RF Exposure Info 2


RF Exposure Info

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D Dt&C

    Calibration Laboratory of                                                                                 Schwelzerischer Kallbrierdienst

                                                                                                       a o#
    Schmid & Partner                                                                                          Service sulsse d‘étalonnage
       Engineering AG                                                                                         Sorviclo sviezero ditaratura
    Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Swizerland                                                               Swiss Callbration Service

    Accredited by the Swiss Accredtation Sarvico (GAS)                                                  Accreditation No: SCS 0108
    The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the signatories to the EA
    Muilateral Agroement for the recognition of calloration cortficates
    Clent      DT&C (Dymstec)                                                                Gortficate No: EX3—3916_Apr18

    Object                             EXGDV4 — SN:3916

    Caltbration procedure(s)           QA CAL—01v8, QA CAL—14.v4, QA CAL—23./5, QA CAL—25.v6
                                       Calibration procedure for dosimetric E—field probes

    Calbration date:                   April 25, 2018

    This caltomtion certficate documents the traceabiity to nationastandards,which realze the physical uns of measuromonts (S1)
    The meassrements and the uncerainieswih confidence probabiltyare given on the folowing pages and are par of the certicate.
    Allcaliiraions have bean conducted n tclosed laboratory faciiy: environmont temperature(22 + 3)°C and hunity < 70%

    Gallbration Equipment used (MATE crtalfor caltration)

     Primary Standards                io                              Cal Date (Corthcate No)                   Scheduled Calibaton
     Power meter NRP                  Sh: roarre                      Oé—ort8 (No: 2r7—orerprozera)             Aoers
     Power sensor NRP—231             sh: rospse                      0t—Aor—18 (No. 217—02072)                 Aoce
     Power sensor NRP—291             on roams                        ot—Apr—18 (No. 217—00573)                 Apere
     Reference 20 d Attenuator        SN. 56277 (209)                 06—Ape—18 (No. 217.02002)                 Apcio
     Reference Probe ESIOV2           stt so18                        30.D00—17 (No. ES3—3013_Doct?)            Dec.18
     page                             sit soo                         21—Dec—17 (No. DAEA—050_Dect?)            Dec—18

     Secondary Standards              ©                               Check Date (in house)                     Scheduled Check
     Pover meter Ex4198                    merzosera                  06—Apr—16 in house cheok Jun—18)          in house cheoke Jun—18
     Power sensorE4412A               snmvataseos?                    06—Apr—16 in house check Jun—16)          in house checke Jun—18
     Power sensor E4412A              sn coottozio                    06—Apr—16 i house check Jun—18)           in house chocke Jun—18
     RF generater HP B648C            stt usasezuo1700                04—Aug—99 (i house check Jun—16)          in house checks Jun—18
     Network Analyzer HP 8763E        SN: ussr3o5t5                   18:0ct01 (n house check Oct17)            in house cheok: Oct18
                                        Neme                                 Function                             Shnatlre
    Calbrated by:                       Claudo Leubler                       Laboratory Technician

    Approved by:                        Kata Pokove

                                                                                                                  Issued: Apai 26, 2018
    "This caltration centficate shal not be reproduced excoptin ful wthout witten approvalof the aboratory.

    Cerificate No: EX3—3016_Apri8                                   Page 1 of 11

m www se w                            £o ie se sagtny ww n raws w se reprs esw oo upprene                                                       cuyee

  D Dt&C                                                    .                                   _                                                   1

                  i     Laboratory of                                  &   >                             s    Schwelzerischor Kallbreedienst
            Schmid & Partner                                           .                                 g    Sorvice suisse détalonnage
              Engineering AG                                                                             «5   Sorvizio aviezaro dltaratura
            Zoughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Swizerland                    Mn                                 Swiss Calioration Service

            Acorediteby the Swiss Accredtation Service (SAS)                                              Accreditation No.: SCS 0108
            The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the signatories tothe EA
            Multlateral Agreement for the recognition of callbration cortficatos
            TSL                         tissue simulating liquid
            NORMicy,z                   sensitivily in free space
            Convr                       sensitivity in TSL / NORMy,z
            poP                         diode compression point
            cF                          crest factor (1/duty_oycle) of the RF signal
            A, B, C, D                  modulation dependent lincarization parameters
            Polarization                « rotation around probe axis
            Polarization 8              8 rotation around an axis that is in the plane normal to probeaxis (at measurement center),
                                        Le., 8 = 0 is normal to probe axis
            Connector Angle             information used in DASY system to align probe sensor X to the robot coordinate system
            Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
                a) IEEE Sid 1528—2013, ‘IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial—Averaged Specific
                   Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless Communications Devices: Measurement
                   Techniques®, June 2013
                b) 12C 62200—1, *, "Measurementprocedure for the assessment of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) from hand—
                   held and body—mounted devices used next to the ear (frequency range of 300 MHz to 6 GHz}‘, July 2016
                c) 12C 62200—2, "Procedure to determine the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for wireless communication devices
                   used in close proximily to the human body (frequency range of 30 MHz to 6 GHz)*, March 2010
                d) KDB 865664, "SAR Measurement Requirements for 100 MHz to 6 GHz"
            Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
                *    NORVs          Assessed for E—feld polarization 3 = 0 (f< 900 MHz in TEM—cel; 1 > 1800 MHz: R22 waveguide)
                     NORMx,y,2z are only intermediate values,               he uncertainties of NORMx.y,z does not affect the E—field
                     uncertainty inside TSL (see below ConvF)
                *    NORM(Axy,2 =NORMsy,z * frequency_response (see Frequency Response Ghart). This linsarization is
                     implemented in DASY4 software versions later than 4.2. The uncertainty of the frequency response included
                     in the stated uncertainty of ConvF.
                *    DCPxy,z: DCP are numerical linearization parameters assessed based on the data of power sweep with CW
                     signal (no uncertainty required). DCP does not depend on frequency nor media.
                *    PAR; PAR is the Peak to Average Ratio that is not calibrated but determined based on the signal
                *    Axy.ziBy,z; Coyiz:Dxy.z: VRuyz: A, B, C, D are numerical linearization parameters assessed based on
                     the data of power sweep for specific modulation signal. The parameters do not depend on frequency nor
                     media. VR is the maximum calibration range expressed in RMS voltage across the diode.
                *    Conyand Boundary Effect Parameters: Assessed in flat phantom using E—feld (or Temperature Transfer
                     Standard for f s 800 MHz) and inside waveguide using analytical feld distributions based on power
                     measurements for {> 800 MHz. The same setups are used for assessment of the parameters applied for
                     boundary compensation (alpha, depth) of which typical uncertainty values are given. These parameters are
                     used in DASY4 software to improve probe accuracy close to the boundary. The sensitivity in TSL corresponds
                     to NORMxy,z * ConvF: wherebythe uncertainty corresponds to that given for ConvF. A frequency dependent
                     ConvF is used in DASY version 4.4 and higher which allows extending the validity from + 50 MHz to + 100
                =    Spherical isotropy (3D deviation from isolropy); in a field of low gradients realized using a fat phantom
                     exposed by a patch antenna.
                *    Sensor Offset: The sensor affect corresponds to the offsct of vitual measurement canter from the probe tip
                     (on probeaxis). No tolerance required.
                *    Connector Angle: The angle is assessed using the information gained by determining the NORMs (no
                     uncertainty required)

           Certifcate No: EX3—3016_Apri6                                   Page 2 of 11

en e wwenwa se w                       £o ie se sagtny ww n raws w se reprs esw oo upprene                                                   cugees revivee

D Dt&C

        Exsove — SNisote

                              Probe EX3DV4


                                         Manufactured:            December 18, 2012
                                         Calibrated:              April 25, 2018

                                        Calibrated for DASY/EASY Systems
                                           (Note: non—compatible with DASY2 system!)

        Certficate No: EX3—3016_Apri8                    Page 3 of11

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  D Dt&C                                                    Report No.: DRRFCC1904—0043(1)                                          FCC ID: ZNFGB10EAW

               Exsov«— sN:sore                                                                                                           Aprl 25, 2018

               DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3916
               Basic Calibration Parameters
                                                            SensorX                         SensorY                   Sensor Z            Une(22)
                Norm (gVi(Vim))"                              056                             047                       052               £10.1%
                DCP (mv)"                                     06                             101.3                      598

               Modulation Calibration Parameters
                w           Communication System Name                                 A           s           o          o         vr         Uns"
                                                                                     as        aBviV                    as         my         (k=2)
                &           ow                                               x       |_o0         00         10         ooo       mas        s5%
                                                                             v       |_o0         o0         10                   15e
                                                                             2       o0           o0         10                   1423

                The reported uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement
                multiplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage
                probability of approximately 95%.

                The uncetainies of No XY.Z do not affect the E*feld uncertainy inside TSL (soe Pages 5 and 6.
              * Numerical    aization paremeter: uncertainty not reauired
              * Uncertainy is determined using the max. deviation rom Incar response applying rectangular istrbtton and is expressod for the square ofthe
              field value

               Certficate No: EX3—3916_Apr18                                  Page 4 of 11

TRE—RF—601¢03)161101                       Promits the copying andre—issue of this repor wihout DTaG approval.                                              Pages: 171 o2s

  D Dt&C

            EXGDV4— Shis016                                                                                                         Aprl 25, 2018

            DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3916

            Calibration Parameter Determined in Head Tissue Simulating Media
                                  Relative        Conductivity                                                           Depth®          Une
                 £(Miz)®        Pormitivity®          (Sim)®         ConvFX       ConvEY       ConvEZ        Aipha®       |__(mm)       (ke2)
                   2450             292                180             772          772           772         ose         085         £120%
                   2600             29.0               1.9             751          751           751         osr         o8          £120%
                   5200             26.0               466             5.38         538           5.38        0.35        180         £181%
                   5300             35.0               476             5.04         5.04          5.04        040         180         £131%
                   5500             356                496             5.01         s01           so1         0.40        180         £18.1%
                   se00             35.5               sor             484          484          484          0.40        180         +181%
                   se00             35.3               s2r            494           4.94         4.94         0.40        180         £13.1%

            © Erequency valldly above 300 MHz of : 100 MHz only applis for DASY w44 and higher0 Page 2), ele i is resticted o + 50 Miz. The
            uncertainy is the RSS ofthe Conunsertainty at callratin requency and the uncertaityfor the indlcated requency band. Frequency vality
            betow 300 MHz is 10, 25, 40, 50 and 70 MHz for ConvF assessments at 30, 64, 128, 10 and 220 Hz respectvaly. Above 5 GHiz frequency
            yalidty can be extended to : 110 MKe.
            " Atfrequencies below 3 GHiz, the valeity of issue parameters(s and a) can be relaxed to * 10% i iquid compensation formula is appled to
            measured SAR values. A frequencios above 3 GHz, he valdty oftssue parameters (t and a) is restrcted to % 5%. The uncertaint is e RSS of
            the ConvE uncertintfo indicated targottsoue paramaters
            * AlphalDapth are determined during callration, SPEAG warrantsthat the remaining devialon dutothe boundary effect after compensaton is
            always loss than 2 1% forequencies below 3 GHz and below + 2% fofrequencies betveen 3—6 GHiz at any ditance lrger than halfthe probe t
            diameterfrom the boundary.

           Certficate No: EX3—3016_Apri8                                 Page 5 of 11

en e wwenwa se w                        £o ie se sagtny ww n raws w se reprs esw oo upprene                                                         cugee e ied

              Ex3DVé— SN:3016                                                                                                          April 25, 2018

              DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3916

              Calibration Parameter Determined in Body Tissue Simulating Media

                   1(uia©         P-?-:Ii:t'i‘:i:y'   cm(‘sfl;::)""my   ConvEX        ConvEY        ComvEZ_|     Alpha® j{fl')u               (E:;)
                       2450            52.7               1.95            769           769          789          0.36        0.90        £ 12.0 %

                       2600            52.5               2.16            742           742          742          041         0.90        +12.0 %

                       5200            49.0               5.30            4.66         4.66          4.86         0.50        1.90        £13.1%

                       5300            48.9               542             444          444           444          0.50        1.90        £18.1%

                       5500            48.6               5.65            4.23         4.23          423          0.50        1.90        £13.1%

                       5600            48.5               5.77            4.02         4.02          4.02         0.50        1.90        £13.1%

                       5800            48.2               6.00            431          431           431          0.50        1.90        +13.1%

              © Frequency vallity above 300 Niz f + 100 Mz only apples for DASY vé.4 and higher (se0 Pago 2), lse it is restrted to x 50 MHz. The
              unceraintis the RSS of the Convunsertinty atcalbratonfrequency and the uncertainy forthe indcated frequency band, Frequency valdity
              below 300 MHz s 2 10,25, 40, 50 and 70 Mz for Conve assessments at 30, 64, 128, 150 and 220 MHz respectvely. Above 5 Ghiz frequency
              valldty can be extended to x 110 Mz
              * Atfequencios below 3 GHz,the valdtyof esue parameters (tand «) can be relaxed to + 10% i lould componsation formula is appled to
              measured SAR values. Afrequencies above 3 Giiz,the valdtyo tssue paramaters (s and o)is resticted to : 5%. The uncertainty is the RSS of
              the Gonv: uncertainty for ncicated targetssue parametors
              * Alpha/Depth are deternined during calbration. SPEAG warants that the remaining doviaton due to the boundary offet after compensation is
              always loss than + 1% forfroquencies below 3 GHiz and below 2 2% fo freguencies betwaen 36 GHiz at any ditance larger than hallthe probe tp
              diameter from the boundary

              Certficate No: EX3—3016_Aprt8                                  Page 6 of 11

enemnirownwapie riws                        «smm wire sappyiiny sn n ce wune copen

D Dt&C

   ExsDV4— SN:3016                                                                                        April 25, 2018

                                               Frequency Response of E—Field
                                                    (TEM—Cell:if110 EXX, Waveguide: R22)
            Frequency response {normalized)

                                              Uncertainty of Frequency Responseof E—field: £ 6.3% (k=2)

  Certficate No: EX3—3016_Apri8                                     Page 7 of 11

  D Dt&C

              EX3OV4~ SN:3916                                                                                              Apri 25, 2018

                                                Receiving Pattern (¢), 8 = 0°

                                     1=600 MHz,TEM                                              1=1800 MHz,R22

                         ve     .                                                   wc.    .- #*   7 £                       s
                                §*                                                          f      yag

                              as          %    ‘_--‘        us                             m    .*-._ y _-" f      us

                                —              Cm                      .      —           sls            Cam
                          *                                      s                   *
                         To                                      2                  To

                                    C           *                          RolF]
                                     m%l(z                  SC%Z                          flilfi}fl               ES@HI

                                              Uncertainty of Axial Isotropy Assessment: + 0.5% (k=2)

             Gerificate No: EX3—3916_ Apri8                          Page 8 of 11

bavme wwwapive ies                      1smm sine wopgiiy uie e raunes w sn nmss uon aprprevan                                             cugse uwivey


   Exsove— SN3916                                                                                         Aprl 25, 2018

                                         Dynamic Range f(SARpeaq)
                                                   (TEM cell , fevar= 1900 MHz)


                      3 108
                      = 104


                                             I           I         423        1             T
                               10t          108         101        10         10           10        10
                                                              SAR {mWiemg]
                                                 C                                C8]
                                           not compensated                    compensated


                                  108        102        101        10      101        toe       10
                                                              SAR [mWiems]
                                            not compansatec                  compersated

                                        Uncertainty of Linearity Assessment: £ 0.6% (k=2)

   Certficate No: EX3—3016_Apri8                              Page 9 of 11


   Ex3OV«— SN:3016                                                                                                 Apri 25, 2018

                                       Conversion Factor Assessment
                 1= 2450 MHz.WGLS R22 (H_con?)                               1= 2450 MHz.WGLS R22 (M_convt)

                             &                                         i0
                                        ;                               +                     ol
                       Iapiirenfiiatersr ied      ts                    gfrizzmmee
                        e    o# a) $          m s on                     s   0+    on ca
                                 im                                                   «im
                      wlz                   marne                                s
                                                                                wl                         a

                                      Deviation from Isotropy in Liquid
                                                     Error (6, 9), £= 900 MHz

                                 10      —08   0s    04    —02   0o     02    04    ce   o8        1.0
                                      Uncertainty of Spherical Isotropy Assessment: £ 2.6% (k=2)

   Cerificate No: EX3—3916_Apri8                            Page 10 of 11

D Dt&C

   EX3DV4— SN:3916                                             April 25, 2018

   DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3916

   Other Probe Parameters
    Sensor Arrangement                                          Triangular
    Connector Angle (*)                                               88.3
    Mechanical Surface Detection Mode                             enabled
    Optical Surface Detection Mode                                disabled

    Probe Overall Length                                          337 mm
    Probe Body Diameter                                             10 mm
    Tip Length                                                       9 mm
    Tip Diameter                                                   2.5 mm
    Probe Tip to Sensor X Calibration Point                          1 mm
    Probe Tip to Sensor Y Calibration Point                          1 mm
    Probe Tip to Sensor Z Calibration Point                          1 mm
    Recommended Measurement Distance from Surface                  1.4 mm

   Certificate No: EX3—3916_Apr18              Page 11 of 11

  D Dt&C                                                         .                                    _                                                     1

                  —     Laboratory of                                                                         s     Schweizerischer Kallbrerdienst
            Schmid & Partner                                                                                  @5 Service        sulsse d‘élalonnage
               Engineering AG                                                                                 s Servislo svizzoro ditaratura
            Zoughavsstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland                                                            Swiss Callbration Service

            Acoredited by the Swiss Accredtation Service (GAS)                                                Accreditation No.: SCS 0108
            The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the signatories to the EA
            Multiateral Agreemont for the roeagnition of calbration cortifeatos
            Glient      DT&C (Dymstec)                                                             Certficate No: EX3—3866_May18

            Object                              EX3DV4 — SN:3866

            Galiration procedure(s)             QA CAL—O1/9, OA CAL—14.v4, QA CAL—23.v5, QA CAL—25.v6
                                                Callbration procedure for dosimetric E—field probes

            Galiration date:                    May 31, 2018

            This calbyation centicate documents the vaceabilty to nationalstandards, which realzethe physical uns of measurements (S).
            The measurements and the urcertainties with conidence probabilty are given on the folowing pages and are part of the cortfcalo
            All albrations have been conducted in the closed laboratary faclty: envronment temperature(2+ 3)°C and humidty < 70%

            Gatiration Equipmont used (W8TE crticalfor calbraton}

             Primary Standards                 6                             Gal Dste (Certfcate No)                       Scnediuled Galtration
             Pover moter NRP                   stt toir7e                    od—Aer‘18 (No.217—02erzmzer9)                 Apcrd
             Power sensor NRP—Z31              sn rospes                     04—Apr18 (No. 217—02072)                      Aocto
             Power sensor NR®—Z31              sh: rosis                     oi—Apr16 (No.217.02073)                       Aser9
             Reference 20 dB Atenator__ |      5N: S277 (20%)                d4—Apr18 (No. 217—02002)                      Aper9
             Reference Probe ESIDV2            si:sore                       30—Dec—17 (No. ES3—3013_Dect?)                Dec—18
             oage                              ES                            21—Dec—17 (No. DAEA—G60.Dect?)                Dec18

             Secondary Standards               10                            Check Date (n house)                          Scheciled Chedk
             Pover meter E44198                sNt ameirsaor                 0—Apr—16 (n house chack Jun—18)               In houso chacks Jun—18
             Power sensor E44T2A               Sn mverassont                 06—Ape18 (in house check Jun—16)              In house chesis Jun—t8
             Power sensor E44128               sht ooot10zt0                 06—Apr1 (in house chack Jun—16)               in house chacks Jun—t8
             RF generetor HP 26480             sn: usserzuor7o0              04—Aug99 (n house chack Jun—18)               in house checks Jur—18
             Network AnalyzerHP arsse          SN: usersooses                18—00t01 (n house check Oct17)                in house check: Oct—16
                                                 Name                               Function                                 Signatire
             Caltrated by:                      Jeton Kastrat                       Laboratoy Technicin O\/J

             Approved by:                       Katla Pokovie                       Technical Manager             M

                                                                                                                            InsuedMay 81, 2018
             "Thiscallation centicate shal not be reproduced excentin fl wihout writen approvalof he lboratory

            Gertficate No: EX3—3806_May18                                  Page 1 of 39

en e wwenwa se w                            £o ie se sagtny ww n raws w se reprs esw oo upprene                                                       cugee e rves

  D Dt&C                                                    .                               _                                                1

                   C       Laboratory of                                                              g.    Sctwolzorischor Kallbrrdionst
            Schmid & Partner                                                                          _     Service suisse détalonnage
               Engineering AG                                                                         «g—   Servizio aviezore dtaratura
            Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland                                                    Swiss Callbration Service

            Aceredted bythe Swiss Accroditaion Sorica (SAS)                                            Accreditation No.: SCS 0108
            The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the signatoriosto the EA
            Multiatoral Agrooment for the recognition of callration cortfieates
            NORMicy,z                   sensitivity in free space
            GonvE                       sensitvity in TSL / NORMiy,2
            DoP                         diade compression point
            CF                          crest factor (1/duty_cycle) of the RF signal
            A,8,C. D                    modulation dependent inearization parameters
            Polarization o              1» rotation around probe axis
            Polarization 8              8 rotation around an axis that is in the plane normal to probe axis (at measurement center},
                                        Le., 8 = 0 is normal to probeaxis
            Gonnector Angle             information used in DASY system to align probe sensor X to the robot coordinate system
            Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
                  a)    IEEE Std 1528—2013, "IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial—Averaged Speciic
                     Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless Communications Devices: Measurement
                     Techniques®, June 2013
                  b) 1EC 62200—1, *, "Measurement procedure for the assessment of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) from hand—
                     held and body—mounted devices used next to the ear (frequency range of 300 MHz to 6 GHz}*, July 2016
                  c    12C 62200—2, "Procedure to determine the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for wireless communication devices
                       used in close proximity to the human body (frequency range of 30 MHz to 6 GHz)®, March 2010
                  d)   KDB 865664, "SAR Measurement Requirements for 100 MHz to 6 GHz"
            Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
                  *    NORMxy,z: Assessed for E—field polarization 9 = 0 (f < 900 MHz in TEM—celt 1> 1800 MHz: R22 waveguide).
                       NORMxy,z are only intermediate values, Le., the uncertainties of NORMx.y,z does not affect the E*—field
                       uncertainty inside TSL (see below Conv).
                  *    NORM(Mxy,2 = NORMxy,z * frequency_response(see Frequency Response Chart). This lincarization is
                       implemented in DASY4 software versions later than 4.2. The uncertainty of the frequency responseis included
                       in the stated uncertainty of ConvF.
                  *    DCPxy,z: DCP are numerical linearization parameters assessed based on the data of power sweep with CW
                       signal (no uncertainty required). DCP does not depend on frequency nor media.
                  *    PAR: PAR is the Peak to Average Ratio that is not calibrated but determined based on the signal
                  +    Auyie Bxyie: Coye: Dioy,e: VRey,z: A, B, C, D are numerical linearization parameters assessed based on
                       the data of power sweep for specific modulation signal. The parameters do not depend on frequency nor
                       media. VR is the maximum callbration range expressed in RMS voltage across the diode.
                  *    ConvF and Boundary Effect Parameters: Assessed in fiat phantom using E—feld (or Temperature Transfer
                       Standard for f s 800 MHz) and inside waveguide using analytical feld distributions based on power
                       measurements for 1 > 800 MHz. The same setups are used for assessment of the parameters applied for
                       boundary compensation (alpha, depth) of which typical uncertainty values are given. These parameters are
                       used in DASY4 software to improve probe accuracy close to the boundary. The sensitivityin TSL corresponds
                       to NORMxy,z * ConvF wherebythe uncertainty corresponds to that given for ConvF. A frequency dependent
                       ConvF is used in DASY version 4.4 and higher which allows extending the validity from + 50 MHz to + 100
                +      Spherical isotropy (3D deviation from isotropy); in a field of low gradients realized using a flat phantom
                       exposed by a paich antenna.
                  *    Sensor Offset: The sensor offset corresponds to the offeet of vitual measurementcenter from the probe tip
                       (on probeaxis). No tolerance required.
                  +    Connector Angle: The angle is assessed using the information gained by determining the NORMs (no
                       uncertainty required).

            Certficate No: EX3—3866_May18                                Page 2 of 39

en e wwenwa se w                       £o ie se sagtny ww n raws w se reprs esw oo upprene                                              cugee rvies

D Dt&C

     EX3DVs — SN:3806

                          Probe EX3DV4


                                       Manufactured:           February 2, 2012
                                       Calibrated:             May 31, 2018

                                     Calibrated for DASY/EASY Systems
                                         (Note: non—compatible with DASY2 system!)

     Certficate No: EX3—3866_May18                    Page 3 of 39

w ie ces                    1smm sine wopgiiy uie e raunes w sn nmss uon aprprevan   cugner m ivey

  D Dt&C

            Exsove— sh:3065                                                                                                             May 31, 2018

            DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3866
            Basic Calibration Parameters
                                                           Sensor X                          Sensor Y                 Sensor            Une(k=2)
             Norm (uVi(VimY)                                  o43                              o32                       o3s             £10.1%
             DGP (my)"                                        ce                               fork                      1054
            Modulation Calibration Parameters
             vib           Communication System Name                                  A            s          c           b       vr        Une®
                                                                                      aB         dBviy                   as       mV        (ke2)
             0             ow                                                   x     |_o0        o0          10         o0      irs       133%
                                                                                v     o0          o0          10                 1429
                                                                                2z    o0          oo          10                 es
            Note: For details on UID parameters see Appendix.

            Sensor Model Parameters
                                C1           C2             a               T            T2             T3          T4           T5          Té
                                i2            if           ve          msV*           |_ms\~*           ms          ys           ve
                              61.34        450.3          34.79            20.71       0.897          5.071        0.953        0.532      1.007

                              35.07        270.0          36.93            7.616       0.990          4.996        0.120        0.508      1.005
                              siso          P67           ss4z             s46s        oeir           aser         2o00         007        1.005

             The reported uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement
             multiplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage
             probability of approximately 95%.

            ‘ The uncertaintiosof Norm XY.2 do not affect the E—feld uncertainy inside TSL (see Pages 5 and 6)
            * NumercalIincarization parameter: uncertainty not required.
            * Uncertainy is determined using the max. deviation rom inear response anplying rectangulrdistrbution and is expressed forthe square of the
            field value.

