Test Report BT 2


Test Report

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 Report Number:         F690501/RF—RTLO13665                                               Page:     43       of     66

4. Maximum Peak Conducted Output Power
4.1. Test Setup

                                                      Directional                               Bluetooth
                EUT                                    Coupler                                    Tester

                                                    Power Sensor                               Test Note PC

4.2. Limit

1. §15.247(a)(1), Frequency hopping systems shall have hopping channel carrier frequencies separated by a
   minimum of 25 & or the 20 dB bandwidth of the hopping channel, whichever is greater. Alternatively,
  frequency hopping systems operating in the 2 400—2 483.5 M band may have hopping channel carrier
  frequencies that are separated by 25 i or two—thirds of the 20 dB bandwidth of the hopping channel,
   whichever is greater, provided the systems operate with an output power no greater than 125. 1.
2. §15.247(b)(1), For frequency hopping systems operating in the 2 400—2 483.5 Mz band employing at least
  75 non—overlapping hopping channels, and all frequency hopping systems in the 5 725—5 850 k band: 1 watt.
  For all otherfrequency hopping systems in the 2 400—2 483.5 It band: 0.125 watts.

4.3. Test Procedure

The test follows ANSI €63.10—2013. Using the power sensor instead of a spectrum analyzer.

1. Place the EUT on the table and set it in the transmitting mode.
2. Remove the antenna from the EUT and then connect a low loss RF cable from the antenna port to the
  Power sensor.
3. Test program: (S/W name: R&S Power Viewer, Version: 3.2.0)
4. Measure peak power each channel.

 The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)   4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807   Aflp:/nwwsasgroup.kr

RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                        Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370         A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:          F690501/RF—RTLO13665                                              Page:     44      of      66

4.4. Test Results

Ambient temperature           :0   (2341)    C
Relative humidity             i0470      %RH.

       .                                                         Average                 Peak                 is
 Operation        Data      Channel         Frequency          Power Result          Power Result            Limit
   Mode           Rate                         (Mk)               (dB m)                (dB m)              (dB m)

                              Low              2 402                 4.92                  5.30

   GFSK         1 Mbps       Middle            2 441                 4.77                  5.13                30

                              High             2 480                 4.42                  4.81

                              Low              2 402                 4.81                  740

T/ADQPSK        2 Mbps       Middle            2 441                 4.53                  713

                              High             2 480                 4.41                  6.93


                              Low              2 402                 4.79                  7.82

  BDPSK         3 Mbps       Middle            2 441                 4.50                  7.64

                              High             2 480                 4.34                  7.40


In the case of AFH, the limit for peak power is 0.125 W
Directional coupler and cable offset compensate for test program (R&S Power Viewer) before measuring.

The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)   4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807   Aflp:/nwwsasgroup.kr

RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                        Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370         A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:          F690501/RF—RTLO13665                                              Page:     45      of      66

5. Carrier Frequency Separation
5.1. Test Setup

                                                     Directional                                Bluetooth
                 EUT                                  Coupler                                     Tester


5.2. Limit

§15.247(a)(1), Frequency hopping systems shall have hopping channel carrier frequencies separated by a
minimum of 25 ki or the 20 dB bandwidth of the hopping channel, whichever is greater. Alternatively,
frequency hopping systems operating in the 2 400—2 483.5 Mz band may have hopping channel carrier
frequencies that are separated by 25 !it or two—thirds of the 20 dB bandwidth of the hopping channel,
whichever is greater, provided the systems operate with an output power no greater than 125 i.

5.3. Test Procedure
The test follows ANSI €63.10—2013.

The device is operating in hopping mode between 79 channels and also supporting Adaptive Frequency
Hopping with hopping between 20 channels. As compared with each operating mode, 79 channels are
chosen as a representative for test.
Use the following spectrum analyzer settings:

Span = wide enough to capture the peaks of two adjacent channels
RBW = Start with the RBW set to approximately 30% of the channel spacing; adjust as necessary to best
        identify the center of each individual channel.
Sweep = auto
Detector = peak
Trace = max hold
Allow the trace to stabilize.

