Pt 22-24-27 LTE Test Report per CRN183361


Test Report

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                                      PCTEST ENGINEERING LABORATORY, INC.
                                                          7185 Oakland Mills Road, Columbia, MD 21046 USA
                                                                Tel. 410.290.6652 / Fax 410.290.6654
                                                               MEASUREMENT REPORT
                                                                   FCC Part 22, 24, & 27 LTE
 Applicant Name:                                                                                                       Date of Testing:
 LG Electronics MobileComm U.S.A                                                                                       5/7 - 5/29/2014
 1000 Sylvan Avenue                                                                                                    Test Site/Location:
 Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632                                                                                            PCTEST Lab., Columbia, MD, USA
 United States                                                                                                         Test Report Serial No.:
 FCC ID :                                                         ZNFD850
 APPLICANT:                                                       LG ELECTRONICS MOBILECOMM U.S.A

 FCC Classification:                             PCS Licensed Transmitter Held to Ear (PCE)
 FCC Rule Part(s):                               §2; §22; §24; §27
 Test Procedure(s):                              ANSI/TIA-603-C-2004, KDB 971168 v02r01
 EUT Type:                                       Portable Handset
 Model(s):                                       LG-D850, D850, LGD850, LG-D852, D852, LGD852, LG-D852G, D852G, LGD852G
 Test Device Serial No.:                         identical prototype [S/N: LTE Rad]
 Class II Permissive Change:                     Please see FCC change document
 Original Grant Date:                            5/19/2014
                                                                       Tx Frequency
                                                         Mode                             Modulation Max. Pow er Max. Pow er
                                                                          (MHz)                            (W)        (dBm)

                                                     LTE Band 17        706.5 - 713.5       QPSK          0.069       18.37
                                                     LTE Band 17        706.5 - 713.5       16QAM         0.053       17.20
                                                     LTE Band 17          709 - 711         QPSK          0.060       17.80
                                                     LTE Band 17          709 - 711         16QAM         0.047       16.73
                                                     LTE Band 5         826.5 - 846.5       QPSK          0.063       17.96
                                                     LTE Band 5         826.5 - 846.5       16QAM         0.048       16.81
                                                     LTE Band 5           829 - 844         QPSK          0.067       18.26
                                                     LTE Band 5           829 - 844         16QAM         0.050       17.03
                                                     LTE Band 4        1712.5 - 1752.5      QPSK          0.189       22.76
                                                     LTE Band 4        1712.5 - 1752.5      16QAM         0.127       21.04
                                                     LTE Band 4          1715 - 1750        QPSK          0.177       22.49
                                                     LTE Band 4          1715 - 1750        16QAM         0.135       21.32
                                                     LTE Band 4        1717.5 - 1747.5      QPSK          0.169       22.29
                                                     LTE Band 4        1717.5 - 1747.5      16QAM         0.131       21.17
                                                     LTE Band 4          1720 - 1745        QPSK          0.152       21.81
                                                     LTE Band 4          1720 - 1745        16QAM         0.121       20.81
                                                     LTE Band 2        1852.5 - 1907.5      QPSK          0.196       22.93
                                                     LTE Band 2        1852.5 - 1907.5      16QAM         0.144       21.58
                                                     LTE Band 2          1855 - 1905        QPSK          0.172       22.35
                                                     LTE Band 2          1855 - 1905        16QAM         0.128       21.09
                                                     LTE Band 2        1857.5 - 1902.5      QPSK          0.177       22.48
                                                     LTE Band 2        1857.5 - 1902.5      16QAM         0.134       21.28
                                                     LTE Band 2          1860 - 1900        QPSK          0.194       22.89
                                                     LTE Band 2          1860 - 1900        16QAM         0.139       21.43
                                                     LTE Band 7        2502.5 - 2567.5      QPSK          0.076       18.83
                                                     LTE Band 7        2502.5 - 2567.5      16QAM         0.059       17.71
                                                     LTE Band 7          2505 - 2565        QPSK          0.083       19.21
                                                     LTE Band 7          2506 - 2565        16QAM         0.048       16.79
                                                     LTE Band 7        2507.5 - 2562.5      QPSK          0.084       19.27
                                                     LTE Band 7        2507.5 - 2562.5      16QAM         0.055       17.39
                                                     LTE Band 7          2510 - 2560        QPSK          0.069       18.40
                                                     LTE Band 7          2510 - 2560        16QAM         0.062       17.91

This equipment has been shown to be capable of compliance with the applicable technical standards as indicated in the measurement report and was tested in accordance with the
measurement procedures specified in §2.947. Test results reported herein relate only to the item(s) tested.

I attest to the accuracy of data. All measurements reported herein were performed by me or were made under my supervision and are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I
assume full responsibility for the completeness of these measurements and vouch for the qualifications of all persons taking them.

This report (S/N: 0Y1405060923-R1.ZNF) superscedes and replaces the previous version of this test report (S/N: 0Y1405060923.ZNF). Please appropriately discard the previous
version of this test report.

                                                                        FCC Pt. 22, 24, & 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                Reviewed by:
       FCC ID: ZNFD850
                                                                                (CLASS II PERMISSIVE CHANGE)                                                       Quality Manager
       Test Report S/N:              Test Dates:                EUT Type:
                                                                                                                                                                   Page 1 of 30
       0Y1405060923-R1.ZNF           5/7 - 5/29/2014            Portable Handset
      © 2014 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                                   V5.0

                                      T A B L E                        O F            C O N T E N T S
FCC PART 22, 24, & 27 MEASUREMENT REPORT ................................................................................... 3
1.0   INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 4
            1.1       SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................ 4
            1.2       TESTING FACILITY ............................................................................................................................. 4
2.0         PRODUCT INFORMATION.............................................................................................................. 5
            2.1       EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION .............................................................................................................. 5
            2.2       DEVICE CAPABILITIES....................................................................................................................... 5
            2.3       TEST CONFIGURATION ..................................................................................................................... 5
            2.4       EMI SUPPRESSION DEVICE(S)/MODIFICATIONS ........................................................................... 5
            2.5       LABELING REQUIREMENTS.............................................................................................................. 5
3.0         DESCRIPTION OF TESTS .............................................................................................................. 6
            3.1       MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................... 6
            3.2       BLOCK A FREQUENCY RANGE ........................................................................................................ 6
            3.3       CELLULAR - BASE FREQUENCY BLOCKS ....................................................................................... 6
            3.4       CELLULAR - MOBILE FREQUENCY BLOCKS ................................................................................... 6
            3.5       PCS - BASE FREQUENCY BLOCKS .................................................................................................. 7
            3.6       PCS - MOBILE FREQUENCY BLOCKS .............................................................................................. 7
            3.7       AWS - BASE FREQUENCY BLOCKS ................................................................................................. 7
            3.8       AWS - MOBILE FREQUENCY BLOCKS ............................................................................................. 7
            3.9       RADIATED POWER AND RADIATED SPURIOUS EMISSIONS ........................................................ 8
4.0         TEST EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION DATA ...................................................................................... 9
5.0         SAMPLE CALCULATIONS ............................................................................................................ 10
6.0         TEST RESULTS ............................................................................................................................. 11
            6.1       SUMMARY......................................................................................................................................... 11
            6.2       RADIATED POWER (ERP/EIRP) ...................................................................................................... 12
            6.3       RADIATED SPURIOUS EMISSIONS MEASUREMENTS ................................................................. 18
7.0         CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................ 30

                                                                 FCC Pt. 22, 24, & 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                   Reviewed by:
                                                                         (CLASS II PERMISSIVE CHANGE)                                                          Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:            Test Dates:                  EUT Type:
                                                                                                                                                               Page 2 of 30
0Y1405060923-R1.ZNF         5/7 - 5/29/2014              Portable Handset
© 2014 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                                     V5.0

                                              MEASUREMENT REPORT
                                                      FCC Part 22, 24, & 27

§2.1033 General Information
      APPLICANT:                              LG Electronics MobileComm U.S.A
      APPLICANT ADDRESS:                      1000 Sylvan Avenue
                                              Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632, United States
      TEST SITE:                              PCTEST ENGINEERING LABORATORY, INC.
      TEST SITE ADDRESS:                      7185 Oakland Mills Road, Columbia, MD 21045 USA
      FCC RULE PART(S):                       §2; §22; §24; §27
      BASE MODEL:                             LG-D850
      FCC ID:                                 ZNFD850
      FCC CLASSIFICATION:                     PCS Licensed Transmitter Held to Ear (PCE)
      FREQUENCY TOLERANCE:                    ±0.00025 % (2.5 ppm)
      Test Device Serial No.:                 LTE Rad                           Production         Pre-Production       Engineering
      DATE(S) OF TEST:                        5/7 - 5/29/2014
      TEST REPORT S/N:                        0Y1405060923-R1.ZNF

Test Facility / Accreditations
Measurements were performed at PCTEST Engineering Lab located in Columbia, MD 21046, U.S.A.
               PCTEST facility is an FCC registered (PCTEST Reg. No. 159966) test facility with the
                  site description report on file and has met all the requirements specified in Section 2.948
                  of the FCC Rules and Industry Canada (2451B-1).
               PCTEST Lab is accredited to ISO 17025 by U.S. National Institute of Standards and
                  Technology (NIST) under the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program
                  (NVLAP Lab code: 100431-0) in EMC, FCC and Telecommunications.
               PCTEST Lab is accredited to ISO 17025-2005 by the American Association for
                  Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) in Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) testing, Hearing Aid
                  Compatibility (HAC) testing, CTIA Test Plans, and wireless testing for FCC and Industry
                  Canada Rules.
               PCTEST Lab is a recognized U.S. Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) in EMC and
                  R&TTE (n.b. 0982) under the U.S.-EU Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA).
               PCTEST TCB is a Telecommunication Certification Body (TCB) accredited to ISO/IEC
                  Guide 65 by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in all scopes of FCC Rules
                  and Industry Canada Standards (RSS).
               PCTEST facility is an IC registered (2451B-1) test laboratory with the site description on
                  file at Industry Canada.
               PCTEST is a CTIA Authorized Test Laboratory (CATL) for AMPS, CDMA, and EvDO
                  wireless devices and for Over-the-Air (OTA) Antenna Performance testing for AMPS,
                  CDMA, GSM, GPRS, EGPRS, UMTS (W-CDMA), CDMA 1xEVDO, and CDMA 1xRTT.

