DFS Test Report


Test Report

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                                PCTEST ENGINEERING LABORATORY, INC.
                                               7185 Oakland Mills Road, Columbia, MD 21045 USA
                                                     Tel. 410.290.6652 / Fax 410.290.6654

                                                  MEASUREMENT REPORT
                                                       FCC PART 15.407 DFS

 Company Name:                                                                  Date of Testing:
 LG Electronics MobileComm U.S.A                                                4/12 - 5/2/2016
 1000 Sylvan Avenue                                                             Test Site/Location:
 Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632                                                     PCTEST Lab. Columbia, MD, USA
 United States                                                                  Test Report Serial No.:

 FCC ID:                                        ZNFK557

 COMPANY:                                       LG Electronics MobileComm U.S.A

 Model(s):                                       LG-K557, LGK557, K557
 EUT Type:                                       Portable Handset
 Type of Device:                                 Client Only Device, No Radar Detection Capability
 Frequency Range:                                5260 – 5320 MHz (UNII-2A Band)
                                                 5500 – 5700 MHz (UNII-2C Band)
 Output Power:                                   12.303 mW (10.90 dBm) Conducted (802.11a UNII Band 2A)
                                                 13.002 mW (11.14 dBm) Conducted (802.11a UNII Band 2C)
 FCC Classification:                             Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (UNII)
 FCC Rule Part(s):                               Part 15.407(UNII)
 Test Procedure(s):                              KDB 905462 D02 v01r02

 This equipment has been shown to be capable of compliance with the applicable technical standards as indicated in the measurement
 report and was tested in accordance with the measurement procedures specified in KDB 905462 D02 v01r02 Compliance Measurement
 Procedures for Unlicensed-National Information Infrastructure Devices Operating in the 5.25 – 5.35 GHz and 5.47 – 5.725 GHz Bands
 Incorporating Dynamic Frequency Selection. Test results reported herein relate only to the item(s) tested.

 I attest to the accuracy of data. All measurements reported herein were performed by me or were made under my supervision and are
 correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I assume full responsibility for the completeness of these measurements and vouch for
 the qualifications of all persons taking them.

                                                              FCC Pt. 15.407 DFS TEST REPORT                            Reviewed by:
                                                                      (CERTIFICATION)                                   Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:             Test Dates:             EUT Type:
                                                                                                                        Page 1 of 15
0Y1604110748.ZNF             4/12 - 5/2/2016         Portable Handset
 © 2016 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                            V 3.3

                                           T A B L E                        O F             C O N T E N T S

 FCC PART 15.407 MEASUREMENT REPORT .................................................................................................. 3
 1.0         INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................................4
             1.1     Scope ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
             1.2     Evaluation Procedure ..................................................................................................................................... 4
             1.3     Summary of Test Results ............................................................................................................................... 4
 2.0         PRODUCT INFORMATION .....................................................................................................................5
             2.1     Equipment Description ................................................................................................................................... 5
             2.2     EUT Capabilities............................................................................................................................................. 5
             2.3     Modifications .................................................................................................................................................. 5
 3.0         DESCRIPTION OF DYNAMIC FREQUENCY SELECTION TEST .........................................................6
             3.1     Applicability .................................................................................................................................................... 6
             3.2     Requirements ................................................................................................................................................. 6
             3.3     DFS Detection Threshold Values ................................................................................................................... 8
             3.4     Parameters of DFS Test Signals .................................................................................................................... 8
             3.5     Procedure ....................................................................................................................................................... 9
 4.0         TEST EQUIPMENT................................................................................................................................10
             4.1     Additional Equipment ................................................................................................................................... 10
 5.0         TEST RESULTS ....................................................................................................................................11
 6.0         CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................................................15

                                                                        FCC Pt. 15.407 DFS TEST REPORT                                                            Reviewed by:
                                                                                (CERTIFICATION)                                                                   Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:             Test Dates:                    EUT Type:
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0Y1604110748.ZNF             4/12 - 5/2/2016                Portable Handset
 © 2016 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                                         V 3.3