Use the marker—delta function to determine the between the peaksof the adjacent channels.

 The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
 report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
 does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)   4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807   Aflp:/nwwsasgroup.kr

 RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                       Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370         A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:         F690501/RF—RTLO13665                                                   Page:

5.4. Test Results

Ambient temperature                 (23 4+ 1)    C
Relative humidity                   47      %RH.

        .                                        Adjacent Hopping                        .                 Minimum
  Operation             Frequency               Channel Separation           20 dB Bandwidth              Bandwidth
     Mode                   (Me)                         (e)                          (Kk)                    (Kt)

     GFSK                   2 441                       1 000                         628                     25

          .                                     Adjacent Hopping             Two—third of 20 dB           Minimum
  OP'\‘;“;‘W"           Freq;:ncy               Channel Separation                Bandwidth               Bandwidth
       ode                  s13                          (S)                          ()                      (6e)
    BDPSK                   2 441                       1000                          842                     25


Measurementis made with EUT operating in hopping made between 79 channels providing a worst case
scenario as compared to AFH mode hopping between 20 channels.

 The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)     4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeonggi—do, Korea, 15807   hitpIworw.sgsgroup ke
RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                            Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370       A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:              F690501/RF—RTLO13665                                                Page:             47      of      66

Operating Mode: GFSK
                   Ref Level 10.00 dam             & Rew 300 kiz
                jo art            20 do   SWT 1 ms @ VBW 200 kiz   Mode Sweep
                 e ipk max
                                                               :   mipy             oo                       1.33 dam
                                                            /\’L/\                                   .            gitel
                                                                   vaty                                        o.184m
                                                                                                          100000 mt

                 —10 dom

                 —50 dom

                 50 dom

                 <70 dém

                 —30 dem

                 or zin onz                                    e91 pts                                   Span 5.0 mine
                                                                                  mesom— on

Operating Mode: BDPSK
                   Ref Level 10.00 dam            & Rew 300 kiz
                fo are            20 dd   SWT 1 ms @ VBW 200 kiz   Mode Sweep
                 e irk max
                                                                          mMill     o2                        5.19 dBm]
                             Ensnl2                                                                  ;
                 0 dam                                                    v2[1]                                0.00 dJ
                                                                                                          100000 mtz
                 —10 dom

                 20 dom

                 30 dom

                 40 dem

                 —50 dom

                 —50 dom

                 70 dam

                 —80 dam

                 or 2aa onz                                    s91 pts                                   Span 5.0 mine
                              T7 feaom. onl                                                                          4

The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)        4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807            Aflp:/nwwsasgroup.kr

RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                              Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370                 A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:          F690501/RF—RTLO13665                                              Page:     48      of      66

6. Number of Hopping Frequencies
6.1. Test Setup

                                                      Directional                              Bluetooth
                 EUT                                   Coupler                                   Tester


6.2. Limit

§15.247(a)(1)(iii), Frequency hopping systems in the 2 400—2 483.5 M band shall use at least 15 channels.
The average time of occupancy on any channel shall not be greater than 0.4 seconds within a period of 0.4
seconds multiplied by the number of hopping channels employed. Frequency hopping systems may avoid or
suppress transmissions on a particular hopping frequency provided that a minimum of 15 channels are used.

6.3. Test Procedure

The test follows ANSI €63.10—2013.

The device supports Adaptive Frequency Hopping and will use a minimum of 20 channels of the 79 available

The EUT shall have its hopping function enabled. Use the following spectrum analyzer settings:

1. Span: The frequency band of operation. Depending on the number of channels the device supports, it
  may be necessary to divide the frequency range of operation across multiple spans, to allow the individual
   channels to be clearly seen.
2. RBW: To identify clearly the individual channels, set the RBW to less than 30 % of the channel spacing or
  the 20 dB bandwidth, whichever is smaller.
3. VBW > RBW
4. Sweep: Auto
5. Detector function: Peak
6. Trace: Max hold
7. Allow the trace to stabilize.