                                                     FCC Pt. 22, 24, & 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT                    Reviewed by:
                                                             (CLASS II PERMISSIVE CHANGE)                           Quality Manager
 Test Report S/N:           Test Dates:        EUT Type:
                                                                                                                    Page 3 of 30
 0Y1405060923-R1.ZNF        5/7 - 5/29/2014    Portable Handset
© 2014 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                        V5.0


      1.1             Scope
      Measurement and determination of electromagnetic emissions (EME) of radio frequency devices including
      intentional and/or unintentional radiators for compliance with the technical rules and regulations of the
      Federal Communications Commission and the Industry Canada Certification and Engineering Bureau.

      1.2             Testing Facility
      The map below shows the location of the PCTEST LABORATORY, its proximity to the FCC Laboratory,
      the Columbia vicinity, the Baltimore-Washington Internt’l (BWI) airport, the city of Baltimore and the
      Washington, DC area. (See Figure 1-1).

      These measurement tests were conducted at the PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. facility located at
      7185 Oakland Mills Road, Columbia, MD 21046. The site coordinates are 39o 10’23” N latitude and 76o
      49’50” W longitude. The facility is 0.4 miles North of the FCC laboratory, and the ambient signal and
      ambient signal strength are approximately equal to those of the FCC laboratory. The detailed description
      of the measurement facility was found to be in compliance with the requirements of § 2.948 according to
      ANSI C63.4-2003 on February 15, 2012.

                    Figure 1-1. Map of the Greater Baltimore and Metropolitan Washington, D.C. area
                                                          FCC Pt. 22, 24, & 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT   Reviewed by:
      FCC ID: ZNFD850
                                                                  (CLASS II PERMISSIVE CHANGE)          Quality Manager
      Test Report S/N:            Test Dates:       EUT Type:
                                                                                                        Page 4 of 30
      0Y1405060923-R1.ZNF         5/7 - 5/29/2014   Portable Handset
      © 2014 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                      V5.0


      2.1             Equipment Description
      The Equipment Under Test (EUT) is the LG Portable Handset FCC ID: ZNFD850. The test data
      contained in this report pertains only to the emissions due to the EUT’s LTE function.

      2.2             Device Capabilities
      This device contains the following capabilities:

      850/1900 GSM/EDGE, 850/1700/1900 WCDMA, Band 17 (5, 10MHz BW), 5 (5, 10MHz BW), 4 (5, 10, 15,
      20MHz BW), 2 (5, 10, 15, 20MHz BW), 7 (5, 10, 15, 20MHz BW) LTE, 802.11a/b/g/n/ac WLAN,
      802.11a/n/ac UNII, Bluetooth (1x, EDR, LE), NFC

      2.3             Test Configuration
      The LG Portable Handset FCC ID: ZNFD850 was tested per the guidance of ANSI/TIA-603-C-2004 and
      KDB 971168 v02r01. See Sections 3.9 and 6.1 of this test report for a description of the radiated
      emissions tests.

      This device supports a wireless charging cover. Per KDB 648474 D03, spurious emissions measurement
      data was also investigated with the wireless charging battery cover. The handset was placed on the
      representative charging pad under normal conditions and in a simulated call configuration. Only worst
      case emissions are shown in this report and identified as WCC.

      2.4             EMI Suppression Device(s)/Modifications
      No EMI suppression device(s) were added and no modifications were made during testing.

      2.5             Labeling Requirements
      Per 2.925

      The FCC identifier shall be permanently affixed to the equipment and shall be readily visible to the
      purchaser at the time of purchase.

                                                          FCC Pt. 22, 24, & 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT   Reviewed by:
      FCC ID: ZNFD850
                                                                  (CLASS II PERMISSIVE CHANGE)          Quality Manager
      Test Report S/N:            Test Dates:       EUT Type:
                                                                                                        Page 5 of 30
      0Y1405060923-R1.ZNF         5/7 - 5/29/2014   Portable Handset
      © 2014 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                      V5.0


      3.1             Measurement Procedure
      The measurement procedures described in the document titled “Land Mobile FM or PM – Communications
      Equipment – Measurements and Performance Standards” (ANSI/TIA-603-C-2004) and “Procedures for
      Compliance Measurement of the Fundamental Emission Power of Licensed Wideband (> 1 MHz) Digital
      Transmission Systems” (KDB 971168) were used in the measurement of the LG Portable Handset
      FCC ID: ZNFD850.

      3.2             Block A Frequency Range

      698-746 MHz band. The following frequencies are available for licensing pursuant to this part in the 698-
      746 MHz band: (1) Three paired channel blocks of 12 megahertz each are available for assignment as

      Block A: 698-704 MHz and 728-734 MHz;
      Block B: 704-710 MHz and 734-740 MHz; and
      Block C: 710-716 MHz and 740-746 MHz.

      3.3             Cellular - Base Frequency Blocks
                    A*                         A                                B                    A*    B*
                   Low                                                                              High

                  869                                           880                               890           894

      BLOCK 1: 869 – 880 MHz (A* Low + A)                                  BLOCK 3: 890 – 891.5 MHz (A* High)
      BLOCK 2: 880 – 890 MHz (B)                                           BLOCK 4: 891.5 – 894 MHz (B*)

      3.4             Cellular - Mobile Frequency Blocks
                    A*                         A                                B                    A*    B*
                   Low                                                                              High

                 824                                            835                               845           849

      BLOCK 1: 824 – 835 MHz (A* Low + A)                                  BLOCK 3: 845 – 846.5 MHz (A* High)
      BLOCK 2: 835 – 845 MHz (B)                                           BLOCK 4: 846.5 – 849 MHz (B*)

                                                          FCC Pt. 22, 24, & 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT                 Reviewed by:
      FCC ID: ZNFD850
                                                                  (CLASS II PERMISSIVE CHANGE)                        Quality Manager
      Test Report S/N:            Test Dates:       EUT Type:
                                                                                                                      Page 6 of 30
      0Y1405060923-R1.ZNF         5/7 - 5/29/2014   Portable Handset
      © 2014 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                    V5.0

3.5             PCS - Base Frequency Blocks
           A                            D                        B                  E          F          C

1930                                          1950                                      1970                     1990

                    BLOCK 1: 1930 – 1945 MHz (A)                                  BLOCK 4: 1965 – 1970 MHz (E)
                    BLOCK 2: 1945 – 1950 MHz (D)                                  BLOCK 5: 1970 – 1975 MHz (F)
                    BLOCK 3: 1950 – 1965 MHz (B)                                  BLOCK 6: 1975 – 1990 MHz (C)

3.6             PCS - Mobile Frequency Blocks
            A                           D                        B                  E          F          C

1850                                         1870                                       1890                     1910

                    BLOCK 1: 1850 – 1865 MHz (A)                                  BLOCK 4: 1885 – 1890 MHz (E)
                    BLOCK 2: 1865 – 1870 MHz (D)                                  BLOCK 5: 1890 – 1895 MHz (F)
                    BLOCK 3: 1870 – 1885 MHz (B)                                  BLOCK 6: 1895 – 1910 MHz (C)

3.7             AWS - Base Frequency Blocks

                    BLOCK 1: 2110 – 2120 MHz (A)                                  BLOCK 4: 2135 – 2140 MHz (D)
                    BLOCK 2: 2120 – 2130 MHz (B)                                  BLOCK 5: 2140 – 2145 MHz (E)
                    BLOCK 3: 2130 – 2135 MHz (C)                                  BLOCK 6: 2145 – 2155 MHz (E)

3.8             AWS - Mobile Frequency Blocks

                    BLOCK 1: 1710 – 1720 MHz (A)                                  BLOCK 4: 1735 – 1740 MHz (D)
                    BLOCK 2: 1720 – 1730 MHz (B)                                  BLOCK 5: 1740 – 1745 MHz (E)
                    BLOCK 3: 1730 – 1735 MHz (C)                                  BLOCK 6: 1745 – 1755 MHz (F)