                                                 DFS MEASUREMENT REPORT
                                                                FCC Part 15.407

 § 2.1033 General Information
         APPLICANT:                               LG Electronics MobileComm U.S.A
         APPLICANT ADDRESS:                       1000 Sylvan Avenue
                                                  Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632, United States
         TEST SITE:                               PCTEST ENGINEERING LABORATORY, INC.
         TEST SITE ADDRESS:                       7185 Oakland Mills Road, Columbia, MD 21046 USA
         FCC RULE PART(S):                        Part 15.407(h)
         BASE MODEL:                              LG-K557
         FCC ID:                                  ZNFK557
         Test Device Serial No.:                  30791                             Production   Pre-Production    Engineering
         DEVICE CLASSIFICATION:                   Client Only, No Radar Detection
         DATE(S) OF TEST:                         4/12 - 5/2/2016
         TEST REPORT S/N:                         0Y1604110748.ZNF

Test Facility / Accreditations
Measurements were performed at PCTEST Engineering Lab located in Columbia, MD 21045, U.S.A.
                                 PCTEST facility is an FCC registered (PCTEST Reg. No. 159966) test facility with the
                                  site description report on file and has met all the requirements specified in Section 2.948
                                  of the FCC Rules and Industry Canada (2451B-1).
                                 PCTEST Lab is accredited to ISO 17025 by U.S. National Institute of Standards and
                                  Technology (NIST) under the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program
                                  (NVLAP Lab code: 100431-0) in EMC, FCC and Telecommunications.
                                 PCTEST Lab is accredited to ISO 17025-2005 by the American Association for
                                  Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) in Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) testing, Hearing Aid
                                  Compatibility (HAC) testing, CTIA Test Plans, and wireless testing for FCC and Industry
                                  Canada Rules.
                                 PCTEST Lab is a recognized U.S. Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) in EMC and
                                  R&TTE (n.b. 0982) under the U.S.-EU Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA).
                                 PCTEST TCB is a Telecommunication Certification Body (TCB) accredited to ISO/IEC
                                  Guide 65 by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in all scopes of FCC Rules
                                  and Industry Canada Standards (RSS).
                                 PCTEST facility is an IC registered (2451B-1) test laboratory with the site description on
                                  file at Industry Canada.
                                 PCTEST is a CTIA Authorized Test Laboratory (CATL) for AMPS, CDMA, and EvDO
                                  wireless devices and for Over-the-Air (OTA) Antenna Performance testing for AMPS,
                                  CDMA, GSM, GPRS, EGPRS, UMTS (W-CDMA), CDMA 1xEVDO, and CDMA 1xRTT.

                                                             FCC Pt. 15.407 DFS TEST REPORT                       Reviewed by:
                                                                     (CERTIFICATION)                              Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:               Test Dates:          EUT Type:
                                                                                                                  Page 3 of 15
0Y1604110748.ZNF               4/12 - 5/2/2016      Portable Handset
 © 2016 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                      V 3.3

 1.0 I N T R O D U C T I O N

 1.1 Scope
 This report has been prepared to demonstrate compliance with the requirements for Dynamic Frequency
 Selection (DFS) as stated in KDB 905462 D02 V01R02. Testing was performed on the LG Portable Handset
 FCC ID: ZNFK557. As of July 20, 2007 all devices operating in the 5250 – 5350 MHz and/or the 5470 – 5725
 MHz bands must comply with the DFS requirements. As the EUT does not have radar detection capability it
 was evaluated as a Client Only Device. All test results reported herein are applicable to the sample selected
 for testing. The unit used for testing was supplied by LG Electronics MobileComm U.S.A.

 1.2 Evaluation Procedure
 Conducted test methodology was used for the DFS evaluation procedure of the LG Portable Handset
 FCC ID: ZNFK557. No deviations to the test procedure and test methods occurred during the evaluation of
 the EUT.