 The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
 report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
 does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)   4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807   Aflp:/nwwsasgroup.kr

 RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                       Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370         A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:         F690501/RF—RTLO13665                                                Page:    49      of      66

6.4. Test Results

Ambient temperature           :0   (2341)     C
Relative humidity             i0470      %RH.

          Operation Mode                    Number of Hopping Frequency                              Limit

               GFSK                                         79                                       > 15

              BDPSK                                         79                                       > 15


Measurementis made with EUT operating in hopping made between 79 channels providing a worst case
scenario as compared to AFH mode hopping between 20 channels.

 The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)   4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807   Aflp:/nwwsasgroup.kr

RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                         Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370        A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:             F690501/RF—RTLO13665                                                  Page:             50      of      66

Operating Mode: GFSK

                o asD*..500e gwr a me o vBWw 200 ic Mode Sweep
                              o6       0n n A ale o n on   aoo      oo o o             io oo    dn o n     n id
                                   hA inA

                  50 domn

                  70 darn

                  30 darn

                 Epmenc                                       sor pis                             stop 2.is one
                                                                               nnnnnnnn<—   cnminaly we              w

                fo att          20 o    SWT 1 ms @ VBW 200 kHiz   Mode Sweep

                            TA h ul t o 1 0A .0. OM on e hon on hm a o n n in
                flfi@/ n hiA iAAA
                 —20 dam                                                                                   \

                 30 dam                                                                                     \

                 ~40 darn                                                                                      \

                 —50 darn                                                                                       \

                 50 damn

                 70 dam

                 —80 dem

                 Start 24415 GHe                              691 pts                             Stop 24895 GHe

                                                                               Measurinc    qunnuninp #t             4

The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)       4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807              Aflp:/nwwsasgroup.kr

RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                            Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370                    A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:            F690501/RF—RTLO13665                                                      Page:        51               66

Operating Mode: BDPSK
                   Ref Level 10.00 dam              @ Rew 200 kiz
                jo art            20 as    swP 1 ms @ VBw 200 kiz   Mode Sweep
                 en mas

                                          P\Ih                                   NA

                 —50 dem

                 —50 dom

                 70 dém

                 —30 dar

                 Start 2.3 onz                                  s91 pts                              Stop 2. 4315 one
                                 222222222222                                    Measuring...

                   Ref Level 10.00 dam              @ Rew 200 kiz
                jo art            20 as    swP 1 ms @ VBw 200 kiz   Mode Sweep
                 en mas

                Fyay®                               uwd]              pup\ All              uhnl A AArtgl
                 10 dém

                 —20 dem

                 —30 dem

                 —40 dom

                 —50 dar

                 —50 dom

                 70 dam

                 —80 dam

                 Start 2445 onz                                 691 pts                              Stop 24895 GHe

                                 222222222222                                    NMeasuring...   mnnnkD o           %

The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)         4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeonggi—do, Korea, 15807          hitpIworw.sgsgroup ke
RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                               Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370               A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:         F690501/RF—RTLO13665                                                Page:     52      of      66

7. Time of Occupancy (Dwell Time)
7.1. Test Set up

                                                       Directional                              Bluetooth
                                                        Coupler                                   Tester


7.2. Limit

§15.247(a)(1)(ii1), Frequency hopping systems in the 2 400—2 483.5 M band, the average time of occupancy
on any frequency shall not be greater than 0.4 second within a 31.6 second period.