                                                           FCC Pt. 22, 24, & 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT           Reviewed by:
                                                                   (CLASS II PERMISSIVE CHANGE)                  Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:            Test Dates:              EUT Type:
                                                                                                                 Page 7 of 30
0Y1405060923-R1.ZNF         5/7 - 5/29/2014          Portable Handset
© 2014 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                     V5.0

3.9             Radiated Power and Radiated Spurious Emissions
§2.1053 §22.913(a.2) §22.917(a) §24.232(c) §24.238(a) §27.50(c.10) §27.50(d.4) §27.53(f) §27.53(g) §27.53(h)

The radiated test facilities consisted of an indoor 3 meter semi-anechoic chamber used for final
measurements and exploratory measurements, when necessary. The measurement area is contained
within the semi-anechoic chamber which is shielded from any ambient interference. The test site inside the
chamber is a 6m x 5.2m elliptical, obstruction-free area in accordance with Clause 5, Figure 5.7 of ANSI
C63.4-2009. For measurements above 1GHz absorbers are arranged on the floor between the turn table
and the antenna mast in such a way so as to maximize the reduction of reflections. For measurements
below 1GHz, the absorbers are removed. An ETS Lindgren Model 2188 raised turntable is used for
radiated measurement. It is a continuously rotatable, remote-controlled, metallic turntable and 2 meters
(6.56 ft.) in diameter. The turn table is flush with the raised floor of the chamber in order to maintain its
function as a ground plane. A 78cm high PVC support structure is placed on top of the turntable. A ¾”
(~1.9cm) sheet of high density polyethylene is used as the table top and is placed on top of the PVC
supports to bring the total height of the table to 80cm.

The equipment under test was transmitting while connected to its integral antenna and is placed on a
wooden turntable 80cm above the ground plane and 3 meters from the receive antenna. The receive
antenna height is adjusted between 1 and 4 meter height, the turntable is rotated through 360 degrees,
and the EUT is manipulated through all orthogonal planes representative of its typical use to achieve the
highest reading on the receive spectrum analyzer. Radiated power levels are also investigated with the
receive antenna horizontally and vertically polarized. The maximized power level is recorded using the
spectrum analyzer “Channel Power” function with the integration band set to the emissions’ occupied
bandwidth, a RMS detector, RBW = 100kHz, VBW = 300kHz, and a 1 second sweep time over a minimum
of 10 sweeps, per the guidelines of KDB 971168.

Per the guidance of ANSI/TIA-603-C-2004, a half-wave dipole is then substituted in place of the EUT. For
emissions above 1GHz, a horn antenna is substituted in place of the EUT. The substitute antenna is
driven by a signal generator with the level of the signal generator being adjusted to obtain the same
receive spectrum analyzer level previously recorded from the spurious emission from the EUT. The power
of the emission is calculated using the following formula:

                                        Pd [dBm] = Pg [dBm] – cable loss [dB] + antenna gain [dBd/dBi]

Where, Pd is the dipole equivalent power, Pg is the generator output into the substitution antenna, and the
antenna gain is the gain of the substitute antenna used relative to either a half-wave dipole (dBd) or an
isotropic source (dBi). The substitute level is equal to Pg [dBm] – cable loss [dB].

The calculated Pd levels are then compared to the absolute spurious emission limit of -13dBm which is
equivalent to the required minimum attenuation of 43 + 10log10(Power [Watts]). For Band 7, the calculated Pd
levels are compared to the absolute spurious emission limit of -25dBm which is equivalent to the required
minimum attenuation of 55 + 10log10(Power [Watts]).

                                                        FCC Pt. 22, 24, & 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT      Reviewed by:
                                                                (CLASS II PERMISSIVE CHANGE)             Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:            Test Dates:            EUT Type:
                                                                                                         Page 8 of 30
0Y1405060923-R1.ZNF         5/7 - 5/29/2014       Portable Handset
© 2014 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                             V5.0


      Test Equipment Calibration is traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

       Manufacturer                 Model                         Description                Cal Date     Cal Interval    Cal Due     Serial Number

              ‐               RE1                     Radiated Emissions Cable Set (UHF/EHF) 3/25/2014      Annual       3/25/2015         N/A
           Agilent           8447D                              Broadband Amplifier           5/31/2013     Annual       5/31/2014     2443A01900
            Espec           ESX‐2CA                           Environmental Chamber           4/16/2014     Annual       4/16/2015         17620
        ETS Lindgren          3117                         1‐18 GHz DRG Horn (Medium)         4/8/2014     Biennial      4/8/2016         125518
        ETS Lindgren        3160‐09                       18‐26.5 GHz Standard Gain Horn      5/30/2012    Biennial      5/30/2014        135427
        ETS Lindgren        3164‐08                          Quad Ridge Horn Antenna          11/7/2012    Biennial      11/7/2014        128338
            K&L       11SH10‐3075/U18000                           High Pass Filter           5/2/2014      Annual       5/2/2015            4
        Mini‐Circuits      VHF‐1200+                               High Pass Filter           1/27/2014     Annual       1/27/2015         30923
        Mini‐Circuits     SSG‐4000HP                     USB Synthesized Signal Generator                    N/A                       11208010032
        Mini‐Circuits   PWR‐SENS‐4RMS                            USB Power Sensor             4/17/2014     Annual       4/17/2015     11210140001
        Mini‐Circuits     TVA‐11‐422                               RF Power Amp                              N/A                       QA1303002
      Rohde & Schwarz       CMW500                       LTE Radio Communication Tester                      N/A                          100976
      Rohde & Schwarz       TS‐PR18                            1‐18 GHz Pre‐Amplifier         5/31/2013     Annual        5/31/2014       100071
      Rohde & Schwarz       TS‐PR26                          18‐26.5 GHz Pre‐Amplifier        5/31/2013     Annual        5/31/2014       100040
      Rohde & Schwarz        ESU26                          EMI Test Receiver (26.5GHz)       1/27/2014     Annual        1/27/2015       100342
        Schwarzbeck        UHA 9105                       Dipole Antenna (400 ‐ 1GHz) Rx     11/21/2013    Biennial      11/21/2015     9105‐2404
          Seekonk            NC‐100                            Torque Wrench (8" lb)          4/16/2014     Annual        4/16/2015        N/A
            VWR            62344‐734                         Thermometer with Clock           2/20/2014    Biennial       2/20/2016     140140336
                                                             Table 4-1. Test Equipment


        Equipment with a calibration date of “N/A” shown in this list was not used to make direct calibrated

                                                                  FCC Pt. 22, 24, & 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT                              Reviewed by:
        FCC ID: ZNFD850
                                                                          (CLASS II PERMISSIVE CHANGE)                                     Quality Manager
        Test Report S/N:            Test Dates:             EUT Type:
                                                                                                                                           Page 9 of 30
        0Y1405060923-R1.ZNF         5/7 - 5/29/2014        Portable Handset
        © 2014 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                         V5.0


      Emission Designator
      QPSK Modulation

            Emission Designator = 8M62G7D

            LTE BW = 8.62 MHz
            G = Phase Modulation
            7 = Quantized/Digital Info
            D = Amplitude/Angle Modulated

      16QAM Modulation

            Emission Designator = 8M45W7D

            LTE BW = 8.45 MHz
            W = Amplitude/Angle Modulated
            7 = Quantized/Digital Info
            D = Combination (Audio/Data)

      Spurious Radiated Emission – LTE Band
      Example: Middle Channel LTE Mode 2nd Harmonic (1564 MHz)

      The average spectrum analyzer reading at 3 meters with the EUT on the turntable was –81.0 dBm. The
      gain of the substituted antenna is 8.1 dBi. The signal generator connected to the substituted antenna
      terminals is adjusted to produce a reading of –81.0 dBm on the spectrum analzyer. The loss of the cable
      between the signal generator and the terminals of the substituted antenna is 2.0 dB at 1564 MHz. So 6.1
      dB is added to the signal generator reading of –30.9 dBm yielding –24.80 dBm. The fundamental EIRP
      was 25.501 dBm so this harmonic was 25.501 dBm – (-24.80).

