SAR Appendix_D


RF Exposure Info

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Head Tissue Simulating Liquids
Head         Parameters according to IEEE Std 1528-2013 / IEC 62209 / FCC KDB 865664 D01
Narrow-      Product                     Test Frequency (MHz)             Main Ingredients
Solutions    HSL300V2                    300                              Water, Sugar
(±5%         HSL450V2                    450                              Water, Sugar
tolerance)   HSL750V2                    750                              Water, Sugar
             HSL900V2                    835, 900                         Water, Sugar
             HSL1450V2                   1450, 1500, 1640                 Water, DGBE
             HSL1750V2                   1750                             Water, DGBE
             HSL1800V2                   1800, 1900                       Water, DGBE
             HSL1900V2                   1900                             Water, DGBE
             HSL1950V2                   1950, 2000                       Water, DGBE
             HSL2450V2                   2450, 2600                       Water, DGBE
Broad-       Product                     Test Frequency (MHz)             Main Ingredients
Solutions    HBBL30-250V3                30-250                           Water, Tween
(±5%         HBBL1350-1850V3             1400-1800                        Water, Tween
tolerance)   HBBL1550-1950V3             1750-1900                        Water, Tween
             HBBL1900-3800V3             1950-3000                        Water, Tween
             HBBL3500-5800V5             3500-5800                        Water, Oil

Body Tissue Simulating Liquids
Body         Parameters according to FCC KDB 865664 D01
Narrow-      Product                     Test Frequency (MHz)             Main Ingredients
Band         MSL300V2                    300                              Water, Sugar
Solutions    MSL450V2                    400, 450                         Water, Sugar
(±5%         MSL750V2                    750                              Water, Sugar
tolerance)   MSL900V2                    835, 900                         Water, Sugar
             MSL1450V2                   1450, 1500, 1640                 Water, DGBE
             MSL1750V2                   1750                             Water, DGBE
             MSL1800V2                   1800, 1900                       Water, DGBE
             MSL1900V2                   1900                             Water, DGBE
             MSL1950V2                   1950, 2100                       Water, DGBE
             MSL2450V2                   2450, 2600                       Water, DGBE
Broad-       Product                     Test Frequency (MHz)             Main Ingredients
Band         MBBL130-250V3               130-250                          Water, Tween
Solutions    MBBL1350-1850V3             1350-1800                        Water, Tween
(±5%         MBBL1550-1950V3             1550-1850                        Water, Tween
tolerance)   MBBL1900-3800V3             1950-3800                        Water, Tween
             MBBL3500-5800V5             3500-5800                        Water, Oil

         Schmid & Partner Engineering AG                                                       s         p           e      a          g

         Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland
         Phone +41 44 245 9700, Fax +41 44 245 9779,

         Measurement Certificate / Material Test

         Item Name                    Head Tissue Simulating Liquid (HSL75OV2)
         Product No.                  SL AAH 075 AA (Charge: 140210—5)
         Manufacturer                 SPEAG

         Measurement Method
        [TSL dielectric parameters measured using calibrated OCP probe.                                                                                         |

         Setup Validation
        [Validation results were within + 2.5% towards the target values of Methanol.                                                                           |

        Target Parameters
        [figet parameters as defined in the IEEE 1528 and IEC 62209 compliance standards.                                                                       _]

         Test Condition
         Ambient                      Environment temperatur (22 + 3)°C and humidity < 70%.
         TSL Temperature 22°C
         Test Date       12—Feb—14
         Operator        IEN

         Additional Information
         TSL Density                  1.284 g/om"
         TSL Heat—capacity 2.701 kJ/(kg*K)

                 Measured                 |Target           | Target [%]   [
         f [MHz]| HP—e‘| HP—e"|sigmal eps sigmal A—eps                 A—sigma        se 1(7)‘2 _T                                                     7
           eoo    444       |23.49|   orse 427      o.s8s      39        4114         >       sg
           e2s    441       |2s.2s|   osi 426       o.s8       35         —8.6        8       2s‘
           s5o    43.7      22.96|    o83 425       o.89       3.0        —6.2        €       o0
           675    4s.3      2268      o.85 423      o.89       24         ~4.1        &      c2.5 4
           700    429       2240|     o.87 422      o89        1.7        1.9         &      50                                                            b
           7os    426       22.25|    0.90 421      0.89       1.3        0.7               1‘3-(5)‘
                                                                                               ‘ 00      650   700   750   Bo0   850     900     950 1000
                                                                                                                      Frequency MHz
           soo    416       |21.67| 417      0.90      —0.1       75
           s2s    ansg      |21s5]|   o.99 4116     o.91      —0.6       9.0
           ass    412       21.49]    1.00 41.5     o.91      —0.8       9.8          i       —
           aso    411       |2142]    1.01 41.50    0.92      14         10.6               10.0                                       "Ceaga»
           875    40.8      21.29|    1.04 41.50     0.94     —1.8       9.9              x 75                             /                               1
           goo    405 |2115| 106| 415 o.97                    —25         9.2             E gg                                                             1
          gas     402       |2101]    1.08 4115     o.98      —34        10.0             3 5o                                                             |
          aso     so.9      |2o.s7|   110 414       o.99      —3.7       10.9              § .2s!                                                          l
          ars     39.6      20.79|    1183 41.4     1.00      —4.3       12.2             ‘: —5.0                                                          }
          1000    s9.4      20.|      145 41.3      1.01      —4.8       13.5             &A 4s /                                                          i
                                                                                             —10.0                                                         5
                                                                                                   600   650   700   750   800   850     900     950   1000 |
                                                                                                                      Frequency MHz

TSL Dielectric Parameters                                                                                                                                      Page 1 of 1

          Schmid & Partner Engineering AG
                                                                                             s _p_                e        a      q
          Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland
          Phone +41 44 245 9700, Fax +41 44 245 9779

           Measurement Certificate / Material Test

          Item Name                       Head Tissue Simulating Liquid (HSL90OV2)
          Product No.                     SL AAH 090 BB (Charge: 140205—4)
          Manufacturer                    SPEAG

           Measurement Method
          [TSL dielectric parameters measured using calibrated OCP probe.

          Setup Validation
          [Validation results were within + 2.5% towards the target values of Methanol.

          Target Parameters
          [Target parameters as defined in the IEEE 1528 and IEC 62209 compliance standards.

          Test Condition
          Ambient                         Environment temperatur (22 + 3)°C and humidity < 70%.
          TSL Temperature                 22°C
          Test Date                       12—Feb—14
          Operator                        IEN

          Additional Information
          TSL Density       1.280 gfcma
          TSL Heat—capacity 2.942 kJ/(kg*K)

                  Measured           [Target    | Target [%]              10.0                                                   {__
          f[MHz]| HP—e‘| HP—e"|elgmal eps_sigmal A—eps A—sigma                 2075
            700      429        i9g.58]     0.76   422    o.89   1.6   —14.3   ; 50
            725      426        |i9.52]     0.79   421    o.89   1.2   411.7   3 as
            750      42.3       19.47|      0.81   41.9   o.89   0.8    —9.1   € o
            775      419        19.35]      o83    41.8   0.90   0.3    —6.8   &f-zs
            soo0     41.6       19.23|      o.86   41.7   0.90   0.3    4.6    §-5-0
                     41.3       19. 18|     o.88   41.6                 —2.9      756                                                         p
                   1 a _,I‘_T      ”"’d ,                                           100
                                                                                       750      800   850   900     950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200
                                                                                                              Frequency MHz

                                                                               3e    75
                                                                               2     5.0
                                                                               B     25
                                                                               g 90
                                                                               é 25
                                                                               s     —5.0
                                                                               A 475 /
                                                                                          750   800   850   900     950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200
                                                                                                                  Frequency MHz

TSL Dielectric Parameters                                                                                                                          Page 1 of 1

