Test Report


Test Report

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                       74, Seoicheon-ro 578beon-gil, Majang-myeon, Icheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
                                  TEL: +82-31-645-6300         FAX: +82-31-645-6401

                                            FCC NFC REPORT
                                                         FCC Certification

Applicant Name:                                                            Date of Issue:
LG Electronics MobileComm U.S.A., Inc.                                     September 22, 2015
                                                                           Test Site/Location:
                                                                           HCT CO., LTD., 74, Seoicheon-ro 578beon-gil,
Address:                                                                   Majang-myeon, Icheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
1000 Sylvan Avenue, Englewood Cliffs NJ 07632                              Report No.: HCT-R-1509-F022-1
                                                                           HCT FRN: 0005866421
FCC ID:                             ZNFH960
APPLICANT:                          LG Electronics MobileComm U.S.A., Inc.
FCC Model(s):                       LG-H960
Additional Model(s):                LGH960, H960, LG-H960P, LGH960P, H960P, LG-H960AR, LGH960AR, H960AR,
                                    LG-H960YK, LGH960YK, H960YK
EUT Type:                           Cellular/PCS GSM/WCDMA/LTE Phone with WLAN, Bluetooth and NFC

RF Output Field Strength:           2.49 dBuV/m @30 m

Frequency of Operation:             13.56 MHz

Modulation type:                    ASK

FCC Classification:                 Low Power Communication Device – Transmitter

FCC Rule Part(s):                   FCC Part 15.225 Subpart C

   The measurements shown in this report were made in accordance with the procedures indicated, and the emissions from this

   equipment were found to be within the limits applicable. I assume full responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of these

   measurements, and for the qualifications of all persons taking them.

   HCT CO., LTD. Certifies that no party to this application has subject to a denial of Federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant

   to section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1998,21 U.S. C.853(a)

   Report prepared by                            Approved by
   : Kyung Soo Kang                              : Sang Jun Lee
   Test Engineer of RF Team                      Manager of RF Team

   This report only responds to the tested sample and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of the HCT Co., Ltd.

   F-01P-02-014 (Rev.00)                                                                                                     HCT Co.,LTD.

Report No.: HCT-R-1509-F022-1                  Model: LG-H960                                     Page 2 of 28

    TEST REPORT NO.             DATE                                    DESCRIPTION

   HCT-R-1509-F022        September 08, 2015      - First Approval Report

                                                  - Added the result of radiated emissions test with wireless
   HCT-R-1509-F022-1      September 22, 2015
                                                  charging cover.

  F-01P-02-014 (Rev.00)
  FCC ID: ZNFH960                                                                                HCT Co.,LTD.

Report No.: HCT-R-1509-F022-1                                         Model: LG-H960                                                                   Page 3 of 28

                                                    Table of Contents
   1. GENERAL INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................... 4
   2. EUT DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................................................... 4
   3. TEST METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................................ 5
         3.1 EUT CONFIGURATION ....................................................................................................................... 5
         3.2 EUT EXERCISE ................................................................................................................................... 5
         3.3 GENERAL TEST PROCEDURES ....................................................................................................... 5
         3.4 DESCRIPTION OF TEST MODES ...................................................................................................... 5
         3.5 STANDARDS ....................................................................................................................................... 6
   4. INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION...................................................................................................................... 7
   5. FACILITIES AND ACCREDITATIONS .......................................................................................................... 7
         5.1 FACILITIES .......................................................................................................................................... 7
         5.2 EQUIPMENT ........................................................................................................................................ 7
   6. ANTENNA REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................................... 7
   7. TEST SUMMARY .......................................................................................................................................... 8
   8. RADIATED EMISSION MEASUREMENT .................................................................................................... 9
         8.1. RADIATED EMISSION 9 kHz – 30 MHz .......................................................................................... 10
         8.2. RADIATED EMISSION 30 MHz – 1000 MHz ................................................................................... 14
   9. EMISSION BANDWIDTH PLOT.................................................................................................................. 16
   10. FREQUENCY TOLERANCE ..................................................................................................................... 17
   11. POWERLINE CONDUCTE EMISSIONS................................................................................................... 18
   12. LIST OF TEST EQUIPMENT .................................................................................................................... 27
         12.1 LIST OF TEST EQUIPMENT(Conducted Test) ............................................................................. 27
         12.2 LIST OF TEST EQUIPMENT(Radiated Test) ................................................................................. 28

  F-01P-02-014 (Rev.00)
  FCC ID: ZNFH960                                                                                                                                   HCT Co.,LTD.