                                                          FCC Pt. 22, 24, & 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT   Reviewed by:
      FCC ID: ZNFD850
                                                                  (CLASS II PERMISSIVE CHANGE)          Quality Manager
      Test Report S/N:            Test Dates:       EUT Type:
                                                                                                        Page 10 of 30
      0Y1405060923-R1.ZNF         5/7 - 5/29/2014   Portable Handset
      © 2014 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                      V5.0

6.0        TEST RESULTS

      6.1             Summary
               Company Name:                        LG Electronics MobileComm U.S.A
               FCC ID:                              ZNFD850
               FCC Classification:                  PCS Licensed Transmitter Held to Ear (PCE)
               Mode(s):                             LTE

                FCC Part                                                                               Test
                                   Test Description                           Test Limit                         Result   Reference
                Section(s)                                                                           Condition
                                Effective Radiated
           22.913(a.2)                                               < 7 Watts max. ERP                          PASS     Section 6.2
                                Power (Band 5,)
                                Effective Radiated
           27.50(c.10)                                               < 3 Watts max. ERP                          PASS     Section 6.2
                                Power (Band 17)
                                Equivalent Isotropic
           24.232(c) 27.50(h.2) Radiated Power (Band                 < 2 Watts max. EIRP                         PASS     Section 6.2
                                2 7)
                                Equivalent Isotropic
           27.50(d.4)           Radiated Power (Band                 < 1 Watts max. EIRP                         PASS     Section 6.2
           2.1053 22.917(a)
                                                                     > 43 + 10log10 (P[Watts]) for
           24.238(a) 27.53(f)   Undesirable Emissions                                                            PASS     Section 6.3
                                                                     all out-of-band emissions
           27.53(g) 27.53(h)
                                                                     > 43 + 10log10 (P[Watts]) at
                                                                     channel edges and
           27.53(m)                     Undesirable Emissions        > 55 + 10log10 (P[Watts]) at                PASS     Section 6.3
                                                                     5.5MHz away and beyond
                                                                     channel edges
                                                         Table 6-1. Summary of Test Results
      1)    All modes of operation and data rates were investigated. The test results shown in the following sections represent the worst
            case emissions.

                                                               FCC Pt. 22, 24, & 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT                    Reviewed by:
      FCC ID: ZNFD850
                                                                       (CLASS II PERMISSIVE CHANGE)                           Quality Manager
      Test Report S/N:            Test Dates:            EUT Type:
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      © 2014 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                              V5.0

6.2         Radiated Power (ERP/EIRP)
§22.913(a.2) §24.232(c) §27.50(h.2) §27.50(c.10) §27.50(d.4)

Test Overview

Effective Radiated Power (ERP) and Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) measurements are
performed using the substitution method described in ANSI/TIA-603-C-2004 with the EUT transmitting into
an integral antenna. Measurements on signals operating below 1GHz are performed using vertically
polarized tuned dipole antennas. Measurements on signals operating above 1GHz are performed using
vertically polarized broadband horn antennas. All measurements are performed as RMS average
measurements while the EUT is operating at its maximum duty cycle, at maximum power, and at the
appropriate frequencies.

Test Procedures Used

KDB 971168 v02r01 – Section 5.2.1

ANSI/TIA-603-C-2004 – Section 2.2.17

Test Settings

      1. Radiated power measurements are performed using the signal analyzer’s “channel power”
            measurement capability for signals with continuous operation. For signals with burst transmission,
            the signal analyzer’s “time domain power” measurement capability is used
      2. RBW = 1 – 5% of the expected OBW, not to exceed 1MHz

      3. VBW ≥ 3 x RBW

      4. Span = 1.5 times the OBW

      5. No. of sweep points > 2 x span / RBW

      6. Detector = RMS

      7. Trigger is set to “free run” for signals with continuous operation with the sweep times set to “auto”.

            Trigger is set to enable triggering only on full power bursts with the sweep time set less than or

            equal to the transmission burst duration

      8. The integration bandwidth was roughly set equal to the measured OBW of the signal for signals

            with continuous operation. For signals with burst transmission, the “gating” function was enabled

            to ensure that measurements are performed during times in which the transmitter is operating at

            its maximum power

      9. Trace mode = trace averaging (RMS) over 100 sweeps

      10. The trace was allowed to stabilize

                                                    FCC Pt. 22, 24, & 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT      Reviewed by:
                                                            (CLASS II PERMISSIVE CHANGE)             Quality Manager
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Test Setup

The EUT and measurement equipment were set up as shown in the diagram below.

                                        Figure 6-1. Test Instrument & Measurement Setup

Test Notes

      1) The EUT was tested in three orthogonal planes and in all possible test configurations and
         positioning. The “H” positioning is defined with the EUT lying flat on the test surface, the “H2”
         positioning is defined with the EUT standing up on its side, and the “V” positioning is defined with
         the EUT standing upright.

      2) The worst case emissions are reported with the EUT positioning, modulations, RB sizes and
         offsets, and channel bandwidth configurations shown in the tables below.

      3) This unit was tested with its standard battery.

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                    Channel                                           Substitute Ant. Ant.
         Frequency                              Battery   RB                                 EUT     ERP     ERP      Margin
                   Bandwidth             Mod.                           Level     Gain Pol.
           [MHz]                                Cover Size/Offset                            Pol.   [dBm]   [Watts]    [dB]
                     [MHz]                                             [dBm]     [dBd] [H/V]

           706.50            5          QPSK    Standard     1 / 24     15.80    2.35    V    V     18.15   0.065     -16.62

           710.00            5          QPSK    Standard     1 / 24     15.93    2.42    V    V     18.35   0.068     -16.42

           713.50            5          QPSK    Standard     1/0        15.88    2.49    V    V     18.37   0.069     -16.40

           706.50            5         16-QAM   Standard     1 / 24     14.60    2.35    V    V     16.95   0.050     -17.82

           710.00            5         16-QAM   Standard     1 / 24     14.78    2.42    V    V     17.20   0.053     -17.57

           713.50            5         16-QAM   Standard     1/0        14.65    2.49    V    V     17.14   0.052     -17.63

           709.00            10         QPSK    Standard     1 / 49     15.40    2.40    V    V     17.80   0.060     -16.97

           710.00            10         QPSK    Standard     1 / 49     15.35    2.42    V    V     17.77   0.060     -17.00

           711.00            10         QPSK    Standard     1 / 49     15.30    2.44    V    V     17.74   0.059     -17.03

           709.00            10        16-QAM   Standard     1 / 49     14.29    2.40    V    V     16.69   0.047     -18.08

           710.00            10        16-QAM   Standard     1 / 49     14.31    2.42    V    V     16.73   0.047     -18.04

           711.00            10        16-QAM   Standard     1 / 49     14.26    2.44    V    V     16.70   0.047     -18.07

           713.50             5         QPSK     WCC         1 / 49      1.85    2.49    V    H     4.34    0.003     -30.43

                                                   Table 6-2. ERP Data (Band 17)

                    Channel                                           Substitute Ant. Ant.
         Frequency                              Battery   RB                                 EUT     ERP     ERP      Margin
                   Bandwidth             Mod.                           Level     Gain Pol.
           [MHz]                                Cover Size/Offset                            Pol.   [dBm]   [Watts]    [dB]
                     [MHz]                                             [dBm]     [dBd] [H/V]

           826.50            5          QPSK    Standard     1 / 24     12.26    4.64    V    V     16.90   0.049     -21.55

           836.50            5          QPSK    Standard     1/0        13.14    4.82    V    V     17.96   0.063     -20.49

           846.50            5          QPSK    Standard     1/0        12.54    5.01    V    V     17.55   0.057     -20.90

           826.50            5         16-QAM   Standard     1 / 24     11.13    4.64    V    V     15.77   0.038     -22.68

           836.50            5         16-QAM   Standard     1/0        11.99    4.82    V    V     16.81   0.048     -21.64

           846.50            5         16-QAM   Standard     1/0        11.31    5.01    V    V     16.32   0.043     -22.13

           829.00            10         QPSK    Standard     1 / 49     12.63    4.68    V    V     17.31   0.054     -21.14

           836.50            10         QPSK    Standard     1/0        13.30    4.82    V    V     18.12   0.065     -20.33

           844.00            10         QPSK    Standard     1/0        13.30    4.96    V    V     18.26   0.067     -20.19

           829.00            10        16-QAM   Standard     1 / 49     11.16    4.68    V    V     15.84   0.038     -22.61

           836.50            10        16-QAM   Standard     1/0        12.03    4.82    V    V     16.85   0.048     -21.60

           844.00            10        16-QAM   Standard     1/0        12.07    4.96    V    V     17.03   0.050     -21.42

           844.00            10         QPSK     WCC         1/0         3.73    4.96    V    H     8.69    0.007     -29.76

                                                    Table 6-3. ERP Data (Band 5)

                                                       FCC Pt. 22, 24, & 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT                       Reviewed by:
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            Channel                                                  Substitute Ant. Ant.
 Frequency                                    Battery   RB                                  EUT         EIRP    EIRP      Margin
           Bandwidth                 Mod.                              Level    Gain Pol.
   [MHz]                                      Cover Size/Offset                             Pol.       [dBm]   [Watts]     [dB]
             [MHz]                                                     [dBm]    [dBi] [H/V]

   1712.50              5           QPSK      Standard      1 / 24      12.87     9.89    V    H2      22.76   0.189        -7.24

   1732.50              5           QPSK      Standard      1 / 24      10.70     9.85    V    H2      20.55   0.113        -9.45

   1752.50              5           QPSK      Standard       1/0        11.44     9.81    V    H2      21.25   0.133        -8.75

   1712.50              5          16-QAM     Standard      1 / 24      11.15     9.89    V    H2      21.04   0.127        -8.96

   1732.50              5          16-QAM     Standard      1 / 24       9.44     9.85    V    H2      19.29   0.085       -10.71

   1752.50              5          16-QAM     Standard       1/0        10.19     9.81    V    H2      20.00   0.100       -10.00

   1715.00             10           QPSK      Standard      1 / 49      12.46     9.88    V    H2      22.34   0.171        -7.66

   1732.50             10           QPSK      Standard       1/0        12.64     9.85    V    H2      22.49   0.177        -7.51