          Schmid & Partner Engineering AG                                                           L3   p       e      a        g

          Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland
          Phone +41 44 245 9700, Fax +41 44 245 9779

          Measurement Certificate / Material Test

          Item Name                  Head Tissue Simulating Liquid (HSL1750V2)
          Product No.                SL AAH 175 (Charge: 120907—2)
          Manufacturer               SPEAG

           Measurement Method
          [TSL dielectric parameters measured using calibrated OCP probe.                                                                             |

          Setup Validation
         [Validation results were within + 2.5%towards the target values of Methanol.                                                                 |

          Target Parameters
         |Targel parameters as defined in the IEEE 1528 and IEC 62209 compliance standards.                                                       |

          Test Condition
          Ambient                    Environment temperatur (22 + 3)°C and humidity < 70%.
          TSL Temperature            22°C
          Test Date                  13—Sep—12
          Operator                   CL

          Additional Information
          TSL Density       0.998 g/icm"
          TSL Heat—capacity 3.572 kJ/(kg"K)

                   Measured                 Target          | Target [%]   ‘
          f[MHz]] HP—e‘| HP—e"|sigmal eps sigmal A—eps                A—sigma                10.0            5
           1400     41.2 18.09| 1.02        40.6     148       4.4      —13.6     ‘; 7.5
           1425     41.0 |13.14] 1.04       40.5     149       1.2      12.4       € 5.0
           1450     40.9    |13.19| 1.06    40.5     1.20      14       11.3              E 25
           1475     40.8    |1g.26| 1.09    40.5     121|     0.8       10.3              & 00
           1500     40.7    ig.34| 141|     4040     123      o6         —9.4             & 25—                                      "*0000084
           1825     40.6    18.39 114       404      1.24     04         —8.6             2 .5.0
           1550     40.5    |1s.44| 1146    404      128      0.3        —7.8                7.5
           1875     40.3    |13.49| 148|    4083     1.27     0.0        —6.9               —10.0          3     musifanse inrooesccccelf
           1600     402     |isss|1.21|     40.3     128      —0.2       —6.1                    1400    1500    1600        1700 1800  1900 |
           i6138    40.2 18.58| 1.22        40.3     1.29     —0.3      —5.7      |                              Frequency MHz
           1825     40.1    is.e2| 128      40.3     1.30     —04       —5.2
           1638     40.1    ig.6e5| 1.24    40.3     1.31     —0.5      ~4.8                 108 &                .
           1650     40.0| 126      402      1.31     —0.5      4.3                   7_5|                                           |
           16e3     40.0    13.70| 1.27     402      1.32     —0.6      ~4.1              3e      |
           1675     so.9    |is.r1| 128     402      1.33     —0.7      —8.8              g Z'Zi                                                  |
           is88     so.s    18.72| 4.29     402      1.33     —0.8      —8.5              §    t
           1700     so.s 13.73| 1.30        402      1.34     —0.9      —3.2              6 0.0 (|                                                ‘
           1713     so.7 |13.77| 1.31       4010     1.35     —1.0      —2.7              o —25 |                                                 |
           1725     89.7    13.81|   1.33   40.1 1.36         1.        —2.3            g -5-0:                                                   |
           i7se     so.e    19.85]   1.34   401 1.36                                       —7.5 4                                                 |
                                                 1                                    |   10.0 4                                            ")    |
                                                                                      |        1400      1500    1600     1700   1800      1900
                                                                                      |                  _       Frequency MHz                    _

TSL Dielectric Parameters                                                                                                                         Page 1 of 1

           q U CPD         GCIST   LOYOSSOCY MCC                                              a       "   c         a       q

           Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland
           Phone +41 44 245 9700, Fax +41 44 245 9779

           Measurement Certificate / Material Test

           Item Name                  Head Tissue Simulating Liquid (HSL 1900)
           Product No.                SL AAH 190 AA (Charge: 120112—1)
           Manufacturer               SPEAG

           Measurement Method
           TSL dielectric parameters measured using calibrated OCP probe (type DAK).

          Target Parameters
          Target parameters as defined in the IEEE 1528 and IEC 62209 compliance standards.

          Test Condition
          Ambient Condition 22°C ; 30% humidity
          TSL Temperature 22°C
          Test Date         18—Jan—12

          Additional Information
          TSL Density                 0.985 giem"
          TSL Heat—capacity 3.710 kJ/(kg*K)

                   |Measured                 [Target           [ Target [%]     o               S                        0_
           t[MHz]| HP—o‘| HP—e"|sigmal _eps sigmal A—eps A—sigma                     w ors
            1600    4112     1284     144|    40.3     1.28       21       11.0      ;50
            1613    414      |12.88] 116| 40.3         129|       20       ~10.5     € »s
            1625    414      12.93| 117| 40.3          1.30       1.       ~10.0     E oo                                            1
            1638    «10 1297 148| 40.3                 1.31|      1.8      —9.5      & os         |             _       |   |        ‘
            1650    40.8     1s.01|   149|    402      131|       1.8      —9.1      g,so
            1663    409 13.05| 121| 402                132|       1.7      —8.6        s          |    1         }    1    |    }
            1675    a0.8 13. 10| 122| 402              133        i.6      —8.1       —10.0              o                        ——
            1688    40.8 13.14] 1128 40.2              1.33       14       76              1600 1650 1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000
            1700    40.7     13.18]   1.25    40.2     1.34       1.3      —7.1                           Frequency MHz
            1713    40.6 13.22| 126|          40.1     i1.35      1.2      —6.7
            1725    40.6     18.25|   1.27    401      1.36       1.1      —6.3
            17se    406 13.28| 128            40.1     i1.36      1.0      —5.9        100
            1750    406 13.31| 1.30           401      1.37       0.9      —5.5      & o.
            17e3    404 18.35| 181| 401                1.38       09       —54       > so
            1775    404 13.38] 1182 40.0               1.39       0.8      —4.7      € 2s
            i7ss    40.3 13.41] 1.83 40.0              i1.39      0.7      —4.3      8 oo
                                                                                     8 25

           1838     40.1     13.55| 1.39      40.0     1.40       0.3      1.0        100
           1850     40.1     13.59] 140       40.0     140        01       0.1            1600 1650 1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000
           1863     40.0 is.e3| 1.41 40.0              1.40      0.0       0.9                            Frequency MHz
           1875     39.9 1s.67| 143 40.0               1.40      —0.1      1.9

           1938     89.7     is.s6|   1.49 40.0        1.40      —0.8      6.7
           1950     a9.6     13.90|   1.51 40.0        1.40      —0.9      7.7
           1975     39.5     is.97|   1.53 40.0        140       —1.2      9.6
           2000     89.4     14.04]   1.56 40.0        1.40      —1.5      11.6

TSL Dielectric Parameters                                                                                                                 Page 1 of 1

             Schmid & Partner Engineering AG                                                               s           &        e            a        _q

             Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland
             Phone +41 44 245 9700, Fax +41 44 245 9779

             Measurement Certificate / Material Test

             Item Name                  Head Tissue Simulating Liquid (HSL1950V2)
             Product No.                SL AAH 195 CA (Charge: 120717—3)
             Manufacturer               SPEAG

         Measurement Method
        [TSL dielectric parameters measured using calibrated OCP probe.                                                                                                           |

         Setup Validation
        |Validation results were within + 2.5% towards the target values of Methanol.                                                                                             |

         Target Parameters
        [Target parameters as defined in the IEEE 1528 and IEC 62209 compliance standards.                                                                                        |

             Test Condition
             Ambient         Environment temperatur (22 + 3)°C and humidity < 70%.
             TSL Temperature 22°C
             Test Date       18—Jul—12
             Operator        DI

             TSL Density                0.995 gicm*
             TSL Heat—capacity 3.720 kJ/(kg*K)

