Users Manual 2


Users Manual

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    Deleting an online service account                           Screen Display/Icons
     From the Home screen, & > "Settings"
     > "Accounts & sync"                                         Status Bar
     * The "Accounts & sync settings" screen appears.
                                                               The status bar is displayed at the top of the screen. The
2    Tap the account that you want to delete
     * The "Data & synchronization" screen appears.
                                                               terminal status and notifications are displayed in the
                                                               status bar. Notification icons are displayed on the left
3 "Remove account"                                             side, and the terminal status icons are displayed on the
                                                               right side.
     * The "Remove account" screen appears.

4    "Remove account"                                                                Status bar
     * The selected account is deleted.
                                                                                               M 1234 pm
 Note                                                                                 e e O eve

 * Google account that you set for the first time
     cannot delete with the operation above. To delete
     it, initialization of the terminal is required from the
     Home screen, tap & > "Settings" > "Privacy‘ >
   "Factory data reset‘.
 * docomo account cannot be deleted.

Confirmation and Settings before Using

                                                       @ Extended home location
                                                          Display location of the Home screen which is
You can customize the Home screen by adding or            currently displayed.
moving shortcuts and widgets, and by changing the      @© Widget (Ex: quick search box)
wallpaper.                                                Tap to activate or operate Widget (applications on
The Home scraen has two screens each on the left and      the Home screen).
right for adding shortcuts and widgets.                @ User customized part
                        [ul aeeert                        Customization which you perform in the Home
                                                          screen is reflected. Moving/deleting application
                                                          shortcuts or widgets are available.
                                                       @ Shoricut
                                                         Tap to activate an application or items in the
                                                         terminal settings.
                                                          Open application list. In application list screen,
                                                          "Applications‘/"Downloads® tab is selectable.

                                                            Confirmation and Settings before Using

                                                         The "Google Search" widget allows you to search for
                                                         Contacts or applications in the terminal, or web pages.
'|   Touch the Home screen for over 1                    You can also change the type of information that you
     second                                              are searching for and the search range.

                                                             Searching by text entry
     Tap "Wallpapers" or a wallpaper
                                                         |     Top the search box In the Search widget
     * If you have tapped "Wallpapers" > "Gallery®,
                                                               in the Home screen
       tap an image that you want to use as wallpaper.
       Drag the square displayed on the screen to              * The Quick Search box appears.
       select the section that you wantto use as         2 Enter a word to search
       wallpaper, and then tap ‘Save‘.
                                                               * A list of search candidates, search results in the
     * Live wallpaper list appears when tapping
                                                                  terminal, and previously selected search results
       "Wallpapers® »> "Live wallpapers®. Tap to
                                                                  are displayed in accordance with the entered
       select one of the live wallpaper, then tap ‘Set            words.
       wallpaper®. Depending on the type of wallpaper,
       you can set the live wallpaper settings by        3 Tap one of the Items in the list
       tapping "Settings...".                                  * The selected item is displayed by the
                                                                 appropriate application.

'I   From the Home screen, touch a shortcut                  * If there is no search result that you want, you can
     Icon or widget for over 1 second                          tap |» to search web pages.

2 Keep your finger on the icon, drag it to
     "Remove" and release your finger
     * The icon is deleted from the Home screen.

                                                                Confirmation and Settings before Using

        Moving a category                                       Managing Applications
 'I      From the Home screen, "Applications"            Manage applications on the application screen.

 9 E) > "Manage category"                                       Moving an application
 3 Tap EB of a category and drag
                                                         'I      From the Home screen, "Applications"
         * The category is moved.
                                                         2 E> "Manage app"
        Deleting a category
                                                         3 Touch an application for over 1 second
         From the Home screen, "Applications"

                                                         4 Drag the application and release your
         E) > "Manage category"                            finger
         "Delete"                                                * The application is moved.

         Place a check mark on the category to                  Deleting an application
                                                                 From the Home screen, "Applications"


         "Delete" > "OK"
                                                                 E] > "Manage app"
         * The category is deleted.
                                                                 Tap an application
      Note                                                       * "Application info‘ screen appears.

      * The categories installed in the terminal when
         purchasing cannot be deleted.                           * The application is deleted.

                                                              * Applications installed in the terminal when
                                                                 purchasing cannot be deleted.

                                                                  Confirmation and Settings before Using

                                                        HI On—screen QWERTY keyboard
                                                          Use this for entering Japanese in "Romanletter input‘.
The terminal has an on—screen keyboard thatis
displayed in the touch screen for text entry.

If you tap a text box on the sereen, the on—screan
keyboard appears in the touch panel. The terminal
provides two types of on—screen keyboard for Japanese
entry — an on—screen 10—key keyboard and an on—screen
QWERTY keyboard.                                        @ Reverse order key/Undo key
Tap key icon to switch the entering operation such as       Displays the previous character (reverse
letter type change.                                         sequence). When "Undo‘ is displayed, this undoes
l On—screen 10—key keyboard                                 the last operation.
  Use this for entering Japanese in ‘Kana character     @ Laft cursor key
  input".                                                   The highlight moves to the left. It continues to move

                & * ].*] =.                                 if you touch the icon for over 1 second. It can also
      0 0 0 6

                                             0 0 0 6        narrow the conversion range.
                C * =.| .
                                                        @ Symbol ky
                                                            Displays a list of symbols and emnoticons.

                ST                                      @ Switch character type key/Setting key
                                                            Switch the character type. Touch for over 1 second
                                                            "Wnn IME Menu® appears.
                                                        @ Deletion key
                                                          Deletes the character to the left of the cursor. The characters
                                                          continus to be deleted if you touch the ican for over 1 second.

Confirmation and Settings before Using

@ Right cursor key
   The highlight moves to the right. Touch this for over
   1 second to move it continuously. It can also widen       * An iWnn IME on—screen keyboard for Japanese input
   the conversion range. Also, if you tap this icon when       is described here. The key display varies depending
   the highlight is at the right end of an unconfirmed         on the entry screen or character mode.
   character string, the number of characters                * For information on switching the type of on—screen
   applicable to predictive conversion increases.                 keyboard, refer to "Switching the keyboard"
@ Space key/Conversion key                                        (PE9XX).
  Enter a space. With an uncontfirmed character,             * When you no longer need the keyboard, you can
   tapping this icon will display conversion candidates.       close it by tapping & . To display it again, tap the
                                                                  text box on the screen.
@ Execution key/Enter key
  Confirms the entered characters or conversed             There are 8 character input modes. The current mode is
  characters. If the entered characters or conversed       indicated by the following icons in the status bar.
  characters have already been confirmed, this
   executes the function of the text box in which the       EZ¥     Hiragana and Kanji          Half—width alphabet
   characters were entered.                                         input                       input
© Shift key                                                         Full—width Katakana         Full—width number
   Switch between upper case letter and lower case                  input                       input
                                                                    Half—width Katakana         Half—width number
                                                                    input                       input

                                                                    Full—width alphabet         Voice input

                                                             Switching the keyboard
                                                                  On the on—screen keyboard, touch J for
                                                                  over 1 second

                                                                   Confirmation and Settings before Using

    * "Wnn IME Menu‘ appears.
                                           Switching the character mode
2   "10—key & QWERTY"
                                         Each time you tap Bill on a text entry screen, the
    * The keyboard is switched.          character mode switches in the order of "Hiragana—
                                         Kanji® > "Half—width Alphabet" »» "Half—width Numeric®.
                                         If you check "Voice Input" on "Common Keyboard
                                         Settings", voice input is enabled.
                                         You can also switch the input mode by touching Bill for
                                         over 1 second and then tapping "Input Mode" on the
                                         "iWnn [ME Menu®that appears.

                                           ® in some text entry screens, certain character
                                             modes may not be available or selectable.

                                           Entering symbols/emoticons
                                         Tap E] in a text entry screen to switch to symbol/
                                         emoticon input mode, and display the available symbols
                                         and emoticons on the display.
                                         Tap "Symbol" and "Emoticon" to display respectively
                                         the available symbols and emoticons. Tap one of the
                                         available symbols or emoticons to enter it.
                                         Tap "Cancel" to return to the on—screen keyboard that
                                         was displayed before the symbol or emoticon was

Confirmation and Settings before Using

  Changing text entry settings                               10—key Keyboard
Tap El for over 1 second on a text entry screen to           Flick Input    Mark this checkbox to change the
display "IWnn IME Menu". Tap "Change Settings" to                           input method on the on—screen 10—
change the text entry settings.                                             key keyboard to flick input. Unmark
                                                                            this checkbox to changeit back to
 Common Keyboard Settings                                                   toggle input.
 Sound on Key     Mark this checkbox to play a brief         Flick          If you tap this while the *Flick Input"
 Press            sound on each key press.                   Sensitivity    checkbox has been marked, the
 Vibrate on       Mark this checkbox to make the                            "Flick Sensitivity(Low®High}" menu
 Key Press        terminal vibrate on each key press.                       appears, allowing you to set the flick
                                                                            sensitivity using a slide bar.
 Key Preview      Mark this checkbox to display an
                  enlarged popup of the entered key.         Toggle Input   If you mark this checkbox while the
                                                                            *Flick Input" checkbox has been
 Auto             Mark this checkbox to automatically                       marked, toggle input is enabled as
 Capitalization   capitalize the first letter of the first                  well as flick input.
                  word at the beginning of a sentence.
                                                             Auto Cursor    Specify the speed for auto cursor
 Keyboard         This allows you to set the type of         Movemnent      movement.
 Type             keyboard to use on each screen
                  view (horlzontal/vertical) or for each
                  input mode.

 Keyboard         This allows you to set the keyboard
 Image            design.
 Voice Input      Mark the checkbox to enable voice
                  input, and add it to the text input

                                                                 Confirmation and Settings before Using

Document Created: 2011-09-20 09:44:35
Document Modified: 2011-09-20 09:44:35

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