   1750.00             10           QPSK      Standard       1/0        11.81     9.81    V    H2      21.62   0.145        -8.38

   1715.00             10          16-QAM     Standard      1 / 49      11.30     9.88    V    H2      21.18   0.131        -8.82

   1732.50             10          16-QAM     Standard       1/0        11.47     9.85    V    H2      21.32   0.135        -8.68

   1750.00             10          16-QAM     Standard       1/0        10.74     9.81    V    H2      20.55   0.114        -9.45

   1717.50             15           QPSK      Standard      1 / 74      12.30     9.88    V    H2      22.18   0.165        -7.82

   1732.50             15           QPSK      Standard       1/0        12.44     9.85    V    H2      22.29   0.169        -7.71

   1747.50             15           QPSK      Standard       1/0        11.86     9.82    V    H2      21.68   0.147        -8.32

   1717.50             15          16-QAM     Standard      1 / 74      11.19     9.88    V    H2      21.07   0.128        -8.93

   1732.50             15          16-QAM     Standard       1/0        11.32     9.85    V    H2      21.17   0.131        -8.83

   1747.50             15          16-QAM     Standard       1/0        10.72     9.82    V    H2      20.54   0.113        -9.46

   1720.00             20           QPSK      Standard      1 / 99      11.94     9.87    V    H2      21.81   0.152        -8.19

   1732.50             20           QPSK      Standard       1/0        11.81     9.85    V    H2      21.66   0.146        -8.34

   1745.00             20           QPSK      Standard       1/0        11.33     9.82    V    H2      21.15   0.130        -8.85

   1720.00             20          16-QAM     Standard      1 / 99      10.94     9.87    V    H2      20.81   0.121        -9.19

   1732.50             20          16-QAM     Standard       1/0        10.60     9.85    V    H2      20.45   0.111        -9.55

   1745.00             20          16-QAM     Standard       1/0        10.22     9.82    V    H2      20.04   0.101        -9.96

   1712.50              5           QPSK       WCC          1 / 99       6.83     7.74    V    H       14.57   0.029       -15.43

                                                   Table 6-4. EIRP Data (Band 4)

                                                         FCC Pt. 22, 24, & 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT                     Reviewed by:
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            Channel                                                  Substitute Ant. Ant.
 Frequency                                    Battery   RB                                  EUT         EIRP    EIRP      Margin
           Bandwidth                 Mod.                              Level    Gain Pol.
   [MHz]                                      Cover Size/Offset                             Pol.       [dBm]   [Watts]     [dB]
             [MHz]                                                     [dBm]    [dBi] [H/V]

   1852.50              5           QPSK      Standard      1 / 24      12.93     9.59    V    H2      22.52   0.179       -10.49

   1880.00              5           QPSK      Standard       1/0        13.40     9.53    V    H2      22.93   0.196       -10.08

   1907.50              5           QPSK      Standard      1 / 24      12.57     9.48    V    H2      22.05   0.160       -10.96

   1852.50              5          16-QAM     Standard      1 / 24      11.67     9.59    V    H2      21.26   0.134       -11.75

   1880.00              5          16-QAM     Standard       1/0        12.05     9.53    V    H2      21.58   0.144       -11.43

   1907.50              5          16-QAM     Standard      1 / 24      11.24     9.48    V    H2      20.72   0.118       -12.29

   1855.00             10           QPSK      Standard      1 / 49      12.76     9.59    V    H2      22.35   0.172       -10.66

   1880.00             10           QPSK      Standard      1 / 49      12.71     9.53    V    H2      22.24   0.168       -10.77

   1905.00             10           QPSK      Standard      1 / 49      12.04     9.48    V    H2      21.52   0.142       -11.49

   1855.00             10          16-QAM     Standard      1 / 49      11.50     9.59    V    H2      21.09   0.128       -11.92

   1880.00             10          16-QAM     Standard      1 / 49      11.52     9.53    V    H2      21.05   0.127       -11.96

   1905.00             10          16-QAM     Standard      1 / 49      11.40     9.48    V    H2      20.88   0.122       -12.13

   1857.50             15           QPSK      Standard       1/0        12.90     9.58    V    H2      22.48   0.177       -10.53

   1880.00             15           QPSK      Standard      1 / 74      12.78     9.53    V    H2      22.31   0.170       -10.70

   1902.50             15           QPSK      Standard       1/0        12.41     9.48    V    H2      21.89   0.155       -11.12

   1857.50             15          16-QAM     Standard       1/0        11.70     9.58    V    H2      21.28   0.134       -11.73

   1880.00             15          16-QAM     Standard      1 / 74      11.64     9.53    V    H2      21.17   0.131       -11.84

   1902.50             15          16-QAM     Standard       1/0        10.74     9.48    V    H2      20.22   0.105       -12.79

   1860.00             20           QPSK      Standard       1/0        13.31     9.58    V    H2      22.89   0.194       -10.12

   1880.00             20           QPSK      Standard       1/0        12.43     9.53    V    H2      21.96   0.157       -11.05

   1900.00             20           QPSK      Standard       1/0        11.81     9.49    V    H2      21.30   0.135       -11.71

   1860.00             20          16-QAM     Standard       1/0        11.85     9.58    V    H2      21.43   0.139       -11.58

   1880.00             20          16-QAM     Standard       1/0        11.44     9.53    V    H2      20.97   0.125       -12.04

   1900.00             20          16-QAM     Standard       1/0        11.07     9.49    V    H2      20.56   0.114       -12.45

   1880.00              5           QPSK       WCC          1 / 99      10.82     7.38    V    H       18.20   0.066       -14.81

                                                   Table 6-5. EIRP Data (Band 2)

                                                         FCC Pt. 22, 24, & 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT                     Reviewed by:
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            Channel                                                  Substitute Ant. Ant.
 Frequency                                    Battery   RB                                  EUT         EIRP    EIRP      Margin
           Bandwidth                 Mod.                              Level    Gain Pol.
   [MHz]                                      Cover Size/Offset                             Pol.       [dBm]   [Watts]     [dB]
             [MHz]                                                     [dBm]    [dBi] [H/V]

   2502.50              5           QPSK      Standard      1 / 24       8.81     8.66    V    H2      17.47   0.056       -15.54

   2532.30              5           QPSK      Standard       1/0        10.15     8.68    V    H2      18.83   0.076       -14.18

   2567.50              5           QPSK      Standard      1 / 24       7.90     8.70    V    H2      16.60   0.046       -16.41

   2502.50              5          16-QAM     Standard      1 / 24       8.18     8.66    V    H2      16.84   0.048       -16.17

   2532.30              5          16-QAM     Standard       1/0         9.03     8.68    V    H2      17.71   0.059       -15.30

   2567.50              5          16-QAM     Standard       1/0         6.98     8.70    V    H2      15.68   0.037       -17.33

   2505.00             10           QPSK      Standard      1 / 49       8.75     8.66    V    H2      17.41   0.055       -15.60

   2535.00             10           QPSK      Standard       1/0        10.53     8.68    V    H2      19.21   0.083       -13.80

   2565.00             10           QPSK      Standard      1 / 49       7.53     8.70    V    H2      16.23   0.042       -16.78

   2505.00             10          16-QAM     Standard      1 / 49       7.48     8.66    V    H2      16.14   0.041       -16.87

   2535.00             10          16-QAM     Standard       1/0         8.11     8.68    V    H2      16.79   0.048       -16.22

   2565.00             10          16-QAM     Standard       1/0         6.57     8.70    V    H2      15.27   0.034       -17.74

   2507.50             15           QPSK      Standard       1/0         8.91     8.66    V    H2      17.57   0.057       -15.44

   2532.30             15           QPSK      Standard       1/0        10.59     8.68    V    H2      19.27   0.084       -13.74

   2562.50             15           QPSK      Standard      1 / 74       7.68     8.70    V    H2      16.38   0.043       -16.63

   2507.50             15          16-QAM     Standard      1 / 74       8.00     8.66    V    H2      16.66   0.046       -16.35

   2532.30             15          16-QAM     Standard       1/0         8.71     8.68    V    H2      17.39   0.055       -15.62

   2562.50             15          16-QAM     Standard       1/0         6.16     8.70    V    H2      14.86   0.031       -18.15

   2510.00             20           QPSK      Standard      1 / 99       9.50     8.66    V    H2      18.16   0.065       -14.85

   2535.00             20           QPSK      Standard       1/0         9.72     8.68    V    H2      18.40   0.069       -14.61

   2560.00             20           QPSK      Standard       1/0         8.36     8.69    V    H2      17.05   0.051       -15.96

   2510.00             20          16-QAM     Standard      1 / 99       8.71     8.66    V    H2      17.37   0.055       -15.64

   2535.00             20          16-QAM     Standard       1/0         9.23     8.68    V    H2      17.91   0.062       -15.10

   2560.00             20          16-QAM     Standard       1/0         7.58     8.69    V    H2      16.27   0.042       -16.74

   2532.30             15           QPSK       WCC          1 / 99       3.73     6.53    V    H       10.26   0.011       -22.75

                                                   Table 6-6. EIRP Data (Band 7)

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6.3             Radiated Spurious Emissions Measurements
§2.1053 §22.917(a) §24.238(a) §27.53(f) §27.53(g) §27.53(h) §27.53(m)

Test Overview

Radiated spurious emissions measurements are performed using the substitution method described in
ANSI/TIA-603-C-2004 with the EUT transmitting into an integral antenna. Measurements on signals
operating below 1GHz are performed using vertically and vertically polarized tuned dipole antennas.
Measurements on signals operating above 1GHz are performed using vertically and horizontally polarized
broadband horn antennas. All measurements are performed as peak measurements while the EUT is
operating at its maximum duty cycle, at maximum power, and at the appropriate frequencies.

