Users Manual


Users Manual

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                               Transfer your contacts,
                               photos, messages,
                               and more
                                                                                                                                            Adjusting your earbuds
                               1. Turn on your Pixel and go through the   4. Sign in with your Google Account on                            To adjust the fit, pull the cord to change the
                                  on-screen steps.                           your Pixel.                                Quick Switch        size of the loop. It should fit comfortably in
                                                                                                                        Adapter             your ear.
                               2. Once you get to the copying data        5. Choose which data you want to transfer
To learn more about your new      screen, find the adapter in your box       to your Pixel. You can still use your
  Pixel go to      and plug it into your Pixel.               phone while the transfer is in progress.
                                                                                                                        Old phone’s cable
                               3. Connect the phones using your           When you’re done, you’ll see a transfer
                                  old phone’s cable, then unlock your     summary and can disconnect the cable.
                                  old phone.

                                                                                                                        Old phone


Inside the box                                  Activate your new Pixel

                                                If you haven’t already activated your
                                  SIM tool      phone with your carrier, you’ll need to put
                                                your old SIM card into your new Pixel.
                                                Follow these steps to learn how. You can
                                                find the SIM tool in your Pixel box.

   Phone           Earbuds      Power adapter

                                                For iPhone® users, turn off iMessage® on
                                                your old phone before following the steps     1. Make sure both phones are turned off before   2. Insert the SIM tool into the small hole on your   3. Remove the SIM card from your old phone and          4. Press and hold the power button for 5 seconds
                                                so you can get your text messages on your        removing your SIM card.                          Pixel to eject the SIM card tray. Press firmly       place it into the SIM tray on your new phone.           to turn on your Pixel.
                                                Pixel. For help, visit                                                          until the tray pops out.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Gently push the tray in until it clicks into place.     You’re now connected to your network and can
                                                                                                                                                  Do the same thing on your old phone to eject                                                                start using your new Pixel.
Quick Switch   Earbud adapter   USB-C cable                                                                                                       the tray.

Inside the box                                  Activate your new phone

                                                If you haven’t already activated your
                                  SIM tool      phone with your carrier, you’ll need to put
                                                your old SIM card into your new Phone.
                                                Follow these steps to learn how. You can
                                                find the SIM tool in your Phone box.

   Pixel           Earbuds      Power adapter

                                                For iPhone® users, turn off iMessage® on
                                                your old phone before following the steps     1. Make sure both phones are turned off before   2. Insert the SIM tool into the small hole on your   3. Remove the SIM card from your old phone and          4. Press and hold the power button for 5 seconds
                                                so you can get your text messages on your        removing your SIM card.                          Pixel to eject the SIM card tray. Press firmly       place it into the SIM tray on your new phone.           to turn on your Pixel.
                                                Phone. For help, visit xxx/imessagehelp                                                           until the tray pops out.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Gently push the tray in until it clicks into place.     You’re now connected to your network and can
                                                                                                                                                  Do the same thing on your old phone to eject                                                                start using your new Pixel.
Quick Switch   Earbud adapter   USB-C cable                                                                                                       the tray.

Inside the box                                  Activate your new Pixel

                                                If you haven’t already activated your
                                  SIM tool      phone with your carrier, you’ll need to put
                                                your old SIM card into your new Pixel.
                                                Follow these steps to learn how. You can
                                                find the SIM tool in your Pixel box.

   Pixel           Earbuds      Power adapter

                                                For iPhone® users, turn off iMessage® on
                                                your old phone before following the steps     1. Make sure both phones are turned off before   2. Insert the SIM tool into the small hole on your   3. Remove the SIM card from your old phone and          4. Press and hold the power button for 5 seconds
                                                so you can get your text messages on your        removing your SIM card.                          Pixel to eject the SIM card tray. Press firmly       place it into the SIM tray on your new phone.           to turn on your Pixel.
                                                Pixel. For help, visit                                                          until the tray pops out.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Gently push the tray in until it clicks into place.     You’re now connected to your network and can
                                                                                                                                                  Do the same thing on your old phone to eject                                                                start using your new Pixel.
Quick Switch   Earbud adapter   USB-C cable                                                                                                       the tray.

Inside the box                                  Activate your new Pixel

                                                If you haven’t already activated your
                                  SIM tool      phone with your carrier, you’ll need to put
                                                your old SIM card into your new Pixel.
                                                Follow these steps to learn how. You can
                                                find the SIM tool in your Pixel box.

   Pixel           Earbuds      Power adapter

                                                For iPhone® users, turn off iMessage® on
                                                your old phone before following the steps     1. Make sure both phones are turned off before   2. Insert the SIM tool into the small hole on your   3. Remove the SIM card from your old phone and          4. Press and hold the power button for 5 seconds
                                                so you can get your text messages on your        removing your SIM card.                          Phone to eject the SIM card tray. Press firmly       place it into the SIM tray on your new phone.           to turn on your Pixel.
                                                Pixel. For help, visit                                                          until the tray pops out.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Gently push the tray in until it clicks into place.     You’re now connected to your network and can
                                                                                                                                                  Do the same thing on your old phone to eject                                                                start using your new Pixel.
Quick Switch   Earbud adapter   USB-C cable                                                                                                       the tray.