                      Measured                 |Target              | Target [%]   |                                                                                   |
             f{MHz]| HP—e‘| HP—e"|sigmal eps sigmal A—eps                      A—sigma    | 2e 13'2                                                                     |     |
              1850    40.6    12.43|    1.28    40.0        1.40       1.5        —8.6            og.    5:0                                                                  |
              1875    40.5    1253 1.3a1        40.0        140        12         —6.7            8      25 .
              1900    40.3 |1z2e2| 1.383        40.0        140        o9         ~4.7            E o0 49 0rbenes.,.
              1925    402     |12.71|   1.36    40.0        1.40       0.6        —2.8            & 25
         —            —                                 —                                         =                                                                 Begep
                                                              4                                   8      —5.0
                                                                                                        ~10,0     d
                                                                                                                1850   1950   2050    2150   2250     2350   2450     2550
                                                                                                                                     Frequenc_y MHz

                                                                                                         10.0                                                           p
              2150    s9.2 1844 1.61            39.7        153       —1.2        4.9             x       75 —
              2175    39.1    18.52|    1.64    39.7        1.56      .4          5.2             ‘E      5.0 —                                                         |
              2200    39.1    18.61|    1.67    39.6        1.58      —1.5        5.5             g       32
              2225    38.9    18.68|    1.69    39.6        1.60      ~1.7        5.9             5      25
              2250    se.s 19.76| 1.72 39.6                 162       —1.9        6.2         2 ‘56
              2275    38.7    19.83|    1.75    39.5         1.64     —2.0        6.5         LA         115 /
              2300    38.6    13.91|    1.78    39.5        1.67      —2.2        6.8         I         ~10.0 3
              29325   38.56   13.98]    1.81    39.4        1.69      —2.3        7.1         :                 1850   1950   2050    2150   2250     2350   2450     2550
              2350    38.4    14.06|    1.84    39.4        1.71      ~2.5        74                                                 Frequency MHz                          __|
              2375    98.3    14.13]    1.87    39.3        1.73      —2.7        7.7
              2400    38.2    14.21|    1.90    39.3        1.76      —2.8        8.0
              2425    38.1    |14.28|   1.98    39.2        1.78      —3.0        8.4
              2450    38.0    14.36|    1.96    39.2        1.80      —8.1        8.7
              2475    37.9    14.42|]   1.99    39.2        1.83      —3.3        8.7
              2500    37.8    14.49|    2.02    39.1        1.85      —3.5        8.7
              2525    37.6    14.56| 2.04       39. 1       i1.88     —3.7        8.7
              2550    97.5    14.62|    2.07    39.1        1.91      —3.9        8.7
              2575    37.4    14.69| 210        39.0        1.94      —4.1        8.7
             2600     37.3    14.76|    2193    39.0        1.96      ~4.3        8.7

TSL Dielectric Parameters                                                                                                                                                   Page 1 of 1

          Schmid & Partner Engineering AG                                                                         S        p           e        a           s!

         Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland
         Phone +41 44 245 9700, Fax +41 44 245 9779

          Measurement Certificate / Material Test

          Item Name                         Head Tissue Simulating Liquid (HSL2450V2)
          Product No.                       SL AAH 245 BA (Charge: 130430—3)
          Manufacturer                      SPEAG

          Measurement Method
         [TSL dielectric parameters measured using calibrated OCP probe.                                                                                                                |

          Setup Validation
         \Validation results were within + 2.5% towards the target values of Methanol.                                                                                             _|

          Target Parameters
          Target parameters as defined in the IEEE 1528 and IEC 62209 compliance standards.                                                                                         |

          Test Condition
          Ambient                           Environment temperatur (22 + 3)°C and humidity < 70%.
          TSL Temperature                   23°C
          Test Date                         2—May—13
          Operator                          CL

          Additional Information
          TSL Density       0.988 g/cm*
          TSL Heat—capacity 3.680 kJ/(kg*K)

                    Measured                       Target               | Target (%]        |                                                                                |
          f[MHz]| HP—e‘ HP—e"[sigmal _eps sigmal A—eps A—sigma                                             ze 1312_                                          T             |        I
           1900     416     i1.9s|          1.27    40.0         1.40        4.0        —9.6         &          so,                                                        |
           1925     4ns     1206            1.29    40.0         140         38         —7.7       |§           a.5 1 *
           1950     414     12 15|          1.82    40.0         140         35         —5.9         €          o0 —                                                       |        ‘
           1975     413     1224            135     40.0         140         3.3        —3.9       | &         —2.5 —                                                     P         |
           2000     4112    1234            1.37    40.0         140         3.0        1.9          g         —5.0                                                        |
           ro2s     411     12 44|          1.40    40.0         142         2.9        1.5        |           1‘7-5
           205p     ||matop 1254 se ds                           144         28         49                     0'01900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700
           2075     40.9    |12.62|         146     so.9         147|        2.6        —0.6                                            Frequency MHz                  |
           2100     40.8    |12.71|         148     sa.8         149         25         —0.3                                                                ma———_——_—3
           225      40.7    |1iz80|         1151    so.s         151|        23         0.1
           2150     40.6    |1iz288|        1.54    s9.7         1.53        22         0.5            r
           2175     40.5    |12.97|         1.57    39.7         1.56        2.0        0.9                    10.0                                                            ]
           2200     40.4 18.05| 1.60                3ag.6       1.58         1.9        1.3             & 7.5 4
           2225     40.3 19s.1s| 163                39g.6       1.60         1.7        1.6             2 50—
           2250     40.2 13.21| 1.65                39.6        1.62         1.6        1.9            |g (2)‘2
         2275 | 40.1        is.30| i.68 |              so.        64    |_1.5                          | g cA
          2300 .|                      (_    1411            __1.67     |_          C          E           s   +5.0
           2825     39.9 13.48| 1.74                39.4        1.69         1.2        8.2                & 45
           2350     s9.8s 13.56| 1.77               39.4        1.71         1.0        3.6                  —10.0
           vis      a9.7    lisg.e4a        1.80    89.3         1.73        0.9        4.0                       1900   2000   2100   2200   2300   2400   2500   2600   2700

           2400     39.6                            39.3        1.76         0.8        4.3                                             Frequency MHz
           2425                                     39.2        1.78

           2475     39.3                            39.2         1.83                    .
           2500     39.2                            89.1         1.85                   5.2
           2525     39.1                            39.1         1.88                   5.4
           2550     39.0 |14.22 2.02                ag.1         1.91                   5.6
           asts     38.9 14.28| 2.05                39.0         1.94                   5.6

           2625     se.s    14.41]          210     39.0        1.99         —0.9       5.7
           2650     se.s    |14.48|         213     3as.o       2.02         4141       5.8
           2675     s84     |14.55|         217     3g.9        205          1.3        5.9
           2700     se.s    |14.62]         220     as.o        z.07         —1.4       6.0

TSL Dielectric Parameters                                                                                                                                                           Page 1 of 1

             senmid & Partner kngineering AG                                                              s                  a          g

             Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland
             Phone +41 44 245 9700, Fax +41 44 245 9779

             Measurement Certificate / Material Test

             Item Name                         Head Tissue Simulating Liquid (HBBL1550—1950V3)
             Product No.                       SL AAH 181 AA (Charge: 140206—3)
             Manufacturer                      SPEAG

          Measurement Method
         [TSL dielectric parameters measured using calibrated OCP probe.                                                                              _

          Setup Validation
         [Validation results were within + 2.5% towards the target values of Methanol.                                                                |

          Target Parameters
         |Target parameters as defined in the IEEE 1528 and IEC 62209 compliance standards.                                                           |

         Test Condition
         Ambient         Environment temperatur (22 + 3)°C and humidity < 70%.
         TSL Temperature 22°C
         Test Date       12—Feb—14
         Operator        IEN

