User Manual Part 2


Users Manual

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9361 Home Cell V2 - Getting Started Guide

Authorized Users
The 9361 Home Cell V2 is configured to only allow service for authorized mobile
phones. The first mobile phone SIM card details you provided to your mobile phone
service provider is pre-configured to work with the device during auto-configuration.
To allow other users to connect to your 9361 Home Cell V2, you must register them
with your mobile phone service provider. The 9361 Home Cell V2 will only support
service to mobile phones registered for use on the same mobile phone network as
the 9361 Home Cell V2.

To add additional mobile users to your 9361 Home Cell V2 please contact your
Femtozone Service Provider.

Mobile Phone Requirements
3G compatible mobile phone

Enable and configure 3G service on your mobile phone. Details can be found in
your mobile phones user guide.

Enable 3G service with your mobile phone Service Provider to work with the SIM
card in your mobile phone.

Making your First Femtozone Call
Before you make your first call, make sure that your mobile phone is registered with
your Femtozone service and connected to the 9361 Home Cell V2.

Power OFF your mobile phone if your mobile phone was ON during the 9361 Home
Cell V2 installation process. Wait 30 seconds and then Power On your mobile phone.

After a couple of seconds your mobile phone should indicate that it is connected to
the Femtozone. If this is not the case please refer to the troubleshooting section of
this guide.

You are now ready to place your first call – just use your phone as you normally do
and enjoy the enhanced quality experience!


How do I know that I am using my 9361 Home Cell V2 service?
 Your mobile phone display will automatically indicate if you are within Femtozone
 signal range. If registered and configured properly your mobile phone should
 display a Femtozone service message and an associated signal indicator.

Will my call drop if I leave home in the middle of a call?
 If you move out of range of the 9361 Home Cell V2 Femtozone your call will be
 automatically transferred to the next available network service offered by your
 mobile service provider (carrier), without disconnecting your call. If no other
 mobile network is available your call will be disconnected.

How many people can use the 9361 Home Cell V2 at the same time?
 Up to four simultaneous calls can be supported by the 9361 Home Cell V2.
 However the quality of your broadband connection may impact the number of
 simultaneous users the 9361 Home Cell V2 can support. The 9361 Home Cell V2
 will automatically adjust the number of allowed calls in order to ensure that
 quality of service is maintained. If four simultaneous calls are active and a fifth
 person tries to connect, the call will automatically be transferred to the mobile
 network (assuming coverage from the mobile network is accessible in your

What happens if my broadband connection fails?
 If you lose your broadband connection, the connectivity    status light will turn
 off and your 9361 Home Cell V2 Femtozone coverage will stop. The 9361 Home
 Cell V2 Femtozone service will return when the broadband connection is recov-

What happens if my 9361 Home Cell V2 stops operating – can I still place a call?
 If your 9361 Home Cell V2 stops operating (e.g. if you have lost your broadband
 connection) then you will no longer be able to place calls through the 9361 Home
 Cell V2. However if you have coverage from the mobile network of your mobile
 service provider you can still place calls normally.

Can I use my 9361 Home Cell V2 in a location other than my home (e.g. at my
office, a friend’s home, etc.)?
 The 9361 Home Cell V2 automatically confirms its location and will only work at
 the location you register it for use with. You must contact your Internet service
 provider and/or mobile service provider for details.


9361 Home Cell V2 - Getting Started Guide

      Problem        Possible Cause                        Solution
                                        Confirm the 9361 Home Cell V2 is switched
     No indicators   AC power plug      on and the AC power adaptor is connected
          on         not connected      and also switched on. Wait a few seconds
                                        and the power indicator should illuminate.

                                        Confirm the mobile operator provided SIM
      Femtozone      SIM card missing   card is properly inserted in the 9361 Home
      service not     or not inserted   Cell V2’s SIM card slot. If you have not
       working           correctly.     inserted the SIM card yet, turn off the 9361
                                        Home Cell V2 and insert the SIM card.

                                        The connectivity indicator will be off for one of
                                        3 reasons:

                                        Firstly there is no connection to the internet.
                                        Ensure the Ethernet cable between the 9361
                                        Home Cell V2 and your DSL router or home
                                        LAN is connected. Confirm you have DSL
      Connectivity   Local connection
                                        service on your DSL router.
     indicator OFF       problem
                                        Secondly a GPS location check is done during
                                        boot up. Make sure the 9361 Home Cell V2 is
                                        in an authorised location.

                                        Thirdly the 9361 Home Cell V2 update is in
                                        progress this potentially can take up to 4
                                        hours to complete if during this time the user
                                        reboots the 9361 Home Cell V2 then the
                                        sequence will restart. If problem remains
                                        contact your service provider.


 Problem        Possible Cause                         Solution
                9361 Home Cell      Contact your Mobile Phone Service Provider if
Connectivity    V2 not registered   the problem continues.
  Blinking       Connection not Make sure IP security settings (IPSec) tunnels
                 established with are allowed on your DSL Router / LAN.

                Mobile phone not    Contact your Mobile Phone Service Provider
                 registered to      to confirm you mobile phone is registered to
 Femtozone        Femtozone         your 9361 Home Cell V2 and your Femtozone
  service not        service        service.
recognized by
  my mobile
   phone(s)      Mobile phone       Make sure your mobile phone meets 9361
                  configuration     Home Cell V2 requirements. See page 13 for
                (setup) problem     details.

                                    The 9361 Home Cell V2 is designed for use
                                    within enclosed homes with an approximate
                Home area larger
                                    Femtozone range of 30 to 40 meters. Cover-
                than Femtozone
                                    age will be significantly reduced if your
Experiencing         range
                                    home’s walls contain metallic lining.
poor (weak)
 Femtozone             or
                                    To test the approximate range of your
  coverage                          Femtozone coverage, start a call close to the
                                    device and walk away from it towards the
                                    furthest point of your home. Doing this
                                    several times in different directions allows the
                                    device to automatically configure itself for
                                    optimized coverage.

Cannot add a    9361 Home Cell Remove (de-register) users from the 9361
 new mobile     V2 user list is full Home Cell V2 user list and add or change
phone to my                          users as necessary.


9361 Home Cell V2 - Getting Started Guide

      Problem        Possible Cause                     Solution
     GPS indicator                     Connect a GPS antenna cable (not included)
         OFF         No GPS location   and turn the 9361 Home Cell V2 off and back
                          fix.         on. Make sure the antenna runs near a



                   GPS               Call         Connectivity        Power

                    OFF             OFF              OFF             Flashing
    calls Active
    Max # of

                    ON             Flashing           ON               ON
    Back haul

                    ON             Flashing         Flashing           ON

When the 9361 Home Cell V2 is preparing to provide service, it may automatically
reboot if it has a problem connecting to your service provider’s network. The pattern
of status indicators lights which it shows during start up will be repeated.


                                          June 2011 Edition 1

Document Created: 2011-07-08 16:39:17
Document Modified: 2011-07-08 16:39:17

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