UNII Test Report 4


Test Report

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m Dt & C                                                          DRTFCC1708—0139(1)                                             ZNFH930

8.5 Frequency Stability

(® Test requirements

 Manufacturers of U—NIl devices are responsible for ensuring frequency stability such that an emission is maintained
 within the band of operation under all conditions of normal operation as specified in the user‘s manual.

(® Test Procedure

 The EUT was placed inside of an environmental chamber as the temperature in the chamber was varied between —20°C

 and +50°C. The temperature was incremented by 10°C intervals and the unit was allowed to stabilize at each
 measurement. And the edge point of EBW (26dB or 6dB bandwidth) was reported.

(® Test Results: Comply

 U—NIl 1 & U—NII 2A : (5150 MHz ~ 5350 MHz)

                                                                          Operating Frequency
              \?:E:;i      T(E'IQI;P                      5180 MHz                                      5320 MHz
               (v DC)                                26dB¢ low edge (Hz)                          26dBc High edge(Hz)

                          +20(Ref)                      5,169,191,250                                 5,330,356,250

                            +50                         5,168,915,000                                 5,330,210,750

                            +40                         5,168,936,250                                 5,329,768,000

                            +30                         5,168,932,500                                 5,329,784,250

                3.85        +20                         5,169,191,250                                 5,330,356,250

                            +10                         5,168,952,500                                 5,329,915,250

                              0                         5,168,993,750                                 5,329,538,750

                             10                         5,169,023,750                                 5,329,561,750

                             20                         5,169,066,250                                 5,329,343,250
                4.43        +20                         5,168,942,500                                 5,329,815,000

                3.20        +20                         5,169,189,750                                 5,329,718,250

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m Dt & C                                                          DRTFCC1708—0139(1)                                             ZNFH930

U—NII 2C : (5470 MHz ~ 5725 MHz)

                                                                          Operating Frequency
             3:.?;&!       T(Eo";")P                      5500 MHz                                    5720 MHz®"*"
              (v DC)                                 26dB¢ low edge (Hz)                          26dBc High edge(Hz)

                          +20(Ref)                      5,489,918,750                                        *

                             +50                        5,489,916,250                                        >

                             +40                        5,489,894,500                                        *

                             +30                        5,489,886,250                                        *

               3.85          +20                        5,489,918,750                                        *

                             +10                        5,489,936,750                                        *

                              0                         5,489,816,500                                        *

                             ~10                        5,489,840,250                                        >

                             20                         5,489,914,750                                        >

               443           +20                        5,489,927,750                                        *

               3.20          +20                        5,489,817,500                                        *

           Note 1: This channel was not performed because operate in cross—band(U—NII 2C & 3).

U—NII 3 : (5725 MHz ~ 5850 MHz)

                                                                          Operating Frequency
             \?5%:%        T(Egl)P                        5745 MHz                                      5825 MHz
                                                      6dBc low edge (Hz)                           6dBc High edge(Hz)

                          +20(Ref)                      5,737,472,000                                 5,832,542,000

                             +50                        5,737,432,500                                 5,832,497,000

                             +40                        5,737,488,750                                 5,832,505,000

                             +30                        5,737,431,250                                 5,832,503,750

               3.85          +20                        5,737,472,000                                 5,832,542,000

                             +10                        5,737,438,750                                 5,832,522,500

                              0                         5,737,427,500                                 5,832,538,750

                             ~10                        5,737,436,250                                 5,832,533,750

                             20                         5,737,433,750                                 5,832,531,250

               443           +20                        5,737,420,000                                 5,832,535,000

               3.20          +20                        5,737,465,500                                 5,832,503,250

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TD Dt&C                                                           DRTFCC1708—0139(1)                                                     ZNFH930

  8.6 Radiated Spurious Emission Measurements

(® Test Procedure

* FCC Part 15.209(a) and (b
                    Frequency (MHz)                                Limit (uV/m)                     Measurement Distance (meter)
                       0.009 — 0.490                                2400/F(KHz)                                     300
                       0.490 — 1.705                               24000/F(KHz)                                         30
                        1.705 —30.0                                      30                                             30
                          30 ~ 88                                      100 **                                           3
                         88 ~ 216                                      150 **                                           3
                         216 ~ 960                                     200 **                                           3
                         Above 960                                      500                                             3
       ** Except as provided in 15.209(g), fundamental emissions from intentional radiators operating under this
          Section shall not be located in the frequency bands 54—72 MHz, 76—88 MHz, 174—216 MHz or
          470—806 MHz. However, operation within these frequency bands is permitted under other sections of this
          Part, e.g. 15.231 and 15.241.

* FCC Part 15.205 (a): Only spurious emissions are permitted in any of the frequency bands listed below:
                MHz                    MHz                     MHz                     MHz                  GHz                  GHz
           0.009   ~0.110       8.41425 ~ 8.41475          108 ~ 121.94            1300 ~ 1427             4.5 ~ 5.15         14.47 ~ 14.5
           0.495   ~ 0.505        12.29 ~12.293              123 ~ 138            1435 ~ 1626.5          5.35 ~ 5.46          15.35 ~ 16.2
          2.1735   ~ 21905          1251975 ~             149.9 ~ 150.05         1645.5 ~ 1646.5         7.25 ~ 7.75           17.7 ~ 21.4
           4.125   ~ 4.128           12.52025               160.52475 ~            1660 ~ 1710           8.025 ~ 8.5         22.01 ~28.12
         4.17725   ~ 417775         12.57675 ~               160.52525           1718.8 ~ 1722.2            9.0 ~ 9.2          23.6 ~ 24.0
         4.20725   ~ 4.20775         12.57725              160.7 ~ 160.9           2200 ~ 2300              9.3 ~9.5           31.2 ~ 31.8
           6.215   ~ 6.218         13.36 ~13.41         162.0125 ~ 167.17          2310 ~ 2390            10.6 ~12.7          36.43 ~ 36.5
         6.26775   ~ 6.26825      16.42 ~16.423           167.72 ~173.2           2483.5 ~ 2500          13.25 ~13.4           Above 38.6
         6.31175   ~ 6.31225        16.69475 ~               240 ~ 285             2655 ~ 2900
           8.291   ~ 8.294           16.69525               322 ~ 335.4            3260 ~ 3267
           8.362   ~ 8.366          16.80425 ~             399.90 ~ 410            3332 ~ 3339
         8.37625   ~ 8.38675         16.80475                608 ~ 614            3345.8 ~ 3358
                                   25.5 ~ 25.07             960 ~ 1240             3600 ~ 4000
                                   37.5 ~ 38.25
                                     73 ~74.6
                                    74.8 ~ 75.2

* FCC Part 15.205(b): The field strength of emissions appearing within these frequency bands shall not exceed the
 limits shown in §15.209. At frequencies equal to or less than 1000 MHz, compliance with the limits in §15.209 shall be
 demonstrated using measurement instrumentation employing a CISPR quasi—peak detector. Above 1000 MHz,
 compliance with the emission limits in §15.209 shall be demonstrated based on the average value of the measured
 emissions. The provisions in §15.35 apply to these measurements.

* FCC Part 15.407 (b): Undesirable emission limits. Except as shown in paragraph (b)(7) of this section, the maximum emissions
outside of the frequency bands of operation shall be attenuated in accordance with the following limits:
 (1)  For transmitters operating in the 5.15—5.25 GHz band: all emissions outside of the 5.15—5.35 GHz band shall not
     exceed an EIRP of —27 dBm/MHz.
 (2) For transmitters operating in the 5.25—5.35 GHz band: all emissions outside of the 5.15—5.35 GHz band shall not
     exceed an EIRP of —27 dBm/MHz.
 (3)   For transmitters operating in the 5.47—5.725 GHz band: all emissions outside of the 5.47—5.725 GHz band shall not
       exceed an EIRP of —27 dBm/MHz.
 (4)   For transmitters operating in the 5.725—5.85 GHz band: All emissions shall be limited to a level of —27 dBm/MHz at 75 MHz or
       more above or below the band edge increasing linearly to 10 dBm/MHz at 25 MHz above or below the band edge, and from 25
       MHz above or below the band edge increasing linearly to a level of 15.6 dBm/MHz at 5 MHz above or below the band edge, and
     from 5 MHz above or below the band edge increasing linearly to a level of 27 dBm/MHz at the band edge.
 (5) The emission measurements shall be performed using a minimum resolution bandwidth of 1 MHz. A lower resolution bandwidth
     may be employed near the band edge, when necessary, provided the measured energy is integrated to show the total power
     over 1 MHz.
 (6)  Unwanted emissions below 1 GHz must comply with the general field strength limits set forth in Section 15.209.
     Further, any U—NIl devices using an AC power line are required to comply also with the conducted limits set forth in Section
  7)    The provisions of §15.205 apply to intentional radiators operating under this section
  8)   When measuring the emission limits, the nominal carrier frequency shall be adjusted as close to the upper and lower frequency
       band edges as the design of the equipment permits.