A period time = 0.4 (s) * 79 = 31.6 (s)

*Adaptive Frequency Hopping

A period time = 0.4 (s) * 20 = 8 (s)

 The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)    4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807   Aflp:/nwwsasgroup.kr

RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                         Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370         A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:         F690501/RF—RTLO13665                                               Page:     53      of      66

7.3. Test Procedure

All data rates and modes were investigated for this test. The full data for the worst case data rate are
reported in this section. The test follows ANSI ©€63.10—2013.

1. Check the calibration of the measuring instrument using either an internal calibrator or a known signal
   from an external generator.
2. Position the EUT as shown in test setup without connection to measurementinstrument. Turn on the EUT
   and connectits antenna terminal to measurement instrument via a low loss cable.
3. Measure the time duration of one transmission on the measured frequency. And then plot the result with
   time difference of this time duration.
4. The Bluetooth has 3 type of payload, DH1, DH3, DHS and 3DH1, 3DH3, 3DHS.The hopping rate is
   insisted of 1 600 per second.

The EUT must have its hopping function enabled. Use the following spectrum analyzer setting:

Span = zero span, centered on a hopping channel
RBW= 1 Mt
Sweep = as necessary to capture the entire dwell time per hopping channel
Detector = peak
Trace = max hold

Use the marker—delta function to determine the dwell time. If this value varies with different modes of
operation, repeat this test for each variation.

 The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)   4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807   Aflp:/nwwsasgroup.kr

RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                        Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370         A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:         F690501/RF—RTLO13665                                               Page:     54         of    66

7.4. Test Results

Ambient temperature              (23+1) C
Relative humidity                47   %RH.
7.4.1. Packet Type: DH1, 3DH1

                                                  .         Time of occupancy on                 Limit for time of
 Operation          Frequency            Dwell Time           the Tx Channel in                     occupancy
   Mode                (Mk)                  (ms)                31.6 sec (ms)                 on the Tx Channel in
                                                                   '                               31.6 sec (ms)

    GFSK               2 441                0.39                      124.80                              400

   BDPSK               2 441                0.39                      124.80                              400


Time of occupancy on the TX channel in 31.6 see
In case of GFSK and 8DPSK: 0.39 x {(1 600 +2) / 79} x 31.6 = 124.80 ms

 The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)   4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeonggi—do, Korea, 15807   hitpIworw.sgsgroup ke
RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                        Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370         A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:              F690501/RF—RTLO13665                                                                            Page:               55      of      66

Operating Mode: GFSK
                 Spectrum                                                                                                                        z
                   Ref Level 10.00 d&m                       & Rw.    i Miz
                fo att             20 db @ SWT 10 ms @ VBW 1 WMiiz
                  set. tor
                 @124 max
                                                                      M    be             milil                                          4.01 dam}
                                       —I               —             t—              —                                  —           45+290 ms
                                                                                          bzt1]    j                                     Fo.ds dB
                                                                                                                                         laot(a s

                                tayl        _liiI!          Ltevied         ut               mam            _lndaguall         Lecual)           _b
                 60 darn

                 70 dam

                 —80 darn

                 or 2e onz                                                  691 pts                                                      1.0 ms/
                                To                                                                hay                                              7

Operating Mode: BDPSK
                 Spectrum                                                                                                                        ko
                   Ref Level 10.00 dam                       ®@ RBW   1 Mz
                jo Att             20 db @ SWT 10 ms @ VBW 1 Miiz
                  sat tor
                 (e22% max
                                                             o                            mMaQ]                                          4.69 dam
                                       e                +4                o+                           p*                por         a.g2iiimsl
                                                                                          detal                                          —p.ad    do
                                                                                                                                         901. us

                             Bopep)         ntogbabyl        To                  ul         Slamand)        poydoal            Way                it
                 —60 dm:

                 70 dem

                 —20 dm

                 CE 2.441 GHz                                               691 pts                                                      1.0 ms/

                                                                                                  Ready          «nnibnns #Q                       /

The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)             4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807                                     Aflp:/nwwsasgroup.kr

RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                                         Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370                                    A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:         F690501/RF—RTLO13665                                               Page:      56         of    66

7.4.2. Packet Type: DH3, 3DH3

                                                    .       Time of occupancy on                   Limit for time of
 Operation          Frequency            Dwell Time                          :                      occupancy
                                                              the Tx Channel in                                  ;
   Mode                (ME)                  (ms)                  31.6 sec (1s)               on the Tx Channel in
                                                                     ‘                             31.6 sec (ms)

   GFSK                2 441                 1.64                     262.40                               400

   BDPSK               2 441                 1.65                     264.00                               400


Time of occupancy on the TX channel in 31.6 see
In case of GFSK: 1.64 x {(1 600 + 4) /79} x 31.6 = 262.40 ms
In case of 8DPSK: 1.65 x {(1 600 +4) / 79} x 31.6 = 264.00 ms

 The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)   4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807   Aflp:/nwwsasgroup.kr

RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                        Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370          A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:            F690501/RF—RTLO13665                                                   Page:         57       of     66

Operating Mode: GFSK
                 Spectrum                         .
                   Ref Level 10.00 dam              © rew 1e
                   art            20 ds @ SWT 10 ms @ VBW 1 Niz
                  ser. Tor
                 e im mas

                 or zin onz                                     ao1 pts                                    Lo ms7
                                                                                            Tmmm e                7

Operating Mode: BDPSK
                   Ref Level 10.00 dam              © rew 1e
                jo art            20 ds @ SWT 10 ms @ VBW 1 Niz
                  ser. Tor
                 en mas
                                                                           m       M
                 0 dam                                                      201                              .34 dol
                                                                                                          1.4522 msl
                 —10 dom

                 —20 dém

                 —30 dem

                 —40 dem

                 1so aamNWMAE                         woha                        ie                  1
                 —50 dam

                 70 dem

                 —80 dam

                 or zin onz                                     ao1 pts                                    Lo ms7
                                                                                   Ready    Whnbnnnnd WO          %

The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)     4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807            Aflp:/nwwsasgroup.kr

RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                               Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370             A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:         F690501/RF—RTLO13665                                               Page:      58         of   66

7.4.3. Packet Type: DH5, 3DH5

                    Frequency            Dwell Time         Time of occupancy on                   Limoggs;;ms of
 Op'\t;re:‘tlon         ()                   (me)              th%':);(;:in(;:)l m             on the Tx Channel in
      ode                                                             ‘                              31.6 sec (ms)

    GFSK               2 441                2.90                          309.33                           400

   BDPSK               2 441                2.90                          309.33                           400


Time of occupancy on the TX channel in 31.6 see
In case of GFSK and 8DPSK: 2.90 x {(1 600 +6) / 79} x 31.6 = 309.33 ms

 The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)   4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeonggi—do, Korea, 15807   hitpIworw.sgsgroup ke
RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                        Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370          A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:              F690501/RF—RTLO13665                                                    Page:        59     of      66

Operating Mode: GFSK
                 Spectrum                          .
                   Ref Level 10.00 dam              © rew 1e
                   art            20 ds @ SWT 10 ms @ VBW 1 Niz
                  ser. Tor
                 e im mas

                 or zin onz                                    ao1 pts                                       Lo ms7
                                                                                   neady      Whibnnnnd W#          %

Operating Mode: BDPSK
                [s~Ref Level 10.00 d&m             & Rw.   i Miz
                fo att           20 db @ SWT 10 ms @ VBW 1 WMiiz
                  set. tor
                 @124 max

                                                   eor             db
                                                                                                           5.07 daml

                 0 dam                                                    v2[1)                               0.20 dol
                                                                                                           2.8080 ms
                 —10 dam

                 20 dém

                 30 dam

                 —40 dmn

                 ct                        uty                                    ‘MA i
                 80 darn

