Part 22-24 LTE Test Report


Test Report

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                                   PCTEST ENGINEERING LABORATORY, INC.
                                                      6660-B Dobbin Road, Columbia, MD 21045 USA
                                                               Tel. 410.290.6652 / Fax 410.290.6654
                                                             MEASUREMENT REPORT
                                 FCC Part 22, 24, 27 / IC RSS-132, RSS-133, RSS-139 LTE
 Applicant Name:                                                                                         Date of Testing:
 LG Electronics MobileComm U.S.A                                                                         July 20, 2013
 1000 Sylvan Avenue                                                                                      Test Site/Location:
 Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632                                                                              PCTEST Lab., Columbia, MD, USA
 United States                                                                                           Test Report Serial No.:
 FCC ID :                                                     ZNFLS980
 APPLICANT:                                                   LG ELECTRONICS MOBILECOMM U.S.A

 FCC Classification:                               PCS Licensed Transmitter Held to Ear (PCE)
 FCC Rule Part(s):                                 §2; §22; §24; §27
 EUT Type:                                         Portable Handset
 Model(s):                                         LS-980, LGLS980
 Test Device Serial No.:                           identical prototype [S/N: CDMA/LTE]
 Class II Permissive Change:                       Please See FCC Change Documents
 Original Grant Date:                              7/23/2013

                                                   Tx Frequency           Emission Band                                      Max.
                       Mode                                                             Modulation                 Max.
                                                      (MHz)                Width (MHz)                                      Power
                                                                                                                 Power (W)
                 LTE     Band     26           824.7     -   848.3              1.4               QPSK             0.084    19.22
                 LTE     Band     26           824.7     -   848.3              1.4              16QAM             0.064    18.09
                 LTE     Band     26           825.5     -   847.5               3                QPSK             0.084    19.25
                 LTE     Band     26           825.5     -   847.5               3               16QAM             0.067    18.27
                 LTE     Band     26           826.5     -   846.5               5                QPSK             0.094    19.72
                 LTE     Band     26           826.5     -   846.5               5               16QAM             0.078    18.91
                 LTE     Band     26             829     -   844                10                QPSK             0.101    20.06
                 LTE     Band     26             829     -   844                10               16QAM             0.083    19.18
                 LTE     Band     25          1851.5     -   1913.5              3                QPSK             0.223    23.49
                 LTE     Band     25          1851.5     -   1913.5              3               16QAM             0.186    22.69
                 LTE     Band     25          1852.5     -   1912.5              5                QPSK             0.260    24.16
                 LTE     Band     25          1852.5     -   1912.5              5               16QAM             0.235    23.71
                 LTE     Band     25            1855     -   1910               10                QPSK             0.200    23.01
                 LTE     Band     25            1855     -   1910               10               16QAM             0.151    21.79
                 LTE     Band     41            2501     -   2685               10                QPSK             0.133    21.23
                 LTE     Band     41            2501     -   2685               10               16QAM             0.111    20.46
                 LTE     Band     41          2503.5     -   2682.5             15                QPSK             0.094    19.72
                 LTE     Band     41          2503.5     -   2682.5             15               16QAM             0.091    19.60
                 LTE     Band     41            2506     -   2680               20                QPSK             0.105    20.21
                 LTE     Band     41            2506     -   2680               20               16QAM             0.066    18.18

This equipment has been shown to be capable of compliance with the applicable technical standards as indicated in the measurement report and was tested
in accordance with the measurement procedures specified in §2.947. Test results reported herein relate only to the item(s) tested. I attest to the accuracy of
data. All measurements reported herein were performed by me or were made under my supervision and are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I
assume full responsibility for the completeness of these measurements and vouch for the qualifications of all persons taking them.

                                                                    FCC Pt. 22, 24, 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT                                   Reviewed by:
      FCC ID: ZNFLS980
                                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)                                             Quality Manager
      Test Report S/N:            Test Dates:                EUT Type:
                                                                                                                                                Page 1 of 24
      0Y1307031176.ZNF            July 20, 2013              Portable Handset
      © 2013 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                               V4.5

                                      T A B L E                        O F            C O N T E N T S
FCC PART 22, 24, 27 MEASUREMENT REPORT ......................................................................................3
1.0   INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................................................4
            1.1       SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................ 4
            1.2       TESTING FACILITY............................................................................................................................. 4
2.0         PRODUCT INFORMATION..............................................................................................................5
            2.1       EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION .............................................................................................................. 5
            2.2       DEVICE CAPABILITIES....................................................................................................................... 5
            2.3       EMI SUPPRESSION DEVICE(S)/MODIFICATIONS ........................................................................... 5
            2.4       LABELING REQUIREMENTS.............................................................................................................. 5
3.0         DESCRIPTION OF TESTS ..............................................................................................................6
            3.1       MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................... 6
            3.2       CELLULAR - BASE FREQUENCY BLOCKS....................................................................................... 6
            3.3       CELLULAR - MOBILE FREQUENCY BLOCKS................................................................................... 6
            3.4       PCS - BASE FREQUENCY BLOCKS .................................................................................................. 6
            3.5       PCS - MOBILE FREQUENCY BLOCKS .............................................................................................. 7
            3.6       RADIATED POWER AND RADIATED SPURIOUS EMISSIONS ........................................................ 8
4.0         TEST EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION DATA ......................................................................................9
5.0         SAMPLE CALCULATIONS ............................................................................................................10
6.0         TEST RESULTS.............................................................................................................................11
            6.1       SUMMARY......................................................................................................................................... 11
            6.2       EFFECTIVE RADIATED POWER (ERP) ........................................................................................... 12
            6.3       EQUIVALENT ISOTROPIC RADIATED POWER (EIRP) .................................................................. 13
            6.4       BAND 5 RADIATED SPURIOUS EMISSIONS .................................................................................. 15
            6.5       BAND 25 RADIATED SPURIOUS EMISSIONS ................................................................................ 18
            6.6       BAND 7 RADIATED SPURIOUS EMISSIONS .................................................................................. 21
7.0         CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................24

                                                                 FCC Pt. 22, 24, 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                     Reviewed by:
                                                                                 (CERTIFICATION)                                                               Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:            Test Dates:                  EUT Type:
                                                                                                                                                               Page 2 of 24
0Y1307031176.ZNF            July 20, 2013               Portable Handset
© 2013 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                                     V4.5

                                               MEASUREMENT REPORT
                                                          FCC Part 22, 24, 27

 §2.1033 General Information
        APPLICANT:                             LG Electronics MobileComm U.S.A
        APPLICANT ADDRESS:                     1000 Sylvan Avenue
                                               Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632, United States
        TEST SITE:                             PCTEST ENGINEERING LABORATORY, INC.
        TEST SITE ADDRESS:                     6660-B Dobbin Road, Columbia, MD 21045 USA
        FCC RULE PART(S):                      §2; §22; §24; §27
        BASE MODEL:                            LS-980
        FCC ID:                                ZNFLS980
        FCC CLASSIFICATION:                    PCS Licensed Transmitter Held to Ear (PCE)
        FREQUENCY TOLERANCE:                   ±0.00025 % (2.5 ppm)
        Test Device Serial No.:                CDMA/LTE                    Production      Pre-Production   Engineering
        DATE(S) OF TEST:                       July 20, 2013
        TEST REPORT S/N:                       0Y1307031176.ZNF