Inside the box                                  Activate your new Pixel

                                                If you haven’t already activated your
                                  SIM tool      phone with your carrier, you’ll need to put
                                                your old SIM card into your new Pixel.
                                                Follow these steps to learn how. You can
                                                find the SIM tool in your Pixel box.

   Pixel           Earbuds      Power adapter

                                                For iPhone® users, turn off iMessage® on
                                                your old phone before following the steps     1. Make sure both phones are turned off before   2. Insert the SIM tool into the small hole on your   3. Remove the SIM card from your old phone and          4. Press and hold the power button for 5 seconds
                                                so you can get your text messages on your        removing your SIM card.                          Pixel to eject the SIM card tray. Press firmly       place it into the SIM tray on your new phone.           to turn on your Pixel.
                                                Pixel. For help, visit                                                          until the tray pops out.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Gently push the tray in until it clicks into place.     You’re now connected to your network and can
                                                                                                                                                  Do the same thing on your old phone to eject                                                                start using your new Pixel.
Quick Switch   Earbud adapter   USB-C cable                                                                                                       the tray.

Inside the box                                  Activate your new Pixel

                                                If you haven’t already activated your
                                  SIM tool      phone with your carrier, you’ll need to put
                                                your old SIM card into your new Pixel.
                                                Follow these steps to learn how. You can
                                                find the SIM tool in your Pixel box.

   Pixel           Earbuds      Power adapter

                                                For iPhone® users, turn off iMessage® on
                                                your old phone before following the steps     1. Make sure both phones are turned off before   2. Insert the SIM tool into the small hole on your   3. Remove the SIM card from your old phone and          4. Press and hold the power button for 5 seconds
                                                so you can get your text messages on your        removing your SIM card.                          Pixel to eject the SIM card tray. Press firmly       place it into the SIM tray on your new phone.           to turn on your Phone.
                                                Pixel. For help, visit                                                          until the tray pops out.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Gently push the tray in until it clicks into place.     You’re now connected to your network and can
                                                                                                                                                  Do the same thing on your old phone to eject                                                                start using your new Phone.
Quick Switch   Earbud adapter   USB-C cable                                                                                                       the tray.

                               Transfer your contacts,
                               photos, messages,
                               and more
                                                                                                                                            Adjusting your earbuds
                               1. Turn on your Pixel and go through the   4. Sign in with your Google Account on                            To adjust the fit, pull the cord to change the
                                  on-screen steps.                           your Pixel.                                Quick Switch        size of the loop. It should fit comfortably in
                                                                                                                        Adapter             your ear.
                               2. Once you get to the copying data        5. Choose which data you want to transfer
To learn more about your new      screen, find the adapter in your box       to your Pixel. You can still use your
                                  and plug it into your Pixel.               phone while the transfer is in progress.
  Phone go to our website
                                                                                                                        Old phone’s cable
  (      3. Connect the phones using your           When you’re done, you’ll see a transfer
                                  old phone’s cable, then unlock your     summary and can disconnect the cable.
                                  old phone.

                                                                                                                        Old phone


                               Transfer your contacts,
                               photos, messages,
                               and more
                                                                                                                                           Adjusting your earbuds
                               1. Turn on your Phone and go through      4. Sign in with your Google Account on                            To adjust the fit, pull the cord to change the
                                  the on-screen steps.                      your Pixel.                                Quick Switch        size of the loop. It should fit comfortably in
                                                                                                                       Adapter             your ear.
                               2. Once you get to the copying data       5. Choose which data you want to transfer
To learn more about your new      screen, find the adapter in your box      to your Pixel. You can still use your
  Pixel go to      and plug it into your Phone.              phone while the transfer is in progress.
                                                                                                                       Old phone’s cable
                               3. Connect the phones using your          When you’re done, you’ll see a transfer
                                  old phone’s cable, then unlock your    summary and can disconnect the cable.
                                  old phone.

                                                                                                                       Old phone


                               Transfer your contacts,
                               photos, messages,
                               and more
                                                                                                                                            Adjusting your earbuds
                               1. Turn on your Pixel and go through the   4. Sign in with your Account on your                              To adjust the fit, pull the cord to change the
                                  on-screen steps.                          Phone.                                      Quick Switch        size of the loop. It should fit comfortably in
                                                                                                                        Adapter             your ear.
                               2. Once you get to the copying data        5. Choose which data you want to transfer
To learn more about your new      screen, find the adapter in your box       to your Phone. You can still use your
  Pixel go to      and plug it into your Pixel.               phone while the transfer is in progress.
                                                                                                                        Old phone’s cable
                               3. Connect the phones using your           When you’re done, you’ll see a transfer
                                  old phone’s cable, then unlock your     summary and can disconnect the cable.
                                  old phone.