Test Procedures Used

KDB 971168 v02r01 – Section 5.8

ANSI/TIA-603-C-2004 – Section 2.2.12

Test Settings

      1. RBW = 100kHz for emissions below 1GHz and 1MHz for emissions above 1GHz

      2. VBW ≥ 3 x RBW

      3. Span = 1.5 times the OBW

      4. No. of sweep points > 2 x span / RBW

      5. Detector = Peak

      6. Trace mode = max hold

      7. The trace was allowed to stabilize

Test Setup

The EUT and measurement equipment were set up as shown in the diagram below.

                                        Figure 6-2. Test Instrument & Measurement Setup

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Test Notes

      1) The worst case emissions are reported with the EUT positioning, modulations, and channel
         bandwidth configurations shown in the tables below.

      2) This unit was tested with its standard battery.

      3) The spectrum is measured from 9kHz to the 10th harmonic of the fundamental frequency of the
         transmitter using CISPR quasi peak detector below 1GHz. The worst-case emissions are reported
         however emissions whose levels were not within 20dB of the respective limits were not reported.

      4) Emissions below 18GHz were measured at a 3 meter test distance while emissions above 18GHz
         were measured at a 1 meter test distance with the application of a distance correction factor.

                 OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                             706.50               MHz
                                             CHANNEL:                             23755
           MEASURED OUTPUT POWER:                                         18.15        dBm      =                0.065   W
                       MODULATION SIGNAL:                             QPSK
                                      BANDWIDTH:                           5.0        MHz
                                             DISTANCE:                      3         meters                   706.55QPSK
                                                 LIMIT:       43 + 10 log10 (W) =           31.15          dBc

                                         Level at
                                                                 Substitute             Spurious      Ant.   EUT
             Frequency                   Antenna
                                                                Antenna Gain          Emission Level Pol.    Pol.            [dBc]
               [MHz]                    Terminals
                                                                    [dBd]                 [dBm]      [H/V] [H/H2/V]
                1413.00                   -47.22                          2.56              -44.66         H         H       62.8
                2119.50                       -41.60                      3.01              -38.59         H         H       56.7
                2826.00                       -43.36                      4.74              -38.62         H         H       56.8
                3532.50                       -45.55                      6.28              -39.27         H         H       57.4
                4239.00                       -55.75                      7.14              -48.62         H         H       66.8
                                   Table 6-7. Radiated Spurious Data (Band 17 – Low Channel)

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                 OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                             710.00               MHz
                                             CHANNEL:                             23790
           MEASURED OUTPUT POWER:                                         18.35        dBm     =                 0.068   W
                       MODULATION SIGNAL:                             QPSK
                                      BANDWIDTH:                            5
                                             DISTANCE:                      3         meters                     7105QPSK
                                                 LIMIT:       43 + 10 log10 (W) =          31.35           dBc

                                         Level at
                                                                 Substitute             Spurious      Ant.   EUT
             Frequency                   Antenna
                                                                Antenna Gain          Emission Level Pol.    Pol.            [dBc]
               [MHz]                    Terminals
                                                                    [dBd]                 [dBm]      [H/V] [H/H2/V]
                1420.00                   -47.25                          2.64             -44.61          H         H       63.0
                2130.00                       -44.43                      3.04             -41.39          H         H       59.7
                2840.00                       -43.79                      4.73             -39.05          H         H       57.4
                3550.00                       -44.59                      6.30             -38.29          H         H       56.6
                                    Table 6-8. Radiated Spurious Data (Band 17 – Mid Channel)

                 OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                             713.50               MHz
                                             CHANNEL:                             23825
           MEASURED OUTPUT POWER:                                         18.37        dBm     =                 0.069   W
                       MODULATION SIGNAL:                             QPSK
                                      BANDWIDTH:                            5
                                             DISTANCE:                      3         meters                   713.55QPSK
                                                 LIMIT:       43 + 10 log10 (W) =          31.37           dBc

                                         Level at
                                                                 Substitute             Spurious      Ant.   EUT
             Frequency                   Antenna
                                                                Antenna Gain          Emission Level Pol.    Pol.            [dBc]
               [MHz]                    Terminals
                                                                    [dBd]                 [dBm]      [H/V] [H/H2/V]
                1427.00                   -46.28                          2.72             -43.56          H         H       61.9
                2140.50                       -41.85                      3.07             -38.77          H         H       57.1
                2854.00                       -44.80                      4.73             -40.07          H         H       58.4
                3567.50                       -44.85                      6.31             -38.54          H         H       56.9
                4281.00                       -52.99                      7.18             -45.80          H         H       64.2
                4994.50                       -54.48                      7.98             -46.50          H         H       64.9
                                   Table 6-9. Radiated Spurious Data (Band 17 – High Channel)

                                                             FCC Pt. 22, 24, & 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT                     Reviewed by:
                                                                     (CLASS II PERMISSIVE CHANGE)                            Quality Manager
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                 OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                             713.50               MHz
                                             CHANNEL:                             23825
           MEASURED OUTPUT POWER:                                         4.34         dBm      =                0.003   W
                       MODULATION SIGNAL:                             QPSK
                                      BANDWIDTH:                            5
                                             DISTANCE:                      3         meters                   713.55QPSK
                                                 LIMIT:       43 + 10 log10 (W) =           17.34          dBc

                                         Level at
                                                                 Substitute             Spurious      Ant.   EUT
             Frequency                   Antenna
                                                                Antenna Gain          Emission Level Pol.    Pol.            [dBc]
               [MHz]                    Terminals
                                                                    [dBd]                 [dBm]      [H/V] [H/H2/V]
                1427.00                   -46.88                          2.72              -44.16         H         H       48.5
                2140.50                       -42.65                      3.07              -39.57         H         H       43.9
                2854.00                       -46.17                      4.73              -41.44         H         H       45.8
                3567.50                       -47.22                      6.31              -40.91         H         H       45.3
                4281.00                       -55.29                      7.18              -48.10         H         H       52.4
                4994.50                       -55.64                      7.98              -47.66         H         H       52.0
                         Table 6-10. Radiated Spurious Data with WCC (Band 17 – High Channel)

                 OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                             829.00               MHz
                                             CHANNEL:                             20450
           MEASURED OUTPUT POWER:                                         17.31        dBm      =                0.054   W
                       MODULATION SIGNAL:                             QPSK
                                      BANDWIDTH:                          10.0        MHz
                                             DISTANCE:                      3         meters                   82910QPSK
                                                 LIMIT:       43 + 10 log10 (W) =           30.31          dBc

                                         Level at
                                                                 Substitute             Spurious      Ant.   EUT
             Frequency                   Antenna
                                                                Antenna Gain          Emission Level Pol.    Pol.            [dBc]
               [MHz]                    Terminals
                                                                    [dBd]                 [dBm]      [H/V] [H/H2/V]
                1658.00                   -47.58                          3.58              -43.99         H         H       61.3
                2487.00                       -48.27                      3.56              -44.70         H         H       62.0
                3316.00                       -40.48                      5.71              -34.77         H         H       52.1
                4145.00                       -51.80                      6.96              -44.84         H         H       62.2
                4974.00                       -52.17                      7.94              -44.23         H         H       61.5
                5803.00                       -54.02                      8.65              -45.37         H         H       62.7
                                   Table 6-11. Radiated Spurious Data (Band 5 – Low Channel)

                                                             FCC Pt. 22, 24, & 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT                     Reviewed by:
                                                                     (CLASS II PERMISSIVE CHANGE)                            Quality Manager
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                 OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                             836.50               MHz
                                             CHANNEL:                             20525
           MEASURED OUTPUT POWER:                                         18.12        dBm     =                 0.065   W
                       MODULATION SIGNAL:                             QPSK
                                      BANDWIDTH:                           10
                                             DISTANCE:                      3         meters                 836.510QPSK
                                                 LIMIT:       43 + 10 log10 (W) =          31.12           dBc

                                         Level at
                                                                 Substitute             Spurious      Ant.   EUT
             Frequency                   Antenna
                                                                Antenna Gain          Emission Level Pol.    Pol.            [dBc]
               [MHz]                    Terminals
                                                                    [dBd]                 [dBm]      [H/V] [H/H2/V]
                1673.00                   -50.32                          3.53             -46.79          H         H       64.9
                2509.50                       -50.45                      3.57             -46.88          H         H       65.0
                3346.00                       -43.39                      5.78             -37.61          H         H       55.7
                4182.50                       -54.77                      7.05             -47.72          H         H       65.8
                5019.00                       -54.95                      8.01             -46.95          H         H       65.1
                                    Table 6-12. Radiated Spurious Data (Band 5 – Mid Channel)

                 OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                             844.00               MHz
                                             CHANNEL:                             20600
           MEASURED OUTPUT POWER:                                         18.26        dBm     =                 0.067   W
                       MODULATION SIGNAL:                             QPSK
                                      BANDWIDTH:                           10
                                             DISTANCE:                      3         meters                   84410QPSK
                                                 LIMIT:       43 + 10 log10 (W) =          31.26           dBc

                                         Level at
                                                                 Substitute             Spurious      Ant.   EUT
             Frequency                   Antenna
                                                                Antenna Gain          Emission Level Pol.    Pol.            [dBc]
               [MHz]                    Terminals
                                                                    [dBd]                 [dBm]      [H/V] [H/H2/V]
                1688.00                   -47.46                          3.47             -43.99          H         H       62.2
                2532.00                       -48.40                      3.62             -44.78          H         H       63.0
                3376.00                       -42.17                      5.86             -36.31          H         H       54.6
                4220.00                       -52.59                      7.12             -45.48          H         H       63.7
                5064.00                       -52.17                      8.04             -44.13          H         H       62.4
                5908.00                       -54.53                      8.57             -45.97          H         H       64.2
                                   Table 6-13. Radiated Spurious Data (Band 5 – High Channel)

                                                             FCC Pt. 22, 24, & 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT                     Reviewed by:
                                                                     (CLASS II PERMISSIVE CHANGE)                            Quality Manager
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                 OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                             844.00               MHz
                                             CHANNEL:                             20600
           MEASURED OUTPUT POWER:                                         8.69          dBm     =                0.007   W
                       MODULATION SIGNAL:                             QPSK
                                      BANDWIDTH:                           10
                                             DISTANCE:                      3         meters                   84410QPSK
                                                 LIMIT:       43 + 10 log10 (W) =           21.69          dBc

                                         Level at
                                                                 Substitute             Spurious      Ant.   EUT
             Frequency                   Antenna
                                                                Antenna Gain          Emission Level Pol.    Pol.            [dBc]
               [MHz]                    Terminals
                                                                    [dBd]                 [dBm]      [H/V] [H/H2/V]
                1688.00                   -53.06                          3.47              -49.59         H         H       58.3
                2532.00                       -53.21                      3.62              -49.59         H         H       58.3
                3376.00                       -46.02                      5.86              -40.16         H         H       48.9
                4220.00                       -56.77                      7.12              -49.66         H         H       58.3
                5064.00                       -56.61                      8.04              -48.57         H         H       57.3
                          Table 6-14. Radiated Spurious Data with WCC (Band 5 – High Channel)

                 OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                             1712.50              MHz
                                             CHANNEL:                             19975
           MEASURED OUTPUT POWER:                                         22.76         dBm     =                0.189   W
                       MODULATION SIGNAL:                             QPSK
                                      BANDWIDTH:                           5.0        MHz
                                             DISTANCE:                      3         meters                 1712.55QPSK
                                                 LIMIT:       43 + 10 log10 (W) =           35.76          dBc

                                         Level at
                                                                 Substitute             Spurious      Ant.   EUT
             Frequency                   Antenna
                                                                Antenna Gain          Emission Level Pol.    Pol.            [dBc]
               [MHz]                    Terminals
                                                                    [dBi]                 [dBm]      [H/V] [H/H2/V]
                3425.00                   -42.87                          8.15              -34.72         H         H       57.5
                5137.50                       -50.64                      10.26             -40.38         H         H       63.1
                6850.00                       -55.54                      11.39             -44.16         H         H       66.9
                8562.50                       -58.77                      13.02             -45.75         H         H       68.5
               10275.00                       -57.43                      13.27             -44.16         H         H       66.9
                                   Table 6-15. Radiated Spurious Data (Band 4 – Low Channel)

                                                             FCC Pt. 22, 24, & 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT                     Reviewed by:
                                                                     (CLASS II PERMISSIVE CHANGE)                            Quality Manager
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                 OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                             1732.50              MHz
                                             CHANNEL:                             20175
           MEASURED OUTPUT POWER:                                         20.55         dBm     =                0.113   W
                       MODULATION SIGNAL:                             QPSK
                                      BANDWIDTH:                            5
                                             DISTANCE:                      3         meters                 1732.55QPSK
                                                 LIMIT:       43 + 10 log10 (W) =           33.55          dBc

                                         Level at
                                                                 Substitute             Spurious      Ant.   EUT
             Frequency                   Antenna
                                                                Antenna Gain          Emission Level Pol.    Pol.            [dBc]
               [MHz]                    Terminals
                                                                    [dBi]                 [dBm]      [H/V] [H/H2/V]
                3465.00                   -41.30                          8.29              -33.02         H         H       53.6
                5197.50                       -54.06                      10.35             -43.71         H         H       64.3
                6930.00                       -56.50                      11.49             -45.01         H         H       65.6
                8662.50                       -57.44                      13.02             -44.42         H         H       65.0
               10395.00                       -55.71                      13.16             -42.56         H         H       63.1
               12127.50                       -54.62                      13.10             -41.52         H         H       62.1
                                    Table 6-16. Radiated Spurious Data (Band 4 – Mid Channel)

                 OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                             1752.50              MHz
                                             CHANNEL:                             20375
           MEASURED OUTPUT POWER:                                         21.25         dBm     =                0.133   W
                       MODULATION SIGNAL:                             QPSK
                                      BANDWIDTH:                            5
                                             DISTANCE:                      3         meters                 1752.55QPSK
                                                 LIMIT:       43 + 10 log10 (W) =           34.25          dBc

                                         Level at
                                                                 Substitute             Spurious      Ant.   EUT
             Frequency                   Antenna
                                                                Antenna Gain          Emission Level Pol.    Pol.            [dBc]
               [MHz]                    Terminals
                                                                    [dBi]                 [dBm]      [H/V] [H/H2/V]
                3505.00                   -46.77                          8.40              -38.37         H         H       59.6
                5257.50                       -48.26                      10.36             -37.90         H         H       59.1
                7010.00                       -57.48                      11.56             -45.92         H         H       67.2
                8762.50                       -58.73                      13.02             -45.71         H         H       67.0
               10515.00                       -56.89                      13.01             -43.88         H         H       65.1
               12267.50                       -56.27                      13.16             -43.11         H         H       64.4
                                   Table 6-17. Radiated Spurious Data (Band 4 – High Channel)

                                                             FCC Pt. 22, 24, & 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT                     Reviewed by:
                                                                     (CLASS II PERMISSIVE CHANGE)                            Quality Manager
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                 OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                             1712.50              MHz
                                             CHANNEL:                             19975
           MEASURED OUTPUT POWER:                                         14.57         dBm     =                0.029   W
                       MODULATION SIGNAL:                             QPSK
                                      BANDWIDTH:                            5
                                             DISTANCE:                      3         meters                 1712.55QPSK
                                                 LIMIT:       43 + 10 log10 (W) =           27.57          dBc

                                         Level at
                                                                 Substitute             Spurious      Ant.   EUT
             Frequency                   Antenna
                                                                Antenna Gain          Emission Level Pol.    Pol.            [dBc]
               [MHz]                    Terminals
                                                                    [dBi]                 [dBm]      [H/V] [H/H2/V]
                3425.00                   -43.21                          8.15              -35.06         H         H       49.6
                5137.50                       -43.13                      10.26             -32.87         H         H       47.4
                6850.00                       -56.55                      11.39             -45.17         H         H       59.7
                8562.50                       -57.95                      13.02             -44.93         H         H       59.5
               10275.00                       -57.34                      13.27             -44.07         H         H       58.6
               11987.50                       -54.73                      13.14             -41.59         H         H       56.2
                           Table 6-18. Radiated Spurious Data with WCC (Band 4 – Low Channel)

                 OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                             1852.50              MHz
                                             CHANNEL:                             18625
           MEASURED OUTPUT POWER:                                         22.52         dBm     =                0.179   W
                       MODULATION SIGNAL:                             QPSK
                                      BANDWIDTH:                           5.0        MHz
                                             DISTANCE:                      3         meters                 1852.55QPSK
                                                 LIMIT:       43 + 10 log10 (W) =           35.52          dBc

                                         Level at
                                                                 Substitute             Spurious      Ant.   EUT
             Frequency                   Antenna
                                                                Antenna Gain          Emission Level Pol.    Pol.            [dBc]
               [MHz]                    Terminals
                                                                    [dBi]                 [dBm]      [H/V] [H/H2/V]
                3705.00                   -38.20                          8.40              -29.80         H         H       52.3
                5557.50                       -46.90                      10.57             -36.33         H         H       58.9
                7410.00                       -47.16                      12.06             -35.10         H         H       57.6
                9262.50                       -54.20                      13.22             -40.98         H         H       63.5
               11115.00                       -53.99                      13.25             -40.73         H         H       63.3
                                   Table 6-19. Radiated Spurious Data (Band 2 – Low Channel)