  Report No.: HCT-R-1509-F022-1                        Model: LG-H960                                     Page 4 of 28

Applicant:                   LG Electronics MobileComm U.S.A., Inc
Address:                     1000 Sylvan Avenue, Englewood Cliffs NJ 07632
FCC ID:                      ZNFH960
EUT Type:                    Cellular/PCS GSM/WCDMA/LTE Phone with WLAN, Bluetooth and NFC
Model name(s):               LG-H960
Additional Model(s):         LGH960, H960, LG-H960P, LGH960P, H960P, LG-H960AR, LGH960AR, H960AR,
                             LG-H960YK, LGH960YK, H960YK
Date(s) of Tests:            August 12, 2015 ~ September 8, 2015
Place of Tests:              HCT Co., Ltd.
                             74, Seoicheon-ro 578beon-gil, Majang-myeon, Icheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
                             (IC Recognition No. : 5944A-3)


FCC Model Name                  LG-H960

                                LGH960, H960, LG-H960P, LGH960P, H960P, LG-H960AR, LGH960AR, H960AR,
Additional Model(s):
                                LG-H960YK, LGH960YK, H960YK

EUT Type                        Cellular/PCS GSM/WCDMA/LTE Phone with WLAN, Bluetooth and NFC

Power Supply                    DC 3.85 V

                                Model: BL-45B1F
Battery Infomation
                                Type: Li-ion Battery(Standard)

Frequency of Operation          13.56 MHz

Transmit Power                  2.49 dBuV/m @30 m

Modulation Type                 ASK

                                Manufacturer: IMTECH
Antenna Specification
                                Antenna type: Loop Antenna

     F-01P-02-014 (Rev.00)
     FCC ID: ZNFH960                                                                                     HCT Co.,LTD.

Report No.: HCT-R-1509-F022-1                  Model: LG-H960                                        Page 5 of 28

   The measurement procedure described in the American National Standard of Procedures for
   Compliance Testing of Unlicensed Wireless Devices (ANSI C63.10:2013).

   The EUT configuration for testing is installed on RF field strength measurement to meet the
   Commissions requirement and operating in a manner that intends to maximize its emission
   characteristics in a continuous normal application.

   The EUT was operated in the engineering mode to fix the Tx frequency that was for the purpose of
   the measurements. According to its specifications, the EUT must comply with the requirements of
   the Section 15.207, 15.209 and 15.225 under the FCC Rules Part 15 Subpart C.

   Conducted Emissions
   The EUT is placed on the turntable, which is 0.8 m above ground plane. According to the
   requirements in Section 6.2 of ANSI C63.10. (Version :2013) Conducted emissions from the EUT
   measured in the frequency range between 0.15 MHz and 30MHz using CISPR Quasi-peak and
   average detector modes.
   Radiated Emissions
   The EUT is placed on a turn table, which is 0.8 m above ground plane. The turntable shall rotate
   360 degrees to determine the position of maximum emission level. EUT is set 3 m away from the
   receiving antenna, which varied from 1 m to 4 m to find out the highest emission. And also, each
   emission was to be maximized by changing the polarization of receiving antenna both horizontal
   and vertical. In order to find out the max. emission, the relative positions of this hand-held
   transmitter (EUT) was rotated through three orthogonal axes according to the requirements in
   Section 6.3 of ANSI C63.10. (Version: 2013).

   The EUT has been tested under operating condition. Test program used to control the EUT for
   staying in continuous transmitting and receiving mode is programmed.

  F-01P-02-014 (Rev.00)
  FCC ID: ZNFH960                                                                                   HCT Co.,LTD.

Report No.: HCT-R-1509-F022-1                        Model: LG-H960                                     Page 6 of 28


   The following tests were conducted on a sample of the equipment for the purpose of demonstrating
   compliance With
   FCC Part 15.Subpart C

   Regulation                                  Measurement standard   Range

   Title 47 of the CFR: Part 15 Subpart (c),
                                               ANSI C63.10:2013       13.553MHz to 13.567MHz
   Clause 15.225(a)

   Title 47 of the CFR: Part 15 Subpart (c),
                                               ANSI C63.10:2013       outside of the 13.110-14.010 MHz band
   Clause 15.225(d)

   Title 47 of the CFR: Part 15 Subpart (c),
                                               ANSI C63.10:2013       9kHz to 30MHz
   Clause 15.209

   Title 47 of the CFR: Part 15 Subpart (c),
                                               ANSI C63.10:2013       30MHz to 1GHz
   Clause 15.209

   Title 47 of the CFR: Part 15 Subpart (c),
                                               ANSI C63.10:2013       150kHz to 30MHz
   Clause 15.207

   Title 47 of the CFR: Part 15 Subpart (c),
                                               ANSI C63.10:2013       0.01% of nominal
   Clause 15.225(e)

   Title 47 of the CFR: Part 15 Subpart (c),
                                               ANSI C63.10:2013       -
   Clause 15.215(c)

  F-01P-02-014 (Rev.00)
  FCC ID: ZNFH960                                                                                     HCT Co.,LTD.

Report No.: HCT-R-1509-F022-1                 Model: LG-H960                                    Page 7 of 28

   The measuring equipment, which was utilized in performing the tests documented herein, has
   been calibrated in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations for utilizing calibration
   equipments, which is traceable to recognized national standards.


   The 10 m semi anechoic chamber used to collect the Conducted and Radiated data is located at
   the 74, Seoicheon-ro 578beon-gil, Majang-myeon, Icheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea. Those
   measurement facilities are constructed in conformance with the requirements of ANSI C63.4.
   Detailed description of test facilities was submitted to the Commission and accepted dated
   July 07, 2015 (Registration Number: 90661)

   Radiated emissions are measured with one or more of the following types of Linearly polarized
   antennas: tuned loop, dipole, bi-conical, log periodic, bi-log, and/or ridged waveguide, horn.
   Spectrum analyzers with pre-selectors and quasi-peak detectors are used to perform radiated
   Conducted emissions are measured with Line Impedance Stabilization Networks and EMI Test
   Receivers. Calibrated wideband preamplifiers, coaxial cables, and coaxial attenuators are also
   used for making measurements.
   All receiving equipment conforms to CISPR Publication 16-1, “Radio Interference Measuring
   Apparatus and Measurement Methods.”


   According to FCC 47 CFR §15.203:
    “An intentional radiator antenna shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that
   furnished by the responsible party can be used with the device. The use of a permanently attached
   antenna or of an antenna that uses a unique coupling to the intentional radiator shall be
   considered sufficient to comply with the provisions of this section.”

   * The antennas of this E.U.T are permanently attached.

   *The E.U.T Complies with the requirement of §15.203

  F-01P-02-014 (Rev.00)
  FCC ID: ZNFH960                                                                              HCT Co.,LTD.

Report No.: HCT-R-1509-F022-1                         Model: LG-H960                                     Page 8 of 28


   The results in this report apply only to sample tested

   Regulation                             Test Type                    Range                          Result

   Title 47 of the CFR: Part 15 Subpart   Radiated Electric Field
                                                                       13.553MHz to 13.567MHz         Pass
   (c), Clause 15.225(a)                  Emissions

   Title 47 of the CFR: Part 15 Subpart   Radiated Electric Field      13.410MHz to 13.553MHz and
   (c), Clause 15.225(b)                  Emissions                    13.567MHz to 13.710MHz

   Title 47 of the CFR: Part 15 Subpart   Radiated Electric Field      13.110 MHz to 13.410 MHz and
   (c), Clause 15.225(c)                  Emission                     13.710 MHz to 14.010 MHz

   Title 47 of the CFR: Part 15 Subpart   Radiated Electric Field
                                                                       9kHz to 30MHz                  Pass
   (c), Clause 15.209 (d)                 Emissions

   Title 47 of the CFR: Part 15 Subpart   Radiated Electric Field
                                                                       30MHz to 1GHz                  Pass
   (c), Clause 15.209                     Emissions

   Title 47 of the CFR: Part 15 Subpart   AC power conducted
                                                                       150kHz to 30MHz                Pass
   (c), Clause 15.207                     emissions

   Title 47 of the CFR: Part 15 Subpart
                                          Frequency Stability          0.01% of nominal               Pass
   (c), Clause 15.225(e)

   Title 47 of the CFR: Part 15 Subpart
                                          20 dB Bandwidth              -                              Pass
   (c), Clause 15.215(c)

  F-01P-02-014 (Rev.00)
  FCC ID: ZNFH960                                                                                      HCT Co.,LTD.

Report No.: HCT-R-1509-F022-1                           Model: LG-H960                                             Page 9 of 28


   Requirement(s): 15.209, 15.225

   Except as provided elsewhere in this paragraph the emissions from an intentional radiator shall not exceed
   the field strength levels specified in the following table:

      Minimum Standard: FCC Part 15.225 / 15.209
          Rule Part                 Frequency (MHz)                                         Limit

                                       0.009 ~ 0.490                              2400/F(kHz) uV/m@300 m

                                       0.490 ~1.705                               24000/F(kHz) uV/m@30 m

                                           1.705 ~ 30                                 30 uV/m@30 m

          Part 15.209                       30 ~ 88                                   100 ** uV/m@3 m

                                           88 ~ 216                                   150 ** uV/m@3 m

                                           216 ~ 960                                  200 ** uV/m@3 m

                                           Above 960                                   500 uV/m@3 m

    ** Except as provided in 15.209(g), fundamental emissions from intentional radiators operating under this Section shall

    not be located in the frequency bands 54-72 MHz, 76-88 MHz, 174-216 MHz or 470-806 MHz. However, operation

    within these frequency bands is permitted under other sections of this Part, e.g. 15.231 and 15.241.

   15.225 Operation within the band 13.110 – 14.010 MHz.
   (a) The field strength of any emissions within the band 13.553-13.567 MHz shall not exceed 15,848 microvolts/meter (=

   84 dBuV/m) at 30 meters.

   (b) Within the bands 13.410-13.553 MHz and 13.567-13.710 MHz, the field strength of any emissions shall not exceed

   334 microvolts/meter (=50.5dBuV/m) at 30 meters.

   (c) Within the bands 13.110-13.410 MHz and 13.710-14.010 MHz the field strength of any emissions shall not exceed

   106 microvolts/meter (=40.5 dBuV/m) at 30 meters.

   (d) The field strength of any emissions appearing outside of the 13.110-14.010 MHz band shall not exceed the general

   radiated emission limits in § 15.209.

   (e) The frequency tolerance of the carrier signal shall be maintained within +/- 0.01% of the operating frequency over a

   temperature variation of –20 degrees to +50 degrees C at normal supply voltage, and for a variation in the primary

   supply voltage from 85% to 115% of the rated supply voltage at a temperature of 20 degrees C. For battery operated

   equipment, the equipment tests shall be performed using a new battery.

   (f) In the case of radio frequency powered tags designed to operate with a device authorized under this section, the tag

   may be approved with the device or be considered as a separate device subject to its own authorization. Powered tags

   approved with a device under a single application shall be labeled with the same identification number as the device.

  F-01P-02-014 (Rev.00)
  FCC ID: ZNFH960                                                                                                HCT Co.,LTD.

Report No.: HCT-R-1509-F022-1                    Model: LG-H960                                       Page 10 of 28

   8.1. RADIATED EMISSION 9 kHz – 30 MHz

   Test Set-up

                                              3 meters


                                                                                   AC-DC           AC mains


   Test Procedure
   The EUT was placed on a non-conductive table located on a large open test site.
   The loop antenna was placed at a location 3m from the EUT. Radiated emissions were measured with the
   loop antenna both parallel and perpendicular to the plane of the EUT loop antenna and with x, y, z planes in

   The limit is converted from microvolts/meter to decibel microvolts/meter. Sample Calculation:

   Corrected Amplitude = Raw Amplitude(dBµV/m) + ACF(dB) + Cable Loss(dB) – Distance Correction Factor

   The spectrum analyzer is set to:
   Frequency Range = 9 kHz ~ 1 GHz
   RBW      = 9 kHz (9 kHz ~ 30 MHz)
         = 120 kHz (30 MHz ~ 1 GHz)

   Trace Mode = max hold
   Detector Mode = peak / Quasi-peak
   Sweep time = auto

  F-01P-02-014 (Rev.00)
  FCC ID: ZNFH960                                                                                     HCT Co.,LTD.

Report No.: HCT-R-1509-F022-1                  Model: LG-H960                              Page 11 of 28

   ▣ Test Results_(Standalone with normal cover)

                                        13.553 MHz-13.567 MHz
Frequency         Read Level      Ant.Factor+Cable   Distance      Result Level    Limit          Margin
                                       Loss          Correction

  (MHz)         (dBuV/m)@3m           (dB/m)           (dB)       (dBuV/m)@30m (dBuV/m)@30m        (dB)

13.5603(H)           19.47             20.37          -40.00          -0.16        84.00           84.16
13.5590(V)           15.72             20.37          -40.00          -3.91        84.00           87.91

                          13.410 MHz-13.553 MHz and 13.567 MHz-13.710 MHz
Frequency         Read Level      Ant.Factor+Cable   Distance      Result Level    Limit          Margin
                                       Loss          Correction

  (MHz)         (dBuV/m)@3m           (dB/m)           (dB)       (dBuV/m)@30m (dBuV/m)@30m        (dB)

 13.5530              9.97             20.37          -40.00          -9.66        50.47           60.13
 13.5670             10.06             20.37          -40.00          -9.57        50.47           60.04

                          13.110 MHz – 13.410 MHz and 13.710 MHz-14.010 MHz
Frequency         Read Level      Ant.Factor+Cable   Distance      Result Level    Limit          Margin
                                       Loss          Correction

  (MHz)         (dBuV/m)@3m           (dB/m)           (dB)       (dBuV/m)@30m (dBuV/m)@30m        (dB)

 13.4088              8.63             20.37          -40.00         -11.00        40.51           51.51
 13.9446              8.19             20.37          -40.00         -11.44        40.51           51.95

                                               9 kHz -30 MHz
Frequency         Read Level      Ant.Factor+Cable   Distance      Result Level    Limit          Margin
                                       Loss          Correction

  (MHz)         (dBuV/m)@3m           (dB/m)           (dB)       (dBuV/m)@30m (dBuV/m)@30m        (dB)

  6.5332              8.43             20.62          -40.00         -10.95        29.54           40.49
 23.2842              8.76             20.34          -40.00         -10.90        29.54           40.44
 27.1265              6.89             20.65          -40.00         -12.46        29.54           42.00
 27.2654              7.88             20.65          -40.00         -11.47        29.54           41.01

  F-01P-02-014 (Rev.00)
  FCC ID: ZNFH960                                                                      HCT Co.,LTD.

Report No.: HCT-R-1509-F022-1                  Model: LG-H960                              Page 12 of 28

   ▣ Test Results_(Standalone with wireless charging cover)

                                        13.553 MHz-13.567 MHz
Frequency         Read Level      Ant.Factor+Cable   Distance      Result Level    Limit          Margin
                                       Loss          Correction

  (MHz)         (dBuV/m)@3m           (dB/m)           (dB)       (dBuV/m)@30m (dBuV/m)@30m        (dB)

13.5600(H)           22.12             20.37          -40.00          2.49         84.00           81.51
13.5600(V)           18.04             20.37          -40.00          -1.59        84.00           85.59

                          13.410 MHz-13.553 MHz and 13.567 MHz-13.710 MHz
Frequency         Read Level      Ant.Factor+Cable   Distance      Result Level    Limit          Margin
                                       Loss          Correction

  (MHz)         (dBuV/m)@3m           (dB/m)           (dB)       (dBuV/m)@30m (dBuV/m)@30m        (dB)

 13.5530             11.88             20.37          -40.00          -7.75        50.47           58.22
 13.5670             10.67             20.37          -40.00          -8.96        50.47           59.43

                          13.110 MHz – 13.410 MHz and 13.710 MHz-14.010 MHz
Frequency         Read Level      Ant.Factor+Cable   Distance      Result Level    Limit          Margin
                                       Loss          Correction

  (MHz)         (dBuV/m)@3m           (dB/m)           (dB)       (dBuV/m)@30m (dBuV/m)@30m        (dB)

 13.1289              7.95             20.37          -40.00         -11.68        40.51           52.19
 13.7865              8.36             20.37          -40.00         -11.27        40.51           51.78

                                               9 kHz -30 MHz
Frequency         Read Level      Ant.Factor+Cable   Distance      Result Level    Limit          Margin
                                       Loss          Correction

  (MHz)         (dBuV/m)@3m           (dB/m)           (dB)       (dBuV/m)@30m (dBuV/m)@30m        (dB)

  7.9222              9.22             20.62          -40.00         -10.16        29.54           39.70
 21.3174              7.92             20.34          -40.00         -11.74        29.54           41.28
 27.1205              9.68             20.65          -40.00          -9.67        29.54           39.21
 27.1245              9.56             20.65          -40.00          -9.79        29.54           39.33

  F-01P-02-014 (Rev.00)
  FCC ID: ZNFH960                                                                      HCT Co.,LTD.

Report No.: HCT-R-1509-F022-1                    Model: LG-H960                                 Page 13 of 28

    Note :
        1. Distance Correction Below 30MHz = 40log(3m/30m) = - 40 dB
              Measurement Distance : 3 m (Below 30 MHz)
         2. Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss
         3. Result Level = Read Level + Factor + Distance Correction
         4. Margin = Limit – Result Level
         5. We have done x, y, z planes in EUT
         6.   Antenna rotated about its vertical/horizontal axis for maximum response at each
              azimuth position around the EUT.
         7. Worst case of operating mode is type A, analog mode and 106 kbps.

  F-01P-02-014 (Rev.00)
  FCC ID: ZNFH960                                                                               HCT Co.,LTD.

Report No.: HCT-R-1509-F022-1                   Model: LG-H960                           Page 14 of 28

   8.2. RADIATED EMISSION 30 MHz – 1000 MHz
   Test Set-up

   Test Procedures: Radiated emissions were measured according to ANSI C63.10.
   The EUT was set to transmit at the highest output power.
   The EUT was set 3 meter away from the measuring antenna.

   ▣ Test Results_(Standalone with normal cover)

    Frequency      Reading    Ant. factor   Cable loss    Ant. POL    Total      Limit   Margin
        ㎒            dB㎶         dB /m          dB            (H/V)   dB㎶/m      dB㎶/m     dB
      *37.65         15.79       11.95         0.66            H      28.40      40.00    11.60
       49.66         15.21       12.38         0.70            H      28.29      40.00    11.71
       79.56         14.89        8.19         0.78            V      23.86      40.00    16.14
       89.78         15.07        7.73         0.86            H      23.66      43.50    19.84
      *130.79        15.78       12.24         1.00            H      29.02      43.50    14.48
      *149.78        16.10       13.11         1.07            V      30.28      43.50    13.22

  F-01P-02-014 (Rev.00)
  FCC ID: ZNFH960                                                                        HCT Co.,LTD.

Report No.: HCT-R-1509-F022-1                    Model: LG-H960                      Page 15 of 28

   ▣ Test Results_(Standalone with wireless charging cover)

    Frequency      Reading     Ant. factor   Cable loss   Ant. POL   Total   Limit   Margin
        ㎒            dB㎶          dB /m          dB        (H/V)     dB㎶/m   dB㎶/m     dB
       40.26         14.85        11.95         0.66         H       27.46   40.00    12.54
       55.87         15.26        12.12         0.72         H       28.10   40.00    11.90
      *73.69         15.23        10.32         0.77         V       26.32   40.00    13.68
       91.78         16.08        7.73          0.86         H       24.67   43.50    18.83
      *130.77        15.88        12.24         1.00         H       29.12   43.50    14.38
      *150.04        15.76        13.12         1.07         V       29.95   43.50    13.55

         1. Result Level = Read Level + (Antenna Factor+ Cable Loss)
         2. Margin = Limit – Result Level
         3. ‘*’ is the result for restricted band.

  F-01P-02-014 (Rev.00)
  FCC ID: ZNFH960                                                                    HCT Co.,LTD.

Report No.: HCT-R-1509-F022-1                   Model: LG-H960                 Page 16 of 28


   Test Set-up: The EUT was connected to a spectrum analyzer.

   Test Procedure: The 20 dB bandwidth was measured by using a spectrum analyzer.

            RBW = Auto
            VBW = Auto
            Span = Adequately in the operating Tx.
            Detector = Peak
            Trace mode = Max hold
            Allow the trace to stabilize

   ▣ Test Results

  F-01P-02-014 (Rev.00)
  FCC ID: ZNFH960                                                              HCT Co.,LTD.

Report No.: HCT-R-1509-F022-1                        Model: LG-H960                                    Page 17 of 28


   Procedure: Part 15.225, ANSI 63.10

   If required, the operating or transmitting frequency of an intentional radiator should be measured in
   accordance with the following procedure to ensure that the device operates outside certain precluded
   frequency bands and within the frequency range. No modulation needs to be supplied to the intentional
   radiator during these tests, unless modulation is required to produce an output, e.g., single-sideband
   suppressed carrier transmitters.

   The frequency stability of the transmitter is measured by:

   a) Temperature: The temperature is varied from -20°C to + 50°C using an environmental chamber.

   b) For battery operated equipment, the equipment tests shall be performed using a new battery.

   The frequency tolerance of the carrier signal shall be maintained within +/- 0.01% of the operating frequency.

   Measurement Result:

            PERATING FREQUENCY:                            13.56 Hz
            REFERENCE VOLTAGE:                              3.85 VDC
            DEVIATION LIMIT:                               0.01% = 1356 Hz

                     Voltage       Power     Temp.          Frequency                    Frequency

                          (%)      (VDC)      (℃)               (kHz)          (Hz)      Error (kHz)

                      100%                    -20           13.560387          387       0.0028540

                      100%                    -10           13.560206          206       0.0015192

                      100%                     0            13.559695          -305      -0.0022493

                      100%                    +10           13.560013           13       0.0000959
                      100%                  +20(Ref.)       13.559725          -275      -0.0020280

                      100%                    +30           13.559664          -336      -0.0024779

                      100%                    +40           13.560057           57       0.0004204

                      100%                    +50           13.559835          -165      -0.0012168

                  Batt. Endpoint      3.6     +20           13.560398          398       0.0029351

  F-01P-02-014 (Rev.00)
  FCC ID: ZNFH960                                                                                      HCT Co.,LTD.

Report No.: HCT-R-1509-F022-1                   Model: LG-H960                                   Page 18 of 28

   For an intentional radiator which is designed to be connected to the public utility (AC) power line,
   the radio frequency voltage that is conducted back onto the AC power line on any frequency or
   frequencies within the band 150 kHz to 30 MHz shall not exceed 250 microvolt (The limit
   decreases linearly with the logarithm of the frequency in the range 0.15 MHz to 0.50 MHz). The
   limits at specific frequency range is listed as follows:

                                                                 Limits (dBμV)
        Frequency Range (MHz)
                                                   Quasi-peak                        Average

                0.15 to 0.50                         66 to 56                         56 to 46

                  0.50 to 5                             56                               46

                   5 to 30                              60                               50

   Compliance with this provision shall be based on the measurement of the radio frequency
   voltage between each power line (LINE and NEUTRAL) and ground at the power terminals.

   Test Configuration
   See test photographs attached in Appendix 1 for the actual connections between EUT and support

   1. The EUT is placed on a wooden table 80 cm above the reference ground plane.
   2. The EUT is connected via LISN to a test power supply.
   3. The measurement results are obtained as described below:
   4. Detectors – Quasi Peak and Average Detector.
   5. The EUT is the device operating below 30 MHz.
     - For unterminated the Antenna, the AC line conducted tests are performed with the antenna
     - For terminated the Antenna, the AC line conducted tests are performed with a dummy load
     connected to the EUT antenna output terminal.

   Sample Calculation
   Quasi-peak(Final Result) = Reading Value + Correction Factor
   Test Plots

  F-01P-02-014 (Rev.00)
  FCC ID: ZNFH960                                                                                HCT Co.,LTD.

Report No.: HCT-R-1509-F022-1     Model: LG-H960   Page 19 of 28

   Unterminate the Antenna
   Conducted Emissions (Line 1)

  F-01P-02-014 (Rev.00)
  FCC ID: ZNFH960                                  HCT Co.,LTD.


