Test Report


Test Report

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      it                     74, Seoicheon—ro 578beon—gil, Majang—myeon, Icheon—si, Gyeonggi—do, Korea
                                           TEL: +82—31—645—6300              FAX: +82—31—645—6401

                                     EMI TEST REPORT
                                        FCC CERTIFICATION

 Applicant:                                                  Date of Receipt: December 19, 2016
                                                             Date of Issue: January 05, 2017
 LG Electronics MobileComm U.S.A., Inc.
                                                             Test Report No. HCT—E—1701—FO11
 1000 Sylvan Avenue, Englewood Cliffs NJ 07632               HCT FRN: 0005866421

           rccm:                0|                       ZNFL84VL
    Rule Part(s) / Standard(s):        FCC CFR 47 PART 15 Subpart B Class B

    FCC Classification:                JBP (Part 15 B —Class B Computing Device Peripheral)
    EUT Type:                          Multi—band CDMA/LTE phone with Bluetooth and WLAN
    Model Name:                        LGL§4VL
    Additional Model Name:             L§4VL, LG—L§4VL
    Date of Test:                      December 23, 2016 — December 26, 2016

The device bearing the trade name and model specified above, has been shown to comply with the applicable
technical standards as indicated in the measurement report and was tested in accordance with the measurement
procedures specified in ANSI C63.4—2014. (See Test Report if any modifications were made for compliance)
I attest to the accuracy of data. All measurements reported herein were performed by me or were made under my
supervision and are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I assume full responsibility for the completeness
ofthese measurements and vouch for the qualifications of all persons taking them.
HCT certifies that no party to application has been denial the FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug
Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C 862

Tested By                                                   Reviewed By

Yeong—Moo Kim                                               Jin—Pyo Hong
Test Engineer                                               Technical Manager
EMC Team                                                    EMC Team
Certification Division                                      Certification Division

This report only responds to the tested sample and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of
the HCT Co., Ltd.

F—TP22—03 (Rev.00)                                     1 / 23                                   HCT CO.,LTD.

 FCC ID: ZNFL84VL                                                    Report No.: HCT—E—1701—FO11


The revision history for this document is shown in table.

         Version                  Date                      Description

    HCT—E—1701—FO1          January 05, 2017                Initial Release

 F—TP22—03 (Rev.00)                            2 / 23                         HCT CO.,LTD.

FCC ID: ZNFL84VL                                                                                                                      Report No.: HCT—E—1701—FO11


                                                            TABLE OF CONTENTS


 1. GENERAL INFORMATION ..222222222222222222222208066666666 es se es es se es snn en en e e e e es 4
    1.1 DeSCNMIPHION Of EUT ...2222222022200000000eeee se e e es e e es se e es se e esns ces se e e esnc e e es e e e e enc ces se e esn en en en e e en en en en e es 4
    1.2 Related SUDMIttA(S) / GTANE(S)........222222222222e2rersrersrrsresrer se es e es es se es e es es se es e es e es e es se es e esn es e rreev e es 3

    1.3 T@St FACIIIY .....0002222222200sssrresssseeeee se se e 6e es se e es s se es se e e esnc ces se e e e esnc ce es se en esnc cce es r e e esn en en en e e en en e en es 3
    BE OctMolietitoioSiYenral hsnlintge 3
    1.5 Test@d SYStEeM DEtAAIS.......222222000000000000000eeee se es e se es s r e es e se es e e e esnc n es e e e esn e en en e e e en en en en e en en en es 6
    1.6 CADI@ D@SCIIPDHONM ..........2222222220sssssreeessseeees es e se es s se e esc ces s se e e esnc ce es se en esnc cce es r e e esn en en se e e e en en en es 7
    1.7 Noise Suppression Parts on Cable. (I/O CADIG@) ....22...22222222222222ss44ree 66e 6e es e e es e e es se e e e e cce en 7
2. MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ..222222222222222222¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥66¥6t 6t tss s s s s s s s s s se e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e cce e 8
3. DESCRIPTION OF TEST .22222222222222220000000 0044444 vvrrrrrrrr e r e eb e e e eb e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e en en e e en en en en en en en en en en en e e e e 9
   3.1 Measurement Of CONAUUCt@Q EMMSSIONM....2222222222202222200sssss4eree es se se e e es se s se e e e e e e e esn e en en en es e e e 9
   3.2 Measurement Of Rad1@ted MEASULEMENAS .............2222222222222rrreeee es se es se se se e e r e e e e es snn e en es e se e e 10
4. PRELIMINARY TEST ..222222220202000000ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssrees 12
   5 Me OloSiTehiTerelei SnSSool h e 12
   EWA teTeitiree Smssol e 12
5. CONDUCTED AND RADIATED EMISSION TEST SUMMARY ....222222000000000000000mmmmkks. 13
   5.1 CONUUCt@U EMASS10N T@St .......22222222222222000000e es se es e es se rrr e e e esns es e es es se e e e e e e e e en esn snn e en en es e e e e e e e e e e es 13
   5.2 RAQ1AtEU ENMASS1ON TESt .........2222220222222000000 66e se 66e es es s rrrr e e e e e esns s snn es es se e e e e e e en en esns n en en en esn e e e e e e e e e es 20
6. LIST OF TEST EQUIPMENT 1.222222222222222222¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥tttrr es s s s s s s s s s se se s se e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e en e cce e ce e e cce e 22
7. CONCLUSION 2rmmmm666222200sssssssssssssvssssssssssssssssessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssseees 23