             Additional Information
             TSL Density                       1.052 gicm*
             TSL Heat—capacity 3.322 kJ/(kg*K)

                         Measured                         \Target        | Target [%]
             1[MHz]| HP—e‘ HP—e"|sigmal eps sigmal A—eps A—sigma                               . 1900
              1500       40.8         18.29        1.11      40.4           0.9       —9.7     ;    76
              1825       40.7 13.34| 1.13                                   0.7       —8.9     2 5.0
              1550       40.6 13.38| 1415                                   0.6       —8.2     € 245
              1575       40.5 13.41                117                      0.4       7.5      £    vt                       e
              1600       40.4         13.44|       1.20                     0.2       —6.9     g ~2.6 >
                         40.3                                                                     5.0
                                 i                                                                —7.5
                                                                                                      1500     1600   1700       1800   1900   2000
                                                                                                                      Frequency MHz

         lm—                                                                                       to.0            es
             -JU —                     C       .     21 |_                                          7.5 4
         1325            39.5 1375|                1.40      40.0   1.40                       ®    o
              1850 39.4 13.81                                40.0 1.40                         5 #l
              1875       so.s3 13.84 144                     40.0   140                        §      ~
         [           |          "IT        |ar]_                                               g    0.0

           nabenemmcommm                                                                       S&0 iz
                                                                                                   —5.         _
                                 ~                              —                              ° us
                                                                                                        1500   1600   1700       1800   1900   2000
                                                                                                                      Frequency MHz

TSL Dielectric Parameters                                                                                                                             Page 1 of 1

         Schmid & Partner Engineering AG                                                      S
         Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland
         Phone +41 44 245 9700, Fax +41 44 245 9779,

         Measurement Certificate / Material Test

         Item Name                 Head Tissue Simulating Liquid (HBBL1900—3800V3)
         Product No.               SL AAH 196 AB (Charge: 131212—1)
         Manufacturer              SPEAG

         Measurement Method
        |TSL dielectric parameters measured using calibrated OCP probe.

         Setup Validation
        [Validation results were within + 2.5% towards the target values of Methanol.

         Target Parameters
        |Target parameters as defined in the IEEE 1528 and IEC 62209 compliance standards.

         Test Condition
         Ambient         Environment temperatur (22 + 3)°C and humidity < 70%.
         TSL Temperature 22°C
         Test Date       18—Dec—13
         Operator        IEN

         Additional Information
         TSL Density               1.054 giem"
         TSL Heat—capacity 3.389 kJ/(kg*K)
                    Measured                |Target         | Target [%]                    ——
         f [MHz]| HP—e‘ HP—e" sigmal eps sigmal A—eps                  A—sigma             10.0
           1900     41.0    122     1.3      40.0     14       25        —7.9         e     75
                                                                                      .E    5.0
           2000     40.7    124     14       40.0     1.4      1.7       41.3         €     25 4
           2050     40.5    126     14       39.9     14       1.6       —0.6         E 0.0
           2100     404     127     1.5      39.8     15       14        —0.6         §0 25—
                                                                                      2 5.0
           2200     40.0 | 129      1.6      39.6     1.6      1.0       0.1                176 —
           2250     89.9 13.0       1.6      s9.6     1.6      0.8       0.4               —10.0                                                    f
                                                                                                1900 2100 2800 2500 2700 2900 3100 3300 3500 3700 3900
           2a5s0o   so9.5 | 13.3    1.7      39.4     17       0.3       1.8                                     Frequency MHz
           2400     89.3 135        1.8      39.3     1.8      0.1       2.4

           2650     384     14.0    21       38.9     20       .4        25       ‘o\°      $
           2700     382     14.2    21       s8.9     21       —1.7      2.7       §        2'5                 Loan                            bgs
           2750     38.0    14.3    22       s8.8     24       —24       2.5        §        C                         wheile   *
           2800     37.8    144     22       sg8      22       —24       2.6       g        o9
           2850     37.6    14.5    23       38.7     22       —2.7      26        o       25
           2900     37.5    14.6    24       sg.6     23       —2.9      2.6       §       5.0
           29so     ar.a    14.6    24       sa.e     23       —3.83     25                 —7.5 J
           so00     371     14.7    25       385      24       —3.6      2.3               10.0 Jw                                                    |
           soco     Nesm    i1s     Me@WN    sas      2s       4s        To                    1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 8100 3300 3500 3700 3900 |
           3100     36.7    14.9    26       384      25       —4.3      2.6                                                                             |
                                                                                                                 Frequency MHz                            |
           3150     866     15.0    26       383      26       46        2.8                                                                             |
           3200     364     15.0    27       38.3     26       —4.9      2.8
           3250     362     151     27       382      27       —5.2      3.0
           3300     8614    152     28       s82      27       —55       3.0
           3350     35.9    152     28       381      28       —5.8      2.9
           3400     85.7    15.3    2.9      38.0     28       —6.0      2.8

           se00      351    155     81       378      s.0      —7.2      2.9
           s650      34.9   15.5    8.2      37.8     81       —7.5      2.9

           3750      34.6   15.7    8.3      37.6     32       —8.1       3.2
           ssoo      34.5   15.7    3.3      37.6     32       —8.3       3.4
           s850o     34.3   15.8    84       375      3.3      —8.5       3.2

TSL Dielectric Parameters                                                                                                                                Page 1 of 1

          Schmid & Partner Engineering AG
                                                                                                                 s _p           e      a        q
          Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland
          Phone +41 44 245 9700, Fax +41 44 245 9779

          Measurement Certificate / Material Test

          Item Name                                 Head Tissue Simulating Liquid (HBBL3500—5800V5)
          Product No.                               SL AAH 502 AB (Charge: 130123—1)
          Manufacturer                              SPEAG

          Measurement Method
         [TSL dielectric parameters measured using calibrated OCP probe,                                                                                   _

          Setup Validation
         [Validation results were within + 2.5% towards thetarget values of Methanol.                                                                             |

         Target Parameters
         @gget parameters as defined in the IEEE 1528 and IEC 62209 compliance standards.                                                                         |

          Test Condition
          Ambient         Environment temperatur (22 + 3)°C and humidity < 70%.
          TSL Temperature 22°C
          Test Date       23—Jan—13
          Operator        DI

          Additional Information
          TSL Density                               0.985 g/icm"
          TSL Heat—capacity 3.383 kJ/(kg*K)

                          Measured                         |Target         Target [%]
          f [MHz]] HP—e‘ HP—e" sigma| eps sigmal A—eps                                       A—sigma         it9.9
         x    s400aj ss.8 + 1s.03| + 2.84                   s8.0
                                                           _——         281|
                                                                        Tg            1.9    1.2
                                                                                            mt           8
                                                                                                         g    175
          I           |          [             1.          .                    I                        €

                                                                37.8 3.02                                Eo 25
         |3700 | as.4 | 14.97                  |3.08       |_           2| 1.                            $ 00—
              se00        38.2       |14.95]        316         376    322            1.7       1.8      & 25
              3900        381        14.96|         3.25        87.5   8.32           1.7       2.3      9 5.0
              4000        38.0       14.99|         3.34        37.4   343            1.8       —2.6        7.5
              4100        37.9       15.03|         3.43        37.2    3.53          1.8       —2.8       —10.0
              4200        37.8       15.06|         8.52        37.1    3.63          1.8       —3.0             3400    3900   4400     4900   5400   5900
              49300       37.7       15.13|         s.62        37.0    3.783         1.8       —3.1                            Frequency MHz
              4400        37.6       15.20|         8.72        36.9    3.84          1.8       —3.0
              4500        37.4       15.23|         8.81        36.8    3.94          1.7       —3.2
              4600        37.3       15.30|         3.92        36.7   4.04           1.6       —8.1         10.0 —
              4700        37.1       |15.35|        4.01        36.6   444            1.5       81            os
              4800        37.0       |15.41|        411         364    4.25           1.5       —3.1      .
              4850        36.9       15.45|         417         36.4   4.30           1.5       —8.0     E Zg
              4900        36.8       15.49|         4.22        36.3   4.35           1.4       2.9      € 0'0 €
              4950        36.8       15.51|         4.27        36.3   4.40           14        2.9      § _2'5 \_“                                    s
              5000        36.7       15.54|         4.32        36.2   445            1.4       2.9      a *        «—>
              soso        s6.6 |15.57| 4.37                     362    4.50           1.3       —2.8      3 50
              5100        36.6       15.60| 4.42                361    4.55           1.3       —2.8     o 7.5
                                                                                                             1 0'03400   3900   4400     4900   5400   5900
                                                                                                                                Frequency MHz                 i

