MPE Report


RF Exposure Info

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                            Test Report No.: SA170816W008

                                            RF EXPOSURE REPORT
                              Product: LTE module

                   Model Name: L830-EB-11
                               FCC ID: ZMOL830EB11
                          Applicant: Fibocom Wireless Inc.
                             Address: 5/F, Tower A, Technology Building II, 1057 Nanhai Blvd,
                                      Nanshan, Shenzhen, China
                  Manufacturer: Fibocom Wireless Inc.
                             Address: 5/F, Tower A, Technology Building II, 1057 Nanhai Blvd,
                                      Nanshan, Shenzhen, China
                    Prepared by: BV 7Layers Communications Technology (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd
                  Lab Location: No.B102, Dazu Chuangxin Mansion, North of Beihuan
                                Avenue, North Area, Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan District,
                                Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
                                      TEL: +86 755 8869 6566
                                      FAX: +86 755 8869 6577
                       Report No.: SA170816W008
               Received Date: Aug. 16, 2017
                          Test Date: Aug. 17, 2017 ~ Aug. 29, 2017
                     Issued Date: Aug. 30, 2017

                                                                                               This report should not be used by the client to claim
                                                                                               product certification, approval, or endorsement by
                                                                                               A2LA or any government agencies.

       Any copying or replication of this report to or for any other person or entity, or use of our name or trademark, is permitted only with our prior written
       permission. This report sets forth our findings solely with respect to the test samples identified herein. The results set forth in this report are not indicative or
       representative of the quality or characteristics of the lot from which a test sample was taken or any similar or identical product unless specifically and
       expressly noted. Our report includes all of the tests requested by you and the results thereof based upon the information that you provided to us. You have
       60 days from date of issuance of this report to notify us of any material error or omission caused by our negligence, provided, however, that such notice
       shall be in writing and shall specifically address the issue you wish to raise. A failure to raise such issue within the prescribed time shall constitute your
       unqualified acceptance of the completeness of this report, the tests conducted and the correctness of the report contents. Unless specific mention, the
       uncertainty of measurement has been explicitly taken into account to declare the compliance or non-compliance to the specification.

                                                        No.B102, Dazu Chuangxin Mansion, North of Beihuan                           Tel: +86 755 8869 6566
BV 7Layers Communications Technology
                                                        Avenue, North Area, Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan                        Fax: +86 755 8869 6577
(Shenzhen) Co. Ltd
                                                        District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China                                        Email:

                                                                                       Page 1 of 9                                                       Report Version 1

                      Test Report No.: SA170816W008

                                         TABLE OF CONTENTS

       RF EXPOSURE REPORT............................................................................................. 1
       RELEASE CONTROL RECORD .................................................................................. 3
       1 CERTIFICATION ...................................................................................................... 4
       2 GENERAL INFORMATION ...................................................................................... 5
         2.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF EUT ................................................................... 5
       3 RF EXPOSURE ........................................................................................................ 6
          3.1 LIMITS FOR MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE (MPE) ............................ 6
          3.2 MPE CALCULATION FORMULA ....................................................................... 6
          3.3 CLASSIFICATION .............................................................................................. 6
          3.4 CONDUCTED POWER ...................................................................................... 7
          3.5 CALCULATION RESULT OF MAXIMUM CONDUCTED POWER ..................... 9

                                         No.B102, Dazu Chuangxin Mansion, North of Beihuan      Tel: +86 755 8869 6566
BV 7Layers Communications Technology
                                         Avenue, North Area, Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan   Fax: +86 755 8869 6577
(Shenzhen) Co. Ltd
                                         District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China                   Email:

                                                                Page 2 of 9                                      Report Version 1

                     Test Report No.: SA170816W008

                                       RELEASE CONTROL RECORD

        ISSUE NO.             REASON FOR CHANGE                                                          DATE ISSUED

        SA170816W008          Original release                                                           Aug. 30, 2017

                                       No.B102, Dazu Chuangxin Mansion, North of Beihuan      Tel: +86 755 8869 6566
BV 7Layers Communications Technology
                                       Avenue, North Area, Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan   Fax: +86 755 8869 6577
(Shenzhen) Co. Ltd
                                       District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China                   Email:

                                                              Page 3 of 9                                      Report Version 1

                     Test Report No.: SA170816W008


                       PRODUCT: LTE module
                 BRAND NAME: Fibocom
                 MODEL NAME: L830-EB-11
                     APPLICANT: Fibocom Wireless Inc.
                          TESTED: Aug. 17, 2017 ~ Aug. 29, 2017
                TEST SAMPLE: Identical Prototype
                  STANDARDS: FCC Part 2 (Section 2.1091)
                                       FCC OET Bulletin 65, Supplement C (01-01)
                                       KDB 447498 D01 General RF Exposure Guidance v06
                                       IEEE C95.1

       The above equipment has been tested by BV 7Layers Communications
       Technology (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd and found compliance with the requirement of the
       above standards. The test record, data evaluation & Equipment Under Test (EUT)
       configurations represented herein are true and accurate accounts of the
       measurements of the sample’s EMC characteristics under the conditions specified in
       this report.

          PREPARED BY :                                                         ,    DATE:          Aug. 30, 2017
                                        (Yuqiang Yin/ Engineer)

          APPROVED BY :                                                         ,    DATE:          Aug. 30, 2017
                                           ( Bill Yao / Manager)

                                       No.B102, Dazu Chuangxin Mansion, North of Beihuan      Tel: +86 755 8869 6566
BV 7Layers Communications Technology
                                       Avenue, North Area, Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan   Fax: +86 755 8869 6577
(Shenzhen) Co. Ltd
                                       District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China                   Email:

                                                              Page 4 of 9                                      Report Version 1

                     Test Report No.: SA170816W008

        PRODUCT                           LTE module
        MODEL NAME                        L830-EB-11
        NOMINAL VOLTAGE                   DC 3.3V
                                          -10 ~ 55℃
        MODULATION TYPE                   LTE              QPSK/16QAM
                                          LTE              2502.5MHz ~ 2567.5MHz (FOR LTE Band7)
        ANTENNA TYPE                      External Antenna

        ANTENNA GAIN                      5dBi for LTE Band 7
        HW VERSION                        V1.0.1
        SW VERSION                        18300.1008.
        I/O PORTS                         Refer to user’s manual
        CABLE SUPPLIED                    N/A
       1. For a more detailed features description, please refer to the manufacturer’s specifications or the
          user's manual.
       2. For the test results, the EUT had been tested with all conditions. But only the worst case was shown
          in test report.

                                       No.B102, Dazu Chuangxin Mansion, North of Beihuan      Tel: +86 755 8869 6566
BV 7Layers Communications Technology
                                       Avenue, North Area, Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan   Fax: +86 755 8869 6577
(Shenzhen) Co. Ltd
                                       District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China                   Email:

                                                              Page 5 of 9                                      Report Version 1

                     Test Report No.: SA170816W008

       3      RF EXPOSURE
           FREQUENCY           ELECTRIC FIELD         MAGNETIC FIELD POWER DENSITY                          AVERAGE TIME
           RANGE (MHz)         STRENGTH (V/m)         STRENGTH (A/m)   (mW/cm )                               (minutes)
             300-1500                  …                        …                      F/1500                         30
           1500-100,000                …                        …                        1.0                          30

       F = Frequency in MHz

       Pd = (Pout*G) / (4*pi*r2)
       Pd = power density in mW/cm2
       Pout = output power to antenna in mW
       G = gain of antenna in linear scale
       Pi = 3.1416
       R = distance between observation point and center of the radiator in cm

       3.3    CLASSIFICATION

       The antenna of this product, under normal use condition, is at least 20cm away from
       the body of the user. So, this device is classified as Mobile Approval.

                                       No.B102, Dazu Chuangxin Mansion, North of Beihuan       Tel: +86 755 8869 6566
BV 7Layers Communications Technology
                                       Avenue, North Area, Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan    Fax: +86 755 8869 6577
(Shenzhen) Co. Ltd
                                       District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China                    Email:

                                                              Page 6 of 9                                       Report Version 1

                     Test Report No.: SA170816W008

       3.4    CONDUCTED POWER
       LTE BAND 7
                                                              LTE Band 7
                                                                Low CH               Mid CH             High CH
                                       RB          RB            20775                21100              21425
          BW        Modulation                                                                                                MPR
                                       Size       Offset       Frequency            Frequency          Frequency
                                                               2502.5 MHz           2535 MHz           2567.5 MHz
                                        1            0             21.82               22.10               22.32                0
                                        1           12             21.56               21.84               22.06                0
                                        1           24             21.55               21.83               22.05                0
                       QPSK            12            0             20.98               21.26               21.48                1
                                       12            6             20.93               21.21               21.43                1
                                       12           13             20.87               21.15               21.37                1
                                       25            0             20.95               21.23               21.45                1
         5 MHz
                                        1            0             20.77               21.05               21.27                1
                                        1           12             20.73               21.01               21.23                1
                                        1           24             20.66               20.94               21.16                1
                      16QAM            12            0             20.10               20.38               20.60                2
                                       12            6             20.06               20.34               20.56                2
                                       12           13             20.00               20.28               20.50                2
                                       25            0             20.05               20.33               20.55                2
                                                                 Low CH              Mid CH             High CH
                                       RB          RB             20800               21100              21400
          BW        Modulation                                                                                                MPR
                                       Size       Offset        Frequency           Frequency          Frequency
                                                                2505 MHz            2535 MHz           2565 MHz
                                        1            0             21.86               22.14               22.36                0
                                        1           24             21.60               21.88               22.10                0
                                        1           49             21.59               21.87               22.09                0
                       QPSK            25            0             21.02               21.30               21.52                1
                                       25           12             20.97               21.25               21.47                1
                                       25           25             20.91               21.19               21.41                1
                                       50            0             20.99               21.27               21.49                1
        10 MHz
                                        1            0             20.81               21.09               21.31                1
                                        1           24             20.77               21.05               21.27                1
                                        1           49             20.70               20.98               21.20                1
                      16QAM            25            0             20.14               20.42               20.64                2
                                       25           12             20.10               20.38               20.60                2
                                       25           25             20.04               20.32               20.54                2
                                       50            0             20.09               20.37               20.59                2

                                            No.B102, Dazu Chuangxin Mansion, North of Beihuan      Tel: +86 755 8869 6566
BV 7Layers Communications Technology
                                            Avenue, North Area, Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan   Fax: +86 755 8869 6577
(Shenzhen) Co. Ltd
                                            District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China                   Email:

                                                                   Page 7 of 9                                      Report Version 1

                     Test Report No.: SA170816W008

                                                                Low CH               Mid CH             High CH
                                       RB          RB            20825                21100              21375
          BW        Modulation                                                                                                MPR
                                       Size       Offset       Frequency            Frequency          Frequency
                                                               2507.5 MHz           2535 MHz           2562.5 MHz
                                        1            0             21.92               22.20               22.42                0
                                        1           37             21.66               21.94               22.16                0
                                        1           74             21.65               21.93               22.15                0
                       QPSK            36            0             21.08               21.36               21.58                1
                                       36           19             21.03               21.31               21.53                1
                                       36           39             20.97               21.25               21.47                1
                                       75            0             21.05               21.33               21.55                1
        15 MHz
                                        1            0             20.87               21.15               21.37                1
                                        1           37             20.83               21.11               21.33                1
                                        1           74             20.76               21.04               21.26                1
                      16QAM            36            0             20.20               20.48               20.70                2
                                       36           19             20.16               20.44               20.66                2
                                       36           39             20.10               20.38               20.60                2
                                       75            0             20.15               20.43               20.65                2
                                                                 Low CH              Mid CH             High CH
                                       RB          RB             20850               21100              21350
          BW        Modulation                                                                                                MPR
                                       Size       Offset        Frequency           Frequency          Frequency
                                                                2510 MHz            2535 MHz           2560 MHz
                                        1            0             21.95               22.23               22.45                0
                                        1           50             21.69               21.97               22.19                0
                                        1           99             21.68               21.96               22.18                0
                       QPSK            50            0             21.11               21.39               21.61                1
                                       50           25             21.06               21.34               21.56                1
                                       50           50             21.00               21.28               21.50                1
                                       100           0             21.08               21.36               21.58                1
        20 MHz
                                        1            0             20.90               21.18               21.40                1
                                        1           50             20.86               21.14               21.36                1
                                        1           99             20.79               21.07               21.29                1
                      16QAM            50            0             20.23               20.51               20.73                2
                                       50           25             20.19               20.47               20.69                2
                                       50           50             20.13               20.41               20.63                2
                                       100           0             20.18               20.46               20.68                2

                                            No.B102, Dazu Chuangxin Mansion, North of Beihuan      Tel: +86 755 8869 6566
BV 7Layers Communications Technology
                                            Avenue, North Area, Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan   Fax: +86 755 8869 6577
(Shenzhen) Co. Ltd
                                            District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China                   Email:

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                     Test Report No.: SA170816W008



                                            Antenna        Tune-up         E.I.R.P       Power
                 Frequency Operating                                                               limit  PASS /
     Band                                    Gain           Power          Power         Density
                    (MHz)   Mode                                                                 (mW/cm^2) FAIL
                                             (dBi)          (dBm)           (mW)       (mW/cm^2)

    Band 7          2560         QPSK           5            24.0         794.328         0.158             1.00          PASS

                                        No.B102, Dazu Chuangxin Mansion, North of Beihuan      Tel: +86 755 8869 6566
BV 7Layers Communications Technology
                                        Avenue, North Area, Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan   Fax: +86 755 8869 6577
(Shenzhen) Co. Ltd
                                        District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China                   Email:

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Document Created: 2017-09-15 15:21:20
Document Modified: 2017-09-15 15:21:20

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