Test Facility / Accreditations
Measurements were performed at PCTEST Engineering Lab located in Columbia, MD 21046, U.S.A.
                              PCTEST facility is an FCC registered (PCTEST Reg. No. 90864) test facility with the site
                               description report on file and has met all the requirements specified in Section 2.948 of the
                               FCC Rules and Industry Canada (2451A-1).
                              PCTEST Lab is accredited to ISO 17025 by U.S. National Institute of Standards and
                               Technology (NIST) under the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program
                               (NVLAP Lab code: 100431-0) in EMC, FCC and Telecommunications.
                              PCTEST Lab is accredited to ISO 17025-2005 by the American Association for Laboratory
                               Accreditation (A2LA) in Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) testing, Hearing Aid Compatibility
                               (HAC) testing, CTIA Test Plans, and wireless testing for FCC and Industry Canada Rules.
                              PCTEST Lab is a recognized U.S. Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) in EMC and
                               R&TTE (n.b. 0982) under the U.S.-EU Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA).
                              PCTEST TCB is a Telecommunication Certification Body (TCB) accredited to ISO/IEC
                               Guide 65 by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in all scopes of FCC Rules
                               and Industry Canada Standards (RSS).
                              PCTEST facility is an IC registered (2451A-1) test laboratory with the site description on
                               file at Industry Canada.
                              PCTEST is a CTIA Authorized Test Laboratory (CATL) for AMPS, CDMA, and EvDO
                               wireless devices and for Over-the-Air (OTA) Antenna Performance testing for AMPS,
                               CDMA, GSM, GPRS, EGPRS, UMTS (W-CDMA), CDMA 1xEVDO, and CDMA 1xRTT.

                                                        FCC Pt. 22, 24, 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT              Reviewed by:
                                                                        (CERTIFICATION)                        Quality Manager
  Test Report S/N:            Test Dates:       EUT Type:
                                                                                                               Page 3 of 24
  0Y1307031176.ZNF            July 20, 2013     Portable Handset
  © 2013 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                 V4.5


      1.1             Scope
      Measurement and determination of electromagnetic emissions (EME) of radio frequency devices including
      intentional and/or unintentional radiators for compliance with the technical rules and regulations of the
      Federal Communications Commission and the Industry Canada Certification and Engineering Bureau.

      1.2             Testing Facility
      The map below shows the location of the PCTEST LABORATORY, its proximity to the FCC Laboratory,
      the Columbia vicinity, the Baltimore-Washington Internt’l (BWI) airport, the city of Baltimore and the
      Washington, DC area. (See Figure 1-1).

      These measurement tests were conducted at the PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. facility in New
      Concept Business Park, Guilford Industrial Park, Columbia, Maryland. The site address is 6660-B Dobbin
      Road, Columbia, MD 21045. The test site is one of the highest points in the Columbia area with an
      elevation of 390 feet above mean sea level. The site coordinates are 39o 11’15” N latitude and 76o 49’38”
      W longitude. The facility is 1.5 miles North of the FCC laboratory, and the ambient signal and ambient
      signal strength are approximately equal to those of the FCC laboratory. There are no FM or TV
      transmitters within 15 miles of the site. The detailed description of the measurement facility was found to
      be in compliance with the requirements of § 2.948 according to ANSI C63.4-2009 on January 10, 2012.

                    Figure 1-1. Map of the Greater Baltimore and Metropolitan Washington, D.C. area

                                                          FCC Pt. 22, 24, 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT    Reviewed by:
      FCC ID: ZNFLS980
                                                                          (CERTIFICATION)              Quality Manager
      Test Report S/N:            Test Dates:      EUT Type:
                                                                                                       Page 4 of 24
      0Y1307031176.ZNF            July 20, 2013    Portable Handset
      © 2013 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                     V4.5


      2.1             Equipment Description
      The Equipment Under Test (EUT) is the LG Portable Handset FCC ID: ZNFLS980. The test data
      contained in this report pertains only to the emissions due to the EUT’s LTE function.

      2.2             Device Capabilities
      This device contains the following capabilities:

      850/1900 CDMA/EvDO Rev0/A (BC0, BC1, BC10), 850/1900 GSM/GPRS/EDGE, 850/1900
      WCDMA/HSPA, Band 25 (3,5,10MHz), 26 (1.4,3,5,10 MHz), 41 (10,15,20 MHz) LTE, 802.11a/b/g/n/ac
      WLAN (DTS/NII), Bluetooth (1x,EDR, LE), NFC

      2.3             EMI Suppression Device(s)/Modifications
      No EMI suppression device(s) were added and no modifications were made during testing.

      2.4             Labeling Requirements
      Per 2.925

      The FCC identifier shall be permanently affixed to the equipment and shall be readily visible to the
      purchaser at the time of purchase.

                                                          FCC Pt. 22, 24, 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT   Reviewed by:
      FCC ID: ZNFLS980
                                                                          (CERTIFICATION)             Quality Manager
      Test Report S/N:            Test Dates:      EUT Type:
                                                                                                      Page 5 of 24
      0Y1307031176.ZNF            July 20, 2013    Portable Handset
      © 2013 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                    V4.5


      3.1             Measurement Procedure
      The measurement procedures described in the document titled “Land Mobile FM or PM – Communications
      Equipment – Measurements and Performance Standards” (ANSI/TIA-603-C-2004) and “Procedures for
      Compliance Measurement of the Fundamental Emission Power of Licensed Wideband (> 1 MHz) Digital
      Transmission Systems” (KDB 971168) were used in the measurement of the LG Portable Handset
      FCC ID: ZNFLS980.