                                                                                                                        Old phone


                               Transfer your contacts,
                               photos, messages,
                               and more
                                                                                                                                            Adjusting your earbuds
                               1. Turn on your Pixel and go through the   4. Sign in with your Google Account on                            To adjust the fit, pull the cord to change the
                                  on-screen steps.                           your Pixel.                                Quick Switch        size of the loop. It should fit comfortably in
                                                                                                                        Adapter             your ear.
                               2. Once you get to the copying data        5. Choose which data you want to transfer
To learn more about your new      screen, find the adapter in your box       to your Pixel. You can still use your
  Pixel go to      and plug it into your Pixel.               phone while the transfer is in progress.
                                                                                                                        Old phone’s cable
                               3. Connect the phones using your           When you’re done, you’ll see a transfer
                                  old phone’s cable, then unlock your     summary and can disconnect the cable.
                                  old phone.

                                                                                                                        Old phone


                               Transfer your contacts,
                               photos, messages,
                               and more
                                                                                                                                            Adjusting your earbuds
                               1. Turn on your Pixel and go through the   4. Sign in with your Google Account on                            To adjust the fit, pull the cord to change the
                                  on-screen steps.                           your Pixel.                                Quick Switch        size of the loop. It should fit comfortably in
                                                                                                                        Adapter             your ear.
                               2. Once you get to the copying data        5. Choose which data you want to transfer
To learn more about your new      screen, find the adapter in your box       to your Pixel. You can still use your
  Pixel go to      and plug it into your Pixel.               phone while the transfer is in progress.
                                                                                                                        Old phone’s cable
                               3. Connect the phones using your           When you’re done, you’ll see a transfer
                                  old phone’s cable, then unlock your     summary and can disconnect the cable.
                                  old phone.

                                                                                                                        Old phone


Regulatory information
Regulatory information, certification, and
compliance marks can be found on your
device under

Settings > System > About > Regulatory
labels and on the back of your device.

EMC compliance statement
Important: This device, power adapter, and
other in-box accessories have demonstrated
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
compliance under conditions that included
the use of compliant peripheral devices and
shielded cables between system
components. It is important that you use
compliant peripheral devices and shielded
cables between system components to
reduce the possibility of causing interference
to radios, televisions, and other electronic

Regulatory information:
United States

FCC regulatory compliance
Note: This equipment has been tested and
found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC
Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation. This
equipment generates, uses and can radiate
radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instructions,
may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment does
cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined
by turning the equipment off and on, the user
is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following

    ●   Reorient or relocate the receiving
    ●   Increase the separation between the
        equipment and receiver.
    ●   Connect the equipment into an outlet
        on a circuit different from that to
        which the receiver is connected.
    ●   Consult the dealer or an experienced
        radio/TV technician for help.

Changes or modifications not expressly
approved by the manufacturer (or party
responsible) could void your authority to
operate the equipment.

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC
Rules. Operation is subject to the following
two conditions:

        1. These devices may not cause
           harmful interference.
        2. These devices must accept any
           interference received, including
           interference that may cause
           undesired operation.

Radio frequency exposure

This device meets the U.S. Federal
Communications Commission's (FCC)
requirements for exposure to radio waves and
is designed and manufactured not to exceed
the FCC's emission limits for exposure to
radio frequency (RF) energy. For satisfying
FCC RF exposure compliance requirements,
body-worn operations are restricted to
belt-clips, holsters or similar accessories that
have no metallic component in the assembly
and must provide at least 10 mm separation
between the device, including its antenna, and
the user's body.

Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) information

This device is designed to meet the
requirements for exposure to radio waves
established by the Federal Communications
Commission (USA).

The Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) limit
adopted by the USA is 1.6 W/kg averaged
over one gram of tissue. The highest SAR
value reported to the FCC for this device type
complies with this limit. This device complies
with radio frequency specifications when
used near your ear or at a distance of 0.4 in
(1.0 cm) from your body. Ensure that the

device accessories, such as a device case
and device holster, are not composed of
metal components. Keep the device away
from your body to meet the distance

Maximum SAR values as reported to the FCC

        1.00 W/kg when holding it to your ear
        1.18 W/kg when properly worn on the
        body (distance of 0.4 in (1.0 cm))

Hearing Aid Compatibility (HAC)
This device has been evaluated and certified
to be compatible with hearing aids per
technical specification ANSI C63.19. There
are two measures of hearing aid

M rating, which is a measure of immunity to
radio frequency interference for acoustic
coupling hearing aids;

T rating, which is a measure of performance
when used with an inductive coupling
(telecoil) hearing aid.

Per FCC rules, a mobile phone is considered
hearing aid compatible if rated M3 or M4 for
acoustic coupling or T3 or T4 for inductive

This device has been tested and rated for use
with hearing aids for some of the wireless
technologies that they use. However, there
may be some newer wireless technologies
used in these phones that have not yet been
tested for use with hearing aids. It is
important to try the different features of your
phone thoroughly and in different locations,
using your hearing aid or cochlear implant, to
determine if you hear any interfering noise.
Consult your service provider or manufacturer
for information on hearing aid compatibility. If
you have questions about return or exchange
policies, consult your service provider or
phone retailer.

Document Created: 2017-11-09 15:47:12
Document Modified: 2017-11-09 15:47:12

© 2025
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC