ID Label/Location Info


ID Label/Location Info

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                L850-GL-03-04 Label Design Document_V1.7
                                     Material: MatteHeat-resistant
 Version    Date            Remarks

 V1.0       2018-07-27      NA

 V1.1       2018-08-13      Modify DPN and MFG

 V1.2       2018-08-21      Modify part number “CH17C” to “FMK7H”,Add the PPID description

 V1.3       2018-08-28      Add Prototype Do not use for A-Rev validation; Additional notes

 V1.4       2018-09-15      Positive label Add“減少電磁波影響,請妥適使用”

                            Adjust the size of Taiwan certification and traditional characters, adjust the
 V1.5       2018-10-16
                            position of Australian certification, and modify the FCC ID

 V1.6       2018-11-16      Add paste description and Reverse tag, Change X00 in PPID to X01

 1.7        2018-12-12      Change FCC ID
  X00Template Label:
  Front label:

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Back label:

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           S/N number, 10 Numbers.Please refer to the latest version of the product and
           packing box SN encoding rules for the actual S/N number.
           IMEI number, 15 digits.The label sample is just an example number. Please refer to
           the information provided by the certification department for the actual IMEI number.

PPID definition
     PPID – 20 and 3 Character Bar Codes - The 20 character code will contain the country of origin ISO code,
DELL Part Number, supplier identification code, date of manufacture and unique sequence number. The 3
character code contains the part revision.

Dell PPID code coding rules
     Dell custom L850-GL-03 label, added a PPID number, for example:CN-0FMK7H-BDSF8-811-0123-X00 .
     Code rule: Country of Origin+Dell P/N+MFG ID+Date Code+Serial Numbe+Part Number Revision(X## or A##)

   Element                    Coding rule

   PPID                       For example:CN-0FMK7H-BDSF8-811-0123-X00

   CN                         Country of Origin(fixed quantity)

   0FMK7H                     Dell P/N (fixed quantity)

   BDSF8                      MFG ID (fixed quantity)

   XXX                        Date Code (variable)

   XXXX                       Serial Numbe(variable)

   X00                        Part Number Revision(fixed quantity, turns into A00 after quantity)

Refer to the information provided by DELL:
     1. Two-dimensional code does not need to reflect dash "-"
     Note - Dashes are included in the Human Readable portion ONLY. Do not include dashes in the barcode.
     2. Date Code (811 in PPID) also needs variables and has certain rules;
         Date Code - The first character will be a number representing the last digit of the year of manufacture
                (2002 would be a 2). There is no distinction between decades, ex. 1992, 2002, 2012, and should
                be ignored. The second alphanumeric character will represent the month per the table below.
                The third alphanumeric character will represent the day of manufacture beginning with 1
                through 9, and then with the letters A through V representing the 10th through 31st of a month
                per the table below.

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                  1 Character Year Codes
              Year           2006              2007                   2008                 2009              2010                  2011             2012               So on
              Code             6                 7                      8                   9                 0                      1               2

  2 Character Month codes
Month   January    February                   March           April        May        June        July       August              September         October        November        December
 Code       1           2                       3               4           5           6           7           8                     9               A               B               C

3 Character Day Codes
            st   nd    rd                th    th        th           th         th         th         th         th        th       th       th       th         th        th    th    th
  Day     1     2     3               4       5         6          7            8          9          10     11        12          13     14         15          16        17    18    19
 Code      1     2     3               4       5         6          7            8          9          A      B         C           D      E          F           G         H     I     J

                                      th           st         nd           rd         th          th         th         th           th        th           th         st
                           Day      20        21        22            23             24          25         26         27          28        29        30             31
                          Code       K         L         M             N              O           P          Q          R           S         T         U              V

           3. Serial Number has certain rules;
           Serial Number Detail - Suppliers will be allowed the use of characters 0-9, A-O in the first position of the
sequence number, with no restrictions on the 2nd through 4th positions provided that each sequence number is
indeed unique*.