      3.2             Cellular - Base Frequency Blocks
                      A*                        A                                      B                       A*    B*
                     Low                                                                                      High

                  869                                                  880                                 890            894

      BLOCK 1: 869 – 880 MHz (A* Low + A)                                          BLOCK 3: 890 – 891.5 MHz (A* High)
      BLOCK 2: 880 – 890 MHz (B)                                                   BLOCK 4: 891.5 – 894 MHz (B*)

      3.3             Cellular - Mobile Frequency Blocks
                      A*                        A                                      B                       A*    B*
                     Low                                                                                      High

                 824                                                   835                                 845            849

      BLOCK 1: 824 – 835 MHz (A* Low + A)                                          BLOCK 3: 845 – 846.5 MHz (A* High)
      BLOCK 2: 835 – 845 MHz (B)                                                   BLOCK 4: 846.5 – 849 MHz (B*)

      3.4             PCS - Base Frequency Blocks
                 A                            D                        B                    E          F              C

      1930                                          1950                                        1970                            1990

                           BLOCK 1: 1930 – 1945 MHz (A)                                    BLOCK 4: 1965 – 1970 MHz (E)
                           BLOCK 2: 1945 – 1950 MHz (D)                                    BLOCK 5: 1970 – 1975 MHz (F)
                           BLOCK 3: 1950 – 1965 MHz (B)                                    BLOCK 6: 1975 – 1990 MHz (C)

                                                                  FCC Pt. 22, 24, 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT                     Reviewed by:
      FCC ID: ZNFLS980
                                                                                  (CERTIFICATION)                               Quality Manager
      Test Report S/N:            Test Dates:              EUT Type:
                                                                                                                                Page 6 of 24
      0Y1307031176.ZNF            July 20, 2013            Portable Handset
      © 2013 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                              V4.5

3.5             PCS - Mobile Frequency Blocks
            A                           D                       B                  E          F           C

1850                                         1870                                      1890                      1910

                    BLOCK 1: 1850 – 1865 MHz (A)                                  BLOCK 4: 1885 – 1890 MHz (E)
                    BLOCK 2: 1865 – 1870 MHz (D)                                  BLOCK 5: 1890 – 1895 MHz (F)
                    BLOCK 3: 1870 – 1885 MHz (B)                                  BLOCK 6: 1895 – 1910 MHz (C)

                                                           FCC Pt. 22, 24, 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT             Reviewed by:
                                                                           (CERTIFICATION)                       Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:            Test Dates:             EUT Type:
                                                                                                                 Page 7 of 24
0Y1307031176.ZNF            July 20, 2013           Portable Handset
© 2013 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                     V4.5

3.6             Radiated Power and Radiated Spurious Emissions
§2.1053 §22.913(a.2) §22.917(a) §27.50(c.10) §27.53(g) §27.53(h) RSS-132(4.4) RSS-132(4.5.1)

Radiated spurious emissions are investigated indoors in a semi-anechoic chamber to determine the
frequencies producing the worst case emissions. Final measurements for radiated power and radiated
spurious emissions are performed on the 3 meter OATS per the guidelines of ANSI/TIA-603-C-2004. The
measurement area is situated on an 18 meter x 20 meter galvanized 1/2" hardware cloth as the
conducting ground plane. This material is sewn together in sections 4 feet wide and 60 feet long. A total
of eighteen sections are required to cover the entire measurement area. Sections are laid across the width
of the pad, overlapped 1" and sewn and soldered together at intervals of 3" (7.6 cm.) The terrain of the
test site is reasonably flat and level. Power and cable to the test site are buried 18" deep into the ground
outside the perimeter of the site. An all-weather non-metallic housing is situated on a 2 x 3 meter area
adjacent to the measurement area to house the test equipment. The equipment under test was
transmitting while connected to its integral antenna and is placed on a wooden turntable 80cm above the
ground plane and 3 meters from the receive antenna. The spectrum is scanned from the lowest frequency
generated in the equipment up to a frequency including its 10th harmonic. The receive antenna height is
adjusted between 1 and 4 meter height, the turntable is rotated through 360 degrees, and the EUT is
manipulated through all orthogonal planes representative of its typical use to achieve the highest reading
on the receive spectrum analyzer. Emissions are also investigated with the receive antenna horizontally
and vertically polarized. The level of the maximized emission is recorded with the spectrum analyzer using
a peak detector with RBW = 1MHz, VBW = 3MHz for emissions greater than 1GHz. For emissions below
1GHz, the spectrum analyzer is set to RBW = 100kHz and VBW = 300kHz.

A half-wave dipole is then substituted in place of the EUT. For emissions above 1GHz, a horn antenna is
substituted in place of the EUT. The substitute antenna is driven by a signal generator with the level of the
signal generator being adjusted to obtain the same receive spectrum analyzer level previously recorded
from the spurious emission from the EUT. The power of the emission is calculated using the following

                                        Pd [dBm] = Pg [dBm] – cable loss [dB] + antenna gain [dBd/dBi]

Where, Pd is the dipole equivalent power, Pg is the generator output into the substitution antenna, and the
antenna gain is the gain of the substitute antenna used relative to either a half-wave dipole (dBd) or an
isotropic source (dBi). The substitute level is equal to Pg [dBm] – cable loss [dB].

The calculated Pd levels are then compared to the absolute spurious emission limit of -13dBm which is
equivalent to the required minimum attenuation of 43 + 10log10(Power [Watts]) specified in 22.917(a),
24.238(a), and 27.53(g)(h).

                                             Figure 3-1. Diagram of 3-meter Test Range

                                                         FCC Pt. 22, 24, 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT       Reviewed by:
                                                                         (CERTIFICATION)                 Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:            Test Dates:           EUT Type:
                                                                                                         Page 8 of 24
0Y1307031176.ZNF            July 20, 2013         Portable Handset
© 2013 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                             V4.5


      Test Equipment Calibration is traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

        Manufacturer                Model                         Description                 Cal Date     Cal Interval    Cal Due     Serial Number
              -                     RE1              Radiated Emissions Cable Set (UHF/EHF)   3/29/2013      Annual        3/29/2014       N/A
              -                     RE2              Radiated Emissions Cable Set (VHF/UHF)   3/29/2013      Annual        3/29/2014       N/A
           Agilent                 8449B                    (1-26.5GHz) Pre-Amplifier         4/17/2013      Annual        4/17/2014   3008A00985
           Agilent                 8648D                  (9kHz-4GHz) Signal Generator        10/10/2012     Annual       10/10/2013   3613A00315
           Agilent                N9020A                       MXA Signal Analyzer             10/9/2012     Annual       10/9/2013    US46470561
           Agilent                N9038A                        MXE EMI Receiver              12/8/2012      Annual        12/8/2013   MY51210133
           Agilent                N9030A                   PXA Signal Analyzer (44GHz)        1/11/2013      Annual        1/11/2014   MY52350166
           Anritsu                MA2411B                         Pulse Sensor                9/19/2012      Annual        9/19/2013     1027293
           Anritsu                ML2495A                          Power Meter                10/11/2012     Annual       10/11/2013     1039008
        Mini-Circuits            VHF-1300+                       High Pass Filter             1/21/2013      Annual        1/21/2014      30716
        Mini-Circuits            VHF-3100+                       High Pass Filter             1/21/2013      Annual        1/21/2014      31144
      Rohde & Schwarz             CMW500                LTE Radio Communication Tester         10/7/2011    Biennial       10/7/2013      103962
        Schwarzbeck              UHA 9105                Dipole Antenna (400 - 1GHz) Tx       10/3/2011     Biennial      10/3/2013    91052522TX
        Schwarzbeck              UHA 9105                Dipole Antenna (400 - 1GHz) Rx       10/3/2011     Biennial      10/3/2013    91052523RX
          Seekonk                  NC-100                     Torque Wrench (8" lb)             3/5/2012    Triennial      3/5/2015        N/A
           Sunol                  DRH-118                   Horn Antenna (1 - 18GHz)          6/19/2013     Biennial       6/19/2015     A050307
           Sunol                  DRH-118                   Horn Antenna (1-18 GHz)           6/19/2013     Biennial      6/19/2015      A042511
                                                             Table 4-1. Test Equipment

                                                                  FCC Pt. 22, 24, 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT                                 Reviewed by:
        FCC ID: ZNFLS980
                                                                                  (CERTIFICATION)                                           Quality Manager
        Test Report S/N:            Test Dates:            EUT Type:
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        0Y1307031176.ZNF            July 20, 2013          Portable Handset
        © 2013 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                        V4.5


      Spurious Radiated Emission – LTE Band
      Example: Middle Channel LTE Mode 2nd Harmonic (1564 MHz)

      The average spectrum analyzer reading at 3 meters with the EUT on the turntable was –81.0 dBm. The
      gain of the substituted antenna is 8.1 dBi. The signal generator connected to the substituted antenna
      terminals is adjusted to produce a reading of –81.0 dBm on the spectrum analzyer. The loss of the cable
      between the signal generator and the terminals of the substituted antenna is 2.0 dB at 1564 MHz. So 6.1
      dB is added to the signal generator reading of –30.9 dBm yielding –24.80 dBm. The fundamental EIRP
      was 25.501 dBm so this harmonic was 25.501 dBm – (-24.80).

                                                          FCC Pt. 22, 24, 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT   Reviewed by:
      FCC ID: ZNFLS980
                                                                          (CERTIFICATION)             Quality Manager
      Test Report S/N:            Test Dates:      EUT Type:
                                                                                                      Page 10 of 24
      0Y1307031176.ZNF            July 20, 2013    Portable Handset
      © 2013 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                   V4.5

6.0        TEST RESULTS

      6.1             Summary
               Company Name:                       LG Electronics MobileComm U.S.A
               FCC ID:                             ZNFLS980
               FCC Classification:                 PCS Licensed Transmitter Held to Ear (PCE)
               Mode(s):                            LTE

                    FCC Part                                                                           Test      Resu
                                           Test Description                  Test Limit                                 Reference
                    Section(s)                                                                       Condition    lt
                MODE (TX)

                                           Effective Radiated
                22.913(a.2)                                         < 7 Watts max. ERP                           PASS   Section 6.2
                                           Power (Band 26)

                                           Equivalent Isotropic
                27.50(c.10)                Radiated Power           < 2 Watts max. EIRP                          PASS   Section 6.3
                                           (Band 25)
                                           Equivalent Isotropic
                27.50(h.2)                 Radiated Power           < 2 Watts max. EIRP              RADIATED    PASS   Section 6.3
                                           (Band 41)

                                                                    for all out-of-band emissions
                                                                    > 43 + 10log10 (P[Watts]); for
                2.1053 22.917(a)   Undesirable                                                                          Section, 6.4,
                                                                    Bands 25, 26                                 PASS
                24.238(a) 27.53(m) Emissions                                                                              6.5, 6.6
                                                                    > 55 + 10log10 (P[Watts]); for
                                                                    Band 41

                                                         Table 6-1. Summary of Test Results
      1)    All modes of operation and data rates were investigated. The test results shown in the following sections represent the worst
            case emissions.

                                                                  FCC Pt. 22, 24, 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT                      Reviewed by:
      FCC ID: ZNFLS980
                                                                                  (CERTIFICATION)                                Quality Manager
      Test Report S/N:            Test Dates:            EUT Type:
                                                                                                                                 Page 11 of 24
      0Y1307031176.ZNF            July 20, 2013          Portable Handset
      © 2013 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                              V4.5

6.2                    Effective Radiated Power (ERP)
§22.913(a.2) RSS-132(4.4)

                            Channel                                        Substitute Antenna
                 Frequency                                       RB                                        ERP     ERP        Margin
                           Bandwidth     Mod.   Battery                      Level      Gain  Pol [H/V]
                   [MHz]                                     Size/Offset                                  [dBm]   [Watts]      [dB]
                             [MHz]                                           [dBm]     [dBd]
                   824.70     1.4       QPSK    Standard        1/5          18.71     -1.15      V       17.56   0.057        -20.89
                   836.50     1.4       QPSK    Standard        1/5          18.99     -1.15      V       17.84   0.061        -20.61
                   848.30     1.4       QPSK    Standard        1/5          20.37     -1.15      V       19.22   0.084        -19.23
                   824.70     1.4      16-QAM   Standard         1/5         17.45     -1.15      V       16.30   0.043        -22.15
                   836.50     1.4      16-QAM   Standard         3/0         18.01     -1.15      V       16.86   0.049        -21.59
                   848.30     1.4      16-QAM   Standard         1/5         19.24     -1.15      V       18.09   0.064        -20.36
                   825.50      3        QPSK    Standard        1/14         19.97     -1.15      V       18.82   0.076        -19.63
                   836.50      3        QPSK    Standard        1/14         19.87     -1.15      V       18.72   0.074        -19.73
                   847.50      3        QPSK    Standard        1/14         20.40     -1.15      V       19.25   0.084        -19.20
                   825.50      3       16-QAM   Standard        1/14         19.04     -1.15      V       17.89   0.062        -20.56
  Band 26 LTE

                   836.50      3       16-QAM   Standard        1/14         18.90     -1.15      V       17.75   0.060        -20.70
                   847.50      3       16-QAM   Standard        1/14         19.42     -1.15      V       18.27   0.067        -20.18
                   826.50      5        QPSK    Standard        1/24         20.31     -1.15      V       19.16   0.082        -19.29
                   836.50      5        QPSK    Standard        1/24         19.64     -1.15      V       18.49   0.071        -19.96
                   846.50      5        QPSK    Standard         1/0         20.87     -1.15      V       19.72   0.094        -18.73
                   826.50      5       16-QAM   Standard        1/24         19.28     -1.15      V       18.13   0.065        -20.32
                   836.50      5       16-QAM   Standard        1/24         18.85     -1.15      V       17.70   0.059        -20.75
                   846.50      5       16-QAM   Standard         1/0         20.06     -1.15      V       18.91   0.078        -19.54
                   829.00     10        QPSK    Standard        1/0          20.78     -1.15      V       19.63   0.092        -18.82
                   836.50     10        QPSK    Standard        1/49         21.21     -1.15      V       20.06   0.101        -18.39
                   844.00     10        QPSK    Standard        1/0          20.19     -1.15      V       19.04   0.080        -19.41
                   829.00     10       16-QAM   Standard         1/0         19.65     -1.15      V       18.50   0.071        -19.95
                   836.50     10       16-QAM   Standard        1/49         20.33     -1.15      V       19.18   0.083        -19.27
                   844.00     10       16-QAM   Standard         1/0         19.36     -1.15      V       18.21   0.066        -20.24
                                                   Table 6-2. ERP Data (Band 26)


                1. This device was tested under all modulations, RB sizes and offsets, and channel bandwidth
                   configurations and the worst case emissions are reported in the table above.