TSL Dielectric Parameters                                                                                                                                     Page 1 of 1

          Schmid & Partner Engineering AG                                          sJ                e       a         g

          Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland
          Phone +41 44 245 9700, Fax +41 44 245 9779

          Measurement Certificate / Material Test

          Item Name                   Body Tissue Simulating Liquid (MSLT75SOV2)
          Product No.                 SL AAM 075 (Charge: 120831—2)
          Manufacturer                SPEAG

          Measurement Method
         [TSL dielectric parameters measured using calibrated OCP probe.                                                                    |

          Setup Validation
         [Validation results were within + 2.5% towards the target values of Methanol.                                                   _]

          Target Parameters
         ]Target parameters as defined in the IEEE 1528 and IEC 62209 compliance standards.                                                |

          Test Condition
          Ambient                     Environment temperatur (22 + 3)°C and humidity < 70%.
          TSL Temperature             22°C
          Test Date                   5—Sep—12
          Operator                    CL

          Additional Information
          TSL Density                 1.212 giem"
          TSL Heat—capacity 3.006 kJ/(kg*K)

                   Measured           [Target    [ Target [%]
          f [MHz]| HP—e‘| HP—e"|sigmal eps sigmal A—eps A—sigma            w 13'2 ]                                                  '
            eo0     574 |24.67| o.82 se.1           095    22      435     > 50 .                                                          \
            625     571 |24.34| 085 se0 0.95               1.9     41.3   € 2s                                                       |
            eso     ses     24.01|    087    s5.9   o.96   1.6     —9     ‘g 0.0                                                           |
            ers     see     |2s.m1|   o89    s5.8   o.96   1.3     71      & crs                                             "'fil
            7oo     sea     |2s41|    091|   s5.7   o.9s   1.0     —5.0    & 40                                                  4
            7os     se.0    23.20|    o.g4   55.6   0.96   |_0.7             48                                                  |
                                                                                   600   650   700   750 800 850       900    950   1000
                                               °                    &                                 Frequency MHz
            Bo0     55.3    22.64|    1.01   55.3   0.97   —0.1    4.2    lL—_—_____                   ntoe                         ——
            825     55.1    22.47|    1.08   55.2   0.98   —0.3    5.5
            B38     54.9    22.39|    1.04   55.2   0.98   —0.5    6.1
            B50     54.8    22.31|    1.05   55.2   0.99   —0.6    6.7
            875     §4.6    22.19|    1.08   55.1   1.02   —0.9    6.0
            900     54.4    22.07|    1.10   55.0   1.05   —11     5.2
            925     §4.1    |21.96|   113    55.0   1.06   —1.5    6.3
            950     53.9    21.85|    115    54.9   1.08   —1.9    7.4
            975     §3.7    21.75|    118    §4.9   1.09   —2.2    8.5
            1000    53.6    |21.64]   1.20   54.8   110    —2.5    9.6

                                                                                   600   650   700   750   B00   850   900    950   1000
                                                                                                      Frequency MHz

TSL Dietectric Parameters                                                                                                                  Page 1 of 1

          Schmid & Partner Engineering AG                                                                            s    p       e          a   q

          Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland
          Phone +41 44 245 9700, Fax +41 44 245 9779

          Measurement Certificate / Material Test

          Item Name                             Body Tissue Simulating Liquid (MSL9OOV2)
          Product No.                           SL AAM 090 CA (Charge: 140124—1)
          Manufacturer                          SPEAG

          Measurement Method
         [TSL dielectric parameters measured using calibrated OGP probe.                                                                                           |

          Setup Validation
         [Validation results were within + 2.5% towards the target values of Methanol.                                                                            |

          Target Parameters
         |Targel parameters as defined in the IEEE 1528 and IEC 62209 compliance standards.                                                                        |

          Test Condition
          Ambient                               Environment temperatur (22 + 3)°C and humidity < 70%.
          TSL Temperature                       22°C
          Test Date                             29—Jan—14
          Operator                              IEN

          Additional Information
          TSL Density                           1.208 g/icm8
          TSL Heat—capacity 3.113 kJ/(kg*K)

                       Measured                        |Target           | Target (%])                   is
          f[MHz]| HP—e‘| HP—e"|sigmal eps sigmal A—eps                                   A—sigma           o 7'5
            700        s6e.5       22.21|       0.86    55.7     0.96        14            —9.9            ; l
            725        se3         22.03|       089     55.6      o.96       11            —7.6            8 2s
            750        se.0        2185         0.91    55.5     o.96        0.9           —5.4            Eoo
            775        s5.8        2171         0.94    554      o.97        0.6           —8.1            & ss \
            Bsoo       555         21.57|       0.96    55.3     0.97        0.3           —0.8            § 50
            s2s        s5.3        |2147|       o.99    5.2      o.98        0.1           0.8               45
                   |    5.2    |            |          | 5               |                                      ©10,0 A————_———__—                 e css
                               Tz.3z| 101| s52                   oss| o2             O     22      —   |          750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200
                                                                                                                                Frequency MHz
                                   21.28 1.04           55.1_1.02                                      !                                                    ——]

                                                        55.0     1.06        414           2.1                108 4
                                   21.01 141            54.9     108         —4.5          3.2             wors!|
                                   20.96| 114           54.9     1.09        —1.8          4.6             F® 5o }
                                   20.90|       116     54.8     140         —21           5.9             %     25%
                                   20.82| 119 54.8               141         —24          7.0              B     o0
                                   20.75| 1.21 54.7              142         —2.7         8.1              38    251}
                                   20.70| 1.24 54.7              113         —3.0         9.4              §     50
                                   20.66| 1.26 s4.7              194         —3.4         10.6             9     +154
                                   20.57| 1.29 s4.6              15          —3.7         11.5                  10,0        —
                                   soaslieillises                1171        s            t                        750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200
           1175        s22 |20a7| 184 5450                       das         42000        18.7                                  FevexyiM‘s
           1200        52.0 |20.46| 1.37                s4.5     119         —4.5         15.0                                           ~

TSL Dielectric Parameters                                                                                                                                         Page 1 of 1

          Schmid & Partner Engineering AG
                                                                                                          s p_              e     a _
          Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland
          Phone +41 44 245 9700, Fax +41 44 245 9779

          Measurement Certificate / Material Test

          Item Name                   Body Tissue Simulating Liquid (MSL1750V2)
          Product No.                 SL AAM 175 (Charge: 120919—3)
          Manufacturer                SPEAG

          Measurement Method
         [TSL dielectric parameters measured using calibrated OCP probe.

          Setup Validation
         |Validation results were within + 2.5% towards the target values of Methanol.                                                                     |

          Target Parameters
          Target parameters as defined in the IEEE 1528 and IEC 62209 compliance standards.                                                              —|

          Test Condition
          Ambient                     Environment temperatur (22 + 3)°C and humidity < 70%.
          TSL Temperature             22°C
          Test Date                   20—Sep—12
          Operator                    CL

          Additional Information
          TSL Density                 0.998 g/icm"
          TSL Heat—capacity 3.893 kJ/(kg*K)

                   Measured                  {Target  Target [%]        |
          f[MHz]| HP—e‘| HP—e"|sigmal eps sigmal A—eps                    A—sigma                      10.0 7
           1400    s4.2     |14.23|   1.11    54.1     1.28       02       —13.2                  &     175
           1425    541 |14.30| 113            54.0     1.29       o4       421                    g 5.0
           1450    54.0 |i4.36| 116|          54.0     1.30       0.0      —10.9                  € 25
           1475    53.9 |14.42| 118           54.0     1.32       —0.1     —10.0                  g 00
           1500    s3.8     |14.49| 1.21      s8.9     1.33       —0.2      —9.2            & 25
           i5825   s8.7     14.54| 1.28       58.9     1.35       —0.3      —8.4            2 .5.0 s
           1550    58.7     14.59| 1126       53.9     1.36       —0.4      —7.7               -7.5;‘
           1575    s3.6     14.67| 1.29       sa.8     1.38       —0.5      —6.8          1   +10.0                                                  —
           1600    58.5     14.74| 1.31|      58.8     1.39       —0.6      5.9           |        1400              1500                    1800   1900
           1613    584 14.77] 1.32            s3.8     1.40       —0.7      5.5           |                                 Frequency MHz_               __|
           1625    58.4     14.79| 1.34       s83.8    1.41       —0.7      —5.1
           1638    58.3     14.82| 1195       s83.7    142        —0.7      4.7                        10.0 —
           1650    sa.s     |14.85| 136       s3.7     i.43       —0.8      ~4.4                        AC l                                        /P
           18e3    532      |14.88| 1.38      53.7     1.43       —0.8      ~4.0                  3e
           1675    532      |14.91| 1.39      58g.6    1.44       —0.8      —8.6                  2     5'0’
           i6888   531      |14.94] 1.40      58.6     145        —0.8      —3.2                  §     28
           1700 s81 14.97| 142 s3.6 146                           —0.9      28                          1e
           1713    531      15.01| 143        53.5     i1.46      —0.9      —2.4                  0 25 q
           1725    s3.0 15.04| 144 s3.5                147        —0.9      —2.0                  & -5-0:
           1738    53.0     15.07|    1.46 53.5 1.48              —1.0      1.6                         75 <
           1750           145.           7 |   sa.4 1149                    M2       (|       |        —10.0
           17e3    s2.9 15.14| 1.48           59.4                —1.0      —0.8                              1400   1500                    1800   1900

           1825    s2.7     |15.30| 1.556     58.3     1.52       .2        2.2
           i1838   s26      |15.3a| 1.57      58.3     1.52       1.3       8.1
           1850    26       15.37| 1.58       58.3     1.52       —1.4      4.0
           1863    525      15.40| 1.60       58.3     1.52       —1.5      5.0
           1875    5215     |15.44| 1.61      58.3     1.52       —4.5      6.0
           1888    s2.4     |15.48| 163       58.3     1.52       —4A.6     6.9
           1900    524      |1s.51| 164       53.3     1.52       —1.7      7.9

TSL Dielectric Parameters                                                                                                                                  Page 1 of 1

          Schmid & Partner Engineering AG
                                                                                                    s          _p_      e            a      g
          Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland
          Phone +41 44 245 9700, Fax +41 44 245 9779

              Measurement Certificate / Material Test

          Item Name                     Body Tissue Simulating Liquid (MSL1900V2)
          Product No.                   SL AAM 190 (Charge: 120913—1)
          Manufacturer                  SPEAG

          Measurement Method
         [TSL dielectric parameters measured using calibrated OGP probe.

          Setup Validation
         |Validation results were within + 2.5% towards the target values of Methanol.

          Target Parameters
         [Target parameters as defined in the IEEE 1528 and IEC 62209 compliance standards,

          Test Condition
          Ambient                       Environment temperatur (22 + 3)°C and humidity < 70%.
          TSL Temperature               22°C
          Test Date                     20—Sep—12
          Operator                      CL

          Additional Information
          TSL Density                   0.996 giem"
          TSL Heat—capacity 3.947 kJ/(kg*K)

                     Measured                   |Target          | Target [%]         h
          f[MHz]| HP—e‘ HP—e"|sigmal eps sigmal A—eps                      A—sigma      €1    /K 1
              1600   s4.1 13.s0| 123 538 1.39                       050      A41.8     = so|
              1613   541 |18.84] 1.24 sa.8 140                      050      414       8 as!
              1625   §4.0     |18.87|   1.25     53.8     141       0.5      ~11.0     Eo     ng *
              1638   s4.0 |13.91|       127      sar      142|      o5       +10.6     & 55.
              1650   s3.9     |is.os|   128      s3.7     143       0.4      ~10.2     g so }
              1663   53.9     13.99]    1.290    53.7     143       0.4      —9.7             1554
              1675   53.8     14.02]    1.31     53.6     1.44      0.4      —9.3            +10.0 +                                                       I

              1688   53.8     14.06|    1.32     53.6     1.45      0.4      —8.9               1600    1650    1700   1750   1800   1850   1900   1950   2000
              1700   53.8     14.10|    1.33     53.6     1.46      0.4      —8.4                                       Frequency MHz
              1713   53.7     |14.14]   1.35     59.5     146       0.3      —8.0
                     s8.6 14.27| 1.39 53.4
                                                                             —6.7      wors!
                                                                                             100                                                   z
              i7es   s8.5 14.31| 140 534                  1.50      0.3      +6.2      T so
              1775   s8.5 14.35| 1.42            534      1.50      0.3      —5.8      § s
              1788   58.5 | 14.40 143            53.3     1.51      0.2    _ —5.3      -:E    0.0
          .                 [ 14        1145 |                         S               8 as
              1813   59.4    14.48]     146      53.3     1.52      0.2      —3.9      & 5o
              1825   53.3    14.52]     1.47     53.3     1.52      0.1      —3.0      2 as
              1838   53.3    14.56|     1.49     53.3     1.52      0.0      —2.0            —10.0 _‘/
                                                                                                1600    1650    1700   1750   1800   1850   1900   1950   2000|
                                                                                                                        Frequency MHz

              1950   52.9    |14.95|    1.62     53.3     1.52     —0.7      6.7
              1975   52.8    |15.03]    1.65     53.3     1.52     —0.9      8.7
              2000   §2.7    |15.11|]   1.68     53.3     1.52     —1.0      10.6

TSL Dielectric Parameters                                                                                                                                        Page 1 of 1

          Schmid & Partner Engineering AG

          Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland
          Phone +41 44 245 9700, Fax +41 44 245 9779

          Measurement Certificate / Material Test

          Item Name                    Body Tissue Simulating Liquid (MSL1950V2)
          Product No.                  SL AAM 195 (Charge: 120919—2)
          Manufacturer                 SPEAG

          Measurement Method
         [TSL dielectric parameters measured using calibrated OCP probe.

          Setup Validation
         |Validation results were within + 2.5% towards the target values of Methanol.

          Target Parameters
         |Targel parameters as defined in the IEEE 1528 and IEC 62209 compliance standards.

          Test Condition
          Ambient                      Environment temperatur (22 + 3)°C and humidity < 70%.
          TSL Temperature              22°C
          Test Date                    20—Sep—12
          Operator                     CL

          Additional Information
          TSL Density                  0.997 g/icm*
          TSL Heat—capacity 3.970 kJ/(kg*K)

                      Measured                Target    Target [%]                                                                            ‘
          f[MHz]| HP—e‘| HP—e"/sigmal eps sigmal A—eps                     A—sigma         e 132                                                               |
           1850       58.3   18.47|    1.39   53.3       152      041        —8.8          ® 5o                                                                |
           1875       582    18.58|    142    58.3       1.52     —0.2       —6.8          8 as
           1900       53.1   1g.68|    145    58.3       1.52     —0.4       4.9           E 0.0
           1925       53.0   18.77|    1.47   58.3       1.52       :        —3.0          & 25
                  —                                  R           nz                        g s0 |
                                                                                                 —7.6 4
                                                                                                —10.0 —
                                                                                                    1850   1950   2050    2150   2250    2350   2450   2550
                                                                                                                         Frequency MHz

                                        §                 .                                     10.0                                                           |
           2150       52.2   14.61|    1.75   531        i1.66    —1.7       5.1          | ;    7.5
           2175       521 |14.70| 1.78 581               1.69     —1.8       5.5          |T 5o
           2200       52.0   14.79|    1.81   53.0       1.71     —1.9       5.0        g 3:2
           2225       51.9   14.88|    1.84   53.0       1.74     —2.0       CAl         § l5
           2250       51.8   14.96|    1.87   s3.0       1.76     —2.2       6.5        ‘: 5.0
           2275       51.7   |15.05|   1.91   §2.9       1.78     —2.3       6.9        & —15 /
           2300       §1.6   |15.14|   1.94   52.9       1.81     24         7.2      |    —10.0 8
           2825       51.5   |15.24    1.97   52.9       183      25         7.7                    1850   1950   2050    2150   2250    2350   2450   2550
           2850       514    15.33|    2.00   52.8       185      —2.6       8.1      |                                  Frequency MHz                         |
           2375       514    |1542]    2.04   52.8       i.88     —2.7       8.5
           2400       51.3   |15.50|   207    s2.8       1.90     —2.8       8.8
           2425       51.2   15.60|    210    52.7       1.93     —2.9       9.2
           2450       511    15.69|    214    52.7       1.95     —3.1       9.7
           2475       51.0   15.78|    217    §2.7       1.99     —3.2       9.4
           2500       50.9   15.87|    221    52.6       202      —3.3       9.2
           2525       50.8   15.96|    224    52.6       206      —3.4       9.1
           2550       50.7   16.06|    228    526        2.09     —3.5       8.9
           2575       50.6   16 14|    231    525        213      —3.7       8.7
           2600       s0.5   |16.23|   285    525        216      —3.9       8.6

TSL Dielectric Parameters                                                                                                                                     Page 1 of 1

          Schmid & Partner Engineering AG
                                                                                               s _p_             e            a
          Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland
          Phone +41 44 245 9700, Fax +41 44 245 9779

          Measurement Certificate / Material Test

          Item Name                   Body Tissue Simulating Liquid (MSL2450V2)
          Product No.                 SL AAM 245 BA (Charge: 130510—2)
          Manufacturer                SPEAG

          Measurement Method
         [TSL dielectric parameters measured using calibrated OCP probe.

          Setup Validation
         [Validation results were within + 2.5% towards the target values of Methanol.

          Target Parameters
         |Target parameters as defined in the IEEE 1528 and IEC 62209 compliance standards.                                                            |

          Test Condition
          Ambient         Environment temperatur (22 + 3)°C and humidity < 70%.
          TSL Temperature 22°C
          Test Date       15—May—13
          Operator        IEN

          Additional Information
          TSL Density                 0.996 g/om"
          TSL Heat—capacity 3.987 kJ/(kg*K)

                  Measured           \Target    | Target [%]                    100
          f[MHz]] HP—e‘| HP—e"|sigmal eps sigmal A—eps A—sigma                  C       lke
           1900     §24     12.21|    1.29    53.3   1.52        ~1.7   ~15.1   O-E'     EP
           i1925    s2s 1232] 182|            sa.3   152|        4.9    A48.2   8 as
           1950     52.2    1243      1.35    53.3   1.52        —2.1   11.3    E        00
           1975     §21     1255)|    1.38|   53.3   1.52        —22    —9.3    o. 2s
           2000     §2.0    12.67]|   141|    53.3   1.52        —2.4   —7.3    g       50
           2025    51.9     12.75|    144     53.3   1.54        +2.5   —6.9            75
           2050    51.8     12.84] 146|       59.2   1.57        —2.6   —6.6           100
           2075    §1.7     12.96]| 1.50      53.2   1.59        —2.7   —6.0             1900 2000 21 00 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700
           2100    51.7     13.09]    1.53    53.2   1.62        —2.8   —5.4                                     Frequency MHz
           2125    51.6     18.17]    1.56    591    1.64        ~2.9   —5.0
           2150    51.5     13.25|    1.58    53.1   1.66        —3.0   4.T
           2175    514      13.37|    1.62    531    1.69        —3.1   ~4.1           100
           2200    51.3     13.50]    1.65    53.0   1.71        —3.3   —8.5    y        ors
           2225    51.2 18.58| 1.68           53.0   1.74        —3.3   —8.1    > so
           2250    s1.2 18.65| 1.71           53.0   i1.76       —3.3   —2.8    § os.
           2275 | 511       13.78] 1.74 | 529 _ i1.78            35             8 oo
                                                             J                  8 2s
                                                                                g,' 50
                                                                                       ~10.0       *

                                                                                           1900   2000   2100   2200   2300   2400   2500   2600   2700‘
                                                                                                                 Frequency MHz

TSL Dielectric Parameters                                                                                                                              Page 1 of 1

             Schmid & Partner Engineering AG                                                                        s      p      e      a        q

             Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland
             Phone +41 44 245 9700, Fax +41 44 245 9779

             Measurement Certificate / Material Test

             Item Name                            Body Tissue Simulating Liquid (MBBL1550—1950V3)
             Product No.                          SL AAM 181 AA (Charge: 140218—3)
             Manufacturer                         SPEAG

          Measurement Method
         [TSL dielectric parameters measured using calibrated OCP probe.

             Setup Validation
         |Validation results were within + 2.5% towards the target values of Methanol.                                                                      _|

          Target Parameters
         |Target parameters as defined in the IEEE 1528 and IEC 62209 compliance standards.

             Test Condition
             Ambient                              Environment temperatur (22 + 3)°C and humidity < 70%.
             TSL Temperature                      22°C
             Test Date                            19—Feb—14
             Operator                             IEN

             Additional Information
             TSL Density                          1.042 g/cm*
             TSL Heat—capacity 3.475 kJ/(kg*K)

                          Measured                               |Target           | Target [%]
             f[MH2z]| HP—e‘ HP—e"|eigmal eps sigmal A—eps A—sigma
              1500 59.5 14.88 1.24                   —0.9   —6.7                                            ; 7.5
              18525       s3.4 14.88| 1.26                                            —0.9      —6.2        €     5.0
              1550        584 14.89 1.28                                              1.0       —5.8        E     *
              1575        58.2       14.89        1.30                                411       —5.3        &     90
              1600        531        14.90| 1.33                                      —1.2      —4.8        & 255
              1625        59.1 14.89               1.                                           4.5         92 5.0

                                                                                                                    1500   1600   1700     1800   1900   2000
                                                                                                                                  Frequency MHz

                 o |s2.7         |           |           1.45}                     [|_—1
          E’I 1.00|                                              534       1.50       1.4 -22                    sB
                      | s2.e     |14.91|1.49                     583.3         |                        5         78
         1825                     14.99 | 1.52 53.3                        —1.52                            Co 50
          1850                    15.07| 1.55 53.3                          1.52                              :.l
          1875                   15o6 1.57 53.3                            1.52                              § T
             l o. |tss                                                                                      § 25
         1925 1509[ 53.3 152                                                                                s £0
         I            |        JI            ;|                                       C                     o    ns
                                                  ment cas                 — .52 —2.3            90.7             f
                                                  169 sa.s                 i.s2 24              41.3            1881500    1600   1700     1800   1900   2000
                                                                                                                                  Frequency MHz

TSL Dielectric Parameters                                                                                                                                       Page 1 of 1

         Schmid & Partner Engineering AG

         Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland
         Phone +41 44 245 9700, Fax +41 44 245 9779,

         Measurement Certificate / Material Test

         Item Name                 Body Tissue Simulating Liquid (MBBL1900—3800V3)
         Product No.               SL AAM 196 AB (Charge: 140219—3)
         Manufacturer              SPEAG

         Measurement Method
        [TSL dielectric parameters measured using calibrated OCP probe.

         Setup Validation
        |Validation results were within + 2.5% towards the target values of Methanol.

         Target Parameters
        [Target parameters as defined in the IEEE 1528 and IEC 62209 compliance standards.                                                                     |

         Test Condition
         Ambient         Environment temperatur (22 + 3)°C and humidity < 70%.
         TSL Temperature 22°C
         Test Date       19—Feb—14
         Operator                  IEN

         Additional Information
         TSL Density               1.036 g/em"
         TSL Heat—capacity 3.508 kJ/(kg*K)
                  [Measured                 |Target            [ Target[(%)                                                                        m
         1[MHz]] HP—e‘| HP—e"!sigmal eps sigmal Aeps A—sigma                                    10.0
          1900     585 | 13.3      141|      53.3     i1.52|      o5       —7.3
                                                                                          3       7.5

                                                                                          2      5.0
          roo0     53.3     135    |1.s1]    sas      152|       0.0       —0.8           €      25
          2050     s32      136    1.585|    s3a2     157|       0.0       44             5      0‘0 &
          2100     s31      137    1.60      s3.2     1.62       —04       —0.7           l       S
          2150     53.0     13.8 1.65                                                     &0     25~
          2200     s2.8     13.9 1.70 53.0            1.71       —0.4      —0.5       ‘          $CG
          2250     52.7     14.0   1.76|     s3.0     1.76       0.4       0.0                   +7.5 4
          2300                                                                                  ~10.0
          tl s                     aah       on       n an       o0 7      ~—         |               1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 3100 3300 3500 3700 3900
          2400     52.3     14.5   1.94      52.8     1.90       —0.9      20         |                               Frequency MHz

          2500     52.0     148    205       s2.6     202        14        1.6
          2550     52.0     148    210|      s2e      209        14        0.3
          2650     16       151    228       524      223        —1.6      —0.3                 75
          2700     51.5     152    229       s24      230        .8        —0.8           3e
          2750     s12      iss    2384      52.3     238        —21       41.5           g ZZ
          2800     511      154    240|      52.3     245        —2.2      1.7            §  C
          zeso     50.9     1is.6 247| s2.2 252                  24        20             §     99
          2900     50.8     157    2538      s21      259        —25       22     | 0 2553
          2950     50.7     158    259       521      266        —2.7      —2.8   | g 5.0 {
          3000     50.5     15.9   2.65      s2.0      2.73      —2.8      —3.0   |             1.5 ®
          soso     50.4     1s.0   271|      s1.9     279        —3.0      29                  —10.0
          zoo      Megel    isa    Newal     19       zss        —s2       .2.4   ‘                 1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 3100 3300 3500 3700 3900
          s1s0     501      162    285|      s18      291|       —3.3      2.0                                        Fruensye
          s200     49.9     163    290|      517      296        —3.6      —2.1
          s250     49.8     165    298       s1.7     3.02       —3.6      4.5
          ssoo     49.6     165    3.02]|    516      308        —3.8      41.8
          s350     49.5     166    g.09      515      314        —3.9      1.5
          3400     49.4     16.6   315       5is      3.20       —4.0      41.5
          s4aso    49.2     16.7   8.21      514      3.286

                                             51.0     3.61
          seoo     48.3     17.4   8.67      so.9     3.66       —51       01
          seso     4ag.2    1i7s   3.74      s0.8      3.72      —5.2      0.5

TSL Dielectric Parameters                                                                                                                                    Page 1 of 1

          Schmid & Partner Engineering AG
                                                                                      s   p_     e       a       _g
          Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland
          Phone +41 44 245 9700, Fax +41 44 245 9779

          Measurement Certificate / Material Test

          Item Name                   Body Tissue Simulating Liquid (MBBL3500—5800V5)
          Product No.                 SL AAM 501 EA (Charge: 140114—1)
          Manufacturer                SPEAG

          Measurement Method
         [TSL dielectric parameters measured using calibrated OCP probe.                                                       _|

          Setup Validation
         [Validation results were within + 2.5% towards the target values of Methanol.                                          |

         Target Parameters
         \Egset parameters as defined in the IEEE 1528 and IEC 62209 compliance standards.                                      |

          Test Condition
          Ambient                     Environment temperatur (22 + 3)°C and humidity < 70%.
          TSL Temperature             22°C
          Test Date                   15—Jan—14
          Operator                    IEN

          Additional Information
          TSL Density       0.996 g/cm3
          TSL Heat—capacity 3.765 kJ/(kg*K)

                  Measured           |Target    | Target [%]
          f[MHz]| HP—e‘| HP—e"|sigmal eps sigmal A—eps A—sigma                 10.0
           400      522 16.63] 3.14 s1.s_3.20              |_1.4   1.8    ¥ AS—
                                                                          € 50
           seoo     s1.9 16.74] 8.35 5112 343              14      24     $     ®* messssssese
                                                                          $     00
           sBoo0    s1.6    16.90|    8.57   50.9   366    1.3     2.6    § 25
           3900     51.5    16.99]|   8.69   so.8   3.78   1.4     —2.4   9 —5.0
           4000     51.3    17.08|    3.80   so6    3.90   1.3     25        —7.5
           4100     s12     |i7is]    8.92   so.s   4.01   14      —2.4     ~10.0 4
           4200     511 |17.32] 4.05 50.4 4413             14      —2.0           8400    8900   4400     4800   5400   5800
           4300    50.9     17.47| 418       so2    425    1.3     1.6                _          Frequency MHz
           4400    s0.8     i7.61| 4.31]     son    437    14      1.3
           4500    s0.6     17.73| 4.44      50.0   448    1.3     —0.9
           4600     s0.4 17.86| 4.57 49.8s 4.60            14      —0.6       10.0
           4700    50.3     18.00| 4.71      49.7   4.72   1.2     —0.1   x    ‘fj
           4800    50.1     18.14] 4.84      49.6   4.83   14      0.2    2    50
           4850    50.0     18.20| 4.91      49.5   4.89   1.0     0.4    5    25 4
           4900    ag.a     18.28|    4.98 49.4     4.95   1.0     0.6    C b8 1
           4950    49.8     18.31|    5.04 49.4     5.01   0.9     0.7    o 25
           soo0    49.7     18.38|    511| 49.3     5.07   0.8     0.9    & £°
           5050    49.6     18.44|    518 492       512|   0.8     14       —7.5 1
           5100    49.5     18.50| 5.25      49.2   518    0.7     1.3        '10-03400   2900   4400      fam   nate   mell
           5150    49.4     |18.57| 5.92     49.1   5.24   0.6     1.5                           Frequency MHz

           5300    49.2     18.75|    5.53   48.9   5.42   0.7     2.1
           59350   49.1     18.79]    5.59   48.8   5.47   0.6     2.1
           5400    49.0     18.86]    5.66   48.7   5.53   0.5     2.3

           5600    48.7     19.06|    5.94   48.5   5.77   0.5     3.0
           5650    48.6     19.13]    6.01   48.4   5.82   0.4     3.2
           5700    48.5     19.18|    6.08   48.3   5.88   0.3     3.3
           5750    48.4     19.26     6.16   48.3   5.94   0.3     3.7

TSL Dielectric Parameters                                                                                                      Page 1 of 1

Document Created: 2014-07-10 14:49:41
Document Modified: 2014-07-10 14:49:41

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