Suppliers ONLY                                                     0123

1st Character                    2nd Character                                  3rd Character                               4th Character
Numbers 0 - 9 and                Any number*                                    Any number*                                 Any number*
Letters A – O                    And                                            And                                         And
                                 Any letter*                                    Any letter*                                 Any letter*
* 2nd-4th characters will provide a unique serial number*.

                          Dell Factories use the characters P through Z in the first position of the serial number. DELL
                          reserves these for use internally, for labels that DELL prints itself.
Paste instruction:
Front label: The label antenna id is aligned with the antenna interface of the module, 0.5mm + / - 0.3mm is
reserved on the upper and lower sides

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Back label:

                                                     The back label cannot
                                                     cover the square

                                              Center the label
                                              left and right

                                                   The back shall be covered
                                                   with the bottom test point

Note: the pasting instructions are for reference only, and the actual label style is subject to the document
生产打印时,为保证打印清晰和美观度,允许出现适当偏差,但偏差尺寸应小于 0.5mm。
              S/N 号码,10 个号码。标签样图上面只是举例号码,实际 S/N 号请参考《产品及包装
              箱 SN 编码规则》最新版本
              IMEI 号码,15 位数字组成。标签样图上面只是举例号码,实际 IMEI 号请参照认证部

     PPID——20 和 3 个字符条码——20 个字符代码将包含原产国 ISO 代码、戴尔零件号、制造商识别代码、
制造日期和唯一序列号。3 字符代码是版本号。

戴尔 PPID 编码规则
     戴尔自定义 L850-GL-03 标签,添加了一个 PPID 号,例如:CN-0FMK7H-BDSF8-811-0123-X00。
     代码规则:原产国+戴尔 p/n+制造商编号+日期代码+序列号+版本号修订(X 或 A)

   Element                     Coding rule
   PPID                        例如:CN-0FMK7H-BDSF8-811-0123-X00

   CN                          原产地(固定量)

   0FMK7H                      戴尔 P / N(固定量)

   BDSF8                       制造商编号(固定量)

   XXX                         日期代码(变量)

   XXXX                        序列号(变量)

   X00                         版本号(固定量,在量产后变成 A00)

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2.日期代码(PPID 中的 811)也需要变量,并且有特定的规则;
    日期代码-第一个字符将是一个数字代表了制造年的最后一个数字(2002 年是 2)。在 1992 年、2002
年、2012 年,没有任何区别,应该被忽略。第二个字母数字字符代表下表的每个月。第三个字母数字字符
将代表从 1 到 9 开始的制造日,然后是字母 A 到 V 表示每个月的第 10 到第 31 个月。

       年        2006              2007                  2008                 2009              2010                 2011               2012              So on
      编号          6                 7                     8                    9                 0                    1                  2

  月  一月          二月               三月              四月         五月         六月          七月         八月                  九月              十月               十一月             十二月
 编号    1           2               3               4          5          6           7          8                       9            A                B               C

      nd  nd       rd        th    th        th         th         th         th         th         th        th        th    th         th         th        th    th    th
  日  1   2        3      4        5         6          7          8          9          10     11        12         13       14        15          16        17    18    19
 编号   1   2        3      4        5         6          7          8          9          A      B         C          D        E         F           G         H     I     J

                         th            st         nd         rd         th          th         th         th            th        th          th         st
              日期        20        21        22          23             24          25         26         27         28       29          30             31
              编号         K         L         M           N              O           P          Q          R          S        T           U              V

    序列号细节-供应商将被允许在序列编号的第一个位置使用 0-9,A-O,在第 2 到第 4 个位置没有限制,

序列号唯一                                                  0123

第一位               第二位                                             第三位                                         第四位
数字 0-9 和          任何数字和                                           任何数字和                                       任何数字和
字母 A – O          任何字母                                            任何字母                                        任何字母
    戴尔工厂在序列号的第一个位置使用字符 P 到 Z。戴尔将这些用于内部使用,用于戴尔打印自己的标签。

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正面标签:标签天线标识对准模块天线接口,上下左右预留 0.5mm±0.3mm






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Document Created: 2018-12-12 16:23:51
Document Modified: 2018-12-12 16:23:51

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