                 70 dam

                 —80 dem

                 or 2i che                                     691 pis                                       1.0 ms/
                                                                                   Ready      Winbnnnnd WO          %

The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)      4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807            Aflp:/nwwsasgroup.kr

RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                              Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370                A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:         F690501/RF—RTLO13665                                               Page:      60         of    66

7.4.4. Packet Type: DH1, 3DH1 (Adaptive Frequency Hopping)

                                                   .        Time of occupancy on                   Limit for time of
 Operation          Frequency            Dwell Time            the Tx Channel in                    occupancy
   Mode                (ME)                  (ms)                  8 see (ms)                  on the Tx Channel in
                                                                                                     8 sec (ms)

   GFSK                2 441                0.39                       62.40                               400

   BDPSK               2 441                0.39                       62.40                               400


Time of occupancy on the TX channel in 8 see
In case of GFSK and 8DPSK: 0.39 x {(800 +2)/20} x 8 = 62.40 ms

 The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)   4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeonggi—do, Korea, 15807   hitpIworw.sgsgroup ke
RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                        Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370          A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:            F690501/RF—RTLO13665                                                                         Page:        61      of      66

Operating Mode: GFSK
                ro=Ref Level 10.00 d&m              6 rew 1 mc
                jo art            20 do @ SWT 10 ms @ VBW 1 Mz
                  ser. tor
                 feari max
                                                                                            MR oo                             5.04 dam}
                             e                 c                  as              d—         e                  c          —§.1739 m
                                                                                            o2th)                                 0.09 dg
                                                                                                                                 so1.9 p

                                    ipetioet            Whioill        leelpgul
                                                                                       lgpoulg        Whvhugt       e

                 or 2aa onz                                                  s91 pts

Operating Mode: BDPSK
                   Ref Level 20.00 dam              @ Rew 1 hnz
                jo art            20 do @ SWT 10 ms @ VBW 1 Mz
                  ser, tor
                 feir max
                                             M Ins                                          mipy                                4.09 dom]
                                    m                 45               en              en             hn           on           29D1 ms
                                                                                            v2ti)]                               —ofo2 an
                                                                                                                                 agh.9 us

                            Aube)       __Lallls Aa          withyl         lallou          lghalal        heul)        biugk
                 —50 dém

                 —70 dem

                 —80 dem

                 or 2a4n hz                                                  691 pts                                            1.0 ms/

                                                                                                      Ready     Wunbnnnd WO              %

The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)                4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807                      Aflp:/nwwsasgroup.kr

RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                                         Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370                         A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:         F690501/RF—RTLO13665                                               Page:      62         of    66

7.4.5. Packet Type: DH3, 3DH3 (Adaptive Frequency Hopping)

                                                    .       Time of occupancy on                   Limit for time of
 Operation          Frequency            Dwell Time            the Tx Channel in                     occupancy
   Mode                 (ME)                 (ms)                    8 see (ms)                on the Tx Channel in
                                                                                                      8 sec (ms)

   GFSK                2 441                 1.64                     131.20                               400

   BDPSK               2 441                 1.65                     132.00                               400


Time of occupancy on the TX channel in 8 see
In case of GFSK: 1.64 x {(800 + 4) / 20} x 8 = 131.20 ms
In case of 8DPSK: 1.65 x {(800 + 4) / 20} x 8 = 132.00 ms

 The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)   4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807   Aflp:/nwwsasgroup.kr

RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                        Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370          A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:              F690501/RF—RTLO13665                                                        Page:         63              66

Operating Mode: GFSK
              Spectrum                              s
                   Ref Level 10.00 dam               © rew 1e
                   ant            20 ds @ SWT 10 ms @ VBW 1 Niz
                  ser. Tor
                 e im mas

                 or 2aa onz                                       s91 pts                                         1.0 ms/
                                                                                             Tmmm e                      7

Operating Mode: BDPSK
              Spectrum                                                                                                  yz
                   Ref Level 10.00 d&m                & Rw.   i Miz
                fo att              20 db @ SWT 10 ms @ VBW 1 WMiiz
                  set. tor
                 @124 max

                                    pripfecanasel 3           sw            mimi AramiBrmvaliiiece                omen
                                                                                                                  ‘5, on
                 0 dam                                                      v2[1]                                 ~0.15 dB
                                                                                                                  :6522 ms]
                 —10 db

                 20 de
                 —30 d

                 —40 db                                                                              L

                 n se          wl                     en i                  (a                           O yels

                 80 darn

                 70 dam
                 —80 dem

                 or 2am onz                                       so1 pts                                         T.0 msy
                                                                                    Ready    Wanbnnnnd WO                %

The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)         4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeonggi—do, Korea, 15807              hitpIworw.sgsgroup ke
RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                                Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370                   A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:         F690501/RF—RTLO13665                                               Page:      64         of    66

7.4.6. Packet Type: DH5, 3DH5 (Adaptive Frequency Hopping)

                                                    .       Time of occupancy on                   Limit for time of
 Operation          Frequency            Dwell Time            the Tx Channel in                     occupancy
   Mode                 (ME)                 (ms)                    8 see (ms)                on the Tx Channel in
                                                                                                      8 sec (ms)

   GFSK                2 441                2.88                      153.60                               400

   BDPSK               2 441                2.90                      154.67                               400


Time of occupancy on the TX channel in 8 see
In case of GFSK: 2.88 x {(800 + 6) / 20} x 8 = 153.60 ms
In case of 8DPSK: 2.90 x {(800 + 6) / 20} x 8 = 154.67 ms

 The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)   4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807   Aflp:/nwwsasgroup.kr

RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                        Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370          A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:              F690501/RF—RTLO13665                                                    Page:         65      of      66

Operating Mode: GFSK
                 Spectrum                        .
                   RefLevel 10.00 dam              ® rew 1 mne
                   art           20 d8 @ SWT 10 ms @ VBW 1 Wz
                  set. Tor
                 e 1P max
                         ma                                                                                   1.3+ dom
                                                                                                            —0.02 an
                                                                                                          2.0041 ms

                 or 2aa oiz

Operating Mode: BDPSK
                   Ref Level 10.00 dim           @ RBW       1 Miz
                jo Att           20 da @ SWT 10 ms @ VBW 1 Wz
                  Set. Tor
                 @194 max
                                                                           mip                                5.03 dam]
                 nsmd                                  L"fl           IoanennowmnnP                        yCem mt

                 0 dam                                                     v2[1]                              —0.22 dB
                                                                                                          2.0086 ms

                 10 dém

                 —20 dém

                 30 dém

                 —40 dem

                 ced dn                       pladul                                 ally uy
                 —50 dém

                 —70 dem

                 —80 dem

                 of 2a4t oz                                      691 pts                                      1.0 ms/

                                                                                   Ready       Whibnnnns w0          %

The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)     4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807               Aflp:/nwwsasgroup.kr

RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                              Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370                 A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

 Report Number:          F690501/RF—RTLO13665                                              Page:     66      of      66

8. Antenna Requirement
8.1. Standard Applicable

For intentional device, according to FCC 47 CFR Section §15.203, an intentional radiator shall be designed
to ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the device.
And according to FCC 47 CFR Section §15.247 (b) if transmitting antennas of directional gain greater than 6
dB i are used, the power shall be reduced by the amount in dB that the gain of the antenna exceeds 6 dBi.

8.2. Antenna Connected Construction

Antenna used in this product is Internal Antenna with gain of 2.98 dB i.

                                          — End of the Test Report —

 The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
 report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
 does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)   4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807   Aflp:/nwwsasgroup.kr

 RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                       Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370         A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

Document Created: 2019-05-02 15:05:38
Document Modified: 2019-05-02 15:05:38

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