            EMI Auto Test{10)                                                                  212

             Frequency Guasipeak        Bandwat    Fiter Line Gor: Margin           Limi
               qi          (dBul)        (its)                   wB)      (aB)     (dBut)
              Tie20000          ar2         s.000 ort      i1     tos|      22e       sns )
              iiaas000|         ara         s.000 lort    —|U1    toa|      228|      soa)

            Final Result 2
             Frequency CAverage Banduldh Fier              Line Gor.     Margin    Timit
                oi)      (dBuy)    Oits)                         w8)      (d)      (dBay)
                o.tsa000     zoa      s.o0o on            it      as|   __ser|_ sns
            (—o.1ea000       225      s.o0| ort           —|Lt    as|   s25|    _sea)
                o.tes000     227      s.000 off           —|U1          325|    sea
                o.trooce     218|     s.00| off           —|ui     ae|  san]    seo
                o.treoc      2s         I                (c        se|  sa7|    _6
            [—o—1sa000        194                         u        ae|  sas|_sa9)
                 .sss000      irs                         c        a7|  2ar|    _aeo
                a.sor000      is                          c        a7|  is      ase
            |—Aeano0s         is                          u        a7|   too|_aso
                173000        167                         u        ar|_soa|     400|
                2si0000       160                         ui       ar        :  150
                Asss000       fit)                         un      a8           «0|
               T1.408000      2s                          u       in            soo
               +1.se0000      262                          i      100           son
            |—t1.s02000       Eal                          u      100           son
               t1.e00000      272                          ut     100           son|
               trese000|      268                          ul     100           soo|
              i1sz8000 |        208 |                     ui      10        m2        soo |

             91472015                                                                         24538

Report No.: HCT-R-1509-F022-1     Model: LG-H960   Page 21 of 28

   Conducted Emissions (Line 2)

  F-01P-02-014 (Rev.00)
  FCC ID: ZNFH960                                  HCT Co.,LTD.


            NFC Unterm N                                                             212

             Frequency     GuasiPeakBandwidth Fiter Line Gorr: Margin Limit
               Oz           (da)      (iiz)               u8)   |_(d)_| (dBuuh
            |_t2:rac000         so4      s.000 oft  _ |N   10|     208|    sos
            (~2.re8000          see      s.o0e oft  —|n    toa|    214|    sns

            Final Result 2
             Frequency     CAverage    Bandwid     Fiter Line    Marg
               (uite        C           (te)                     (a8)
               o.162000         ara        s.oos on      N         208
               0.15e000         258        s000 off      |N        28.
               o.1s0000         2o         s.a00 oft     n         si0
               o.iss000         ns         s.000 ort     —|n       si7
               o.1e8000         2o         a.000 off     n         se
            |__o.17z000         226        s.000 on      __|n      323
                e.202000        izs        a.00|   on    i         262
                Le2z000         168        s.000   on    ~|N       zo
                2s40000         158        s.000   off   N         sos
                2.002000        iC         s.000   on    —_|n      sor
                3.rea00e        128        s.o0|   on    |n        s2
                4508000         13         s.00|   off   —|N       327
            12290000            zes        s.000 off     _ |nt     214
            |—sadss000          sos        s.000   on     |n       19z
              125t0000          sos        a.000   oft    —|N      197
              12510000          z02        .000    off    |n       1e
              t2se2000 |        EX)        s.000   on     —|n      205           |
               12.7se00|        302        s.000 on       __|n     ins|   soo)


Report No.: HCT-R-1509-F022-1     Model: LG-H960   Page 23 of 28

   Terminate the Antenna
   Conducted Emissions (Line 1)

  F-01P-02-014 (Rev.00)
  FCC ID: ZNFH960                                  HCT Co.,LTD.


            EMI Auto Test(10)                                                          212

             Frequency     GuasiPeak                  Te |‘Cor: Margin      Emt
               (Wite        (doyit)                          (5)_|_(0B)     (deay)
              12.000000          206                  N      100|    2ea|     sos
              Tz.ara0c0          308                  N      Too     2551     soe

            Final Result 2
             Frequency CAverage                     Tine |‘Cor: Margn
               qube)    (doas                             w8)    (o9)
               o.ts0000     106                     w__|_ael        Sot
               o.tea000     198                     N~~| se        364
               o.te8000     194                     NC( se         se7
               o.trzow          foa                 N__|_s6         368
               a.treoso         163                 N__|_ 56        364
               o.tes000         Hea                 N         as   sen |
            |~a.ss0000           its                n         ar     tea 460
               1250000           its                n         a7|  zo2   |_4s0
               1252000           i2                it         a7|  zse   460
               Tez0000           inz                N         a7|  zs3|  aso
            [                    150                N         a7|  si0|_aso
               2.700000          i8                 N         ar|_si2]   as0)
              21.27a000          na                 N        foa   267|  sae
              iez000             ra    ao0 on       _|N——|   foa|   2oo  |_sad
              t1s9e000           zi8   s.000 off    —|n      toa)  zes   _seo|
              12008000           227   s.000 o      —|N      in0)   273| __soo
              12060000 |        20     s.000 of      |N      100    2o        5o0 |
              12104000 |        229    s.000| off —|n        fa|    z71|      _so0]

            9472015                                                                   34134

Report No.: HCT-R-1509-F022-1     Model: LG-H960   Page 25 of 28

   Conducted Emissions (Line 2)

  F-01P-02-014 (Rev.00)
  FCC ID: ZNFH960                                  HCT Co.,LTD.


            EMI Auto Test(10)                                                                     212

             Frequency GuasiPeak      |‘Bandvidth   Fifer Line Gorr. Margin            Limit
               (uhe)        (deul)      (iz)                      wB)      |_(oB)     (dout)
              ia.2sa000         ar3         s.000 off     it        i.)      __s27|      600
              1a.240000 |       zra         s.000 on      |it       101|     s26 |       600

            Final Result 2
             Frequency CAverage Bandwidth Fiter           Line Gorr:                   Timt
                qi       (dtay)   gate)                         (08)                  (deuy)
                o.1s0000     ms      sos on              _1       as                     seo
            [ o.1sa000        00    "s.a0e| off          —|Lt     as                     see
                o.tse000      164    a.000 off           —|it     as                     see
            (~o—tezo0e        168    a.00| ort           —|tt     as                     sea
                o.16e000      128    a.000 on            —|E1     a6 |                   sea
                a.trooso      198    s000 on             —|U1     as                     sso
                a.ss0000      10     s.000 off           —|L1     a7                     as0
                1252000       164    s.000 off           —|ui     a7                     450 |
                1620000       s      sc on               __|Lf   _|_ 87                  40
                1902000       168    s.00| off           |ti        a7                   as0
                2100000       ts     a000 on             —|ti       se                   as0
                2.422000      14     s.000| oft          ui         sa                   as0
               1s.i4s000      roa     s.000 off          —|Lt      j04                   so0
               15.ts0000      z0s     a.000 off          —|u1      foa                   son
               13.1e8000      o8      s000| on           —|t1      ied                   soo
               13.tea000      218     s.00| on           ~|ti      io                    soo
            |—ts.toe000       20      s000 on            —|L1      fo.t|                 son
            |__io.2s4000        z02         sa0|off      L1        10. |                 son


Report No.: HCT-R-1509-F022-1                            Model: LG-H960                                             Page 27 of 28

   12.1 LIST OF TEST EQUIPMENT(Conducted Test)
                                                                      Calibration   Calibration
            Manufacturer                Model / Equipment                                              Serial No.
                                                                          Date       Interval

          Rohde & Schwarz   ENV216/ LISN                              01/13/2015     Annual             100073

          Agilent           E4440A/ Spectrum Analyzer                 03/18/2015     Annual          US45303008

          Agilent           N9020A / SIGNAL ANALYZER                  06/30/2015     Annual          MY51110085

          Agilent           N9020A / SIGNAL ANALYZER                  07/02/2015     Annual          MY50510304

          Agilent           N1911A/Power Meter                        07/09/2015     Annual          MY45100523

          Agilent           N1921A /POWER SENSOR                      07/09/2015     Annual          MY45241059

          Agilent           87300B/Directional Coupler                12/08/2014     Annual          3116A03621

          Hewlett Packard   11667B / Power Splitter                   04/30/2015     Annual             11275

          ITECH             IT6720 / DC POWER SUPPLY                  11/04/2014     Annual       010002156287001199

          Agilent           8493C / Attenuator(10 dB)                 07/21/2015     Annual             07560

  F-01P-02-014 (Rev.00)
  FCC ID: ZNFH960                                                                                                   HCT Co.,LTD.

Report No.: HCT-R-1509-F022-1                          Model: LG-H960                                      Page 28 of 28

   12.2 LIST OF TEST EQUIPMENT(Radiated Test)
                                                                    Calibration   Calibration
              Manufacturer             Model / Equipment                                         Serial No.
                                                                        Date       Interval

         Schwarzbeck         VULB 9160/ TRILOG Antenna              10/10/2014     Biennial        3368

         HD                  MA240/ Antenna Position Tower              N/A          N/A            556

         EMCO                1050/ Turn Table                           N/A          N/A            114

         HD GmbH             HD 100/ Controller                         N/A          N/A            13

         HD GmbH             KMS 560/ SlideBar                          N/A          N/A            12

         CERNEX              CBL18265035 / POWER AMP                07/27/2015     Annual          22966

         Schwarzbeck         BBHA 9120D/ Horn Antenna               05/07/2015     Biennial         937

                             BBHA9170 / Horn Antenna(15 GHz ~ 40
         Schwarzbeck                                                04/30/2015     Biennial     BBHA9170124

         Rohde & Schwarz     FSP / Spectrum Analyzer                10/23/2014     Annual        836650/016

         Rohde & Schwarz     LOOP ANTENNA                           09/03/2014     Biennial      1513-175

         CERNEX              CBL06185030 / POWER AMP                07/21/2015     Annual          22965

         CERNEX              CBLU1183540 / POWER AMP                07/21/2015     Annual          22964

  F-01P-02-014 (Rev.00)
  FCC ID: ZNFH960                                                                                          HCT Co.,LTD.

Document Created: 2019-09-13 01:35:07
Document Modified: 2019-09-13 01:35:07

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