RF Exposure Info


RF Exposure Info

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According to KDB 447498 D01 v06 General RF Exposure Guidance

At 100 ㎒ to 6 ㎓ and for test separation distances ≤ 50 ㎜, the SAR test exclusion threshold is
determined according to the following

   [(max. power of channel, including tune-up tolerance, ㎽) / (min. test separation distance, ㎜)]
   x [√f(㎓)] ≤ 3.0

1. SAR test exclusion threshold
Frequency : 2 480 ㎒ (min. separation distances = 0 ㎜)
SAR test exclusion thresholds(5 ㎜) = 3 x 5 / (√ 2.480) = 9.525 ㎽

  Max. tune-up           SAR Test Exclusion
  tolerance(㎽)          Thresholds(5 ㎜) (㎽)
        3                      9.525

Calculation value : 3 (㎽) / 5 (㎜) x √ 2.480 = 0.945
So, Calculation value ≤ 3.0


-Max. conducted power (㎽) : maximum tolerance power of EUT (5 ㏈m)
-Max. conducted power 3.16 (㎽) is closest 3 (㎽), so 3 (㎽) was calculated.
-When the minimum test separation distance is < 5 ㎜, a distance of 5 ㎜ is applied to determine
SAR test exclusion.

2. Conclusion : No SAR is required.

Document Created: 2016-09-30 15:25:14
Document Modified: 2016-09-30 15:25:14

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