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m Dt &C                                                       DRTFCC1708—0139(1)                                                     ZNFH930

[m] Test Procedure

                          Below 1GHz                                                             Above 1GHz

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[m] Test Procedure

   1. The EUT is placed on a non—conductive table. For emission measurements at or below 1 GHz, the table height is 80 om.
      For emission measurements above 1 GHz, the table height is 1.5 m.
   2. The turn table shall be rotated for 360 degrees to determine the position of maximum emission level.
   3. EUT is set 1m or 3 m away from the receiving antenna, which is varied from 1m to 4 m to find out the highest emissions.
   4. Maximum procedure was performed on the six highest emissions to ensure EUT compliance.
   5. And also, each emission was to be maximized by changing the polarization of receiving antenna both horizontal and vertical.
   6. Repeat above procedures until the measurements for all frequencies are complete.

  Radiated spurious emission measured using following Measurement Procedure of KDB789033 DO2v01r04

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m Dt &C                              Report No.: DRTFCC1708—0139(1)                                FCC ID: ZNFH930

 TRF—RF—233(03)161101   Prohibits the copying and re—issue of this report without DT&C approval.   Pages: 155 / 251

  TD Dt&C                                                                      DRTFCC1708—0139(1)                                              ZNFH930

  (®) Measurement Data:
            Radiated Spurious Emissions data(9 kHz ~ 40 GHz) : MIMO(CDD) & 802.11a Normal
               Tested       Freq.         ANT                       Detector     Reading        TF       DCCF       DCF      Result        Limit         Margin
 Band         Channel       (MHz)         Pol                        Mode        (dBuV)      (dB/m)      (dB)        (dB)   (dBuV/im)    (dBu¥im)         (dB)
                           5149.19         H             Z            PK          44.45         6.61     N/A         N/A     51.06         74.00         22.94

                           5149.52         H             Z            AV          35.31         6.61     0.22        N/A     4214          54.00          11.86
             (5180 MHz)    10359.28        V             Z            PK          44.69      10.66       N/A         N/A     55.35         68.20          12.85

                           10402.91                                   PK
             (5200 MHz)

                           10476.47                                   PK
             (5240 MHz)

                           10521.32                                   PK
             (5260 MHz)

                           10600.34                                   PK

                           10600.10                                   AV
             (5800 MHz)

                           5350.37                                    PK          44.59         6.64                         51.23         74.00         22.77

                 64        5350.30                                    AV          3512          6.64                         41.98         54.00          12.02
             (5820 MHz)    10639.29                                   PK          44.44      11.42                           55.86         74.00          1814
                           10638.65                                   AV          3416       11.42       0.22                45.80         54.00          8.20

            Radiated Spurious Emissions data(® kHz ~ 40 GHz) : MIMO(CDD) & 802.11a & With Wireless charging pad

 Band         Tested        Freq.         ANT       poEslijt-iron   Detector     Reading        TF       DCCF       DCF     Result         Limit         Margin
              Channel       (MHz)         Pol         (Axis)         Mode        (dBuV)      (dB/m)      (dB)        (dB)   (dBuVim)     (dBuVim)         (dB)

                           5149.93         H             X            PK          45.02         6.61     N/A         N/A     51.63         74.00         22.37
U—NII 1      (5180s6MHz)   5150.00         H             X            AV          35.29         6.61     0.22        N/A     42.12         54.00         11.88
                           10361.50        V             X            PK          45.99      10.66       N/A         N/A     56.65         68.20         11.55
                           5350.44         H             X            PK          44.80         6.64     N/A         N/A     51.44         74.00         22.56
                 o4        5350.39         H             X            AV          35.03         6.64     0.22        N/A     41.89         54.00         1211
U—NII 2A     (5320 MHz)    10637.47        V             X            PK          44.77      11.42       N/A         N/A     56.19         74.00         17.81
                           10638.67        V             X            AV          3411       11.42       0.22        N/A     45.75         54.00          8.25
  1. No other spurious and harmonic emissions were found greater than listed emissions on above table.
  2. Sample Calculation.
      Margin = Limit— Result / Result=Reading+ T.F+ DCCF + DCF / TF=AF+ CL—AG
     Where, T.F = Total Factor,     AF =Antenna Factor,        CL=Cable Loss,      AG= Amplifier Gain,
               DCCF = Duty Cycle Correction Factor,          DCF = Distance Correction Factor
  3. Measurement Distance = 3 m for below 18 GHz, Measurement Distance = 1 m for above 18 GHz.
     Therefore Distance Correction Factor(DCF) : — 9.54 dB = 20*log(1m/3m)
  4. The limit is converted to field strength.
     E[dBuV/m] = EIRP[dBm] + 95.2 dB = —27 dBm + 95.2 = 68.2 dBuV/im

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  m Dt &C                                                                          DRTFCC1708—0139(1)                                             ZNFH930

              Radiated Spurious Emissions data(9 kHz ~ 40 GHz) : MIMO(CDD) & 802.11a

 Band           Tested         Freq.         ANT        PoEslth-iron    Detector     Reading         TF         DCCF   DCF    Result          Limit     Margin
               Channel         (MHz)          Pol        (Axis)          Mode        (dBuV)        (dB/m)       (dB)   (dB)   (dBuVim)      (dBuV/m)        (dB)

                             5459.63          v              x            PK             43.89       6.64       N/A    N/A     50.53         74.00          23.47
                  100        5460.00          v              x            AV             34.73       6.64       0.22   N/A     41.59         54.00          1241
               (5500 MHz)    199986.34        v              z             PK         43.83         12.53       N/A    N/A     56.36         74.00          17.64
                             10999.60         v              zZ           AV          33.65         12.53       0.22   N/A     46.40         54.00          7.60
          c                  11159.10         v              zZ            PK         44.07         12.67       N/A    N/A     56.74         74.00          17.26
U—NII 2           116
               {sse0 mH2)    |_11160.00       v              zZ           AV          34.38         12.67       0.22   N/A     47.27         54.00          6.73

                             11439.51         v              zZ           PK          43.04         12.89       N/A    N/A     55.93         74.00          18.07
               (szzo e       |_11439.69       v              zZ           AV          33.58         12.89       0.22   N/A     46.69         54.00          7.31

                             5650.84          v              y             PK         47.27         6.84        N/A    N/A     5411          68.91          14.80
                             5700.52          v              y             PK         49.31         6.91        N/A    N/A     56.22         110.94         54.72
               (sras149maa   572474           v              y             PK         67.13         713         N/A    N/A     74.26         121.89         47.63
                             11488.25         v              x             PK         48.71         12.93       N/A    N/A     56.64         74.00          17.36
                             11486.82         v              x            AV          33.38         12.93       0.22   N/A     46.53         54.00          7.47
                             11570.53         v              zZ           PK          44.71         12.99       N/A    N/A     57.70         74.00          16.30
UNI 3|         (syegiang)    |_11570.53       v              zZ           AV          33.74         12.99       0.22   N/A     46.95         54.00          7.05

                             5850.14          v              y             PK         63.47         7.46        N/A    N/A     70.93         122.04         5111
                             5874.85          v              y            PK          49.66         7.56        N/A    N/A     57.22         110.84         53.62
               (seze mH2     592434           v              y            PK          47.20         7.68        N/A    N/A     54.88         68.77          13.89
                             11653.71         v              zZ           PK          43.83         13.05       N/A    N/A     56.88         74.00          1712
                             11653.90         v              zZ           AV          33.79         13.05       0.22   N/A     47.06         54.00           6.94

              Radiated Spurious Emissions data(9 kHz ~ 40 GHz) : MIMO(CDD) & 802.11a & With Wireless charging pad
 Band           Tested         Freq.         ANT        PoEslijt-iron   Detector     Reading         TF         DCCF   DCF    Result          Limit     Margin
               Channel         (MHz)          Pol        (Axis)          Mode        (dBuV)        (dB/m)       (dB)   (dB)   (dBu¥im)      (dBu¥im)        (dB)
                     ts      11159.97         v              x            PK          44.58         12.67       N/A    N/A     57.25         74.00          16.75
U—NI 2C        C (55e0 m 2   11159.47         v              x            AV          3415          12.67       0.22   N/A     47.04         54.00          6.96
                             5854.97          H              x             PK         49.40         7.46        N/A    N/A     56.86         117.13         60.27
                             5874.49          H              x             PK         47.96         7.56        N/A    N/A     55.52         110.94         55.42
UNII 3         (seps prg)
                             592475           H              x             PK         48.00         7.68        N/A    N/A     55.68         68.41          12.73
                             11654.11         v              x             PK         43.73         13.05       N/A    N/A     56.78         74.00          17.22
                             11654.42         v              x            AV          33.70         13.05       0.22   N/A     46.97         54.00          7.03
 1. No other spurious and harmonic emissions were found greater than listed emissions on above table.
 2. Sample Calculation.
     Margin = Limit— Result /          Result=Reading+ T.F+ DCCF + DCF               /     TF=AF+ CL—AG
     Where, T.F = Total Factor,        AF =Antenna Factor,         CL=Cable Loss,         AG= Amplifier Gain,
                 DCCF = Duty Cycle Correction Factor,             DCF = Distance Correction Factor
 3. Measurement Distance = 3 m for below 18 GHz, Measurement Distance = 1 m for above 18 GHz.
    Therefore Distance Correction Factor(DCF) : — 9.54 dB = 20"log(1m/3m)
 4. The limit is converted to field strength.
     E[dBuV/m] = EIRP[dBm] + 95.2 dB = —27 dBm + 95.2 = 68.2 dBuV/m

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   m Dt &C                                                                    DRTFCC1708—0139(1)                                                 ZNFH930

            Radiated Spurious Emissions data(9 kHz ~ 40 GHz) : MIMO(CDD) & 802.11n(HT20)

 Band         Tested        Freq.        ANT        PoEsli{iron    Detector     Reading         TF         DCCF      DCF     Result        Limit         Margin
             Channel        (MHz)         Pol         (Axis)        Mode        (dBuV)         (dB/m)      (dB)      (dB)   (dBuV/m)      (dBuVim)        (dB)

                            5149.95       H             v            PK             4511       6.61        NA        N/A     51.72         74.00         22.28
                 so         5149.95       H             v            AV             35.62      6.61        0.23      N/A     4246          54.00         1154
             (s180 MH2)    19953.62       v             z            PK             44.23      10.65       NA        N/A     54.88         68.20         13.32

                           10402.38       v             z            PK             44.49      10.76       NA        N/A     55.25         68.20          12.95
U—NH 1           40
             (5200 MHz)       —            —             —            —               —          —          —         —        —             —              —

                           10484.31       v             z            PK             43.79      10.95       NA        N/A     54.74         68.20          13.46
             (5240 MHz)       —            —             —            —               —          —          —         —        —             —              —

                           10518.00        H            x            PK             44.67      11.08       NA        N/A     55.75         68.20          1245
                 52           .            .             .            .               .          .          .         .        .             .              .
             (5260 MHz)

                           10599.28        H            v            PK             43.37      11.29       NA        N/A     54.66         68.20          13.54
u—Ni 24      Gsotee)
                           106000          H            v            AV             33.47      11.29       0.23      N/A     44.99         54.00          9.01

                            5350.54        H            x            PK             46.42       6.64       NA        N/A     53.06         74.00         20.94
                 sa         5350.32        H            x            AV             36.63       6.64       0.23      N/A     43.50         54.00         10.50
             (s320 MHz)    106g7.68        H            v            PK             44.54      11.41       NA        N/A     55.95         74.00         18.05
                           10637.80        H            v            AV             33.91      11.41       0.23      N/A     45.55         54.00          845

            Radiated Spurious Emissions data(9 kHz ~ 40 GHz) : MIMO(CDD) & 802.11n(HT20)& With Wireless charging pad

 Bana         Tested        Freq.        ANT        ,,ZIT,, Detector Reading                    T.F        DCCF     DCF     Result         Limit         Margin
             Channel        (MHz)         Pol         (Axis)        Mode        (dBuV)         (dB/m)      (dB)      (dB)   (dBuV/m)     (dBuVim}         (dB)

                           5149.65         H            x            PK             44.49      6.61        N/A       N/A     51.10         74.00         22.90
uid              56        5149.75         H            x            AV             35.51      6.61        0.23      N/A     42.35         54.00         11.65
             (5180 MH2)    49358.57        v            x            PK             43.94      10.65       N/A       N/A     54.59         68.20         1361

                           5350.63         H            x            PK             43.93      6.64        N/A       N/A     50.57         74.00         23.43
                 in        5350.17         H            x            AV             34.65      6.64        0.23      N/A     41.52         54.00         1248
U—NII 24|    C (gg29 j 2   q0639.38        H            x            PK             44.80      1141        N/A       N/A     56.21         74.00         17.79
                           10639.05        H            x            AV             33.73      1141        0.23      N/A     45.97         54.00          g63
  1. No other spurious and harmonic emissions were found greater than listed emissions on above table.
  2. Sample Calculation.
      Margin = Limit— Result /      Result=Reading+ T.F+ DCCF + DCF             /     TF=AF+ CL—AG
      Where, T.F = Total Factor,    AF =Antenna Factor,        CL=Cable Loss,        AG= Amplifier Gain,
               DCCF = Duty Cycle Correction Factor,          DCF = Distance Correction Factor
  3. Measurement Distance = 3 m for below 18 GHz, Measurement Distance = 1 m for above 18 GHz.
     Therefore Distance Correction Factor(DCF) : — 9.54 dB = 20*log(1m/3m)
  4. The limit is converted to field strength.
      E[dBuV/m] = EIRP[dBm] + 95.2 dB = —27 dBm + 95.2 = 68.2 dBuV/im

         TRF—RF—233(03)161101                  Prohibits the copying and re—issue of this report without DT&C approval.               Pages: 158 / 251

  m Dt &C                                                                        DRTFCC1708—0139(1)                                                ZNFH930

            Radiated Spurious Emissions data(® kHz ~ 40 GHz) : MIMO(CDD) & 802.11n(HT20)

 Bang         Tested           Freq.         ANT       ET. Detector Reading                        T.F        DCCF     DCE      Result         Limit         Margin
             Channel           (MHz)         Pol         (Axis)        Mode        (dBuV)         (dB/m)      (dB)      (dB)   (dBuV/m)      (dBuV/m)         (dB)

                             5459.58          H            y            PK             49.10       6.64       N/A       N/A     55.74          74.00         18.26
                             5459.81          H            y            AV             s9.28       6.64       0.28      N/A     46.15          54.00         7.45
             (s800100mHi2)   5468.90          H            y            PK             49.44       6.66       N/A       N/A     56.10          68.20         1210
                             10997.59         H            y            PK             43.31      12.53       N/A       N/A     55.84          74.00         1816
                             10996.43         H            y            AV             33.56      12.53       0.28      N/A     46.32          54.00         7.68
U—Nil 2C                     11157.64         v            zZ           PK             42.94      12.67       N/A       N/A     55.61          74.00         18.39
             (sseo e         |_11157.24       v            zZ           AV             33.64      12.67       0.28      N/A     46.54          54.00          746

                             11441.55         H            y            PK             44.23      12.89       N/A       N/A     57.12          74.00         16.88
             (s7zz0 e        1144116          H            y            AV             33.44      12.89       0.28      N/A     46.56          54.00          7.44

                             5651.11          v            y            PK             47.77       6.84       N/A       N/A     54.61          69.14         14.53
                             5700.52          v            Y            PK             48.14       6.91       N/A       N/A     55.05         110.94         55.89
             (szas 2         572486           v            y            PK             64.49       7.13       N/A       N/A     71.62         122.04         50.42
                             11496.06         H            y            PK             43.92      12.94       N/A       N/A     56.86         74.00          1714
                             11495.82         H            y            AV             33.23      12.94       0.24      N/A     46.41         54.00           7.59
                             1156815          H            y            PK             44.22      12.99       N/A       N/A     57.21         74.00          16.79
U—NII 3      syg5igH)
                             1156812          H            y            AV             33.61      12.99       0.24      N/A     46.84         54.00           716

                             5850.07          v            y            PK             58.94       746        N/A       N/A     66.40         12212          55.72
                             5874.49          v            y            PK             49.10       7.56       N/A       N/A     56.66         110.94         54.28
             (seas165miHa)   592416           v            y            PK             47.61       7.68       N/A       N/A     55.29         68.92          13.63
                             11646.84         H            y            PK             44.16      13.05       N/A       N/A     57.21         74.00          16.79
                             1164813          H            y            AV             33.63      13.05       0.24      N/A     46.92          54.00          7.08

            Radiated Spurious Emissions data(9 kHz ~ 40 GHz) : MIMO(CDD) & 802.11n(HT20)& With Wireless charging pad

 Eand          Tested          Freq.         ANT       PoEsli{iron    Detector     Reading         TF         DCCF     DCF     Result          Limit     Margin
              Channel          (MHz)         Pol         (Axis)        Mode        (dBuV)        (dB/m)       (dB)     (dB)    (dBuV/m)      (dBuVim}         (dB)

                             11442.33         H            x            PK             44.12      12.89       N/A      N/A      57.01         74.00          16.99
U—NI 2C      isyopigng       1144240          H            x            AV             33.18      12.89       0.23     N/A      46.30         54.00           7.70

                             5853.21          H            x            PK             49.17       7.46       N/A      N/A      56.63         118.48         61.85
                             5874.18          H            x            PK             49.36       7.56       N/A      N/A      56.92         111.03         54.11
 U—NII 3|    (seo5 yiizy     592469           H            x            PK             46.77       7.68       N/A      N/A      54.45         68.46          14.01
                             11648.27         H            x            PK             44.61      13.05       N/A      N/A      57.66         74.00          16.34
                             1164814          H            x            AV             33.38      13.05       0.24     N/A      46.67         54.00          7.33
  1. No other spurious and harmonic emissions were found greater than listed emissions on above table.
  2. Sample Calculation.
      Margin = Limit— Result /         Result=Reading+ T.F+ DCCF + DCF             /     TF=AF+ CL—AG
      Where, T.F = Total Factor,       AF =Antenna Factor,        CL=Cable Loss,        AG= Amplifier Gain,
                DCCF = Duty Cycle Correction Factor,            DCF = Distance Correction Factor
  3. Measurement Distance = 3 m for below 18 GHz, Measurement Distance = 1 m for above 18 GHz.
     Therefore Distance Correction Factor(DCF) : — 9.54 dB = 20*log(1m/3m)
  4. The limit is converted to field strength.
      E[dBuV/m] = EIRP[dBm] + 95.2 dB = —27 dBm + 95.2 = 68.2 dBuV/im

        TRF—RF—233(03)161101                      Prohibits the copying and re—issue of this report without DT&C approval.                Pages: 159 / 251

  m Dt &C                                                                       DRTFCC1708—0139(1)                                                    ZNFH930

           Radiated Spurious Emissions data(9 kHz ~ 40 GHz) : MIMO(SDM) & 802.11n(HT20)
 Eand         Tested          Freq.        ANT        PoEsli{iron    Detector     Reading         TF      DCCF         DCF       Result         Limit        Margin
              Channel         (MHz)         Pol         (Axis)        Mode        (dBuV)      (dB/m)       (dB)        (dB)     (dBuVim)      (dBu¥V/im)      (dB)

                             5149.90                      x            PK          46.30          6.61    NA           N/A       52.91         74.00          21.09
                 56          5149.90                      x            AV          35.78          6.61    0.45         N/A       42.84         54.00          1116
             (5180 MH2)     40359.50                      v            PK          43.66      10.66        NA          N/A       54.92         68.20          13.48

                            10400.83         v            v            PK          43.55      10.76        NA          N/A       54.31         68.20          13.89
U—NHI 1          40
             (5200 MHz)         —            —             —             —           —             —        —               —       —             —             —

                            10481.50         H            v            PK          44.05      10.94        NA          N/A       54.99         68.20          13.21
             (5240 MHz)         —            —             —             —           —             —        —               —       —             —             —

                            10518.50         H            v            PK          44.70      11.04        NA          N/A       55.74         68.20          1246
             (5260 MHz)         ~            ~             ~             ~           ~             ~        ~               ~       ~             ~             ~

                            10600.03                      v            PK          43.98      11.30       NA           N/A       55.28         74.00          18.72
uNi 2a       6200 0
                            10599.93         H            v            AV          33.80      11.30       0.45         N/A       45.55         54.00          8.45

                            5350.28          v            x            PK          44.02      6.64        NA           N/A       50.66         74.00          23.34
                 sa         5350.28          v            x            AV          35.03      6.64        0.45         N/A       4212          54.00          11.48
             (5320 MH2)     4083g.20         v            z            PK          43.93      11.42       NA           N/A       55.35         74.00          18.65
                            10639.28         v            z            AV          33.57      11.42       0.45         N/A       45.44         54.00           8.56

            Radiated Spurious Emissions data(® kHz ~ 40 GHz) : MIMO(SDM) & 802.11n(HT20)& With Wireless charging pad

 Bang          Tested         Freq.         ANT         ET,, Detector Reading                     T.F     DCCF        DCF       Result         Limit         Margin
              Channel         (MHz)         Pol         (Axis)        Mode        (dBuV)      (dB/m)      (dB)         (dB)     (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)         (dB)

                            5148.90          H            x            PK          45.30       6.61       N/A          N/A       51.91         74.00         22.09
uind             so         5149.04          H            x            AV          35.32       6.61       0.45         N/A       42.38         54.00         11.62
             (s180 MH2)     4ga5g.91         H            x            PK          43.86      10.66       N/A          N/A       54.52         68.20         13.68

                            10598.96         H            x            PK          44.33      11.30       N/A          N/A       55.63         74.00         18.37
U—NII 24     (ssoptgH»)
                            10599.33         H            x            AV          33.78      11.30       0.45         N/A       45.53         54.00         847

  1. No other spurious and harmonic emissions were found greater than listed emissions on above table.
  2. Sample Calculation.
      Margin = Limit— Result /         Result=Reading+ T.F+ DCCF + DCF /             T.F=AF+CL—AG
        Where, T.F = Total Factor,    AF =Antenna Factor,        CL=Cable Loss,     AG= Amplifier Gain,
                DCCF = Duty Cycle Correction Factor,           DCF = Distance Correction Factor
  3. Measurement Distance = 3 m for below 18 GHz, Measurement Distance = 1 m for above 18 GHz.
     Therefore Distance Correction Factor(DCF) : — 9.54 dB = 20*log(1m/3m)
  4. The limit is converted to field strength.
     E[dBuV/m] = EIRP[dBm] + 95.2 dB = —27 dBm + 95.2 = 68.2 dBuV/im

          TRF—RF—233(03)161101                   Prohibits the copying and re—issue of this report without DT&C approval.                 Pages: 160 / 251

  m Dt &C                                                                      DRTFCC1708—0139(1)                                                  ZNFH930

           Radiated Spurious Emissions data(9 kHz ~ 40 GHz) : MIMO(SDM) & 802.11n(HT20)

 Band            Tested       Freq.        ANT        PoEsli{iron   Detector     Reading           TF           DCCF    DCF     Result         Limit     Margin
                Channel       (MHz)        Pol          (Axis)       Mode         (dBuV)          (dB/m)         (dB)   (dB)   (dBuVim)      (dBuVim}     (dB)

                             5458.72         H            Y            PK              50.64       6.64          N/A    N/A     57.28         74.00          16.72

                             5458.69         H            Y            AV              39.73       6.64         0.45    N/A     46.82         54.00           7.18
            (5500 MHz)       5469.25         H            Y            PK              48.78       6.66          N/A    N/A     55.44         68.20          12.76

                             10998.90        V            Z            PK              43.65       12.54         N/A    N/A     56.19         74.00          17.81

                             10998.44        V            Z            AV              33.37       12.54        0.45    N/A     46.36         54.00           7.64

U—NII 2C                     11157.33        H            Y            PK              44.12       12.67         N/A    N/A     56.79         74.00          17.21
            (5580 MH2)       11157.24        H            Y            AV              33.49       12.67        0.45    N/A     46.61         54.00           7.39

                             11442.33        H            Y            PK              44.12       12.89         N/A    N/A     57.01         74.00          16.99
            (5720 MH2)       11442.40        H            Y            AV              33.18       12.89        0.45    N/A     46.52         54.00           7.48

                             5650.33         V            Y            PK              46.78       6.84          N/A    N/A     53.62         68.48          14.86

                             5700.03         V            Y            PK              47.65       6.91          N/A    N/A     54.56         110.81         56.25
            (5745 MH2)       5724.93         V            Y            PK              50.20       7.13          N/A    N/A     57.33         122.11         64.78

                             11492.27        H            Y            PK              43.81       12.93         N/A    N/A     56.74         74.00          17.26

                             11492.29        H            Y            AV              33.27       12.93        0.45    N/A     46.65         54.00           7.35

                   157       11574.90        V            Z            PK              44.10       12.99         N/A    N/A     57.09         74.00          16.91
U—NII 3     (5785 MHz)       11574.86        V            Z            AV              33.52       12.99        0.45    N/A     46.96         54.00           7.04

                             5850.05         V            Y            PK              58.75       7.46          N/A    N/A     66.21         122.14         55.93

                             5872.62         V            Y            PK              50.04       7.56          N/A    N/A     57.60         111.47         53.87
            (5825 MH2)       5924.80         V            Y            PK              46.88       7.68          N/A    N/A     54.56         68.37          13.81

                             11646.73        H            Y            PK              43.76       13.05         N/A    N/A     56.81         74.00          17.19

                             11646.36        H            Y            AV              33.33       13.05        0.45    N/A     46.83         54.00           7.17

           Radiated Spurious Emissions data(® kHz ~ 40 GHz) : MIMO(SDM) & 802.11n(HT20)& With Wireless charging pad

 Band           Tested        Freq.        ANT        PoEsli{iron   Detector     Reading            TF          DCCF    DCF     Result         Limit         Margin
                Channel       (MHz)         Pol         (Axis)        Mode         (dBuV)          (dB/m)       (dB)    (dB)   (dBuV/m)      (dBuV/im}        (dB)

                             5459.05         H            X            PK              49.26       6.64          N/A    N/A     55.90          74.00         18.10

                   100       5459.12         H            X            AV              38.76       6.64         0.45    N/A     45.85          54.00          8.15
U—NIL 2C    (
                (5509 mH 2   11003.82        V            X            PK              43.49       12.54         N/A    N/A     56.03          74.00         17.97

                             1100403         V            X            AV              33.29       12.54        0.45    N/A     46.28          54.00          7.72

                             5854.12         H            X            PK              47.52       7.46          N/A    N/A     54.98         117.42         62.44

                             5874.27         H            X            PK              48.82       7.56          N/A    N/A     56.38         111.00         54.62

            (5825 MHz)       5924.82         H            X            PK              47.88       7.68          N/A    N/A     55.56          68.35         12.79

                             11645.72        H            X            PK              44.21       13.05         N/A    N/A     57.26          74.00         16.74

                             11646.35        H            X            AV              33.23       13.05        0.45    N/A     46.73          54.00          7.27

  1. No other spurious and harmonic emissions were found greater than listed emissions on above table.
 2. Sample Calculation.
     Margin = Limit— Result /         Result=Reading+ T.F+ DCCF + DCF              /     TF=AF+ CL—AG
     Where, T.F = Total Factor,       AF =Antenna Factor,        CL= Cable Loss,         AG = Amplifier Gain,
                 DCCF = Duty Cycle Correction Factor,         DCF = Distance Correction Factor
 3. Measurement Distance = 3 m for below 18 GHz, Measurement Distance = 1 m for above 18 GHz.
    Therefore Distance Correction Factor(DCF) : — 9.54 dB = 20*log(1m/3m)
 4. The limit is converted to field strength.
     E[dBuV/m] = EIRP[dBm] + 95.2 dB = —27 dBm + 95.2 = 68.2 dBuV/im
        TRF—RF—233(03)161101                     Prohibits the copying and re—issue of this report without DT&C approval.                 Pages: 161 / 251

   m Dt &C                                                                       DRTFCC1708—0139(1)                                                   ZNFH930

            Radiated Spurious Emissions data(9 kHz ~ 40 GHz) : MIMO(SDM) & 802.11n(HT40)
 Eand          Tested         Freq.        ANT        PoEsli{iron     Detector     Reading        TF       DCCF        DCF       Result         Limit        Margin
              Channel         (MHz)         Pol         (Axis)         Mode        (dBuV)      (dB/m)      (dB)        (dB)     (dBuVim)      (dBu¥V/im)      (dB)

                            5149.19                        x            PK          52.94      6.49        NA          N/A       59.43         74.00          14.57
                  a8        5149.80                        x            AV          41.73      6.49        0.58        N/A       48.80         54.00          5.20
              (5190 MH2)\   499g423                        x            PK          43.98      10.72       NA          N/A       54.70         68.20          13.50
U—NII 1                         —            —             —             —            —          —          —           —          —             —              —
                            10460.61         H             x            PK          43.73      10.89       NA          N/A       54.62         68.20          13.58
              (5280 MHz)        —            —             —             —            —            —        —               —       —             —             —

                            10545.31         H             x            PK          45.42      11.13       NA          N/A       56.55         68.20          11.65
              (5270 MHz)        —            —             —             —            —            —        —               —       —             —             —

U—NII 2A                     5350.06         H             x            PK          55.01         6.61     NA          N/A       61.62         74.00          12.38
                  s          5350.02         H             x            AV          43.66         6.61     0.58        N/A       50.85         54.00          315
              (5310 MH2     40819.38         v             z            PK          42.77      11.36       NA          N/A       54.18         74.00          19.87
                            10619.00         v             z            AV          32.81      11.36       0.58        N/A       44.75         54.00          9.25

             Radiated Spurious Emissions data(9 kHz ~ 40 GHz) : MIMO(SDM) & 802.11n(HT40)& With Wireless charging pad

 Band          Tested         Freq.         ANT       PoEslijt-iron   Detector     Reading        TF       DCCF       DCF       Result         Limit         Margin
               Channel        (MHz)         Pol         (Axis)         Mode        (dBuV)      (dB/m)      (dB)        (dB)     (dBuV/m)     (dBuVim)         (dB)

                            5149.08          H             x            PK          59.24      6.49        N/A         N/A       59.73         74.00         14.27
                  a8        5149.78          H             x            AV          4141       6.49        0.58        N/A       48.18         54.00         5.82
 U—NHH 1      b 5190 MH 2   10379.09         H             x            PK          44.01      10.72       N/A         N/A       54.73         68.20         13.47