                                  ATTACHMENT:                                 TEST SETUP PHOTOGRAPHS

F—TP22—03 (Rev.00)                                                                  3 / 23                                                         HCT CO.,LTD.

 FCC ID: ZNFL84VL                                                 Report No.: HCT—E—1701—FO11



1.1 Description of EUT
 Its basic purpose is used for communications.

   FCC ID                     ZNFLS§MAVL

   Model                      LGLS84VL

   Additional Model           LSAVL, LG—L84VL

   EUT Type                   Multi—band CDMA/LTE phone with Bluetooth and WLAN

                              824.70 MHz to $48.31 MHz (CDMA 8$50)
                              1 $51.25 MHz to 1 908.75 MHz (CDMA 1 900)
                              1 850 MHz to 1 910 MHz (LTE B2)
   TX Frequency               1 710 MHz to 1 755 MHz (LTE B4)
                              777 MHz to 787 MHz (LTE B13)
                              2 402 MHz to 2 480 MHz (Bluetooth)
                              2 412 MHz to 2 462 MHz (WiFi 2.4 GHz)

                              869.70 MHz to 893.31 MHz (CDMA 8$50)
                              1 931.25 MHz to 1 988.75 MHz (CDMA 1 900)
                              1 930 MHz to 1 990 MHz (LTE B2)
   RX Frequency               2 110 MHz to 2 155 MHz (LTE B4)
                              746 MHz to 756 MHz (LTE B13)
                              2 402 MHz to 2 480 MHz (Bluetooth)
                              2 412 MHz to 2 462 MHz (WiFi 2.4 GHz)

F—TP22—03 (Rev.00)                           4 / 23                       HCT CO.,LTD.

 FCC ID: ZNFL84VL                                                        Report No.: HCT—E—1701—FO11


1.2 Related Submittal(s) / Grant(s)

    Original submittal only.

1.3 Test Facility
Test site is located at 74, SEOICHEON—RO, 578BEON—GIL, MAJANG—MYEON, ICHEON—SL,
GYEONGGI—DO, SOUTH KOREA. Those measurement facilities are constructed in conformance
with the requirements of ANSI C63.4—2014.

                      Measurement Facilities                          Registration Number

    Radiated Field strength measurement facility (3 m)
                                                                     90661 (July 07, 2015)
    Radiated Field strength measurement facility (10 m)

1.4 Calibration of Measuring Instrument

The measuring equipment, which was utilized in performing the tests documented herein, has
been calibrated in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations for utilizing calibration
equipments, which is traceable to recognized national standards.
Espectially, all antenna for measurement is calibrated in accordance with the requirements of C63.5
(Version : 2006).

 F—TP22—03 (Rev.00)                               5 / 23                         HCT CO.,LTD.

 FCC ID: ZNFL84VL                                                               Report No.: HCT—E—1701—FO11


1.5 Tested System Details
 All equipment descriptions used in the tested system (including inserted cards) are:

      Device Type            Model Name               Manufacturer     FCC ID / DoC       Connected To

  EUT                   LGLS4VL                   LG                   zNFELsgavL        Notebook
  USB Cabl
                        EAD62377928               Ningbo Broad
                                                      800 2r0d
                                                                        —                BUI
                                                                                         Notebook PC

  USB Cabl              EAD62377926               LEAGTECH              —                BUT
       an‘c                                                                              Notebook PC

  USB Cable             EAD62377925               CRESYN                —                BUI
                                                                                         Notebook PC
  USB Cable             EAD62377924               KSD                   —                Notebook PC

  Earphone              EAB62950102               CRESYN                —                EUT

                                                                                         Gateway ,
                                                                                         Notebook PC
  Notebook PC           ProBook6560b              HP                   DoC               adaptor,
                                                                                         RJ45 cable,
                                                                                         Serial mouse
  Notebook PC              .                      LITE—On
                                                  Technology            —                Notebook PC
  adaptor               Series PPPOO9L—E

                                                                                         RJ45 cable,
  Gateway               TL—WR7/47N                TP—LINK               —                Gateway

  Gateway adaptor       T120150—2H1               TP—LINK               —                Gateway

  Serial mouse          Serial 2 button           Radio shack          FSUGMZE3          Notebook PC
  RJ45 cable            —                         —                     —                Notebook PC
                        256 GB EVO+UHS—I
  SD card               Micro SDXC U|             SAMSUNG               —                EUT

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 FCC ID: ZNFL84VL                                                                  Report No.: HCT—E—1701—FO11


1.6 Cable Description

                                               Power Cord         1/O Cable Shielded
     Product Name               Port          Shielded (Y¥/N)              (¥/N)              Length (m)

                        Micro USB                    Y                      Y                 (P,D)1.0
                        Earphone                   N/A                      Y                 (D)1.2

                        RJ 45                      N/A                      N                 (D)1.6

    Notebook PC          Serial (Mouse)            N/A                      Y                 (D)1.8

                        DC in                        N                     N/A                (P)1.8

    Gateway             DC in                        N                     N/A                (P)1.8

* The marked "(D)" means the data cable and "(P)" means the power cable.

1.7 Noise Suppression Parts on Cable. (/O Cable)
                                            Ferrite Bead             4           Metal Hood           s
     Product Name               Port            (Y¥/N)          Location            (Y¥/N)       Location

                         Micro USB               N               N/A                 Y          Both End
                         Earphone                N               N/A                 Y          Both End

                         RJ 45                   N               N/A                 N          N/A
    Notebook PC
                         Serial (Mouse)          N               N/A                 Y         gr(l)ctlebook PC

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 FCC ID: ZNFL84VL                                                         Report No.: HCT—E—1701—FO11


The measurement uncertainties shown below were calculated in accordance with the requirements
of ANSI C63.4—2014.
All measurement uncertainty values are shown with a coverage factor of k = 2 to indicate a 95 %
level of confidence. The measurement data shown herein meets or exceeds the Ucrspr measurement
uncertainty values specified in CISPR 16—4—2 and, thus, can be compared directly to specified limits
to determine compliance.

                      Parameter                               Expanded Uncertainty (dB)

    Conducted Emission (0.158 MHz to 30 MHz)                       +1.82 dB (k= 2)

    Radiated Emissions (30 MHz to 1 GHz)                           +5.06 dB (k = 2)

    Radiated Emissions (1 GHz to 6 GHz)                             +5.0 dB (k = 2)

    Radiated Emissions (6 GHz to 18 GHz)                            +5.4 dB (k =2)

 F—TP22—03 (Rev.00)                            83 / 23                            HCT CO.,LTD.

 FCC ID: ZNFL84VL                                                       Report No.: HCT—E—1701—FO11



3.1 Measurement of Conducted Emission

The test procedure was in accordance with ANSI C63.4—2014, Clause 7.3

a. The EUT was placed 0.4 meters from the conducting wall of the shielded room with EUT being
   connected to the power mains through a line impedance stabilization network (LISN).
   If the EUT is connected to the PC through USB, the AC power—line adapter of the PC is directly
 connected to a line impedance stabilization network (LISN).
   Other support units were connected to the power mains through another LISN. The two LISNs
   provide 50 Ohm/ 50uH of coupling impedance for the measuring instrument.
b. Both conducted lines are measured in Quasi—Peak and Average mode, including the worst—case
   data points for each tested configuration.
c. The frequency range from 150 kHz to 30 MHz was searched.

                                 [ Conducted Emission Limits ]

         Frequency            Resolution Bandwidth       Quasi—Peak               Average
           (MHz)                     (kHz)                (dB(uV))                (dB(uV))
      0.15 to 0.5                      9                  66 to 56*              56 to 46*

      0.5 to 5                         9                       56                    46

      5 to 30                          9                       60                    50

  *Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency.

 F—TP22—03 (Rev.00)                            9 / 23                           HCT CO.,LTD.

 FCC ID: ZNFL84VL                                                           Report No.: HCT—E—1701—FO11


3.2 Measurement of Radiated Emission

The test procedure was in accordance with ANSI C63.4—2014, Clause 8.3

a. The EUT was placed on the top of a turn table 0.8 meters above the ground at a semi—anechoic
   chamber. The table was rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the highest radiation.
b. The EUT was set 3 m away from the interference—receiving antenna, which was mounted on
   the top of a variable—height antenna tower.
c. The antenna height is varied from 1 m to 4 m above the ground to determine the maximum
   value of the field strength. Both horizontal and vertical polarizations of the antenna are set to
   make the measurement.
d. For each suspected emission, the EUT was arranged to its worst case and then the antenna
   was tuned to heights from 1 m to 4 m and the turn table was turned from 0 degrees to 360
   degrees to find the maximum reading.
e. The test—receiver system was set to Quasi—Peak detect function and specified bandwidth with
   maximum hold mode when the test frequency is below 1 GHz.
f. The test—receiver system was set to Peak and Average detect function and specified
  bandwidth with maximum hold mode when the test frequency is above 1 GHz.
g. Place the measurement antenna away from each area of the EUT determined to be a source of
   emissions at the specified measurement distance, while keeping the measurement antenna aamed
    at the source of emissions at each frequency of significant emissions, with polarization oriented
  for maximum response.(1 GHz to 40 GHz)

                                   [ Radiated Emission Limits ]

         Frequency            Antenna Distance             Field Strength           Quasi—Peak
           (MHz)                    (m)                       (uV/m)                (dB(uV)/m)
         30 to 88                    3                          100                    40.0

         88 to 216                   3                          150                    43.5

         216 to 960                  3                          200                    46.0

         Above 960                   3                          500                    54.0

         Frequency            Antenna Distance                 Peak                  Average
           (MHz)                    (m)                     (dB(uV)/m)              (dB(uV)/m)
       Above 1 000                   3                          74                      34

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 FCC ID: ZNFL84VL                                                                        Report No.: HCT—E—1701—FO11


3.2.1 Frequency Range of Radiated Measurements
An unintentional radiator, including a digital device, the spectrum shall be investigated from the
lowest radio frequency signal generated or used in the device, without going below the lowest
frequency for which a Radiated Emission limit is specified, up to the frequency shown in the
following table

       Highest frequency generated or used in the device
                                                                        Upper frequency of measurement range
           or on which the device operates or tunes

                    Below 1.705                                  30

                    1.705 to 108                                 1 000

                    108 to 500                                   2 000

                    500 to 1 000                                 5 000

                                                                 5" harmonic of the highest frequency
                    Above 1 000
                                                                 or 40 6Iz, whichever is lower

3.3 Configuration of Tested System

                         |   [                             I—Ill—l
                                                                                         Notebook PC
                       Gateway        Adaptor          EUT       7|     NOt;gOOk   [        adaptor

    Non—Conductive Table                                     Earphone          Serial Mouse

                                                                                   Power Line: 120 VAC, 60 Hz

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 FCC ID: ZNFL84VL                                                      Report No.: HCT—E—1701—FO11



4.1 Conducted Emission Test

 It was tested Data Communication mode, after connecting all peripheral devices.

   Operation Mode:          [ Data Communication mode

4. 2 Radiated Emission Test

 It was tested Data Communication mode, after connecting all peripheral devices.

   Operation Mode:          [ Data Communication mode

F—TP22—03 (Rev.00)                          12 / 23                            HCT CO.,LTD.

 FCC ID: ZNFL84VL                                                          Report No.: HCT—E—1701—FO11



5.1 Conducted Emission Test

The test results of conducted emission at mains ports provide the following information:

   Rule Part / Standard                    FCC PART 15 Subpart B Class B

   Detector                                Quasi—Peak, CISPR—Average

   Bandwidth                               9 kHz (6 dB)

   Worst Case of USB Cable                 CRESYN (EAD62377925)

   Operation Mode                          Data Communication mode

   Kind of Test Site                       Shielded Room

   Temperature                             23.2 °C

   Relative Humidity                       36.2 %

   Test Date                               December 24, 2016

    — Calculation Formula:

        1. Conductor L1 = Hot, Conductor N = Neutral
        2. Corr. = LISN Factor + Cable Loss
        3. QuasiPeak or CAverage= Receiver Reading + Corr.
        4. Margin = Limit — QuasiPeak or CAverage

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 FCC ID: ZNFL84VL                                                                                              Report No.: HCT—E—1701—FO11


Figure 1: Spectral Diagrams, Conducted Emission, AC Main Port, Line (L1)

                                                                      FCC CLASS B
           Level in dBu

                            —104     t      t     t   t——t—t{4    t               i    i    t  i—i—t—{4      i         i
                              150k         300   400 500     800 1M              2M   3M   4M 5M 6     8    10M       20M   30M
                                                                         Frequency in Hz

                          FCC CLASS B_QP                    FCC CLASS B_ AV                   Preview Result 1—PK+
                          Preview Result 2—AVG       X      Final Result 1—QPK         X      Final Result 2—CAV

F—TP22—03 (Rev.00)                                                       14 / 23                                       HCT CO.,LTD.

 FCC ID: ZNFL84VL                                               Report No.: HCT—E—1701—FO11


QuasiPeak Final Result, Line (L1)

     Frequency       QuasiPeak   Bandwidth       Line   Corr.    Margin          Limit
       (MHz)          (dBuV)       (kHz)                 (dB)     (dB)          (dBuV)

      0.150000         44.8        9.000          L1     9.6       21.2           66.0

      0.156000         46.0        9.000          L1     9.6       19.7           65.7

      0.164000         45.6        9.000          L1     9.6       19.7           65.3

      0.172000         45.0        9.000          L1     9.6       19.9           64.9

      0.178000         42.2        9.000          L1     9.6       22.4           64.6

      0.182000         41.5        9.000          L1     9.6       22.9           64.4

      2.1744000        28.4        9.000          L1     9.8       27.6           56.0

      2.802000         28.17       9.000          L1     9.8       27.3           56.0

      2.842000         28.17       9.000          L1     9.8       27.3           56.0

      2.880000         28.8        9.000          L1     9.8       27.2           56.0

      2.920000         28.4        9.000          L1     9.8       27.6           56.0

      3.118000         28.1        9.000          L1     9.8       271.9          56.0

      9.094000         28.9        9.000          L1    10.1       31.1           60.0

      9.252000         28.9        9.000          L1    10.1       31.1           60.0

      9.294000         28.9        9.000          L1    10.1       31.1           60.0

      9.298000         29.0        9.000          L1    10.1       31.0           60.0

      9.432000         29.0        9.000          L1    10.1       31.0           60.0

      9.436000         31.6        9.000          L1    10.1       28.4          60.0

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 FCC ID: ZNFL84VL                                               Report No.: HCT—E—1701—FO11


CAverage Final Result, Line (L1)

     Frequency       CAverage   Bandwidth       TLine   Corr.    Margin          Limit
       (MHz)          (dBuV)      (kHz)                  (dB)     (dB)          (dBuV)

      0.150000         31.2       9.000          L1      9.6       24.8           56.0

      0.156000         32.2       9.000          L1      9.6       23.9           55.7

      0.160000         31.6       9.000          L1      9.6       23.9           55.5

      0.172000         32.0       9.000          L1      9.6       22.9           54.9

      0.178000         29.1       9.000          L1      9.6       25.5           54.6

      0.182000         25.9       9.000          L1      9.6       28.5           54.4

      2.1744000        21.1       9.000          L1      9.8       24.9           46.0

      2.802000         21.3       9.000          L1      9.8       24.7           46.0

      2.842000         21.2       9.000          L1      9.8       24.8           46.0

      2.880000         20.9       9.000          L1      9.8       25.1           46.0

      2.920000         20.9       9.000          L1      9.8       25.1           46.0

      3.000000         20.9       9.000          L1      9.8       25.1           46.0

      9.106000         22.3       9.000          L1     10.1       27.17          50.0

      9.166000         22.4       9.000          L1     10.1       27.6           50.0

      9.186000         22.1       9.000          L1     10.1       27.3          50.0

      9.282000         22.4       9.000          L1     10.1       27.6          50.0

      9.298000         22.6       9.000          L1     10.1       27.4          50.0

      9.436000         24.0       9.000          L1     10.1       26.0          50.0

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 FCC ID: ZNFL84VL                                                                                                             Report No.: HCT—E—1701—FO11


Figure 2: Spectral Diagrams, Conducted Emission, AC Main Port, Line (N)

                                                                         FCC CLASS B



                            60:\                                                                       I

                              peel                                                                     ]
           Level in dBu

                            —10      t      t     t——At+—AtA——t——t——#4              t    t        t———tA——{t+——{t—o—t———#{4           t     1
                             150k          300   400 500       800 1M              2M   3M       4M 5M 6            8 10M            20M   30M
                                                                           Frequency in Hz

                          FCC CLASS B_QP                      FCC CLASS B_ AV                        Preview Result 1—PK+
                          Preview Result 2—AVG        X       Final Result 1—QPK             X       Final Result 2—CAV

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 FCC ID: ZNFL84VL                                               Report No.: HCT—E—1701—FO11


QuasiPeak Final Result, Line (N)

     Frequency       QuasiPeak   Bandwidth       Line   Corr.    Margin          Limit
       (MHz)          (dBuV)       (kHz)                 (dB)     (dB)          (dBuV)

      0.150000         47.1        9.000          N      9.6       18.9           66.0

      0.156000         46.2        9.000          N      9.6       19.5           65.7

      0.160000         47.6        9.000          N      9.6       17.8           65.5

      0.168000         45.1        9.000          N      9.6       20.0           65.1

      0.172000         45.4        9.000          N      9.6       19.4           64.9

      0.180000         41.1        9.000          N      9.6       23.4           64.5

      4.180000         26.0        9.000          N      9.8       30.0           56.0

      4.380000         25.5        9.000          N      9.9       30.5           56.0

      4.438000         24.9        9.000          N      9.9       31.1           56.0

      4.462000         24.7        9.000          N      9.9       31.3           56.0

      4.500000         23.8        9.000          N      9.9       32.2           56.0

      4.530000         23.9        9.000          N      9.9       32.1           56.0

      9.318000         26.8        9.000          N     10.1       33.2           60.0

      9.608000         28.0        9.000          N     10.1       32.0           60.0

      9.652000         27.8        9.000          N     10.1       32.2           60.0

      9.670000         28.1        9.000          N     10.1       31.9           60.0

      9.676000         28.1        9.000          N     10.1       31.9           60.0

      9.864000         28.17       9.000          N     10.1       31.3           60.0

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 FCC ID: ZNFL84VL                                               Report No.: HCT—E—1701—FO11


CAverage Final Result, Line (N)

     Frequency       CAverage   Bandwidth       TLine   Corr.    Margin          Limit
       (MHz)          (dBuV)      (kHz)                  (dB)     (dB)          (dBuV)

      0.150000         31.3       9.000          N       9.6       24.7           56.0

      0.156000         31.8       9.000          N       9.6       23.9           55.7

      0.160000         33.7       9.000          N       9.6       21.8           55.5

      0.168000         32.3       9.000          N       9.6       22.8           55.1

      0.172000         31.0       9.000          N       9.6       23.9           54.9

      0.178000         28.6       9.000          N       9.6       26.0           54.6

      4.180000         18.7       9.000          N       9.8       27.3           46.0

      4.380000         18.2       9.000          N       9.9       27.8           46.0

      4.398000         18.3       9.000          N       9.9       27.1           46.0

      4.438000         17.8       9.000          N       9.9       28.2           46.0

      4.462000         17.7       9.000          N       9.9       28.3           46.0

      4.474000         17.4       9.000          N       9.9       28.6           46.0

      9.308000         20.1       9.000          N      10.1       29.9           50.0

      9.318000         19.2       9.000          N      10.1       30.8           50.0

      9.604000         20.6       9.000          N      10.1       29.4           50.0

      9.608000         20.9       9.000          N      10.1       29.1           50.0

      9.634000         20.8       9.000          N      10.1       29.2           50.0

      9.676000         21.0       9.000          N      10.1       29.0           50.0

F—TP22—03 (Rev.00)                          19 / 23                       HCT CO.,LTD.

 FCC ID: ZNFL84VL                                                                    Report No.: HCT—E—1701—FO11


5.2 Radiated Emission Test

The test results of radiated emission provide the following information:

—For Measurement Below 1 GHz

        Rule Part / Standard                    FCC PART 15 Subpart B Class B

        Detector                                Quasi—Peak

        Bandwidth                               120 kHz (6 dB)

        Operation Mode                          Data Communication mode

        Worst Case of USB Cable                 Ningbo Broad (EAD62377928)

        Kind of Test Site                       3 m semi anechoic chamber

        Temperature                             22.] °C

        Relative Humidity                       36.3 %

        Test Date                               December 23, 2016

     Frequency        Quasi Peak   A;Ilzfnlfia       POL.           Azimuth   Corr.       Margin        Limit
       (MHz)          (dBuV/m)       (cfl)          (H/V)           (deg)    (dB)          (dB)      (dBuV/m)

      54.056000          28.5        100.0               V          195.0    22.8          11.5        40.0

      58.803200          29.5       304.0                V          333.0    22.5          10.5        40.0

      63.519200          28.6        125.0               V          168.0    22.0          11.4        40.0

      82.326400          31.5       250.0                H          84.0     18.5          8.5         40.0

     105.654800          30.0        130.0               V          128.0    18.9          13.5         43.5

     265.516000          33.7        150.0               H          240.0    22.06         12.3        46.0

  — Calculation Formula:

    1. POL. H = Horizontal, POL. V = Vertical
    2. QuasiPeak = Reading (Receiver Reading) + Corr.
    3. Corr. (Correction Factor) = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss
    4. Margin = Limit — QuasiPeak

 F—TP22—03 (Rev.00)                                      20 / 23                             HCT CO.,LTD.

 FCC ID: ZNFL84VL                                                                   Report No.: HCT—E—1701—FO11


—For Measurement Above 1 GHz

       Rule Part / Standard                   FCC PART 15 Subpart B Class B

                                              Peak mode: Peak (RBW: 1 MHz, VBW: 3 MHz)
                                              CISPR—Average mode: Peak (RBW: 1 MHz, VBW: 10 Hz)
       Highest Operating Frequency            248 GHz

       Upper Prequency                        1 GHz to 12.4 GHz
       of Measurement Range
       Worst Case of USB Cable                Ningbo Broad (EAD62377928)

       Operation Mode                         Data Communication mode
       Kind of Test Site                      3 m semi anechoic chamber
       Temperature                            25.9 °C
       Relative Humidity                      38.0 %
       Test Date                              December 26, 2016

     Frequency         Peak      AI-IIlzfgnl?ta     POL.          Azimuth   Corr.       Margin        Limit
       (MHz)         (@BpV/m)       C               (H/V)          (deg)    (dB)          (dB)      (dBuV/m)
    1000.040000         41.8       367.5                H           0.0     —13.9         32.2        74.0
    1400.155000         46.0       328.6                V          53.0     —12.8         28.0        74.0

    1800.230000         42.8        100.0               V          26.0     —12.3         31.2        74.0

    2063.355000         47.8        100.0               V          211.0    ~11.9         26.2        74.0

    2665.760000         46.6        150.1               V          165.0    —9.1          27 .4       74.0

    3599.675000         43.5       344.8                H          195.0    —8.3          30.5        74.0

     Frequency       CAverage    AI—IIl;iegnl?ta    POL.          Azimuth   Corr.       Margin        Limit
       (MHz)         (@BpV/m)       C               (H/V)          (deg)    (dB)          (dB)      (dBuV/m)
    1000.040000         34.1       367.5                H           0.0     —13.9         19.9        54.0
    1400.155000         44.1       328.6                V          53.0     —12.8         9.9         54.0

    1800.230000         36.6        100.0               V          26.0     —12.3         17.4        54.0

    2063.355000         22.4        100.0               V          211.0    ~11.9         31.6        54.0
    2665.760000         23.0        150.1               V          165.0    —9.1          31.0        54.0

    3599.675000         30.5       344.8                H          195.0    —8.3          23.9        54.0

 — Calculation Formula:

   1. POL. H = Horizontal, POL. V = Vertical
   2. Peak or CAverage = Reading (Receiver Reading) + Corr.
   3. Corr. (Correction Factor) = Antenna Factor+ Cable Loss —Amplifier Gain
   4. Margin = Limit — Peak or CAverage

F—TP22—03 (Rev.00)                                      21 / 23                             HCT CO.,LTD.

FCC ID: ZNFL84VL                                                                 Report No.: HCT—E—1701—FO11



     Type                    Manufacturer      Model          Number Calibration                   CAL

Conducted Emission

 |z| EMI Test Receiver       Rohde & Schwarz   ESCI           100584         1 year            12.23.2016
 [X LsN                      Rohde & Schwarz   ESH3—Z5        100282         1 year            06.09.2016
 [X LIsN                     Rohde & Schwarz   ENV216         100073         1 year            12.23.2016
 |:| Software                Rohde & Schwarz   EMC32          —              —                 —

Radiated Emission

—For measurement below 1 GHz
 |:| EMI Test Receiver       Rohde & Schwarz   ESI4O          831564103      1 year            03.30.2016
 |:| EMI Test Receiver       Rohde & Schwarz   ESIB26         100298         1 year            02.11.2016
 |z| EMI Test Receiver       Rohde & Schwarz   ESU4O          100514         1 year            10.10.2016
 |Z| Trilog Antenna          Schwarzbeck       VULB9168       255            2 year            04.15.2015
 [X] 6dB Attenuator          HP                8491A          24257          2 year            04.15.2015
 |z| Antenna master          HD GmbH           MA240          240/520        N/A               —
 |z| Antenna master controllee HD GmbH         HD 100         100/637        N/A               —
 [X] Turn Table              EMCO              1060—2M        —              N/A               —
 |Z| Turn Table controller   EMCO              2090           9702—1224      N/A               —
 |:| EMI Test Receiver       Rohde & Schwarz   ESU 26         100241         1 year            05.27.2016
 |:| Antenna master          INNCO Systems     MAA4OOO—EP     MAA4OOO/283    N/A               —
 [_] Turn Table              INNCO Systems     DT3000—3T      DT3000/69      N/A               —
 |z| Software                Rohde & Schwarz   EMC32          —              —                 —

—For measurement above 1 GHz
 |:| EMI Test Receiver       Rohde & Schwarz   ESI4O          831564103      1 year            03.30.2016
 |:| EMI Test Receiver       Rohde & Schwarz   ESIB26         100298         1 year            02.11.2016
 |Z| EMI Test Receiver       Rohde & Schwarz   ESU4O          100514         1 year            10.10.2016
 |:| Antenna master          HD GmbH           MA24O0         240/520        N/A               —
 |:| Antenna master controller HD GmbH         HD 100         100/637        N/A               —
 |z| Antenna master          INNCO Systems     MA4OOO—XP—ET   48709515       N/A               —
                                                              CO 3000/870/
 |z| Antenna master controller INNCO Systems   CO 3000        35990515       N/A               —

 [X] Turn Table              EMCO              1060—2M        —              N/A               —
 |z| Turn Table controller   EMCO              2090           9702—1224      N/A               —
 |:| Power Amplifier         CERNEX            CBLU11833M40   21691          1 year            07.04.2016
 [X] Power Amplifier         CERNEX            CBLUS183530    24348          1 year            06.07.2016
 [X] Horn Antenna            Schwarzbeck       BBHA9120D      296            2 year            10.12.2016
 |:| Horn Antenna            Schwarzbeck       BBHA 9170      BBHA9170541    2 year            09.03.2015
 |:| Power Amplifier         CERNEX            CBL18265035    22966          1 year            07.11.2016
 [_] Power Amplifier         CERNEX            CBL26405040    19660          1 year            07.15.2016
 |:| Horn Antenna            Schwarzbeck       BBHA 9120D     1300           2 year            08.25.2016
 |:| EMI Test Receiver       Rohde & Schwarz   ESU 26         100241         1 year            05.27.2016
 [_] Turn Table              INNCO Systems     DT3000—3T      DT3000/69      N/A               —
 |Z| Software                Rohde & Schwarz   EMC32          —              —                 —

F—TP22—03 (Rev.00)                               22 / 23                                 HCT CO.,LTD.

 FCC ID: ZNFL84VL                                             Report No.: HCT—E—1701—FO11



The data collected shows that the EUT Type: Multi—band CDMA/LTE phone with Bluetooth
and WLAN, Model: LGL84VL, FCC ID: ZNFL84VL complies with §15.107 and §15.109 of the

FCC rules.

 F—TP22—03 (Rev.00)                    23 / 23                        HCT CO.,LTD.

Document Created: 2019-09-23 16:44:25
Document Modified: 2019-09-23 16:44:25

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