 1.3 Summary of Test Results
 The LG Portable Handset FCC ID: ZNFK557 was found to be compliant with the requirements for DFS as
 required for a Client Device per Part 15.407(h) and KDB 905462 D02 V01R02. The following table lists the
 measured parameters. The actual data and plots can be found in Section 5 and 6 of this report.

                                    Parameter                                Measured                 Limit              Result
   5260 – 5320 MHz

                     Channel Move Time                              7.40 s                   10 seconds                   Pass
    UNII – 2A Band

                                                                                             200ms + aggregate of
                                                                    < 200ms
                     Channel Closing Transmission Time                                       60ms over remaining          Pass
                                                                    + 14.90 ms (aggregate)
                                                                                             10 second period
                                                                    Monitored for 10
                                                                                             No client transmission
                     Client beacon test                             minutes with no client                                Pass
UNII – 2C Band

                     Channel Move Time                              6.40 s                   10 seconds                   Pass
 5470 – 5725

                                                                                             200ms + aggregate of

                                                                    < 200ms
                     Channel Closing Transmission Time                                       60ms over remaining          Pass
                                                                    + 18.50 ms (aggregate)
                                                                                             10 second period
                                                             Monitored for 10
                                                                                    No client transmission
                     Client beacon test                      minutes with no client                                       Pass
                                                Table 1-1. DFS Test Results Summary

                                                          FCC Pt. 15.407 DFS TEST REPORT                         Reviewed by:
                                                                  (CERTIFICATION)                                Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:             Test Dates:         EUT Type:
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 © 2016 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                     V 3.3

 2.0 P R O D U C T I N F O R M A T I O N

 2.1 Equipment Description
 The Equipment Under Test (EUT) is the LG Portable Handset FCC ID: ZNFK557.

             Mode of Operation:

                              Master Device
                              Client Device (No radar detection)
                              Client Device with Radar Detection

   Parameters of EUT:

                                       5260 – 5320 MHz
                                       5500 – 5700 MHz

                                       12.303 mW (10.90 dBm) Conducted (802.11a UNII Band 2A)
   Output Power:
                                       13.002 mW (11.14 dBm) Conducted (802.11a UNII Band 2C)

   Modulation:                         OFDM

   Channel Bandwidth:                  20, 40, 80 MHz

 2.2 EUT Capabilities
 This device contains the following capabilities:

 850/1900 GSM/GPRS/EDGE, 850/1700/1900 WCDMA/HSPA, Multi-band LTE, 802.11b/g/n WLAN,
 802.11a/n/ac UNII, Bluetooth (1x, EDR, LE), NFC

 2.3 Modifications
 No modifications to the EUT were required in order to comply with the DFS specifications.

                                                          FCC Pt. 15.407 DFS TEST REPORT        Reviewed by:
                                                                  (CERTIFICATION)               Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:             Test Dates:         EUT Type:
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 © 2016 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                    V 3.3

 3.0 D E S C R I P T I O N O F D Y N A M I C F R E Q U E N C Y S E L E C T I O N T E S T

 3.1 Applicability
 The following table from KDB 905462 D02 V01R02 lists the applicable requirements for the DFS testing. The
 device evaluated in this report is considered a client device without radar detection capability.

              Requirement                                            Operational Mode

                                                                                 Client Without    Client With Radar
                                                                                Radar Detection        Detection
              Non-Occupancy Period                                     Yes        Not required              Yes

              DFS Detection Threshold                                  Yes        Not required              Yes
              Channel Availability Check Time                          Yes        Not required          Not required
              Uniform Spreading                                        Yes        Not required          Not required

              U-NII Detection Bandwidth                                Yes        Not required              Yes
                                                      Table 3-1. DFS Applicability

                                                                 Operational Mode

                                                                                            Client             Client
                                                                       Master           Without Radar        With Radar
                                                                                          Detection          Detection

      DFS Detection Threshold                                            Yes            Not required              Yes

      Channel Closing Transmission Time                                  Yes                Yes                   Yes

      Channel Move Time                                                  Yes                Yes                   Yes

      U-NII Detection Bandwidth                                          Yes            Not required              Yes

      Client Beacon Test                                                 N/A                Yes                   Yes
                                         Table 3-2. DFS Applicability During Normal Operation

 3.2 Requirements
 Per KDB 905462 D02 V01R02 the following are the requirements for Client Devices:

 a) A Client Device will not transmit before having received appropriate control signals from a Master Device.
 b) A Client Device will stop all its transmissions whenever instructed by a Master Device to which it is
    associated and will meet the Channel Move Time and Channel Closing Transmission Time requirements.

                                                           FCC Pt. 15.407 DFS TEST REPORT                         Reviewed by:
                                                                   (CERTIFICATION)                                Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:             Test Dates:          EUT Type:
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 © 2016 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                      V 3.3

     The Client Device will not resume any transmissions until it has again received control signals from a
     Master Device.
 c) If a Client Device is performing In-Service Monitoring and detects a Radar Waveform above the DFS
    Detection Threshold, it will inform the Master Device. This is equivalent to the Master Device detecting the
    Radar Waveform and d) through f) of section 5.1.1 apply.
 d) Irrespective of Client Device or Master Device detection the Channel Move Time and Channel Closing
    Transmission Time requirements remain the same.

 Channel Move Time and Channel Closing Transmission Time requirements are listed in the following table.

Parameter                                                                           Value

Non-occupancy period                                                                Minimum 30 minutes

Channel Availability Check Time                                                     60 seconds

                                                                                    10 seconds
Channel Move Time
                                                                                    See Note 1.
Channel Closing Transmission Time                                                   200 milliseconds + an
                                                                                    aggregate of 60 milliseconds over
                                                                                    remaining 10 second period. See Notes
                                                                                    1 and 2.
                                                                                    Minimum 80% of the U-
U-NII Detection Bandwidth                                                           NII 99% transmission
                                                                                    power bandwidth. See Note 3.

Note 1: The instant that the Channel Move Time and the Channel Closing Transmission Time begins is
as follows:
• For the Short Pulse Radar Test Signals this instant is the end of the Burst.
• For the Frequency Hopping radar Test Signal, this instant is the end of the last radar
Burst generated.
• For the Long Pulse Radar Test Signal this instant is the end of the 12 second period
defining the Radar Waveform.
Note 2: The Channel Closing Transmission Time is comprised of 200 milliseconds starting at
the beginning of the Channel Move Time plus any additional intermittent control signals required
to facilitate a Channel move (an aggregate of 60 milliseconds) during the remainder of the 10
second period. The aggregate duration of control signals will not count quiet periods in between
Note 3: During the U-NII Detection Bandwidth detection test, radar type 1 is used and for each
frequency step the minimum percentage of detection is 90 percent. Measurements are performed
with no data traffic.
                                 Table 3-3: DFS Response Requirements

                                                        FCC Pt. 15.407 DFS TEST REPORT                         Reviewed by:
                                                                (CERTIFICATION)                                Quality Manager
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 © 2016 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                   V 3.3

 3.3 DFS Detection Threshold Values
 The DFS detection thresholds are defined for Master devices and Client Devices with In-service monitoring.
 These detection thresholds are listed in the following table.

    Maximum Transmit Power
                                                                                                   (See Notes 1 and 2)

    ≥ 200 milliwatt                                                                                -64 dBm

    < 200 milliwatt                                                                                -62 dBm
    Note 1: This is the level at the input of the receiver assuming a 0 dBi receive antenna.

    Note 2: Throughout these test procedures an additional 1 dB has been added to the amplitude of
    the test transmission waveforms to account for variations in measurement equipment. This will
    ensure that the test signal is at or above the detection threshold level to trigger a DFS response.
        Table 3-4: Detection Thresholds for Master Devices and Client Devices with Radar Detection

 3.4 Parameters of DFS Test Signals
 As the EUT is a Client Device with no Radar Detection only one type radar pulse is required for the testing.
 Radar Pulse type 1 was used in the evaluation of the Client device for the purpose of measuring the Channel
 Move Time and the Channel Closing Transmission Time. Table 3-5 lists the parameters for the Short Pulse
 Radar Waveforms. A plot of the Radar Pulse Type 1 used for testing is included in Section 5.0 of this report.

                                                                                     Number                            Minimum
                                     Pulse Width                     PRI                               Percentage of
           Radar Type                                                                  of                              Number of
                                       (μsec)                       (μsec)                              Successful
                                                                                     Pulses                              Trials

                   1                           1                     1428                18                60%            30

                   2                          1-5                   150-230           23-29                60%            30

                   3                          6-10                  200-500           16-18                60%            30

                   4                       11-20                    200-500           12-16                60%            30

          Aggregate (Radar Types 1-4)                                                                      80%            120
                                       Table 3-5: Parameters for Short Pulse Radar Waveforms

                          Pulse                Chirp                          Number                                      Minimum
        Radar                                                   PRI                        Number         Percentage of
                          Width                Width                         of Pulses                                    Number of
        Type                                                   (μsec)                     of Bursts        Successful
                          (μsec)               (MHz)                         per Burst                                      Trials
            5            50 - 100              5 - 20          5 – 20          1-3            8 - 20           60%              30
                                       Table 3-6. Parameters for Long Pulse Radar Waveforms

                                                                 FCC Pt. 15.407 DFS TEST REPORT                           Reviewed by:
                                                                         (CERTIFICATION)                                  Quality Manager
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 © 2016 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                V 3.3

                                                                                       Hopping   Minimum       Minimum
                            Pulse                           Pulses       Hopping
           Radar                                PRI                                   Sequence Percentage of   Number
                            Width                            per          Rate
           Type                                (μsec)                                   Length  Successful        of
                            (μsec)                           Hop          (kHz)
                                                                                        (msec)   Detection      Trials
              6                 1               333               9       0.333           300       70%           30
                                Table 3-7. Parameters for Frequency Hopping Radar Waveforms

 3.5 Procedure
 KDB 905462 D02 V01R02 describes a radiated test setup and a conducted test setup. The conducted test
 setup was used for this testing. Figure 3-1 shows the typical test setup. In Band 2A, one channel selected
 between 5260 and 5350 MHz is chosen for the testing. In Band 2C, one channel selected between 5500 and
 5700 MHz was chosen for testing.

                                                 Figure 3-1. Conducted Test Setup for DFS

       1. The “Aeroflex PXI DFS Radar Simulator and Analyzer Test Suite” is setup to provide a simulated
          radar pulse at the frequency that the Master and Client are operating. A Type 0 radar pulse was used.
       2. The Client Device (EUT) is set up per the diagram in Figure 3-1 and communications between the
          Master device and the Client is established.
       3. An MPEG or data file that is typical for the device is streamed from the Master to the Client to properly
          load the network.
       4. The “Aeroflex PXI DFS Radar Simulator and Analyzer Test Suite” is set to record and display 12
          seconds of time, starting from where the simulated radar is generated. This time domain plot captures
          any transmissions occurring up to and after 10sec. Aggregate time is computed to ensure
          compliance. (Note: the channel may be different since the Master and Client have changed channels
          due to the detection of the initial radar pulse.)
       5. After the initial radar burst the channel is monitored for 10 minutes to ensure no transmissions or
          beacons occur. A second monitoring setup is used to verify that the Master and Client have both
          moved to different channels.

                                                               FCC Pt. 15.407 DFS TEST REPORT                   Reviewed by:
                                                                       (CERTIFICATION)                          Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:             Test Dates:              EUT Type:
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 © 2016 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                    V 3.3

 4.0 T E S T E Q U I P M E N T

 Test Equipment Calibration is traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

   Manufacturer            Model                    Description               Cal Date Cal Interval    Cal Due   Serial Number

       Agilent            E4448A PSA (3Hz-50GHz) Spectrum Analyzer 3/1/2016      Annual   3/1/2017 US42510244
      Seekonk             NC-100       Torque Wrench 5/16", 8" lbs     3/2/2016 Biennial  3/2/2018    N/A
       Agilent            N9038A            MXE EMI Receiver          4/21/2016 Annual   4/21/2017 MY51210133
      Aeroflex           PXI 82531          PXI RF Synthesizer        5/20/2014 Biennial 5/20/2016   1082329
      Aeroflex           PXI 82531 PXI DFS Radar Simulator & Analyzer 5/20/2014 Biennial 5/20/2016   1082329
                                   Table 4-1. Annual Test Equipment Calibration Schedule


 For equipment listed above that has a calibration date or calibration due date that falls within the test date
 range, care was taken to ensure that this equipment was used after the calibration date and before the
 calibration due date.

 4.1 Additional Equipment

 The following equipment was used in support of the DFS testing.

                   Device           Manufacturer        Model/Description           Description           S/N:

                                                       AIR-CAP2702E-A-K9           Access Point       FTX1834S05B
                   Master           Cisco Systems
                                                       AIR-CT2504-K9 V03             Controller       PSZ18381P6K

                                                     Table 4-2. Support Equipment

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 © 2016 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                      V 3.3

 5.0 T E S T R E S U L T S
 Channel Loading Notes:
 Per KDB 905462 D02 v02, timing plots are required with calculations demonstrating a minimum channel
 loading of approximately 17% or greater. For example, you can zero span the spectrum analyzer and
 approximate the transmission time.

                                                 Figure 5-1. Band 2A Pulse Width

                                                     Figure 5-2. Band 2A Period

                                   Channel Loading = Pulse Width / Period = 30 µs / 90 µs = 33.3 %

                                                         FCC Pt. 15.407 DFS TEST REPORT              Reviewed by:
                                                                 (CERTIFICATION)                     Quality Manager
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 © 2016 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                         V 3.3

                                                 Figure 5-3. Band 2C Pulse Width

                                                     Figure 5-4. Band 2C Period

                                   Channel Loading = Pulse Width / Period = 30 µs / 78 µs = 38.5 %

                                                         FCC Pt. 15.407 DFS TEST REPORT              Reviewed by:
                                                                 (CERTIFICATION)                     Quality Manager
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 © 2016 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                         V 3.3

 Move Time and Aggregate Time Notes:
       1. Trigger Threshold was configured to only capture client pulses. The pulses shown in the plots below
          have been determined to be from the Master AP.
       2. Marker Info and Aggregate time results are shown on the right side of the plots below.

                                           Figure 5-5. Band 2A Move Time and Aggregate Time

                                           Figure 5-6. Band 2C Move Time and Aggregate Time

                                                            FCC Pt. 15.407 DFS TEST REPORT       Reviewed by:
                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)              Quality Manager
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 © 2016 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                     V 3.3

         Figure 5-7. Band 2A Client Beacon Test – Monitoring live spectrum – Elapse time 10 minutes

         Figure 5-8. Band 2C Client Beacon Test – Monitoring live spectrum – Elapse time 10 minutes
                                                        FCC Pt. 15.407 DFS TEST REPORT     Reviewed by:
                                                                (CERTIFICATION)            Quality Manager
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 © 2016 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                               V 3.3

 6.0 C O N C L U S I O N

 The data collected relate only to the item(s) tested and show that the LG Portable Handset
 FCC ID: ZNFK557 is in compliance with the DFS requirements for a Client Device without radar detection in
 accordance with Part 15.407 of the FCC Rules.

                                                        FCC Pt. 15.407 DFS TEST REPORT      Reviewed by:
                                                                (CERTIFICATION)             Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:             Test Dates:       EUT Type:
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0Y1604110748.ZNF             4/12 - 5/2/2016   Portable Handset
 © 2016 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                V 3.3

Document Created: 2017-12-07 18:06:02
Document Modified: 2017-12-07 18:06:02

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