                             5350.85         H             x            PK          54.72         6.61     N/A         N/A       61.33         74.00         1267
                  so         5350.00         H             x            AV          43.19         6.61     0.58        N/A       50.38         54.00          3.62
U—NII 2A      (5310 MHz)    10620.13         v             x            PK          4316       11.36       N/A         N/A       54.52         74.00         19.48
                            10619.44         v             x            AV          33.41      11.36       0.58        N/A       45.35         54.00          8.65
  1. No other spurious and harmonic emissions were found greater than listed emissions on above table.
  2. Sample Calculation.
      Margin = Limit— Result /         Result=Reading+ T.F+ DCCF + DCF /              T.F=AF + CL—AG
        Where, T.F = Total Factor,    AF =Antenna Factor,        CL=Cable Loss,      AG= Amplifier Gain,
                 DCCF = Duty Cycle Correction Factor,          DCF = Distance Correction Factor
  3. Measurement Distance = 3 m for below 18 GHz, Measurement Distance = 1 m for above 18 GHz.
     Therefore Distance Correction Factor(DCF) : — 9.54 dB = 20*log(1m/3m)
  4. The limit is converted to field strength.
      E[dBuV/m] = EIRP[dBm] + 95.2 dB = —27 dBm + 95.2 = 68.2 dBuV/im

           TRF—RF—233(03)161101                  Prohibits the copying and re—issue of this report without DT&C approval.                 Pages: 162 / 251

  m Dt &C                                                                    DRTFCC1708—0139(1)                                                ZNFH930

           Radiated Spurious Emissions data(9 kHz ~ 40 GHz) : MIMO(SDM) & 802.11n(HT40)

 Band        Tested         Freq.        ANT        PoEsli{iron   Detector     Reading           TF          DCCF   DCF    Result          Limit     Margin
            Channel         (MHz)         Pol         (Axis)       Mode         (dBuV)         (dB/m)        (dB)   (dB)   (dBuV/m)      (dBuVim}        (dB)

                          5459.31          H            x            PK             48.36       6.64         N/A     N/A    55.00         74.00          19.00
                          5459.84          H            x            AV             36.84       6.64         0.58    N/A    44.06         54.00           9.94
                102       5468.88          H            x            PK             52.97       6.66         N/A     N/A    59.63         68.20           8.57
            (5510 MHz)    44923.09         v            z            PK             43.70       12.70        N/A     N/A    56.40         74.00          17.60
                          11023.50         v            z            AV             33.28       12.70        0.58    N/A    46.56         54.00           7.44

u—Nil 2C
                          11096.10         v            z            PK             43.97       12.62        N/A     N/A    56.59         74.00          17.41
            {ssoo mH»
                          |_11097.08       v            z            AV             33.58       12.62        0.58    N/A    46.78         54.00           7.22

                          11420.04         v            z            PK             43.64       12.88        N/A     N/A    56.52         74.00          17.48
                          |_11417.85       v            z            AV             33.43       12.88        0.58    N/A    46.89         54.00           711

                          5650.77          v            v            PK             47.33       6.84         N/A     N/A    5417          sa.86          14.69
                          5718.26          v            v            PK             66.70       6.99         N/A     N/A    73.69         115.91         42.22
            szso151es     572184           v            v            PK             68.89       7.03         N/A     N/A    75.92         854            4262
                          11513.53         v            z            PK             43.83       12.95        N/A     N/A    56.78         74.00          17.22
unis                      11513.25         v            z            AV             33.24       12.95        0.58    N/A    46.77         54.00           7.23
                          5852.63          v            v            PK             54.98       7.36         N/A     N/A    62.34         11815          5681
                          5874.20          v            v            PK             48.36       7.56         N/A     N/A    55.92         111.03         5541
            (srgo159m|_   592441           v            v            PK             46.29       7.68         N/A     N/A    53.97         68.70          14.73
                          11586.35         v            z            PK             44.37       13.00        N/A     N/A    57.37         74.00          16.63
                          11585.91         v            z            AV             33.78       13.00        0.58    N/A    47.36         54.00           6.64

           Radiated Spurious Emissions data(9 kHz ~ 40 GHz) : MIMO(SDM) & 802.11n(HT40)& With Wireless charging pad

 Bang        Tested         Freq.        Ant        ,EUT,,        Detector Reading               T.F         peer   DCF    Result          Limit     Margin
            Channel         (MHz)         Pol         (Axis)       Mode         (dBuV)         (dB/m)        (dB)   (dB)   (dBuV/m)      (dBuVim}        (dB)

                          11428.65         v            x            PK             4414        12.88        N/A    N/A     57.02         74.00          16.98
UNI 2C      myipgg»
                          1142310          v            x            AV             33.63       12.88        0.58   N/A     47.09         54.00           6.91

                          5854.67          H            x            PK             49.95       7.36         N/A    N/A     57.31         116.78         59.47
                          5874.07          H            x            PK             48.68       7.56         N/A    N/A     56.24         111.06         5482
UNI 3       yogtg»
                          592390           H            x            PK             48.41       7.68         N/A    N/A     56.09         69.14          13.05
                          1158715          v            x            PK             44.60       13.00        N/A    N/A     57.60         74.00          16.40
                          11586.63         v            x            AV             33.62       13.00        0.58   N/A     47.20         54.00           6.80
 1. No other spurious and harmonic emissions were found greater than listed emissions on above table.
 2. Sample Calculation.
     Margin = Limit— Result /       Result=Reading+ T.F+ DCCF + DCF             /     TF=AF+ CL—AG
     Where, T.F = Total Factor,     AF =Antenna Factor,        CL=Cable Loss,         AG = Amplifier Gain,
              DCCF = Duty Cycle Correction Factor,          DCF = Distance Correction Factor
 3. Measurement Distance = 3 m for below 18 GHz, Measurement Distance = 1 m for above 18 GHz.
    Therefore Distance Correction Factor(DCF) : — 9.54 dB = 20"log(1m/3m)
 4. The limit is converted to field strength.
    E[dBuV/m] = EIRP[dBm] + 95.2 dB = —27 dBm + 95.2 = 68.2 dBuV/im

        TRF—RF—233(03)161101                   Prohibits the copying and re—issue of this report without DT&C approval.               Pages: 163 / 251

  TD Dt&C                                                                            DRTFCC1708—0139(1)                                             ZNFH930

            Radiated Spurious Emissions data(® kHz ~ 40 GHz) : MIMO(SDM) & 802.11ac(VHT80)

 Band           Tested         Freq.          ANT         Positic         Detector     Reading      TF       peer         ber     Result         Limit        Margin
   an          Channel         (MHz)          Pol          (":)'(i's")“    Mode        (dBuV)    (dB/m)      (dB)         (dB)   (dBuVim)      (dBuVim}        (dB)

                              5149.90          H              y             PK          55.31       6.49     NA           N/A     61.80         74.00         12.20
u—Nid             a2          5149.91          H              y             AV          43.82       6.49     0.63         N/A     50.94         54.00          3.06
              (5210 MH2)      49421.06         H              x             PK          44.06    10.80        NA          N/A     54.86         68.20         13.34

                              5351.52          H              x             PK          55.52    6.61        NA           N/A     6213          74.00         11.87
                  s8          5350.81          H              x             AV          43.61    6.61        0.63         N/A     50.85         54.00          3.15
U—NI 24|      b (5290 mH 2    10577.22         H              x             PK          43.96    11.23       NA           N/A     55.19         68.20         13.01

             Radiated Spurious Emissions data(® kHz ~ 40 GHz) : MIMO(SDM) & 802.Mac(VHT80)& With Wireless charging
  Band          Tested           Freq.         Ant        / E‘.{.r        Detector     Reading      TE      peer          ber     Result        Limit         Margin
   an           Channel         (MHz)          Pol         E’:}'{i's")“    Mode        (dBuV)    (dB/m)      (dB)        (dB)    (dBuV/m}     (dBuVim)         (dB)

                               5149.57          H             x             PK          52.93    6.49        N/A          N/A     59.42         74.00         14.58
                   a2          5149.57          H             x             AV          42.65    6.49        0.63         N/A     49.77         54.00         4.23
 U—NII 1      b 5210 MH 2      40417.94         H             x             PK          43.96    10.80       N/A          N/A     54.76         68.20         13.44

                               5356.02          H             x             PK          56.01    6.61        N/A          N/A     62.62         74.00         11.38
                    s8         5353.79          H             x             AV          43.58    6.61        0.63         N/A     50.82         54.00         3.18
U—NII 24|     b (5990 MH ®)    10580.08         H             x             PK          44.05    11.23       N/A          N/A     55.28         68.20         12.92

  1. No other spurious and harmonic emissions were found greater than listed emissions on above table.
  2. Sample Calculation.
      Margin = Limit— Result /            Result = Reading + T.F+ DCCF + DCF / T.F=AF + CL—AG
        Where, T.F = Total Factor,       AF = Antenna Factor, CL= Cable Loss, AG = Amplifier Gain,
                 DCCF = Duty Cycle Correction Factor,            DCF = Distance Correction Factor
  3. Measurement Distance = 3 m for below 18 GHz, Measurement Distance = 1 m for above 18 GHz.
     Therefore Distance Correction Factor(DCF) : — 9.54 dB = 20*log(1m/3m)
  4. The limit is converted to field strength.
        E[dBuV/m] = EIRP[dBm] + 95.2 dB = —27 dBm + 95.2 = 68.2 dBuV/im

           TRF—RF—233(03)161101                     Prohibits the copying and re—issue of this report without DT&C approval.               Pages: 164 / 251

  m Dt &C                                                                          DRTFCC1708—0139(1)                                              ZNFH930

           Radiated Spurious Emissions data(9 kHz ~ 40 GHz) : MIMO(SDM) & 802.11ac(VHT80)

 Band          Tested          Freq.         ANT        p El_{_l'       Detector     Reading         TF      DCCF       DCF     Result         Limit         Margin
  an           Channel        (MHz)          Pol         (":)'d's")“     Mode        (dBuy)      (dB/m)      (dB)       (dB)   (dBuVim}      (dBuV/im}        (dB)

                             5459.57          v              ¥            PK          5417           6.64    NA         N/A     60.81          74.00         13.19
                             5459.83          v              ¥            AV          43.70          6.64    0.63       N/A     50.97          54.00          3.03
             (ss80 mHa       546891           v              ¥            PK          56.15          6.66    NA         N/A     62.81          74.00         11.19
uhi 20                      11061.80          v              zZ           PK          44.74      12.59       NA         N/A     57.33          74.00         16.67
                            1106214           v              zZ           AV          33.68      12.59       0.63       N/A     46.90          54.00         7.10
                            11381.43          v              zZ           PK          44.04      12.84       NA         N/A     56.88          74.00         1712
             (seoo138mHa)   |_11881.66        v              zZ           AV          33.07      12.84       0.63       N/A     46.54          54.00         7.46

                            5852.77           v              ¥            PK          67.97      7.47        NA         N/A     7544          118.99         43.55
                            5855.23           v              ¥            PK          65.99      7.48        NA         N/A     7347          116.34         42.87
UNI3         syom  |_       592408            v              ¥            PK          48.35      7.68        NA         N/A     56.03         68.98          12.95
                            11550.45          H              ¥            PK          43.40      12.98       NA         N/A     56.38         74.00          17.62
                            11550.75          H              ¥            AV          33.66      12.98       0.71       N/A     47.35         54.00           6.65

            Radiated Spurious Emissions data(Q kHz ~ 40 GHz) : MIMO(SDM) & 802.Mac(VHT80)& With Wireless charging
 Band           Tested         Freq.         ant        EB              Detector     Reading         TF      peer      ber      Result         Limit         Margin
   an          Channel         (MHz)          Pol         (":)'d's")“    Mode        (dBuV)      (dB/m)      (dB)      (dB)    (dBuV/m)      (dBu¥Vim)        (dB)

                             5456.15          H              x             PK         51.81          6.64    N/A        N/A     58.45         74.00          15.55
                  108        5460.75          H              x            AV          41.08          6.64    0.63       N/A     48.35         54.00          5.65
U—NII 2C      (B680 MHz)     11060.83         v              x             PK         43.80      12.59       N/A        N/A     56.39         74.00          17.61
                             11061.31         v              x            AV          33.53      12.59       0.63       N/A     46.75         54.00          7.25
                             5851.99          H              x            PK          59.49      7.47        N/A        N/A     66.96         119.89         52.93
                             5867.91          H              x            PK          56.46      7.48        N/A        N/A     63.94         112.79         48.85
 UNIL 3       (5yyg155iq)    592075           H              x            PK          48.21      7.68        N/A        N/A     55.89         71.82          15.93
                             11549.87         H              x            PK          44.07      12.98       N/A        N/A     57.05         74.00          16.95
                             11551.13         H              x            AV          33.35      12.98       0.71       N/A     47.04         54.00           6.96
 1. No other spurious and harmonic emissions were found greater than listed emissions on above table.
 2. Sample Calculation.
     Margin = Limit— Result / Result=Reading+ T.F+ DCCF + DCF / T.F=AF + CL—AG
        Where, T.F = Total Factor,     AF =Antenna Factor,          CL=Cable Loss,     AG= Amplifier Gain,
                DCCF = Duty Cycle Correction Factor,              DCF = Distance Correction Factor
 3. Measurement Distance = 3 m for below 18 GHz, Measurement Distance = 1 m for above 18 GHz.
    Therefore Distance Correction Factor(DCF) : — 9.54 dB = 20*log(1m/3m)
 4. The limit is converted to field strength.
       E[dBuV/m] = EIRP[dBm] + 95.2 dB = —27 dBm + 95.2 = 68.2 dBuV/im

         TRF—RF—233(03)161101                     Prohibits the copying and re—issue of this report without DT&C approval.                Pages: 165 / 251

m Dt & C                                                                        DRTFCC1708—0139(1)                                                       ZNFH930

     — WiFi DBS(Dual—Band Simultaneous) Test Results

                       Radiated Spurious Emissions data(Q kHz ~ 40 GHz) : Simuitaneously transmission

                                                 Antenna            Band                   Mode                   TX Frequency(MHz)

                        Transmitting                1              24GHz               802.11 g                       2462 MHz

                       Configuration                2              LN 1            802.Hac(VHTBo)                     5210 MHz

       Freq.            ant      BR                     Detector      Reading        TF           peer        ber         Result        Limit         Margin
       (MHz)            Pol        (":)'d's")“           Mode          (dBuy)      (dB/m}         (dB)        (dB)       (dBuVim}     (dBuV/im}        (dB)

      2483.68            H             Y                  PK           52.84        2.44          N/A         N/A         55.28        74.00           18.72

      2483.74            H             Y                  AV           41.21        2.44          0.24        N/A         43.89        54.00           10.11

      4924.65            H             Z                  PK           44.63        6.73          N/A         N/A         51.36        74.00          22.64

      4924.48            H             Z                  AV           33.42        6.73          0.24        N/A         40.39        54.00           13.61

      5149.01            H             Y                  PK           53.81        6.49          N/A         N/A         60.30        74.00           13.70

      5149.71            H             Y                  AV           43.38        6.49          0.38        N/A         50.25        54.00           3.75

     10419.64            H             X                  PK           43.78        10.80         N/A         N/A         54.58        68.20           13.62

                       Radiated Spurious Emissions data(Q kHz ~ 40 GHz) : Simuitaneously transmission

                                                 Antenna            Band                   Mode                   TX Frequency(MHz)

                        Transmitting                1              24GHz               802.11 g                       2462 MHz

                       Configuration                2              U—NII 2A        802.Hac(VHTBo)                     5290 MHz

       Freq.            ant      BR                     Detector      Reading        TF           peer        ber         Result        Limit         Margin
       (MHz)            Pol        (":)'d's")“           Mode          (dBuy)      (dB/m}         (dB)        (dB)       (dBuVim}     (dBuV/im}        (dB)

      2484.06            H             Y                  PK           52.81        2.44          N/A         N/A         55.25        74.00           18.75

      2483.61            H             Y                  AV           41.50        2.44          0.24        N/A         44.18        54.00           9.82

      4924.34            H             Z                  PK           44.70        6.73          N/A         N/A         51.43        74.00          22.57

      4924.29            H             Z                  AV           33.59        6.73          0.24        N/A         40.50        54.00           13.50
      5352.72            H             X                  PK           54.76        6.61          N/A         N/A         61.37        74.00           12.63

      5351.59            H             X                  AV           41.57        6.61          0.38        N/A         48.56        54.00           5.44

     10580.06            H             X                  PK           43.96        11.23         N/A         N/A         55.19        68.20           13.01

  1. No other spurious and harmonic emissions were found greater than listed emissions on above table.
  2. Sample Calculation.
     Margin = Limit— Result /      Result= Reading + T.F+ DCCF + DCF / T.F=AF+CL—AG
    Where, T.F = Total Factor,      AF = Antenna Factor,              CL=Cable Loss,        AG= Amplifier Gain,
               DCCF = Duty Cycle Correction Factor,                DCF = Distance Correction Factor
  3. Measurement Distance = 3 m for below 18 GHz, Measurement Distance = 1 m for above 18 GHz.
     Therefore Distance Correction Factor(DCF) : — 9.54 dB = 20"log(1m/3m)
  4. The limit is converted to field strength.
    E[dBuV/m] = EIRP[dBm] + 95.2 dB = —27 dBm + 95.2 = 68.2 dBuV/m

 TRF—RF—233(03)161101                      Prohibits the copying and re—issue of this report without DT&C approval.                             Pages: 166 / 251

m Dt & C                                                                        DRTFCC1708—0139(1)                                                        ZNFH930

                       Radiated Spurious Emissions data(Q kHz ~ 40 GHz) : Simuitaneously transmission

                                                 Antenna            Band                   Mode                    TX Frequency(MHz)

                        Transmitting                1              24GHz               802.11 g                        2462 MHz

                       Configuration                2              u—NiI 20        802.Hac(VHTBo)                      5580 MHz

       Freq.            ant      pFUL,,                 Detector      Reading        TF           peer         ber         Result        Limit         Margin
       (MHz)            Pol       (Aais)                 Mode          (dBuy)      (dB/m}         (dB)         (aB)       (dBuVim)     (dBuV/m}         (dB)
      2483.53            H             Y                  PK           52.63        2.44          N/A          N/A         55.07        74.00           18.93

      2483.52            H             Y                  AV           41.16        2.44          0.24         N/A         43.84        54.00           10.16

      4923.80            H             Z                  PK           44.28        6.73          N/A          N/A         51.01        74.00          22.99

      4923.64            H             Z                  AV           33.27        6.73          0.24         N/A         40.24        54.00           13.76

      5459.88            H             Y                  PK           52.18        6.64          N/A          N/A         58.82        74.00           15.18

      5459.49            H             Y                  AV           41.19        6.64          0.38         N/A         48.21        54.00           5.79

     11061.37            V             X                  PK           43.83        12.59         N/A          N/A         56.42        74.00           17.58

     11061.72            V             X                  AV           33.75        12.59         0.38         N/A         46.72        54.00           7.28

                       Radiated Spurious Emissions data(Q kHz ~ 40 GHz) : Simuitaneously transmission

                                                 Antenna            Band                   Mode                    TX Frequency(MHz)

                        Transmitting                1              24GHz               802.11 g                        2462 MHz

                       Configuration                2              uNi3            802.Hac(VHTBo)                      5775 MHz

       Freq.            ant      BR                     Detector      Reading        TF           peer         ber         Result        Limit         Margin
       (MHz)            Pol        (":)'d's")“           Mode          (dBuy)      (dB/m}         (dB)         (dB)       (dBuVim}     (dBuV/im}        (dB)

      2483.91            H             Y                  PK           52.81        2.44          N/A          N/A         55.25        74.00           18.75

      2483.54            H             Y                  AV           41.39        2.44          0.24         N/A         44.07        54.00           9.93

      4923.86            H             Z                  PK           44.43        6.73          N/A          N/A         51.16        74.00          22.84

      4923.74            H             Z                  AV           33.39        6.73          0.24         N/A         40.36        54.00           13.64

      5850.45            V             Y                  PK           62.69        7.47          N/A          N/A         70.16        121.68         51.52

      5859.40            V             Y                  PK           62.01        7.48          N/A          N/A         69.49        115.17         45.68

      5920.65            V             Y                  PK           56.50        7.68          N/A          N/A         64.18        71.91           7.73

     11552.63            H             Y                  PK           44.13        12.98         N/A          N/A         57.11        74.00           16.89

     11552.40            H             Y                  AV           33.18        12.98         0.35         N/A         46.51        54.00           7.49

  1. No other spurious and harmonic emissions were found greater than listed emissions on above table.
  2. Sample Calculation.
     Margin = Limit— Result /      Result= Reading + T.F+ DCCF + DCF / T.F=AF+CL—AG
    Where, T.F = Total Factor,      AF = Antenna Factor,              CL=Cable Loss,        AG = Amplifier Gain,
               DCCF = Duty Cycle Correction Factor,                DCF = Distance Correction Factor
  3. Measurement Distance = 3 m for below 18 GHz, Measurement Distance = 1 m for above 18 GHz.
     Therefore Distance Correction Factor(DCF) : — 9.54 dB = 20"log(1m/3m)
  4. The limit is converted to field strength.
    E[dBuV/m] = EIRP[dBm] + 95.2 dB = —27 dBm + 95.2 = 68.2 dBuV/m

 TRF—RF—233(03)161101                      Prohibits the copying and re—issue of this report without DT&C approval.                              Pages: 167 / 251

m Dt & C                                                      DRTFCC1708—0139(1)                                                    ZNFH930

   8.7 AC Conducted Emissions

(® Test Requirements and limit, §15.207

   For an intentional radiator that is designed to be connected to the public utility (AC) power line, the radio frequency
   voltage that is conducted back onto the AC power line on any frequency or frequencies, within the band 150 kHz to 30
   MHz, shall not exceed the limits in the following table, as measured using a 50 uH/50 ohms line impedance
   stabilization network (LISN).

                                                                          Conducted Limit (dBuV)
         Frequency Range (MHz)                                  —
                                                           Quasi—Peak                                         Average

                 0.15 ~ 0.5                                 66 to 56 *                                        56 to 46 *

                   0.5 ~5                                        56                                              46

                   5 ~ 30                                        60                                              50

     * Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency

    Compliance with this provision shall be based on the measurement of the radio frequency voltage between each
    power line (LINE and NEUTRAL) and ground at the power terminals.

(® Test Configuration
   See test photographs for the actual connections between EUT and support equipment.

(® Test Procedure

   Conducted emissions from the EUT were measured according to the ANSI €63.10—2013.
   1. The test procedure is performed in a 6.5 m x 3.5 m x 3.5 m (L x W x H) shielded room. The EUT along with its
   peripherals were placed on a 1.0 m (W) x 1.5 m (L) and 0.8 m in height wooden table and the EUT was adjusted to
   maintain a 0.4 meter space from a vertical reference plane.
   2. The EUT was connected to power mains through a line impedance stabilization network (LISN) which provides 50
   ohm coupling impedance for measuring instrument and the chassis ground was bounded to the horizontal ground
   plane of shielded room.
   3. All peripherals were connected to the second LISN and the chassis ground also bounded to the horizontal ground
   plane of shielded room.
   4.The excess power cable between the EUT and the LISN was bundled. The power cables of peripherals were
     unbundled. All connecting cables of EUT and peripherals were moved to find the maximum emission.

[®] Measurement Data: Comply
   Note 1: See next pages for actual measured spectrum plots and data for worst case result.

    TRF—RF—233(03)161101           Prohibits the copying and re—issue of this report without DT&C approval.                Pages: 168 / 251

                                                     Report No.: DRTFCC1708—0139(1)                                             FCC ID: ZNFH930

AC Line Conducted Emissions (Graph)
Test Mode: U—NII 1            &    802.11a       &     MIMO(CDD)             &     5180 MHz

                                                  Results of Conducted Emission
                 DT&C                                                                                             Date 2017—07—22

                  Model                    LG—H930                             Temp/Humi.                23°C       46 %
                  Function                 5G WLAN                             Power Supply              AC 120 V       60 Hz
                  Mode                                                         Operator                  S.G Lee
                 Test condition

                  Memo                     5180MHz

                  LIMIT : FCC P15.207 QP
                          FCC P15.207 AV

            90 [dBuV]        _PHASE:   N                                                                                   [QP/CAV]





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Document Created: 2017-09-06 03:37:02
Document Modified: 2017-09-06 03:37:02

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