                2. This unit was tested with its standard battery.

                3. The EUT was tested in three orthogonal planes and in all possible test configurations and
                   positioning. The “H” positioning is defined with the EUT lying flat on the test surface, the “H2”
                   positioning is defined with the EUT standing up on its side, and the “V” positioning is defined with
                   the EUT standing upright. The worst case test configurations were found with the EUT in the V
                   positioning for Band 26 and H positioning for Band 25 and 41. The data reported in the table
                   above was measured in this test setup.

                                                          FCC Pt. 22, 24, 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT                         Reviewed by:
                                                                          (CERTIFICATION)                                   Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:              Test Dates:        EUT Type:
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© 2013 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                               V4.5

6.3                   Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP)
§24.232(c) §27.50(h.2) RSS-133(6.4)

                            Channel                                        Substitute Antenna
                 Frequency                                       RB                                        EIRP    EIRP       Margin
                           Bandwidth     Mod.   Battery                      Level     Gain   Pol [H/V]
                   [MHz]                                     Size/Offset                                  [dBm]   [Watts]      [dB]
                             [MHz]                                           [dBm]     [dBi]
                  1851.50      3        QPSK    Standard         1/0         11.04      8.17      H       19.21   0.083        -13.80
                  1882.50      3        QPSK    Standard         1/0         14.90      8.24      H       23.14   0.206         -9.87
                  1913.50      3        QPSK    Standard         1/0         15.17      8.32      H       23.49   0.223         -9.52
                  1851.50      3       16-QAM   Standard         1/0         10.00      8.17      H       18.17   0.066        -14.84
                  1882.50      3       16-QAM   Standard         1/0         13.64      8.24      H       21.88   0.154        -11.13
                  1913.50      3       16-QAM   Standard         1/0         14.37      8.32      H       22.69   0.186        -10.32
                  1852.50      5        QPSK    Standard         1/0         14.52      8.17      H       22.69   0.186        -10.32
  Band 25 LTE

                  1882.50      5        QPSK    Standard         1/0         14.38      8.24      H       22.62   0.183        -10.39
                  1912.50      5        QPSK    Standard         1/0         15.84      8.32      H       24.16   0.260         -8.85
                  1852.50      5       16-QAM   Standard         1/0         13.63      8.17      H       21.80   0.151        -11.21
                  1882.50      5       16-QAM   Standard         1/0         13.03      8.24      H       21.27   0.134        -11.74
                  1912.50      5       16-QAM   Standard         1/0         15.39      8.32      H       23.71   0.235         -9.30
                  1855.00     10        QPSK    Standard        1/0          14.24      8.17      H       22.41   0.174        -10.60
                  1882.50     10        QPSK    Standard        1/49         14.40      8.24      H       22.64   0.184        -10.37
                  1910.00     10        QPSK    Standard        1/49         14.69      8.32      H       23.01   0.200        -10.00
                  1855.00     10       16-QAM   Standard         1/0         13.44      8.17      H       21.61   0.145        -11.40
                  1882.50     10       16-QAM   Standard        1/49         13.55      8.24      H       21.79   0.151        -11.22
                  1910.00     10       16-QAM   Standard        1/49         13.47      8.32      H       21.79   0.151        -11.22
                                                  Table 6-3. EIRP Data (Band 25)


                1. This device was tested under all modulations, RB sizes and offsets, and channel bandwidth
                   configurations and the worst case emissions are reported in the table above.

                2. This unit was tested with its standard battery.

                3. The EUT was tested in three orthogonal planes and in all possible test configurations and
                   positioning. The “H” positioning is defined with the EUT lying flat on the test surface, the “H2”
                   positioning is defined with the EUT standing up on its side, and the “V” positioning is defined with
                   the EUT standing upright. The worst case test configurations were found with the EUT in the V
                   positioning for Band 26 and H positioning for Band 25 and 41. The data reported in the table
                   above was measured in this test setup.

                                                          FCC Pt. 22, 24, 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT                         Reviewed by:
                                                                          (CERTIFICATION)                                   Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:              Test Dates:        EUT Type:
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© 2013 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                               V4.5

                            Channel                                        Substitute Antenna
                 Frequency                                       RB                                        EIRP    EIRP       Margin
                           Bandwidth     Mod.   Battery                      Level     Gain   Pol [H/V]
                   [MHz]                                     Size/Offset                                  [dBm]   [Watts]      [dB]
                             [MHz]                                           [dBm]     [dBi]
                  2501.00     10        QPSK    Standard        1/49         12.29      8.94      H       21.23   0.133        -11.78
                  2593.00     10        QPSK    Standard        1/0          11.21      9.09      H       20.30   0.107        -12.71
                  2685.00     10        QPSK    Standard        1/0          10.23      9.65      H       19.88   0.097        -13.13
                  2501.00     10       16-QAM   Standard        1/49         11.52      8.94      H       20.46   0.111        -12.55
                  2593.00     10       16-QAM   Standard         1/0         10.30      9.09      H       19.39   0.087        -13.62
                  2685.00     10       16-QAM   Standard         1/0          8.24      9.65      H       17.89   0.062        -15.12
                  2503.50     15        QPSK    Standard         1/0         10.77      8.94      H       19.71   0.094        -13.30
  Band 41 LTE

                  2593.00     15        QPSK    Standard         1/0         10.63      9.09      H       19.72   0.094        -13.29
                  2682.50     15        QPSK    Standard         1/0         9.48       9.65      H       19.13   0.082        -13.88
                  2503.50     15       16-QAM   Standard        1/74         10.66      8.94      H       19.60   0.091        -13.41
                  2593.00     15       16-QAM   Standard         1/0          8.87      9.09      H       17.96   0.063        -15.05
                  2682.50     15       16-QAM   Standard        1/74          8.00      9.65      H       17.65   0.058        -15.36
                  2506.00     20        QPSK    Standard         1/0         11.27      8.94      H       20.21   0.105        -12.80
                  2593.00     20        QPSK    Standard         1/0         9.46       9.09      H       18.55   0.072        -14.46
                  2680.00     20        QPSK    Standard         1/0         8.37       9.65      H       18.02   0.063        -14.99
                  2506.00     20       16-QAM   Standard         1/0          9.24      8.94      H       18.18   0.066        -14.83
                  2593.00     20       16-QAM   Standard        1/99          8.60      9.09      H       17.69   0.059        -15.32
                  2680.00     20       16-QAM   Standard        1/99          6.76      9.65      H       16.41   0.044        -16.60
                                                  Table 6-4. EIRP Data (Band 41)


                4. This device was tested under all modulations, RB sizes and offsets, and channel bandwidth
                   configurations and the worst case emissions are reported in the table above.

                5. This unit was tested with its standard battery.

                6. The EUT was tested in three orthogonal planes and in all possible test configurations and
                   positioning. The “H” positioning is defined with the EUT lying flat on the test surface, the “H2”
                   positioning is defined with the EUT standing up on its side, and the “V” positioning is defined with
                   the EUT standing upright. The worst case test configurations were found with the EUT in the V
                   positioning for Band 26 and H positioning for Band 25 and 41. The data reported in the table
                   above was measured in this test setup.

                                                          FCC Pt. 22, 24, 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT                         Reviewed by:
                                                                          (CERTIFICATION)                                   Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:              Test Dates:        EUT Type:
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© 2013 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                               V4.5

6.4             Band 26 Radiated Spurious Emissions
§2.1053 §22.917(a) RSS-132(4.5.1)

      Field Strength of SPURIOUS Radiation

                 OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                          829.00                 MHz
           MEASURED OUTPUT POWER:                                     19.63         dBm      =         0.092   W
                        MODULATION SIGNAL:                            QPSK
                                       BANDWIDTH:                     10 MHz
                                             DISTANCE:            3         meters
                                                 LIMIT: 43 + 10 log10 (W) =      32.63                dBc

                                         LEVEL @                                        SPURIOUS
           FREQUENCY                     ANTENNA                                        EMISSION       POL
                                                               ANTENNA GAIN                                        (dBc)
              (MHz)                     TERMINALS                                         LEVEL        (H/V)
                                          (dBm)                                           (dBm)

                1658.00                       -39.81                   6.28              -33.53         H          53.16
                2487.00                       -57.27                   6.57              -50.71         H          70.34
                3316.00                       -81.33                   7.03              -74.29         H          93.92
                4145.00                       -79.85                   7.75              -72.10         H          91.73
                4974.00                       -80.28                   9.05              -71.24         H          90.87
                5803.00                       -78.06               9.15             -68.91              H          88.54
                                                       Table 6-5. Radiated Spurious Data


      1. This device was tested under all bandwidths, and RB configurations, and modulations. This
         device was tested under all modulations, RB sizes and offsets, and channel bandwidth
         configurations and the worst case emissions are reported in the table above.

      2. This unit was tested with its standard battery.

      3. The EUT was tested in three orthogonal planes and in all possible test configurations and
         positioning. The “H” positioning is defined with the EUT lying flat on the test surface, the “H2”
         positioning is defined with the EUT standing up on its side, and the “V” positioning is defined with
         the EUT standing upright. The worst case test configurations were found with the EUT in the V
         positioning for Band 26 and H positioning for Band 25 and 41. The data reported in the table
         above was measured in this test setup.

                                                          FCC Pt. 22, 24, 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT                Reviewed by:
                                                                          (CERTIFICATION)                          Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:            Test Dates:            EUT Type:
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© 2013 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                       V4.5

Band 26 Radiated Spurious Measurements (continued)
§2.1053 §22.917(a) RSS-132(4.5.1)

      Field Strength of SPURIOUS Radiation

                     OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                    836.50                  MHz
               MEASURED OUTPUT POWER:                                20.06            dBm      =      0.101   W
                           MODULATION SIGNAL:                        QPSK
                                             BANDWIDTH:              10 MHz
                                              DISTANCE:            3         meters
                                                  LIMIT: 43 + 10 log10 (W) =    33.06                dBc

                                              LEVEL @                                 SPURIOUS
              FREQUENCY                       ANTENNA                                 EMISSION        POL
                                                               ANTENNA GAIN                                       (dBc)
                 (MHz)                       TERMINALS                                  LEVEL         (H/V)
                                               (dBm)                                    (dBm)

                   1673.00                     -55.96                 6.19              -49.78         H          69.84
                   2509.50                     -52.21                 6.58              -45.63         H          65.69
                   3346.00                     -81.46                 7.16              -74.30         H          94.36
                   4182.50                     -80.24                 7.99              -72.24         H          92.30
                   5019.00                     -80.03                 8.98              -71.05         H          91.11
                   5855.50                     -77.98             9.17           -68.81                H          88.87
                                                    Table 6-6. Radiated Spurious Data


      1. This device was tested under all bandwidths, and RB configurations, and modulations. This
         device was tested under all modulations, RB sizes and offsets, and channel bandwidth
         configurations and the worst case emissions are reported in the table above.

      2. This unit was tested with its standard battery.

      3. The EUT was tested in three orthogonal planes and in all possible test configurations and
         positioning. The “H” positioning is defined with the EUT lying flat on the test surface, the “H2”
         positioning is defined with the EUT standing up on its side, and the “V” positioning is defined with
         the EUT standing upright. The worst case test configurations were found with the EUT in the V
         positioning for Band 26 and H positioning for Band 25 and 41. The data reported in the table
         above was measured in this test setup.

                                                         FCC Pt. 22, 24, 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT                  Reviewed by:
                                                                         (CERTIFICATION)                            Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:            Test Dates:           EUT Type:
                                                                                                                    Page 16 of 24
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© 2013 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                       V4.5

Band 26 Radiated Spurious Measurements (continued)
§2.1053 §22.917(a) RSS-132(4.5.1)

      Field Strength of SPURIOUS Radiation

                 OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                          844.00                 MHz
           MEASURED OUTPUT POWER:                                     19.04         dBm      =         0.080   W
                        MODULATION SIGNAL:                            QPSK
                                       BANDWIDTH:                     10 MHz
                                             DISTANCE:            3         meters
                                                 LIMIT: 43 + 10 log10 (W) =      32.04                dBc

                                         LEVEL @                                        SPURIOUS
           FREQUENCY                     ANTENNA                                        EMISSION       POL
                                                               ANTENNA GAIN                                        (dBc)
              (MHz)                     TERMINALS                                         LEVEL        (H/V)
                                          (dBm)                                           (dBm)

                1688.00                       -50.50                   6.09              -44.41         H          63.45
                2532.00                       -52.41                   6.66              -45.75         H          64.79
                3376.00                       -81.58                   7.28              -74.30         H          93.34
                4220.00                       -80.51                   8.18              -72.33         H          91.37
                5064.00                       -79.68                   8.89              -70.79         H          89.83
                5908.00                       -77.85               9.17             -68.68              H          87.72
                                                       Table 6-7. Radiated Spurious Data


      1. This device was tested under all bandwidths, and RB configurations, and modulations. This
         device was tested under all modulations, RB sizes and offsets, and channel bandwidth
         configurations and the worst case emissions are reported in the table above.

      2. This unit was tested with its standard battery.

      3. The EUT was tested in three orthogonal planes and in all possible test configurations and
         positioning. The “H” positioning is defined with the EUT lying flat on the test surface, the “H2”
         positioning is defined with the EUT standing up on its side, and the “V” positioning is defined with
         the EUT standing upright. The worst case test configurations were found with the EUT in the V
         positioning for Band 26 and H positioning for Band 25 and 41. The data reported in the table
         above was measured in this test setup.

                                                          FCC Pt. 22, 24, 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT                Reviewed by:
                                                                          (CERTIFICATION)                          Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:            Test Dates:            EUT Type:
                                                                                                                   Page 17 of 24
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© 2013 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                       V4.5

6.5             Band 25 Radiated Spurious Emissions
§2.1053 §24.238(a) RSS-133(6.5.1)

      Field Strength of SPURIOUS Radiation

                 OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                         1852.50                 MHz
           MEASURED OUTPUT POWER:                                     22.69         dBm      =         0.186   W
                        MODULATION SIGNAL:                            QPSK
                                       BANDWIDTH:                     5 MHz
                                             DISTANCE:            3         meters
                                                 LIMIT: 43 + 10 log10 (W) =      35.69                dBc

                                         LEVEL @                                        SPURIOUS
           FREQUENCY                     ANTENNA                                        EMISSION       POL
                                                               ANTENNA GAIN                                        (dBc)
              (MHz)                     TERMINALS                                         LEVEL        (H/V)
                                          (dBm)                                           (dBm)

                3705.00                       -49.39                  9.89               -39.50         H          62.19
                5557.50                       -47.29                  11.14              -36.15         H          58.84
                7410.00                       -74.96                  10.78              -64.19         H          86.88
                9262.50                       -74.04                  12.30              -61.74         H          84.44
               11115.00                       -71.04                  12.89              -58.14         H          80.84
               12967.50                       -44.98               12.73            -32.25              H          54.94
                                                       Table 6-8. Radiated Spurious Data


      1. This device was tested under all bandwidths, and RB configurations, and modulations. This
         device was tested under all modulations, RB sizes and offsets, and channel bandwidth
         configurations and the worst case emissions are reported in the table above.

      2. This unit was tested with its standard battery.

      3. The EUT was tested in three orthogonal planes and in all possible test configurations and
         positioning. The “H” positioning is defined with the EUT lying flat on the test surface, the “H2”
         positioning is defined with the EUT standing up on its side, and the “V” positioning is defined with
         the EUT standing upright. The worst case test configurations were found with the EUT in the V
         positioning for Band 26 and H positioning for Band 25 and 41. The data reported in the table
         above was measured in this test setup.

                                                          FCC Pt. 22, 24, 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT                Reviewed by:
                                                                          (CERTIFICATION)                          Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:            Test Dates:            EUT Type:
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© 2013 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                       V4.5

Band 25 Radiated Spurious Measurements (continued)
§2.1053 §24.238(a) RSS-133(6.5.1)

      Field Strength of SPURIOUS Radiation

                     OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                    1882.50                 MHz
               MEASURED OUTPUT POWER:                                22.62             dBm     =      0.183   W
                           MODULATION SIGNAL:                        QPSK
                                             BANDWIDTH:              5 MHz
                                              DISTANCE:            3         meters
                                                  LIMIT: 43 + 10 log10 (W) =    35.62                dBc

                                              LEVEL @                                  SPURIOUS
              FREQUENCY                       ANTENNA                                  EMISSION       POL
                                                               ANTENNA GAIN                                       (dBc)
                 (MHz)                       TERMINALS                                   LEVEL        (H/V)
                                               (dBm)                                     (dBm)

                   3765.00                     -45.86                9.68               -36.18         H          58.80
                   5647.50                     -48.33                11.25              -37.08         H          59.70
                   7530.00                     -75.18                11.01              -64.17         H          86.79
                   9412.50                     -73.81                12.26              -61.56         H          84.18
                  11295.00                     -70.64                12.97              -57.67         H          80.29
                  13177.50                     -42.10             12.67          -29.43                H          52.05
                                                    Table 6-9. Radiated Spurious Data


      1. This device was tested under all bandwidths, and RB configurations, and modulations. This
         device was tested under all modulations, RB sizes and offsets, and channel bandwidth
         configurations and the worst case emissions are reported in the table above.

      2. This unit was tested with its standard battery.

      3. The EUT was tested in three orthogonal planes and in all possible test configurations and
         positioning. The “H” positioning is defined with the EUT lying flat on the test surface, the “H2”
         positioning is defined with the EUT standing up on its side, and the “V” positioning is defined with
         the EUT standing upright. The worst case test configurations were found with the EUT in the V
         positioning for Band 26 and H positioning for Band 25 and 41. The data reported in the table
         above was measured in this test setup.

                                                         FCC Pt. 22, 24, 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT                  Reviewed by:
                                                                         (CERTIFICATION)                            Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:            Test Dates:           EUT Type:
                                                                                                                    Page 19 of 24
0Y1307031176.ZNF            July 20, 2013         Portable Handset
© 2013 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                       V4.5

Band 25 Radiated Spurious Measurements (continued)
§2.1053 §24.238(a) RSS-133(6.5.1)

      Field Strength of SPURIOUS Radiation

                 OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                         1912.50                  MHz
           MEASURED OUTPUT POWER:                                     24.15712602 dBm         =         0.260   W
                        MODULATION SIGNAL:                            QPSK
                                       BANDWIDTH:                     5 MHz
                                             DISTANCE:            3         meters
                                                 LIMIT: 43 + 10 log10 (W) =      37.16                 dBc

                                         LEVEL @                                        SPURIOUS
           FREQUENCY                     ANTENNA                                        EMISSION        POL
                                                               ANTENNA GAIN                                         (dBc)
              (MHz)                     TERMINALS                                         LEVEL         (H/V)
                                          (dBm)                                           (dBm)

                3825.00                       -43.53                  9.48                -34.05         H          58.21
                5737.50                       -43.75                  11.30               -32.45         H          56.61
                7650.00                       -75.43                  11.22               -64.21         H          88.36
                9562.50                       -73.81                  12.35               -61.46         H          85.62
               11475.00                       -69.89                  13.12               -56.77         H          80.93
               13387.50                       -39.27                12.72           -26.56               H          50.71
                                                       Table 6-10. Radiated Spurious Data


      1. This device was tested under all bandwidths, and RB configurations, and modulations. This
         device was tested under all modulations, RB sizes and offsets, and channel bandwidth
         configurations and the worst case emissions are reported in the table above.

      2. This unit was tested with its standard battery.

      3. The EUT was tested in three orthogonal planes and in all possible test configurations and
         positioning. The “H” positioning is defined with the EUT lying flat on the test surface, the “H2”
         positioning is defined with the EUT standing up on its side, and the “V” positioning is defined with
         the EUT standing upright. The worst case test configurations were found with the EUT in the V
         positioning for Band 26 and H positioning for Band 25 and 41. The data reported in the table
         above was measured in this test setup.

                                                           FCC Pt. 22, 24, 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT                Reviewed by:
                                                                           (CERTIFICATION)                          Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:            Test Dates:            EUT Type:
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0Y1307031176.ZNF            July 20, 2013          Portable Handset
© 2013 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                        V4.5

6.6             Band 41 Radiated Spurious Emissions
§2.1053 §27.53(m)

      Field Strength of SPURIOUS Radiation

             OPERATING FREQUENCY:                   2501.00                                           MHz
           MEASURED OUTPUT POWER:          21.23          dBm    =                                     0.133   W
                MODULATION SIGNAL:         QPSK
                       BANDWIDTH:         10 MHz
                         DISTANCE:            3          meters
                             LIMIT: 55 + 10 log 10 (W) =      46.23                                   dBc

                                         LEVEL @                                      SPURIOUS
           FREQUENCY                     ANTENNA                                      EMISSION         POL
                                                              ANTENNA GAIN                                         (dBc)
              (MHz)                     TERMINALS                                       LEVEL          (H/V)
                                          (dBm)                                         (dBm)
                5002.00                      -49.66                  11.16               -38.50          H         84.73
                7503.00                      -48.83                  10.94               -37.89          H         84.12
               10004.00                      -72.98                  12.30               -60.68          H         106.92
               12505.00                      -53.30                13.03           -40.27                H         86.50
                                                      Table 6-11. Radiated Spurious Data


      1. This device was tested under all bandwidths, and RB configurations, and modulations. This
         device was tested under all modulations, RB sizes and offsets, and channel bandwidth
         configurations and the worst case emissions are reported in the table above.

      2. This unit was tested with its standard battery.

      3. The EUT was tested in three orthogonal planes and in all possible test configurations and
         positioning. The “H” positioning is defined with the EUT lying flat on the test surface, the “H2”
         positioning is defined with the EUT standing up on its side, and the “V” positioning is defined with
         the EUT standing upright. The worst case test configurations were found with the EUT in the V
         positioning for Band 26 and H positioning for Band 25 and 41. The data reported in the table
         above was measured in this test setup.

                                                          FCC Pt. 22, 24, 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT                 Reviewed by:
                                                                          (CERTIFICATION)                           Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:            Test Dates:           EUT Type:
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© 2013 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                        V4.5

Band 41 Radiated Spurious Measurements (continued)
§2.1053 §27.53(m)

      Field Strength of SPURIOUS Radiation

                 OPERATING FREQUENCY:                2593.00                                         MHz
               MEASURED OUTPUT POWER:          20.30         dBm     =                                0.107   W
                    MODULATION SIGNAL:         QPSK
                           BANDWIDTH:         10 MHz
                             DISTANCE:            3         meters
                                 LIMIT: 55 + 10 log10 (W) =    45.30                                 dBc

                                              LEVEL @                                SPURIOUS
              FREQUENCY                       ANTENNA                                EMISSION         POL
                                                               ANTENNA GAIN                                       (dBc)
                 (MHz)                       TERMINALS                                 LEVEL          (H/V)
                                               (dBm)                                   (dBm)
                   5186.00                     -46.44                11.02              -35.41          H         80.71
                   7779.00                     -48.56                11.17              -37.38          H         82.69
                  10372.00                     -72.40                12.40              -60.00          H         105.31
                  12965.00                     -45.91            13.30          -32.61                  H         77.91
                                                   Table 6-12. Radiated Spurious Data


      1. This device was tested under all bandwidths, and RB configurations, and modulations. This
         device was tested under all modulations, RB sizes and offsets, and channel bandwidth
         configurations and the worst case emissions are reported in the table above.

      2. This unit was tested with its standard battery.

      3. The EUT was tested in three orthogonal planes and in all possible test configurations and
         positioning. The “H” positioning is defined with the EUT lying flat on the test surface, the “H2”
         positioning is defined with the EUT standing up on its side, and the “V” positioning is defined with
         the EUT standing upright. The worst case test configurations were found with the EUT in the V
         positioning for Band 26 and H positioning for Band 25 and 41. The data reported in the table
         above was measured in this test setup.

                                                         FCC Pt. 22, 24, 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT                   Reviewed by:
                                                                         (CERTIFICATION)                             Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:            Test Dates:           EUT Type:
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© 2013 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                        V4.5

Band 41 Radiated Spurious Measurements (continued)
§2.1053 §27.53(m)

      Field Strength of SPURIOUS Radiation

            OPERATING FREQUENCY:                  2685.00                                                MHz
          MEASURED OUTPUT POWER:          19.88         dBm    =                                          0.097   W
               MODULATION SIGNAL:         QPSK
                      BANDWIDTH:         10 MHz
                        DISTANCE:            3         meters
                            LIMIT: 55 + 10 log10 (W) =      44.88                                        dBc

                                       LEVEL @                                          SPURIOUS
         FREQUENCY                     ANTENNA                                          EMISSION          POL
                                                               ANTENNA GAIN                                           (dBc)
            (MHz)                     TERMINALS                                           LEVEL           (H/V)
                                        (dBm)                                             (dBm)
              5370.00                        -42.03                      10.96             -31.08           H         75.96
              8055.00                        -48.58                      11.30             -37.28           H         82.16
             10740.00                        -72.11                      12.50             -59.61           H         104.49
             13425.00                        -38.81                13.14           -25.67                   H         70.55
                                                       Table 6-13. Radiated Spurious Data


      1. This device was tested under all bandwidths, and RB configurations, and modulations. This
         device was tested under all modulations, RB sizes and offsets, and channel bandwidth
         configurations and the worst case emissions are reported in the table above.

      2. This unit was tested with its standard battery.

      3. The EUT was tested in three orthogonal planes and in all possible test configurations and
         positioning. The “H” positioning is defined with the EUT lying flat on the test surface, the “H2”
         positioning is defined with the EUT standing up on its side, and the “V” positioning is defined with
         the EUT standing upright. The worst case test configurations were found with the EUT in the V
         positioning for Band 26 and H positioning for Band 25 and 41. The data reported in the table
         above was measured in this test setup.

                                                             FCC Pt. 22, 24, 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT                Reviewed by:
                                                                             (CERTIFICATION)                          Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:            Test Dates:               EUT Type:
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© 2013 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                           V4.5


      The data collected relate only to the item(s) tested and show that the LG Portable Handset
      FCC ID: ZNFLS980 complies with all the requirements of Parts 2, 22, 24, 27 of the FCC rules for LTE
      operation only and RSS-132, RSS-133, RSS-139 of the Industry Canada rules.

                                                          FCC Pt. 22, 24, 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT   Reviewed by:
      FCC ID: ZNFLS980
                                                                          (CERTIFICATION)             Quality Manager
      Test Report S/N:            Test Dates:      EUT Type:
                                                                                                      Page 24 of 24
      0Y1307031176.ZNF            July 20, 2013    Portable Handset
      © 2013 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                   V4.5

Document Created: 2019-10-23 12:08:44
Document Modified: 2019-10-23 12:08:44

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