                                                             FCC Pt. 22, 24, & 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT                     Reviewed by:
                                                                     (CLASS II PERMISSIVE CHANGE)                            Quality Manager
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                 OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                             1880.00              MHz
                                             CHANNEL:                             18900
           MEASURED OUTPUT POWER:                                         22.93         dBm     =                0.196   W
                       MODULATION SIGNAL:                             QPSK
                                      BANDWIDTH:                            5
                                             DISTANCE:                      3         meters                   18805QPSK
                                                 LIMIT:       43 + 10 log10 (W) =           35.93          dBc

                                         Level at
                                                                 Substitute             Spurious      Ant.   EUT
             Frequency                   Antenna
                                                                Antenna Gain          Emission Level Pol.    Pol.            [dBc]
               [MHz]                    Terminals
                                                                    [dBi]                 [dBm]      [H/V] [H/H2/V]
                3760.00                   -39.24                          8.38              -30.86         H         H       53.8
                5640.00                       -47.43                      10.70             -36.74         H         H       59.7
                7520.00                       -52.42                      12.10             -40.32         H         H       63.2
                9400.00                       -58.23                      13.19             -45.04         H         H       68.0
                                    Table 6-20. Radiated Spurious Data (Band 2 – Mid Channel)

                 OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                             1907.50              MHz
                                             CHANNEL:                             19175
           MEASURED OUTPUT POWER:                                         22.05         dBm     =                0.160   W
                       MODULATION SIGNAL:                             QPSK
                                      BANDWIDTH:                            5
                                             DISTANCE:                      3         meters                 1907.55QPSK
                                                 LIMIT:       43 + 10 log10 (W) =           35.05          dBc

                                         Level at
                                                                 Substitute             Spurious      Ant.   EUT
             Frequency                   Antenna
                                                                Antenna Gain          Emission Level Pol.    Pol.            [dBc]
               [MHz]                    Terminals
                                                                    [dBi]                 [dBm]      [H/V] [H/H2/V]
                3815.00                   -40.31                          8.40              -31.91         H         H       54.0
                5722.50                       -52.97                      10.76             -42.21         H         H       64.3
                7630.00                       -47.63                      12.21             -35.42         H         H       57.5
                9537.50                       -56.57                      13.19             -43.38         H         H       65.4
               11445.00                       -53.18                      13.33             -39.86         H         H       61.9
                                   Table 6-21. Radiated Spurious Data (Band 2 – High Channel)

                                                             FCC Pt. 22, 24, & 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT                     Reviewed by:
                                                                     (CLASS II PERMISSIVE CHANGE)                            Quality Manager
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                 OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                             1880.00              MHz
                                             CHANNEL:                             18900
           MEASURED OUTPUT POWER:                                         18.20         dBm     =                0.066   W
                       MODULATION SIGNAL:                             QPSK
                                      BANDWIDTH:                            5
                                             DISTANCE:                      3         meters                   18805QPSK
                                                 LIMIT:       43 + 10 log10 (W) =           31.20          dBc

                                         Level at
                                                                 Substitute             Spurious      Ant.   EUT
             Frequency                   Antenna
                                                                Antenna Gain          Emission Level Pol.    Pol.            [dBc]
               [MHz]                    Terminals
                                                                    [dBi]                 [dBm]      [H/V] [H/H2/V]
                3760.00                   -38.00                          8.38              -29.61         H         H       47.8
                5640.00                       -40.27                      10.70             -29.57         H         H       47.8
                7520.00                       -38.87                      12.10             -26.77         H         H       45.0
                9400.00                       -41.24                      13.19             -28.05         H         H       46.3
               11280.00                       -38.23                      13.31             -24.92         H         H       43.1
                           Table 6-22. Radiated Spurious Data with WCC (Band 2 – Mid Channel)

                 OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                             2507.50              MHz
                                             CHANNEL:                             20825
           MEASURED OUTPUT POWER:                                         17.57         dBm     =                0.057   W
                       MODULATION SIGNAL:                             QPSK
                                      BANDWIDTH:                          15.0        MHz
                                             DISTANCE:                      3         meters                2507.515QPSK
                                                 LIMIT:       43 + 10 log10 (W) =           30.57          dBc

                                         Level at
                                                                 Substitute             Spurious      Ant.   EUT
             Frequency                   Antenna
                                                                Antenna Gain          Emission Level Pol.    Pol.            [dBc]
               [MHz]                    Terminals
                                                                    [dBi]                 [dBm]      [H/V] [H/H2/V]
                5015.00                   -47.53                          10.15             -37.38         H         H       54.9
                7522.50                       -56.58                      12.11             -44.47         H         H       62.0
               10030.00                       -54.89                      13.26             -41.63         H         H       59.2
                                   Table 6-23. Radiated Spurious Data (Band 7 – Low Channel)

                                                             FCC Pt. 22, 24, & 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT                     Reviewed by:
                                                                     (CLASS II PERMISSIVE CHANGE)                            Quality Manager
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                 OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                             2532.30              MHz
                                             CHANNEL:                             21073
           MEASURED OUTPUT POWER:                                         19.27         dBm     =                0.084   W
                       MODULATION SIGNAL:                             QPSK
                                      BANDWIDTH:                           15
                                             DISTANCE:                      3         meters                2532.315QPSK
                                                 LIMIT:       43 + 10 log10 (W) =           32.27          dBc

                                         Level at
                                                                 Substitute             Spurious      Ant.   EUT
             Frequency                   Antenna
                                                                Antenna Gain          Emission Level Pol.    Pol.            [dBc]
               [MHz]                    Terminals
                                                                    [dBi]                 [dBm]      [H/V] [H/H2/V]
                5064.60                   -47.47                          10.19             -37.28         H         H       56.5
                7596.90                       -54.82                      12.17             -42.64         H         H       61.9
               10129.20                       -56.77                      13.28             -43.48         H         H       62.8
                                    Table 6-24. Radiated Spurious Data (Band 7 – Mid Channel)

                 OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                             2562.50              MHz
                                             CHANNEL:                             21375
           MEASURED OUTPUT POWER:                                         16.38         dBm     =                0.043   W
                       MODULATION SIGNAL:                             QPSK
                                      BANDWIDTH:                           15
                                             DISTANCE:                      3         meters                2562.515QPSK
                                                 LIMIT:       43 + 10 log10 (W) =           29.38          dBc

                                         Level at
                                                                 Substitute             Spurious      Ant.   EUT
             Frequency                   Antenna
                                                                Antenna Gain          Emission Level Pol.    Pol.            [dBc]
               [MHz]                    Terminals
                                                                    [dBi]                 [dBm]      [H/V] [H/H2/V]
                5125.00                   -43.84                          10.25             -33.60         H         H       50.0
                7687.50                       -50.83                      12.27             -38.56         H         H       54.9
               10250.00                       -50.43                      13.28             -37.15         H         H       53.5
                                   Table 6-25. Radiated Spurious Data (Band 7 – High Channel)

                                                             FCC Pt. 22, 24, & 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT                     Reviewed by:
                                                                     (CLASS II PERMISSIVE CHANGE)                            Quality Manager
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                 OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                             2532.30              MHz
                                             CHANNEL:                             21073
           MEASURED OUTPUT POWER:                                         10.26         dBm     =                0.011   W
                       MODULATION SIGNAL:                             QPSK
                                      BANDWIDTH:                           15
                                             DISTANCE:                      3         meters                2532.315QPSK
                                                 LIMIT:       43 + 10 log10 (W) =           23.26          dBc

                                         Level at
                                                                 Substitute             Spurious      Ant.   EUT
             Frequency                   Antenna
                                                                Antenna Gain          Emission Level Pol.    Pol.            [dBc]
               [MHz]                    Terminals
                                                                    [dBi]                 [dBm]      [H/V] [H/H2/V]
                5064.60                   -43.16                          10.19             -32.97         H         H       43.2
                7596.90                       -57.12                      12.17             -44.94         H         H       55.2
               10129.20                       -57.41                      13.28             -44.12         H         H       54.4
                           Table 6-26. Radiated Spurious Data with WCC (Band 7 – Mid Channel)

                                                             FCC Pt. 22, 24, & 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT                     Reviewed by:
                                                                     (CLASS II PERMISSIVE CHANGE)                            Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:            Test Dates:                EUT Type:
                                                                                                                             Page 29 of 30
0Y1405060923-R1.ZNF         5/7 - 5/29/2014            Portable Handset
© 2014 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                 V5.0


      The data collected relate only to the item(s) tested and show that the LG Portable Handset
      FCC ID: ZNFD850 complies with all the requirements of Parts 2, 22, 24, 27 of the FCC rules for LTE
      operation only.

                                                          FCC Pt. 22, 24, & 27 LTE MEASUREMENT REPORT   Reviewed by:
      FCC ID: ZNFD850
                                                                  (CLASS II PERMISSIVE CHANGE)          Quality Manager
      Test Report S/N:            Test Dates:       EUT Type:
                                                                                                        Page 30 of 30
      0Y1405060923-R1.ZNF         5/7 - 5/29/2014   Portable Handset
      © 2014 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                      V5.0

Document Created: 2014-09-10 10:27:19
Document Modified: 2014-09-10 10:27:19

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC