thermohygrometer    SATO                        PC-5000TRH-II               18/07/18             19/07/18       N/A

HYGROMETER                 TESTO                       608-H1                      18/02/10             19/02/10       34862883

Temp & Humi Test Chamber   SJ Science                  SJ-TH-S50                   18/07/06             19/07/06       U5542113

Loop Antenna               Schwarzbeck                 FMZB1513                    18/01/30             20/01/30       1513-128

BILOG ANTENNA              Schwarzbeck                 VULB 9160                   18/07/13             20/07/13       3359

PreAmplifier               tsj                         MLA-10K01-B01-27            18/01/11             19/01/11       2005354

EMI Test Receiver          Rohde Schwarz               ESR7                        18/02/13             19/02/13       101061

EMI Test Receiver          Rohde Schwarz               ESCI7                       18/02/12             19/02/12       100910

PULSE LIMITER              Rohde Schwarz               ESH3-Z2                     18/09/27             19/09/27       101333

LISN                       SCHWARZBECK                 NNLK 8121                   18/03/20             19/03/20       06183

Cable                      DT&C                        CABLE                       18/06/22             19/06/22       RF-82

Cable                      HUBER+SUHNER                SUCOFLEX                    17/12/22             18/12/22       C-1

Cable                      HUBER+SUHNER                SUCOFLEX                    17/12/22             18/12/22       C-2

Cable                      HUBER+SUHNER                SUCOFLEX                    17/12/22             18/12/22       C-3

Cable                      HUBER+SUHNER                SUCOFLEX                    17/12/22             18/12/22       C-4

Note1: The measurement antennas were calibrated in accordance to the requirements of ANSI C63.5-2017
Note2: The cable is not a regular calibration item, so it has been calibrated by DT & C itself.

  TRF-RF-203(08)170530           Prohibits the copying and re-issue of this report without DT&C approval.              Pages: 18 / 18

Document Created: 2019-03-25 21:30:06
Document Modified: 2019-03-25 21:30:06

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