            Cortficate No: EX3—3806_May18                                       Page 4 of 39

en e wwenwa se w                         £o ie se sagtny ww n raws w se reprs esw oo upprene                                                              cugee: rearves

  D Dt&C

              Exsovi— shisa66                                                                                                          May 31, 2018

              DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3866

              Calibration Parameter Determined in Head Tissue Simulating Media

                  MCLSk          Pe':r:lliattlii\‘l/iiy‘   Co?sd;::‘::]s   ConvEX    ConvFY     ConvEZ_|     Aipha®      D{’,:'.’"“f       (l::;)
                     750                410                    o.80         ioie       foie      fois          o4%        oso            i120%
                     sas                415                    0.00         a62        a.62       a62          ose        o%s            £120%
                     200                415                    oor          9.40       9.40       9.40         o40        o%2            £120%
                     1750               40.1                   137          8.38       838        838         os4         08             £120%
                     1900               40.0                   140          808        803        803         o2r         o8f            £120%
                     2300               sos                    167          7.e6       786        786         aso         o8s            £120%
                     2450               so.2                   1.80         745        745        745         os4         082            £120%
                     2600               39.0                   196          722        722        722         ose         o8s            £120%
                     3500               37.0                   201          seo        6.80       5.89        020          125           #13.1%
                     s200               2e.0                   466          5.14       5.14       5.14        o4o          180           a19.1%
                     5300               35.0                   4.76         495        4.95       4.95        040          180           £131%
                     5500               356                    406          4681       461        461         040          180           £181%
                     seoo               35.5                   sor          4.52       452        4.52        040         180            £13.1%
                     seoo               35.3                   s2r          460        469        460         o40         180            a131%

             © Frequency valdity above 300 Mz of 2 100 Mz only applesfor DASY vi.4 and higher (see Page 2), olsit is resticted to 2 50 MHz. The
             uncertainty is the RSS ofh Conve uncertainy atcaltration frequency and the uncertaityfor the incleated requency band. Frequency valdty
             below 300 Mz is + 10, 25, 40, 50 and 70 MHtzfor Convr assessments at 30, 64, 128, 150 and 220 MHiz respectvely. Above 5 GHiz frequency
             valiity can be extended to + 110 Ntz
             "Atfrequenties below 3 GHz,the valdty of issue parameters e and a) can be relasad to + 10% if lquid compensation fomula is appled to
             measured SAR values. Afrequencies above 3 GHiz, the valdily of issue parameters (t and a)is restfcted to + 5%. The uncerta s the RSS of
             the Conuncertaintyfor ncloated target tesue parametors
             * AlghalDepthare determinad during calbration. SPEAG warrants tat the remaining deviaton due t the boundary effet after compensatonis
             always ess than + 1% for freauencies below 3 GHizand below + 2% for requencies betsen 3. GHiz at any ditancelargerthan hal the probetp
             diameterfom the boundary.

              Certifcate No: EX3—3866_May18                                   Page 5 of 30

bavme wwwapive ies                           1smm sine wopgiiy uie e raunes w sn nmss uon aprprevan                                                   cugner revivey

  D Dt&C

              EX3DV~ SN:3806                                                                                                          May 31, 2018

              DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3866

              Calibration Parameter Determined in Body Tissue Simulating Media
                                    Relative        Conductivity                                                           Depth           Une
                 1(mbte)©        Pormittivity®          (Sim)"         ConvFX       ConvEY        ConvFZ       Alpha®       |__(mm)        (ke2)
                     7so              s5.5               o06             o0           9.50          9.50         o.ss        o8r        £120%
                     835              55.2               0.97            943          943           9.43         042         0.80       £12.0 %

                     800              55.0               1.05            as7          a.57          a.57         048         080        £120%
                     1750             53.4               149             7.95         7.95          7.95         0.39        0.80       £12.0%

                     1900             53.3               152             7.68         7.68          7.68         0.30        0.85       £12.0%

                     2300             52.9               1.81            7.50         7.50          7.50         0.39        0.85       £12.0%

                     2450             s2.7               1.95            740          740           740          043         080        £120%
                     2600             52.5               2.16            728          728           728          025         105|       £120%
                     3500             51.3               331             643          643           643          028         120|       £13.1%
                     s200             49.0               5.30            160          160           1.69         0.50        180|       a13.1%
                     5300             48.9               542             450          4.50          4.50         0.50        1.90       £13.1%

                     5600             48.6               se5             3.95         3.95          3.95         0.50        180        £13.1%
                     5600             48.5               5.77            3.87         387           3.87         0.50        1.90       £18.1%

                     5800             48.2               6.00            4.16         4.16          4.16         0.50        1.90       £13.1%

              © Frequency valty above 300 Mz of + 100 NFz only agples for DASY vét and higher (ee Page 2}, elsit is resticted o = 50 MHz. The
              uncertainty is the RSS of the Gonve uncertainy at calbrationfrequency and the uncertainyfotheindleated requency band. Frequency valdty
              below 300 MHz is + 10, 25, 40, 50 and 70 MHfor Conv® assessments at 30, 64, 128, 10 and 220 Mz respectvely. Above 5 Gitz frequency
              vality can be axtended to £ 110 Mz
              " Atfrequenciesbelow 3 GHiz,the vallityof lesue paramotors(s and a) can be relased t + 10% i liquid compensation formula is applied to
              measured SAR values. Afrequencies above 3 GHtz,the vaidty of iss narameters (sand «)is restrctod to + 5%. The uncerain is the RSS of
              the ConyF uncertaintyfor incicated targetssue parameters
              * AlphalDepth are determined during caltration. SPEAG warrants tatth remaining devition due t the boundary effet after compensation is
              always less than = 19% for requenciesbelow 3 Griz and below % 2% fofrequencies between 3—4 Gitz t any cistance larger n hallthe prove tp
              diameter rom the boundary

              Certfcate No: EX3—3808_May18                                  Page 6 of 39

bavme wwwapive ies                        1smm sine wopgiiy uie e raunes w sn nmss uon aprprevan                                                       cugeer rovivey

  D Dt&C                                                             .                              _                                      1

            EXGDV4— SN:386G                                                                                           May 31, 2018

                                                          Frequency Response of E—Field
                                                               (TEM—Cell:if110 EXX, Waveguide: R22)
                     Frequency response (normalized)

                                                         Uncertainty of Frequency Response of E—field: + 6.3% (k=2)

            Certficate No: EX3—3866._May18                                      Page 7 ot 30

en e wwenwa se w                                       £o ie se sagtny ww n raws w se reprs esw oo upprene                           cugee reviees

D Dt&C

        Ex3DV4— SN:3866                                                                                                              May 31, 2018

                                                    Receiving Pattern (¢), 8 = 0°

                                      £=600 MHz,TEM                                                   121800 MHz,R22

                         we      >      R                             0                   ve      >                              .

                                             s          A
                                                                                           a                s   ®   m
                                                                                                                        s             =©

                          To                 X                ¥       2                   To                X           v              £

             Eror (dB]


                         «54.                m
                                     4‘&0‘          I»‘\:bfl       “"éD‘           0
                                                                             I‘;“‘Isiflll                            I‘Jflllll‘ifl‘
                                       mlfi'TMLz                     Efl%z                       |erfiTFAIHx                   25%»11

                                                  Uncertainty of Axial Isotropy Assessment: £ 0.5% (k=2)

         Certficate No: EX3—3068_May18                                     Page 8 of 39

w werwepise s                                                                                                                                       cugee rviees

  D Dt&C                                                                       .                                  _                                        1

           Exsove— sh:asse                                                                                                           May 31, 2018

                                                                     Dynamic Range f(SARneaq)
                                                                               (TEM cell , fo,4= 1900 MHz)


                             Input Signal (uV)



                                                              10°       102            101          10       10           10    10
                                                                                             SAR (mWiom]
                                                                       not compensated                       compensated
                                                 Eror (dB]

                                                                         102           tor         io       10                 10
                                                                                   .         SAR [mWomd]
                                                                              )                                 C#]
                                                                        not compensated                     compensated
                                                                    Uncertainty of Linearity Assessment: £ 0.6% (k=2)

            Certficate No: EX3—3066_May18                                                    Page 9 of 30

en e wwenwa se w                                             £o ie se sagtny ww n raws w se reprs esw oo upprene                                    cugees rer rves

D Di&C                                              .                                      _                                                     1

     Exsov«— sN:38ss                                                                                                       May 31, 2018

                                    Conversion Factor Assessment
                       (=835 MHz.WGLS R9 (1_com)                                    f= 1900 MHz.VGLS R22 (_conve)

               s0) A
           $                                                              ;
               is                                                             &

               ast                                                            +                              _
               Sifess rvntmetcrnd              sevicess                       sha                                             s
                    C      """sC4"I
                               ifin                     C#    %o%             ¥*4"%               x
                                                                                                 siim                            a
                          sille                 wites                                   sb                       williee

                                    Deviation from Isotropy in Liquid
                                                        Error (§, 8), f= 900 MHz

                                  —10   —os   —o6        o4   —02)   00       02      04   0s    08     10
                                    Uncertainty of Spherical Isotropy Assessment: £2.6% (k=2)

     Cerificate No: EX3—3806_May18                              Page 10 of 39

w ie ces                      1smm sine wopgiiy uie e raunes w sn nmss uon aprprevan                                                      cugner revivey

 m Dt&c                                         Report No.: DRRECC1904—0043(1)                            FCC ID: ZNFGB10EAW

          ExsDVe— SN:3806                                                                                   May 31, 2018

          DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3866

          Other Probe Parameters
           Sensor Arrangement                                                                               Trangular
           Connector Angle (°)                                                                                    a16
           Mechanical Surface Detection Mode                                                                   enabled
           Optical Surface Detection Mode                                                                     disabled
           Probe Overall Length                                                                               337 mm
           Probe Body Diameter                                                                                  10 mm
           Tip Lengh                                                                                             9 mm
           Tip Diamcter                                                                                        2.5 mm
           Probe Tip to Sensor X Calibration Point                                                               1 mm
           Probe Tip to Sensor Y Calibration Point                                                               1 mm
           Probe Tip to Sensor Z Calibration Point                                                               1 mm
           Recommended Measurement Distance from Surface                                                       14 mm

          Certficate No: EX3—3066_ May18                      Page 11 0f 39

TReRreonsreno                     Pronoits ine copying and re—Jssue of this report winout DT&G approval                    Pages: 189 325

  D Dt&C

            ExsDVi— shissss                                                                                        May 31, 2018
            Appendix: Modulation Calibration Parameters
             uib       Communication System Name                      A          &         c         o      ve         Max
                                                                     as       dBvay                 ds      mV         Une®
            o          ow                                     x     [_o00     o0          100       |_o00   i2es      233%
                                                              Y     |0.00     000|        100               1120
                                                              z     |_o00     000         _|_1.00           1523
            10010—     SAR Valldation (Gauare, 10Ome, Tome)   X     496|      7403       14.55      1000    200       £96%
                                                              y      |_iso    szer       625                200
                                                              2z     iss      saei       870                200
            Toor‘—     umits—roo weowa)                       x      146      7ase       1010       o00     1900      296 %
                                                              v     ose       sees       e                  1500
                                                              2z    |_ins     |_saei     1641               1500
            Toorz—     ie€E so2.110 wiri 24 onz (Dase, 1      x     1ar       seis       ior        041     is00      290%
            cas        Mops)
                                                              y     for       sase       feoi               1500
                                                              2|    112|      sada       1548               1500
            Toors—     iEEE so2.11o wiri 24 onz (psse:        xX    sor       sees       irsr       146     is00      290%
            cas        OFDM, 6 Mops)
                                                              y     |_a50     sast       1675               1500
                                                              z     |aei      sass       1687               1500
            Toor:—     Gsntrpo (Toun, Gvsr)                   x    10000      11834      28.00      930     soo       £96%
                                                              y     |_a30     rist       fase               so0
                                                              2z   |_foas     s217       17.30              so0
            Toozs—     GrRS—FDD (TDMA, GMSK, TNO)             x    10000      fieas      28.09      957     500       £96%
                                                              y     i0        yosr       19                 500
                                                              2     |_Ta      Thee       1691               so0
            Too2é—     GPRS—FDD (TDVA, GMSK, TNO)             X    0000       masr       2719       655     600       £96%
                                                              y      |_2ar    sez        too                s00
                                                              2z    |_soer    10022      P1.52              co0
            Toozs—     EDGE—FDD (TOMA, BrsK, TNO)             xX     72e      sses       sa51       1257    500       £96%
                                                              v     336|      sase       Poss               so0
                                                              2z    |_aso     7280       2ees               so0
            Tooze—     EDGEFDD (TDVASPSK, NO—1)               x     isar      fosar      aree       a5e     600       £96%
                                                              v  680          |_sims_|   maes               s00
                                                              z740            |_srie     so2e               s00
            Toorr—     GrRe—FoD (TOMA, GMSR, TNo—1—2)         x 1onod         t14e9      ze.s«      480     soo       +26%
                                                              y     iar       sare       si0                200
                                                              2    10000      10355      2047               ©0.0
            Toors—     GrRe—rDD (TDVA, GMSK, TNO1—23)         x    10000      m1ea7      268        355     1000      £95%
                                                              y     |or       s&ass      sa1                Tood
                                             m                z    fooos      1oass      198                1000
            10029—     EDGE—FDD (TDMA, BPSK, TN 0—12)         X     10.04     9412       31.99      780     80.0      29. %
                                                              y     |aes      yoza       mss                so0
                                                              2z    |_are     |_7r7e_|   2540               200
            10030—     iEEE 802Z.15.1 Buewom(GrSR, DH1)       X    10000      11928      2a21       530     700       +96%
                                                              y      iso      sisr        sar               Too
                                                              2     |_faot    _|_saot    10.17              Too
            Toost—     iEEE 802.15.1 Bustoon (GrSK, DHi3)     X    100.00     12046      2e.a8      188     1000      £95%
                                                              y     |_oze     som         377               1000
                                                              2z   1ooc0      sro1|      16.08              1000

           Cortficate No: EX3—3066_ May18                     Page 12 of 30

en e wwenwa se w                   £o ie se sagtny ww n raws w se reprs esw oo upprene                                            cugee reviveo

 D Dt&C

            exsova—sn:ssee                                                                                         May 31, 2018
             Toos2—     1EEE802.15.1 Buetoon (Grsk, brs)       x    1000       igade     a101       117    1000       298 %
                                                               y     208       Piase     1908              Tooo
                                                               z_   100.00     |_96.12   _|_15.00          1000
             Tooss      iEEE802.15.1 Biuetoon (PV4DaPSR,       X    10000      12071     s6e2       530    700        £96%
             cA         o)
                                                               y     sar        Teor     foss              7oo
                                                               2     sis        Tess     1880              Too
             10034—|    IEEEB0Z16.1 Buetoom (PV4DaPSK,         x     se2s      mess      ai11       189    1000       £96%
             cA         pH3)
                                                               YJ1s            sns       mar               Toon
                                                               2z 210          Tase      fase              1000
             10085      iEEE 802.15.1 Bluetoon (Pi4—Darah,     x  1007         arse      2600       117    1000       £96%
             CAA        DrHs)
                                                               y     102       size      1oze              1000
                                                               z     iss       ros       1373              1000
             T00s6—     TEEE 802.15.1 Bluetoom (@—DPSR, DH1)   X    10000      18010     s6.71      §30    700        £96%
                                                               y     s7o       tarm      1033              Too
                                                               2z    641|      sass      1972              7oo
             T0o3r—     1EEE802.15.1 Buetoon (G:DPSX.DH3)      X     3436      11428     3054       186    1000       196 %
                                                               y     |_i2zs    ssar      fose              1000
                                                               z     iss       7iss      faos              100 0
             Toose:     IEEEBOZ15.1Biuetoom (@DPSK.DHo)        X     1100      sasr      2664       117    1000       96 %
                                                               y     ios       saos      fose              1000
                                                               Z     172       |_riso|   1406              1000
             10039—     CDMAZ000 (IRTT, RG1)                   x     a41       #aii      2ige       000    1500       196%
                                                               y   |_oss       siss      oor               1500
                                                               z|_1so          Tase      1611              1500
             10042:     18—54 / I6—136 FDD (TOMAFFDM, Pl4—     X    100.00     11207     26.26      776    50.0       £0.6 %
             cas        DOPSK. Haltate)
                                                               y     22e       sass      999               5o0
                                                               2z    460       7are      1331              500
             Toosa——|   1S—B1EINTIASS3 FDD (FONMA. FM          x     oor       f2z0s     «07        000    1500       £96%
                                                               y     oss       fazos     |_o00             1500
                                                               z     |_oo2     t2s7s     100               1500
             Tooss—     DECT (ToD, TOMAFDM, GrSR, Ful          x    10000      fires     sior       1880   250        +986%
             can        Siot, 24)
                                                               y     aso       orar      foan              250
                                                               z     |_si9     roos      1431              250
             T0oS:      DECT (TDD, TOMATDM, Grsk, Double       x    10000      fi636     2ass       1079   400        196 %
             caA        Siot, 12)
                                                               y     |_a2zs    sane      1902              100
                                                               z     sar       Tasr      1427              100
             10056      UMTS—TOD(TD—SCDNMA, 1.28 Mops)         xX    Tat       is2       sare       ons    Soo        £96%
                                                               y     ons       Tore      i7is              500
                                                               2     907       8259      19.86             50.0
             Tooss—     |EDGEFDD(TOMA GPSK TNO123)             x     rar       sesi      2e41       655    1000       195%
                                                               y     372       oo        2ad               1000
                                                               2     376       Tses      s2se              1000
             T0055—     IEEE 802.11 Wiri 24 Griz (DSGS, 2      xX    141|      sa«e      821        oe1    i1oo       196%
             cas        Mops)
                                                               y     ns        6ize      1502              100
                                                               zJ    i14       essr      1599              1100
             Tooso—     iEEESOZT1b Wiri24GHz(DBSS,55           x    Toood      14028     s60s       130    1100       290 %
             cas        Mops)
                                                               y     a52       s2i0      2218              T100
                                                               Z     rasz      11645     s02e              1100

            Certficate No: EX3—3866_May18                      Page 13 of 39

is n nywag ie w                   10 oise wogpny ww n raas sn se repois isnn e e uce ns

 TD Dt&C

          Exsovi— s:2000                                                                                           May 31, 2018
           T0061—     |iEEESOZTiDWiF2Z4GHz(DSSS,11           X     s2i5      imiss     ss0r     204        1100       195%
           cas        Mops)
                                                             y      2o       Tess      for2                1100
                                                             2      23e      Teid      2086                1100
           10062      |iEEESOZTTahWriSGHz(OFDM.6             x      «es      sese      foss     049        1000       +95%
           cac        Mops)
                                                             y      |_asr    soss     foz                  1000
                                                             2      443      |_6080_|_16.40                1000
           10063      iEEESOZ tiamWirisGHz(OrDM.9            x      ass      sr11     fess      072        1000       296%
           cac        Mops)
                                                             y      436      sees      fesr                1000
                                                             2z     |_a4     seor      1647                1000
           10064      IEEE 807 t1aih Wiri 5 GHz (OFom, 12    xX     5.10     6741      1717     0.86       100.0      206 %
           cac        Mops)
                                                             y     |_as2     sest      feso                1oo8
                                                             2     167|      or13      1663                1000
           10065—     |iEEESOZtiamWiri5GHz(DFDM, 18          x     s0s       sr3e      12e      121        1000       196%
           cac        Mops)
                                                             y     |a40      sese      1655                1000
                                                             z     |_ase     _|_cose   toss                1000
           10066      IEEESOZTiamWirisGrz(OroM.24            x     508       erse      1747     148        1000       296%
           cac        Mops)
                                                             y     |_aso     sees      1ess                1000
                                                             2z    asi       cos2      1680                1000
           foosr—     |EEESUZTamWFiSGHz(OrDM, 36             x     535       erse      ies      204        1000       199%
           cac        Mops)
                                                             y     «79       seso      is                  1000
                                                             2z    ase       oria      1723                1000
           1o0ss—     iEEESOZTiamWirisGHz(OFDM. 48           x     544       ores      fe14     255        1000       290%
           cac        Mops)
                                                             y     asz       coat      imze                1000
                                                             z     ass       sros      1735                1000
           10069—     IEEE 802. 11aih WiFi 6 GHz (OFDM, 54   X      5.51     67.49     1627     267        1000       £96%
           cac        Mbps)
                                                             Y     aso       sess      is                  1000
                                                             2|    aor       |oroa     i7ss                1000
           Toori—     1€EE 802. 119 Wiri 24 Cz               X     s1z       sros      rss      199        1000       £90%
           cas        (DSSS/OFDM, 9 Mbps)
                                                             y     |_ase     _|_sese   1701                1000
                                                             2z    |_a70     |_seas    i7                  1000
           Toorz—     iEEE 802.119 Wiri 24 Cz                x     s1        ars2      ies      230        1000       +96%
           cas        (DSSE/OFDM; 12 Mops)
                                                             y     |_as2     sess      1717                Tood
                                                             2z    |a6o      sr0e      1727                1000
           Toors—     iEEE 802ig Win24 Gnez                  xX    s21       sree      faze     283        1000       £96%
           cas        (DSSS/OFOM, 18 Mbps)
                                                             y     [_ass     _|_sror   1747                1000
                                                             2     [_an      sr2s      irse                100.0
           Toora—     EEE 802 119 Win 24 GHz                 x     sis       erse      feas     330        1000       £86%
           cas       "(SSs/OFDM, 24 Mops)
                                                             y     «se       soss      i7                  1000
                                                             2     [_an      sri7      1770                1000
           Toors—     IEEE 8021i WiFi 24 CHz                 x     sze       srar      iess     382        soo        £96%
           cas        (DSSS/OFDM, 36 Mops)
                                                             y     |_a7s     seeo      iss                 5o0
                                                             2     1e        ori8_|    1792                $0.0
           Toore—     i€EE a02. tig Wiri 24 CHz              x     szs       sres      fess     415        w00        £96%
           cas        (DSSS/OFDIM 48 Mbps)
                                                             y     |a7m      sese      is0                 s00
                                                             z     |_aze     |_sr0e    1808                $0.0
           Toorr—     t€eE a02.tig Wiri 24 GHz               xX    s2        sres      fase     30         soo        £95%
           cas        (DSSS/OFDIM 54 Mbps)
                                                             y     |_ae1     sose      fen                 $00
                                                             2     as1       or1s      18.i9               $0.0

          Certficate No: EX3—3006_May18                      Page 14 of 39

h nw n ie cows                    orvmmema sire wopeiny uis ie raumes w wing reprns inninan umm uppivers

  D Dt&C                                             .                               _                                           1

               Ex3ove— sh:ses6                                                                                   May 31, 2018
                Toos1——|   CoMMZ00(hatt?, RCS)                  xX    t         Tess     isz6     on0    is00       +56%
                                                                y     |_a40     sose     636             1500
                                                                z     |_o7o     esar     1089            1500
                1oosz:     18—54 15—136 FDD (TOMAFOM, Pia—      x     osr       eood     §20      a7r    so0        +96%
                cas        DGPSK, Fultate)
                                                                Y     62e       serr     |_seo           200
                                                                2     |_i47     esos     sor             200
                10080      GeRS—FoD(TowA, GMSK, TN0—4)          x    fooo0      madz     2ri8     656    co0        £96%
                                                                Y     251       6530     11.07           60.0
                                                                2z    orse      fosas    2138            eo0
                Toosr—     ums:rop (ebra)                       x     210       Toa      mss      on0    1800       +30%
                                                                Y     |_tss     eree     1505            1500
                                                                2z    192       Toir     1649            1500
                10098—     UMTS—FDD (HSUPA Sublest 2)           X     206       Toa      irsr     o00    1800       +35%
                                                                y     tss       srer     1508            1500
                                                                2z    iss       Tors     i6a7            1500
                10085—     EDGEFOD (TDVA SFSK, TN 0—4)          X     iess      fosar    seor     a5e    600        296%
                                                                y     |_7oz     sass     2570            so0
                                                                z     |_74s     a72e     |_so20          so0
                10100—     LTE—FOD (SC—FoWA, 100% RB, 20        x     a76       Tas?     is2r     on0    1500       +56%
                can        Mitz. OPSK)
                                                                Y     2s        sosr     1635            1500
                                                                2     |_s0s     Tiss     1724            1500
                Toto1—     LTE—FOD(GC—FDNMA, 100% RG, 20        x     349       seso     ferr     o0     is00       +96%
                cao        Miiz, 16.GAV)
                                                                y     |_297     erie     1562            1500
                                                                2     |_3.10    sr9r     1612            1500
                10102      LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 100% RB, 20        x     359       68.75    1681     0.00   1500       106%
                can        Miiz, 64—GAV)
                                                                Y     308       6724     15.76           1500
                                                                2|    sz        srer     1622            1500
                1010s—     LTE—TOD (6C:FoMA, 100% RS, 20        x     sa        Tsz      2206     39e    c50        £36%
                cao        Miiz, oPSi)
                                                                y     as        Tise     48              60
                                                                2     542       Taro     1953            ts0
                10104      LTE—TOD (GC—FDMA, 100% R&, 20        x     7.70      Te.73    2M       308    s5.0       296 %
                cap        MHz, 16—QAV)
                                                                y     532       Tiar     oo              se
                                                                2     |_sas     Taz      1942            sso
                1oi0s—     Lre—ToD (GC:FoMA, 100% R, 20         x     7os       Tess     mar      306    650        206%
                can        Niz, 64—GAV)
                                                                y     |_az      ECESmIREEXE              sso
                                                                2     5.14      7085     19.08           650
                10108—     LTE—FDD (€C—FDMA, 100% R&, 10        x     328       7258     18.09    0.00   150.0      196 %
                cae        vie, orsiq
                                                                Y     |_243     éo27     1618            1500
                                                                2z    |_265     Tore     1710            1500
                10108—     LrE—FOD (GC:roMa, 100% RB, 10        x     317       Geas     i6e1     one    ind        296%
                cas        Mitz. 16—0AM)
                                                                y     J_zei     arie     1545            150.0
                                                                2     2.76      65.08    16.06           1500
                10110—     LTE—FDD (GC—FoNa, 100% R&, 5 MiHz,   X     268       7iee     mss      000    1500       £85%
                cat        arsi)
                                                                y     181       esa1_|   1556            1500
                                                                2     |_21      Tooe     iss             1500
                To111—     LTEFDD (GCFDNMA. 1o0%Re, sMHz,       X     2904      yoor     ir4      000    1500       185%
                cae        16—0A0)
                                                                Y     236       6846     15.59           1500
                                                                2|    260       cosr     1663            1500

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TD Dit&C                                                                                                                                ,

          EX3OV4~ SN:3866                                                                                                May 31, 2018

           T0112;     LTE—FOD (GC—FOVA, 100% R&, 10           x    32        sase         1670       ooo         isoo       196%
           cae        MHz, 64—0At)
                                                             Y     2.74      67.25        1557                   1500
                                                             z[    280|      ca13|        163                    1500
           To115—     LTe—FDD (GC—FDVA100% RB, 5 Wiz,        X     aco       sane         14e        600         1500       25%
           cae        st—oAm)
                                                             Y     252|      saro_|       isss                   1500
                                                             2|    275       Tois         i67s                   1500
           10114      IEEE 802.11n (T Greentald, 13.5        X     |s23~|    sras         fees       000         1500       £96%
           cac        Mops, BPSK)
                                                             Y     484       67.00        16.28                  1500
                                                             2     450|      sr3e         ies                    1500
           10118      IEEE 8021 n (HT Greonfiold, 81 Mope,   xX    5.50      67.72        16.77      0.00        150.0      20.6%
           cac        16—0M)
                                                             Y     5.08      6708         1632                   1500
                                                             2     513       6737         1644                   150.0
           10116      IEEESOZ1in(HT Greenfeld, tosMops,      X     536       Gr.r4        1670       600         1500       #56%
           cac        64—0AM)
                                                             Y     492       6720         1631                   150.0
                                                             2     498       6782         1645                   1500
           10117      1E802.1in (HT Mvad, 13.5 Mops,         x     526|      sras         iess       ooo         is00       95%
           cac        sesiq
                                                             Y     483       6695         16.28                  150.0
                                                             2     489       6720         16.43                  1500
           T011       |IEEESOZTin(HTMed,BiMops, 16.          X     565       Grer         f68s       000         1500       56%
           cac        cam)
                                                             Y     5.16      6727         16.43                  150.
                                                             2     520       6752         16.53                  1500
           10119—     1EEE 802.11n (T Mxed, 136 Mops,64—     X     ass       aree         fe69       000         1800       255%
           cac        oaAM)
                                                             Y     492       67.19        1631                   1500
                                                             2z aer          ors1|        T646                   1800
           Tora0—     LTEFDD (GG—FDMA, 100% RB, 16           X  a66          sars         for2       000         1500       £90%
           can        MHz, 16—0AV)
                                                             y  310|         sr2s         iss                    T500
                                                             2|323           sres         f6d2                   1500
           Tordi—     LTEFDD (GC:FDN®, 100% RB, 1            xX |~ars        sars         eae        000         1800       £56%
           cap        MHz, 64.0AU)
                                                             Y     323       6743         15.88                  1500
                                                             2     336|      saie         1632                   1500
           10142      LTE—FDD (SG—FDMA, 100% RB, 3 MHz,      xX    250       7212         17.94      0.00        150.       £96%
           cap        arsiy
                                                             y     tss       saio         faer                   1500
                                                             2     184       7053         1623                   1500
           Toras.     LtEFDD (GCFDMA too% RB. 3Mz            x     245       mi4e         177        o00         1500       296%
           cap        16—0am)
                                                             y     212|      seas         mss                    1500
                                                             2     252       Ti          16.09                   1500
           1ora4—     LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 100% RB, 3 Miz,      x     262       68.06       1591        0.00        150.0      £9.6 %
           cap        s4—aam)
                                                             y     17e       sa2s         1236                   1so0
                                                             2z    |_200—|   sear         1349                   1500
           10145—     LTE—FDD(GG—FDMA, 100% RB, 1.4          x     208       7258         16.71      0.00        150.0      196 %
           cas        vbe, orsiq
                                                             y     |os>|     sons         6                      1500
                                                             2     0.76      61.85        827                    150.0
           Tords—     LTE—FOD (GC—FONMA, 100% RB, 14         x     474|      Te           es         ono         is00       #96%
           cae        NHz, 16—0AM)
                                                             Y     0.91      5o.01        6.14                   150.0
                                                             zi03            soss         |_a7s                  1500
           Tora7—     LTEFOD (GC—FOVA, 100% RB, 1.4          X &a2           seso        2079        00          1500       £96%
           cas        MHz, 64—0AY)
                                                             y—|ass          sore|        630                    1500
                                                             2     100       61.38        7.09                   150.0

          Certficate No: EX3—3866_May18                      Page 16 of 30

w e rewe ns ce                     ovmimema sire peiny uis ie raumes wse ropors       amninan w rone uppmveres

  D Dt&C

             exgove— sn:saee                                                                                 May 31, 2018
              Tors:      LTeFoD (GCFoNA. SokRE.romiz         x     si8       saer       iess   000   150        286 %
              can        16—0a0)
                                                             y—|_2es         |_sr2      1532         1600
                                                             2z  |_27e       sate       1612         150.
              Toiso:     LTeoD (Gc:roun, So% Re.2o Mnz       x   a20         sard       fess   o00   fsnd       296 %
              cap        st—aam)
                                                             y     |_275     sras       issz         1500
                                                             2z    |_280     sez        169          150.0
              Tois1—     LTe—oD (Gcroun. somRB.2oMiz         x     a2s       s2es       rase   395   650        266 %
              can        arsiq
                                                             y     |~s36     Tess       fass         so
                                                             2z    |_s77     Tess       se           s50
              Tois2:     LTe—Tob (Sc—roun, So% R&, roMiiz    x     738       70e        2i6s   395   650        s95%
              can        16—0a0)
                                                             y     |aa1      Tiie       1820         sso
                                                             2z    |_a98     |_720s_|   188          s50
              Toiss:     LTe—rod (Gc:roma, So% Re, 20 h      X     Tr2       thee       2237   395   s5o        z96 %
              can        s4—oam
                                                             Y     521|      72«        ress         so
                                                             2z    |_sso     7eso       1082         sso
              Torse—     LTE—FoD (Gcroum, sox Re toMiiz,     x     270       7240       1827   o00   1500       206 %
              cae        arsiq
                                                             y     se        seso_|     is86         1s0
                                                             z     220|      7oss       1699         1500
              Toigs—     LTEFDD (GC—rowa. SOKR& foNinz,      X     204       Tooo       1744   00    1500       295 %
              cae        is—oam)
                                                             y  237          saso       1572         1506
                                                             z260|           oor        1666         1500
              Totse:     LTEFDD (GCFDNMA, So% RB S Miiz      X  245          7aus       1825   000   1500       256 %
              cae        arsiq
                                                             y     1ds       arss       isas         1500
                                                             2     170       ros        is1          1500
              Totsr—     LTEFDD (GCFDMA.SO% RE.S MAz         x     25e       7our       1644   000   ts00       £96%
              cae        16.oAl)
                                                             y     1se       saos       tizs         1500
                                                             2     es        orse       mai          1500
              Toise—     LTE—FOD (Gc—ronk, so% Rerowiia      x     si0       roor       1751   600   1500       #95%
              cae        st—oam)
                                                             Y—|   253|      sas1_|     1sss         1500
                                                             2z    276|      _rozs      1683         1500
              Toiss:     LTEFDD(GCFOMA.SO%RE.SNHz,           x     272       ross       is1    000   1500       95%
              cae          .oam
                                                             y     16s       ssao       1207         1500
                                                             2z    194       orse       fase         1500
              Toreo—     LTE—FOD (Gc—roun, So% RB, ie Miz,   x     308       ross       1746   600   iso0       295 %
              cap        arsiq
                                                             y     248|      sast       1602         T500
                                                             z     2e«       sari       1674         1500
              Toig1—     LTEFDD(GCFDNA.SOkRE. sMiz           X     ai9       case       fe82   600   isoo       z95%
              can        16—0A0)
                                                             y     2es       arze       1548         T500
                                                             z|    280|      saze_|     1609         1500
              Torez:     LTe—FoD (GCroMA. so% Re. toMiiz.    x     20        sass       f68s   000   fsn0       295 %
              cao        seaam
                                                             y     27e       srss       1564         Teoo
                                                             2z    |_2o1     saas       1624         1500
              Tolss:     LTE—FOD (GCFONMA, So% Re, 14 NNz    x     404|      71.00      1990   301   is00       295 %
              cae        arsiy
                                                             y     si6—|     se         err          1500
                                                             z     330       yore       1966         1500
              Toter—     LTEFDD (GCFDNMA. So% RB, 12 NNz     X     536       7a7s       2005   301   is00       296 %
              cas        16—0aw)
                                                             y     s70       mier       fasr         1500
                                                             2|    ase       7564       2076         1500

             Certficate No: EX3—3866_May18                   Page 17 of 30

en e wwenwa se w                  £o ie se sagtny ww n raws w se reprs esw oo upprene                                   cugee reviveo

T Dt&C                                                                                                                                    |

           Ex3OV4— sh:s8es                                                                                                 May 31, 2018
            10t68—     LTE—FDD (GC—FDVA, 50% R&, 1.4WHe,              603       Trae       Z20s        so1         1500       £96%

            cae        64—0AM)
                                                                      443       T505       2080                    1500

                                                                      562       80.10      23.00                   1500
            10169      LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 1 RB, 20 MHz,                382       7312       20.79      301          1500       £96%
            cap        orsiq
                                                                      261       6768       18.06                   1500

                                                                      201       Toso       1954                    1500
            10170—     LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 1 RB, 20 MHz,                654       8237       24.08      301          1500       +96%
            caD        16—0Aw)
                                                                      353       Tssi       2oas                    1500

                                                                      520       218        poor                    1500
            10171—     LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 1 RB, 20 Miiz,               484       T597       20.60      301          1500       296%
            AnD        64—0AM)
                                                                      280       teer       iris                    1500
                                                                      350       Tai2       i063                    1500
            10172—     LTE—TDD (SC—FOMA, 1 RB, 20 Mriz,               3051      11343      3495       602          65.0       296 %
            Can        arsiq
                                                                      EEA       Tezi       zies                    sso

                                                                      481       8205       2.11                    650
            10173      LTE—TDD (SC—FDMA, 1 RB, 20 Mriz,               81.01     12421      35.55      602          650        196 %
            Ccap       16—9Au)
                                                                      6.10      8201       2252                    650

                                                                      1521      soz0       2002                    sso
            10174      LTE—TDD (SC—FDMA, 1 RB, 20 Mriz,               4222      ose        mss        602          s5o        +95%
            cap        sc—orm
                                                                      536       T3z        o8                      650

                                                                      770       8716       2277                    650
            10175—     LTE—FDD (SC—FDOMA, 1 RB, 10 MHz,               376       7264       2047       301          1500       296%
            cae        orsiq
                                                                Y     257       erss       in7s                    1500
                                                                T     266       Toor       1923                    1500
            10176—     LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 1 RB, 10 MHz,         xX     8.55      82.40      24.00      3.01         1500       86%
            cae        16:0A)
                                                               Y      354       Tss        20.47                   1500
                                                               h      sa1       8225       2103                    1500
            10177—     LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 1 RB, 5 Miiz,         X      370       Tess       zoeo       s01          1800       £96%
            caG        orsi)_
                                                               Y      250       6748       1787                    1500
                                                               2      289       T025       1933                    1500
            10178—     LTE—FDD (SC—FOMA 1 RB, 5 Miiz, 16—      X      640       8192       23.08      301          1500       296%
            cae        CAM)
                                                               Y      351       7332       20 36                   1500
                                                               2      sz        sise       Poar                    1500
            Torre.     LTEFDD (GC—FOMA 1 R&, 10 MHz,           X      S57       Tess       221        s01          iso0       196%
            cae        6t—0Am)
                                                               Y      3.10      Toso       1861                    1500
                                                               z      230       Tr7s       Pise                    1500
            Tora0.—    LTE—FDD (GC—FoMA 1 R&, 5 MHz64—         x      481       Teai       zost       so1          1500       196%
            cae        OAM)
                                                               Y      270       6a61       1714                    1500
                                                                2z    Sss       Taos       foss                    1500
            10181—     LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA, 1 RB, 16 MHz,         X      3.70      T285       2080       301          1800       £96%
            cap        arsi)
                                                               Y      250       6746       1786                    150.0
                                                               2      28e       Tops       932                     1500
            10182      LTE—FDD (SC—FDMA1 RB, 15 MHz,           X      630       81.09      2387       301          1500       29.6%
            cap        16—0AM)
                                                               Y      5o        Taze       2ose                    1500
                                                               2      s2        sres       ass                     1500
            10183      LTE—FDD (SC—FDOMA, 1 RB, 19 MHz,        X      400       75.78      20.50      3.01         1500       £86%
            AG          4—0AM)
                                                               Y      279       6a.59      17.13                   1500
                                                                2|    ssr       T00        io56                    1500

           Cartficate No: EX3—3006_May18                        Page 18 of 30

w nrewenwog se w                   smm sire sogpyiiny uin n ce wsing ropors             amninan o rone uppneeres

  D Dt&C                                               .                                     _                                                 1

               EX3DV4— SN:3806                                                                                           May 31, 2018

                Torsd—     LTE—FOD (SC—FONMA, 1 Ro, 3 MHz,         X     smo       yeoi          mmz       so1    is0       £96%
                cao        arsiq
                                                                   y     |_2se     orso          i7so             1500
                                                                   2z    |_200     rozs          1935             1500
                Toigs.     LTEFDD(GGFDMAThe.3MHz 16.               x     o43       sise          raoi      301    1500      196%
                cao        oan)
                                                                   Y     352       eE3           2030             1500
                                                                   2z    sze       a1er          2ae1             1500
                Toiss:     LTEFDD(GCFDMA, 1RB.3MHz 64—             x     «42       7ear          20s4      301    1500      £26%
                AnD        ED
                                                                   Y     280|      aaes          is               1500
                                                                   2     360       7409          1961             1500
                Torer      treoo (Goroun,1 Ro, 14 vnz,             x     sa1       Tss           roor      sor    is00      z30%
                cae        orsiq
                                                                   Y     261       6750          17.98            1500
                                                                   2     |_201     Toso          |_19.45          1500
                Toige—     LTE—FDD (GCFDMA, 1 RB, 1.4 NMHz,        x     ere       sais          244s      a01    is00      £96%
                cae        16—0A0)
                                                                   y     ses       Tais          moss             1500
                                                                   2     558       85.26         2451             1500
                Toies      LTE—FOD (GC—FDMA, 1 RB, 1.4 MHz,        x     ase       Tess          z080      aoi    isoo      £96%
                Me         ct—oam)
                                                                   y     205|      _soor         1745             1500
                                                                   z     ars       zare          2000             1500
                10198      IEEE 802.11n (HT Greentels, 6.5 Mops,   x     467       66.95         1648      0.00   1500      296%
                cac        srsiq
                                                                   y     aze       saod          1997             1500
                                                                   z     433       _|_6r09       1019             1500
                10194—     TEEE 802.11n (HT Greenfiad, 39 Mps,     ®     a8r       ers2          1689      On0    ts00      +98%
                cac        16—0a0)
                                                                   y     436       sass          fen              1500
                                                                   T     a47       ors2          1032             1500
                10196—     IEEE 802.11n (HT Greenfold, 65 Mops,    X     4.91      67.33         16.59     0.00   1500      206%
                cac        64—0AM)
                                                                   y     |_aa2     |_soar        fers             T500
                                                                   2z    |_aso     or33          1633             1500
                10196      T2EE 802.11n (HT Mixed, 6.5 Mops,       x     ase       sros          is2       o00    iso0      £96%
                cac        apsiq
                                                                   y     |azs      soes          1556             T500
                                                                   2z    |_asi     |_er09        1618             1500
                10197      1EEE 802.11n (hT Mied, 39 Mops, 16—     X     489       6r.44         1660      000    1500      £85%
                cac        oam
                                                                   y     |_ase     sose          1672             1500
                                                                   2z    |_a4r     or32          1632             1500
                To19s—     1EEE 802.11n (hT Med, es Mops, 68—      X     492|      7.34          1660      000    1500      £95%
                cac        oan)
                                                                   y     |aar      saar          1618             1500
                                                                   2z    |_a4s     ors2          toss             1500
                T0219—     TEEE 802.1 n (HT Mixed. 7.2 Wops,       x     40e       sros          1649      o0o    1500      £96%
                cac        sroiq
                                                                   y     |_ais     sose          iss3             1500
                                                                   2z    |_a2r     aria          1616             1500
                Tozz0—     iEEEBOZ1in(HT Mxed, ds.sMbps, 16.       X     489       a7.43         1680      000    1500      £86%
                cac        cam)
                                                                   y     |ase      sess          1610             1500
                                                                   2z    |_a4s     orzs          1631             1500
                Tozz1—     IEEEBOZ1in iT Mxed, r22Mbps, 64—|       X     492       6727          f6se      000    1500      £96%
                cac        oan
                                                                   y     |_aas     seas          fei2             1500
                                                                   z     &s1       or2e          1632             1500
                10222      1EEE 802.11n (iT Mixed, 15 Mops,        x     sz        ors2          isee      o00    1500      £90%
                cac        srsiy
                                                                   y     |_aso     coss          faze             1500
                                                                   2z    ase       er2s          1641             1500

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Document Created: 2019-05-14 22:04:42
Document Modified: 2019-05-14 22:04:42

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